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03x21 - Best of Friends

Posted: 06/23/23 17:09
by bunniefuu
You having trouble

with your homework, Nicholas?

Yeah, sort of.

See, today, in class

my teacher gave me

a pen pal to write to

and now, I gotta

write him a letter.

Oh, well,

that sounds like fun.

So what's the problem?

Well, what do you write

to a guy in Australia

who has a kangaroo, when

I'm just a guy in Sacramento

with a couple of hamsters?

Well, you could, uh, you could

tell him about your family.

I mean, not many people

have seven brothers

and sisters, right?

- He's got ten.

- Oh.

Well, why don't you tell him

that your father

writes for newspaper?

His dad builds race cars.

Oh, that sounds exciting.

Almost too good to be true, huh?

Yeah, I know.

Well, keep thinking,

I mean, I'm sure

you're gonna come up

with somethin'.


Dear Nick..

I am writing to you

from my house boat.

My father


["Eight Is Enough"]

♪ There's a magic in the early

morning we've found ♪

♪ When the sunrise smiles ♪

♪ On everything around ♪

♪ It's a portrait

of the happiness ♪

♪ That we feel

and always will ♪

♪ For eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

♪ Oh we spend our days ♪

♪ Like bright

and shiny new dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled ♪

♪ By the changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen windowsill ♪

♪ And eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪♪

[instrumental music]


If you don't hurry up

you're gonna

miss your flight.


'I'll be right down.'

"Nicholas and Irving's.."




Where are you

going to sell this?

- Out front.

- Yeah.

We figure we can

get the local trade.

Yes, of course.

And I'll get the litter trade

all over my front lawn.

Don't worry, dad. We're not

throwing anything away.

We're recycling everything.

Oh, well,

that sounds very sanitary.

Yeah, and profitable.



- I'm all set, dad.

- Oh, thank goodness.

Do you think it's really

necessary to bring your entire

wardrobe for one-week

computer training?

Yes, daddy.

People dress in San Francisco.

Oh, yes, well,

what do they do in Sacramento?

Cover their nakedness.

Oh, thank heavens for that.

Nicholas, do you wanna come out

and say goodbye to your sister?


I should know better

than to expect sentiment

from a nine-year- old

business man.

[instrumental music]

What happened?

I thought you disappeared.

Oh, I kinda got lost

in the stacks.

How's it going?

Well, Michelangelo just started

painting the Sistine Chapel.


The Renaissance was supposed

to have been a fun time.

Only when it's compared

to the Spanish Inquisition.

'Hey, you look

a little burned out.'

Did you have a rough workout

at the pool today?


I didn't even go to practice.

I don't know

what's got me down.

Well, whatever it is,

I think I know the cure.



Stop it!

Please stop.

It's good to see you

happy again.

I just need to loosen up.

Are you and Rick

having problems?


Well, maybe.

Nothin' miles won't cure.

It's tough dating

a freshman at Berkeley

when you're still a junior

at Sacramento High.

Why don't you

just give it up?

I guess I'm one

of those people..

...who needs to have

someone who cares.

You don't have to go all the way

to Berkeley for that.


David, we have visitors.

What are you talking about?


We have cockroaches.

Hey, Nicholas, I thought you

were supposed to be watching.


I'm watchin'.

I'm watchin'.

[girls giggling]

Hey, hi, Nicky,

how's the lemonade business?

Well, okay,

if you don't mind bossy sisters.

Okay, Nicholas,

now you're the boss.

Hey, you guys, we gotta

set an extra plate for dinner.


Oh, no, don't tell me Nancy's

given up on computers already.


'No, Tommy's inviting

a guest over for dinner.'

Oh, no, not that

Skids Hendrix again.

Boy, somebody has to teach him

to use a knife and a fork.

This time it's a girl.

Lori West.

Tommy's bringing

a girl home for dinner?


Hey, Elizabeth,

what's the story?

Well, I know they've been

spending a lot of time together.

You know, hanging around

each other at school and stuff.

Oh, come on,

get to the good details.

That's it.

As far as I know, there's

nothing romantic going on.

Oh, yeah, come on,

with our little brother

you cannot believe him.

Really, you guys,

they are just friends.

Come on, I mean, Lori's

going with some college guy

and Tommy's dating

a cheerleader.

Hey, uh, Elizabeth,

she's a majorette, okay?

A majorette. What did you

do with my car keys?

They're over there

on the counter.

Ah, good.

See you guys at dinner.

That doesn't look like somebody

going to pick up a friend.

Unless it was

a very good friend.


[indistinct chatter]

This is great lasagna,

Mrs. Bradford.

Oh, thank you, Lori.

I'd love to take the credit,

but Mary made it.

Well, some people drink

to escape

the pressures of studying..

I cook.

Hm. What's the project you're

working on in school, Tommy?

Oh, it's a term paper.

You're writing it together?

No, we each have

a separate subject

but we're just kind of

helping each other out

with the research.

Oh, you mean, Tommy copies

off your paper?

No, it's not like that,


You see, Tommy isn't

too familiar

with the Dewey Decimal System

'so I try to help him

find the books he needs.'

And Lori doesn't know

when to quit studying, so..

So that's where your years

of valuable experience

come in handy.

Well, we each have

our strong points.

Well, I think Lori

is a very nice girl.

I know.

Anybody who can get Tommy

to help with the dishes

is okay in my book.

Did you see how polite

he was at dinner?

My guess is that there's

something very special

going on between those two.

Tommy says they're

just platonic friends.


That's what

they want us to think.

But I've got

a six sense that says

that they're more

than just platonic friends.

I think that's just

a father's wishful thinking.


Maybe, I don't know.

But don't you think

that a girl like Lori..

I mean, bright,

thoughtful, mature

would be a very good

influence on Tommy?


Look what I did for you.


[instrumental music]

Well, with a miracle or two

I just might

get this paper done.

Hey, are you okay?


Oh, yeah. I guess

my mind just wandered.

You wanna knock off

for the night?

Are you kidding?

I got three more chapters.

Just thought I'd ask.



I think I..

I think I better start reading

those three more chapters.

[instrumental music]

Yeah. You got a mess

of roaches down there, alright.

We have more in the bathroom.

Figured that.

Can't, uh, use

hand-to-hand combat

with this many

of the little devils.

- You can't.

- Oh, no.

Gotta drop the big one.

The big one?

The b*mb.

You know, fumigate.

Oh, when can you get started?

'Well, seeing as I don't have

the proper equipment'

'with me now,

I guess it'll have to be'

'first thing in the morning.'

That'll give you folks

time enough

to find another place

to hole up for a day or two.

I beg your pardon?

Well, you can't stay here

when I'm fumigating.

The smell alone

will knock you out.


'Not to mention

all the dead bodies.'

Oh, yuck!

Well, see you bright and early.


Thank you very much.

Got any ideas

where we're going to stay?

One, but I'm not sure

how it's going to go over.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Lori.

Lori, wait up.

Lori, how come you weren't

in history today?

I just got to school.

Oh, where have you been?

What is this? Do you want

a note from my mother?


It was seeing you.

I'm sorry,

I was just wondering.

I was at a free clinic,


Free clinic?

'What, are you sick?'

What's wrong?

What did they say?

They said I was pregnant.

Hey, come on. I'm serious.

So am I.

[instrumental music]

So this is

the grand opening, huh?


What do you think?

Well, you better let me

take the taste test first

'before I pass judgment.'


Hmm, tasted better

when I made it the other day.

That'll be ten cents.

What? I'm family.


You drink, you pay.

In that case,

it was rotten.

Thank you.

Please come again.

[instrumental music]

Well, you wanna talk about it?

I don't owe you

an explanation.

You have nothing

to do with this.

I'm sorry.

I know you're

just trying to help.

'Yeah, you're right. I am.'

Have you given much thought

to what you're gonna do?


That doesn't mean

I came up with any answers.

You know, they teach you all

about how not to get pregnant.

But nobody tells you

what to do if it happens.

What about Rick?

Have you talked to him yet?

Yeah, I called him

from the clinic.

What did he have to say?

What could he say

except that he was sorry?

Well, isn't he coming back

to Sacramento?

I hope so.

I really need him

right now.

Wait, what about your parents?

I don't wanna think about it.

How do you tell

a mother and father

that their little girl's

in big trouble?

[instrumental music]

Well, well, what brings

you two here so early?

We need a favor.

Alright. Try me.

Room and board.

Temporarily, of course.

They're fumigating

our apartment.

Oh, no, not ants again.

- Roaches.

- Ugh.

Well, I, uh, guess

I can't deny

my home to my own son

and his, uh..

his, uh..


Right, of course.

His attorney.


'Are you sure it's okay

if we stay here?'

Oh, yes.

Are you sure

there's no problem?

We've got a problem.

You forgot to make

reservations for lunch?

No, I'm serious.

We have two unmarried people

staying in our house.

We have seven unmarried people

staying in our house.

What's two more?

Abby, David and Janet

are spending the night.

- Together?

- 'Yes.'

Oh. Can we talk about it later?

I'm hungry.

But it bothers me now.

Nicholas is there.

Well, they'll just

have to sleep separately.

We have plenty of room.

But what about the..

The neighbors?

If they come by,

we can turn out the lights

and pretend

that we're not there.

[telephone ringing]

Now, would you come on?

You invited me to lunch.

[instrumental music]

What is this,

some kind of holiday

where people can't have lemons?

I don't know.

Maybe we're in a bad spot.

You think so?

Haven't you seen all the people

go by that corner?

Maybe we should

move over there.

Okay, let's check it out.

We got nothing better to do.

[instrumental music]

I don't believe it.

Tracey Kappleton.

Isn't she the one

who makes you itch?

Just like poison ivy.


'I can see why.'

- Who's the other one?

- Her sister.

[instrumental music]

Hello, Nicholas.

Can I get something for you?

Yeah, you can get out of town.

[instrumental music]




I didn't think

you were gonna make it.

Uh, listen, Lori, uh..

I know that

it's impossible for me

to totally relate

to what you're going through

and there's nothing

I can say to change things

but...if you need me,

I'm there.

I know, Tommy,

but it's not your problem.

Yeah, I know,

you and Rick..



...that's a laugh.


Go on, read it.

"Dear Lori..

"I know that

neither of us is ready

for the responsibility

of a child yet."

"I hope this covers

the expenses."


"Believe me, it's the best thing

for the both of us.

I'm sorry. Rick."

Three hundred dollars.

That's his idea

of the best thing.

Just a few hours

one afternoon in a clinic

and boom

the problem goes away

just like that.

Well, that particular solution's

just isn't

the right thing for me.

Lori, are you sure?


Yeah, I'm very sure.

Tommy, what am I gonna do?

I'm all alone.


Lori, you're not.

I believe in you.

[door shuts]

Oh, uh, David, hi.

Just the man I wanted to see.

What's up?

- Come in here a second, huh?

- Yeah.

Uh, sit down, David.

[clears throat] know, uh.. the father

of this household

'I-I have certain

ethical responsibilities..'

- Dad, I know--

- Please!

Now, let me finish.

This is important.

I-I, I know

I know that you and Janet

are cohabitating.

'And-and that's your business.'

- Right.

- Right.

But I think that tonight..

With Nicholas..

He looks up to you.

and I-I..

This is so hard to say.

I-I don't think

that I can allow

you and Janet..

Oh, Janet.

We were just talking about you.

I'm sorry,

I just wanted to thank you

for letting us stay here.

Nancy's bed is just perfect.

- 'Nice and hard.'

- Oh.

Nancy's bed.

Elizabeth doesn't snore,

does she?


Wait a minute.

I've been standing here talking

about this for five minutes

and all the time,

you two had already decided to..


- 'David.'

- I'm sorry, dad.

I love to watch you struggle

with your conscience.

[door slams]



Oh, Tommy, I'm in here.

See you later.


- 'Have you got a minute?'

- Uh, certainly.



This must be very serious.

Yeah, it is.

Tell me. Come on.

The suspense is k*lling me.

What is it?

Well, uh, I've come

to a decision and, uh..

I want you to try

and understand it

from my point of view.

Well, I'll try.




Dad, Lori is pregnant.


We have to get married.

[dramatic music]


I can't believe it.

You know, sex is not something

to be taken lightly.

Look, dad,

no one took it lightly.

It was an accident.

I'm sorry.

Sorry? Do you realize

what this means?

Fatherhood at .

Oh, hey, listen, I'd like

to take it back, but I can't.

How could you do something

so irresponsible?

Look, dad, what do you

want me to do?

Walk away from it?

What about Lori?

Yeah, Lori. That's another

thing I don't understand.

She's such a nice girl.

Oh, I get it. Nice girls

don't get pregnant, huh?

No, no, no.

That's not what I mean.

I mean,

that the two of you

should have thought

about the consequences

before you did

something so stupid.

Oh, this is great.

The old Bradford understanding.

You can always count on dad

when the chips are down.

- 'That's enough, young man.'

- Sure, it is.

[door slams]

It's so quiet out there,

it's eerie.

Poor Tommy.

Yeah. Dad really

came down hard on him.

What would you like dad

to do, Susan?

Congratulate Tommy

on his engagement?

Well, no, but he could be

a little more compassionate.

I mean, it's-it's not your

average family crisis, is it?


You know,

I kind of admire Tommy.

I mean, at least

he's standing up

and accepting

the responsibility.


You know,

it's just so unreal.

I mean, you hear about

this kinda thing

but you never expect it

to happen in your own family.


I often wondered what I'd do

if it happened to me.

Can you imagine where

our lives would be like now

if one of us

had a baby at ?

There must be something

we can do to help.

I agree.

But at this point,

I don't know what that is.

They're just a couple of kids.

Not anymore.


'They're probably out right now'

'looking for justice

of the peace.'


'Will you stop

blaming yourself?'

'You did what any father would

do under this circumstances.'

What did I do?

I didn't even listen to them.

I just was too busy yelling

my head off and now..

He'll be back.

Well, and then what?

And then we'll all sit down,

and we'll have a talk.

There are rational ways

of dealing

with teenage pregnancies.

Oh, Tom, the best thing

you can do right now

is to get some sleep.

[instrumental music]

I couldn't.

I'm sorry, Tommy.

I just don't know

how to break it to them.

That's okay.

Come on, let's go for a ride.

Too jumpy to sit still.

Come walk with me.

[instrumental music]

Tommy, this whole marriage

idea, it's not right.

Why do you wanna

throw away your whole life?

It's not your problem.

I don't need someone else

to share it with me.

Look, I'm not just

sharing your problem.

We're working it

out together.

- Tommy, we can't.

- Yeah, we can.

Now, look, I figure if we can

get married next week..

Next week?

Yeah, the sooner

we get settled

the easier it's gonna be

when the baby comes.

Tommy, this is crazy.

Please I'm begging you,

don't get involved.

Look, you said yourself

that you can't handle it alone.

Now you've already found out

how much Rick cares.

And you can't even

tell your own parents.

Now, where does

that leave you?


Is that what you want

for yourself?

I don't know, Tommy.

I don't know.

Is that what you want

for your baby?


[instrumental music]

Why am I doing

this for you?

Because you love me.

I knew there was

a good reason.

It's not gonna be easy

for me down here

knowing you're up there.

I'll blow kisses

from the window.

No, it won't work,

it's too cold outside.

On the other hand,

it's, uh, rather warm upstairs.

You're not thinking..

A midnight rendezvous, yes,

as a matter of fact, I was.

How does it sound to you?

Very romantic.

Very enticing.

And very crowded.

Oh, Elizabeth, no.

Yeah, it's difficult,

but not impossible.

I covered for her once

when she broke curfew

with an electric bass player.

She owes me.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

I don't like doing this.

And I wouldn't like

telling dad about

the electric bass player either.

[dramatic music]




[glasses clinking]

[music continues]

[toilet flushing]


Hi, David.

What time is it?

Nicholas, it's the middle

of the night.

What got you out of bed?

Well, I think it was all

the lemonade that we had

leftover from this afternoon.

Oh yeah,

that'll do it every time.

Come on,

let's get you back to bed.


Where's Tommy?

Well, he had to go

talk to somebody.

He'll be back soon.

How about a story?


Read me this one.

"Captain Ozone And The Screams

From Behind The Layer."

Are you sure this won't

keep you awake?

"And when the radiation cleared

Captain Ozone walked through

"the burned out shell of what

was once the Planet Caniba

happy that the universe

was safe once again."

[instrumental music]

[door shuts]

David, I didn't know

anyone else was up.

Oh, I just needed

another blanket.

Well, uh, look I was, uh,

goin' down to the kitchen

for a snack. I, I could

sure use some company.

Oh, sure.

So that was our fifth date..

...and the next time, well,

he wanted to go to the zoo.

'And he had to see everything.'

That's when I said

"Forget it."

I don't know, David,

you think I was..


Oh, David?

Are you sleeping?

Oh no, what? No.


Well, thanks for listening.




[instrumental music]



'David, what are you doing up?'

Oh, uh,

just getting a blanket.

Oh, I was hoping

you might be Tommy.

No, Tommy's not home yet.

[door shuts]

That must be him now.

Why don't you come down

with me, David?

You might be able

to relate better than I.

Sure, dad.

Tommy...I'm sorry,

I, uh..

...flew off the handle

this afternoon.

- I was wrong.

- Uh, that's okay, dad.

I guess I kinda sprung it

on you without much warning.

Tommy, are you sure

that marriage is the answer?

Baby deserves a father.

Oh, we all understand how

you feel about Lori, but, uh..

do you realize

what marriage means?

Dad, what would you have done

if this had happened to you?

Oh, well, I..

Now, wait,

that's not a fair question.

Things are a lot

different today.

You have alternatives.

Uh, Lori doesn't want

an alternative.

Now, wait a minute,

I'd like to know

where Lori's parents

stand on all this.

- They don't know.

- They don't know?

Tsk, well, you can't make plans

without her parents' consent.

- Dad.

- Uh, look dad, we'll tell them.

We just wanna make sure

everything is worked out first.

Alright, then let's talk

about it, okay?

Have you figured a way

to take care of a..

...of a wife and a child?

Well, I have to run a cheap

apartment somewhere and..

...I guess I'll have to

go out and get a job.

Dad, remember, we once

talked about converting

the garage into an apartment?

Yes, I guess,

we could still swing that.

Uh, do you mean it?

Sure, we're all

in this together.

Hey, there's a chance

I can get you some

light construction work

on weekends.

And you could still

stay in school.


I'll work so hard, it's..

Well, it might not be

the greatest way

to start a new life.

But who knows?

In time..

Uh, dad, I was kinda

wrong today, too.

You were right, I can count

on you when the chips are down.

Not just me.

The whole family.

- Goodnight, you guys.

- Goodnight.

Is it time

to switch back yet?


No. No, not yet.

Now go back to sleep.


[instrumental music]

- How's it goin'?

- Great.

Hey, don't look so down.

I've got everything

under control. It's all set.

- What's all set?

- You and me.


I talked to my dad

and my brother last night.

Wait till you hear

what they're gonna do.

Wait a minute, Tommy. You can't

drag your family into this.

I'm not dragging anybody

into anything.

They wanna help.

Uh, David and I are gonna

turn the garage

'into an apartment for us.'

You expect us to bring up

a baby in a garage.

It'll be perfect, I promise.

And David's gonna line up

some part-time jobs for me

so I can still

go to school.

At least it's not

a total disaster.

Of course.

I can still bring in some money

and still see you.

Besides, David and I

work great together.

'We probably have our own

construction company'

'by the time we bronze

our first baby shoes.'

Look, the important thing is

that you're gonna have a baby.

And the baby's gonna

need a father.

'And I'm not gonna stand by

and watch your life'

'go down the drain when I can

do somethin' about it.'

I let everything get

so messed up.

Look, I want you

to start thinking positive.

My family is behind us.

'Everything's gonna

work out.'

Now I told you I was gonna take

care of you, and I mean it.

Just be quiet and let me

handle everything, okay?

[instrumental music]

Isn't our first batch

ready yet?

I don't know, it says

it takes ten minutes.

You remember when Mary

put them in?

No, but we'll know

when they're done.

We'll show that Tracey Kappleton

she's not the only one

that could run a lemonade stand.

How much water

goes in this stuff?

'Two quarts.'

I just thought

of something.

If we put in four quarts,

we have twice as much, right?


So we can cut our prices

to five cents

and undersell

Tracey Kappleton.



Irving...the cookies.



I think this means

they're done.

I think this means

we're gonna have a fire set.


[instrumental music]

[keys clacking]

[knock on door]


Oh, Lori.


Uh, won't you come in, dear.

Well, please have a seat.

Thank you.

Mr. Bradford, I don't know what

Tommy has told you about us, I--

Oh, no, no, no,

we've discussed the whole thing

and we've decided

to make the best of it.

But you know what

really disturbs me

is that your family

doesn't know what--

Mr. Bradford, that's not what

I came to talk to you about.

It's not my family

I'm worried about, it's yours.

I don't know how

I let this go so far.

Maybe I was being selfish.

When I was so frightened

and alone

I just didn't know

where else to turn.

'I never stopped to think

how much my mistake'

'would affect you

and your family.'

Oh, wait a minute,

I, I don't follow you.

You've gotta stop this

before it's too late.

Tommy is not the father

of my baby.

[instrumental music]

- Look.

- Oh, no.

Hello, boys.

How's business?

Looks like people

are staying away in bunches.

You want some lemonade?

Drink your lemonade?


Then what are you

doing here?

We wanna buy you out.

Buy us out?


'Yes, you boys are giving

lemonade a bad name'

'in this neighborhood.'

Forget it,

we're not selling.

Okay, we just have to

drive you out of business.

Wait, we won't sell.

But we might consider

becoming partners with you.

Okay, I think we can

work something out.

Thanks for driving me home.

Oh, that's alright.

You know, I had the feeling

on the way over here

that maybe you wanted

to ask me something.

I do, I just don't know how.

Oh, don't be afraid to ask.

Mr. Bradford, what should I do?

Well, I can't answer

that question.

Nobody can, really,

it's your decision.

And it's a decision that is not

only gonna affect your life

but also the life that you're

bringing into this world.


I don't know what to do.

Keep the baby,

put it up for adoption?

It's all so confusing.

You haven't told

your folks yet?

I don't wanna hurt them.

See, you're hurting them more

by keeping it from them.

Well, they won't be

as understanding as you were.

Uh, this is a very difficult

thing for them to understand.

Naturally they're going

to feel betrayed

they're going to be upset.

'But that's only normal.'

'And be patient with them.'

'Give them time to remember

how much they love you.'

I don't think

it'll take them too long.

Now I know

why Tommy is so special.

[door closes]

- She told you?

- Yes.

She didn't wanna hurt you.

Hurt me, uh..

Sit down.

Tommy, when someone that you

care for is in trouble

your-your first instinct

is to try to protect them.

'I mean, you'll do everything

within your power to help them.'

But sometimes you can't

always listen to

what your heart

is telling you.

Listen, dad, Lori needs me.

Uh, her baby needs a father.

Did Lori tell you that?

[instrumental music]

Tommy, it's very rare that a man

is willing to sacrifice

his own needs for a friend.

And I'm proud of you for that,

I really am.

But this is the wrong way

to go about helping

someone that you care for.

- I don't think so.

- Maybe you don't.

But Lori does.


She doesn't wanna marry you.

Well, at least,

business is booming.

Yeah, the more it booms,

the more we work.

Some partnership.

What are you gonna do

with your share?

- Take a vacation.

- Yeah, I know what you mean.

Lemonade business

isn't all it's made out to be.

Especially when you're working

for Tracey sl*ve driver.

Are you boys loafing again?

You haven't even finished

squeezing the last box.

We need a break.

Our blisters burn

from lemon juice.

What do I have, couple of

cry babies for partners?

You know our deal.

While you work

at the Big Squeeze

I give the orders.

Got it?

- Hey, Tracey.

- Yeah?

- Go suck a lemon!

- Go suck a lemon!

[instrumental music]

- Well, we didn't get rich.

- But we got even.

[instrumental music]

- Hi.

- Hi.

You know, I'm leaving

this weekend.


What made you decide

on that school?

Well, I talked it over

with my parents and they agree

it's the best thing for me.

The counselors are young

and really nice.

And the girls, well,

we're all on the same boat

so nobody feels like

a freak or anything.

Sounds great.

It's not great.

It's just the only thing

I can do right now.

You know,

I'm gonna miss you.

Me too.

Hey, mister,

if you're just gonna sit there

how about letting us

use it?

Sure, kid.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]

Well, I guess it's not

our place anymore, huh?

You know,

I really do love you.

I love you, too.

I guess I acted like

such a jerk, all my plans and--

No, Tommy,

it was beautiful.

Remember when I told you

I needed someone

who took care about me?


Well, it makes going away

a little easier knowing

there's someone who does.

Well, I hope everything

works out for you.

- I'm scared.

- Yeah, I am, too.

But I know I am doing

the right thing.

I need time to think,

to figure out what's best

for me and the baby.

You're doin' the right thing.

Thanks, Tommy, that helps.

Hey, uh, can I come

visit you sometime?

You better.


Take care of yourself, okay?

Bye, Tommy.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

I'm gonna take

these out to the car.

Okay, I'll be out

in a second.


[music continues]

Wow, uh, leaving so soon?

Oh, yeah, landlord called.

Gave us the all clear signal.

- Roaches are dead and gone.

- Don't count on it.

It's been my experience

that all roaches never die

they just crawl next door.

- Oh.

- Oh-oh.

Does Nicholas know

you're taking his Zappies?

Well, it's a care package.

Our cupboard suffered heavy loss

and we're stocking up.

Alright. Oh, wait a minute,

that reminds me.


You, um, don't wanna

forget this again.


- Thanks.

- Enjoy.

- Thank you.

- Don't mention it.

[instrumental music]

[glasses clink]

[theme music]