01x08 - Floating

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x08 - Floating

Post by bunniefuu »

(spacey electronic buzzing)

- Hoobledoop Tiddlypeeps,

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(spacey zapping)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learing ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray ♪

♪ The hoobabile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

- [Tula] (gasps)

That's you, Groove!

Standing by the hooby highup

in Auntie Hatty Hoob's garden.

- [Grove] That's just a

picture of my paw, Tula.

That's paw picture.

- (clears throat)

Have either of you two

thought of a question

for Hoob News?


(machine buzzes)

- Oh, and there's

Auntie Hatty Hoob

swinging from her

hooby hangar (laughs)

But my camera slipped a bit and

I only got her legs.

- [Groove] Nice legs though.

I'd know those legs anywhere.

- I don't want to

rush you or anything.

(machine buzzes)

- Ah, now this one's better.

- [Groove] Yes, me

in our hooblebobber

wearing my splatchmack. (laughs)

Hooby Galooby.

What I wouldn't give

for a good hooblebob.

- (sighs) It's the most

hooble dooble duper thing

in the whole of Hoobland.

- It is, but we

must have a question

for Hoob News!

- I don't want a question,

I want a hooblebob.

- But we don't have

a hooblebobber.

- (sighs) Now let me think.

- Groove, please.

- What floats around on the

water like a hooblebobber?

(hooblephone rings)

(electronic zapping)

- What floats

around on the water

like a hooblebobber?

What a hoobacious question.

I can put the answer

straight into my hoobapedia.

It's just the thing

Hoobs need to know!

- It's just the thing this

Hoob needs to know (laughs)

Hey, we're going hooblebobbing!

- Steady, Groove.

First we need to find out

about things that float.

- [Hubba Hubba]

Quite right, Iver.

(Iver laughs)

I'll let Roma know

that you're looking

for something like

a hooblebobber.

But first of all,

let me see if I can find you

some floating things on Hooblet.

(machine beeping)

Hm, let me see.

Ah! Here are some floaters.

(electronic zapping)

There's a duck. They're

always floating.

Oh, there's some otters.

Floating and eating (laughs)

There's a Tiddlypeep

toy duck floating.

And that's a big

crocodile floating.

There's some birds

floating and washing. Ha!

Oh, and there's a seal floating.


And there's some ducks

floating off into the sunset.

(electronic zapping)

- Well that's a start.

All those things were floating!

- Yes, but they weren't

bright and colorful

and squidgy like a hooblebobber.

- Hm. And they were

floating by themselves.

And getting very wet.

- Yes, hm. That's not a

bit like hooblebobbing.

(hooblephone rings)

- That wasn't much help, was it?

I tell you what.

Why don't you ask

the Tiddlypeeps

if they know what

floats on the water

like a hooblebobber.

- Hooby groovy

idea, Hubba Hubba.

- My turn, my turn!

- Okay, Tula. You

go, I'll drive.

- Let's wake up

those Motorettes!


- Lets get this

hoobabile moving!

- And I think I'm

just gonna stay here

and print out a picture

of me on the hooblebobber.

- Seatbelts?

- Seatbelts!

- [Tula and Iver] We're

to see the Tiddlypeeps!

(chimes ring)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues ♪

♪ They tells us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

(upbeat banjo music)

(Tula and Iver laugh)

- Yeehaw!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go. ♪

- Yeehaw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ There's not much

they don't know ♪

- [Motorette] And how they know!

(water splashing)

- Hello Tiddlypeeps!

- [Children] Hello Tula!

- Do you want to

do a Hooby hello?

- [Children] Yes!

- [Children and

Tula] Hoobledoop!

Hoobledoop! Woo, woo, woo!

- I'm trying to find

things that float.

Do you know anything

that can float?

- Yes, I can!

- Really? What's your name?

- Max.

- And you can really float, Max?

- Yes, it's easy

when you know how to.

- I can float too.

- [Tula] What's your name?

- Emily.

- [Tula] Hoobly groobly, Emily.

You can float as well?

- Yes.

- Iver! Groove!

Did you hear that?

These Tiddlypeeps

can float! Wow!

Now all you have to do

is tell me how you do that.

- Float.

- Well you learn to

float with one of these.

- Oh! That looks hoobly groobly.

How does it work?

- Well it's dead easy.

You either put it

under your tummy

so you can float in the water

or you hold it out

in front of you.

- Hoobly groobly.

- And then you learn to

float all by yourself.

- You can? I say,

could I borrow

one of your floats

so I can practice with it?

- Yeah, no problem.

- Oh, under your tummy, you say?

- Yes.

- Mm-hmm. And lean forward.


I'm not sure I've

got the hang of this.

- No problem. We'll show you.

Watch this!

(upbeat pop music)

(water splashes)

(Iver and Groove laugh)

(water splashes)



- I can't wait to try these out!

Don't think I like

the water though.

Thank you so much, Tiddlypeeps!

Must get back to the hoobmobile.

Hooble toodle doo!

- [Children] Hooble toodle doo!

(happy piano music)

- Oh the Tiddlypeep

of way of floating

is almost as wet

as the duck kind.

- Oh yes, but they are clever

to be able to float

with those floaty things.

- Who wants a go?

- (clears throat) Um, uh.

You know, I think you need

water to test this out.

- Oh, and that

means getting wet.

But this is nothing

like a hooblebobber.

This is too bad.

- No, Groove, Groove.

There's still time.

I'm sure we'll find something

like a hooblebobber.

- Of course we will. I know!

I'll make some

hooblebobbing splashmacks

to keep us dry when

we go hooblebobbing.

What color would

you like, Groove?

- Blue. Please.

- Tula, we haven't got

time for splashmacks.

We've got to answer

the question.

- I'll make them all

blue so we match,

I'll just go get my

mack-making material.

- No! We-- (sighs)

Peeps must have something

like hooblebobbing.

- Yes, but what?

(piano music)

♪ What? ♪

♪ What, what, what? ♪

♪ What? ♪

♪ What, what, what? ♪

(Tula humming)

(hoobaphone rings)

- Oh, it's Roma.

Maybe she'll have

found something floaty

(electronic zapping)

- Hoobledoop Hoobs!

Today I'm reporting from a beach

where some Peeps

are about to surf.

Surfing is a crazy thing

that Peeps just love to do.

- What's surfing, Roma?

- Well the Peeps have these

big, long, floaty things

called surfboards,

painted in all sorts

of bright colors.

Then they ride out to sea.

And once they're way out,

the surfers wait for a big wave

and ride back to the beach.

- Hooby groovy.

- And if you think

that's strange,

wait until you hear this.

Every time they go surfing,

the surfer Peeps get

absolutely soaking wet.

- They get wet?

- Oh yes, they just

love getting wet.

This is Roma Hoob,

off to teach surfer

Peeps how to hooblebobb.

Now, where's my splashmack?

(electronic zapping)

- Oh!

Did you see those surfer Peeps?

Imagine being a surfer Hoob.

- No.

- I know! I'll

invent Hoob Surfing!

And it will be better

than hooblebobbing!

Ha! Woohoo! (glass crashes)

- That's nothing like

a hooblebobber at all.

- Oh, Groove. Come on, cheer up.

Look, I've nearly finished

your hooblebobbing splashmack.

- Yeah.

- Come on, let's

try it for size.

- Please hurry up!

We're running out of time.

- Oh there must be a

hooblebobber somewhere.

But where?

♪ Where, where, where, where? ♪

♪ Where? ♪

- There.

- Oh Tula! It's hooble

dooble duper! (laughs)

(hooblephone rings)

(electronic zapping)

- Hoobledoop Hoops!

- Do you like my

splashmack, Hubba Hubba?

- [Hubba Hubba] Oh yes, Groove.

Blue's my favorite

color for a splashmack.

- (laughs) Mine too.

- Groove. We haven't got time

for you to talk about

your splashmack.

- Okay.

- We found some floaty

things Hubba Hubba.

But they're not

soft and squidgy.

- And you can't get in them

like you can a hooblebobber.

- [Hubba Hubba] Not to worry.

I found a wonderful story

sent in by a Tiddlypeep.

It's all floaty.

Take a look.

(electronic zapping)

- [Narrator] Once upon a time

there was a tiny,

furry caterpillar.

His name was Bertie.

He lived in a

little cabbage patch

next to a river.

Every morning,

he would climb up

onto a cabbage leaf

and munch away all day long.

But poor Bertie was lonely.

All his friends lived in

the big cabbage patch,

on the other side of the river.

The cabbages were much juicier

and much fatter.

And all the caterpillars

were much fatter too.

One day, Bertie looked

across the river,

and saw them all munching away

merrily as usual.

He sighed.

- Aww they're having such fun.

- Hey Bertie!

- Come on, munch with us!

- Come on!

- Come on Bertie!

- Bertie! Bertie!

- Come on!

- [Narrator] They called.

The river was much too

wide for him to cross.

How would he ever get

to the other side?

A big, fat tear

trickled down his face

and fell into the water.

(water splashes)


(frog croaks)

He heard a noise.

(frog croaks)

He looked down and saw a frog

jumping from one

lily pad to another.

(frog croaks)

At once, Bertie had an idea.

- If a frog can

float on a lily pad

then so can I.

- [Narrator] Bertie

inched his way

onto a lily pad.

Then using a twig for an oar,

he paddled across the river.

- [Bertie's Friend]

Come on Bertie!

- You can do it!

(friends cheering)

- [Narrator] At last he

reached the other side.

Soon he was munching on

the juiciest cabbage leaf

he'd ever seen.

And from that day on,

Bertie was never short

of friends to play with.

(electronic zapping)

- Well, Bertie's

lily pad was pretty

like a hooblebobber.

- I wonder if a lily pad

would work for a Hoob.

- Let's test one and see.

- Mm-hmm. Test one. Right.


♪ How, how, how? ♪

- Here's how.

Have you found

anything yet, Groove?

- Yeah, a heeble leaf.


- Oh, herbacious, right!

- Yeah.

- See if it floats.

- All right.

- [Groove] Yeah! (laughs)

- [Tula] It floats! It floats!

Oh, can I hooblebob

first? Can I?

- Not yet, Tula.

The heeble leaf floats,

but will it float with

a Hoob on top of it?

- Oh man, if it doesn't

then wet, wet, wet.

- We need to find something

the same weight as Tula

to put on the heeble leaf.

- So, how heavy is Tula?

Hm. Hm.

Excuse me. (groans)


- Oh!

(pants and laughs)

- All right then.

What about this?

Nah, it's not heavy enough.

- Let me try.


- Woo that was fun.

- Ah, what about this

hooble cactus spiker?


(glass crashes)

No, that's too heavy.

- (sighs) Let's try a... oh!

A hooby boulder.

(groans) Yeah this is about

the same weight as Tula.

- Okay put the hooby boulder


on the heeble leaf.


And if it floats

then it's safe for

Tula to hooblebob on.

- Right

(water splashes)

- [Iver, Tula,

And Groove] Oh no!

- (sighs) This is too bad.

- Well, okay.

So a heeble leaf doesn't

float on the water

like a hooblebobber

with a Hoob on it.

- And it isn't soft and

squidgy and flowery.

- In fact, it isn't like

a hooblebobber at all.

(hooblephone rings)

- It's Hubba Hubba!

- I'll get it. (gasps)

- Oh hoobledoop, Iver.

- Hoobledoop, Hubba Hubba.

- Now I've been on Hoobnet

looking for soft and

squidgy, flowery things

and guess what?

I found one!


- I've no idea what

Peeps use it for,

but you might just be able

to hooblebob with it.

Shall I send it to you?

- Oh, yes please, Hubba Hubba.

(electronic zapping)

- It's on its way!

(pants and laughs)

- Hubba Hubba is sending us

a soft and squidgy,

flowery thing.

- Oh, that's hooby

groovy. (laughs)

We'll be hooblebobbing

in no time.

(slow piano music)

♪ When a Hoob has had ♪

♪ A long and tiring day ♪

♪ When a Hoob is looking ♪

♪ To cast his cares away ♪

♪ When a Hoob wants ♪

♪ A little bit of leisure ♪

♪ A little bit of quiet ♪

♪ And a little bit of pleasure ♪

♪ Then there's one thing ♪

♪ We turn to ♪

♪ Which always does the job ♪

♪ We just climb in ♪

♪ To our hooblebobber ♪

♪ And have a hooblebob ♪

♪ We go bob bob ♪

♪ Bobbing on the water ♪

♪ There's nothing ♪

♪ A hoob likes more ♪

♪ Bob bob ♪

♪ Bobbing on the water ♪

♪ Heading far away ♪

♪ From the shore ♪

♪ Nothing beats a day

of hooblebobbing ♪

♪ An experience ♪

♪ You never can forget ♪

♪ With our new splashmacks ♪

♪ We'll lie back and relax ♪

♪ Our splashmacks ♪

♪ Will stop us getting wet ♪

♪ Oh yes! ♪

♪ Yes our splashmacks ♪

♪ Will stop us getting wet ♪

♪ Bob bob ♪

♪ Bobbing on the water ♪

♪ Its a hooble dooble duper ♪

♪ Thing to do ♪

♪ Bob bob ♪

♪ Bobbing on the water ♪

♪ I'd love to have ♪

♪ A hooblebob with you ♪

♪ Yes I'd love to have ♪

♪ A hooblebob with you ♪

(whistling beeps)

- Ah! Here comes

our soft and squidgy

flowery thing!

- I'll get it!

- (laughs) Hooble dooble duper!

Any minute now we'll be

bob bob bobbing.

(chimes ring)

- Well it's nice and colorful

like a hooblebobber.

- It's soft and squidgy

like a hooblebobber.

- And it's flowery

like a hooblebobber.

But does it float

like a hobblebobber?

- [Tula, Iver, And Groover] Yes!

- But.

- [Tula, Iver, And

Groover] A hoob

can't get into it!

- No hooblebobbing.

Oh, help me out

of my mack, Tula.

(hubblephone rings)

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba.

He'll know what to do.

- I don't think we're ever

gonna go hooblebobbing,

Hubba Hubba.

- [Hubba Hubba] Oh come on.

Don't give up hope, Groove.

There's still time

for a trip to the Tiddlypeeps.

If they can't find you anything

like a hooblebobber (chuckles)

than no one can.

- You are so right, Hubba Hubba.

- Oh! (laughs) Thank you, Tula.

- I will go and see

the Tiddlypeeps.

Come on!


(chimes ring)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart, they're

fun, they know. ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

- Oh!

- [Motorettes] Yeehaw

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- What are you doing tomorrow?

- Don't know.

- Hoopledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Children] Hoopledoop, Tula!

- You look as if

you're going swimming.

- [Children] We are.

- What's that you're carrying?

- It's a rubber ring.

You put it on like this

and then you can float

around in the water.

- [Groove] Well, hey! (laughs)

- That is so hoobly groobly.

I'm looking for floaty things.

Oh! What are these?

- Arm bands.

- They're lovely and soft

and squidgy, aren't they?

Do they help you float as well?

- Yes.

- Well, let me

tell you something.

We are looking for something

like a hooblebobber.

Do you know what

a hooblebobber is?

- No.

- Well it's a lovely, bright,

colorful, soft floating thing

that Hoobs like to use to

float around on the water.

Do you Tiddlypeeps have

anything like that?

- I think so.

- You do?

- What about this?

- (gasps) Oh! How

hoobly groobly is that?

Does it float?

- Of course it does!

- Are you getting this, Iver?

- Yes.

- It's soft, and it's squidgy,

and it's bright,

and you can get into it

just like a hooblebobber!

(Iver and Groove laugh)

What's it called?

- A play boat.

- A play boat!

Iver, can you ask Hubba Hubba

to order a play

boat from Hooblet?

- [Groove] Hey hey!

- Thank you very

much, Tiddlypeeps.

I must get back now.

Happy floating

and hooble toodle doo!

- [Children] Hooble toodle doo!

- It works Tula!

We found it!

Something that

floats on the water

just like a hooblebobber.

- Can I try it now? (panting)

- You can try it just as soon

as we've done Hoob News.

Come on, Groove. Come on!

♪ Float, float,

float your leaf ♪

♪ Gently in a puddle ♪

♪ Splish splash, splish splash ♪

♪ Life is such a muddle ♪

(bells whistle and jingle)

♪ Hooblebob Hooblebob ♪

♪ Gently down the breeze ♪

♪ Giggly, giggly,

giggly, giggly ♪

♪ Life is such a wheeze. ♪

(machine whistles and beeps)

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily,

merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is such a dream ♪

- Are you ready with

your news, Hoobs?

Ready to tell me what

floats like a hooblebobber

for my Hoobapedia?

- We're ready!

(drums and upbeat pop music)

- Hoobledoop woop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News,

the new show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question,

"What floats around on the water

like a hooblebobber?"

- [Tula] Well first of all,

we needed to find

out what floated.

- [Iver] We found out

that all sorts of birds

and animals can float.

But they're actually

in the water!

- [Tula] Getting wet!

- [Groove] That's

not hooblebobbing.

- [Tula] And some Tiddlypeeps

can float as well,

using floaty things.

- [Groove] But that's

not hooblebobbing.

- [Iver] Then Roma

told us that some Peeps

like to ride the

water on surfboards.

- [Tula] And they

always get wet.

- [Groove] That's

not hooblebobbing.

- [Iver] Then we had a story

about a caterpillar

who could float

on a lily pad.

So we tried that out

with a heeble leaf.

- [Tula] But a Hoob

would be too heavy

to float on a heeble leaf.

- [Iver] So we went

back to the Tiddlypeeps

one more time and discovered...

- [Tula, Iver, and

Groove] A play boat!

- (laughs) It's

soft and squidgy.

- And it floats,

and a Hoob can sit in it.

- It's so like a hooblebobber.

- [Tula, Iver, and

Groove] Hoob hoob hooray!

- And it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma

for giving Hoobs everywhere

a little peep into

the world of Peeps.

And remember wherever you are,

have a hooble dooble duper day.

And hooble toodle doo!

- [Tula, Iver, and

Groove] Hooble toodle doo!

- Right, who's ready

for a hooblebob?

- (gasps) Me first!

- No, me first

- [Groove] No, me first.

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The hoobabile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here ♪

♪ So what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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