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01x19 - Brooklyn Dodgers

Posted: 06/25/23 09:56
by bunniefuu
- Well?
- Okay, go.

Hurry! Hurry!

Okay, Tommy, stop!
It's enough, it's enough. Stop!

Bowler, I don't want
to discuss it anymore.

Wait outside while I
go in and get Yazman.

We tracked him here together,
we'll arrest him together.

Bowler, everytime you get near
Yazman, you, you--

I what?

Your eyes bulge out,
you start grinding your teeth

and all the blood
stops flowing to your brain.

Yeah, he used to rub me the
wrong way. I'm over that now.

I won't let him
get to me. Okay?



[woman shouting]


- There, how about that one?
- Nah, weak through the honches.

- Won't even get us 10 miles.
- How do you know?

Who spent more time
at the track? You or me?

Now there's a horse.


You know, Bowler.

It's truly amazing how
you don't let him get to you.

- He made fun of my Bowler.
- All he said was, "Nice hat."

It was the way he said it.

Yazman! You're under arrest.

Yeah. And when you come to,
we'll be sure to remind you.


[horse neighs]

What the..


Ho, Comet!

Giddyup! Come on, boy! Giddyup!
Come on! Come on, boy!

- Oh! Come on!
- Come on!

Come on! Come on!

Brisco, either we getting old
or the criminals around here

are getting a lot younger.

Nice hat!

[theme music]

Get your hands off me!
We didn't do nothing.

Stealing another man's horse
is not exactly "nothing".

So we took the wrong horse.
We made a mistake. Let me go!

Did I ask you to wipe my nose?

- Sit down!
- Ouch!

You know they generally
hang people

for stealing horses
in these parts?


What are you doing?

You gonna cry?

Is she gonna cry?

- Brisco..
- What did you expect?

You scared her half to death.

Here you go.
Have a piece of that.

Don't worry about him.

What are your parents gonna say

when they find out what
you've been up to.

I don't think they'll care.

Our mom and dad died
five years ago.

Then who's responsible
for you?

I am.

Hold on, son.

This is the wrong place
to be stealing horses.

Or anything else,
for that matter.

Thanks for the tip.

From the accent, I'd say
you're from Brooklyn.

Alright, let's see. You're in
a hurry, you're out of money.

You don't trust anybody.

You better start filling
the blanks quick

or we'll walk down
to the sheriff's office

and let him sort this out.

We're going to San Francisco.

We're gonna be millionaires.

- Shut up, Shannon!
- It's true.

Our Uncle Brandon died
and left us his gold mine.

Show them the papers, Tommy!

She doesn't know
what she's talking about.

We've to be at the lawyer's
office in San Francisco

by noon Thursday to claim it.

Alright, Tommy,
I'm gonna ask you just once.

Is that true?

Yeah, it's true. If we don't
hurry up and get there

Wolfe's gonna steal it all.


Mr. Wolfe ran the orphanage
where we lived.

He's like every other grown up.
Opens our letters, lies to us.

He just wants what's ours.

Kid making this up?

No. Not according to this.

Brisco, what are you thinking?

After we drop Yazman
off at the sheriff

we're gonna be going up to
San Francisco anyway.

Oh, forget it. I ain't playing
nursemaid to kids.

They don't stand a chance to get
there on time without our help

and you know it.

This country needs to do
something about mass transport.

First thing we need
to do is wire Socrates.

Make sure they don't hand out
the mine to the wrong person.



How much is the mine worth?

In excess of three
million dollars.

And the children
are the soul heirs?

Actually there's
a second uncle

who was presumed dead.

- And now?
- He's sitting in my office.

Mr. Poole, Richard Traherne.

Mr. Traherne,
Mr. Socrates Poole.

Mr. Poole, a pleasure.

Ah, the lilt of the old sod.

What county are you from,
Mr. Traherne?

Well, we moved around
a great deal.

So does your accent.

This must be
very painful for you.

How do you mean?

The death of your
remaining brother

coming on the heels
of so much family tragedy.

Oh, yes, yes. Deeply.

And then having to prove
yourself to Mr. Flint.

I imagine he required
proof positive.

Oh, indeed I did. From Ireland,
the birth certificates

of Richard Traherne, and his
brothers, Brandon and Patty.

There are letters and photos.

Very impressive. But meaningless
of course as long as

the children arrive on time.

Mr. Poole, Tommy
and Shannon are dead.

I know for a fact those children

are less than a 100 miles
from here in Eagle, California

on their way to the city.

That's hogwash!

Those children died
six months ago in a fire.

This man is not
Richard Traherne.

His name is Simon Wolfe.

But that's ridiculous.

We'll see how ridiculous it is,
when those children show up.

If they show up.


...if I prove who you really are
before noon Thursday.

- Billy Monahan?
- Hello, Wolfie.

What are you doing here?

We were wondering why
you were in a hurry

to leave the fairy city
of Brooklyn.

So we persuaded your wife
to tell us the wonderous story

of the orphans
and their inheritance.

Look, I know I owe you $50,000.

But once I close my business
out here, you'll get paid.

What if the kids show up
and prove you wrong?

They're 100 miles away in Eagle.
They'll never get here in time.


But, unfortunately..

...there's that
interest compounding

on your gambling debt.

You see, Mr. Wolfe,
50 won't do it any longer.

Okay, give me till noon
on Thursday

and I'll make it a 100.

Why should we take a measly
100,000 from you

when we can go to the kids
and take the whole inheritance?

Wait, what are you going?

[g*ns fire]

Efficiency, Mr. Wolfe.
It's the way of the future.

Get rid of the body
and let's round up those kids.


So you hopped the freight train
outside the Union Station

and got to Chicago?

Didn't wanna stay there, so we
jumped on the stage to Denver.

Driver caught us around Omaha.

You conned your
all the way to Eagle?

I used whatever I could.

We're not going back
to that orphanage.

What happened
to your mom and dad?

Five years ago,
dad wanted to move out West.

We were on a ferry going
down river to Kansas City

catch up with
the wagon train.

Your whole family?

Yeah. The ferry was crowded,
it was dark and cold.

And all of a sudden,
we hit something.

I heard my mom scream,
everyone was yelling.

There was a fire, an expl*si*n

then we were in the water.

They never found your parents?

Couple of trappers found me,
Shannon and my uncle.

So why didn't this uncle
of yours take you in?

He said he was gonna send for us

after he did some prospecting
and got settled.

He thought we needed a roof
over our head in the meantime.

Some roof.

But he sure left you
a nice inheritance.

If we ever get there.

How rested do these horses
need to be?

Well, Comet, what do you think?

Let's ride!

How you doin'?

I've just been thinking
a lot about those kids.

Hell, Brisco, we're gonna
deliver them to the lawyers

in San Francisco. They're
gonna be millionaires!

Yeah? And then what?

They're gonna live
happily ever after.

With all that money?

Think of all the worms that
are gonna come crawling out

to take advantage of them.

Oh, Brisco, don't be
draggin' me down with you.

Bowler, you know how it's like
to grow up without parents.

Alright, it ain't no fun.
It ain't my problem neither.

How old were you
when your mama died?

Eleven. How about you?


Damn good woman, my mama.

Never had a home
after she was gone.

All that money will never
buy them a home, Bowler.

They need a home.

Tommy, why don't you give me
a hand with this?


What you got there?

A locket.

Mom gave it to me.

I put a picture of her inside.

Very fancy. Can I see?

- She's beautiful.
- Yeah.

You know, I can see
the resemblance.

Alright, fire's set.

Alright, let's get
some shut eye.

Got a long ride tomorrow.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.



- What are you doing?
- Oh, good Bowler.

You heard me, but you don't hear
Tommy and Shannon.

Children should be seen
and not heard.

Even when they ride off
on our horses?

- What?
- They're gone, Bowler.

We've been had.

- They're going in circles.
- Of course they are.

Comet's not gonna
let them get too far ahead.

You taught him
how to go in circles?

No, he picked it up from some
filly in Kansas City.

- Ah, see, here he is.
- I can see that.

Hey, boy! Hey there!

Alright, Comet,
where are they, fella?


Oh. Ho ho ho.

- What did he say?
- They're right over there.

And they got into
a little trouble.

- He said that?
- Well, yeah.

Wasn't that tough
of a question.

'You have to ring them out
and then put them to dry'

'but it's still gonna take a day
to dry and it'll smell awful.'

'Shut up, Shannon.'

- Skunk.
- The rewards of the wilderness.

Up close and personal.

Brisco! I mean,
Mr. County, Mr. Bowler!

Oh, it was awful. This big,
hairy thing came after us

and we ran in a cave,
and there--

Alright, alright, alright,
do we do a little deodorant

before we get
all the details?

[door opens]

[door closes]

Those poor Trahernes,
awful tragedy, really.

- You know about it?
- Photographic memory.

Are there any pictures
of the Trahernes?

I'm afraid not.

What about a list of
the survivors from the accident?

November 11, 1888. Page 12.

Column three, half way
down the page.

There are women's undergarment
ads on pages 15, 19 and 30.

You're frightening.

I sometimes find myself
smiling for no apparent reason.

That sod was the only
confirmed survivor.

Besides the children
and Uncle Brandon.

"Franklin Boggs
of San Francisco."

What happened to him?

December 28, 1888,
page 5, column three

sentenced to three years
for criminal negligence.

That means he got out
two years ago.

January 23, 1891.

Back a page, small box,
lower corner.

"Negligent ferry Captain freed."

Where can I find him?

I'm a librarian, Poole,
not a magician.


Your sister's wrapped in
a blanket covered with this.

- It'll take the stink out.
- What is it?

Oh, pond mud,
eucalyptus leaves

few herbs
and a secret ingredient.

- What is that?
- Frog spit.

- Eww.
- How can you live like this?

Skunks that attack you, horses
that got minds of their own.

No roof at night,
and you ride all day

bouncing up and down
on a hard saddle

just to get off and eat a dry
biscuit at night.

I mean, what's this?

Yeah, Bowler,
that does sound pretty bad.

Why do we do it?

Because we can't
do nothing else.

Oh, Jesus!

So, Tommy, what are you
going to do now?

You caught us.
I guess it's kinda up to you.

Not the way I see it.

What? You want
an apology? Forget it.

I'm just looking
for an explanation.

What's to explain? We needed
your horses, so we took 'em.

Look, Tommy, I know
you've been on a rough road.

But you don't need to lie
and steal anymore.

We'll get you to San Francisco.

- Did I ask you for your help?
- I think you're trying.

I think you're tired
of being angry.

Distrusting anybody
you run across.

- I think you need a friend.
- I had one. Old man Wolfe.

He said he'd handle
the inheritance

he said everything
will be just fine.

And then he stabbed me
in the back.

- I'm not gonna do that to you.
- 'Cause I won't let you.

You know, you got
a long road ahead of you.

Couple of wrong turns could
put you into some real trouble.

Can't be any worse than
I've already been through.

I'm just offering to point you
in the right direction.

Okay, fine.

Get us to San Francisco
and skip the lectures, okay?

I never was one for lectures.

[train horn blowing]

Excuse me, do you work here?

Yeah. Roy Shimamura,
I own the place.

Oh, Socrates Poole.
I'm looking for Franklin Boggs.

- I was told he works here.
- Was till last week.

He had no idea
how to work with fish.

- It's an art, you know?
- Yeah, I'm sure it is.

Here, enjoy.

- You want me to eat that?
- You eat, we talk.

Oh, too much wasabi.

Here, drink this.

- What is that?
- Sake, my favorite wine.

- But it's hot!
- Good idea, huh?

- No!
- Everyone's a critic.

Please, I just need to find
where Franklin Boggs is.

- Try this one.
- Oh, no, please, not again.

No, no, no.
You'll like this one.

And you'll tell me
where to find Boggs?


- It's not bad.
- Good. Here.

So what do you think?
I set up a stand here

you get some rice, some little
raw fish, and some hot wine.

I don't think this country
is ready for that.

Come on now, pilgrim!

You don't think I know
what Americans want?

You're a very strange man.

I prefer,
culinary entrepreneur.

Fine. Now, about Boggs.

Alright, he hangs
around down the warf.

- Check out the Deep Six Tavern.
- Thanks.

Hey, just a second.

- What's this?
- My bill. That'll be $50.

Do you know where
the Deep Six Tavern is?

- Straight ahead.
- Thanks.

Excuse me, I..

Oh, sir, excuse me, sir,
I'm looking for Franklin Boggs.

I was wondering if..

Never mind.


Why you looking for Boggs?

I'm an attorney representing
certain members

of the Traherne family.

The Trahernes?

- The name is familiar to you.
- No. Never heard of it.

I need Boggs to identify
someone for me.

A man's claiming
to be d*ck Traherne.

I can't help you.

- You're Boggs, aren't you?
- No.

Yes! Why won't you help me?

I can't face 'em.
Any of 'em.

I-I destroyed the Trahernes.

Don't you understand?

This is your chance
for redemption.

You can help the children.


You can't get redemption when
you've got one foot in hell.

God help you, Boggs.


There's a woman on Nob Hill.

A mansion with two iron horses.

- She knows.
- A woman? Who is she?

That's a very pretty horse.
Do you brush them every night?

I had one when we lived back in
Yonkers before my parents died.

I brushed them all the time.
They like to be brushed, right?

I wonder what he's thinking.

Do you think he wants
to be brushed?

- Do you know?
- Oh, yeah, absolutely.

- Can we go now?
- Yeah, sure, we're all set.

- Mount up.
- Shannon.

'Top of the morning to ya.'

How you doing? Something
we can we help you with?

Well, you can, if these two kids
are Tommy and Shannon Traherne.

- What if we are?
- Tommy, lad, Billy Monahan.

Mr. Fletcher McDowell sent us.

- Who?
- McDowell?

Isn't he a crime boss
back in New York?

He's a businessman.

The guys who work for him like
you are called Johnnies, right?

Indeed we are. And in Brooklyn,
it's a high compliment.

Well, this ain't Brooklyn.

Now what was it that
we could help you with?

Gentlemen, please.
You're getting the wrong idea.

Mr. McDowell has heard
of the young Traherne's dilemma

and the attempt by Mr. Wolfe
to undermine the fortune.

He sent us out here to make sure
that doesn't happen.


Tommy, you're
from the neighborhood.

You're moving up.
You're going to be somebody

McDowell's going to
want to do business with.

He helps you out now and maybe
you'll help him down the line.

Well, what do you say? Shall we
escort you to San Francisco?

They already got somebody
doing the "escort."

Well, perhaps Tommy would prefer
someone from his neighborhood.

Someone he can trust.

Ah, Tommy, Powder Springs
is just couple of miles away.

Why don't we meet you
at the sheriff's?

I take it Mr. County doesn't
think you're grown up enough

to make your own decisions.

Yeah? Well, maybe he's wrong.

Tommy, you wanna trust these
men? That's your business.

But just give me
the chance to find out

if what they're
talking about is okay.

- Listen to Mr. County, Tommy.
- Tom?

Perhaps if there's some kind
of a misunderstanding here

it'd be best if you and your
sister went up the road.

There's a big misunderstanding.

Get, get.

Okay. Let's get this straight.

I think this is about
as straight as it gets.

[male #1]
I'll take your g*ns.'

Brisco, if we don't
do something fast

the little walk is gonna
come to a sudden stop.

Bowler, I think an opportunity
is about to hit us in the face.

I think we're far enough
off the road.

You're sure? Maybe just
a little further .

[g*nshots fire]

Get up and after them! Move!

[g*nshots firing]

sh**t the trees.

[g*n fire]

Come on, Bowler!

[g*nf*re continues]

- Ahh!
- Woah!

Brisco, we can't just keep
running like this.

I know. But since they got our
g*ns, you got any better ideas?

Run faster!

[g*nf*re continues]

Come on, we can't stand out here
in the middle of the open.

I know, I know!

This way!

[g*nshots firing]

Now let's find
those little wards.

Nice doing business
with you, lads.

Of all the lamebrain

dumb hair balled ideas
you ever came up with

this one takes the cake.

Yeah? But we're alive,
aren't we?

Yeah, I am alive. But what if
one of them Johnnies

shot me in the head
instead of this shovel?

They always sh**t for the heart.

It's some kind of
honorable tradition.

Yeah, what if their honor
slipped a little

What if they was feeling kind
of lazy? What if they missed?

Then I wouldn't have
to listen to you yell at me.

Well, God bless tradition.


[indistinct chattering]

- There's the sheriff's office.
- So?

So that's where
we are supposed to go.

We're supposed to go
to San Francisco.

We should do what Mr. County
and Mr. Bowler told us to do.

We can't trust anybody,
Shannon. Do you understand that?

- They care about us!
- It doesn't make a difference.

Well, I'm not leaving.


Fine, stay here.

Hey, kid, where do you get
a drink around here?

We're parched.

Where's Brisco and Bowler?

Those two cowboys, we talked.

They decided they
had other places to go.

- They're gone?
- What did you expect?

So I suppose you're gonna
take us to San Francisco.

You're a grown up.

Mr. McDowell said we should
do what you tell us to do.

We were just gonna
go for a drink.

But whatever you want,
Mr. Traherne, is fine with us.

I want you to take us
to San Francisco

as soon as I find my sister.

Help Mr. Traherne
find his sister.

No, that's okay.
She can't be far.

So why don't we
start by looking in there?

I don't think
she'd go in there.

Maybe not.

But a couple of Brooklyn boys
might find it interesting.


[instrumental music]

[knocking on the door]

Yes, may I help you?

May I speak
to the lady of the house?

I'm afraid
that's impossible, Mr. Poole.

Mrs. Stockwell
cannot be disturbed.

I must speak to her,
it's extremely important to--

I have my instructions,
Mr. Poole. I'm sorry.

Please, I have to find out

was she in an accident,
did she--

- I'm sorry.
- No, please!

You don't understand.

Mrs. Stockwell hasn't left
this house for 28 years.

'Now if you'll forgive me,
I have work to do.'

[speaking in foreign language]


[music continues]

O-okay, Brisco, stop, so I can
get off before somebody sees me.

Bowler, it doesn't
mean anything if we ride double.

- Cowboys do it all the time.
- I don't.

I think you'd be
more concerned about

being jumped by the Johnnies
than your personal image.

I ain't worried
about no Johnnies.

I know how
they operate now.

Mr. Brisco! Mr. Bowler!
You gotta help us, please!

- What's the matter?
- Tommy and I had a fight.

He went in there
with the Johnnies.

I want you
to go get the sheriff

take him in,
we'll meet you around back.

They don't have
a sheriff anymore.

Only a federal marshall
30 miles away.

Tell me, Brisco, what the heck
do we pay taxes for?

Alright, Shannon, listen to me.

Stay right where you are,
you understand?

We'll come back for you
after we get your brother.

You promise?

when Brisco says somethin'

he don't have to promise.

Kinda reminds me of McGovern's
on a Saturday night.

- You know McGovern's?
- Know it?

My father was a waiter there.

I promised my sister
as soon as we got our money

I'd get the biggest plate of
corn beef and cabbage they got.

We were gonna eat
until we can't eat anymore.

Hey, here's to ya.

If we try anythin' in there

those idiots,
they're gonna open fire.

If we wanna
get Tommy away

we're gonna have to improvise.


Is that what we did
out at that pond?

No, that was completely planned.

That's what I was afraid of.


[Indian music]

[indistinct chattering]

You guys mind
getting off my stage?

We got a show.

Yeah, we got
a little problem right now.

You're gonna have
a big one if you don't get

on the other side
of that curtain. Girls.

Uh, Brisco?

One question.

Where were you
hiding 'em thangs?

Now, get!

Uh, now,
hold on a second here.

My friend here, Lord Bowler
and I are bounty hunters.

We're escorting two kids
to San Francisco

so they can collect several
million dollar inheritance.

And one of them is out there

by Irish g*ng members

who just shot us in the heart.

So, we need
to...get him out of there.

Oh. Why didn't you say so?

[crowd cheering]

[orchestral music]

[music continues]

Thank you, ladies.

Let me go!
What are you doing?

- Your pals tried to k*ll us.
- Yeah, right.

They're trippin' you, Tommy.

You don't know
what you're doing.

I'm tired of you
telling me what to do!

Get Shannon
and start ridin'.

- We'll catch up.
- Are you sure?

Go! Tommy!

Very clever, Mr. County.

Hey! What are you doing?

I'm getting tired
of playing games.

Now let's go to San Francisco
and get this over with.

- What about my sister?
- What about her?

W-we can't just leave her.

Listen, you little punk!

You keep your mouth shut

you might just live
to see your next birthday.

Hey, stop!
He didn't do nothing!

If you want to keep him alive,
you better do what you're told!

'Okay, okay, don't hurt him.'

'I'll do what you want.'

'Very well, Tommy.
You cooperate and we won't.'

[mellow music]

Excuse me, ma'am!

Remember me? I'm Socrates Poole.
I came to see you.

Yes, I told you
I couldn't help you.

What was the last thing
you said to me?

I beg your pardon?

You said something
to me in Gaelic, didn't you?

I don't recall.

I went back to the newspaper
Morgan discovered

that all the passengers
on that ship were Irish.

It wasn't your employer
I was looking for, it was you.

Why are you asking
me all this? What do you want?

There's some good news.

I'm a lawyer and the children

the Traherne children
are owed a great deal of money.

I don't know
how low it is a man can go.

But exploiting children
who are dead

is about as low
as I can think.

- Oh, you don't understand.
- You think I don't?

I was those children's mother.

Oh, my God!

- You are Mrs. Traherne?
- Yes.

Your children are alive.

Your children are still alive.

[melancholic music]

Brisco! Brisco, come on!

Can you hear me? Brisco?

You okay?

As long as there are
three of you, yeah, I'm fine.

- Where's Monahan?
- I don't know.

Left a couple of Johnnies
to keep an eye.

- They hurt you?
- No, I'm fine.

Hey, look...I'm really sorry.

We can talk about sorry later.
Where exactly are we?

San Francisco,
outside the law offices.

There's nothing we can do.
He's gonna take it all.

Don't give up yet, Tommy.
It isn't over.

Naughty, naughty, Mr. Brisco!

Shouldn't be telling
the boy such fibs.

The lawyers in
are waiting for us.

Get out!

- Do what he says, Tommy!
- Sage advice, Mr. County.

Had to show up sooner or later.

I certainly wasn't prepared
for the children to arrive.

Mr. Poole
apparently was correct.

Mr. Traherne or Wolfe,
I should say was a fraud.

Whatever, allow me
to present the true heir

to the Traherne fortune,
Thomas Traherne.

Of course.

Uh, you are prepared to prove
the young man's identity?

Go ahead, son,
don't be shy.

Show Mr. Flint your proof.

This here's my birth certificate
and my sister Shannon's.

Well, they look legitimate.

- But where is your sister?
- She--

Exhausted from her
arduous journey I'm afraid.

That won't be
a problem, will it?

Oh, no,
the will specifically states

either or both
of the Traherne children.

- Are you alright, son?
- Yeah.

It's a fearsome responsibility
to come in to such a legacy

at this tender age, Mr. Flint.

Oh, yes, I imagine it is.

Now, I need you
to sign here, Mr. Traherne.


And now, by rights..

...this belongs to you.

'The deed to the Eden mines.'

Mr. Flint, a pleasure.

Whoa, whoa.

That'll be the end of the tour.

Oh, gee, we didn't get
to Fisherman's Wharf.

Ah, maybe next time.


Don't even think about moving.

Thanks for poppin' in, Bowler.

Monahan's got Tommy.

Well, what are we waiting for?

I believe all you have
to do is sign the deed

over to me and our business
will be concluded.

- 'Tommy!'
- Shannon!

It's over, Monahan!

Give it up!




- You alright?
- I'm fine.

Stay with them!

What do you mean,
"stay with them?"

You stay here with your sister.
You move, you answer to me!

I got no problem with that.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

[dramatic music]


Come on!

- It's not over yet, County.
- You're mistaken.


'I'm beat. Ah!'

It's official then.

You are two
very wealthy youngsters.

Yeah, but now comes
the hard part.

I'm sorry,
I don't understand.

Growing up.

Oh, yes, I see.

Now if you'll excuse me.

Brisco, Bowler,
we owe you everything.

We don't know
how to thank you.

Always glad to help.


It's them.

- Ma?
- Ma, is that you?

Dear God, I gave up.

I looked everywhere.

- Shannon, Tommy, it's me.
- Ma!


You mean she didn't know
they was alive?


She was delirious
for months after the accident.

Searched and searched
and gave up hope.

How did you find her, Soc?

It's an interesting story.

I'll tell you all about it.

In the meantime, welcome home.

[mellow music]

[theme music]