01x40 - Teeth

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x40 - Teeth

Post by bunniefuu »

(quirky music)

- Hoobleduke, Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hooberpedia.

Here they come!

(quirky music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Oh!

- Hey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

(flute music)

- Hubba, hubba, hubba, hubba.

- Oh, it's so sunny

here by the seaside.

We could almost be

back in Hoobland.

The sea air smells so

good, doesn't it, Iver?


- Oh, you're right.

Yes, yes, it's

Hoobacious. (chuckles)

But I think...

Hooby galooby!

I must've fallen

asleep in the sunshine.

We don't have a

question for Hoob News!

Where's Groove?

- Well, I don't know.

He went off collecting

things, as usual.

- We need him back!

Hubba Hubba will be

waiting in Hoobland

for us to hit on a question.

- Hoobledupe!


- Hoobledupe, Groove!

- Hoobledupe!


- Hoobledupe!

- Oh, Groove, there you are!

- Hoobledupe!

- Come on, Tula.

Let's get back downstairs.

(upbeat music)

- Now, which collection

should I put you in, eh?

- Nevermind that now, Groove.

We've got to think

up an interesting

question for Hoob News.

- Oh, Groove looks like he's

got something interesting.

What is it Groove?

- Well, I don't

know really, Tula.

It's a little,

white, spiky thing

in a bit of wood.

- Oh, one of those, oh yes.

Now then--

- It's Hoobygroovy, eh?

I found it on the beach.

- Oh yes, those little,

white, spiky things,

always very useful.

But hey, we must get on.

- Useful, really?

So what's it for then, Iver?

- Yes Iver, what's Groove's

little, white, spiky thing for?

(Iver mumbles)

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Wait, here's Hubba Hubba.

- What's Groove's little,

white, spiky thing for?

Oh, now that's a

Hoobledoobledupa question

for today's Hoob News.

I can't wait to tell Roma.

I'm sure she'll send you

a fantaby Hooby report

about little,

white, spiky things.

- I can't wait, Hubba Hubba.

- And I can put your

answer into my Hooberpedia,

so Hoobs everywhere can find out

what little, white,

spiky things are for!

- All right, Hubba Hubba.

But where do we start?

- Someone must

know what it's for.

- But who?

♪ Who who who who who ♪

♪ Who ♪

- I know who!

- [All] You do?

- Yes, the Tiddlypeeps.

They're sure to come up

with some fantaby Hoobyuses

for your little, white,

spiky thing, Groove.

They might even know what it is.

- You're absolutely

right, Hubba Hubba.

Tiddlypeeps are full

of bright ideas.

- Right.

I'm taking my little,

white, spiky thing

to see the Tiddlypeeps.

- Let's wake up those

Motorettes, Groove.

Let's get this

Hoobmobile moving!

- Seatbelt, Ivan.

- Yes.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(quirky music)

- [Motorette] Yeehaw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues,

they tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

- Wee!

- Yeehoo!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ who, what, why,

where, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Yeehoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ And how they know ♪

- [Motorette] Yeeha!

- Hey, hey, hey!

- [Children] It's Groove!

- Hi there, Tiddlypeeps!

Do you want to do

the Hoobyhello?

- [Children] Yes, please!

- [All] A-Hoobledupe,



- (laughs) I'm so

glad you're here,

'cause I need a bit of help.

I found this thing on the beach,

and I don't know

what to use it for.

Have you got any ideas?

- You could use it as a hook.

- A hook?

What a Hoobacious idea!

(Tula laughs)

But what could I

hang on my hook?

It needs to be something

small, doesn't it?

- What about a

necklace or a bracelet?

- Good idea!

- Yeah!

That would be just perfect!

What else could I hang on it?

- Some keys!

- Keys?

Oh, the keys to the Hoobmobile?

That's Hoobygroovy!

I think I'm gonna go straight

back and try that out.

Thanks, Tiddlypeeps!

Oh, by the way, I

don't suppose you know

what that is, do you?

- I do!

- Yeah?

- It's a shark's tooth.

- A shark's tooth?

From a real shark?

That's amazing!

But what about the bit of wood?

- I think that's

part of an old boat.

- An old boat?

Do you know?

I think you're right!

You Tiddlypeeps are so clever!

Did you hear that, Tula?

- Yes.

- Iver?

- Yes

- This thing is a shark's tooth!

(Tula laughs)

Thank you so much, everyone.

I've got to get back

to the Hoobmobile now,

so I'll see you

again soon, okay?


- [Children] Hoobletootledoo!

(upbeat piano music)

- So that's what it is!

A shark's tooth!

(Tula and Iver laugh)

Why didn't we think

of that before?

- Because usually teeth

are found in mouths,

not in bits of old boat.

- The Tiddlypeeps

think I should use

my white, spiky thing as a hook.

But what shall I

hook on my hook?

- Groove, it's a shark's tooth.

We really ought to find out

what a shark's tooth is for.

(suspense music)

- We must be able to

find out something more

about shark's teeth.

But where can we look?

- Yes, where?

♪ Where, where, where ♪

♪ Where ♪

♪ Hubba, hubba ♪

- Here's where, Hoobs.

I found a picture of

a shark on Hoobnet.

He has Hoobloads of teeth.

Great big fangs, they are.

Take a look.

(guitar music)

- Hooby galooby!

I'm going to print that out!

- Hey, look at this, Iver.

I think Tula's

necklace works best

on my little, white,

spiky thing. (chuckles)

Don't you?

- Yes, yes, Groove, yes.

Come and take a look

at this, come on.

- Oh, right.

(machine spinning)

- Oh!

- Wow!

Imagine how many

necklaces you could hang

on those teeth, Tula! (chuckles)

- Now, Groove, Groove,

Groove, Groove.

- What?

- I don't think a shark

uses his teeth to hang

a necklace on, do you?

- Oh, right.

Well, maybe I could

use it to make

a scritchy-scratchy

picture of this shark.

Thank you, Tula.

- Iver?

I've been thinking.

Peeps have teeth.

Now, if we could find out what

Peeps use their teeth for,

maybe it will be

the same for sharks.

- Excellent idea, Tula!

♪ Hubba Hubba hubba hubba ♪

- Well done, Tula!

- Thanks, Hubba Hubba.

- Now you're really

getting somewhere.

I've been looking on Hoobnet

for some pictures

of Peeps teeth.

I'm sure you'll come up

with some Hoobacious ideas

about what they're for.

- Oh!

(upbeat music)

- [Hubba Hubba] Now, here's

a smiling Tiddlypeep.

Oh, two more

smiling Tiddlypeeps.

I think we're on

to something here!

Oh, a smiling Peep!

Yes, when Peeps and

Tiddlypeeps smile,

they show you their teeth!

Look, there you are!


Lovely big smiles

and lovely big teeth.



Look, there's a Peep and a

Tiddlypeep, both smiling.

What are they doing?

Having fun smiling!

Ooh, yes!


- That's it!

Of course, that's the answer!

Peeps use their teeth

to smile and laugh with!

Hey, Groove.


- Hey Iver, Iver,

Tula, look, look.

Look at my scritchy-scratchy

shark picture.

I put the paint on and

then scratched it off

with my little,

white, spiky thing.

(Tula and Iver laughing)

- Groove, it looks like you!

(everyone laughs)

- Yeah, well, if I were a

shark that's how I'd look!

(everyone laughs)

- You know what?

- What?

- We're laughing, but

we don't have any teeth!

- Of course we don't,

Tula, we're Hoobs!

- Oh no, this is

serious, this is serious.

If we don't need teeth

to smile and laugh,

maybe the Peeps don't either.

- Yeah.

And another thing,

do you suppose a shark

ever smiles or laughs?

- No, of course not.

- No, of course not.

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- How are you getting on, Hoobs?

- Not too well, Hubba Hubba.

We thought that shark's teeth

might have something to do

with smiling and laughing.

- Yeah, but we don't

think that sharks

smile or laugh at all.

- No, I think you're

probably right there.

But don't worry, a Tiddlypeep

has sent in a story

to Hoobnet about teeth.

Take a look.

(gentle music)

- [Girl] There was

once a tiny hut

on the edge of a village.

Inside the hut, lived a

little girl, called Imelda,

with her old aunt Mo.

- Hello!

- [Girl] The days

were hot and long.

And there was never

very much to eat.

On market day, Imelda would

gaze at the fruit stores

with wide open eyes.

"If only I had a silver coin."

She sighed.

"Then I could buy some fat,

juicy peaches for aunt Mo."

Imelda trudged her way home.

She was thirsty and hungry,

and she had a strange

feeling inside her mouth.

Later, while Imelda was eating

a hard crust of

bread for her supper,

one of her baby teeth fell out.

"Oh Imelda!" cried

aunt Mo excitedly,

"That means the Tooth

Fairy will come tonight!"

"Who is the Tooth

Fairy?" asked Imelda.

"The Tooth Fairy is as

tiny as a snowflake."

Aunt Mo explained.

"She lives in a

white polished house,

"made of children's baby teeth.

"She takes the baby tooth

from under your pillow,

"and in return for it,

leaves a silver coin."

So when she went to

bed, Imelda carefully

put her tooth under her pillow.

She was so excited, it

was hard to get to sleep.

"You must go to sleep,

Imelda." said old aunt Mo,

"Otherwise the Tooth

Fairy won't come!"

(Imelda gasps)

Morning came.

Imelda woke up.

She looked under her

pillow, and sure enough

her tooth had disappeared!

(Imelda gasps)

In it's place, the Tooth Fairy

had left a shiny, silver coin!

Imelda ran to the market.

And can you guess what she

bought with her silver coin?


A bag of fat, juicy

peaches for old aunt Mo.

(quirky music)

- So that's why

Tiddlypeeps have teeth!

So that the Tooth Fairy

can make houses with them.

- Yes, Tula.

But I can't imagine that

sharks have a Tooth Fairy.

They don't sleep in beds.

No, they can't put their

fangs under a pillow.

(everyone laughs)

- I think sharks have

a Fishy Fang Fairy,

who swims about

collecting all the fangs

that fall into the sea.

- Or perhaps that's

what this is,

the beginning of a house.

- Oh, I'm not at all

sure about that, Groove.

- Neither am I.

- Hoobybother.

- I know what we should do!

We should get some

teeth of our own.

- Yes!

If we have teeth,

we can try them out

and find out what they're for!

- I could make some!

There's bound to be

something in my Hoobybitsbox

that I could use!

♪ Roma Roma Roma Roma ♪

- Oh, here's Roma!

I'm sure she'll help.

- Hoopledupe, Roma!

(quirky music)

- Hoopledupe, Hoobs!

Hubba Hubba told me you

wanted to know about teeth.

Now, I'm in a dental surgery.

This is where Peeps

come when they need

to get their teeth checked.

Did you know that Peeps

have to brush their teeth

with a thing called

a toothbrush?

This is one here.

- Toothbrush?

- And,

some stuff called toothpaste,

at least twice a day.

- Hooby galooby!

That looks really Hoobygroovy.

- It is very Hoobygroovy

indeed, Groove.

And, it tastes delicious!

Now, if Peeps and Tiddlypeeps

don't look after their teeth,

they get holes in them,

which the dentist,

that'll be me later,

has to fill up.

And if that doesn't work,

their teeth fall out!

- Maybe the shark

didn't brush his teeth,

so that's why it fell out?

- (chuckles) Sharks don't

have toothbrushes, Groove.

Or dentists.

- No, of course not, Roma.

- Silly me.

- Now then, if Peeps

lose all their teeth,

they have to wear

these false teeth.

That's because if they

don't have any teeth,

they can't talk properly.

They talk a bit like this:

This is Roma Hoob,

(Iver laughs)

reporting for Hoob News,

pretending to be

a toothless Peep.


- [Both] Hoobletootledoo!

- Well, that's it then,

Peeps use teeth for talking!

(Iver laughs)

- Should we try it out?

If we wear these, we should

sound just like Peeps.

- Wow, Tula!

They look Hoobacious! (laughs)

- Ta-dah!

(Iver and Groove laugh)

- Tula's a Peep!

(Iver and Groove laugh)

♪ Oh, Peeps use

teeth for talking ♪

♪ They do a lot of that ♪

♪ Tiddlypeeps spend

all their life ♪

♪ Going


♪ Oh, nitcho, natcho,

chitcho, chatcho ♪

♪ Yak, yak, yakety, yak ♪

♪ They've got teeth at

the front of their mouth ♪

♪ And more teeth at the back ♪

♪ Oh, nitcho, natcho,

chitcho, chatcho ♪

♪ They chitter-chatter

every day ♪

♪ But when Hoobs stick teeth ♪

♪ In their chubby,

Hooby cheeks ♪

♪ You can hardly understand

a word they say ♪

♪ Now Peeps use

teeth for talking ♪

♪ Yes, that's the

purpose of teeth ♪

♪ They've got one set

of gnashers at the

top of their mouth ♪

♪ Another set of

gnashers underneath ♪

♪ So today these Hoobs

are wearing teeth ♪

♪ It's another of their

Hoobycool adventures ♪

♪ But it's not too good

getting understood ♪

♪ With a face full of

Peepy-type dentures ♪

♪ Oh, nitcho, natcho,

chitcho, chatcho ♪

♪ Peeps chitter-chatter

every day ♪

♪ But when Hoobs stick teeth ♪

♪ In their chubby Hooby cheeks ♪

♪ You can hardly

understand a word we say ♪

♪ Oh, nitcho, natcho,

chitcho, chatcho ♪

♪ Peeps chitter-chatter

every day ♪

♪ But when Hoobs stick teeth ♪

♪ In their chubby Hooby cheeks ♪

♪ You can hardly

understand a word we say ♪

♪ No, I can hardly

understand a word you say ♪

(Iver and Groove crash)

- Oh, these are hopeless.

(Groove coughs)

- Isn't it strange?

Peeps can't talk without teeth

and Hoobs can't talk with them.

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Hubba Hubba, please

could you order

some false teeth from Hoobnet?

I want to decorate the

Hoobstudio with them.

- Of course, Tula.

I might even order

a pair for myself,

they look rather Hooblygroobely.

They'll be with you soon.

- Thank you, Hubba Hubba!

- Hang on!


We think that teeth might

be used for talking, right?

- Right.

- Right.

- But sharks don't talk.

- Hoobygalooby!

I didn't think of that.

So they don't use their

teeth for talking.

Oh, dear.

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Hubba Hubba's back.

He's sure to be able to help.

- I do hope so, Hoobs.

I think you should go back

to the Tiddlypeeps, Groove,

and ask them what sharks

use their teeth for.

After all, they're smart.

- They're fun.

- They know!

Yeah, I'm gonna take

my shark's tooth back

to the Tiddlypeeps.

Come on, Iver, you can drive me.

(Iver laughs)

(quirky music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, why,

where, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- [Motorette] Yeehoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledupe, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Children] Hoobledupe, Groove!

(Groove laughs)

- I'm so glad I found you.

We've got this shark tooth,

and we can't work out what

a shark uses its tooth for.

We though maybe it

was for smiling with,

but we realized that

sharks don't smile,

do they?

- No.

- And then we thought maybe

they'd use their teeth

for talking, like

you Tiddlypeeps do.

- Sharks can't talk!

- Oh, yes, that's right,

they don't talk, do they?

So what do sharks

use their teeth for?

Does anyone know?

- [Children] For eating!

- For eating? (laughs)

- For eating?

What do sharks eat, then?

- Fish!

- Fish?


What, like this?


- You don't have

any teeth, Groove.

- No, no, none of

us Hoobs have teeth,

but Tiddlypeeps do.

Do you use your

teeth for eating too?

- Of course we do.

- Yeah?

Will you show me how you do it?

(upbeat music)

Hoobygalooby, that's amazing!

Just look!

What a huge bite!

I can see why you need

teeth to eat that.

Now, you're using your teeth

to break your food

into tiny pieces.

That's very clever.

That's what sharks must do too.

Did you hear that Iver, Tula?

Sharks need teeth for

munching and crunching

and chewing and chomping

and nibbling and biting

and eating fish! (chuckles)

Hey, thank you Tiddlypeeps.

You've been very helpful.

But I've got to go now,

so Hoobletootledoo!

- [Children] Hoobletootledoo!

(upbeat piano music)

- At last, I thought we'd

never work it out. (laughs)

- What I want to know is

how did the shark's tooth

end up in this bit of boat then?

- Do you know what

I think, Groove?

- What?

- I think the shark

bit into a boat.

- You mean, it thought

the boat was a fish?

- Exactly.

- This is awful!

If he hasn't got his tooth,

he won't be able

to eat his dinner!

Can you imagine

what it'd be like,

not being able to

eat your dinner?

- No, Groove, I can't, no.

But don't worry

about that right now.

We've got the answer to

our question at last!

Come on, time for Hoob News!

(quirky music)

- Oh, that must be our

delivery of false teeth

from Hubba Hubba.

Just in time to

decorate the Hoobstudio.

- Yeah.

- (sighs) Poor shark.

♪ Brush, brush,

brush, brush, brush ♪

♪ Clean your teeth

and never rush ♪

♪ If you clean

them twice a day, ♪

♪ Well that will

keep the germs away ♪

♪ Brush them every morning ♪

♪ Then again at night ♪

♪ Brush, brush,

brush your teeth ♪

♪ And keep them nice and white ♪

- Wahay!

♪ Tootletoot and even twang, ♪

♪ Do not have a single fang ♪

♪ Not a single

tooth between us ♪

♪ Otherwise you

would have seen it ♪

♪ Brush them every morning ♪

♪ Then again at night ♪

♪ But down here in

the engine room ♪

♪ There's not a tooth in sight ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Oh, Hoobs!

I see the false

teeth have arrived.

Aren't they fantabyhooby?

(Tula laughs)

- Yes, they are, Hubba Hubba.

Though they're not quite

what we were expecting.

- So, are you ready to

give me your Hoob News

for my Hooberpedia?

- Absolutely, Hubba Hubba.

- Then take it away.

- Hoopledupewhoop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the new

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today, we've been

asking the question,

- What's Groove's little,

white, spiky thing for?

- To begin with, we didn't

even know what it was.

- [Tula] Then a Tiddlypeep

told us it was a tooth

belonging to a shark.

- [Groove] I discovered

that a shark's tooth

makes a Hoobacious hook

for Tula's necklace.

- [Iver] Then Groove

discovered that he could draw

a Hoobacious scritchy-scratchy

picture with it,

which looked just like him.

- [Tula] But of course,

a shark doesn't use

its teeth as a hook or

as a scritchy scratcher.

We decided to find out what

Peeps use their teeth for,

to see if it was

the same for sharks.

And we thought that

Peeps use their teeth

for laughing and smiling.

- [Iver] But sharks didn't

seem to do much laughing,

or smiling.

- [Tula] So then, Hubba

Hubba found us a story

about a Tooth Fairy.

- [Groove] And we thought,

maybe shark's teeth

are used for building

little fairy houses.

- [Iver] But as sharks

don't have Tooth Fairies,

we decided this wasn't the case.

- [Tula] Roma told us how

Peeps look after their teeth,

and showed us how

they would sound

if they tried to

talk without them.

I made some teeth,

so that we could see

if we could sound like

Peeps when we wore them.

- [Groove] But we didn't.

♪ Oh, nitcho, natcho,

chitcho, chatcho ♪

♪ Peeps chitter-chatter

every day ♪

♪ But when Hoobs stick teeth ♪

♪ In their chubby Hooby cheeks ♪

♪ You can hardly

understand a word we say ♪

♪ No, I can hardly

understand a word you say ♪

- [Iver] Then we

realized that sharks

couldn't use their

teeth for talking,

because sharks don't talk!

- [Groove] So I went to

see some Tiddlypeeps,

and they told us, sharks, just

like Peeps and Tiddlypeeps,

use their teeth for,

- [All] Eating!

- Hoob-hoob-hooray, Hoobs!

(everyone laughs)

And so it's thanks

once again to Iver,

Tula, Groove, and Roma!

For giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.


And remember, wherever you

are, have a Hooblygroovely day,

and Hoobletootledoo!

- [All] Hoobletootledoo!

- Right then, I'm gonna take

my little, white, spiky thing

down to the sea so the

shark can have it back.

- But aren't you going

to use it as a hook?

Or for making more

scritchy-scratchy pictures?

- No, Iver, I'm not.

The shark needs his

tooth more than I do.

Without it, he won't be

able to eat his dinner.

- Oh.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ and Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Oh!

- Hey!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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