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02x02 - Ad Astra Per Aspera

Posted: 06/23/23 07:03
by bunniefuu
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Previously on Strange New Worlds...

All I ever wanted since
I first saw the stars

was to join Starfleet.

I'm an Illyrian. I've committed
a Federation offense.

If you shelter me
they could come after you, too.

I welcome that discussion.

BATEL: I'm arresting Commander
Una Chin-Riley

for violations of our anti-genetic

modification directive.

I didn't ask for this job.

- PIKE: You need a lawyer.
- UNA: She won't respond.

She won't take my calls either.

This is not a plum case.

I'm gonna talk to her myself,

Just hang in there, Number One.

That's an order. Pike out.

She needs a hospital.

That is out of the question.

- WOMAN: Her leg isn't healing.
- It will.

WOMAN: It's going to get infected.

MAN: If we go into the hospital,
they might see her

fighting infection.
They'll run tests to find out.

- Mom?
- I know, baby.

I know it hurts.

You're gonna be okay.

I promise.

It needs to get set or it won't heal.

Her system can't handle it.

She is a child. She needs a doctor.

Look, if we go to
the hospital now, they'll see,

and we'll lose everything.

Her life will be ruined, all of ours.

We'll figure this out. She'll be okay.

Una will be okay.

BATEL: Starfleet would
like to offer a deal.

Plead guilty to knowingly
submitting false information

to Starfleet by failing to disclose

your genetic modification status,

and we'll accept dishonorable dismissal.

No prison time.

Dishonorable dismissal?

No exile. You'll still
be a free Federation citizen.

Starfleet is willing
to seal your records

and look the other way.

They want to cover their mistake.

They are grateful for your service.

Una, you don't want to drag this out.

And you don't want others
to get dragged in.

It's a fair deal.

It's a good deal, given the evidence.

She's right. We won't get better.

This charge can carry
two years imprisonment

at the minimum.

Don't you think we should
sidebar this conversation?

BATEL: That's a good idea.

Take some time,

talk it over with your counsel.

How can he counsel me
when he works for you?

PIKE: Captain's personal log,
stardate ..

I have traveled to the Vaultera Nebula

to find legal help for my first officer.

The atmosphere here is not
suitable for human life.

The locals, however, have adapted.

Yes, he's still here.

Yes, I told him.

No, he did not.


- Counselor Ketoul still can't see you today.
- I can wait.

I told you she's booked.

She has a deposition,
then an arraignment.

I can wait.


I don't think that you can.

Try me.



ASSISTANT: Fine, fine, fine. Okay!

- Ugh!

- You can take off your mask, Mr. Pike.

The air is safe for you now.


I knew you were stubborn,

I just didn't think you were stupid.

This planet is inhospitable
to all but...

Except to Illyrians.

Genetically engineered
to survive in this...

charming environment.

You would think that would
allow us a measure of privacy.

Should have returned my calls.

And you should learn to take a hint.

Or do they not teach reading
the room at the Academy?

Been a while since I was at the Academy,

so I don't recall.

Una needs your help.

Starfleet Command
found out that she's Illyrian.

It was only a matter of time
before she was outed.

Starfleet will never let
an Illyrian serve. Not openly.

But that is not my problem, Mr. Pike.

Now, I really do have a busy day.


I don't know what happened
between you two,

but she's your friend.

Una Chin-Riley is not my friend,
and neither are you.

Please leave.

I know why you feel the way
you do about Starfleet,

the Federation, all of us.

I saw some things.

On a research mission
to an abandoned Illyrian colony,

we found out that
it wasn't so... abandoned.

I saw what can happen to Illyrians

who reverse their genetic modification

just so the Federation will accept them.

Old fears can be hard to let go of,

but we were wrong
about Illyrians. All of us.

I was wrong.

Congratulations. You discovered empathy.

Let me know when the rest
of your Federation catches up.

They're going to dismiss her.

Everything she's strived for,
her life's work,

her entire career.

Everything that she's contributed.

Dishonorable dismissal
is getting off easy.

Starfleet race laws are draconian.

She's lucky she isn't getting
charged with sedition.

Yes, Mr. Pike,
I am familiar with her case.

The proceedings are sealed.

I make it my business
to know what happens

behind closed doors.

Many of my clients' lives depend on it.

Now, if that will be all.

How's that working out for you?

- The cases against the Federation.
- Excuse me?

See, I do my homework, too.

Ten cases thrown out or overturned

in two years for insufficient evidence?

Good cases, too, as far as I can tell.

Take this case.

If you win,
half the quadrant will know it.

And it'll bring your
other cases more attention.

Maybe the attention that they deserve.

Are you attempting
to bribe me, Mr. Pike?

I'm trying to convince you.

I'm trying to save an old friend.

And maybe do some good here.

Are you? Or are you gonna

let whatever happened
between you and Una

get in the way of your life's work?

Just take a look at the case file.


I doubt you'd even break a sweat.

You're a piece of work, Pike.


But you still haven't said no.

GUARD: Visitor.

UNA: Neera!

I had to see it for myself.

I said this would happen.

After years,
the first thing you say to me

is "I told you so"?

I didn't think you'd...

I'm not here for a reunion.

Tell me the story of the story.

Short version, your words.

Until two months ago,
my record with Starfleet

was spotless.

When they didn't know, they didn't care.

The only thing that's changed

is that they know the truth.

And that you lied about it.

Must be nice.

What's that?

It's just, some Illyrians
have modifications

they can't hide,
and some of us refuse to.

Neera, I should have...

Please proceed, Commander.

So then somebody turned me in,

and now Starfleet
is asking me to hide again,

so that no one has to know

an Illyrian climbed the ranks
of Starfleet.

It'll be like it never happened.

- Like I never happened.
- So?

You had your playtime,
acting like one of them.

Accept your dismissal,
take your licks and go home.


Why not?

Because I shouldn't
have to hide anymore.

None of us should.

I know I should have done better.

I didn't stand up when I should have.

I'm standing up now.

I'll tell opposing counsel
their deal is rejected.

Thank you.

Don't. I'm not doing this for you,

I'm doing this for me.

And for all the Illyrians
who can't or just won't

pretend to not be who they really are...

so they can run away to Starfleet.

Una rejected my deal.


Do you know how hard it was
to get that deal approved?

I called in every favor.

And do you think that was easy?

Because I can tell you it was not.

Maybe you should have thought about that

before arresting her.

[SCOFFS] Don't be a child, Chris.

I know you think I betrayed you.

Una should be on my bridge
right now doing her job,

not sitting in some jail cell.

I don't write the code,
and my job... our job...

Oh, our job.

... is to uphold it, regardless.

Una broke the law.

And what if the law is wrong?

Chris, I didn't ask
to be put on this case.

If you stop and look for one second,

you'll see I've done
everything in my power

to help Una.

That plea deal was her best shot.

And now that she's turned it down,

my boss, the judge advocate general,

is looking into the case.

I don't know why,
but whatever the reason,

it won't be good for Una.

She should have taken the deal.

See you in court.



JAVAS: We'll begin the arraignment

as soon as the prosecution arrives.

Ah. What's this?

Vice Admiral Pasalk.

I didn't know you were joining us today.

Admiral, in light of the defense's

rejection of a plea bargain,

We would like to petition
the court to amend the charges

against Lieutenant Commander Chin-Riley.

You may proceed, Captain Batel.

BATEL: For failure to disclose her
genetic modification status,

we are charging Una Chin-Riley
with knowingly submitting

false information to Starfleet

as well as violating
Starfleet code to

prohibiting Starfleet officers
from engaging in

permanent bioengineering,

and two counts of sedition.

We're seeking dishonorable
dismissal and years

in a Federation penal colony.

PIKE: Space.

The final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship

Its five-year mission:

to explore strange new worlds..

... to seek out new life

and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no
one has gone before.

♪ ♪

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♪ ♪

Twenty years for lying
on an application?

You decided to fight back and
not make this easy for them.

- They want to make an example out of you.

- What do we do?
- We fight.

Who's first on their witness list?

Admiral Robert April.

April sponsored my application
to the Academy.

I served under him for years
and he promoted me.

- This is good for us, no?
- No.

Pasalk wouldn't bring a friendly witness

without a strategy.

Put me on the stand.

Let them see that being an Illyrian

doesn't change who I am as an officer.

Are you being funny?
You were never funny.

I know it's normally not a good idea,

but shouldn't they see me,
a successful Starfleet officer?

It's a good story.

Your story doesn't matter to their case.

You broke the law. I put you up there,

they'll just use you
to corroborate their facts.

Or worse, to tear you down,
or likely bring down

a bunch of your
so-called friends with you.

Do you care about my story?

I care that my client

not hand the prosecution the case.

My way this time, Una.

Your way.

The captain suggested
you could set up shop here.

I bet he did.

Well, she's not using it.

I'll need access to the Starfleet

Uniform Code of Justice.

I assume it's in your database.

Also, Una's service records.

Thank you, Lieutenant Noonien-Singh.

Is there something else?

I think I might be of some
assistance to the case.

Counselor, are you familiar
with Starfleet v. Wyck?

I am a civil rights lawyer.

Yes, of course.

If I understand the principle
behind the ruling, then...

Starfleet v. Wyck
is used as an example of

"fruit of the poisonous tree".

If evidence is procured
through illegal means,

it's inadmissible in court.

You think some of the evidence
against Una

was illegally obtained?

If it was, could you get
her case thrown out

on a technicality?

If the evidence was rotten,

I might be able
to get her case dismissed.

Lieutenant, is there something
you know that I should know?

Just let me cover all the bases first.

Well, you know where I'll be.


May I?

Fraternizing with the enemy?

I'll take my chances.

You look awful.

Thanks for that.

Does this have something
to do with the fact that

your name wasn't on the witness
list for the defense?

I know what you're gonna say.

Putting me on the witness stand
is a terrible idea.

But you want to fight for your friend.

And I can handle it.

I've served with Una longer than
anyone else on this crew.

I'm in the best position
to speak to her character.

When did you two meet?

Uh, I gave a speech to her Academy class

forever ago.

[CHUCKLES] That must have
been awful for you.

I know how you hate to give
long, inspiring speeches.

I was speaking about
a test mission I'd flown.

Una came up to me afterward
and, uh, pointed out

- a mistake I'd made during reentry.
- Bold.

And annoying.

But she was right.

She had the guts to tell me.

April once told me that
every good captain needs

a first officer who will
tell him when he's wrong.

Yeah, he said that to me once, too.

And when did you first learn
that she was Illyrian,

Captain Pike?

I ask again. How long were you aware

that you were harboring
an Illyrian on your ship,


I will remind you you are on the stand,

and under oath you do not have
the option of not answering.

All right, you've made your point.

I know you want to help Una, Chris,

but if you take that stand,
this whole case

becomes about you.

You are the captain of this ship.

You knew Una was an Illyrian,
and you didn't tell Starfleet.

You could be charged with conspiracy,

and your whole crew could be at risk.

No inspiring speeches today.

Today, if you want to help Una,

the best thing you can do
is leave the talking to others.

ORTEGAS: "Mr. Spock,

I do hope you understand why I have to

throw your friend in jail

simply for being who she is".

"Of course, Mr. Pasalk.

It is only logical.

Shall we play a round
of Kal-toh this weekend?"

"Yes. That would be enjoyable".


You don't see the tension there?

What tension?

They're all, like, buddy-buddy.

Vulcan bros.

M'BENGA: Vulcans may not give much,

but you can read their body language.

And those two...

... hate each other.

Are you messing with me right now?


I regret that you had to
witness that outburst.

We won't say a word.

- Mm-mmm.
- Thank you, Doctor.

Of all of my father's former colleagues,

Pasalk truly brings out the worst in me.


Ensign Uhura.

I need any communications
referencing Commander Chin-Riley

for the last six months.

Okay. I'll collate.

Including all personal logs, ship-wide.

Sir, with respect,

per Regulation , Section B,
all personal logs remain sealed

unless by order of Starfleet Command.

- Sufficient evidence...
- I know the rules, Ensign.

I'm giving you an order.

You're doing this to help Una.

Right? She's your friend,

your mentor. I understand.

But you are mine.

And giving me an illegal order will just

get you in trouble if I follow it.

I don't think the commander
would want that for you.

Neither do I.

We need to find out who turned her in.

It might well be
the only way to save her.

Then, respectfully,

we're going to have to
find out another way.

- Nyota...
- I'm sorry. No.


JAVAS: This court is now in session.

Joining me as judges in this tribunal

are Space Command
Representative Zus Tlaggul and

Starfleet Commander Chiv.

Commander Chin-Riley, do you consent

to Captain Batel

as the prosecuting officer?

I do.

Let the charges be read.

COMPUTER: Lieutenant commander
Una Chin-Riley

has been formally charged with violating

Starfleet regulation -,

prohibiting permanent DNA modification,

as well as submitting false
information to Starfleet,

and two counts of sedition.

How do you plead, Commander?

- Not guilty.

BATEL: The Federation's stance
on genetic engineering is clear.

The practice is dangerous and illegal.

The reasons for this are many,

but the outcome
of the Eugenics Wars on Earth

speaks for itself.

Tens of millions dead.

Pushed to its limits,

genetic engineering
is nothing short of playing God.

By interfering with DNA
and removing genetic outliers,

we endanger the very essence
of natural evolution.

NEERA: Captain Batel is right.

Permanent genetic modification

is illegal under Federation law.

sl*very was once legal.

Apartheid was legal.

Discrimination against people
for how they worshipped,

how they loved, their gender,
color of their skin...

all legal at one time or another.

A law does not make something just.

I'm not saying the Federation
means to do harm.

Their experience
with genetic modification...

the Eugenics Wars...

was horrific.

The pain that Earth felt, unimaginable.

The Federation built
a utopia in its wake,

and in an effort to protect that utopia,

they became blinded
by a centuries-old fear,

so much so that they have,
perhaps unknowingly,

become persecutors.

My client is only here
because of who she is

and because she felt she had

no other choice than to hide that fact.

Just like the millions before her

who were forced to hide
how they worshipped,

how they loved,
what they truly looked like,

because it made others


Because it made others afraid.

If a law is not just, then I ask

how are we to trust those
who created that law

to serve justice?

BATEL: The prosecution calls
Admiral Robert April to the stand.

Admiral April, Una Chin-Riley
served under your command

when you were captain of
the USS
Enterprise, correct?


But before that,
you sponsored her application

- to Starfleet Academy.
- I did.

So would it be fair to say

you have an investment in Una's career?

It would.

Admiral, I have to ask,

at any point, did
Lieutenant Commander Chin-Riley

disclose to you that
she was genetically modified?

- No.
- If you had known she was genetically modified,

would you have sponsored her application
to Starfleet Academy?

Una is an extremely talented officer,

and one of the most gifted
applicants I'd ever met.

That is not the question, sir.

If you had known Una Chin-Riley
was genetically modified,

would you have sponsored her application

to Starfleet Academy?

You're under oath, sir.

No, I would not.

BATEL: Thank you, Admiral.

It takes a big man
to admit his mistakes.

I admire that, Admiral.

Just for the record, could
you tell the court why

you would not have sponsored
Commander Chin-Riley's

Starfleet application, specifically?

Starfleet Regulation , Article

explicitly prohibits
genetically modified people,

- such as Illyrians, from serving.
- NEERA: Of course.

You are an honorable, decorated admiral.

You wouldn't want to break protocol

for any one individual applicant.

- Let me stress this is not personal.
- Right.

It's the law.

Admiral April,

can you tell me what
General Order One is?

Objection. Relevance?

I'm curious myself.
Tread carefully, Counselor.

I will, Your Honor. Admiral,

what is General Order One?

No starship may interfere
with the normal development of

- any alien life or society.
- NEERA: Yes.

A very important law.

So much so that you now refer to it as

the Prime Directive,

- do you not?
- Yes, that is correct.

NEERA: In , while in command
of the

you chose to warn the Perricans,
a pre-warp civilization,

about a possibly apocalyptic
meteor shower

about to hit their planet.

Were you then following
General Order One?

- That was different.
- .

You sent your science officer
to the industrial-age planet

Na'rel to solve the imminent threat

of an extinction-level drought

by sharing Federation technology.

- Were you in compliance then?
- BATEL: Objection. Relevance again.

An entire planet would have died.

And when you landed
on the hostile planet Man-us

without your security officer,

you chose to reveal your starship

to the pre-warp civilization Ohawk.

- Objection!
- Did you comply then, Admiral?

JAVAS: Counselor, I will remind you

the witness is not on trial here.

Admiral, it would seem that
the rules of Starfleet

only apply when a captain
deems that they do.

Is there a question, Counselor?


You have shown that you have been

repeatedly willing to break

the very first order of Starfleet

and you are hailed as a hero.

You can break the law
if you so choose. So, hiding

behind order and protocol
to explain why you would

not have admitted
Una Chin-Riley to Starfleet

is a sanctimonious falsehood, is it not?

- Objection!
- JAVAS: Counselor!

You will cease this line
of questioning at once.

My client did not ask
to be genetically modified.

It is an Illyrian cultural practice

done to children before
they are even born.

It is done for survival,

and yet she has been arrested

because of a violation of a law.

But the admiral has just shown
us that Starfleet regulations

are flimsy and subjective at best.

Starfleet captains make
judgement calls every day.

Calls that save lives.

Una Chin-Riley's services to Starfleet

have been commendable, yes.

But the law that she broke
is there to save lives

and prevent genocide.

So, if you ask me, Counselor,

if I would have denied
Commander Chin-Riley's

access to Starfleet Academy had I known

she was genetically modified,

my answer is still yes, I would have.

So you admit that the reason
for your decision

is not law, but fear
and racial prejudice.

- BATEL: Objection!
- Sustained. - Counselor Ketoul,

this is a court martial
for Una Chin-Riley,

not Admiral April.

That you are unable
to defend your client

does not permit you
to attack the Federation

or our officers.

All of the admiral's testimony
will be stricken

from the court record.

Did Una's lawyer just
try and indict Admiral April?

It would appear so.

I guess that's one strategy.

That didn't exactly
make April look good.

But how does any of this help Una?

Oh, boy.

So, the lawyer was your idea.

She was.

She's one of the best
civil rights litigators

in the galaxy, and Una's friend.

You know, I think highly of Una.

Promoted her faster than
any other officer on my ship.

Recommended her
for the Medal of Gallantry

after the Marcel disaster in .

Yeah, I know.

It's a shame the rest
of the court didn't get a chance

to hear that today.




What the hell was that?

You're supposed to defend me,

not attack Admiral April,

- not indict the Federation.
- Why not?

Why are you still
trying to protect them?

I thought you said
you were ready for this fight.

Do you know how rare it is
to get a platform like this?


Most Illyrians don't
have your privilege.

Has it occurred to you that
your case might bring us

one step closer in dismantling the law?

Maybe in the future there can be
justice for Illyrians.

I thought you knew that.

All you ever wanted here was a soapbox.

This isn't about defending me.

This is just a way for you
to broadcast your hatred

of the Federation.

I thought you were here
to help me, but you're not.

As long as you can make
the Federation look bad,

then who the hell cares if I get
left behind in the process?

I think we both know you're not
the one who gets left behind.


That's all in the past.

We should talk about it.


I told you that I would try.

And that's exactly what I'm doing.

Because at least with me,

what you see is what you get.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have work to do.

The defense calls to the stand

three expert character witnesses.

La'An Noonien-Singh,

security officer for the USS Enterprise.

I am the chief science officer.

Chief medical officer
of the USS Enterprise.

I graduated top of my class
and have been promoted

each year during my tenure in Starfleet.

You were also in consideration

- for the Starfleet Medal of Gallantry.
- Yes.

- So you've saved lives?
- Yes.

When did you first meet Una Chin-Riley?

On my first day as an ensign
on the Enterprise.

She was part of the rescue mission

that found me after I escaped
from a Gorn breeding planet.

You have a very unique last name.

- Do you have any relation to Khan Noonien Singh?
- Yes.

Did you ever suspect Una
to be an Illyrian?

No, I did not.

Did you ever get the sense
that Commander Chin-Riley

was hiding something?


Just that she was discreet
and empathetic

and handled personal
matters with great care.

Yes, I did get the sense
that she was hiding something.

NEERA: What was she hiding?

An affinity for Gilbert
and Sullivan musicals.

After the defendant rescued you,
did you remain close?

I had no family left.

Una made sure I was taken care of.

She sponsored my application
to Starfleet.

Would it be fair to say that

you would not have joined Starfleet

if not for Commander Chin-Riley?

Counselor, I wouldn't be alive
if it weren't for Una.

NEERA: And the people you saved
during your career,

would they be alive?

No, they would not.

BATEL: Mr. Spock, if the defendant
broke the law,

would it follow that the
only logical course of action

is for her to be punished accordingly?

Perhaps. Although
I think it is illogical

for Starfleet to punish itself.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

The loss of Una would be destructive

to Starfleet as an organization.

She is an extraordinary officer.

Please describe the nature
of your relationship

with the defendant.

She is a mentor.

I have learned a great deal
about leadership

by serving under her.

She puts the lives of her crew
above her own. Always.

She is a friend.

Family. Una is



Thank you, Lieutenant.

Volume . of the Starfleet Uniform

Code of Justice.

If you need anything else, I will...

Lieutenant, there is one more
thing. I was wondering,

did you have any luck finding out

how the prosecution learned
that Una was Illyrian?

No, not-not so far.

But you have an idea
about it, don't you?

You think it was you.


Why is that?

The night I found out

Una was Illyrian, I was...

... I was angry.

I recorded a personal log.

And you think that somebody got ahold

of that personal log,

and that's how Una was exposed.

- Yes.
- Interesting.

May I ask why you were angry?

It can't be because
Una was genetically augmented.

Considering your last name,
I would think

you would understand the nuances

of genetic manipulation
better than most.

Una was my friend. She lied to me.

It's not that simple, is it?

- No.
- Could it be

that you carry
your family's augmentations,

and you believe that because of them

you may become dangerous?

Yes, I do.

There is nothing wrong
with you, Lieutenant.

No hidden monster inside.

- You don't know that.
- But I do.

It's how they make us feel.

They look down at us for so long that

we begin to look down at ourselves.

Genetics is not destiny,

despite what you may have been taught.

The fear you have of yourself,
it's not your own.

It was drilled into you.

You're not born a monster.

You were just born with
a capacity for actions,

good or ill.

Just like the rest of us.

In any case...

... it takes six months at a minimum

after a request

from a boatload of admirals

to subpoena a personal log.

They haven't had nearly that long.

I guarantee, you are not the person

who leaked Una's true identity
to Starfleet.

But if it wasn't my log
that caused this, then

who turned in Una?

You're head of security here.

Una speaks highly of you,

which is not something
she does of many people.

Who do you think did it?

I-I d... I don't know.

Someone who could gain
from exposing the truth.

My thoughts exactly.

Thank you. You've been very helpful.

Why do I feel like I've just
been hit by a shuttle?

I'll take that as a compliment.

I would like to call the defendant

Una Chin-Riley to the stand.

How long have you been in Starfleet?

Twenty-five years.

Would you call this career
your life's goal?

It's all I've ever wanted.

You knew you were Illyrian,
thus genetically modified.

Didn't you think you might find yourself

in this position one day?

I had been warned, yes.

So why join Starfleet?

Ad astra per aspera.

Could you translate for the court?

"To the stars through hardship".

It was the Starfleet motto
before the Federation.

I learned it studying history in school.

Why were you drawn to that motto?

I knew it meant we must endure hardship

to get to the stars.

But I like to think that it also means

that the stars could deliver us

from anything. That

in the mystery an vastness of space,

we might not just satisfy our curiosity,

our need for exploration,

but that in it,
we might each also find...


Why would you need salvation?

Was your childhood difficult?

Objection. The defendant's
childhood isn't relevant here.

NEERA: I'm simply establishing context.

If Una Chin-Riley is to be tried
for being an Illyrian,

then the court must understand
what it means to be an Illyrian.

We'll allow it to continue, Counselor.

NEERA: Thank you.

You grew up in a Federation colony

in the Vaultera Nebula, correct?

Yes. We were given
provisional membership

in the Federation
the year before I was born.

On the condition that
all genetic modification

was to cease. Is that correct?

- Yes.
- But that didn't happen, did it?

It did for some.

But for other families, like mine,

it was our tradition.

Our heritage.

What was life like for your family

under the Federation?

♪ ♪

UNA: We no longer discussed our customs.

We performed our rituals only in secret.

Those who could hid their modifications.

When new children were born, parents

sought out friendly doctors
to deliver them.

We knew if we were ever found to be

genetically augmented
we would be arrested.

Did that ever happen to anyone you knew?

A boy I went to school with.

Ivan Ketoul.

He was my best friend's cousin.

What happened to him?

UNA: Some of us have immune
systems that can glow.

Someone must have seen him.
He came home one day

to find the word
"augment" on their door.

We had just learned
about augments in school.

Opinions on them were clear.

Someone must have found out.

Maybe it was just a prank.

Did anyone defend him,

his family?


But there weren't enough voices.

Ivan and his parents
were arrested in their home.

He was ten years old.

How did this affect your community?

Some families moved to other planets

that weren't Federation.

And those of us who stayed,

we were persecuted.

Circumstances became extreme.

The anti-augmentation laws
seemed to give people

freedom to act on their worst impulses.

First were the insults.




There were stores
that wouldn't serve you

if they'd heard you'd been modified.

Even the rumors could be dangerous.

I remember when the att*cks began.

We feared for our lives.

Go on.

There was a fight at school one day.

One boy accused another boy
of being an Illyrian.

I tried to stop it.

My leg got broken.

It was such a simple fix.

So easy to treat with modern medicine.

But my parents wouldn't
take me to a hospital.

They were afraid.

Despite my modifications,
my leg became infected.

If we hadn't found and Illyrian doctor

willing to see me
in the middle of the night,

I would have died.

I'm so sorry.

Was this normal for

such a common thing
to become life-threatening?

It was for kids like me, yes.

Civil unrest became so great

the local government decided
to divide us into two cities:

Illyrian and non-Illyrian.

Thank you.

My family, we went
to the non-Illyrian city.

You see, some of us could pass.

We could blend in,

so we did.

We left everyone else behind.
Our families.

Our friends.

We left them all.

I regret it to this day.

I'm so sorry.

And yet,

after all of this strife,

you still wanted
to be a Starfleet officer.


One last question, Commander.

How did Starfleet find out
that you were Illyrian?

You managed to keep your status
a secret for so many years,

it's surprising they found out now.

- I don't...
- Who turned you in to Starfleet?

I remind you, you are under oath.

I caution you against
badgering your own witness.

- Who turned you in?
- JAVAS: Counselor!

I did.

I turned myself in.


Why would you risk your career,

the life you built?

I was so sick of living a lie,

of pretending to be someone I wasn't.

I wanted my crew...

I wanted my crew to know me
for who I really was.

I thought maybe if they did,
I would finally be safe.

And Starfleet would finally
understand Illyrian's better.

So, after all of it...

... you still wanted Starfleet
to accept you.


When I was five or six,

I remember a Starfleet crew visited.

They were all so...

different from one another.

So many crew members
from so many planets.

It was beautiful. I thought

if all those people
from all those worlds

can work together, side by side,

maybe I could, too.

Maybe I could be a part
of something bigger than myself.

Starfleet is not a perfect organization,

but it strives to be.

And I believe it could be.

You're saying that...

is why you turned yourself in?


Because you believe in Starfleet.


Ad astra per aspera.

Thank you, Commander.

No further questions.

That was a very emotional story.

However, emotions are irrelevant.

Facts are not.

On what date
did Captain Christopher Pike

learn the truth about your

genetically modified status?

NEERA: Objection.

This trial is about Una Chin-Riley,

not her captain.

What we have here
is not just one officer's

violation of the law.

This incident is evidence of
breakdown of chain of command

on board the starship Enterprise,

starting with its captain.

If Captain Pike was aware
of Una Chin-Riley's fraud

prior to her arrest, and
did not notify Starfleet,

then what we have here is not fraud,

but conspiracy.

Since my co-counsel
neglected to elicit testimony

from the parties involved,

I will ask the commander directly.

When did Captain Pike
become aware of your status?

I will also remind the commander

that she is under oath.

And I reminder her that

she does not want to perjure herself

as I ask one more time,

when did Christopher Pike first learn

that you were an Illyrian?

Stardate .

PASALK: Four months.

Well before your arrest.

For four months,

the captain of the Enterprise

engaged in a conspiracy

to conceal the Illyrian Una Chin-Riley.

I have no further questions.

PASALK: The defense wants you
to ignore the facts

in favor of emotion.

But the only matter
of import today is the law.

Una Chin-Riley

broke the law and lied about it,

as her own testimony has proven. Further,

her actions will likely
lead to a court martial of

one of Starfleet's
most decorated officers.

She is clearly toxic to Starfleet

in both action an inaction.

Therefore, the only logical response

is to find the defendant
guilty of all charges.

Captain Batel, are you familiar with

the Starfleet Code ?

I am.

Would you mind reading
that code for the court?

BATEL: "In extraordinary
and extreme circumstances,

if the following conditions are met:

. any person fleeing persecution...

We were persecuted.

I remember when the att*cks began.

"... or fearing for their life
due to political

or religious beliefs,

cultural engagements or

biological truths may,

. seek safety within Starfleet...

I thought maybe if they did,
I would finally be safe.

We feared for our lives.

"and .

upon revealing themselves to authorities

and making a request,

may be granted asylum".

I turned myself in.

I wanted my crew to know me
for who I really was.

BATEL: "Starfleet captains
must exercise discretion

in judgement when offering asylum.

Status is confirmed
by a Starfleet tribunal

or designated authority".

Fearing for their life.

One may seek safety within Starfleet

and request asylum.

Starfleet has a long tradition

of performing rescue missions.

How many distressed peoples

has Starfleet aided?

How many lives saved?

Una Chin-Riley knew this.

She believed in the best of Starfleet,

and that through it
she could find salvation

from the hardships and danger
of her everyday life.

Danger she faced

just for being born an Illyrian.

Dangers born of prejudice,

spurred on by laws
against people like her.

But through her hardships,

Una saw the stars.

She joined Starfleet
because she believed

it was the only thing

that could save her life.

She fled persecution,
and within Starfleet

she sought safety.

And then, by turning herself in,

Una fulfilled the third

and final requirement for asylum.

She asked for it

and Captain Pike granted it.

Like all good Starfleet captains,

including Admiral April on Perrican,

Na'rel and Man-us ,

he exercised his judgement

and gave her asylum.

All this tribunal needs to do now...

... is confirm that status
to absolve them both.

Do you know why I love the law?

Because a law is not

a mirror to society.

A law is an ideal.

A beacon to remind us

how to be our better selves.

And you have the opportunity today

to do just that.

Mr. Pasalk has made this case
about the law,

and I agree, it is.

By his own argument,
we cannot ignore that

Code is also law.

All I am asking you

to do today

is to be your better selves

and enforce the law

that favors my client

with the same dispassion

as the laws that would exclude her.

Years ago...

... the ideals of Starfleet

called a young girl

from the far side
of the galaxy to service.

Find those ideals inside yourself.

Grant Una Chin-Riley

the asylum she was so clearly seeking.

JAVAS: I think we could all agree

that the issue of genetic engineering

is a nuanced one.

The laws prohibiting it
exist for very good reasons.

And regulations must persist

so we may not one day
face another crisis

like the Eugenics Wars.

But this court also believes

that these reasons cannot
and do not allow us to treat

every individual augment, Illyrian,

or other persons
with modified DNA the same.

Lines must be drawn,

but they must also shift when necessary.

Perhaps someday Starfleet
and the Federation

may change its views, but today

I'm afraid all we can do is consider

what the defense has asked.

That we judge the defendant's

specific case

and unique circumstances independently.

And in that,

we grant the defendant's
request for asylum

and find Una Chin-Riley

not guilty of all charges.


PIKE: First officer on deck.

- You set me up.
- How so?

You figured it all out. My admission.

What would happen
when you put me on the stand.

- You knew all of it.
- No.

Not all of it.

Thank you for saving my life.

Hey, what are friends for?


I'm sorry we didn't
do more for Illyrians.

This was a technicality.

It's a start.


As you all know, I am not

the biggest fan of Starfleet.

But I am looking at a starship crew

that proudly serves under
an Illyrian commander.

So, like I said...

it's a start.



- La'An.
- Welcome home, Chief.

Place wasn't the same without you.

If you're all here,
who's flying the ship?

Oh, the thing practically flies itself.

Back to your stations, all of you.



Good to have you back, Number One.

Good to be back, Captain.