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01x01 - A Visit to the Hospital / Paddington Takes to the Road / The Last Dance

Posted: 06/25/23 10:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Left peru and sailed
to england alone ♪

♪ There he met the browns

♪ And they took him home

♪ Now a new life has begun

♪ He's windsor gardens'
favorite son ♪

♪ Cause he always does his
best to help everyone ♪

♪ When a problem appears

♪ He never misses a beat

♪ And always finds a way
to land on his feet ♪

♪ He has his very own
unique point of view ♪

♪ Looks at everything
as if it's brand-new ♪

♪ He is friendly and polite

♪ And he tries to
do things right ♪

♪ But he gets in sticky messes

♪ Just the same

♪ He's curious and
speaks his mind ♪

♪ But trouble's never
far behind ♪

♪ It's paddington bear
he's one of a kind ♪♪

-I'm paddington bear!

- As you know, aunt lucy, things
are always happening to me.

I'm just that sort of bear.

For instance, the other day,

When mr. Curry asked me
to help him pick crab
apples for his jelly,

I found myself...

Out on a limb.

- Bear! Get down this instant
before you break my branch!

- His branch! I'm more
worried about my leg.

I was just trying to get that
ripe apple up there, mr. Curry.

Perhaps I can help you
make the jelly now.

Bears are good at making jelly.

-I'll get that apple myself.

And don't forget to clean
up after yourself.

- Mr. Curry is forever wanting
to get something for nothing.

Mrs. Bird calls it
"taking advantage of others".

But on that day,
I suspect mr. Curry wishes

He'd managed without me.

-Aaah! Ouch!

- This patient is suffering
from... Hobadocalitis.

[Tv]: I'm afraid this
doesn't look good.

-What began as a simple
trip to the hospital to
get his leg examined

Turned into a two-week
stay for mr. Curry.

[Tv]: hobadocalitis.
- What did he say?


Nurse! Nurse! Can't you water
those plants quietly?

I can't hear grant dexter.

- We're going to have
to operate.

But first, we need to put
this patient in an ice bath

To lower his body temperature.

- Maybe you can help cure
mr. Curry, doctor grant dexter.

No one knows what's
wrong with him.

- That mr. Curry is taking
advantage of paddington,

Playing on the
poor bear's guilt!

If you ask me, mr. Curry will
be coming out of the hospital

When it suits him and
not a minute before.

He has a relapse every time the
doctor says he's getting better.

- After 2 weeks'
worth of visits,

Everyone had had enough.

It was finally my turn
to pay mr. Curry a visit.

I had always wanted

To visit a hospital...

So long as I wasn't a patient.

Excuse me. I'm looking
for mr. Curry.

[Muffled sound]

I decided I had better
find mr. Curry myself.


I soon found an office
that was just like the
one grant dexter had

In the daredevil doctor.

It even had grant dexter's
spinning chair!


- Hello?
- Hello?

- I thought my 1:30 appointment
was canceled.

I'm sorry. I'm dr. Heinz.

Now what seems to
be the problem?

-I think it's my head.

- Of course. Why else would you
need to see a psychiatrist?

-A psychiatrist?

-I'm the head man, after all.

-The head man? Good.

Since you're in charge, perhaps
you know where mr. Curry is.

- Suppose we begin by playing
a game of word association.

Each time I call out a word,

You give me another one with
the opposite meaning.

Right? - Wrong.

- Hold on.
- Let go.

- No, no.
- Yes, yes.

-Ooohhh! Let's start again.

I'll count down 1, 2, 3, go!

- Stop.
- We've finished.

- We've started.
- Why did I ever get
into this business?

I should have my head examined.

- Perhaps you would like
to talk about it, mr. Heinz?


[Crying]: he wore a
blue duffle coat...

And a funny red hat.

Find him quickly.

- Soon, the whole hospital would
be looking for a bear

In a blue duffle coat

And a red hat. But they
wouldn't be looking for...

Dr. Paddington brown!

- Yes. Well, we're just
missing one visitor

For our international forum.

Ah! Here you are.

Now, I am sir archibald,

And this is dr. Hasagawa
from japan.

Dr. Madanda from india.

Dr. Michaud from france.

And... Dr. Petracelli
from italy.

-Dr. Petracelli from italy?

But my name is paddington brown
and I'm from darkest peru.

-Darkest peru?

Oh! What a learning experience
this will be, dr. Brown.

We'll start off with
a real mystery illness.

No sign of injury and yet,
this patient claims

He can't move his leg.

[Moaning and groaning]

Perhaps there's some
south american cure
that can help this man.

What do you make of these
x-rays, dr. Brown?

-Oh! Oh!


As pictures, they're
not much to look at.

All they show are
a lot of old bones.

- Old bones!
- Amazing!

The patient looks
better already.


-Oh! Oh! My leg!

I seem to have suffered
a relapse.

-Ah yes...

But what is he suffering
from, doctor?

-I think it's...




-Uh... Tell me.

Is it possible to operate?
- Oh yes.

Dr. Grant dexter does
it all the time.

But I shall need a bath of ice.

And a box to stand on.

- And...
- I'm not sure, sir archibald.

We may have to leave the patient
on ice until after the next
episode of daredevil doctor.

- Keep that bear away from me.
Stay away! I'm fine!

I want to go home!
Let me out of here!


Well, there's a lot to be
said for the old methods
of treatment,

Doctor... Brown.


- Sir archibald said he could
think of a few more patients

I might be able to cure.

But I still felt guilty
about mr. Curry.

I tried to make it up to him
by doing some odd jobs,

Picking up here and there...


- I think I should have sent
him a get-well card instead.

- One of the nicest things
about france, mr. Gruber,

Is the bread.

It's so long. It's like getting
20 buns for the price of one.

-Ah! Mmm...

- Now remember, mr. Brown.
As my assistant,

I expect you to find
some interesting goings
on for my book,

The world and its wonders.

That's why we've come to france.

- Yes, mr. Gruber.
I am honored to help.

-Ah! Mr. Gruber,

Mon ami. Venez.

Come in for some
fresh croissants.

And you too, monsieur le bear.

-Thank you, monsieur dupont.

- "Tour de france".

"Tour... Tour... Tour:

To go around."

To go around... France!
On a bicycle.

Mr. Gruber asked me
to keep my eyes open

For any interesting
subjects for his book.

And what could be
more interesting

Than people going around
france on bicycles?

Back in england,
they'd take the bus.

-Ah yes! Le tour de france.

It is an event not to be missed.

- You mean you already know
about it, mr. Gruber?

-Yes, mr. Brown.

Don't you agree,
monsieur dupont?

Le tour deserves
mention in my book?

-Bien sur. Of course. 20 Days.

A grueling race.

- A race? But I thought
it was a tour.

-It is both. And tomorrow,

It comes through our village.

It is our moment of glory.

Afterwards, people will forget

St. Castille ever existed.

But today, today, the
whole of france

Will see us on television.

- And to think, mr. Brown,
we shall be a part of it.

- Mr. Gruber said we would be
a part of the tour de france.

But how could I do that

If I didn't have a bicycle?

[Bicycle bell]

Ah, ah!

My problem was solved.

-I will lend you my tricycle.

But... There is
one small condition.

- Some conditions
aren't so small.

-Merci, mademoiselle.

Now what's keeping mr. Brown?

Perhaps he's in his room.

I hope my assistant

Is finding out some interesting
facts about the tour de france.

- Luckily for mr. Gruber,
he didn't realize

That that's exactly what
I was going to do.

Cleaning and oiling a
tricycle is a lot harder
than I thought it would be.

Especially the sort
with three wheels.

Ah! Now for a little oil.

Good as new.

What shall I do next?

Hmm... Now where
did this go again?

Well, it can't be very useful
or it would fit somewhere.

Now for a test ride.

Tricycling is hard work.

And to think people ride
all around france,

And not just in their rooms!

Now for a good night's sleep.

Oops! Another problem.

I finally found a
way to lie in bed

Without leaving paw marks
all over the sheets.

- Ah! Monsieur le bear is very
good at making messes, non?

- Yes. It is one of
his strong suits.

But where is he?

The tour de france is on
its way to the village.

Poor mr. Brown!

He's going to miss everything,

And he so likes being
in the thick of things.

- It's funny how mr. Gruber
knows what's going on

Even when he's not there
to see it for himself.

I don't think I could
ever have been more

In the thick of things then
I was at that moment.

-Mr. Brown?
-Monsieur le bear?

Ah, monsieur le bear!
-That's it! Pedal!
-Plus vite! Plus vite! Oui!

- Faster!
- Plus vite! Tu vas gagner!

-Ah! Monsieur le bear.

You should not be in ze race.

- How can I be part of the tour
de france if I'm not in it?

-That's it! Don't fall back!

-Oh... Mais...

C'est pas possible! Non!


-Bravo, monsieur le bear!


-I'm winning! I'm winning!

- Hurry! To the town square!
- Quel honneur!

Monsieur le bear is bringing
glory to our village.

- I had done such a good
job oiling my tricycle

That I didn't even
have to pedal.

Ah! So that extra part

Was the brake lever. Help!


Help! - Your brakes, mr. Brown!

Use your brake lever! - I can't!

It's in my hotel room!
- Monsieur le bear, through here.

-Merci, monsieur dupont.



-Monsieur le bear!

-Mr. Brown! Mr. Brown!

-I'm all right.

- Monsieur le bear!
Monsieur le bear!

- But I think I'm
in trouble again.

-But far from being in trouble,

Mr. Paddington brown
is now a local hero

Because he helped put
st. Castille on the map.

Now, people come from all over

To see the room where the famous
monsieur le bear stayed.

Monsieur dupont sells many buns,

As supplied to monsieur le bear.

Isn't it wonderful how
everything works out
for the best?

-It is, mr. Gruber.

And I have some unusual
souvenirs for my scrapbook.

I just wish my tire
would stay put.

-Dear aunt lucy.

Yesterday evening,
the browns told me

That I'd be attending my
very first charity ball.

All I needed to do was
find something to wear...

And of course,
learn how to dance.

It is easier said than done.

[Loud noise]

-Was that the door, henry?

-No, mary. That was paddington.

Only a bear would do the tango

At half past six on
a saturday morning.

-Don't be cross with him, dear.

He was having trouble with
his turns last night.

- And I'm having trouble with
my sleep this morning.

[Knocking] - yes?

Good morning, mr. Brown.

Dancing is harder than it looks.

My legs keep getting tangled up.

- Yes. I see what you
mean, paddington.

- I think I'd better ask
mr. Gruber for some help.

-That's a very good idea.

- Over the years, mr. Gruber has
advised me on lots of topics

And I was sure he would be
able to offer a word or two

On the subject of dancing.


I didn't know you could dance,

Mr. Gruber.
-Everyone is
doing it, mr. Brown.

Why, anyone who is anyone

Is going to tonight's ball.

-I'm afraid they don't
have many ballrooms in
darkest peru, mr. Gruber.

So I don't know how
to d-d-dance!

-Mind you, it's a long time

Since I tripped the
light fantastic.

- It's the tripping part
that worries me.

- Then i... I have just
the thing for you.

This is by a very famous dancer
called miguel vasquez.

He's judging tomorrow
night's competition.

♪ Learning to dance in
the beginning stage ♪

♪ You can follow the steps
on the printed page ♪

♪ Two to the left
one to the right ♪

♪ If you learn these steps

♪ You can dance all night

♪ First we'll learn

♪ A clockwise turn

♪ That means turning
to the right ♪

♪ Let's not miss the
counterclockwise twist ♪

♪ That means turning
to the left ♪

♪ Make your partner grin
with a clockwise spin ♪

♪ To the right once more

♪ Keep your feet on the floor

♪ Clockwise means
turn to the right ♪

♪ Counterclockwise
means turn to the left ♪

♪ If you learn these directions
your left from your right ♪

♪ You'll move with ease
and dance all night ♪♪

-Twist counterclockwise,

And two steps to the right.

-I'm going to put my foot down.

- Some of those footprints
are marked "clockwise";

Others are marked

It isn't easy trying to work
out which ones to follow

And watch the clock
at the same time.

- "Learning to dance"?

-Which is easier said than done.

- Paddington, let me
show you something.

That's it.

1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.

- You aren't as stiff as
the hat rack, mr. Brown.

- Henry!
- Ah... Yes...

Hm... Well... Yes...

I think those are enough
pointers, paddington.

- Something told me that
that was the last time

Mr. Brown and I would
dance together

For quite some time.

-Mr. Brown!

So pleased to meet you.

I'm mrs. Smith-cholmley.

I'm hosting tonight's
charity ball.

That's mr. Vasquez
and his dance team.

I see you've been
doing some homework.

If mr. Vasquez has trouble
with his steps,

He'll know where to come.

I didn't say he has got trouble,

I only said if.
- Don't worry, mr. Vasquez!

I'm coming. It's all on page 45!

- Go away. You're ruining
my demonstration.

Go away!! [Alarm]

That sounds like a...

Like a fire alarm.
No! Fire! Fire!


-Hurry! Fire!

-It's all right.

It's only my alarm clock.

- Two minutes. We've only
been here two minutes.

- And now it's time for
the dance competition

And I want everyone to join in.

The first prize is this
magnificent food basket.

- All this talk of food
just made me hungry,

And since no one was going
to ask me to dance,

I decided to have a marmalade
sandwich instead.

- You heard what
mr. Vasquez said.

Everyone has to join in.

- Thank you very much, mrs.
Smith-cholmley. I'd love to.

-Oh... All right.

- Do you come here often?
- No.

And I'd be obliged

If you'd find somewhere
else to put your paws.

-I can't.

I'm afraid I'm stuck
in your straps.


My back! There's
some hideous creature

Crawling down my back.

-Let me see.

It's not a hideous creature.

It's only some marmalade chunks.

-Marmalade chunks?!

- Just look at them! My
dance lesson with paddington

Certainly paid off.

-If you twist a little more,

I might be able to grab it.

-I didn't teach him that step.

- What form! What agility!
What rhythm!

- I think I can reach
it if you bend over.

-Bravo! I say bravo!

I believe we have
found our winners.

You two must join my dance team
for our final demonstration.

- Thank you very much,
mr. Vasquez.

But... I think I shall need

Another marmalade sandwich.

And I know just what to
do with the food hamper.

Lots of people asked me where
I learned to dance.

I told them, "all you
need is an alarm clock,

Plenty of practice

And one marmalade sandwich
with extra chunks!"

-Ho! Ho! Ho!

What a sobrino I have!