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02x14 - Hangin' with Mr. Gummy/Wonder Wubbzy

Posted: 06/20/23 19:11
by bunniefuu

Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪



Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"Hangin' With Mr. Gummy."

Wow, wow, everybody.

Today we're playing

one of my favorite games--


Earl's gonna throw

the battyball,

and I'm gonna try to hit it

with this batty bat.

Get ready, Wubbzy.

Here comes the kooky

corkscrew curveball.





That's old Mr. Gummy's house.

We'd better run

before he sees us.

Come on, Wubbzy.

No. I broke his window--


...and I should tell

Mr. Gummy what happened.

That's the right thing to do.

[doorbell rings]

Yes, Wubbzy?

Hi, Mr. Gummy.

Um, I, uh...

I'm the one

who just broke your window.

You are?

Then this

must belong to you.

That must've been

quite a hit.

I'm sorry about

your window, Mr. Gummy.

I'll pay to fix it.

That's okay, Wubbzy.

You don't have to

pay me back.



You can just keep me company

this afternoon.


I'd really rather

be outside playing.

But I guess spending time

with Mr. Gummy

is the right thing to do.


I was just about

to watch TV.

Watching TV isn't so bad.

Maybe we can watch

one of my favorite shows,

like Captain Wonderpants!

♪♪ [slow jazz]

[Female Announcer]

It's time for Mr. Melody

and his Mellow Music Makers.


Ahh! This is

my favorite show.

It is?

♪♪ [continues]

♪♪ [oompah-pah]

Hey, what's that?

Wow, wow, Walden.

Whatcha doing?

Hello, Wubbzy.

I'm going for a hike

up Mount Zubbabubba.

Would you like

to come along?

No, thanks.

I'm busy watching TV

with Mr. Gummy.

Okay. Have fun.


♪♪ [slow jazz]

That wraps up another hour

with Mr. Melody

and his Mellow Music Makers.

See you next time.

Yes, indeedy.

Now, that's what

I call entertainment.

What should we do now,

Mr. Gummy?

How about a snack?

Oh, boy! A snack!


Maybe we'll have

peanutty butter

and marshmallow sandwiches

or some chocolate Zing Zings.

Here we go.

Cream cheese and prunes.

Cream cheese and prunes?

Yep. That's

my favorite snack.

Dig in, Wubbzy,

while I get the buttermilk.



♪ La la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la ♪

Wow, wow, Daizy.

Whatcha doing?

I'm going deep-sea diving.

Wanna come along?

I'd like to,

but I'm eating cream cheese

and prunes

with Mr. Gummy.

O-kay. Have fun.

♪ La la la la,

la la la la ♪



I just love buttermilk.

Gee, what should

we do now, Mr. Gummy?

I know just the thing.

Oh, boy!

Maybe we're going to play

kickity-kick ball

or hippety-hop scotch!

Get ready for

some real excitement.

I thought we'd look at

my sticky-stamp collection.



This is my

red sticky stamp.

And this is my rosy rouge

sticky stamp.

Notice the difference

in tonality?

[engine revving,

tires screeching]


Hey, here comes Widget.

[tires screech]

Wow, wow, Widget.

Whatcha got there?

Hey, little buddy.

This is my new

Spiffy Speeder .

Wanna go

for a ride with me?

I'd like to,

but I'm looking at stamps

with Mr. Gummy.

Okay. Have fun.



Mr. Gummy is asleep.


Maybe I can sneak away

and play with my friends

before he wakes up.



Huh? What? Who?


What's going on?

Are you leaving?

Well, uh, I was just--

Aren't you having fun

with me?

Um, sure.

But it's such a nice day

that I thought it would be fun

to climb Mount Zubbabubba

or ride a Spiffy Speeder

or go deep-sea diving.


Well, you know, we can do

all those things together, too.

We can? How?

By using our imagination.

Come on.

For instance,

this staircase can be

just like Mount Zubbabubba

if you make believe.

Come on, Wubbzy.

We can make it to the top.

Just a little bit further.



That was exciting.

Now let's race our hotrods.


start your motors!

[engines revving]

[tires screeching]


[crowd cheering]

Wow, wow, wow!

That was really exciting.

And now, it's time

to do some deep-sea diving.

[both laughing]


Wow! This is the most

exciting afternoon

I've ever had!

You see, Wubbzy,

maybe I can't do

the things I used to

when I was young,

but my imagination

is as good as ever.

It sure is.

I guess just because

you're older

doesn't mean you don't know

how to have fun.

What should

we do next, Wubbzy?

Let's use our imaginations

and take a rocket ship

to the moon!

I've always wanted

to go to the moon.

Ready for blastoff!

Gee, Wubbzy,

your imagination

is out of this world.

[Wubbzy chuckling]

It sure is.

Wow, wow, everyone.

Welcome to the Wubb Club.

Today we're all using

our imaginations.

Wow, wow, Daizy.

What are you imagining?

Hi, Wubbzy.

I'm imagining

that I'm skipping

through a field of flowers

in Unicorn Valley.


Wow, wow, Walden.

What are you imagining?

Greetings, Wubbzy.

I'm imagining

that I'm flying

through the clouds

in a vintage

Wuzzle-wing airplane.



Wow, wow, Widget.

What are you imagining?

Hey there, little buddy.

I'm imagining that

I'm in a hardware store,

and there's a big sale

on screwdrivers.

Ooh, ooh!

Hammers are two

for the price of one.


Now it's my turn

to use my imagination.

Okay, I imagine

that I'm a knight

in shining armor.


Wow! I did it!

Uh, I imagine

I'd better get out of here.


♪ Imagine yourself ♪

♪ In a castle in the sky ♪

♪ Where polka-dot rabbits

know how to fly ♪

♪ You can be anywhere ♪

♪ You want to be ♪

♪ Your imagination ♪

♪ Will set you free ♪

♪ Imagine a special place ♪

♪ Imagine flying

through space ♪

♪ Imagine this, imagine that ♪

♪ Imagine you're a dragon

or a kooky cat ♪

♪ Imagine you're a singer

in a rock and roll band ♪

♪ Imagine you're a knight

in a far-off land ♪

♪ Imagine you're a fish

in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ Or a bird at the top

of a giant tree ♪

♪ Imagine flying a plane ♪

♪ Imagine driving a train ♪

♪ Imagine here,

imagine there ♪

♪ Imagine you're a monster

with crazy hair ♪

♪ Imagine yourself

as a tiny ant ♪

♪ Or in the forest

as a rubber plant ♪

♪ Imagine you're a horse

that knows how to ski ♪

♪ Or flying on the back

of a buzzy bee ♪

♪ You can go anywhere

you want to go ♪

♪ You can meet anyone

you want to know ♪

♪ You can be anything

you wanna be ♪

♪ Your imagination

will set you free ♪

♪ Your imagination ♪

♪ Will set you free ♪


Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"Wonder Wubbzy."

Wow, wow, everybody.

Daizy and I are watching

the Captain Wonderpants show.

He's the greatest

superhero ever!



Hark! This sounds like a job

for Captain Wonderpants!

To the Wonderbuggy!


Somebody save us!

Don't worry, citizens.

I'll save you.

[Male Announcer]

It looks like the evil

Dr. Cluckenstein

is going to unleash

the Pink Polka-dotted

Evil Egg of Doom!


He's going to destroy

Mega City!

[all screaming]

Don't worry.

My Wonderpants

will save the day!

♪ Wonderpants ♪


[distorted cluck]

It looks like

Dr. Cluckenstein's evil egg

has been scrambled.

[all cheering]


Thank you,

Captain Wonderpants!

No. Thank you.

It's always good to have

a superhero around.



Wow! I love

Captain Wonderpants!

He's so cool.

He always catches the bad guys

and saves the day.

I wish we could be


just like him.

Hey, maybe we can.

We can?

Sure. Why not?

All we need

are superhero outfits.


To the costume room!

Ready, Wonder Wubbzy?

Ready, Flower Power!


To the Wonder Buggy!

Wubbzy? Daizy?

No. Call me

Wonder Wubbzy!

And I'm Flower Power!

Those are some mighty fine

costumes you got there.

We're going out to save

Wuzzleburg from danger.

Wanna come?

No can do,

little buddy.

Walden and I are working

on an experiment.

Yes, yes, yes!

Today is the big

outdoor town meeting,

and we need to find out

what the weather will be like.

This here Weather Checker

will fly up in the clouds

and tell us if

it's gonna rain or snow.





Do you hear that?

Sounds like someone

needs a superhero.

You're right!


Wonder Wubbzy

and Flower Power

to the rescue!


Never fear!

Wonder Wubbzy and Flower Power

are here to save you.

Save me from what?

Don't you have to be

rescued from bad guys

or mad scientists?

Or a giant Pink Polka-dotted

Evil Egg of Doom?

Goodness, no.

Then what's wrong?

I dropped all the flyers

to today's town meeting,

and I'm having trouble

picking them up.



Would you mind

helping me?

Sure thing,

Miss Bookbinder.

Thank you so much.

It's always good

to have a superhero around.

No problem.

Well, that wasn't

such a great adventure.

Don't worry,

Wonder Wubbzy.

I'm sure someone

will need our help soon.

[Mrs. Zamboni] Help!

It sounds like

someone needs a superhero.

Wonder Wubbzy

and Flower Power

to the rescue!

Never fear.

Wonder Wubbzy

and Flower Power

are here to save you

from danger.


I'm not in any danger.

But my poodle is stuck

up in this tree.

[whines, barks]

If she doesn't get down,

we'll miss

the town meeting.



Don't worry.

Let's get the ladder.

Here you go,

Mrs. Zamboni.

Oh, thank you.

It's always good

to have a superhero around.



No problem.

Wow. That wasn't such

a great adventure, either.

We need to find someone

who is in real danger.

Someone who needs

a real hero.


Help! Help!

Wow! That sounds

like someone

who really needs

a superhero.

Help! Help! Help! Help!

Mayor Woozle,

never fear.

Wonder Wubbzy

and Flower Power--

Are here!

What's the trouble?

Bad guys?

Mad scientists?

Pink Polka-dotted

Evil Egg of Doom?

No, nothing like that.

I just can't find

the key to the city.



I have to have the key

for today's meeting,

and it's going

to start soon!


Oh, what will I do?


Don't worry, Mayor Woozle.

We'll help you find it.

The key. Oh!


[sobbing continues]

Oh, dear! Oh, my!

The key!


Oh, mercy! Oh!


Let's see.

Here it is.

Here you go,

Mayor Woozle.

Oh, thank you

so much.

The town meeting

would've been ruined

without this.

It's always good to have

a superhero around.


No problem.

I guess we won't get to be

real superheroes today.

Oh, Wuzzleburg

just isn't in any danger.

[Walden, Widget]


Did you hear that?

Yeah. But it's probably

something silly

like a poodle in a tree

or flyers on the ground.

Boring, boring, boring.

Or it could be a giant

Pink Polka-dotted

Evil Egg of Doom!

Yeah, right.

No, really. Look!


It looks like Wuzzleburg

finally needs

a superhero!

But how will we stop it?

We can use the Wonder Net.

We saved Wuzzleburg

from a Pink Polka-dotted

Evil Egg of Doom.

[air blowing forcefully]



Hey, it isn't a Pink

Polka-dotted Egg of Doom.

It was just a balloon.

Ah! There it is!

Thank goodness

you caught it.

Um, but it's

just a balloon.

That's not

just any balloon.

It's the balloon for

the Weather Checker .

We were just about

to release it when it blew away.

[clock chiming]

It's time for the Wuzzleburg

town meeting!

We better get going.

Lavender lollipops.

We didn't find anyone

who needed a superhero today.

I guess

we're not so super.

Citizens of Wuzzleburg,

today we're voting

on our Neighbors of the Year.

And the winners will receive

the key to the city!



I think Wubbzy

and Daizy should win.



I almost lost all of the flyers

to today's meeting,

but Wubbzy and Daizy

helped me save them.


I think Wubbzy and Daizy

should win, too.

If they didn't help me,

my poodle might still

be stuck in that tree.




And they saved

our weather balloon

from floating away.

They should win

for sure.


I couldn't agree more.

If it weren't

for Wubbzy and Daizy,

I might not even have

this key to the city.


Let's hear it

for Wubbzy and Daizy!


You mean Wonder Wubbzy

and Flower Power!



very own superheroes!



Thank you! Thank you!

It's always good

to have a superhero around.

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ You can save the day

in your own way ♪

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ When someone's in need

and you do a good deed ♪

♪ That makes you a hero ♪

♪ Help someone young,

help someone old ♪

♪ Keep them warm

when they are cold ♪

♪ Help them up if they fall ♪

♪ Help them reach it

if they're too small ♪

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ You can save the day

in your own way ♪

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ When someone's in need

and you do a good deed ♪

♪ That makes you a hero ♪

♪ You don't need to be

big and strong ♪

♪ Just lend a hand

if something's wrong ♪

♪ You don't have to fly

through the sky ♪

♪ You'll always be a hero

when you really try ♪

♪ You don't have to wear ♪

♪ Shiny armor ♪

♪ You can help a bird ♪

♪ Or a farmer ♪


♪ Help to clean

when there's a mess ♪

♪ Help Aunt Lulu

fix her dress ♪

♪ Help on the street,

help in the store ♪

♪ Carry a package

or open the door ♪

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ You can save the day

in your own way ♪

♪ You're a hero,

you're a hero ♪

♪ When someone's in need

and you do a good deed ♪

♪ That makes you a hero ♪

♪ That makes you a hero ♪

♪ You will be a hero ♪