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01x22 - Stagecoach

Posted: 06/25/23 10:00
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

[doorknob rattles]

[g*n cocks]

Mr. Brisco County, Jr.?

Who wants to know?

We'd like for you
to come with us.

And, uh, who are you?

All you need to know
is you're coming with us.

Mind if I put my boots on?

Can you fellas at least give me
some idea of where we're going?

I was afraid of that.


[dramatic music]

Very impressive, Mr. County.

[music continues]

Not so fast.

You mind if I smoke?

Matter of fact, I do.

Now, who are you
and what do you want?

I'm sorry this
had to be so difficult.

[cigarette case fires]

Anyone ever tell you that
smoking was bad for your health?

[theme music]

[music continues]

[Bowler groaning]


Good job.

Are all agents like you?

Some wear cufflinks.

I prefer buttons.


I should have known.

For months now,
the United States Government

has been trying
to coordinate a safe return

of Parker Hamilton

one of our top agents,
imprisoned in Spain

on espionage charges.

If he's a top agent,
how come he got caught?

This morning..

...the president worked out
a deal with Spain.

Hamilton, for a prisoner
in our custody.

One of you will escort
said prisoner

to Mexicali by noon Thursday
so the exchange can take place.

Yanked out of bed
for a babysitting job.

At the same time,
one of you will go

to the Marvista Hotel
in Mexicali

and make security arrangements
for the exchange.

You'll be dealing
with the Spanish ambassador

attending several
formal functions

cocktail parties,
diplomatic forays.

Now, which one of you
speaks Spanish the best?

Uh, quero uno cerveza,
por favor.

[speaking in foreign language]

You gotta be kidding me.

Well, I guess we found
our man in Mexicali.

Now, wait a minute.

You mean to tell me

that just because he speaks
a little bit of Spanish

he gets a paid vacation
while I'm pulling

guard duty
with some ice-cold

tight-lipped lowlife
for the next four days?

Well, not exactly.

May I present your prisoner..

[instrumental music]

Miss Emma Steed.

I'll see you in Mexico.

I had a hat.

[horse neighing]

Please do me a favor.

No talking about roping,
riding, or branding.

Okay, cowboy?

Soc, are these really necessary?

You're not to let the prisoner
out of your sight

until you arrive
in Mexicali.

Yeah, well, there might just be
a few things during this trip

that I'd like to do by myself.

Work it out.

Excuse me, is, uh, this where
one finds the, uh, stage

to, uh, Mexicali?

Yeah, right here. It'll be
leaving in a few minutes.

It leaves
at 6:30 in the morning.

It's, uh,
25 after 6:00 right now.

[rooster crows]

My God, it's daytime.

Now, um, you won't.. won't put anything
on top of my bag right there?

No, this would be very bad

as you have reminded me
several times.

Uh, you won't mind stopping
if I, uh

spot an interesting,
uh, native plant?

Why would we stop
for a plant?

I'm on sabbatical
from Harvard University

and, uh, I'm here to
experience local flora.

Professor Milo?



Brisco County Jr.

I took your biology class.

A fellow Harvardian.

You remember
the grade I gave you?

- C-minus.
- Not bad.

Well, um, what is this?

Why are you handcuffed together?

Use your imagination.

Standard procedure.

Riding a stage in handcuffs
is standard procedure?

[Milo chuckles]

They look like a fun couple.

Would you like some cactus?

Uh, no, thank you.

It will be a very long trip.

Please take food,
please take drink.

No stops from 7:00 to 11:00.

Uh, no, no, thanks.

Hello. Welcome aboard,
Dr. Milo.

Please remain seated

until the coach has come
to a complete stop.

I didn't realize
it was moving.


How old is this sandwich?

I just made that last night

with a lovely piece
of khurma and lettuce.

I will throw in a piece
of saag paneer on the side.

Fifty cents.
What do you say?

You're trying to sell a sandwich
you made last night?

Not to you,
Miss Plowright.

Please read the safety card
under your seat

and observe
the no-smoking sign.

You! You take sandwich.

Um, no, thanks.
I'm not a big fan of khurma.

Uh, are you a big fan of hunger?

I'll take the sandwich.

Pay him.

Can I get a receipt for that?

No receipt.

We will be traveling
through many rivers.

In the event of an emergency

your seat can be used
as a flotation device.

Have a pleasant trip.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Hold that stage!

Hold that stage. Ah.

You got one more, chief.

Wrong kind of Indian.

Don't put that on top of my bag.

Let's let the good times roll!

'Yee-hoo! Whoa, hey!'

Have a nice trip.

Don't expect a postcard.

[horse neighing]

[instrumental music]

Let's go, Poole.
I'm going to miss my train.

Here's your expense money.

Now, be sure you wine
and dine the Spanish

with the best champagne,
caviar, whatever they want.

Whatever I got
to do for my country.


My, your hat
is at such a jaunty angle.

Yeah, well,
that's how I like it.

Your shoes have such
a nice bright polish.

He's with us.

Ashenden. Internal security.

I've got bad news.

We just arrested Isaac Turner.

Deputy director of the bureau?

He's also been secretly working

for a powerful group
of US businessmen

who want a w*r with Spain.

What do you mean,
a w*r with Spain?

w*r is big business.

And if we don't make
that prisoner exchange

that's exactly
what we might have.

What did Turner do?

He put an assassin
on the transport stage.

'You'll have to warn County
before it's too late.'

I'll wire the next stop.

No. You're gonna take this
into the field.

What field?

It's a term meaning
anywhere but your desk.

So much for my paid vacation
in Mexico.

[instrumental music]

♪ Swing low sweet chariot ♪

♪ Coming for to carry me home ♪

♪ Swing low.. ♪♪


...have you ever been to Mexico?

Yes, I have.

Been there a couple of times
on business

a few times
for the bullfights

and once
for a quickie divorce.

Doesn't look like you're gonna
lose your man this time.


We'll see.

Me, I can't wait
to get to Mexico.

I'm going to
clean up down there.

You're in sanitation?

The name's Bobby Swann.

See, I got this thing
working, see?

I'm gonna hit all the local
bars, get up on the table

start working the locals.



Entertainment. I make them
laugh, tell them jokes.

[imitates g*nshots]

It's a whole new form
of entertainment.

Very fancy.

[male #1]
'What do I look like, a moose?'

- 'Stop the coach!'
- 'Whoa, horsy.'

[male #2]
'Horsy, horsy, horsy.'


I can't believe
we're here already.

We're not, doc.
We're in the middle of nowhere.

Well, that didn't work.

It should have kept me
knocked out all day.

Suck it in!
You got another rider.


Could you pick up the pace?

Stage driver we're dealing with
is notoriously punctual.

Pete, I don't know about this.


...are not your department.

You're a craftsman

an artisan serving his master

in the great tradition of..

...Da Vinci..


..William Shakespeare..

Shakespeare wasn't
a painter, Pete.

You want to start
voicing your opinions

I suggest you vacate
your present position

and move into management.

Look, I'm just saying that stage
is gonna come down the road--

Hold it. I got enough
on my mind right now.

This is no mere abduction.

On that stage is a woman

the Spanish will pay
a king's ransom for.

How much?

I just said..

...a king's ransom.

That's why they
came to Pete Hutter.

'Cause they know if you're gonna

pull off this kind of operation

what you need is big rocks.


Now keep painting.

♪ He's got the whole world
in his hands.. ♪♪

After my horse keeled

I got mixed up with
a bunch of depressed trappers

who tried to take my hair off.

Then I had to soak myself
in a sulfur spring

'to cut the infection I got
from the gangrene in my toes.'

Haven't had a crumb
in my mouth in three days.

Yeah, bet you had a lot
of other stuff in there, though.


Mighty kind of you, ma'am.

Excuse me.

You have a bit of bush
in your boot.

I wonder if I could have it.

Got something crawling
in my skivvies

if you're interested in that.

No, no. If it crawls,
that's, that's entomology.

It's not gonna work, Pete.

I have had a complete buffet
of your negative thinking.

It has worked on every train
we've tried, hasn't it?

Yeah, but trains are on tracks.

What possible difference
does that make?

When the stage hits the rock

it stops.

Then we pull out
our g*ns and open fire.

Pete, I just paint rocks.

I don't do performance art.

It is that type
of moral pacificity

that reduces
an outlaw to a m..

[stagecoach approaching]



...comes. Ha!

[instrumental music]

Oh, my, what an obstacle

but not for Ashok.

Hyah! Hyah!




Pete, I told you so.

Owen, you're fired.

Hey, you mind taking it
easy up there?

And would you
mind sitting up?

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my
God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Slow down, man,
there's plenty of time for that

when we hit Mexico.

I don't think
he's being forward, ma'am.

He's simply dead.

Are you almost through in here?

Yeah. I think I got what I need.

And what would that be?

The m*rder w*apon.

Hey, doc!

[Dr. Milo]

It's amazing how your hand

is literally
a world unto itself.

Uh, yeah.

Uh, listen, doc

uh, you know your plants.

Compared to
an Amazonian native, no

but, uh, for a 72-year-old
Episcopalian, yeah.

What does that look like to you?

It's, it's foxglove.

It's highly poisonous.

Now, that sandwich
was meant for you.

The driver made it.

And Dr. Milo has
a fascination with plants.

And they all had
access to the sandwich.

Now, wait a minute. Why would
any of them want you dead?

They didn't tell you
anything, did they?

'That is enough dirt
and plenty of rocks.'

'Everybody, please gather.'

Somebody should speak words.


[instrumental music]

Yes, alright. When I..

When I find myself
in times of trouble

I say, boy, you gotta
carry that weight.

I am he, you are he

you are me

we are all together

speaking words of wisdom.

Come together, right now.


- Amen.
- Amen.


Are we on track?

Of course we are.
What do you think?

Hey, hey, don't get mad.

Well, no offense, Poole.

It's just I thought
I'd be sipping champagne

in Mexicali right about now

instead of
your canteen backwash.

I don't backwash.

I do.


Just a joke, Poole.

Pfft. Funny.

You know, you're awfully calm
considering that your partner

could very easily be caught
in a deadly crossfire

of a political assassination.

Ah, Brisco can
take care of himself..

...most of the time.

Besides, look at this.

They picked up another rider

and a horse that's
about to get a bad shoe.

Other than that, everything
on this trip is normal.

You know, it's fascinating
the way you can tell all that

from a bunch of squiggles
in the dirt.

It's a science, Poole,
just like any other.

Do you think if I spent
more time on the trail

I could learn to
read signs like you do?


Well, I figured not.

Let's ride.


Stop! Stop! Stop, please stop!


[horses neighing]

[dramatic music]


Hello, my friend.

Are you having
some problem here?

Well, that is not
as bad as it seems.

Only hurts when I sneeze.

[dramatic music]

Hello, Brisco.

Pete Hutter,
what are you doing out here?

I'm exercising my
constitutional right

to make the best
possible living

in a free-market economy.

Miss Steed's
a valuable commodity.

She's coming with me.

You know, Pete, it's kinda
hard to take you serious

with that arrow
stuck in your head.

[music continues]

Unhitch those horses!

'Right away.'

Give me your belt, County.

Now, unlock Miss Steed
from the charm bracelet.

Give me the key.

Nice and easy, now.


tie Miss Steed's hands.

Nice and tight, now.

[horse snorts]

Did you ever notice
how a good horse..


...a stagecoach horse

will respond to one word

over any other?


[horse neighs]


[horse neighs]


Let's mount, Miss Steed.

Well, County,
it's been more fun than usual.


Thanks for making me
a rich man.

Don't quit your day job
just yet, Pete.

A spare key.


Now, everybody just stay here.

You're just gonna leave us
here in the middle of nowhere?

Nobody leaves anybody's sight,
you'll be fine.

Pete, thanks for the ride

but I'll be going now.



- Hyah!
- Ah.


[crows cawing]

In all my years

in all my days

I have never hit a woman.

I hit a man in a dress once

but that was another story.

Take your best shot,
but, Pete, you ought to run.

Is that right?


That's right.

Hey..'re touching my piece.

- Your what?
- My piece!

Everybody knows.

Nobody touches Pete's piece.

You mean this g*n?


Alright, make you a deal.

Give me my piece and you can go.

Thing is, Pete,
I'm going anyway.

Aah! My piece!


[Pete screams]

'Oh, baby, where are you?'

Oh, God, where are you, baby?

Stay right where you are.

Daddy'll find you, now.

'Don't you move.
Just, just stay there.'

[instrumental music]

[dramatic music]

You look surprised.

That's how I react
when someone's smarter

than I thought.

What'd you do to Pete?

Gave him a lesson
in sexual equality.

And just why were you
heading southtowardthe border?

Now, why would I head south?

Because you're hiding
something from me, Miss Steed.

I'm your prisoner, Mr. County.
Of course I am.

Let's go.

[clicks tongue]

[instrumental music]

Oh, great.

Where is everybody?

You've suddenly developed
a soft spot in your heart

for these people.

Well, they can't survive
out here without help.

Where are they?

Go on.

I got a real spooky feeling
right about now.

You, too, huh?

[g*n cocks]

You know, maybe this
would be a good time

for you to tell me
what's really going on.

[g*n fires]

Feel free to open up,
say the first thing

that comes to your mind.

[g*n fires]

Anything at all.
Don't hold back.

This guy's a pro.

[g*n cocks]

[instrumental music]

[g*n cocks]

Stay down.

[g*n fires]

This guy is good.


This guy's very good..

...unless it's Plowright,
and then she'svery good.



- Come with me.
- Do I have a choice?

Thank you.

[g*n fires]

Well, either you got him
or he's trying to trick us.

I got what I was aiming for.

You seem pretty sure.

Not bad.

Ah, it's just a stock shot.

He may be disarmed.

Yeah, but not
out of the hunt.

[instrumental music]


- Where have you been?
- Where have you been?

All of the men ran off.


I've looked everywhere
for them.

Someone knocked me down
into that gully over there.

Took me 20 minutes to climb out.

You know, Miss Plowright,
you're the only one

who hasn't said
why you're going to Mexico.

Because it is
none of your business.

It is when there's
a k*ller among us.

Alright. Alright,
you really wanna know?

It's because of this.
I hate it.

But in Mexico,
I can get it fixed.

Is that clear enough for you

or would you like
to see the brochure?

Oh, the life of the party.
She's back.

Where have you been?

Hiking three miles
down the canyon

trying to find water
for all you people.

Firewood, too.

How about a "Thank you,
very much, Bobby

we appreciate your
wilderness skills?"

- What's going on?
- Where's Ashok?

Said he was gonna
wait here for you.

'And what about Dr. Milo?'

[Dr. Milo]
I got beaned on the head.

Don't let anyone tell you that
a bludgeon-induced catatonia

is preferable to a herbal one.

Look, I don't know
about you guys

but I think we're definitely
talking about a refund here.


[dramatic music]


Oh, yeah. I want a refund.

And one of those big
fruit baskets, too.

[owl hooting]

How soon do you think
we'll catch up?


You know, Bowler..

...this field work
isn't half-bad.

'The mountain air, the stars..'

'...the smell of the campfire.'


Whew. I could get used to this.


What are you doing?

Gettin' us dinner.

Oh, my God!
That was in there?

- Yeah.
- What was it doing in there?

Getting ready to eat you!

Just.. G-get rid of that.

Are you kiddin'?
Rattlesnake is delicious.


Oh, but..

...we got plenty of food.

Bowler's first rule
of the trail.

Don't eat what you bring

if you can eat what you find.

What kind of stupid rule
is that?



'You know, I don't even
wanna know'

how you know how to do that.

Here we go.
All ready for cookin'.

You know, some people say
it tastes like chicken.

I think it tastes
more like squirrel.

What's the matter, Poole?

Thought you was enjoying
being out here in the field.


I think I'll just
go take a walk.

Watch where you step.


As long as you're there,
would you mind whistling?

You just keep moving those
bushes or I'm coming back there.

All done.

Alright. Let's go.

Do you still think
these are necessary

or do you just like them?

I don't like them at all
but I still don't trust you.

I think I've been
a model prisoner.

Well, if you're such
a model prisoner

then tell me something,
who would want you dead?

Pick a country, County.

Emma, what you tell me
and what you don't

could be the difference
between life or death for you.

Mr. County, I've made it this
far in my life for two reasons.

I don't tell secrets,
and I don't get involved.

[instrumental music]

Alright, let's hit the sack.

I'm not tired.

Well, I am.

[music continues]

This is just like marriage

only more intense.

Have you ever been married,
Mr. County?

- No, ma'am.
- I was married once.

Didn't work out.

But a handsome guy like you

I'm surprised you haven't been
snatched up.

Well, I'm chained to my job.

[music continues]

Well, goodnight.


[wolf howling]

What was that for?


I thought you said
you never got involved.

I don't.

But curiosity is something
entirely different.

[chains clinking]

[owl hooting]

[music continues]

[crickets chirping]


Get up!

Bowler, Soc, what are you guys
doing here?

We were told
there might be an attempt made

against Miss Steed's life.

Where is she?

She's right here.

That's not Miss Steed.


Ah. Oh, Miss Plowright!
What, what the..


Alright, alright!
Hold still!

No, you hold still!

That must have been
some party last night.

I got a key here somewhere.
Just relax.

Brisco, what the devil's
going on here?

Where's Emma Steed?

I don't know.
Relax, will you?

I got a key around here
someplace, alright? Somewhere.

The thing about Brisco
is that he's fairly reliable

but you got to watch him
with the women.

Alright. Easy, now.

Brisco, what are you saying

she's escaped?

Emma used this on me.

This is Dr. Milo's.

When we kissed.

See? There's always a kiss.

She drugged me!

Brisco, we have to find her

I know, I know.

Here it is.
Alright, come on.

Looks like your Miss Steed
is heading south.

Yeah, and Bobby Swan
is swimming right on her tail.

Well, he's the m*rder*r.

Telling jokes for a living!

What a completely
ridiculous story!

You bought it.

Are you leaving us again?

- Now, don't worry.
- No.

I assure you,
we'll, we'll send some help.

Hey, wait for me!

Great, great.

Just great!

Thank you.

[instrumental music]

Oh, great, horse.

I eat their dust
all night long

and then they disappear on me.




I can do this.


Alright, now.

That is a horse's hoof..

...going that way.

And that looks like
a horse's hoof going..

...that way.

That's a, that looks like a..

...coyote, maybe?

Oh, that is something..

...very large with big claws.


Which way?

Alright, now,
I can figure this out.

They went one way
or the other.



...something big with claws.

I think we're going this way.

[dramatic music]

Well, well, well.

About time, Brisco.

Yeah, that's definitely
another set of tracks, Brisco

about five minutes behind her.

As usual, you are
the mouse to my cat

the meat to my lion

the plankton to my whale.

I have a well-perched boulder
here waiting to stomp ya.

And now with your faithful
companion Bowler with you, too

I can k*ll two birds
with one stone.

Oh, he's good, Brisco.

He's moving up fast

closing in like a wolf.

He must be getting a pretty
good price for Emma's head.

We'll split up here.
I'll follow Bobby's trail.

You take Miss Emma's.

Alright. See you
at the other end, partner.


[dramatic music]

Where'd they go?

Uh-oh! Wait!

Wait, you stupid rock!

Wait, you massive sedimentary..

...glacial deposit!

Aah! Go!




[Pete screams]

[dramatic music]


What are you doing here?

Trying to make it
to Mexico alive.

Mind if I tag along?

After you.

Oh, no.

My grandma would slap me

if I stepped
in front of a lady.

Please. After you.

I suppose you need
the advantage

of being behind me..

...since you lost your r*fle!

I don't need it.

I need you dead,
50,000 in my pocket

and my employer's happy.

They might be disappointed.


[both grunting]

Hold it!

Don't get in my way, County.


[wood cracks]


[instrumental music]

You mind giving me a hand?

Looks like you need one.

[dramatic music]

Well, Brisco,
I owed you one.

I didn't know
it was a contest.

Oh, by the way, uh,
thanks for the kiss.

Some things
you just have to do.

How about if you tell me
what's going on?


Parker Hamilton

that can keep this country
out of w*r with Spain.


- We need him back.
- "We?"

We're on the same side, County.

Oh, for crying out..

Well, why'd you run away?

I'm used to working alone.

I felt like a sitting duck.

Call it instinct.

Well, you're not alone anymore.

'Bowler, I found them!'

I found them, Poole.

You just followed me.

Well, you don't have to worry
about the assassin anymore.

And I have to be
at the border by morning.


We're just part of
a bigger plan, Bowler.

We're all on the same side.

Once the exchange is made

the deputy director's arranged
my escape and return.

- 'Oh, no.'
- What's the matter?

The deputy director set you up.

He put the assassin
on the stage.

He's the reason Bowler and I
came down here to warn you.

So if you go through with this

you might as well be signing

your own death warrant.

Now what?

This doesn't
change anything.

What, you're still going
to go through with this?

This is why
I don't get involved.

Emma, you can't do this.

Brisco, don't worry.
I'm like a cat.

I've got nine lives.

And what number you on?


[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

I don't see any guards.

What if somebody
tries to grab her again?

Poole, we got an army
of agents down here.

Don't worry.

Emma, I'm not gonna
watch you die.

Then turn your back
and walk out of here.

What are you saying?

I'm well prepared.


Comes with the g*n
and the pension.


Senorita..'re comin' with me.


[g*ns cocking]

Pete, you might wanna
put that g*n down.

[rooster crows]

I should've never
taken this job.

I know the feeling, Pete.

[horse neighing]

So you're going.

My job is to
go across that border

and reveal nothing
to the enemy.

That's what I have to do.

But you don't have to die.

I'll figure something out.

Now, now, be very careful
with that bag right there.

I've got
some fragile things in it.

[glass shattering]

Thank you.

I have the black valise
up there.

There's got to be
another way.

I'm open to suggestions.

[indistinct chatter]

Es tiempo.

Let's proceed
with the exchange.

[male #3]
'Raise the gate.'

[speaking in foreign language]

Looks like it's time.

You're gonna be fine.

Sure I am.

[horse neighs]

[dramatic music]

[male #3]
'Raise the gate.'

[speaking in foreign language]

[male #3]
'Raise the gate.'

[male #4]



[male #5]
'Que? Que paso?'

[instrumental music]

Good Lord.


She did what
she had to do, Soc.

[crows cawing]


So young, so beautiful.

And a perfect nose, too.

'Tis a far, far
better place she goes

than she's ever gone before.

I know. I've been there.

This has been an incredible
experience all around.

She sacrificed herself
and averted a w*r.

They should name a state
after her or something.

May she rest in peace.

You okay?


I'll catch up.

You did the right thing, son.

[instrumental music]

What's your hurry?

I don't know.

Something about being
at my own funeral

makes me kinda queasy.

Well, doc
and his little bag of tricks

got to town
at just the right time.

Not that I mind,
but, boy, what a hangover.

So, what's next for you, Emma?

I don't know.

Go back to London
and see my sister

spend some time with my folks.

Then I'll resurface.


And, what, go back
to being a spy?

It's what I do, Brisco.

Why don't you join me?

We'd make a great team.

No. I like being
a bounty hunter.

It's easier to tell
the good guys from the bad guys.

So you've worked out
which one I am yet?

If I kiss you..

...will something happen?

Only if you want it to.

[instrumental music]

Good luck, Emma.

You, too, Brisco.


De nada.



...these are for you.

[music continues]

[theme music]

[instrumental music]