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04x03 - Congratulations

Posted: 06/24/23 04:30
by bunniefuu
This programme contains adult humour.

Hooray, my hero! Mwah, mwah, mwah.

Hey, Mum.

Congratulations, bambino.

What do you think?

Hmm Oh, bobble, I'm so proud.

Has your favourite son ever let you down?

Is that it?


Go on, show me, show me.

It's not the best-looking award, but Christ! Martin! Oh, it's beautiful.


What is it?

It's meant to be an ear on legs.

An ear on legs?

You know, music award, an ear.

I thought it was some kind of tumour.

Thanks(!) You won that for shaving foam?

Writing the music for an advert for shaving foam, yes.

Your first award! Shaving foam for ears?


Martin, go and get the champagne.

The proper stuff or the cheap stuff?

Thank you! The proper stuff.

It's 90p a gulp! Go away.

90-bloody-p! I want to show you something.

Oh! Hello, dolly.

Hi, Grandma.

Are you all right now, Mum?


Mazel tov on your shaving foam award! Thanks.

Oh, dear.

I think I need the loo again.



Oh, an ovary! Ta-da! What do you think?

It looks amazing, Mum.

I've made your favourite meal in the whole wide world.


Yeah, and profiteroles.

Yes! Not on the same plate, though?

No, all mushed up in a bucket! Now, where's that bowl?

Oh, I'm so proud of you, bobble.

What are you Dad made that, did he?

How did you guess?

And the rabbits?

Yeah, I wondered about them.

Martin, what are the It's actually 93p a gulp.


What are all the rabbits?

Cos he used to keep rabbits.

No, I didn't.

No, he didn't.

No, I used to keep rabbits.

So easy to confuse yourself with your own son.

I don't remember them much, but one of them went under a lorry and my mother cooked it with potatoes.


DOORBELL RINGS Oh, Jonny-boo's back from America.

Oh, oh! It tasted of road.

From Las Vegas to London Hi, Mum.

These are for you.

Oh, they're gorgeous! Come in.

All right, Pissface?


Come in then.

UmI'd like you to meet someone.

She steps out of the moonlight! GIGGLES Oh, hello.

Hi there.

I'm Lisa.

Yeah, this is Lisa.

Hi, Lisa.


We met in Vegas and Well THEY LAUGH I'm not a stripper.

Who is she?

Not a stripper.

Umdo come in.

I hope you don't mind me crashing your wholeget-together thing.

I'm sorry?

Is it OK if Lisa eats with us tonight?


Oh, of course.

There's more than enough to go round.


Cool house.

So, are you Jonny's female?




How did you know?

How do we know what?

That's for Adam.

That we got married.



Um They're married?


Did you just say you got married?

Someone get married?

Hi, Grandma.

Shall we go through?

You got married and you didn't tell your mother?

We were going to tell you later.


Yeah, well, you know, it was Vegas and THEY GIGGLE GRANDMA LAUGHS LOUDLY Mum! Kind of like you said, only this bit took way longer.

Will you let us in, please?

Mum! What do you mean, you got married?

I'm Adam, your new brother-in-law.


Well, do you understand the word "married"?

I thought you were on a stag weekend.

I was, then this happened.


" Oh, what a romantic(!) Oi! What the hell are you doing, getting married without telling your mother?

She's not my mother.

Sorry, I don't know why I was looking at you.

What the hell are you doing, getting married without telling your mother?

I don't have to tell Mum everything.

You do.

He does.


Now I'm in trouble! For what?

Apparently, I should know everything my son gets up to.

Why don't you tell me everything you get up to?

Maybe I should go sit in the car.

Good idea.


I won't be long, babe.

I must say, married life looks fun! Oh! Thanks a lot, Jonathan! Oh, this is ridiculous.

Come on, Jackie.

How could you do this to me?

Do what?

He's so thoughtless.

Shut up! Never thinks of his mother.

Seriously! It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.

You don't say?

I met her the night before.

The night before?

! You'd known her for one night?


Thank you, Martin.

Plus the morning.


Seriously! We got to know each other pretty well.

Sex! Martin, please stop saying "sex"! Hello, everyone.

Mum, we had a tiny ceremony.

It was just us.

It was quite funny.

There was this guy dressed just like Elvis.

You got married by an Elvis?

I'll pronounce you man and wife, oh-ho-ho SHRIEKS WITH LAUGHTER Do it again! Do you think we should maybe, like, go to the pub or something?

Don't worry.

She'll let us in soon.

In about a week.

I've never been to a real British pub.

Then you'd love ours.

It's really real.

Free stabbing with every pint.

SNORES Fantastic.

Jonny, do you shave your ears?


We were meant to be celebrating my award.

Oh, sh*t! What's she doing here?


Auntie Val.

Oh, bloody Val! Am I in my bed?

Who's Val?

Hide! Just a very reasonable lady.

Out! Oh! Go on, Jonathan.

Agh! You're hurting me.

Get off! How could you do such a thing to your mother?

I didn't do anything to her.

Your husband's very brave.

Ow! You're going to apologise to her right now.

No, I am not.


Sorry I got married without telling you, Mum.

Thank you, Val.


Where are you going?

Mum! Good evening again, Lisa.

Why don't you come in?

And here's the place we tied the knot.


There's Jonny.

There's me.

Why are you wearing a cowboy hat?

Cos it's Vegas.



Hey, careful now.

I was a cowgirl.

Oh, yes, a cowgirl bride.


Really lovely.

Umcheers, everyone.

ALL: Cheers! That's £4.




So, my dear, which part of France are you from?



Grandma Mum, she's American.

Is she?

She sounds French.

Merci, madame.

You know, dolly, I've never been to America.

But I've been with an American.

Mum! Oh, God! And where are you from in the US of A?

US of A She's from Los Angeles.

San Francisco.



Jonathan Goodman, you don't know where your own wife's from?

Excuse me, I just need to check on the dinner.

I just need to check on the bottle.

More champagne?



Oh! Oh! Well, what do you think of my wife now?

All my friends with their lovely daughters.


All those lovely girls and you marry the first one you meet in a casino! I see.

I didn't meet her in a casino.


Where did you meet her?

All right, I did meet her in a casino.

What's wrong with Carol's daughter?

Or Sue's daughter?

The tiny one with the terrifying face?

Jonathan! Having fun?

Mum wanted me to marry Sue's daughter.

Pocket Dracula?

You're horrible! It's OK, Mum.

I get it.

You don't like my wife.

How can I not like your wife?

I don't even know her.

Do you even know her?

Yes, thank you.

I know my wife very well.


Adam! Do you know one thing about your wife?

Apart from her being French.

Shut up! Course I do.

Go on.


Tell us one thing about your wife.



We're waiting.

I'm thinking.

She likes apples.


Yeah, she likes apples.

That's what you know?

She likes apples?

That's HER birthday sorted.

Lovely girl, Jon-Jon.

Thank you, Grandma.

At least someone's happy for me.

Mum, you're meant to be angry with your grandson.

Am I?


I'm very angry with you! Me?

Not him.



DOORBELL RINGS Oh, who's that?

Coming! Apple?

Ugh! Stop it! Hello, Jackie.

Something smells nice.

Oh, hi, Jim.

Sorry, it's really not a good Just popped round to give you a letter which was addressed to you, but delivered to me by mistake.

Oh, OK, thanks.

Electricity bill.


Are you going to give it to me?

Yes, of course, Jackie.


Here, there Umthank you.

Oh, Jackie, you remembered! What?


" I knew you'd remember.

Jim! It's my birthday.

You remembered my birthday today.

Your birthday?

Friends Will you all join Wilson and me later for a special birthday drink in the pub?

Thanks, Jim, but Did someone say "pub"?

It's an American lady.

Yes, Jim, that's Jonny's extremely new wife.



I had no idea.

How long have you been married?

Do you want the answer in hours or minutes?

Where will you two lovebirds be nesting?

The United States.

The United States?


The United States?

Well, see you all in the pub.

Bye-bye! Or as you say in your fair land, yee-ha! Oh! Come on, Wilson.

Good boy.

We were going to tell you later.


Mum! She definitely likes me(!) LOUD TOO How could he do this to us?

I know, dolly, I know.

What do you think, Martin?

I think that bin really pongs.

Maybe you should talk to him.

You are his father.


Definitely heard that.

America, it's just so Large.


But not if you're in America.

MARTIN LAUGHS Yeah, I'll do the bin.

Jacqueline, she does seem a nice girl.

Maybe you should give her a chance a little.

It'll be quite nice to have my celebration dinner at some point this year.

Remember, we can never choose who our children marry.

A-ha! There's the sod.

Rotting liver! Lovely to see you again, Lisa.

Why don't you come in and have something nice to eat?


Are you enjoying it, Mum?

The meat's quite fatty.

Thank you(!) Ignore her, Jackie.

It's lovely.

Normally, we'd have squirrel, but as tonight's a special occasion, it's badger.

Oh, badger.

I do hope it's roadkill! LAUGHTER Roadkill! I love the candles, by the way.

- Thank you.

- I hope they're not just for me.

- What?

No, it's Friday night, so Friday night?

We're Jewish, so - Are you?

- Sorry?

Jonathan Goodman, don't you tell your wife anything?

She didn't know we're Jewish?


Don't worry, we're quite normal, although we may try to drink your blood later on.

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Dad! But he did tell you he was in prison, right?


Ha-ha(!) For buggering dogs.

Adam! Buggering dogs! Doesn't Adam's ovary look lovely up there?


Mum! Grandma, it's an ear.

An ear?


Why would a womb have an ear?

Good question.

I wish I'd never won the bloody thing now.

It is pretty hideous.

Ignore him, bobble.

I'll take it to the dump if you want.

Thank you.

Eugh, salt! You bastard! Yee-ha! Adam! Oh! Jonny! Yee-ha! He put gravy up my nose! Stupid tits! Martin! So sorry, Lisa.

It's OK.

I'm sure Adam's going to miss him when he's 5,000 miles away.

Um This really is an awesome meal.

I'll get some more potatoes.

Me too.

It's OK, Lisa.

Martin, why don't you go and help Jonny?


But I'm having me grub.

Oh, right.

Got you.

I think your mother wants me to have a private chat with you about the situation between yourself and your American wife.




Well, have a great time.

So fatty.

Oh! Go on then, get it over with.


Well what?

You're getting married.

Yes, I got married.

Oh, yes, you got married.

Of course.

You're married.




Have you consummated the marriage?

Dad! That's what you ask, isn't it?

If you're from the 1820s.

All right, do you love the girl?


Did Mum tell you to say all this?

Of course not.


Any more questions or can I go now?

What do the parents do?

What is that piece of paper?

What piece of paper?

Jonny! That's Mum's handwriting.

Give it back.

She's written out instructions for you.

She'll k*ll me! "Try and make him feel sad for us.

" Nice(!) "If doesn't work, say you're a bit ill.

" Yes, that's what I was meant to say.

I'm a bit ill.

COUGHS How's it all going?

Dad just told me he's dying.


Thanks a lot(!) Jonny! Everything OK?

I'm going to the pub.


Jonny-boo! Where are you going?

The pub.



Come on.

But what about my profiteroles?

Bye, love.

Where do you think you're going?

The pub.

No, you're staying here.

Am I?

Oh, right.


Well, have .



Welcome to your first British pub.


Take a seat, babe.

What, and just wait to get stabbed?

That's how it works.

How did you get HER to marry YOU?

Mum and Dad are so annoying! Ha-ha(!) Yeah?


What about it?

Two pints of lager, please.

And for your random bride?

Thank you.

And another pint.

You want two pints and another pint?

Yeah, so three pints.

Thanks for the maths lesson.

Friendly as ever.

I try my best.


Oh, I don't want to know.

She's sorry.


If she's so sorry, text her back and tell her to come here and say it to my face and to my wife's face.

I have to text all that?



Um There.

And congratulations, by the way.

Thank you.

To both of you.

Both of us?

For being wankers.


Kn*fe in back?

Of neck and head?

Are you OK?

Yeah Yeah Oh, no, the birthday boy! Fantastic.


Hi, Jim.

American lady.

Happy birthday.

Yeah, happy birthday.

Is your mother coming?

I don't think so, Jim.

Oh, dear.

Well, cheers.



Yee-ha! Birthday sausage.

Ah, the fun continues.

Great(!) Jackie, you came to my party.

Yes, Jim I'll fetch the champagne.


Champagne! Come on, Wilson.


What are you doing here?

I've come to, um .


apologise for my behaviour.

You've come to apologise?

Can you believe it?

HE LAUGHS I just wanted to say that you two really make a lovely couple and we're so happy for you both.



Thanks, Mum.

Aw! Thanks, Mum-in-law, Dad-in-law.

Aw, pleasure! Lovely.

Are they what I think they are?

Da-da-da, ta-da! Oh, Mum! Congratulations, you two.

Thanks, Grandma.

What is it they say at these things?

Oh, yes, till death do us part! Lisa, shall we maybe Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing.

We're just gonna Hmm! I know.


So, Mrs Goodman?

Yes, Mr Goodman.

Do you think that maybe what we did The whole getting married thing?

The whole getting married thing.

Do you think it was maybe a little Or a lot?

Or a lot Insane?

Completely mental?

Maybe we did rush into it a little bit.



So, do you think we should Yeah, maybe we should.

By the way, do you like apples?

They make me heave.



Everyone, we've kind of got something to say.

She's not up the duff, is she?

Martin! Jonny?

We'regetting a divorce.

LAUGHTER AND CHEERING I'm so pleased for you both.

Thanks, Mum.

And you made such a lovely daughter-in-law.


DOG BARKS Oh, Jim! Jim, are you all right?

So, you're getting divorced from my brother?


No, Mum, don't come near here.

Fancy going out for a drink some time?

Why not?

Yee-ha! # I change shapes just to hide in this place # But I'm still, I'm still an animal # Nobody knows it but me when I slip # Yeah, I'm still, I'm still an animal # I change shapes just to hide in this place But I'm still, I'm still an animal