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01x23 - Wild Card

Posted: 06/25/23 10:17
by bunniefuu
Alright, Bowler,
I got one for you.

Who was
the meanest outlaw?

Oh, Blackbeard McCut.
No doubt about it.

Quickest draw?

Ooh, um...

"Utah" Johnny Montana.

I got a good one.

Who was the smartest?

You can't
count Bly, though.

He was from the future.

Hmm. Doc McCoy.


The dumbest?

Both: The Swill brothers.

Yeah, Bowler, we've
put away our share.

Yeah. This guarding
money ain't
bounty hunting,

but it's an easy job.

Ha ha ha.


Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah!

What was that
you were saying
about easy, Bowler?

Hey, Comet!


Hyah! Hyah!



Come on,
let's get out of here.


Let's see you
outrun this.


What did you
do that for?

I had the little thief
in sight.

Bowler, that little thief
was Dixie.

Yeah, tracks lead
right into town.

She's here, alright.

Oh, I still
can't believe
that was Dixie.

I mean, granted,
she's no saint,

but she's certainly
not a criminal.

Where are things at
between you two anyway?

Oh, I don't know,

She's been singing
somewhere up in Montana

while we been
tracking down bounties
out here.

So you've been
avoiding each other.

Oh, maybe.

Maybe it's a good thing
she robbed that stage,

get you two
back together.


What's with all these
electric lights?

Lots of lights.


Keno. Craps. Slots.


What the heck
is this place?

Reno--the coming thing.

Yeah, looks more like
the gaudy thing.

Electricity is changing
the whole world, Bowler,

even frontier towns.

It's the way
of the future.



Oh, future's looking
bright to me.

"Dolly Cousins'"?


If it's sinful
to wink your eye

at each guy
who just passes by

won't somebody
please tell me why

it feels good to be bad?

If it's wanton
to show your thigh

get in clinches
that make you sigh...

BRISCO: That must be her.
Nice voice.

Nice feathers, too.

why it feels good
to be bad?

damn good.


Quite a little peek
tonight, Dolly.

Getting a little careless
with those feathers,
aren't we, baby?

Drop dead.

Come on, now.

Is that anyway to talk
to your new boss?

Get out of my
dressing room, Dino.

Excuse me. You mean,
my dressing room,
don't you?

In case you've forgotten,
I own this casino now,

which, of course, means,
I own you.

Excuse me.

Everything alright?

Get lost.

What did he say, Brisco?


I just said, "leave."

Dino, Dino. It's okay.

These are friends
of mine.

Listen, why don't you
go out front,

let me freshen up,

and then I'll
come meet you
for a drink, okay?


I'll be waiting
for you.

So you're the famous
Brisco County Jr., hmm?

That's me.

I'm Dixie's sister Dolly.

Hello, Dolly.

My sister has told me
a lot about you.

Is that a fact?



Uh, this
is my partner,
Lord Bowler.

I see beauty
runs in the family.

Ha ha! I like him.


So tell me.

What brings you
to Reno, Brisco?

Uh, Dixie.


I thought you two weren't
seeing each other anymore.

Well, it's not
for personal reasons.

She's in
a lot of trouble.

Really? Let me think.

Last I heard,
she was in San Francisco,

but that was a couple
of weeks ago.

Uh, we know
she's here in Reno.

Well, if she is,
she hasn't said hello to me.

Sorry, fellas, but I'm late.

It was very nice
meeting you,

and I do hope
you'll stay around a while.

I think we should keep
a close eye on her.

That sounds good to me.


Dixie, where are you?

Right where you left me,

What's the matter,

Well, your old flame's
hot on your trail.

Hotter thank you think,
I think.


Looks like you
were followed, Dolly.

I'm flattered.

Hiya, Dix.

I almost didn't
recognize you
without your mask.

I'm surprised
you remember what
I look like without it.

Miss Dixie,

I wish we were meeting
under better circumstances.

I suppose you're eager
for the details.

That guy who was
in my dressing room,

his name
is Dino Tattaglia.

He's the son of some
big-time crime boss
up in New York.

He swindled her casino
away from her.

Stole it right out
from under her.

So Dixie came up
with a plan
to rob the stage

to help me out.

Interesting plan.

Too bad it ain't legal.

It was dirty money anyway,
sent out by Dino's family

to help him and his brother
take over Reno.

Who hired us
to guard dirty money?

Dix, you might
as well just give us
the money back.

Where is it?

Actually, I gave it
to a poker player.

Come again?

See, Dino is addicted
to poker.

So we figured
we would trick him

into a high stakes
poker game

and win the casino back.

So who is
this card shark?

Whip Morgan.

BOTH: Whip Morgan?!

Come on, come on,
are you in or what?

What is that,
your grocery list?

That's my marker.

Well, I'm sorry, Dino. That's
just not going to cut it.

But I'll tell you what.

You own this place, right?

Yeah, that's right.

Well, let's play
for the casino.

You win,
you get all the money.

I win...

I get this place.

Or I can just
take the pot now,

whatever you want to do.

You're bluffing.

One way to find out.

You're on.

Straight flush.

Jack high.

Straight flush...
king high.

I guess I wasn't bluffing
after all, huh, Dino boy?


You've got hours
to clear out, okay?


Come on. Let's go.

Hello, Whip.

What's the matter?
Don't you remember me?

Poker tournament,
Cincinnati, '.

Oh, I remember you, Joey.

Good. I'm glad.

Let's see you make
a crack now, Mouth, huh?

How 'bout it?
Shut up, Dino.

I'm sorry.

Please, you'll
have to forgive
my little brother.

He's a little

And lousy at cards.

I got a date
with this guy.

He's not in
your league, Whip.
You know that, right?

You hustled
my brother, Whip.

And something
tells me...

it wasn't for money.

It's funny.
You always did rely

a little too much
on luck, Whip,

but luck, it's kind
of like an unfaithful
woman, right?

it runs out.


W-w-w-wait. Wait.




Whip ain't in the casino.
Game must be over.

Where's he staying?

Up ahead
at the double
Reno Hotel.

Let's go.

You never told me
how handsome he is.

Now you know why.




Stay put.

What's going on?

Those guys
are Freemont
Stage cops.

The toughest lawmen
north of the Rio Grande.

Brisco! Been looking
all over for you two.
What happened?

It's simple, Poole.
We got robbed.

I'm sorry, Bowler,
but that is not
good enough.

I gave my personal guarantee
to the governor of Nevada

that that money would
make it safely to Reno.

And since it didn't,

we're here
to find out why.

Well, I wish
we could help you,

but the g*ng
was all wearing masks.

You notice anything special
about the g*ng leader?

Uh, well, he was
a pretty big guy.

I'd say, uh, '",
maybe '".

Wouldn't you say, Bowler?

Uh, y-yeah,

with a nasty scar over
his right eyebrow.

Stage driver said he
thought it was a woman,

slight build, maybe '".

Is that right?


Let me see your hands.

Excuse me?
Hey, easy
with the paws.

We're going
to get the girl
who robbed that stage,

and if it turns out
you're hiding something,

we're going to get you, too.

Brisco, if you have
something to tell me...

now might not be a bad time.

Where are you--


Hello, Socrates.


It's Whip. He's in trouble.



Well, at least
they left you
your drawers, Whip.

What--what are you guys
doing here?

Never mind that.
What happened?

I had it--
the money, the club...


Then Joey Tattaglia
and his g*ons

paid me a visit
and took it all back.

You mean, it's all gone?

Will somebody please tell me
what's going on?

Yeah, I'll tell you
what's going on,

The money you
hired us to guard
was dirty!

But that's impossible.

The governor assured me
that money belonged

to a prominent
East Coast businessman.

are you referring
to Governor Jensen,

the same guy
who was indicted on
counts of bribery?

Indicted, but not convicted.

Oh, let's face it,
Poole, you've been had.

So have we.

Let's go get them.

Wait a minute,
I got an idea,

but we're gonna
need some time.

Soc, keep your eye
on those Dusters,

Let us know
if they too close.

Dixie, you should
go back to that cabin.

But they don't know
they're after me.

Oh, he's right, Dix.

It's for your own good.

Uh, Whip, maybe you should
go with her.

She might need
some protection.

Aw, come on. I want
to go after Joey bad.

Don't leave me
marooned out there.

You should be so lucky.

Out there is good.

Your drawer
is slipping, kid.

What's your plan, Brisco?

Yeah, and what's it
got to do with this
old place?

Well, you know what
they say about real estate--

Location, location,

Got that right.

So what are
we supposed to do

with an abandoned casino?

Give those Tattaglias
some competition.

Just imagine
this place

as the next
Dolly's Casino.

Think about it.
Get some more
tables in here.

Maybe have
some of your girls
deal the cards.


you've got
some imagination.

Look, let's not
kid ourselves.

The Tattaglias
are using your casino

to get a good foothold
here in Reno.

They're not gonna
just give it up.

We can't buy it back,
and we all saw
what happened

when Whip tried
to win it back.



what do you think
they're going to do

when we get this place
up and running?

Try and take it.

Same way they take
everything, by force.

Right, and when
they do,

we'll have something
we can use
to arrest them.

What makes you think
they're gonna take the bait?

Oh, they'll take it

Just think of this place

as one great big hunk
of cheese, Bowler.

What rat
could resist it?


Dump doesn't
look half bad.


The only thing missing
are the lights.


Dolly, tell me something.

How did you get the idea

to turn neon gas
into lights anyway?

I remember lying in bed
one night,

staring at the ceiling,

and it just came to me,
neon lights.


Socrates, what--
what are you doing here?


You let that girl make
a fool out of you, Dino.

She was playing
with your melon.

She made a fool
out of you.

What do you think
Pop's gonna do?

Nothing, because
we're going to
take care of this

before Pop gets here.

Pop's already here.


How was your trip, Pop?


Luca... otre vino.

The West,
though colorful,

is, uh, dryer
than I had imagined.

Grazie, Luca.


Where is everybody?

Don't tell me I spent
all this money

on an empty building

with a lot
of pretty lights.

I--there was--
there was--


we got
a little problem, Pop.

See, somebody else
opened another club
in town and--

Yeah. Al told me.

Well, I know what
I'm doing, Pop,
I can handle it.

Is that so?


That is you,
isn't it, Whip?

Of course it is.

I'm supposed to keep
an eye on you.

I must say...

you're doing
a very good job of it.

You're a nice guy, Whip.

Well, if I'm so nice,

Maybe we ought to get
to know each other better.

What do you think?

I think you ought
to slow down.

I would...

but I like
it better fast.

Ha ha.

Well, I guess
that's why they
call you...Whip.

Goodnight, fellas.
Thanks and come again.

Not bad for one night's
work, huh?

Yeah. Almost as much
fun as chasing down

Heh heh.


I thought
he was supposed

to be keeping
an eye on
the dusters.

He was.


Just a few more,

I'm close.
I--I can feel it.

Ain't you supposed
to be doing something?

Yeah, yeah.
That's it.


Uh, l-last one!



Alright. I'm gone.

You know, we make
a pretty good team,

you and me.

Yeah. I guess we do.

I wish
there was some way

that I could...
thank you.

I ain't interrupting
nothing, am I?

But we got company.

Good evening.

I'm Enzio Tattaglia.

These are my sons,
Joey and Dino.

We own
the Dolly Cousins'
casino down the street.


Oh, uh, Pop, that's, uh,
Dolly Cousins there.

She's a real beauty,

Yes, she is, Dino.
It's a pleasure to
meet you, Ms. Cousins.

What can we do for you?

I understand there's
been some...tension.

I want you to know
as far as I'm concerned,

there's plenty
of room in Reno
for the both of us.

Well, now that's a nice,
neighborly thought.

I come here for
no other purpose,

but to wish us luck
in the future.

To that end,
let me present you
with a small gift

as a token of the peace and
understanding between us.

I hope we can all
be friends.

I'd feel a whole lot better
if they'd came in here
sh**ting, Brisco.

All this talk about
peace and understanding
makes me nervous.

Me, too.

Don't you worry
about a thing.

They'll make their move
soon enough.


Is that soon enough
for you?

Hey, either
he needs bifocals...

or he's not
sh**ting at us.

Why are they
sh**ting at
the champagne?

Maybe it isn't

What is it?


Must've been
a bad vintage.


Get him, Bowler!

Well, we got you,

Well, I'll be.

Your little house of cheese
nabbed us a rat, Brisco.

Brisco, are you

We're fine, thank you.


Come on.
Get them inside!

DINO: Stop
you morons!

It's me!


Where's the dang sheriff?

Sheriff took
an early retirement.

Tattaglia is
the new law now.

Wanna bet?

How many of them
out there, Brisco?

Not sure.

, maybe .

Well, they're not
gonna try anything
with Loverboy in here.

Well, I guess we'd
better dig in.

Looks like
we got ourselves
a little standoff.





Mr. County.

I desire that you
come outside,

that we may sit down

and discuss
our mutual problem

like men of honor.

It's a trap, Brisco,
it ain't even a new one.

You can't go
out there.
They'll k*ll you.

Yeah, but we don't
have much choice, do we?

We're outnumbered,
and they can outlast us.

You'd better cover me,



Please, sit.

How did this happen?

How did things
ever get so far?

Ah, well, you blew up
a building

and tried to k*ll us,
for starters.

I swear to you
on my mother's grave,

the champagne
was a genuine gift.

My children, however,
whom I indulge,

had other ideas.


My oldest son Ricardo,

who was not a eunuch
despite what anyone may say--

he was just a runt--

he was k*lled
in a territorial dispute.

Those who k*lled him
paid dearly,

but it didn't
bring my boy back.

So I vowed that day

never to lose
another oldest son

over family business.

All this trouble
started over
a game of cards.

I myself am not
a gambling man...

unless you include adultery,

but I understand
that in every game

there are winners
and losers.

The line is clearly drawn.

Unlike life.

So I propose
we resolve our differences

the way
this all began--

with a game of poker.

My current oldest son Joey

against that
boy of yours, Whip.

Well, I figured
we'd just put old
Dino up on horseback

and sh**t our way out.

Ah, what does
anyone gain?

expensive funerals,

bad casseroles,

sappy music.

Mr. County,

what I propose
is a fair competition.

Joey wins,
we get Dino back,

keep the casino,
you leave town.

Your boy wins,
you keep Dino,

keep your casino,
we return to New York.

And, uh, I'm
supposed to believe

you'll honor this
deal if Joey loses?

Enough of this!


In my country
we have a saying.

If you yodel
in the forest,

the yoo-hoo
that you yoo-hoo

will be the yoo-hoo
that you get back.

Where were you
from again?

In other words,

whatever you do to me,

I will most certainly
do right back to you...

and visa versa.

Shall we say :
tomorrow night...

Dolly's club?

We'll be there.

How about
giving your g*ng
the day off?

After the game.

However, you may feel free

to take the lady
out of harm's way.

Pop, please,
why don't we

just go in
and storm them?

You dishonored me, Joey.

From now on,
we handle things my way.


Luca, listen,

Pop's getting
a little soft

in his old age, right?

Win or lose,
you know what to do.

You going to be
alright watching
Dino by yourself?

No problem, but you don't
seriously think

they're gonna let us
walk out of here
with him, do you?

even if Whip beats Joey.

He's right, Brisco.

You might
be able to trust
the old man,

but certainly
not Joey.

No, I made a deal
with Enzio.

and I'm gonna make Joey
live up to it.


Ha ha ha.

There you go.



Hey, Dix.


What's going on?

Why, nothing.
I was just playing
with Whip's g*n.

She's good.

She's got a real nice
feel for the trigger.

I bet she does.

Look at that.

She's a real quick
study, too.

So I see.

Looks like I'm not
the only one.

So what brings you
out here? Something happen?

Yeah. You're going
back to Reno with me.

What about Dix?

Dolly can stay with her.

You got a little
card game to play

after you help me
even up the odds.
Now, let's go.


Thank you,

One down, to go.

Listen...about Dixie.

You know her, right?

Uh, is she
seeing anyone?

That's hard to say, Whip.

Come on.


You East Coast boys
think you're real tough,
don't you?

Well, come on.
Show me what you got.


She wants me.

I've seen
that look before

and it always winds up
the same way--

breakfast in bed.

I'm sure Dixie could do
some serious damage
to a man.

Whip...there's something
you should know.

Dixie is my girl.

W-w-w-wait, wait, wait.

Ah, there's nothing
to apologize for.

You didn't ask,
and she didn't tell you.

So forget about it.

We got a poker game
to worry about now.

You want to see me?

Not me. Him.




Why do I have
to play Joey?

Why can't
I play Dino again?

What do you care?
You're the best,
aren't you?

What's with that little
eyebrow thing, Whip?


Talk to me.

Truth is,
I lost once.

The guy I lost to...

was Joey Tattaglia.

Are you mad at me,

Why would I be?

Gee, I don't know.

Stealing your man,

We've been sisters
for a long time, Dolly.

It's just more
of the same from
where I stand.


Meaning you've always
wanted whatever I had.

I became a singer,
you became a singer.

I moved out west,
you moved out west.

I was abducted
by Comanches,

you were abducted
by Comanches.

Is that why you broke up
the sister act--

to get away from me?

Dolly, you're
an entrepreneur.

You've done a great
job with the club.

You belong
in this town.

Me, I like road shows.

I like where
they take me.

Tell me something,

Do you really like him,

or do you just want him
because he's mine?

A little of both,
I guess.

But it doesn't
matter anyway.

Why is that?

I pulled out
all the stops, Dix.

I get the feeling

you're the one
he really dreams about.

Well, well.

Looky here.

We found this
outside the wagon
after the robbery.


You're under arrest,





Miss Dixie.


What'd you do that for?

'Cause the Dusters
are working for me,

Miss Dixie.

Did you really think
you could steal from me

and get away with it?

Alright, now, Whip,

I want you
to stay focused,

Play within yourself.

Watch out for
that eyebrow thing.

It tips your hand.

What eyebrow thing?


Oh. Hello, Brisco.

Where are the Dusters?

Oh, I kind of
lost track of them.

As soon as I win
my money back,

I'll go
find them, okay?

Never mind.


Hello, Whip.


Think you're ready
for me this time?

Wouldn't be here
if I wasn't.

The deck comes from
the New Orleans
Bridge Club.

Bonded by their
steward and retains
the factory seal.

Each of you will start
with , in chips.

The game is five-card stud.
Winner take all.

Any questions?

Gentlemen, ante up.


bets .

See that.

Double it.


Not now, Dolly.
They're playing.

No, the Dusters--
they have Dixie.


They took her to jail.



Full house.


Keep Whip focused.

I'll see what
I can do about Dix.

Luck of the draw, huh?

Deja vu, eh, Whip?


What happened?

The Dusters.

They work for
the Tattaglias.

They got Miss Dixie,

Well, let's go
and get her back.

What's the matter,
don't you like lasagna?

I like it fine,

just not for
my last supper.

You know,
you and your sister,

you're like, uh,
peas in a cob
there, huh?

I believe that's pod.

Whatever. Eat. Eat.

Well, I count
besides Dix--

the Dusters
and Dino.

How we going
to get in there

without Miss Dixie
getting hurt?

You wait here, Bowler.

I'll go ask Comet.

King of spades.

Ace of diamonds.

aces. Aces bet.

Got the other king
in the hole,
do you, Whip?

Know what I think?

I think you're bluffing.

Pop! Joey! Help me!

Now that's what I call
a rescue.

Take as much time
as you want there, Whip.

'Cause the way
I look at it,

as long as I'm around,

always second best.

May as well learn
to live with it.


of clubs.

King of hearts.


Maybe you ought to
learn to live with it.

The deed to the casino,
if you please.

I don't think so.

You see, I have
another ace in the hole.

Wanna bet?


Come on.


Come on out!

[Whistles] Hey, Joey!

Whip! In the alley!

It's all over, Joey.

Oh, Pops!


Why didn't you
listen to me?

Well, hello, Soc.

You okay, Poole?

Me? Yes. Of course.

You're sure.

Brisco, I know
it must have appeared

as though I'd become...

hopelessly addicted
to the slots,

but I assure you

that was just
a passing fancy.

He's hooked.
I am not!

You know, Soc,
It might help

if you talked
about your problem.

You know,
with other people.

I don't have a problem!

Look, I know
it's embarrassing

to admit in front
of people--

Well, he could
just use his
first name.

That way it'd be

Oh, you ladies
look mighty fine.

What's the occasion?

Just a little
something Dolly
talked me into.

Ah. Very, very fancy.

MAN: Hello, Miss Dolly!

Nothing like
a little stage robbery

to bring us back
together, huh, Brisco?

It's always something,
isn't it, Dix?

As long as
it's always something.

Heh heh heh.

What are you
laughing at?

Nothing. Heh.

Though I've learned
to make men happy

there's a lesson
I could teach

but why is romance
always something

just beyond
my reach?

Every girl I know

has a steady beau

she calls
her turtledove

but I have no one

you know it's no fun

living on the edge
of love

I see them flirting

but me, I'm hurting

and so I pray
to the stars above

just send me someone

I'm having no fun

living on the

edge of love

Now that's

Amen to that.