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03x19 - Horror Story

Posted: 06/23/23 17:08
by bunniefuu
[eerie music on TV]

(male # on TV)

'Hiding in the coffin

you saw in the cellar.'

(female # on TV)

'I watched him return to it

this morning.'

'I was hiding there

behind that tapestry'

'and, and..'

'Oh, I can't bear

to describe what I saw.'

(male #)

'Good heavens. What horrors

you've been through.'

'Don't worry, little darling.'

'After he sees this,

he'll never frighten you again.'

(female #)

'A cross?'

(male #)


Father O'Malley assured me'

'that this would force the

vampire out into the daylight'

'and to his own destruction.'

(female #)

'Oh, Whitney.

We must be careful.'


'Just stay close behind me.'

'As long as we have this,

no evil will touch us.'

- Nicholas.

- Let me watch.

Oh, I thought it was you,

you spook.

Why aren't you in bed?

Well, I came down

to get my scope.

- What're you watching?

- It's a Dracula classic.

I've got to watch it

for my film class.

Oh, boy.

Oh, no, no. Oh, boy, nothing.

This movie

is rated PG, Nicholas.

Pretty gruesome.

Don't worry,

Us, secret agents can take it.

Sorry about that, ,

but you'll get nightmares

and then I'll get blamed.


How come

you don't get nightmares?

Because I'm a mature person

and you get easily scared.

- Now go to bed.

- Okay.

(female #)


- 'Oh, Whitney, save me.'

- 'If only I could, darling.'


'The cross is lost..'

'Dawn, why will you not

break and save us both?'


Oh, Nicholas, it's you.

- Wait, wait.

- Wait? Are you crazy?

- Well, I'll protect you.

- Protect yourself.


[theme song]

♪ There's a magic in the early

morning we've found ♪

♪ When the sunrise smiles on

everything around ♪

♪ It's a portrait

of the happiness ♪

♪ That we feel and always will ♪

♪ Oh eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪

♪ Oh we spend our days ♪

♪ Like bright

and shiny new dimes ♪

♪ If we're ever puzzled

by the changing times ♪

♪ There's a plate

of homemade wishes ♪

♪ On the kitchen windowsill ♪

♪ And eight is enough ♪

♪ To fill our lives with love ♪♪

You, sir, are a jerk.

I thought personal insults in

a public debate were bad form.

Oh, no, no, no,

I wasn't referring

to my esteemed opponent.

I meant me.

How did I ever let Elliot

Randolph talk me to doing this?

That's easy.

He is your publisher.

Yes, but I mean, just because

he runs the newspaper

doesn't mean

he should run my life.

He knows

how I hate these things!

Oh, come on, Tom,

it's just one night.

It's for a good cause.

It might even be fun.

Fun? Now listen, picnics

are fun. Kittens are fun.

Having a, a public debate

about the population control

is definitely not fun.

Well, then think of it

as a challenge.

In this corner,

ladies and gentlemen

the champion of zero population,

Andrew Silver.

In this corner,

ladies and gentlemen

tipping the scales

with practical experience

the favorite,

Tom "Pops" Bradford!

- Hurray!

- A verbal lightweight.

I'll dance like a bee

and sting like a butterfly.

Agent NXP to Agent IXJM.

Come in, Agent IXJM.


I read you, Agent NXP.

Proceed to infiltrate

enemy headquarters, over.

Roger, Agent IXJM.

Over and out.

[martial music]

Uh-oh. Deadly moth bug gas.

Takes more than that

to stop a secret agent.

[pounding on door]


Agent NXP to agent IXJM.

I've been captured. Help.

You look like a million bucks.

- Green and wrinkled?

- No, suave and debonair.

And I'd throw in handsome,

but I'm already

behind two compliments

to nothing.

Oh, well, you look so beautiful

that it almost makes me forget

what a miserable evening

we have ahead of us.

Now I'm only behind one

compliment and I'd keep this

game up, but I have to see

Nicholas off to the Moores.

Is somebody gonna keep

the home fires burning?

Well, Nancy has a date, but the

rest of the g*ng should be home

a little later to celebrate

the thrill of victory.

Or the agony of defeat.



Agent IXJM to Agent NXP.

Boy, are you a bozo?

It was an accident, Irving.

Now let me out.

Boy, the enemy sure

keeps it dark in there.

Look at all this neat old junk.

Alright, Agent NXP.

We're ready to proceed

with Operation Fake-out.

You really think we can do it?

Sure, if your parents think

you're at my house

and my parents think

I am at your house

'nobody's gonna connect us

with anything.'

I guess you're right.

Sure, it'll be just like

real secret agents.

We can spy on your family and

they won't know where we are.


'Nicholas, time to go.'

Quick, summon those watches.

Rendezvous at checkpoint A

in ten minutes.

- Not the hat.

- Yes, the hat and you know why.

The weatherman says it's going

to be raining very, very hard.

So don't you think

we should give you

a ride over to the Moores?

- Don't worry, I'll be fine.

- Okay.

But now you be sure and call

if you need a ride home, okay?

And do me a favor, would you?

Would you thank

Mrs. Moore for dinner

and try very hard

to stay out of her hair?

Don't worry, she won't

even know I'm there.

Okay. Have a good time.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Tom , have you noticed

what time it is?

Yeah, I'm just going

over some facts.

- I won't be a minute.

- Right, I won't hold my breath.

[thunder rumbling]

Agent NXP to Agent IXJM.

Get away completed.

Uh-oh, enemy female approaching.

Hey, later, alligator.

See ya.

Agent NXP to Agent IXJM.

'The coast is clear. Over.'

Uh, all systems go.

Over and out.


'Fabulous 's, huh?

What a great theme for a party.'

- So do I send you?

- Only back to the .

- Oh, still not nifty-fifty huh?

- Unh-unh.

What about dad's

fraternity sweater?

Wore it a couple of times

in high school.

Uh, check the back

of the closet.


Hey, you know if I find it,

then I won't lease my shoes.

I'm thinking saddle shoes.

You got any?

Sorry, but, uh, there might be

a pair in mom's old stuff.



Uh, hi, Mary, excuse me.

Um, I know you're studying.

But this'll only take a minute.

- I've heard that before.

- No, really, look, um..

See, it's this paper I have

to write for my film class.

Um, you've seen

that movie "Psycho?"

Haven't you,

that famous Hitchcock film?


Oh, you remember that scene

where Anthony Perkins murders

Janet Leigh in shower?

How could I forget?

I had goosebumps for a week.

- That's it, that's it.

- Goosebumps?

No, no. I need

an exact description

of how you felt

during that shower scene.

Joannie, what's the matter

with the way you felt?

Oh, I..

I can't exactly put it in words.

I don't know.

I-I saw "Psycho" years ago.

Oh, no, no, Mary,

you can remember now.

Just concentrate, okay?

You're in the movie.

It was a dark and stormy night.

[thunder rumbling]


- I love your special effects.

- Yeah.

Yeah, well, anyway, um..

Janet Leigh is taking a shower

in the old motel, right?

The music builds.

And through the curtain.. see this dark figure


'Anthony Perkins

as the psycho, Norman Bates'

coming towards her.

The music shrieks.

Norman raises his knife.

He grabs the curtain

and he rips it aside.


That's exactly how I reacted.

You didn't tell me I'd have

to fight a spider for it.

Oh, Susan.


I think the whole thing's gross.

Oh, I don't know, it's probably

not as bad as some things.

Like what?

Like losing the last

of your allowance.

- Gin.

- What?


[metal clanking]

Tommy, what was that?

- Forty nine points.

- Not that.

[metal clanking]

That, that knocking.

Um, I don't know.


- Oh.

- I thought it was funny.

Oh, if this takes any longer

I'm gonna lose

this debate by default.

That Andrew Silver is probably

gloating already.

Tom, there'll be a lot of people

late because of the storm.

Oh, yeah, sure,

but they don't have to

climb up on that stage like me.

I know, it's lonely at the top.

Wet enough, you folks?

Great weather

for ducks though, eh?

And turkeys.

No, after you, I insist.

Ah, I thought you would.


Everyone going to the arena?

Oh, great, I love a big crowd.

They're nice to visit, but did

you ever try to live with one?

- Have you..

- Oh, no.

- 'Hey. What's up?'

- 'I think we're stuck.'

(male #)

'Well, somebody's certainly

going to hear about this.'


'Oh, you bet they are.'

[pounding on door]



- Ow, ow.

- Oh, well, settle down.

It's gonna be great. You..

Oh, great.

Oh, no.


Oh, boy.

[thunder rumbling]


- I tried to warn you.

- Look..

Burning the match is bad luck.

I was trying to conserve energy.

What are we gonna do with all

the candles that are used up?


Only the shadow knows.

- Susan, don't do that.

- Would you relax, Joannie?

- It's only a power failure.

- Don't mind Joannie.

She's just a little bit

"Psycho-ed" out.


- 'Hey.'

- It's Tinkerbell.

I thought I sent you

for the flashlight.

Uh, yeah, well,

I couldn't find a flashlight

and I couldn't find

any extra candles.

But these are great

for quick trips to the bathroom.


- Ouch.

- What are you gonna do?

Play the piano?

[all exclaiming]

Well, troops, uh,

this is all we've got.

So choose your weapons.

Well, um, could I have the..

Yeah, well, how about..

Elizabeth, could you light one?

Wait a minute.


'Oh, hmm. Right.'

What happens now?

I don't know about you guys,

but, uh

I have to study for the course.

Well, go on. guys, splitsville.

Yeah, how about..


Be cool, just another phrase

from the fabulous 's, eh?

Um, my cup runneth over.

- And you call me corny.

- You are corny.


Want me to quiz you on that?

Uh, maybe later, Joannie. I've

still got two chapters to read.

Oh, I can wait.

[Joannie whistles]

Joannie, are you afraid to go

back to your room or something?

Who, me?


Oh, no, no way.

No, I'm,

I'm just, uh, you know..

I really can't

concentrate with you

'staring at me like that.'

Oh, yes.

Oh, sure, no problem.

No problem.


It's not exactly

what I had in mind.

Oh, okay, I-I can take a hint.


"Alas, poor Yorick.

I knew him well."

Wonder if she'll ever

just leave the room

without an exit line.



Well, Yorick.

Guess it's just the two of us.

Oh, here.

Don't go away,

I'll be right back.





Huh, Susan,

that wasn't very funny.





- Who is it?

- Is somebody at the door?

Uh, yeah, I guess so.

Oh, well, could you get it? I

have to find those saddle shoes.

Oh, no, Susan.

I mean how do we..

...know who it is?

We open the door and find out.

Scaredy cat.

Uh, yeah?

Is this Nancy Bradford's


'Uh, yeah, it is,

but she's not home right now.'

- She's at her new job.

- Oh, I see.

We were supposed to

have a date tonight.

Uh, well, come on in.

We can't let you drown.

- Thank you.

- Welcome.

Oh, hi, I'm Susan Bradford.

This is my sister Joannie.

Uh, you look really familiar.

Have we met somewhere before?

I don't think so.

I haven't even met Nancy.

This is a blind date.

I could swear that I've seen you

somewhere before.

I guess I just have

one of those faces.


My name is Norman.

Your name is Norman.

Which doesn't exactly prove

he's a demented m*rder*r.

I'm not saying that

he is a demented m*rder*r.

I'm saying

that he looks like one.

He looks just like

Anthony Perkins did in "Psycho."

Joannie, look, I can't help

the way that he looks.


Yeah, you're right.

You can't help it.

And I can't help

that his name's Norman.

Yeah, I know.

You can't help that it's so..

...creepy outside.


Or that dad's not home.

That the lights are out.

Or that you are reassuring me..

...just the way Janet Leigh

reassured herself..

...right before the stabbing.

Oh, David, where are you?

(male #)

'Ms. Bradford?'


Oh, Mr. Alfred, it's you.

For a minute there,

I thought you were..

- Oh, never mind.

- 'May I offer you a ride home?'

Oh, that's very nice of you

but my brother David's

gonna pick me up any minute.

'I trust he will,

Miss Bradford.'

'You'll need

a good night's rest.'

'Business always picks up

in weather like this.'

Gee, I never thought

of it that way.

'You will in time,

Miss Bradford.'

'Good evening, Miss Bradford.'

So you're, uh, originally

from Hartford, huh?


Sacramento must be

quite a change.


Do you ever think

of moving back?


[clears throat]


'Let's see, that's $'

plus the .

from the triple blitz.

- That comes to--

- I don't wanna know.

Nineteen big ones and

centavos. You're in big trouble.

Uh, Elizabeth, Tommy, this is,

uh, Nancy's date, Norman.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Hello.

- Hey, you came out in this?

What are you driving,

an ark?


Well, Norman, I would

just love to sit around

'and talk about Hartford, but

I've got saddle shoes to find.'

I'll see you

around the quad.



So you're, uh, originally

from Hartford?


Well, Sacramento

must be quite a change.

Now if I were a pair of saddle

shoes, where would I be?


Alright, one down, one to go.

[pounding on door]

'Oh, what a drag!'



[rhythmic tapping]

Three longs, three shorts

and three longs.

No, sir, you're wrong.

SOS is three shorts

three longs

and three shorts.

It doesn't matter anyway

because nobody's

gonna hear us

so we're just gonna have

to wait till they find us.

Well, I hope

they've already started.

Oh, don't worry, folks.

They can't hold their debate

without the winner.


Well, I don't like

to count my chickens

but I don't see

how I can lose.

You-you-you what?

Population control

is my specialty.

Now this guy Bradford,

I'm up against

is-is some nut with eight kids.

- You're Andrew Silver.

- Oh, my pleasure. Missus?

- Bradford.

- Bradford.


Oh, then, uh, you must be..

The nut with the eight kids.

[floor creaking]

Hey, if you're heading

for the kitchen

I could sure use some..


I feel like Nancy Drew

exposing some booby trap.

Oh, drat.

Hey, what's going on?

- Uh.

- What did you do to her?

He didn't do anything, Joannie.

I tripped on that flashlight.


- Hey, Mary.

- I think I sprained my ankle.

Oh, boy!

Lucky, you didn't

break your neck.

Um, Mary, uh,

I think we should do

something about this ankle.

Yeah. Well, ice will take

the swelling down

and I left some scissors and

bandages in the station bag.

- Would you get it, please?

- Oh, sure, I'll get my coat.

Thank you. Help, please.

[Mary groaning]

- What happened?

- I sprained my ankle.


[car honking]

Hi. Oh, gosh.

Ooh! Oh, it's freezing.

Well, if it isn't

the late David Bradford.

Oh, I see that your new job has

improved your sense of humor.

It isn't funny, David.

What took you so long?

The storm caught us by surprise.

We had to lay tarps

over everything.

You know,

I have a blind date.

He probably thinks

I've stood him up.

Nancy, every road is flooded.

There's a major power failure.

People do not got out

on a night like this.

Look, not everybody's

afraid of a little water.

Who are you going out with?

Donald Duck?


What a wise cr*cker.


Mission accomplished.

Why don't you let me

take care of those?

I'm very good with my hands.

You're soaked.

What you need

is a nice, hot shower.


Oh, well,

I'm a bath person myself.

- Oh!

- Oh! Joannie!


Oh, I'm sorry!

Way to go, ace!

Uh, it's my fault,

I'll get it.

Uh, I think you forgot the..

[thunder rumbling]

Wow! There goes

the Morgan's oak tree!

- Did it hit anything else?

- Well, I can't see a thing.

You couldn't get me out

in that for a million bucks.

Hey, Joannie, you think

Nicholas is okay at the Moores?

Oh, I don't know.

Oh, he and Irving are probably

just telling ghost stories.


You know, maybe

we better call over there

just to make sure, huh?

Yeah, Irving probably has him

scared to death by now.

There's no answer.

You think something's wrong?

Yeah, with your dialing.

Probably got the wrong number.

The phone's dead.


'It was working a minute ago.'

The line's

are probably just down.

Or somebody cut them?

You forgot these.


'Some secret agent.'

Oh, it's only you.

Why didn't you report

back in, Agent NXP?

Irving, can't you

be Irving for a minute?

- I think we're in trouble.

- What do you mean?

- It's going great.

- Maybe for you, it is.

Except when my sister

can walk again

she's gonna k*ll me.

What happened?

Well, I dropped my flashlight

and she strained

her ankle on it.

You lost your flashlight?

Yeah, and I think

that weird-looking guy has it.

What weird guy?

I don't know his name

but he's tall,

dark and creepy-looking.

A mysterious stranger.

I bet the enemy has sent in

Agent ICU.


Better known as The Silence.

I just dialed the wrong number,

that's all.

Yeah, maybe some wires

got crossed.

Look, Nicholas is fine.

Uh, he's at the Moores

and there's nothing

to worry about.

[thunder rumbling]

Guess we just have

to wait out the storm.


I wonder

what's keeping Nancy.

Oh, I thought David

was supposed to pick her up.

You don't think

they're in trouble, do you?

Look, I think we're all

gonna be in trouble

if we start thinking

thoughts like that.

Yeah, Mary's right.

I mean, it doesn't pay to worry.

Gin rummy?

Okay, but only

if I get a handicap.

Well, since I've already got one

would you guys do me a favor

and get my books?

You got it, Hop Along.

Maybe anatomy will, uh,

get my mind off my foot.


I just wish I knew

what was happening.

Does anybody

have a transistor radio?

- That's a good idea.

- Yeah, yeah, Susan has one.

Only I haven't seen it

in a long time.

Too bad.

Come to think of it

I haven't seen

Susan in a long time.


'Help me!'

'Somebody, please get me out

of here. What do you say?'

That's what I thought

you'd say.

Says who?

The facts speak for themselves,

Mr. Bradford.


Well, call them what you like

but they point to one

inevitable conclusion.

Really? What is that?

That if life is to continue

there must be no more children.

Oh, really? Well, if there

were no more children

there would be no more life!

Figures don't lie, Mr. Bradford.

People are our future,

not statistics.

Oh, and you have

any proof of that?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.

I have living proof.

I'll start with David.

He is my oldest.

No, no,

the detours I've taken

I-I think I've got us lost.

Oh, terrific.

And I have a blind date

waiting for me at home.

Hey, if he's worth it,

he'll wait.

Oh, no!


Guess who forgot

to stop for gas?

So what are we

supposed to do now?

Sit around here

and hope somebody finds us?

No, I got us into this,

I'll get us out.

We can't be too far from help.

David, be careful.

Don't worry about me.

Uh, I've always been

a terrific swimmer.


You'll be okay.




Oh, very funny.

Well, I couldn't find

Susan's radio

but I did find Nicholas'.

(man on radio)

'Amy Carter said of her father's

Camp David announcement'


'On the local front,

several areas of Sacramento'

'have experienced the loss

of electrical services'

'due to storm damage

to at least one power station.'

'And this word just in from

authorities at Folsom Prison.'

'They report that a prisoner'

'has successfully escaped

from the institution'

'and is presumably still

in the Sacramento area.'

'The prisoner is described

as years old'

'dark hair,

feet tall and slender.'

'He is to be considered

armed and dangerous.'

'Do not,

under any conditions'

'attempt to detain

this man yourself.'

'And now back to sunny music

on a rainy evening.'

I'm not sure an escaped

prisoner would go out

on a night like this.


foot, dark,

slender, years old.

It's not

a very good description.

No. Could fit

just about anybody.

Hey, yeah.

It even fits

Norman's description.


Hey, that's funny.

Alright, maybe we should

tell Norman about that.

Maybe we shouldn't

tell him about it.

Yeah, maybe we should

just forget the whole thing.

Yeah, why don't we

try forgetting it

over a nice game of gin, huh?

[thunder rumbling]

He's too quiet.

He has to be The sil*ncer.

Maybe he just doesn't

have anything to say.

Well, he won't get me

without a fight.

- 'Susan, is that you?'

- Quick! Upstairs!


'Come on, give me a break,

I'm starving!'

Let's go!


Have any of you guys

seen Susan?

No, not in a while.

Look, I hope you don't

think I'm being paranoid

but I think it's really strange

that she disappear right after..

...Norman got here.

You're right.

You are being paranoid.

Come on,

maybe Susan just went out.

Oh, sure, Susan enjoys

doing weird things

like wandering

around in rain storms.

Really, and there are

a lot of weird things

that have happened

here tonight.

- Such as?

- That.


'Well, the wind

probably blew it open.'

I know that door was locked.


Okay, okay, I'll close it.

Hey, it's no big deal.

Good work, Agent NXP.

We can plan

our next move from here.

But you said if I get us

back in, we'll surrender.

And let The sil*ncer take over?


Repeat your oath, Agent NXP!

Irving, not now!

Okay, go ahead,

turn yourself in.


Through Chinese tortures

and enemy att*cks..

- A secret agent never cracks.

- A secret agent never cracks.

[floorboards creaking]

[Nicholas sneezes]

[Nicholas sneezes]

Is someone there?

[thunder rumbling]


- Mary, what's wrong?

- Uh!

What! Oh!

I heard a scream.

- Where do you keep the knives?

- Second drawer.

Well, who was it?

That was a face of a mad man.

Are you implying that I'm crazy?

I saw a strange man

in that house.

Look, Dr. Maxwell

those Bradfords

are all a little strange.

This was not a Bradford.

This was a man with glazed eyes

and a knife in his hand.

Are you sure

you had the right house?

I have excellent vision.

Now, when I saw that Tom's car

was not in the driveway

I decided to check

on the kids.

And it's a darn good thing

I did too.

Yeah, we've been hearing from

a lot of helpful people tonight.

You know how many

were false alarms?

Do you know what I want,

Officer Bernstein?

- Stein, Bernstein.

- Stein.

'You know what I want,

Officer Bernstein?'

I want some action

and I want it now!

Okay, okay, take it easy.

You'll get your action

just as soon

as I can get us a squad car.

Do we have any squad cars?

You want a limousine?

I just wish I knew

where Susan was.

I'm sure she's okay.

Things are getting

very weird, you know?

Oh, I know, Elizabeth,

just calm down.

We don't need anyone

panicking around here.

[Nicholas sneezes]


Alright, who ever you are,

give yourself up.

- Nicholas?

- What are you doing here?

- Hiding.

- Oh, why?

'Cause you're not supposed

to see secret agents.

Nicholas, do you mean

to tell me that you have

been playing

in this house all night?

Yeah, pretty good

undercover work, huh?

You were doing all the tapping.

You blew out my candle.

You were the one that left

the flashlight on the stairs.

Nicholas, how could you

be so irresponsible?

Irving, your parents

are going to be scared stiff.

No, I told them I'd be here.

[thunder rumbling]


I don't think here

is such a good place to be.

I feel much more safe upstairs.

- Yeah.

- Come on.

Oh, boy.



(male #)

'Are you all alone?'

I think we should

barricade the door.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

There's only one of him

and seven of us.

Well, almost.

I guess you're still

pretty mad, huh?

I'm sorry you got hurt.

It was just a dumb game.

Haven't you gone to that part

in medical school

where you can fix

strained ankles?

Oh, Nicholas,

it's gonna be okay.

You're all wet.

He's back.

Well, how do you view

the tactical situation?

- Tactical situation?

- Yes!

Do you have sirens

and bull horns?

No, doctor,

I was thinking about trying

something a little different.

Tear gas?

Well, actually

I was thinking

about ringing

the front doorbell.




'I think somebody

beat us to it.'


Spread out!

What's going on here?

It's the power for one thing.

- Oh! Alright!

- Oh, thank goodness!

Hey, look, you guys,

the whole block's back on.

Well, at least

we don't have to worry

about the prowler anymore.


Hey, I'll say, you guys

I think the cops

just busted him.

- Yeah!

- Alright!

Nicholas may be

a little young yet

to be choosing his life's work

but he could make

a great contribution someday.

He might very well be the one

that could solve

this whole population problem.

He was my eighth child,

Mr. Silver.

What if he's the one

with the answer?

But then what if

he was never born?

Alright, Bradford, you win.

- You concede?

- You've worn me out.


The lights!

Uh, not a moment too soon.

- The winner.

- Congratulations.

All I saw was a figure,

I didn't know who it was.

[indistinct chatter]

Quiet, please! Quiet.

Now, let me see

if I got this straight.

Now, the guy

that was trying to break in

through the front... the brother.

- I'm David.

- How do you do?

And the guy

who is trying to break in

through the back

is the family doctor.

- Yes, we've met!

- I know, I know.

And the guy..

...who is running

around with a knife is..

Just exactly who are you?


I had a date with Nancy

though I'm beginning

to doubt she exists.

Who is Nancy?

I am.

- Hey, you guys--

- Nancy!

[indistinct chatter]



Norman, I need your address

for my report.

- , Ashley.

- Ashley.

- Sacramento.

- Alright.

What's your phone number?


- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Um, excuse me, officer.

Nancy, can I talk

to you a moment?

- Sure, I'll be right back.

- Sure.

Nancy, I really don't

think you ought

to be going out with that guy.

- With him?

- No, no, with him.


'Oh, why not?'

Because he's really

kind of strange.

Besides he's not your type.

I think he's kind of cute.

- 'You do?'

- 'Mm-hmm.'

Kind of reminds me

of a, a young Anthony Perkins.


Uh, this is Dr. Maxwell.

Any messages for me?

- Max!

- Tom!

What are you doing here?

What happened?

Listen, th-there's absolutely

nothing to panic about.

That's easy for you to say!

You're not the father!

[all clamoring]

He's come.

What in heaven's name

is going on here?

- Oh, I strained Mary's ankle.

- What?

But Dr. Max said

it'll be as good as new.

Dad, it happened after

the lights went out.

[all clamoring]


Excuse me, I just noticed

that there are

seven more or less

intact Bradfords.

Where is number eight?



Nobody ever found Susan.

Found? How can you

lose your sister?

Alright, take it easy,

Mr. Bradford, I'll handle this.

Now, uh, when was the last time

that you saw

this Susan person?

Right after he got here.

So as far as you know,

she's still here in the house.

Then how come

we haven't seen her for hours?

I don't know.

She said something

about looking for saddle shoes.

- What's sadder shoes?

- Saddle shoes.

Girls used to wear 'em

in the olden days.

Olden days?


'Oh, wait a minute.'

Are there any doors

in the house

with any tricky locks

or-or latches?

I got it!

I bet I know where Susan is!

Enemy headquarters!

Come on!

- What?

- Nicholas, what?


You got locked in.

I must have fallen asleep.

Did I miss anything?

[all laughing]


'And you should

have seen his face'

'when I told him

that the problems of tomorrow'

'will be solved

by the Nicholases of today.'

You know, for someone

who hates public speaking

you were positively eloquent.

Oh, yeah?

Well, it wasn't exactly public

but it was a big step for me.

I cannot believe why I blew

things out of proportion.

That seems to run in the family.

Oh, boy, I said I was sorry.

I apologized to Norman

three times.

Yeah, but the point is, you've

got to conquer you own fear

before it conquers you.

Tom, it's your publisher,

Mr. Randolph.

Apparently Mr. Silver told him

how impressive you were.

Oh, yes, he's, uh, probably

calling to congratulate me.

Oh, not exactly.

He wants to know

if you'll speak at

the Press Club, Thursday night

on Children,

Our Hope Or The Future?

Oh, no!

Tell him I can't.


'What's the matter dad?


Yeah, what happened

to conquering your fear?

No, it's not that.

It's just that I'm too busy.

Raising the hope

of the future

is a full-time job.

[theme music]