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15x01 - Farewell the Sea

Posted: 06/20/23 12:06
by bunniefuu
[suspenseful music]

See? It's all here.

Two tons of vengestone.

Jackpot. [chuckles]

The boss is gonna love this.

Pay him, boys!




What are you waiting for? Get 'em!

[suspenseful action music]


[suspenseful action music]

I've been waiting for another chance against you!

What the Ninbloey... ?

Who are you guys?

Wherever there are criminals...

Wherever there are convicts...

Wherever there are felons...

You will find us! We are...

[all] The new ninja!


Are you flippin' kidding me?

I bust my butt, dedicate my life to crime,

carry around a highly combustible gas t*nk

strapped to my back,

and this is the respect I get?

I don't even get the real ninja?

Look out, Orange Ninja!

Flip! Thanks for the warning, Teal Ninja!

Teal's not even a primary color!

Ninja! Charge!

This is beneath me!

I refuse to dignify your presence with combat.


Send the real ninja next time!

[Orange Ninja] Darn! She escaped.

[Teal Ninja] We'll get her next time.

Remember. Ninja always keep trying.

[sirens wailing]


Who are you guys?

We are... the New Ninja!

[police sirens in distance]

[quirky music]


-New Ninja! -[booms]

New Ninja?

What... What happened to the old Ninja?

[ominous music]

[wind blowing]

[dramatic music]

[Jay] Farewell the Sea

[mechanical whirring]

[reporter] This was the scene last night,

where a vengestone smuggling operation

was thwarted by a group of heroes

calling themselves the "New Ninja."

-What? - The newly elected mayor,

Ulysses Norville Trustable,

issued this statement earlier today.

It's been a year since anyone's even seen the ninja.

And frankly, whenever they do show up,

they cause millions in property damage.

So I say, it's about time we had some new heroes.

[coughs] Not now, Mr. Fuzzly Fuzzly.

Maybe these guys will be less destructive.

Less destructive?

Can you believe what the mayor said?

Yes. And he is right.

The odds that the New Ninja exceed our capacity

for property damage is highly unlikely.

How can you say that so calmly?

I deactivated my emotion meter.

You did? What for?

After Nya's disappearance,

I found my productivity decreasing.

This was due to an unwanted emotional reaction: grief.

By switching my emotion meter off,

I improved productivity %.

Turning yourself into an emotionless drone

isn't the solution!

[somber music]

Uh... Master Wu?

[Master Wu grumbles] Darn it!

I thought perhaps there would be some clue

to bringing Nya back in the Scrolls

of Quanish The Elder, but Quanish was a fool.

If there was an answer here, you would've found it already.

You've read these scrolls a dozen times.

[Master Wu] I should have gone with Misako

to the Library at Domu.

They have a larger collection.

Master Wu, I think we need to get the team together.

I've got a bad feeling about this vengestone stuff.

Vengestone? What vengestone?

Last night they busted another vengestone shipment.

And we still don't know who's behind it.

Hm... That is worrisome.

Vengestone's only practical purpose

is to negate elemental power.

Exactly. Anyone who's collecting vengestone

has to be up to no good.

[Master Wu] You have a point.

Perhaps we should get the team together.

[Kai] Okay, everyone, fall in!

You better get it right this time!

[mechanical whirring]

First position, go!

Second position, go!

Greet your opponent!

[battle cries]

-[all grunting] -[thumping]

Holy cow!

That seems excessive.

Nice. Remember, kids, in a real fight,

we don't "Greet our opponents." What's the best defense?

[all] To obliterate your enemy before they see you coming!

Exactly. Class dismissed. See you next week.

[kids yelling]

What are you teaching these kids, Kai!

I do not recall Master Wu teaching us to,

"Obliterate our enemies before they see us coming."

I'm preparing these kids for the real world.

There's bad guys out there, and they don't play fair.

Or do I have to remind you what happened to Nya?

The sea thing.

[Cole] Even Benthomaar has given up hope to find her.

He sent a message that he's returned to rule Merlopia.

Good for him I guess.

Now what's up?

I got a kindergarten class in a half-hour,

and they're like a pack of ravenous wolves.

I gotta prepare mentally.

We are assembling the team to look into

a vengestone smuggling operation.

We could use your help.

Unless you'd rather deal with the wolf-pack.

Let's go.

[lift whirring]

Hey, buddy! How's it going?

Cole? Kai? What are you doing here?

We're getting the team together

to look into this vengestone thing.

We could use your help.

Sorry. I've got a lot of windows to do.

I appreciate the visit,

but I really gotta get back to work.


Lloyd, come on, buddy! You gotta snap out of it.

Yeah, whatever happened to "Ninja never qui--

Don't you say it! Just don't! I don't wanna hear that!

I'm... I'm done, okay?

I can't be responsible for anyone ever again.

I just do windows now.

[lift whirring]

What now?

Give him some time.

Maybe we'll have better luck with Jay.

[Gayle Gossip] I don't care if your roommate

keeps you up at night or live!

Plans are underway for a candle-light vigil

to mark the sacrifice of Nya, the Elemental Master of Water,

who saved Ninjago City exactly one year ago today.

How many will turn out in her honor?

City Officials are unsure, but this reporter,

for one, will be there.

[sorrowful music]

[bird screeching]

[both gasping]

Jay? What happened to your face?

Time, ravages us all...

Uh, Jay?

Why are there half-full water glasses everywhere?

They're half-empty.

Okay. But why?

-[Jay] So I can talk to Nya. -[gasping]

Nya became one with the ocean, remember?

Which means she's connected to all water everywhere.

Which means part of Nya is inside that water glass.

And that one. And that one. And that one, and...

Okay. Okay, okay, we get it.

Nya, the guys are here.

What? Oh, okay, I'll tell them.

She says "Hi."

Would you excuse us for a second, Jay?

What's wrong with him?

[whispering] I think the cheese slid off

Jay's cr*cker!

What do we do?

I will attempt to reason with him.

Jay... Nya merged with the sea.

Those cups are filled with tap water.

Thus, they cannot be connected to Nya.

Your grief is impairing your judgment.

You should return to the monastery.

No thanks.

So much for reason.

Jay, the people of Ninjago need us.

Somewhere out there, right now, a villain is plotting something

with a ton of vengestone,

and we gotta stop 'em!

What'dya say?

No thanks.

Way to go, Cole.

[Jay] I'm not going anywhere.

Everybody else might have forgotten Nya,

but not me.

Nobody forgot her, Jay.

Yes, they did!

It's only been a year since Nya disappeared,

and it's like nobody cares anymore.

They just moved on with their lives!

But Nya's still gone! And nobody even remembers!

Jay, we'll always remember.

Nya was my sister.

I'd do anything for her, but she's not here.

Please come with us.

[Jay] I can't. I'm sorry.

[sorrowful music]

Jay, you gotta see this!

It's amazing!

What is it?

[uplifting music]


[Lloyd] It's beautiful.

You came.

What changed your mind?

Nya wouldn't want us to quit.

If she saw us like this,

she'd kick our butts and tell us to get back to work.


That hurt.

[uplifting music swelling]

[Cole] So, what do you say? For Nya?

[all] For Nya!

[closing theme music]