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03x01 - Circus

Posted: 06/21/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps,

I'm Hubba Hubba talking to you

from Hoob Land

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to earth, to

find out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(electronic whooshing)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver ♪

♪ Groove ♪

♪ And Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs and

they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Wahey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoob Land ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoob Mobile

is coming your way ♪


♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- Hoobledook, Groove


- Hoobledook, Tula.

- Hoopicoloopi, what a mess!

Iver said he was going to

get up early to tidy this up.



- What did you say, Tula?

- I said that, Iver said he

was going to get up early

to tidy this mess up.

- Well he hasn't has he?

Oh breakfast.

- Iver!

He's not in there.

- Then where is he?

- Here I am!

And I have just seen the

most hoobacious thing.

- You have?

- What?

♪ What what what ♪

♪ What ♪

- I'll tell you what.

I was just about to start

tidying up this morning

when I heard music

coming from outside.

- Hooby pod!

- I went to take a look and

I saw a huge striped tent

in the distance and all around

it were these painted trucks

that were almost as

bright as the Hoobmobile.

- [Both] Hoopicoloopi

- And there were Hoob

loads of peeps all around

being very busy, busy, busy.

- So what's it all about?

- The circus has come to town.

(playful music)

- The circus?

- Yes, Groove, and I think we

should find out more about it

because the Tiddly people

who gave me this poster said

I ought to join the circus

- You, join the circus?

But what would you do?

- Oh I don't know but whatever

it is, I'd be busy busy busy

- But you wouldn't

be busy busy busy

with Hoob news, would you?

Hoopicoloopi, Tula!

Mustn't forget

Hoob news, must we.

I think I got carried away

thinking about how I could help

put up a tent.

Or maybe play the music.

Or hand out the pictures.

- You have to choose

just one job, Iver

- Yeah, otherwise you'll be

too busy busy busy for words.

- Groove, if Iver

joined the circus

which job would be the

best one for him to do?

- Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba.

- If Iver joined the circus

which job would be the

best one for him to do?

That's a fantabihoobi

question, Tula.

- And one I'd really like

to know the answer to.

- I wonder if Roma

can find out more about

the circus for us?

- Well it looks like just

the sort of place for Roma,

if you ask me.

Now, I'll email her

and while we're

waiting for her report,

I'll search Hoobnet

to see what I can find

out about circuses.

Ah, here we are.

Now apparently this is

tightrope walking, Hoobs.

You see it's very high up.

And they're all clapping

him and that pole,

he uses that long pole

to help him keep his

balance, you see.

Now that peep's holding

onto another peep

to keep her balance

and this peep's not

holding onto anyone at all

and he's having a

really big wobble.

It says here you have

to practice very hard

to get good at

tightrope walking.

- That's it, I am going

to be a tightrope walker.

All I need is a rope

to practice walking on.

- We must have some rope

somewhere but where?

♪ Where ♪

♪ Where where where ♪

- Here's where.

This was in my collection of

long, thick, stringy things.

Here, Tula.

- Thanks, Groove.

- Right, let's do some

tightrope walking.

Actually, I think that

could be a bit lower.

Oh yes.

Right now if we, (giggles)

if we pull it tight.

I'm having a bit

of trouble here.

- How about if we put it

on the floor to start with?

- Good idea.

That's it, right.

I know what's wrong, I need

a pole to help me balance.

- Good point, there should

be something we can use

in one of my collections.

Probably my collection of

long, hard, straight things.

Ah-ha, just the thing.

Found something!

- Oh, good.

- Here we go.

One Hooby groovy, long,

hard, straight thing.

- Perfect, now

prepare to witness

Iver the Magnificent

walk the tightrope!

♪ I take one step on

the high tightrope ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ My Hooby heart full of hope ♪

♪ And I'm balancing

high in the air. ♪

♪ Balancing high in the air ♪

♪ I look like I

haven't a care. ♪

♪ He looks like he

hasn't a care. ♪

♪ You all look so tiny

so far from the ground. ♪

♪ I really shouldn't do that. ♪

♪ I mustn't look down. ♪

♪ When I'm balancing ♪

♪ High in the air. ♪

♪ Balancing high in the air. ♪

♪ See all of the

Tiddlypeeps there. ♪

♪ What can I hear as

I'm edging along ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps cheering

is making me strong. ♪

♪ I feel so brave I

cannot put up or run ♪

♪ Balancing. ♪

♪ Balancing high in the air. ♪

♪ He's almost made it,

just a little bit more. ♪

♪ Every careful step made

by each little pull. ♪

♪ Takes him closer and closer,

just hear the crowd roar. ♪

♪ As he's balancing

high in the air. ♪

- This tightrope

walking is really hard.

I'm not sure that wobbling about

up in the air is

the thing for me.

- Hubba Hubba Hubba

- Hoobledoop, Iver.

How's the tightrope

walking going?

- It's not, Hubba Hubba.

- Well, nevermind.

I'm sure there are Hoob

loads of other jobs

you can do in the circus.

- Oh, I hope so.

- Now, the one thing I

know about the circus

is Tiddlypeeps love it.

Perhaps they'll know

what sort of job

would be the best

one for you to do.

- Hoobacious idea, Hubba Hubba!

- Come on then, Iver,

I'll drive you to

find some Tiddlypeeps.

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!


♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues ♪

♪ They tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps, ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

- It's Iver!

- Hoobledoop, Iver.

- Would you like to

do a Hooby hello?

- [Both] Yes!

- Hoobledoop hoobledoop

woop woop woop!

- Now then, I wanted to ask you

if you knew anything

about the circus?

- Yes, I love the circus!

- Good, because I was

thinking I might join one

but I'm not sure which circus

job would be best for me.

- Well, I like the

acrobats, they're brilliant!

- What do they do?

- They tumble

about and do things

like cartwheels

and forward rolls.

- Could you show me?

- Okay, watch this

is a forward roll.

- Well done!

- And this is a cartwheel.

- Hoobigaloobi!

- You can do that.

- Well at least you

stay on the ground

when you're an acrobat.

- Yes, but you need

a mat and enough room

so you don't hurt yourself.

- Tula, Groove, please

could you order a mat

like this one from

Hoobnet right away?

- I'll do it.

- Well thank you so

much, Tiddlypeeps.

I'd better be getting

back to the Hoobmobile now

to practice being an acrobat!

- Yes!

- Hoobletoodledoo!

- [Both] Hoobletoodledoo!

- The mat's here.

- Let's put it on the floor

next to the tightrope.

- Those Tiddlypeeps

are fantabihooby.

You know, I really think I

would like to be an acrobat.

Here comes a cartwheel.

Watch, watch, watch, watch.

I'm not sure I'd make

a very good acrobat.

- You can't be an

acrobat just like that.

You need to practice.

- But there's no time, we

have to do Hoobnews soon.

- Wow!

- Oh here comes Roma.

Perhaps she'll have found

something you can do, Iver.

- I got Hubba Hubba's email

about the circus earlier.

Which is why I'm here backstage

where the circus

performers get ready.

- Wow!

- Who have you met, Roma?

- Well, Iver one

act in particular

has really got me excited.

He's called a strong man

and can you guess why?

- Because he's strong, Roma?

- Exactly!

He's absolutely ripping

with muscles, ha!

Now, he had to nip

out for a minute

but he's let me try on

his leopard skin outfit.

Obviously it doesn't

fit perfectly.

He's much bigger than me,

what with all those muscles.


- Roma, what exactly

does this strong man do?

- Well, well, right.

Well, he lifts very,

very, very heavy weights

up off the floor

and above his head.

- Do you think a Hoob

could do that, Roma?

- Well why don't I

try it out, Iver.

Here we go.

I just need to get

them up in the air

- [All] Yay!

- That's it, my job will be

to lift very, very,

very heavy weights.

- That sounds Hoobygroovy to me.

- All I need now

is something very, very,

very heavy to lift.

How about you two?

- Hoobigalooby, I'd love to

be lifted by a strong Hoob.

- Yeah, me too.

- All right, stand

close together.


- Careful!

- Here we go.

How am I doing?

- Well our feet aren't

off the ground yet.

- Well, lift them

up, lift them up.

- Oh , all right then.

Are you two alright?

Let me help you.

- No no no no.

Hoobigaloobi, Groove I never

knew you were so strong!

- Must have been all those

Hoobybuns you had for breakfast.

- Well either that

or natural talent,

skill, ability,

prowess strength.

Only joking.

- Could you let us down now?

- Oh right, yeah.

- Do you know,

I don't think I'll ever

be a strong Hoob, somehow.

- Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Don't get upset, Iver,

Hubba Hubba's sure

to have another idea.

- Iver, have you decided

which job would be

the best one for you?

- No, Hubba Hubba.

- Well nevermind, a Tiddlypeep

has just sent in a

hoobledoobledooper story

which I'm sure you

will find useful.

- [Narrator] Monty was

a little blue teddy bear

filled with beans.

He belonged to a girl called

Jane who worked in the circus.

- Hoobledoop, Jane!

- [Narrator] Jane was a juggler.

She juggled bean bags, clubs,

fire torches, anything at all.

Monty loved Jane very much.

But there was something that

he had always wanted to do.

- [Monty] I do wish Jane

would juggle with me.

- [Narrator] He thought.

- [Monty] I want to sail

through the air and be caught.

Then sail through the air

again just like the bean bags.

- [Narrator] But Jane

would just cuddle him

at the end of every show.

She never thought

to juggle with him.

Then one day just

before the show began,

Jane was checking

all her things.

- [Jane] Clubs, yes,

torches, yes, bean bags, yes.

Oh no!

- [Narrator] Cried Jane.

A bean bag had split.

The little beans rolled

all over the floor.

Jane could hear the circus

crowd cheering in the big top.

She had to go on at any moment.

- What will I do?

- [Narrator] She cried.

- I don't have anything the

same size as the bean bag.

I don't have anything

that's full of beans.

- [Narrator] Then her

eyes fell on Monty.

- Oh yes I do.

- [Narrator] She

picked him up and said,

- Monty, would you mind

if I juggled with you?

- [Narrator] Of course

Monty didn't mind.

It was the moment

he'd been waiting for.

He heard the cheers of the crowd

as he sailed through the air.

- [Monty] Yippee!

- [Narrator] He cried.

- [Monty] This is even more

fun than I thought it would be.

- [Narrator] And

from that day on,

Jane always juggled with Monty

and the crowd loved the

little bean bag bear.

- Clever Jane.

- Hoobygalooby.

I think juggling might

be the job for me.

- Yes, we need something

for you to juggle!

- Yeah, but what?

♪ What what what ♪

♪ What ♪

- Here's what.

I've got lots of

things you can juggle

in my collection of things

that you can chuck about

without getting hurt.

- How many of these

things should I juggle?

I think I'll start

with the (mumbles).

- Good choice.

- Hubba Hubba Hubba

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba

- Watch this, Hoobs.

- Well done, Hubba Hubba!

I bet you're the strongest

strong Hoob in Hoob Land.

- Yes, the only problem is I

don't know how to put it down.

Nevermind, I'll just keep it

up until I can work it out.

- You've come just in time to

watch me juggle, Hubba Hubba.

- Excellent.

- Here we go!

- Well, why don't you go

visit some more Tiddlypeeps?

I'm sure they'll have

an answer for you.

You need to hurry though, it's

nearly time for Hoob News.

- Well I'll go this time, Iver.

You'd better have a little

rest after all that juggling.

Come on, Groove, you can drive.

(upbeat music)


♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps.

- [Both] It's Tula!

Hoobledoop, Tula!

- Now, Tiddlypeeps

I wanted to know

if Iver joined the circus,

what job do you

think he'd like best?

- Well, Iver likes being

in charge doesn't he?

- Oh yes.

Iver likes to be in charge.

Don't you, Iver?

- He certainly does.

- Iver could be a ringmaster!

- What's a ringmaster?

- Well, a ringmaster is

in charge of the circus.

- Did you hear that, Iver?

A ringmaster is in

charge of the circus!

- Yes, Tula, look this

is the ringmaster.

He always wear a top

hat and red jacket.

- Does he have to balance

on anything high up?

- No.

- Does he have to do cartwheels?

- No.

- What about lifting

heavy weights?

- No.

- He runs the circus

and tells everyone what's

going to happen next.

- That sounds perfect.

Hey, Iver--

- Yes?

- You'd better

order a red jacket

and top hat from Hoobnets.

- I'll do it.

- You're going to

be a ringmaster.

- I know!

- Thanks, Tiddlypeeps

you've been hooblygroobly.

I'm going to get back

to the Hoobmobile now

to help Iver be a

ringmaster just like that.


- [Both] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Are you ready yet, Iver?

- Nearly.

- Oh, Groove, I do

hope the ringmaster

is the best job for Iver.

He'll be ever so disappointed

if the Tiddlypeeps

weren't right.

I hope they were right, Groove.

- Yeah, the Tiddlypeeps

are always right, Tula.

(playful music)

- They were right all right.

- How do I look?

- You look hoobygroovy.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

please prepare yourselves

for the most exciting

Hoobnews of all time!

I give you, Tula Hoob

the cartwheel turner.

And Groove Hoob,

the strong Hoob.

Come on then into

the Hoobystudio.

- Mind your head.

♪ We all get very excited ♪

♪ When the circus

comes to town ♪

♪ Oh yes ♪

♪ We all feel very delighted ♪

♪ When we see a funny clown ♪

- He he

♪ Oh what a wheeze

on the big trapeze ♪

♪ It sure gives me a thrill ♪

♪ The roar of the crowd ♪

♪ Is ever so loud ♪

♪ The trumpets are so shrill ♪

♪ Yes, we all get very excited ♪

♪ When the circus

comes to town ♪

♪ Oh yes ♪

♪ We all feel very delighted ♪

♪ When we see a funny clown ♪

- Ha ha

♪ The circus ring makes

your heart go zing ♪

♪ It makes your spirit soar ♪

♪ The roar of the crowd ♪

♪ Is ever so loud ♪

♪ They're crying out for more ♪

- Hubba Hubba Hubba

- So, Hoobs are you ready

with your Hoobnews for

my great Hoobapedia?

- Ready, Hubba Hubba!

- Then let the show commence!

- Hoobledoop woop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoobnews, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere!

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question.

- If Iver joined the circus,

which job would be the

best one for him to do?

- [Groove] First, Iver thought

he might like to be

a tightrope walker.

- ([Iver] But walking on a rope

was harder than I

thought it would be.

And I definitely wouldn't

want to do it high up

in a circus tent.

- [Groove] So then Iver

went to see the Tiddlypeeps

and they told him

all about acrobats.

- But you need to

practice to be an acrobat

and I didn't have enough time.

- [Tula] Then Roma told us

about another job in the circus.

It's done by someone

called a strong man.

- [Iver] So I gave it a try

but I wasn't strong enough.

- [Tula] Then Hubba Hubba showed

us a story about juggling.

- [Iver] I tried to

juggle, but again,

found it's harder than it looks.

- Finally, Tula went to ask

those hoobygroovy Tiddlypeeps

what job Iver could do and

they had just the answer.

- [Tula] Because Iver likes

to be in charge of things,

the best job for him is--

- [All] The ringmaster!

- Hoob Hoob hooray!

So it's thanks once

again to Iver, Tula,

Groove and Roma for giving

Hoobs everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps and

remember, wherever you are,

have a nice day and


- [All] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Iver, I've worked out

how to get it down again.

Will you introduce me?

- Of course.

And now ladies and gentlemen,

I give you Hubba Hubba Hoob,

the most hoobacious

strong Hoob in Hoob Land!

- [Tula] Yay!

- Hubba Hubba Hubba,

you're so funny.

He's a clown.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoob Land ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here so

what do you say, Hoobs ♪