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02x23 - Cows

Posted: 06/21/23 16:18
by bunniefuu

- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland

and I'm about to send four

of my favorite Hoobs down

to earth to find out all about

you for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come.


♪ You know who the Hoobs are. ♪

- Iver.

- Groove.

- And Tula.

- [All] We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Yeah hey.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are signing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Ha ha, oh.

- Wahey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- Oh, Iver, Tula, are you

gonna, oh, there's nobody here.

Hm, time for a cheese sandwich.


(both laughing)

- Hooble-doop Groove.

- Hooble-doop Iver.

- Have you seen Tula?

- Er, yes, she's gone

out looking at erm, cows.

- Cows?

- Oh no!

- What is it?

- We've run out of cheese!

- Hooble-doop Iver, Groove.

Oh cows are the most

Hoobily-groobily animals

on the Peep planet.

I'm going to draw one.

- Er, Tula, do you know

if we have any cheese?

- Erm, have you looked

in the Hoobofridge?

- Well of course I have,

there isn't any in there.

- Well then we don't have any.

- Oh, I was afraid you

we're gonna say that.

- Oh forget cheese Groove.

Think about cows instead.

I want to draw what we

like best about them.

- Oh, I can't think about

anything except cheese.

I need cheese.

(Tula sighing)

- I love the way they just

stand and chew, so calm,

so, so cow like.

What do you like best

about a cow Iver?

- Huh, oh I don't know.

I haven't really

thought about it.

I'm too busy trying

to think of a question

for "Hoob News" Tula.

- Their big, brown eyes

or their swishy tails.

- Erm, oh Hooby-golooby,

I've got it.

I'll make some cheese.

- Make some cheese.

Do you know how to do that?

- Er, no, no I don't.

But I'll work it out.

How hard can it be?

Thanks to me we'll never

run out of cheese again.

First thing I'll need

is a cheese bucket.

- Groove, what do you

like best about a cow?

- I'll tell you later Tula,

after I've made my cheese.

Ah, there we go.

Erm, nah, too small.

I wanna make lots of cheese.

- Hmm, what does a Hoob

like best about a cow?

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba.

That must be the question.


- What does a Hoob

like best about a cow?

That's the perfect question

for today's "Hoob News."

- I agree Hubba Hubba.

- Well I don't.

How do you make cheese?

That would be a better one.

Nah, still not what

I'm looking for.

- Perhaps we'll save that

for another day Groove.

I'll let Roma know that

today we need her to find out

all about cows.

- Is there anything on Hoobnet

we can look at to start

us off Hubba Hubba?

- Oh, let me see Tula.

Erm, cows, let's see, ah yes!

Here we go.


Now these are cows Hoobs.

Rather lovely aren't they?

They like to move

around in large groups.

These are called herds you see.

There they are in the fields.

They like the water.

Oh look and there

they are eating.

They're rather peaceful

creatures aren't they.


- That was lovely.

Don't cows have

Hoobily-groobily eyes.

- I really liked

they way they chew.

- Yeah, and I really

like this bucket.

Now, we need to

put something in it

to make cheese, but what?

♪ What, what, what ♪

♪ What ♪

- I'm not really sure what.

- Groove, we're

supposed to be thinking

about cows not cheese.

- We don't all need to be

thinking about cows do we.

If we find the secret of

perfect cheese then we'll never

be hungry again.

- I know, I'll ask Hubba

Hubba what he likes best

about a cow.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Hooble-doob Hoobs,

how can I help you?

- I was just wondering

what you liked best

about a cow Hubba Hubba?

- Oh, that's hard to say Tula,

I don't know that much about

them, but I have an idea.

Why don't you go and

visit some Tiddlypeeps

and ask them what

they like about cows?

- Oh, that's a Hoobacious

idea Hubba Hubba.

We're bound to like what

the Tiddlypeeps like.

- I'll go!

- Ooh, I'll drive.

Let's wake up those

Motorettes in the engine.

- I get the feeling

Groove that you're not

too interested in cows.

- Well I'm more interested

in finding out how to make

the perfect cheese Hubba Hubba.

- So what do you like

best about cheese?

- The smell, that's

the best bit.

(gasps) That's what I need next!

My collection of things

that smell Hooby-groovy.

- Seatbelt?

- Seatbelt.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps.


(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪


- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

- [Both] Hooble-doop Tula.

- Ooh, are those cows you've

got there Tiddlypeeps?

- That's right.

- Do Tiddlypeeps like cows?

- Oh yes.

- So do I.

What do you like about them?

- Well they make a funny noise.

- A funny noise?

- Yes, listen.

(cow mooing)

- Hooby-galooby, what was that?

Is there a cow in there?

- No, it's this.

(cow mooing)

(both laughing)

- That's fantastic!

Did you hear that Iver, Groove?

- Yes!

- You can borrow

it if you like?

- Oh, thank you so

much Tiddlypeeps.

You've been really helpful.

I'm going to take this

back to the Hoobmobile now.


- [Both] Hooble-toodle-doo.

(upbeat music)

- Now then, erm, (sniffs) no,

that smells spongy not cheesy.

- Moo, (laughs) moo.

- [All] Moo (laughing).

(cow mooing)

- Moo.

(all laughing)

Isn't that a

Hoobily-groobily noise?

- Right, (sniffs).

- Groove, what are you doing?

- I've been searching

my collection of things

that smell Hooby-groovy

for something

that smells like cheese.

(Groove sniffing)

And I think I've found it.

What do you reckon?

(Tula sniffing)

- Oh yes, very nice.

- Yeah.

- But we're finding out

about cows not cheese.

(cow mooing)

(Tula laughing)

- Moo.

- Moo.

- Right, so I've got the smell.

All I need to do now is

find the right color.

- We're never going to get

him to think about cows.

- No, but maybe we've

found the answer.

Is mooing what a Hoob

likes best about a cow?

(cow mooing)

(both laughing)

- [Both] Moo!

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Oh, Hooble-doop Hubba Hubba.

- Moo.

(both laughing)

- So you like mooing too?

- Oh abso-hooby-mootley.

(both laughing)

But, before you decide that

mooing is the thing you like

best about a cow I want

to show you this story

that a Tiddlypeep just sent in.

What do you say?

- [Both] Moo!

(Hubba Hubba laughing)


(gentle music)

(cow bell ringing)

- [Narrator] Bella the Jersey

cow was always chewing.

Chewing and munching.

Oh, and mooing.

- Moo!

Chew, chew, chew.

Munch, munch, munch.


- Moo.

- Moo.

- Moo.

- Moo.

- [Narrator] Ben liked

taking his baby brother Tom

to see her.

Tom was only one and

couldn't walk properly yet.

They picked handfuls of the

juiciest grass for her to chew

and plump dandelions

for her to munch

and then what did she do?

She mooed!

- Moo.

- [Narrator] Tom liked that.

Sometimes he would take

a few steps towards her

before he fell down with a bump.

- [Iver] Oh.

- [Narrator] "Never mind

Tom," Ben would say.

- You'll soon be able

to walk on your own.

- [Narrator] One day

Bella wasn't chewing

or munching or mooing.

She was lying down.

The farmer told Tom and Ben

that when they came to see

Bella again they

might have a surprise.

The next day Bella

was standing up again.

But lying next to her was

the smallest cow Tom and Ben

had ever seen.

- Oh.

- Bella had

a beautiful baby calf.

Tom ran towards the

gate on his own.

Five, six, seven steps.

The little calf

tried to stand up.

He took three shaky steps,

then collapsed with a bump.

- Look Tom, just like you.

He's learning to walk.

- [Narrator] Tom giggled and

held out a bunch of clover

and Bella, she

carried on chewing.

Chewing and munching and mooing.

- And mooing.

- [All] Moo!

(both laughing)

- Oh Iver, I thought that

little calf was very sweet.

I love the way he wobbled.

I think I'll draw a calf.

- I still think mooing is

the best thing about a cow.

- No, baby calves

definitely win.

- Oh, don't tell me we're

not going to agree Tula.

We have to agree on an

answer for "Hoob News."

- I've got it.

- The answer to the question?

- No, this, I found it in

my collection of things

that seem to have no

use but which might come

in useful some day.

It's exactly the

color of cheese.

Very soon I will have found

the secret of perfect cheese.

(Groove laughing)

I've got the smell

and the color.

Now I need something

that feels like cheese.

- But Groove, what about cows?

- Cows?

Cows don't feel like cheese.

But I'm sure that I can

find something that does.

- We need to find out what a

Hoob likes best about a cow.

Oh, but how?

♪ How, how how ♪

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, how ♪

- [Announcer] Roma,

Roma, Roma, Roma.

- Oh, maybe Roma will know how?


- Hooble-doop Hoobs.

- [All] Hooble-doop Roma.

- Hubba Hubba has asked me

to find out all about cows.

So, as you can see I've

come here to a dairy farm

and guess what?

I've discovered the

most amazing thing.

- What Roma, what?

- Well Tula, underneath a

cow there's something called

(cow mooing)

an udder.

- An udder, what's that?

- Well, it's sort of a, well

erm, well, what can I say?

A bag Groove.

- A bag?

But does the cow keep

her pens and pencils

and things in it Roma?

- No Iver, ha, she

keeps her milk in it.

Peeps love to drink

milk and they get it out

of a cow's udder like this.

They squeeze those dangly

bits and the milk goes into

that bucket underneath

called a pale.

- Hooby-galooby, so do some

Peeps keep a cow in their house

so they can have milk

whenever they want Roma?

- No, no Groove, ha!

Cows are looked

after by farmers.

The farmers milk them and

then the milk gets sent off

to be packaged up into

cartons like this.

They open them up

and pour some out.

No messy udder squeezing needed.

- Hooby-galooby,

I'm glad about that.

- Let me tell you Hoobs,

milk tastes Hoobacious.


(lips smacking)

So Hoobacious in fact that

I've sent you some to try.

- [All] Oh.

- Anyway, the farmer

has said I may have a go

at this milking.

So, this is Roma Hoob at a

dairy farm off to milk a cow.


- [All] Hooble-toodle-doo.

- Hooby-galooby, I

drew those dangly bits.

Now I know what they're for.

I can't wait for

the milk to arrive.

- No, well you won't have

to wait much longer Tula,

here it is.

- Maybe milk is what a Hoob

likes best about a cow?

- Which one of these feels

more like cheese Tula?

This banana or the

Hooby sandwich hammer?

- Mm, neither, but the banana

would probably feel more

like cheese if you hit it with

the Hooby sandwich hammer.

- Oh, Tula, that

is one of your most

Hooby-groovy ideas ever.

- Here's the milk.

- When I add this squashed

banana to the smelly sock

and the yellow cloth I

will have found the secret

of perfect cheese.


(Iver laughing)

- Right then, let's taste it.

(upbeat music)

- Oh, Hoobacious.

Do you want to try some Groove?

- Hm, oh yes please Iver.

(exhales) Whacking that banana

has made me really thirsty.

Oh, thank you.

(upbeat music)

(Groove slurping)

Ah, Hoobalicious.

- Yes, but I like the

calves better than the milk.

- (lips smacking) I still

like the mooing best.

- Hmm, perhaps there's

something about cows that,

well we don't know yet.

- But what?

♪ What, what, what ♪

♪ What ♪

- Well I don't know what.

- Neither do I.

- Right, I'm ready.

Now for the big moment, eh?

I Groove am about to reveal

the secret of perfect cheese.

- Oh really?

♪ Prepare yourself for

a special Hooby dinner ♪

♪ My perfect cheese

is gonna be a winner ♪

♪ I've got myself a

bucket and a spoon ♪

♪ And with a little stir ♪

♪ The perfect cheese

will be here ♪

♪ Very soon ♪

♪ First I'll put the smell in ♪

♪ And then I'll show ya how ♪

♪ But Groove we need to know ♪

♪ What's best about a cow ♪

♪ Is it the moo moo ♪

♪ Or the way that they chew ♪

♪ Or the calf ♪

♪ What do you like Groove ♪

♪ Tell us please ♪

♪ I'll tell you what I

like about a cow later on ♪

♪ Right now I'm trying to

make the perfect cheese ♪

♪ I've just got

to add something ♪

♪ Lovely and yellow ♪

♪ And mix it with the smell ♪

♪ Yeah, it's doing really well ♪

♪ Now for that banana ♪

♪ Yes things are looking good ♪

♪ This will be the

perfect cheese ♪

♪ And taste just

as cheese should ♪

♪ Stir it round

and stir it round ♪

♪ And then I'll show you how ♪

♪ But Groove we need to know ♪

♪ What's best about a cow ♪

♪ Is it the moo moo ♪

♪ Or the way that they chew ♪

♪ Or the calf ♪

♪ What do you like Groove ♪

♪ Tell us please ♪

♪ I'll tell you what I

like about a cow later on ♪

♪ Right now I'm trying to

make the perfect cheese ♪

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Moo Hoobs, how's it going?

- Well, the trouble is we

can't agree on what a Hoob

likes best about

a cow Hubba Hubba.

- And Groove isn't

helping us at all.

He's, he's trying

to make cheese!

- We think that there

might just be something

that we still haven't found out.

- Mm-hmm, well why not go

and ask the Tiddlypeeps?

They're smart, they're

fun, they know.

- Oh, Hooby bother, it's

hopeless, it's useless,

it's not right at all,

it's not a bit like cheese.

- Oh don't get upset Groove.

- Oh I am upset Tula.

I've spent all day

trying to make cheese

and it's a complete flop.

- Do you think the Tiddlypeeps

will know the secret

of making perfect cheese Groove?

- Well they might.

I'll go and ask them.

Hooby-groovy idea Hubba Hubba.

- Ah, please, please,

Groove, Groove.

Ask them about cows

first, then cheese.

Oh come on, I'll drive ya there.

(upbeat music)

- (sniffs) Phwoar!


(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooby-galooby, these

Tiddlypeeps must be hungry.

Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

- [Both] Hooble-doop Groove.

- Oh, look at that, yeah.

- [Girl] Would you

like some lunch?

- Oh Tiddlypeeps,

that's very kind of you.

What are you having?

- Well, there's milk.

- Oh.

- Mm, mm.

(Iver giggling)

- We tried some milk earlier.

Do you know where it comes from?

- Of course, from cows.

- Lots of things come from cows.

- Oh really, what else?

- Butter's made from milk.

- Butter, what do

you use that for?

- You can spread it on buns.

- Oh, what like Hoobygoop.

But my absolute

favorite food is cheese.

- That's made from milk too.

- What, cheese is

made from milk?

- Yes.

- And if milk comes from

cows that means that cheese

comes from cows too.

- That's right, would you

like a cheese sandwich?

- Oh, thank you Tiddlypeeps.

You know cheese is a

Hoobs favorite thing.

Oh, thank you (laughs)

which means that cheese

is definitely the thing that

a Hoob likes best about cows.

- Why don't you take some back

with you to the Hoobmobile?

- Yeah!

- Really?

Oh, thank you so much!

Right, I better get back

to the Hoobmobile now.

So, Hooble-toodle-doo.

- [Both] Hooble-toodle-doo.

(Groove laughing)

(upbeat music)

- Hooby-galooby, so that's the

answer to today's question.

- Hoobs love cheese and

cheese comes from cows.

- Yes.

- So what a Hoob likes

best about a cow is.

- [Both] Cheese!

(Iver laughing)

- There.

- [Iver] Oh.

- Oh, isn't it Hooby-groovy eh?

Cows are the secret

of perfect cheese.

Anybody want a bite?

- Bring it into the

Hooby studio Groove.

Do you know I might have

time for a little nibble

before "Hoob News" (laughs).

(gentle music)

♪ Hey diddle diddle ♪

♪ The cat and the fiddle ♪

♪ The cow jumped over the moon ♪

- Moo.

♪ The little dog laughed ♪

♪ To see such sport ♪

♪ And the dish ran

away with the spoon ♪

- So soon?

♪ Yes, the dish ran

away with the spoon ♪

♪ The little dog laughed ♪

♪ He went bow wow wow ♪

♪ That's just what

a doggy would do ♪

♪ He didn't know how ♪

♪ To sound like a cow ♪

♪ 'Cause cows don't go bow ♪

♪ They go moo ♪

♪ Moo, moo, moo, moo ♪

♪ Yes this is how cows go moo ♪

♪ Moo ♪

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Hooble-doo moo Hoobs.

(all laughing)

Are you ready to give

me your "Hoob News"

for my great Hoobapedia?

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

- Then take it away.

(dramatic music)

- Hooble-doop-woop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to "Hoob News" the

news show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question.

- What does a Hoob

like best about a cow?

- It all started

when Tula came back

from watching some cows.

- [Tula] I wanted to draw

a picture of a cow showing

what Hoobs liked

best about them.

But I couldn't work

out what that was.

- [Groove] I wasn't much help.

We'd run out of cheese and I

can't think when I'm hungry

so I decided to

make my own cheese.

- [Iver] While Groove was

doing that Tula and I looked

at some information

about cows on Hoobnet.

- [Groove] Meanwhile, I

searched for the secret

of perfect cheese.

- I went to see the Tiddlypeeps

and discovered that cows

make a Hoobily-groobily noise.

- [Both] Moo!

- We thought mooing was

the best thing about a cow

until I decided a sweet

little calf was better.

- I still liked the moo.

Then Roma told us that cows

give milk and that milk

tastes so delicious.

- [Tula] We all tried some.

- [Iver] It was good, but

I still liked the moo best.

- [Tula] And I still

liked the calf.

- [Groove] I'd mixed together

something that smelled like

cheese, something that

was the color of cheese

and something that

felt like cheese.

But it still didn't make cheese.

- [Iver] So Groove went

to visit the Tiddlypeeps.

- [Groove] And that's when

I made the most Hooby-groovy

discovery of all.

Cheese is made from milk.

- And since milk comes from

cows the answer to the question

what does a Hoob like

best about a cow is.

- [All] Cheese!


- So it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs everywhere

a little peep into the

world of Peeps.

And remember wherever

you are have a nice day

and Hooble-toodle-moo!

- [All] Hooble-toodle-moo!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(Iver laughing)

- Yeah, hey.

- Ah.

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪