01x06 - Pets

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x06 - Pets

Post by bunniefuu »

(quirky music)

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hooberpedia.

Here they come!

(quirky music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in HoobLand ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hurray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (Laughs) Oh!

- Well, hey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- Let me see.

Now, I haven't

seen this for ages.

- Tula, where's Groove?

- He's out collecting.

- Oh.

Well, I hope he

thinks up a question

for Hoob News while he's at it.

- Groove really enjoys his

collecting, doesn't he, Iver?

- Oh, yes he does, yes.

He always comes back

with a smile on his face

and a spring in his step.

- (sighs) Hoobledoob, Iver.

Hoobledoob, Tula.

- [Both] Hoobledoop, Groove!

- Something the matter, Groove?

You don't seem your

usual jolly, cheery,

Hooby-groovy self!

- I'm not.

- Didn't you find anything

while you were out collecting?

- Oh yes, I found

Hoobloads of stuff.

- So, what's the problem?

- (sighs) I was lonely.

- Yeah, I really wanted someone

hopping along beside me,

helping me fetch things,

looking up at me

with their big eyes,

someone to talk to!

Hey, maybe one of you two could

come out with me next time.

- (laughs) Groove,

sounds to me like

you need an animal

to keep you company.

Not a Hoob!

- Who could keep Groove company

while he's out

collecting things?

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

- Who could keep Groove company

while he's out

collecting things?

That's a really interesting

question, Hoobs!

- Oh, you're telling

me, Hubba Hubba!


- And all the things

that you find out

can go straight into

my great Hooberpedia.

- Hubba Hubba, we were thinking

that some kind of animal

might be a good idea.

- That's very good

thinking, Tula!

I'll email Roma to ask

her to find an animal

that Groove might like

to have as a friend.

And, in the meantime, here

are a few to get you started.

(quirky music)

Now, these are elephants.

That's little, that's a frog.

Oh, these apparently are tigers.

That's a crocodile,

not too sure about him.

Oh, there's an elephant seal,

and that's a wallaby, need

a lot of room for him!

Oh, these apparently

are penguins.

Oh, look at these chaps,

they look cheerful!

What a glorious twizzle tuft!

Oh look, there's a stick insect!

(quirky music)

- Well, Groove, you've got

a lot to choose from now!

- Yeah, but I do have to say,

I rather like that

sticky guy at the end.

I'm gonna go on Hoobnet to

print a picture out of him.

- The stick insect?

Does he mean the

stick insect, Tula?

- But he didn't look like he

could hop along beside you,

or fetch things for you,

or look up at you

with his big eyes,

or even talk to you.

- Yes, that's very true, Tula.

But I just kind of liked him.

It reminds me of a favorite

pencil I once had. (chuckles)

(printer whirring)

Oh, here he comes. (chuckles)

Ah, great!

I can keep him in

my collecting bag!

- (gasps) Oh no, Groove!

He might get squished!

He looks like he'd get

squished really easily to me.

- Oh.

- I really think

we should try out

some other animals, Groove.

- Oh yes, but how?

♪ How, how, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, how how how how ♪

♪ How ♪

- I know how!

Iver and I could pretend

to be different animals.

I could make little

ears and noses

from things in my Hoobybits box

so we can look like them.

(Iver laughs)

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

- Oh, it's Hubba Hubba again!

(quirky music)

- I've heard that

no one likes animals

more than Tiddlypeeps!

So they could give

Groove some great advice

about who would keep him company

while he's out

collecting things!

- Good idea, Hubba Hubba!

- Come on, Groove!

I'll drive you to

the Tiddlypeeps.

- Yeah, Iver, would you look

after my stick insect picture?

- Of course I will.

- Come on, let's wake up

those little Motorettes!

- Yeah, let's get this

Hoobmobile moving!

(Iver laughs)

- Seatbelt, Tula?

- Mmm-hmm!

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(quirky music)

- [Motorette] Yeehaw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues ♪

♪ They tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

- Woo hoo!

- Yee-hoo!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Yee hoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ And, how they know, yee-haw ♪

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Kids] It's Groove!

Hello, Groove!

- Do you want to

do a Hoobyhello?

- Yeah!

- Yeah, and,

- [All] Hoobledoop,

hoobledoop, whoop-whoop-whoop!

- Now then, what's your name?

- I'm Tom.

- Tom, and what's your name?

- I'm Claire.

- Now, is it true that you

Tiddlypeeps really love animals?

- Oh, yes, we keep them as pets!

- You do?

What sort of pets do you have?

- There's dogs, cats,

budgies, goldfish.

- There's hamsters, gerbils,

guinea pigs, and rabbits!

- You, what a lot,

I hope you've got

all of those, Tula!

- Yes!

- So, if I was to have a pet,

what kind of pet do you

think I should have?

- I've got something

you might like, Groove!

- Hey, Tula, Iver!

- Yeah?

- Can you see this guy?

- Yeah, yeah.

- He's Hooby groovy!

What's he called?

- Hoppy!

- Hoppy! (laughs)

- Why's he called that?

- 'Cause that's what

rabbits do, Groove.


(Groove laughs)

- Hello, Hoppy!

Oh, look, he's so fluffy.

(Iver chuckles)

Look at his little twitchy nose!

I think he really likes me.

I'd love to stay and

watch him all day,

but, I've gotta get back

to the Hoobmobile now.

So, thanks so much, Tiddlypeeps!


- [Kids] Hoobletoodledoo!

(upbeat music)

- (sighs) Right, Iver.

You hide behind there,

and I'll hide over there,

and when Groove comes in,

we'll both pretend

to be rabbits.

(both giggle)

- I can't wait!

(both laughing)

(Tula giggles)

- That's it!

I've found something that

will hop alongside me!

A Hoob's best friend

is his rabbit.

(quirky music)

- Hoppity, hop!

Hoppity, hoppity, hop.

- Tula! (laughs)

- Hoppity, hoppity,

hoppity, hop.


Hoppity, hoppity, hoppity, hop.

Hoppity, hoppity, hoppity.

- Oh, look!

- All right, but

wait a minute, wait!

- You know, if a rabbit came

out collecting with you,

this is what he'd do!

- Yes.

- Hoppity, hoppity, hoppity.

- That's very funny.

It's very nice, but stop it now.

All right, yeah.

- Come on, stop it, stop it now.

I said stop it!

- Oh.

- (sighs) Thank you.

- What is it, Groove?

You wanted something to

hop along beside you.

What's wrong with

the rabbit idea?

- Tula, when I'm out collecting,

I need to concentrate.

And you can't concentrate when

all that hopping's going on!

(everyone sighs)

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

(quirky music)

- So is the rabbit the

right friend for Groove?

- [Hoobs] No, too hoppy.

- Oh!

I say, Iver,

nice teeth!

(Iver and Tula laugh)

- Now, I've just found

a story on Hoobnet

which might give Groove

another idea for a friend.

Take a look at this.

(quirky music)

- [Boy] There was once a

little boy called Percy,

who loved the sound

of his own voice.

- [Mother] There you go, dear.

- [Percy] As he walked

up and down the street

Oh yeah!

When people heard ding,

- [Boy] One day, Percy's mum

bought him the perfect pet,

a parrot.

(parrot chirps)

But Percy didn't understand.

I don't really like feathers.

(Percy sneezes)

And I'm not that keen on beaks.

(parrot chirps)

And watching things fly

makes me feel funny.

The only thing I like is

the sound of my own voice.

- It'll be easy!

I've got a good voice!

- [Boy] So why is a parrot

the perfect pet for me?

(parrot chirps)

"Well, why don't you

ask it?" Said his mum.

And so, Percy did.

"Why are you the

perfect pet for me?"

Asked Percy.

"Why are you the

perfect pet for me?"

Repeated the parrot.

- "You just said what

I said!" Said Percy.

"You just said what I

said." Said the parrot.

"Are you gonna say everything

I say?" Asked Percy.

"Are you going to say everything

I say?" Said the parrot.

And then, Percy smiled.

Suddenly, he knew why the parrot

was the most

perfect pet for him.

Because it would always

say exactly what he said.

"Now I've got you, I can hear

the sound of my own voice,

"all day long!" Said Percy.

"Now I've got you,

"I can hear the sound of my

own voice, all day long!"

"I love you!" Said Percy.

"I love you!" Said the parrot.

(parrot chirps)

(upbeat music)

(quirky music)

- Wow, how Hooby groovy

is that? (chuckles)

A Hoob's best friend has

got to be his parrot.

- A Hoob's best friend

has got to be his parrot!

- (chuckles) Why did

you just say what I did?

- Why did you just

say what I did?

- Oh, I see, you're

being the parrot!

- (laughs) Can you

stop being the parrot?

- (laughs) Could you

stop being the parrot?

- (laughs) Can you

stop being the parrot?

- (sighs) Right, I'm not

going to say anything.

- Right, I'm not

going to say anything.

(Groove sighs)

(gentle music)

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

- Hubba Hubba, can

you tell Tula and Iver

to stop pretending

to be parrots?

- Hubba Hubba, can

you tell Tula and Iver

to stop pretending

to be parrots?

- Oh, Hubba Hubba, not you too!

- Oh, Hubba Hubba,

not you too! (laughs)

- I'm sorry, Groove, I

just couldn't resist it!

Now, are you going to take a

parrot collecting with you?

- No, I'm not!

- But you wanted

someone to talk to!

- Yes, but the parrot

is far too talky!

I'll never able to

concentrate on my collecting

with all that talking going on.

- Well, the right pet for you

must be out there

somewhere, Groove.

(Iver and Tula giggle)

- [Both] But where?

♪ Where, where, where, where ♪

- Well, wherever it is,

we need to find it soon.

♪ Roma, Roma, Roma, Roma ♪

- It's a report from Roma!

I bet she's found a friendly

pet for you, Groove!

(quirky music)

- Hoobledoop, Hoobs!

- [All] Hoobledoop, Roma!

- Hubba Hubba told me you were

looking for a pet, Groove!

Well, I've come here to

a place called a stable.

And today I'm going to be

meeting a rather special animal.

He's called Chunky.

And he is, in fact, a pony!

- What's he like, Roma?

- Well, like all ponies,

he has four legs,

one in each corner.

A Hoobacious swishy

tail, and big soft eyes.

- And get this, Hoobs!

The best thing about ponies

is that you can sit on

top of them and ride them!

Lots of Peeps and Tiddlypeeps

keep ponies as pets!

- Hoobygroovy!

- I see.

- But let me tell you, Hoobs.

If you have a pony for a pet,

you'll have plenty to do!

- Like what, Roma?

- Well, ponies need Hoobloads

of oats and hay to eat.

- [Iver] Oh!

- And you can't just put

them in the garden, Hoobs.

Oh no!

You have to get one of these

stables to keep them in.

A stable is a big, wooden

building, with straw

(pony neighs)

all over the floor.

This straw has something

to do with what Peeps call

mucking out.

They were mucking

out here earlier,

and it was pretty

whiffy, I can tell you.

(Hoobs giggle)

- I'm going to have

a ride on Chunky now,

and I can't wait!

Just think of me

galloping along.

Clippity clop, clippity clop!

And over a fence we'll go, way!

Clippity clop, clippity

clop, clippity clop.

(horse steps clicking)

Ah, here comes Chunky now!

(horse neighs)

- Whoa.

- Hooby galooby!

How ever am I going

to mount that?

(Groove laughs)

This is Roma Hoob,

about to ride an enormous pony!


- [All] Hoobletoodledoo!

- I say, has anybody

got a ladder?

(Hoobs laugh)

(quirky music)

- Well, Groove,

what do you think?

Is a Hoob's best friend a pony?

- Well, I did like

his big soft eyes,

but I don't much like

the idea of you know,

having to climb

up on top of him.

- In any case, Tula, where

would we keep a pony? (chuckles)

We'd have to get him

a great big Hooby pod

to sleep in!

(Tula laughs)

- Yeah, and I'm not sure

about all that mucking out,

are you?

(Iver and Tula laugh)

- The Hoobmobile would

be really whiffy!

- Yeah. (laughs)

- Nope, the pony's not for me.

I still like the idea of

that stick insect, though!

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

- I don't want to

hurry you, Hoobs,

but how are we doing?

- Groove has just decided

against the pony, Hubba Hubba.

- Yeah, nothing beats

the stick insect so far.

- Ah yes, Groove.

But you wouldn't want to

squish him, would you?

- No, no.

- Well, let me see.

We've tried something

that hops along,

we've tried

something that talks,

and we've tried something

with big soft eyes.

- But we haven't yet

found a pet, Groove,

that fetches things.

- How about one more

visit to the Tiddlypeeps?

That might just nudge you

in the right direction.

- Good idea, Hubba Hubba!

- And I can drive you

in the right direction.

Come on, Groove!

- Oh!

(Iver laughs)

- And I will drive you, Groove!

(quirky music)

- [Motorette] Yee-haw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Woo hoo!

- [Motorette] Yee-hoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps!

- [Kids] Hoobledoop, Groove!

- Hey, I've still got a problem.

I haven't found

my ideal pet, yet!

- Right, then.

Tell us exactly what

you're looking for.

- Well, I'd like it

to have big eyes.

- [Kids] Okay.

- And I'd like it to

be able to scamper.

- [Kids] Okay.

- Oh yes, and very important,

it must be able to fetch

so it can help me

when I go collecting.

- Well, there's really

only one pet for that!

- What kind of pet is that?

- A dog!

- A dog?

Hooby groovy!

- Dog.

- What would I have

to do with a dog?

- Get him a basket to sleep in.

- Take him for

walks, and feed him.

- And give him a name!

- Hooby galooby!

Tula, Iver, did you hear that?

- Yes, we did.

- Yes.

- I could do all

of those things!

- Yes.

- But what would I call my dog?

What's a good name for a dog?

- Bingo.

- Rover.

- Jeffrey.

- Jeffrey? (laughs)

Oh, I know!

I know what I could call my dog!

Hooby Groovy!

Yes, I really like

- Hooby Groovy!

- The sound of a dog.

- I know!

- [Girl] Here's one, Groove!

(Groove gasps)

- Can you see him Iver and Tula?

- Yes.

- Yes, we're watching!

- Look at his big eyes,

and his pointy ears.

Ah, I love him already!

But, can he fetch?

- Why don't you try

throwing something?

- Hey, that's a hoobacious idea!

Has anyone got

anything I can throw?

- Try this stick!

- Oh, a stick!

Are you ready?




(kids laugh)

- [All] Yay!

- He's a fetcher,

he's a fetcher!

At last, I know the pet for me!

Do you think I can keep him?

- [Kids] No.

- Sorry, Groove, he

belongs to someone else.

- Oh, that's okay.

- Yes, yes.

- At least I know what

kind of pet I want now.

Anyway, I'd better be getting

back to the Hoobmobile,

so, thanks Tiddlypeeps,

you've been a great help.


- [Kids] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Thank you, doggy!

(upbeat music)

I've got it!

A dog!

That's who my collecting

companion will be.

A Hoob's best friend is his d-

(Tula barks and laughs)

- Whoa!

No, don't!


What are you playing at?

(Tula barks)

- Would you stay?

Just stop it, stop, stop!

Stop, stop it.

- Hello, doggie!

- Stop, stop!


(pants) Do dogs really

do all this stuff?

- Oh, yes, they do,

Groove. (chuckles)

Tula's a hoobacious dog!

(Tula barks)

- Go on, Groove!

Throw the stick for her!

- The stick, all right.

Okay, go fetch, Tula!

- [Both] Yay!

- How Hoobygroovy is that, eh?

(both laugh)

(Tula barks)

- Thank you, Tula!

(Tula pants and barks)

- She wants me to throw

it again, doesn't she?

(Tula pants)

- Nope, this isn't gonna work.

- Oh, Groove, why not?

You wanted a pet that

would fetch things,

what more could you ask for?

- If I had a dog, and it

fetched things for me,

I'd have to keep

throwing them back

so he could fetch them again!

- You're right.

- And I don't want

anything hoppy,

or talky, or fetchy

to keep me company,

'cause I'd never be

able to concentrate!

- Oh dear, it's nearly

time for Hoob News,

and we still haven't

got the answer!

- Yeah.

- Hang on.

This stick!

It looks exactly like

the stick insect guy!

Except, I could put it

in my collecting bag,

and it wouldn't get squished.


He could come with

me everywhere!

This could be my pet!

- Groove, it's a stick!

- A stick!

Yes, I know!

He's perfect!

I'll call him Sticky. (laughs)

He's just like the stick insect,

but without the insect bit.

(upbeat music)

♪ I went out collecting ♪

♪ And I felt a little lonely ♪

♪ I thought to myself ♪

♪ Groove, if only

you had someone ♪

♪ to keep you company ♪

♪ What a happy little

Hoob you'd be ♪

♪ Happy Hoob, happy

Hoob you'd be ♪

♪ We thought we'd get a pet ♪

♪ Who could help him

with collecting ♪

♪ But what sort of pet ♪

♪ Would be right for selecting ♪

♪ What sort of pet

should Hubba Hubba send ♪

♪ Would a rabbit get the habit ♪

♪ Would a rabbit be a

Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ Best friend, a

Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ A pony was too high ♪

♪ And a parrot was too chatty ♪

♪ When Tula tried to be a dog ♪

♪ I thought she'd

send me batty ♪

♪ Would we get the answer ♪

♪ Would this ever end ♪

♪ Who could be a

Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ Best friend, a

Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ I had to make my mind up ♪

♪ I had to do it quick ♪

♪ I was searching

for the right one ♪

♪ Which one was I to pick ♪

♪ And suddenly, I fell upon ♪

♪ The thing that did the trick ♪

♪ A Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ A Hoob's best friend ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ A Hoob's best

friend is his stick ♪

♪ Dib up, dib dibby dibby do ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- Well?

- You know, I think you've

got something there, Groove!

A stick would be

Hooby groovy pet.

- No feeding, no hopping, no

repeating everything you say,

and no big Hooby

pod to sleep in!

- Yeah, no scampering,

no fetching.

I could really concentrate

on my collecting

if Sticky came with me.

- We've found our answer!

And just in time for Hoob News!

- Shame about the rabbit

and the dog, though.

♪ Timp and twang,

they went bang ♪

♪ They danced around

and then they sang ♪

♪ With a knick

knack, paddy whack ♪

♪ We would like a pet ♪

♪ But what sort of pet

should a Motorette get ♪

♪ I want a pig, oink ♪

♪ In a wig, oink ♪

♪ Then that pig

could dance a jig ♪

♪ With a knick

knack paddy whack ♪

♪ We would like a pet ♪

♪ But what sort of pet

should a Motorette get ♪

♪ Not a hog (snorts) ♪

♪ I'd like a dog (barks) ♪

♪ Or better still,

a nice pet log ♪

♪ With a knick

knack paddy whack ♪

♪ A log is what I'll get ♪

♪ That's just the

pet for a Motorette ♪

♪ Hubba hubba hubba hubba ♪

- Well, now Hoobs.

Are you ready to give me your

Hoob News for my Hooberpedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba!

(upbeat music)

Hoobledoopwoop to all

you Hoobs out there!

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere!

I'm a rabbit.

- (barks) I'm a dog!

- (sighs) And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking a question.

- Who could keep Groove company

while he's out

collecting things?

We decided that what he

needed was an animal.

So Hubba Hubba found us

some animals on Hoobnet.

- [Groove] The one I liked

best was the stick insect.

But we decided that

he would get squished

in my collecting bag.

- [Tula] So Groove went

to visit the Tiddlypeeps,

and they showed him a rabbit.

- [Groove] But I decided

a rabbit was too hoppy.

- [Iver] Then we had a story

about Percy and his parrot!

- [Groove] But I decided

that parrots were too talky.

- [Tula] Then Roma

told us about ponies.

- [Groove] I liked

their big soft eyes,

but I didn't want to have to

climb up onto one of them.

- [Tula] Then we

thought that a dog

would be perfect

for fetching things.

- [Groove] But I realized

that I'd have to keep

throwing things

for him to fetch!

- [Tula] Suddenly, Groove found

the companion of his dreams,

and we found the

answer to the question:

- [Iver] Who could

keep Groove company

while he's out

collecting things?

- Sticky, the stick!

- (laughs) Marvelous!


So it's thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you are,

have a nice day and


- [All] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Come on, Sticky.

Say Hoobltoodledoo!


(Hoobs laugh)

(Tula barks)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob-hoob-hooray ♪

♪ The hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (laughs) Oh!

- Hey!

- Oh!

♪ The hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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