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02x15 - Hoop Dreamz/Daizy's Purple Thumb

Posted: 06/20/23 19:12
by bunniefuu

Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪



Wow Wow Wubbzy!

"Hoop Dreamz."

Wow, wow, everybody.

It sure is a beautiful day.

I'm going to go play

with my friends.

, --

Wow, wow, guys.

Whatcha doing?

Daizy is going for

a jumpity-jump rope

world record.

Wow. Can I join?

Sorry, Wubbzy, but we have

enough people already.

Oh, okay.

Wow, wow, Walden.

Whatcha doing?

I'm playing checkity-chess

with Earl.

Can I play with you?

Sorry, Wubbzy.

Only two people can play


Oh, okay.

Wow, wow, Widget.

Flying a kite?

Yes, indeedy.

Do you want me to hold

the string or something?

No, thanks, little buddy.

I can handle this

all by myself.

Oh, okay.


What's the matter,

little guy?

Oh, all my friends

are having fun without me.

Did you ask them

if you could join in?

Yeah, but they didn't need me.

Wow, you're almost as tall

as Jam Jam James.


That's because I am Jam Jam.

You're the most famous

hoopdy-hoops player

in the world.

You play with the Jammers,

the greatest team ever.

That's me.


My name is Wubbzy.

Give me five, Wubbzy.

Isn't your team playing

a big game tonight

at the Wuzzleburg Arena?

Yeah, we're supposed to play,

but one of my teammates

came down with a case

of the sneezy-sneezes,

and we don't have

a replacement.

Oh, that's too bad.

You jump pretty high

for a little guy.

Can you play hoopdy-hoops?

I sure can.

Watch this.

Sweet moves, Wubbzy.

Do you want to play with us?

Gee, I'm not sure

if I'm that good.

You'd better look

for somebody else, Jam Jam.

But we need you, Wubbzy.


You need me?

That's right, Wubb man.

Let's go to practice

and show the team what you got.

Yo, Jammers, I want you to meet

our newest teammate, Wubbzy.

He's going

to fill in for Wally.


Hi, guys.

What? Are you kidding?

He's too little.

He's kind of small,

isn't he?

Come on.

Give him a chance.

He might surprise you.

Heads up, Wubb man.



That is defying gravity!

See? I told you.

Wubbzy's got game.

Thanks, Jam Jam.

So how do I get

my uniform?

Don't worry, Wubbzy.

I've got all kinds of uniforms

back at my place.

I'm sure there's one

that'll fit you.

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


Hop in, Wubb man.

Let's bounce.

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


Your house is really cool.

Thanks, Wubbzy.

Yeah, my friends would

really love this place.

So why don't you invite them

over to hang with us?

Um, no, that's okay.

I don't get it.

If these guys

are your friends,

how come you're not

including them in the fun?

Because they didn't

need me before,

so I don't need them now.

You know,

maybe your friends

shouldn't have

left you out before,

but two wrongs

don't make a right.

You got to give them

another chance.

All right.

Maybe after the game?

That's right! The game!

Here's your uniform.


Let's bounce.

Wow, a convertible jet!

Seat belts.


Grapity-grape juice.


Next stop--

Wuzzleburg Arena.

So, what do you think,

Wubb man?

Wow, wow, wow.

This is totally cool.

Ooh, that can't be good.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[Wubbzy screaming]

Is that Wubbzy?

It looks like

he's in trouble.


Help, guys!

[Wubbzy, Jam Jam]


[gurgled screaming]



I need you!

Oh, pickles and prune juice.

How are we going

to stop that jet?

If only we had some way

to pull it down out of the sky.

Like with a giant magnet

or something.

No problemo.



Oh, man.


the Mega-Magnet .

Make it stop!



Wow, my friends saved us.

Thanks, guys.

Man, Wubbzy, you've got

some great friends.

Yep, they're the best friends

you could ever ask for.

Hey, Wubb man, we'd better

get to the game.

Why don't you guys

come along.

Yes, yes, yes.


You betcha.

All right.

Let's bounce.

[crowd cheering]


Yay! Go Wubbzy!

Go, Wubbzy.

Go, Wubbzy.

[crowd cheering]

Hey, Wubb man.


[all chanting]

Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow, that was awesome!

Great game, Wubbzy.

Yes, yes, yes.

Excellent hoopdy-hooping.

Thanks, guys.

Wubbzy, my man,

you are one kooky player.

How would you like

to join our team?

You mean,

for the whole season?

You bet.

You can travel

all over the country with us.

Uh, I'm sorry Jam Jam.

I'd rather stay here

in Wuzzleburg.

My friends need me

and I need my friends.

That's cool.

But remember,

I'm your friend, too.

You sure are, Jam Jam.

Low five.


Oh, Wubbzy.

We need you.

Really? You need me?

Yep, we need you to show us

that cool handshake.

[all laughing]

Wow, wow, everybody.

Welcome to the Wubb Club.

Today I'm practicing

my hoopdy-hoop sh*ts.

Watch this.

I call this shot

the hippity-hop shot.


I call this next shot

the bye-bye-birdie shot.


This next shot

is a lot of fun.

I call it

the roller-bowler.



Now for the biggest,

bestest shot of all.

[buzzers sounding]

Wow, that sure was bouncy!



♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

it's a beautiful day ♪

♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

what do you say? ♪

Hey, look.

It's the Jukebox Robot.

♪♪ [beeping]

♪ Here's a riddle,

here's a quiz ♪

♪ Do you know

what time it is? ♪

Is it kickity-kick ball time?

♪ No, no, no, no,

no, no, no ♪


Is it time-out time?

♪♪ [beeping]

♪ No, no, no ♪

Well, what time is it?

♪ Hoo hoo, hee hee ♪

♪ It's time for

the Wubb Club dance party ♪

[applause, cheering]

[party blowers squawking]

♪ Sugar pop, belly flop,

zip, boom, bop ♪

♪ Let's all do

the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ We're havin' fun,

so don't you stop ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Don't be shy,

don't be lazy ♪

♪ It's fun to hop,

so let's go crazy ♪

♪ Hop like a rabbit

or like a frog ♪

♪ Hop with your friend

or with your dog ♪

♪ Hop on the bed

or on the rug ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop

like a hopping bug ♪

♪ Yeah, hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Jazz or country,

rock or pop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ You can be really old ♪

♪ Or you can be

a tiny child ♪

♪ Anyone can hop around ♪

♪ So let's go wild ♪

♪ Wild ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Don't stop hopping

until you drop ♪

♪ And hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop,

do the Happy Hop ♪

[boing, boing]


Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪



Wow, Wow, Wubbzy!

"Daizy's Purple Thumb."

♪ La la la la,

la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la ♪

Wow, Daizy, you sure are

a whiz at growing flowers.

That's because I have

a green thumb, Wubbzy.

A green thumb?

It looks just like

the rest of your fingers.



Having a green thumb

just means

that you're really good

at making things grow.


Daizy, just the person

I was looking for.

The city of Wuzzleburg

needs someone

to grow

our community garden,

and I've chosen you

for the job.

Here's your official

community gardener's badge.

Gee, thanks.

Lavender lollipops.

Community gardener!


Where's the community garden?

Oh, goodness!

Right this way, please.

Well, here's

the community garden.



Do you need any help, Daizy?

No, thanks, Wubbzy.

I can do it all by myself.


I'll see you tomorrow.

Yes, indeedy.

At the grand opening.

All right.

It's gardening time!

Now we just have

to wait till tomorrow,

and the garden

will be fully grown.

♪♪ ["la la la"]

[rooster crows]


I can't wait to see

your garden, Daizy.

I planted

lots of pretty flowers

and tasty vegetables.

And doodleberries?

I love doodleberries.


Yes, doodle berries, too.

I planted

all kinds of things.

So by now, it should be

a beautiful garden.


Ladies and gentleman,

it gives me great pleasure

to present

the Wuzzleburg

community garden.


[all gasp]


There are no flowers.

No vegetables.

And no doodleberries.

What happened, Daizy?

Gee, I don't know.

Daizy, look.

Your green thumb

has turned purple.

Lavender lollipops!

No wonder I can't

grow anything.

I think you should see

Dr. Fluy right away.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

[Dr. Fluy]

Okay, Daizy.

Wiggle your fingers.

Very interesting.

Let's see now. Hmm.

Well, everything seems

to be fine, Daizy,

except that kooky

purple thumb of yours.

It's kooky.

What am I going to do?

I won't be able

to grow anything

ever again.

Aw, don't give up, Daizy.

I can fix this,

no problemo.


the Planter Pal .

With this baby,

you can plant

a whole garden

in no time.

Give it a try.

Hmm, it's-- it's stuck.

Great goofy gardeners!

The Planter Pal's

gone crazy!

That wasn't

supposed to happen.

Thanks for trying, Widget.

But without my green thumb,

I can't grow anything.

Don't give up, Daizy.

I believe I may know

how to solve this problem.

My book of fancy formulas

includes a special

growing formula

that will you back

your gardening talents.

Let's see now.



There it is.

Now drink this.



I don't think that's

a growing formula.

I think that's

a crowing formula.


You may be right, Wubbzy.

Why don't you try this one?

[wind blowing]


Nope, I think that's

a blowing formula.

Try this one, Daizy.

I don't think that

was a growing formula.

I think it's

a go-go-going formula.

I'd better give her

the slowing formula.


Well, at least

that one worked.

Thanks for trying, Walden.

But I still have

a purple thumb.

Don't give up, Daizy.

Maybe I can help you

with the garden.

Here's everything

you need for gardening--

seeds, gardening tools,

and watering can.

Don't worry, Daizy.

I know just what to do.

See? I finished

in no time at all.

Uh, Wubbzy,

you forgot the seeds.



I guess

I never planted them.

Heh heh. I'd better

start over again.

Never mind, Wubbzy.

It's not your job.

I'm supposed to be

the community gardener.

But since I can't

grow anything,

I give up.

But, Daizy...

Hey, look.

Now I have

a purple thumb, too.

Lavender lollipops!

How did that happen?

It must have come

from the ink

on your

community gardener badge.



You're right, Wubbzy.

My thumb is back to normal.

But wait a minute.

If I always had

a green thumb,

how come my garden

didn't grow?

Good question, Daizy.



What's that?


And they look an awful lot

like beaver tracks.

Come on, let's follow them.

Look, the beavers must have

snuck in last night

and stolen all the flowers

and vegetables.


And the doodleberries, too.

So, that's what happened

to my garden.

You naughty beavers.


It looks like you still

know how to grow

a great garden,


And that's what

I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna grow

the biggest garden

Wuzzleburg has ever seen.

Thank you, Daizy.

You've given Wuzzleburg

a beautiful garden.

You're welcome,

Major Woozle.


I sure am glad to have

my green thumb back.

You did a great job,



Hey, now my whole hand

is purple.

What does that mean?


It means you've been eating

too many doodleberries, silly.

Oh, yeah.

I sure love doodleberries!


♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Believe in yourself

and what you do ♪

♪ If you work hard ♪

♪ Your dreams

will come true ♪

♪ If you want to do something,

just give it your all ♪

♪ It's okay if you stumble,

it's okay if you fall ♪

♪ 'Cause it won't be easy

and it might be a pain ♪

♪ But you got to carry on ♪

♪ Through the wind

and the rain ♪

♪ If you keep on going,

you'll pick up steam ♪

♪ You got to run a long way

to chase that dream ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ If you're confused

and full of doubt ♪

♪ Just keep on going

and you'll work it out ♪

♪ If you mess up

or you botch the play ♪

♪ Just try it again

in another way ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't

go around it ♪

♪ You got to go through it ♪

♪ If you want to get it done,

you just got to do it ♪

♪ Don't be afraid,

have no fear ♪

♪ No matter what happens,

your friends are here ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪

♪ Don't give up ♪