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02x03 - Wubbzy and the Sparkle Stone/Meet the Wuzzles

Posted: 06/20/23 18:57
by bunniefuu

Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪


Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"Wubbzy and the Sparkle Stone."

♪♪ [humming]

Wow, wow, Daizy!

Whatcha up to?

Hi, Wubbzy.

I'm gonna plant

some loony petunias.

[horn tooting]


Say, could you do me

a teensy little favor?

Could you please hold on

to my special glow-in-the-dark

sparkle stone ring?

I don't wanna lose it.

Sure. I'd be happy to.

Be careful

with it, please.

Ah, don't worry.

I'll take good care of it.

What a cool ring.

I'm gonna bring it

to the Wubb Club

to show Widget and Walden.

Wow! It really does sparkle.


And it glows in the dark, too!







[frogs croak]

There's the Wubb Club!

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, no!

Daizy's ring!



I gotta get that ring back

before Daizy finds out.

Hello there, Wubbzy.

Whatcha doing in that

there hole, little buddy?

Oh! I dropped

Daizy's special


sparkle stone ring

into this hole,

and I can't get

to the bottom of it.

That little hole?

No problemo.




the Diggery-Doo .

[chittering ]

That's not it.

That's not it.

That's definitely

not it.

It's digging up everything

but the kitchen sink.

[all laughing]

Great Carlsbad Caverns!


It's an underground tunnel!

Daizy's ring

is down there somewhere,

and I have to find it.

We're with you,



To the WubbMobile!



Look at those amazing

rock formations.



Oh, no! We'll never

find the ring now.


This looks like a job

for the Brighty-Light .

Now, where's that ring?

Mmm, it's gotta be

around here somewhere.

Hey! There is is!



Sizzling bacon bits!

That appears to be a rare

subterranean snuggle hog.

Hey, you! Give me back

that sparkle stone ring.

Follow that snuggle hog!

[brakes screech]

Look at that!

A perfectly preserved


Oh, no! We lost it!

Aw, don't give up the ship,

little buddy.

Activate the WubbSub.

[bell dings]

Oh, no! The ring

went into that cave!


That's not a cave.

That's a giant

three-eyed, spotted,

ten-toothed wiggle whale.

♪♪ [dance music blaring]

[bell dings]

Follow that three-eyed,

spotted, giant, um--

Follow that whale!

♪♪ [continues]

Great blundering blackness!

It sure is dark

down here.

How are we going

to find that whale now?

Hey, let's ask

those fellas.

Excuse me.

Have you seen a whale

swim through here?

[alarm blaring]



I've got it!


[all scream]

♪♪ [humming]

My, my!

My hands sure are dirty.

I'm glad I gave my ring

to Wubbzy.

I'm sure he's taking

good care of it.

[screaming continues]


Activate WubbCopter.


Now let's get

that ring.

Look! That bird

has Daizy's ring.

That's not just any bird.

That's a noodle-nose

cuckoo bird.

Follow that

noodle-nose, Widget!

Yes, siree,

little buddy.

[electronic game sounds]


Great Hoover Dam!

It's a natural vacuum.

Don't get too close, Widget,

or we'll get sucked in,




[all yelling]


[yelling continues]



Is this the center

of the Earth?

Hmm? Marshmallow.

Very interesting.

And tasty, too.

But where's Daizy's ring?

Hey, didn't you say

that ring glowed in the dark?

You're right.

Lights, please, Widget.


There it is!

Now I can bring this

back to Daizy.


Smoldering s'mores!

This marshmallow

is bubbling.


what's going on?

I think

we might be in a...


♪♪ [humming]








That was some adventure

there, little buddy.

Yes, yes, yes!

I'm going to take this ring

back to Daizy right now.

There. All done.

[horn tooting]


Next time,

I'm gonna be more careful

when I'm watching

other people's things.

Whoa! Oh-oh! Whoa!

Hi, Daizy. Wow, wow,

that was a good catch.

Thanks, Wubbzy.

Who knows what

would've happened

if it had fallen

into that hole?

Yeah. Who knows?

[nervous chuckle]

Welcome to the Wubb Club!

Today we're checking out

the silly mirror room.


I look so silly!

And look how short

I am here.


And I'm all curvy-swervy.


Will the real Wubbzy

please wiggle his tail?

And now I'm upside down.

This mirror is

shaped like a pie.

Mmm! I wonder why.


I sure look delicious.

And I look sweet.


[alarm ringing]

♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

it's a beautiful day ♪

♪ Hey, hey, Wubbzy,

what do you say ♪

Hey, look!

It's The Jukebox Robot!


♪ Here's a riddle

Here's a quiz ♪

♪ Do you know

what time it is? ♪

[cuckoo chimes]

Is it dinnertime?

♪ No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no ♪

Is it bedtime?


♪ No, no, no ♪

Well, what time is it?

♪♪ [drumroll]

♪ Oh-ho, gee-hee ♪

♪ It's time for

the Wubb Club dance party ♪

[horns tooting]

[applause, cheering]

♪ Put on some shoes

and a silly hat ♪

♪ Grab some friends

or a crazy cat ♪

♪ Turn up the music

and tap your toe ♪

♪ It's time to dance,

so go, go, go ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party

You can feel the beat ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party

Just move your feet ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party,

and it's really loud ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party,

so join the crowd ♪

♪ Do the donkey conga

or the hippety-hop ♪

♪ Do the silly stomp

or the freaky flop ♪

♪ Dance down low

or way up top ♪

♪ Dance, dance, dance

and never ever stop ♪

[bell dings]

♪ Dance, dance,

dance, dance dance ♪

♪ Do the bouncy bean ♪

♪ Dance, dance,

dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Do the funky duck ♪

♪ Dance, dance,

dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Do the rockin' robot ♪

♪ Dance, dance,

dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Do the crazy cluck ♪


♪ It's a dance, dance party

You can hear the bass ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party

Pick up the pace ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party,

and it really grooves ♪

♪ It's a dance, dance party

Let's see your moves ♪

♪ You're dancing good

and looking great ♪

♪ We had a blast,

but it's gettin' late ♪

♪ This song was cool

It sure was fun ♪

♪ We dance and dance,

but now we're done ♪



Wow, wow, everyone!

My name is Wubbzy!

♪ Wubbzy lives in a tree ♪

♪ He likes to play,

play, play ♪

♪ He's got a bendy tail

and he likes it that way ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Widget is his friend ♪

♪ She likes to build ♪

♪ She hammers and she saws ♪

♪ And her toolbox is filled ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Walden is their friend ♪

♪ He's really smart ♪

♪ He knows about science ♪

♪ And books and art ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ Wubbzy and Widget

and Walden are friends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

♪ And when they're

with Daizy ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ♪

♪ Wubbzy, Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! ♪

Wow! Wow!

♪ Wow! Wow! Wow! ♪


Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

"Meet the Wuzzles."

Hello, Wubbzy.

Wow, wow, Madame Zabinga!

And how are the preparations

for the big dance party

coming along?


I've got the Wubb Club

all clean and sparkly.

And look.

Walden is making his famous

marshmallow lasagna.

Hmm? Maybe

one more marshmallow.


Or maybe not.


And Widget is tuning up

the bubble machine.

[horn wails]

No, that's not supposed

to happen.


And I'm filling

the juicy jar

with plenty

of lemony-lemon juice.

[yells, laughs]


Yep. It's going to be

a great dance party.


And what about the band?

The band?

Of course,

my little Wubbkins.

You can't have a dance party

without a band.

Gee, I never

thought of that.

Sure, Madame Zabinga.

Don't worry.

We'll have a great band.

Ah, wunderbar!

Say, little buddy,

where you gonna find a band

this late?

Yes, yes, yes!

The party will be starting

in only a few hours.

Hmm? I know!

We can be the band.



Walden, you can play

your hoopty-horn,

and, Widget, you can play drums

on your Rat-a-tat-tat .

And what will you do,


Me? I can sing!


♪ La la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la ♪

♪♪ [singing stops]


You can?

♪ La la la la,

la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la, la la la la-- ♪


♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

Wow! I wonder what's going on

at the Wubb Club.

♪♪ [continues]

♪ Wiggle your toes

Wiggle over here ♪

♪ Wiggle over there

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

in your underwear ♪

Well, lavender lollipops!

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle

Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Wiggle in the grass

Wiggle in the pool ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Now you're looking cool ♪

♪ It'll make you smile

It'll make you giggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪


Hi, Daizy.

I didn't know you guys

had a band.

Yep. We're the Wuzzles.



Can I join the band?

Sure. Can you

play an instrument?

Well, no.

But do you know

what I can do?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I know! I know!

You can decorate

the stage!

Sure, Wubbzy.

I love to decorate.

I'll go get started.

Wow. All this singing

is making me thirsty.

Careful, Wubbzy.

Don't drink too much

of that lemony-lemon juice.

Walden's right,

little buddy.

Your voice might get

puckered out.


It's sour,

but it sure tastes great.

Okay, let's get

back to work.

We have to be ready

for the dance party.

♪♪ [upbeat]

♪♪ [continues]

Wait, wait!

I have an idea.

Let's turn on

the bubble machine.


♪♪ [upbeat resumes]

I guess I was

having bubble trouble.


Hey, Wubbzy.

The stage

is all decorated.

Wow, Daizy!

You did a great job!

Thanks, Wubbzy.

I really loved

decorating the stage,

but do you know what else

I can do?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I know! I know!

You can make fancy outfits

for the band.

Um, sure.

That sounds like fun.

[over P.A. system]

Come one, come all

to the Wubb Club

dance party tonight!

♪♪ [upbeat]

Hey, guys,

the costumes are ready.

♪♪ [fanfare]

Wow, wow, wow!

Those are mighty pretty.

Yes, yes, yes!

Let's try them on.

♪♪ [fanfare, warped]

Uh, I think

something's wrong here.

Yes, definitely.

I sure can't play

my drums like this.


I know what's wrong.

Wubbzy, you're wearing

Widget's outfit.

Widget, you're wearing

Wubbzy's outfit.

And, Walden, your outfit

is upside down.



♪♪ [fanfare]

Another great job,


Thanks, Wubbzy.

I had fun

making those band outfits.

But do you know

what else I can do?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I know! I know!

You can make a sign

for the band.

Um, sure.

I guess I can do that.

We've got great costumes

and a great stage.

I guess we're all set.

[vehicle approaching]

Three minutes till

the Wubb Club dance party.

Three minutes!

Three minutes?

We better rehearse

one more time.

Just let me get

another drink.

More lemony-lemon juice?

Be careful, Wubbzy.

But it's so good!



let's rock and roll!

A one, two--

one, two, three!

♪ Do the wiggle

Do the Wubbzy Wi-- ♪


What was that,

little buddy?

Um, I-I was just

trying to sing.

Let me try again.


Aha! Just as I thought.

That lemony-lemon juice

has puckered your voice.

Yep. It sounds

mighty screechy.

I can't hit

the high notes at all.

Oh, no!


We might have to cancel

the dance party.

No, no, no!

I'm afraid it's too late.

A big crowd is already

coming this way!

Uh, maybe you guys can play

without my singing.

I guess we could try.

♪♪ [off-key]

It's no good, Wubbzy.

We need somebody

singing the words.

♪ Wiggle your fingers,

wiggle your nose ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle your toes ♪

Wow! Who's that?

♪ Wiggle over there

Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle

Do the wig-- ♪

Daizy, why didn't you

tell us you could sing?

I've been trying

to tell you that

all along, Wubbzy.

Gee, I'm sorry.

I should've listened to you.

Great balls of fire, Wubbzy!

The crowd is almost here!

One minute

till the dance party.

One minute!

One minute?

What are we gonna do?

Oh! Oh! Oh!

I know! I know!

I know what we can do.

Daizy, would you please

sing in our band?

Sure, Wubbzy.

I'd love to.

[crowd cheering]

And now,

ladies and gentlemen,

the moment

you've been waiting for,

here they are,

the Wuzzles!

[crowd cheering]

♪♪ [drums]

♪♪ [fanfare]

♪♪ [drumroll]

Come on, everybody!

Let's do the wiggle!

[cheering continues]

A one, two, three!

♪♪ [upbeat]

♪ Do the wiggle

Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Do the wiggle

Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ It'll make you smile

It'll make you giggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

I may not be able to sing,

but I sure can wiggle.

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪♪ [ends]

[crowd cheering]

♪ Put your hands in the air ♪

♪ Wave 'em all around ♪

♪ Shake your legs ♪

♪ Make a crazy sound ♪

[horns toot]

♪ Wiggle your fingers,

wiggle your nose ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

wiggle your toes ♪

♪ Wiggle over here,

wiggle over there ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

in your underwear ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ It'll make you smile

It'll make you giggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Wiggle on your belly

Wiggle on your back ♪

♪ Wiggle in the bath

Wiggle with a snack ♪

♪ Wiggle like a worm

Wiggle like a snake ♪

♪ Wiggle like jelly

Yeah, shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ You can make it bounce

You can make it jiggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Are you full and tired? ♪

♪ And are you slowing down? ♪

♪ Don't you stop ♪

♪ Just wiggle all around ♪

♪ Wiggle in the grass

Wiggle in the pool ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Now you're looking cool ♪

♪ Wiggle in the snow

Wiggle in the sun ♪

♪ Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Now we're having fun ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Do the wiggle ♪

♪ Do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Try to make it squirm

Try to make it squiggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪

♪ Come on, everybody,

do the Wubbzy Wiggle ♪