02x01 - Puppets

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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02x01 - Puppets

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hoobledoop, Tiddly Peeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobopaedia!

Here they come!


♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and Tula! ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob, Hoob, hooray! ♪

♪ The HoobMobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ Wa-Hey ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- , ,

, , --

- Iver!

Please, could you stop counting

all the questions we've

done for Hoob News!

- Sorry, Tula.

- I can't think what to

make out of my HoobyDough

while you're counting.

- Sorry, Tula.

We must think up a new

question for today's HoobNews.


- Wonder what

Groove's laughing at?

- I think we're

about to find out.


- Oh come on, Groove.

We know you're

laughing at something.

- Yes.

But what?

- [Timp, Toodle, And

Twang] ♪ What, what, what?

♪ What? ♪

- Here's what:

the HoobleDangler!

- Oh no!

(laughing and squealing

as upbeat music plays)

Stop it!

Stop it right now!

Right now!

- Okay.

A HoobleDangler makes a

Hoob laugh every time.

- It certainly does,

Groove, but I know something

else that makes a Hoob laugh.

- So do I: Tiddly Peeps!

- Yeah, that's right!

Tiddly Peeps make Hoobs

laugh more than anything

in the whole universe!


- Oh, wow.

Imagine if we could

have some Tiddly Peeps

here with us in the HoobMobile.


We'd never stop laughing!

- Yes, but Tiddly Peeps

don't sleep in HoobyPods.

And they don't eat HoobyFood.

And they already have homes.

- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, if they lived with

us, their mums and dads

would miss them very much.

- Oh, yes.

Yes, that's true.

Well maybe there's

something else

that's as much fun

as a Tiddly Peep

that we could have

in the HoobMobile.

- Hey!

What could we have

in the HoobMobile

instead of a real Tiddly Peep?

(The word "Hubba" echoing)

- What could we have

in the HoobMobile

instead of a real Tiddly Peep?

That's such a fantabby

Hooby question!


- Perfect for today's

HoobNews, don't you think?

- I do!

And it will be a great

addition to my HoobOpaedia.

Now, I'll email Roma to

see what she can find out.

- Is there anything on HoobNet

we can see to get started?

- Well, I'd be very

surprised if there wasn't.

Ah, yes.

Now, see what conclusions

you can draw from this.

Here we are!

Oh, it's a drawing!


Lots of photographs and

pictures of Tiddly Peeps.

Oh, there's another picture!


They do look happy!

Awe, isn't that sweet?

- That's it!

If we can't have a

real Tiddly Peep,

we could have some pictures

of Tiddly Peeps here

with us in the HoobMobile!

- Of course we could!

And I'm going to draw a picture

of a Tiddly Peep right now.

- Hoobacious!

- Groovy, yeah!

- So, I'll start by drawing

the Tiddly Peep's head.

- Oh.

(upbeat music)

- Tiddly Peep's heads are

rounder than that, Tula.

- Yeah, yeah, and

don't forget the ears.

- I know.

- And hair!

Make sure you do lots

of Tiddly Peep hair!

- I can draw, you know.

- Yes, but you must

understand if you're-

- Look, here.

How 'bout you both draw

your own Tiddly Peeps?

- Oh, that's a great idea!

- Now, where was I?

- Right, I think it's-

- Ta-da!

- What?

- I finished.

- That's good, Tula.

- I'm going to pin it up.

- Pin it up, yes!

- There.

I think that should do.

Take a look at this, everyone!


This is drawn by yours truly.

- Yes!

Have you finished yet, Groove?

- No, no, no.

- I like that.

- There we go.

You know, I think this is

probably my best picture ever.

- [Iver] Let me see.


- [Groove] Gonna put mine up.

- Howow, these pictures

of Tiddly Peeps

are great and everything-

- Well they remind me

of real Tiddly Peeps.

- Yeah, but they're flat.

- Yes.

And Tiddly Peep's are not flat.

- [Iver And Groove] No.

- What else could we have

in the HoobMobile

like a Tiddly Peep?

(The word "Roma" echoing)

- Oh!

Maybe Roma will know!

- Hoobledupoops!

- [Iver, Tula, And

Groove] Hoobledoo, Roma!

- Today, I'm reporting

from a Town Square.

- Roma, what's that

thing behind you?

- Ah, now I'm glad you

asked me that, Groove.

This is what Peeps

call a statue.

They make them out of

stone or metal to look

just like famous Peeps.

- Well what are they for, Roma?

- Well Iver, it'll make

sure that Peeps don't forget

about someone who's done

something really brave

or really clever in the past.

It's a great honor to have a

statue made of you, you know?

- Who's that one of then, Roma?

- Well Groove, I'm

not absolutely sure.

In fact, some statues, because

they're so fantabyhooby

to look at, become even

more famous than the Peep

they were made to look like.

There's the Statue of Liberty

in New York, in America,

which looks like this.


And there's one called The

Thinker, which is a statue

of a Peep having a

HoobyThink, like this.

(making thinking noise)

- What's he thinking

about, Roma?

- Well, I'm not sure, Tula.

But it's made me think,

"I wonder if anyone

will ever make a statue of me."


This is Roma Hoob

feeling statuesque.

And reporting for

HoobNews, hoobledoodledoo!

- [Iver, Groove, And

Tula] Hoodletoodledoo!

- Hoobygallooby!

Statues aren't flat, are they?

What if we had a statue of a

Tiddly Peep in the HoobMobile?

- Hm, we've got to get one.

But how?

- [Timp, Toodle, And

Twang] ♪ How, how, how

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

- [Twang] ♪ How ♪

- [Toodle] ♪ How ♪

- [Timp] ♪ How ♪

(the word "Hubba" echoing)

- Ahem, Hoobs, I know how!

[All] Hoobledo, Hubba Hubba!

- Look at what I have made!

Though it's, I did do

it in my spare time,

it's not terribly good though,

and I wouldn't be surprised

if you didn't like it.

- No!

- Like it?

We love it!

- [Groove] Yeah!

- I was just wondering what

to make out of my HoobyDough.

And now I know!

(light music)


Please, can you

hold up your statue

so I can copy it, Hubba Hubba?

- Oh, yes.

I think you'll find the

knees particularly difficult.

And you can put shoes on

yours instead of slippers.

I just happen to like slippers.

- Hurry, Tula!

- Be patient, Iver.

It will be ready soon.

- Yes, but when?

- [Timp] ♪ When, oh when? ♪

♪ When, oh when, oh when? ♪

♪ When, when, when oh

when, oh when, oh when, ♪

♪ Oh when, oh when, oh

when, oh when, oh when, ♪

♪ Oh when, oh when,

oh when, oh when! ♪

- It's ready.



(gasping and giggling)

What'd you think?

- Oh fantabbyhooby!

- It's hoobacious!

- Yeah, and it's not flat!

- But it doesn't do

anything, does it?

It doesn't move about.

- I could move it about.

- No, Groove!

It's made of HoobyDough, you'd

squish it if you touched it.

- But Tiddly Peeps move

about a lot, don't they?

No, I'm sorry, Tula.

I don't think I want a statue

instead of a real Tiddly Peep.

[Tula And Groove]

Nah, me neither.

- Well, I can't say I blame you.

Maybe you should go and

visit some Tiddly Peeps.

They might have a better idea.

- Tiddly Peeps!

Of course!

Let's get those

Motorettes singing!

- Yeah, I'll drive!

- Maybe you would look

better in slippers.

- Seatbelts.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddly Peeps.

(car starting)

(upbeat music)

♪ [Tootle, Timp, And

Twang] We're off to see ♪

♪ the Tiddly Peeps,

on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddly Peeps ♪

- [Timp] ♪ They're smart ♪

- [Twang] ♪ They're fun ♪

- [Tootle] ♪ They know! ♪

[Timp, Twang, And Tootle]

♪ The Tiddly Peeps

♪ the Tiddly Peeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Oh.

- [Timp, Tootle, And

Twang] ♪ We're off

♪ to see the Tiddly

Peeps, on the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddly Peeps, ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know! ♪

- Hoobledoo, Tiddly Peeps!

Want to do a HoobyHello?

- [Both Children] Yes!

- [All] Hoobledoop, Hoobledoop,

whoop, whoop, whoop!

- What's your name?

- My name's Tamara.

- And what's your name?

- My name is Tristan.

- Tristan and Tamara.

These dolls you're playing with,

they look like

tiny Tiddly Peeps!


- I suppose they are.

- Will you show me how

you play with them?

- There's so many ways you

can play with dolls, Iver.

You can pretend and

do whatever you want.

- Yeah, like having

fun meeting new people.

- Or having adventure

exploring in some wild place.

- Wow.

- I see.

- Or finding treasure!

- Yeah!

- Or running away

from a monster.

- Oh, oh dear!

- Or anything, you

just make up a story,

and then you make your doll

act out the story for you.

- All you need to do is

use your imagination.

- Hoobygallooby!

Dolls sound hoobacious!

Groove, can you check to

see if you've got a doll

in one of your

collections, please?

- Yeah.

- Thank you Tiddly Peeps, I'm

going back to the HoobMobile.

I've got to see if

Groove's found a doll.


- [Children] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Ha-ha!

(light, fun music)


- Found it!

- Oh, that is hoobally groobaly!

- Yeah.

- Where was it, Groove?

- It was right at

the very bottom of my

Things That Remind Me of Me,

But I Don't Know Why collection.

- Oh, hoobacious doll!

Do you know, that looks a

bit more like a Tiddly Peep

than that statue.

- Oh look, and he's

got your hair, Groove.

- Yeah, and he's got a

little nose, little eyes,

and a little mouth.


- I think I could make that

move without squishing it.

Thank you!

Follow me.

- Following you.


(spunky music)

- Watch this.

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!


But your HoobyPaws are so big,

we can hardly see the doll.

- Oh.

Well that's true, yes.

But if I don't use my

HoobyPaws, he won't move.

I wonder if there's a way

of making the doll move

without using my HoobyPaws.

(the word "Hubba" echoing)

- That's a very good

thing to wonder, Iver.

And I am happy to report

that a Tiddly Peep sent me

something which might help.

Stand by for a story!


- [Tiddly Peep Narrator]

Once upon a time,

there was a little wooden

string puppet called Mario.

He had been made by a

puppet maker called Antonio.


Antonio made all

sorts of puppets.

But Mario was

definitely his favorite.

Antonio would use Mario

to perform little stories

to all the local children.

One day, he and Mario

were telling a story

when one of the children asked,

- Is Mario your own

little boy, Antonio?


- [Tiddly Peep Narrator]

"No," Antonio replied,

"Mario is only a string puppet.

He's not a real boy."

But this got Antonio thinking.

How he'd love Mario

to be a real boy.

That night, when Antonio

was putting Mario away

in his box, he made a wish.

"I wish that Mario

were my own real son."

The next morning,

he woke to find

Mario's box empty.

"Who could have taken Mario?"

Then he heard a little

voice call out his name.


He turned around to find

Mario standing there.

He was no longer made of wood,

he no longer had strings.

He was a real boy.

"Oh, Mario!" said Antonio.

"What's happened to you?"

"I've become a real

boy!" replied Mario.

"I'm your son, and

you're my papa!"

Antonio was the happiest

old man in the world.

He and Mario carried on

telling stories together,

especially the story about

how Mario became a real boy.


- Oh, that was such a

hoobally groobally story.

- Yeah, a puppet that

became a Tiddly Peep, eh?

That was so hooby groovy.

- Yes, oh, but while it was a

puppet, it moved with strings.

I wonder what it would feel

like to move with strings.

(light music)

- [All] ♪ You could

do amazing things ♪

♪ With someone pulling

all the strings ♪

♪ And taking you in ways

you'd not expected ♪

♪ How hooby groovy would it

get to be a magic marionette ♪

♪ And play with the

Tiddly Peeps all day ♪

♪ I bet you'd feel hoobacious, ♪

♪ And cry aloud

"Good Gracious!" ♪

♪ As a hoobally

groobally puppet ♪

♪ On some hooby groovy strings ♪

♪ We could play a hooby game ♪

♪ I could be a puppet

with a Tiddly Peep name ♪

♪ We could work your strings

and show you where to go ♪

- On second thought,

actually, no.

♪ Maybe we could make and

keep a puppet Tiddly Peep ♪

- [Both] ♪ And we

would make it feel ♪

right at home in our HoobMobile

- [All] ♪ Oh, you could do

amazing things with someone ♪

♪ Pulling all the

strings, and taking ♪

♪ You in ways you'd

not expected ♪

♪ My HoobyHeart

would fly and leap ♪

♪ to have a puppet Tiddly Peep ♪

♪ Right at home and

in our HoobMobile ♪

(light music)

- It would be so hoobally

groobally if we could have

a string puppet

in the HoobMobile,

just like a real Tiddly Peep.

- Yes, we need to

find one, but where?

- ♪ Where, where, where ♪

- [All] ♪ Where ♪

- Here's where,

look I put strings

on my little, wooden doll.


- Hooby gallooby, Groove!

It feels like we

have a Tiddly Peep!

Let me give it a HoobleDigga.


Hooble, hooble, digga,

dig, dig, digga, digga.

- What's wrong, Tula?

- Well, it's not at all

like giving a HoobleDigga

to a real Tiddly Peep.

- Why?

- ♪ Why ♪

- ♪ Why, why, why, why ♪

- ♪ Why ♪

- ♪ Why, why, why, why ♪

- ♪ Why ♪

- ♪ Why, why, why, why ♪

- [All] ♪ Why, why, why ♪

- Well, the string

puppet isn't nice

and soft like a Tiddly Peep.

It's hard.

Hurt my nose when I

gave it a HoobleDigga.

- Oh, well it's not what

we want in the HoobMobile

instead of a real

Tiddly Peep then, is it?

- No, it's no good

having something too

hard to HoobleDigg.

(the word "Hubba" echoing)

- HoobleDoo, Hoobs.

Do you know I

couldn't agree more.

It's no good if it's

too hard to HoobleDigg.

- We still don't

have the answer,

and it's about

time for HoobNews.

- Well I just got word there

are some Tiddly Peeps nearby.

Why don't you find them

and ask them to help?

- Good idea, Hubba Hubba.

I'll drive until we find them.

- Yeah, and I'll talk to them.

- And I'm gonna put

you in my collection of

Things That Are Too

Hard To HoobleDigg.


(upbeat music)

- [All] ♪ We're off to

see the Tiddly Peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddly Peeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The Tiddly Peeps,

the Tiddly Peeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddly Peeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddly Peeps, ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoo, Tiddly Peeps.

- [Both] Hoobledoo, Iver!

- Oh hello, Connie.

- Hello, Inez.

Inez, what are you doing?

- We're making puppets, Iver.

- Oh, Groove made

a puppet earlier.

But it had strings and

was made out of wood.

Yours don't look the same.

- No, we're making

glove puppets, Iver.

It's a different kind of puppet.

- Yes, we made them out of

old gloves, big soft material,

and painter things.

- Glove puppets?

- So how do you make them work?

- Look, you put your

hand in them like this,

and you can make them move

with your fingers, like this.

You can make them

talk, like this.

- [Both] Hoobledoo, Iver.


- Hooby gallooby!

That is hoobacious!

- It is, isn't it?

- Look, look, look.

That one even looks

like a Tiddly Peep.

Hoobledoo, little Tiddly Peep!

- Hoobledoop, Iver!

I'm not a Tiddly Peep,

I'm a glove puppet.


But I do have a

Tiddly Peep voice.

- That's a funny voice.

- Oh yes, so what's it

like being a puppet?

- It's great, thanks.

I can do whatever I like.

- Oh!


Hooby gallooby!

Groove, Tula, start making

some glove puppets,

they're hoobacious!

- [Tula] Yes!

- [Groove] They are.

- Thanks so much, Tiddly Peeps.

You've been hoobloads of help.

I'm gonna go back to

the HoobMobile now

and make myself a glove puppet.

Oh, hoobletoodledoo.

- [Both] Hoobletoodledoo!

(bright music)

(playing with dolls)

- Hello, Tula.

- Hello, Groove.

- [Both] Hoobledoo, Iver!

My name is Leonard.


- Those glove puppets

are hoobacious!

- Yeah.

- And there's one for you too.

- Oh, hoobaciously hoobacious!

These are the next best

thing to Tiddly Peeps.

- Yes, we've got

hair and everything!

- They move, they talk.

- And they're not to hard

to give a HoobleDigga to.


- [Both] Hooble, hooble,

digga, digga, digga, digga.


- Perfect!

- Yeah, Leonard liked it too.

- Let's get into

the HoobyStudio.

It's time for HoobNews.

(light music)

- [All] ♪ For you, the

Motorettes from Hoobland ♪

♪ Tootle, Twang,

and Timp by name ♪

♪ We like to play

and being puppets, ♪

♪ It's a very favorite game ♪

- ♪ You pull the string

to make my arms work ♪

- ♪ You pull a string

to make me run ♪

- ♪ You pull a string ♪

- ♪ You make me sing ♪

- ♪ You pull a string ♪

- ♪ You make me sing ♪

- [All] ♪ Being a

puppet is such fun ♪

- ♪ You pull a string ♪

- ♪ You make me sing ♪

- ♪ You pull a string ♪

- ♪ You make me sing ♪

- [All] ♪ Oh, being a

puppet is such fun ♪

(the word "Hubba" echoing)

- Oh hello, Hoobs.

Are you ready to give me your

HoobNews for my HoobOpaedia?

- [All] We're ready!

- Well then, take it away!

- Hoobledoop Whoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to HoobNews, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

And I'm Leonard!


- And today we've been

asking the question-

- What can we have in the

HoobMobile instead of a

real Tiddly Peep?

- [Tula] First, Hubba Hubba

shows a lot of pictures

of Tiddly Peeps.

- [Iver] We thought

they were so great,

we drew our own pictures.

- [Groove] But they were flat.

- [Tula] And Tiddly

Peeps are not flat.

- [Iver And Groove] No.

- [Iver] Next, Roma told

us all about statues.

And Hubba Hubba made a

great Tiddly Peep statue.

- [Tula] I copied it

out of my HoobyDough

so we could have one

in the HoobMobile.

It wasn't flat, but it

couldn't move about.

- [Groove] Yeah, and Tiddly

Peeps move about all the time.

- [Tula] Then some

Tiddly Peeps showed us

how they play with dolls.

- [Groove] And I found

a doll in my collection.

- [Iver] But when I

tried to make it move

like a Tiddly Peep, my

HoobyPaws got in the way.

- [Groove] Then, Hubba

Hubba showed us a story

about a string

puppet called Mario.

- [Iver] Groove put strings on

his doll, it was hoobacious!

- [Tula] But it was too hard

to give a HoobleDigga to.

It hurt my nose.

- [Iver] So then we asked

some more Tiddly Peeps

if they had any more ideas.

- [All] Glove puppets!

Hoob, Hoob, hooray!

- Look, say hello to all

the Hoobs, glove puppets!

- [All] Hello, Hoobs!


- They're the next best

thing to Tiddly Peeps.

- We certainly are!


And so it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you are,

have a nice day and


- [All] Hoobletoodledoo!


- Well, I think that

HoobNews went really well.

What do you think?

- Completely and

utterly totally hooby.

- Hoobally groobally, we

glove puppets saved the day!

- [All] Yay!

(outro theme)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob, Hoob, Hooray! ♪

(bright music)

♪ The HoobMobile is

coming your way ♪

- He-Hey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here,

so what do ya say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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