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10x15 - Bridging the Gulf

Posted: 06/19/23 04:12
by bunniefuu
You are in a restricted area.

Stop your engine.

I repeat: stop your engine.

They're not stopping, sir.

Panther Strike, this
is Sparrow 0-2-2.

The intruder is not responding.

Request authorization to engage.

Sparrow 0-2-2, Panther Strike.

Put a few rounds
across their bow.

MAN 1:0-2-2, Roger.

You heard the man.

Let's get their
attention, Rigatti.

Aye, aye, sir.

They're running, Lieutenant.

They could be
carrying expl*sives.

Stop them.

Take out their rudder.

Aye, sir.

They're not going anywhere now.

Are those RPGs?

Take them out, Rigatti.

I don't think so, Lieutenant.

Those RPGs
appear to be fish, sir.

She's a sweet
ride, Petty Officer.

So I hear.

And congratulations, sir.

Eight touch-and-goes. Not bad.

Coming back tomorrow?

No, that's it for me.

I'm back at JAG tomorrow.

Thanks. Sir.

Hey, Commander.

If that lawyer stuff
doesn't work out for you,

you should consider
flying for a living.

MacKENZIE: Whoa.

Oh, I am so sorry
about that, ma'am.

Let me get these...

for you.

Thank you.

Um, next time
turn your signal on

before you enter
a lane, Lieutenant.

That's good advice, ma'am.


Maybe you could tell me

where I can find General
Cresswell's office?

I'm the new guy.

Gunnery Sergeant Genuzzi,

you're charged with
using your w*apon

to illegally commandeer a
vehicle from an Iraqi citizen.


Like I said, ma'am,
I took the car.

MacKENZIE: But for a
legitimate military purpose.


Our platoon leader,
Lieutenant Revere,

his vehicle blew a head gasket.

He needed transportation.

And you couldn't
wait for a vehicle

from the motor pool?

You ever in a
combat zone, ma'am?

You know how long it
takes to requisition anything?

A set of wheels...
Forget about it.

Excuse me.

Still looking for General
Cresswell, Lieutenant?

No, ma'am, I found him.

He sent me here.
I'm your co-counsel.

You must be Gunnery
Sergeant Genuzzi.

I'm Lieutenant Vukovic.

Sir. How you doing?



Okay, so, you were on the road

between Al Nasiriyah and Al Kut.

That's correct.

Then all of a sudden an SUV
comes barreling around a curve.

He wasn't supposed
to be there anyway.

There was a curfew.

We stopped him and took the car.

At gunpoint.

The guy was a little shy
about giving up his ride.

Under the AOR op-order, civilian property
can be confiscated for military use.

Under exigent circumstances,

if a receipt is
issued to the owner.

What were the circumstances,
Gunnery Sergeant?

We had information about
weapons and expl*sives

in a house in the Ghazaliya
section of Baghdad.

The kind of stuff they
use to k*ll our guys.

It was time-sensitive intel.

We had to act

that night.

Lieutenant Revere needed
transportation ASAP.

And you wanted to give the
guy a receipt, right, Gunny?

Absolutely, sir.

But a crowd was gathering.

Things were getting
ugly. Real ugly, sir.

And the lieutenant ordered you

to take the civilian's car.

No, sir.

Excuse me?

Lieutenant Revere never
ordered me to take the vehicle.

That was my own idea.

He just finished a tour of duty

as a JAG aboard the Stennis.

I'm going to keep
him here for a while.

Sir, has Lieutenant Vukovic
ever tried a case before?

His first week
aboard the carrier,

he infiltrated a g*ng that was
running a gambling operation.

When he took them down,
they said they'd come after him.

You know what he answered?

"Don't keep me waiting, fellas."

Yes, sir, very audacious.

In other words, no
courtroom experience.

He's got something
better, Colonel.

He's got a fire in the belly.

And we need that around here.

Work with him.

Unless you're afraid
you can't handle him.

I've had to handle a
lot tougher than him, sir.



How was Fentress?

Well, I finished
my field qual, sir.


Yeah, 16 carrier traps,
and I'm F-18 qualified.

You might get your chance
sooner than you think.

Thank you, Colonel.

Thank you, sir.


Tell him.

An Iraqi fishing boat
in the Persian Gulf

got too close to the
Al Basra oil terminal.

A Huey shot them up.

They were trying
to take out an oil rig?

There were no expl*sives aboard.

They appear to be
innocent fishermen.

The Iraqi government has filed
a complaint with our embassy.

Anyone hurt?

No, but the boat's stern

was pretty well demolished.

I offered Commander Turner

the JAGMAN investigation,

but he thought you
might be a better choice.

You'd have to spend
some time aboard a carrier,

John F. Kennedy.

Well, if that's what
you, uh, want, sir,

uh, I'd be happy to go.

I thought you might.

That'll be all, gentlemen.

Thank you, sir.

Commander Rabb.

Assuming they're foolish enough

to let you fly one
of their airplanes,

good luck on your carrier quals.

Thank you, sir.

Iraq exports

almost two million
barrels of oil daily

on the world markets.

The revenue provides
more than four-fifths

of the income needed
by the Iraqi government

for reconstruction.

Insurgents want to
cr*pple Iraq's economy

by disrupting oil flow.

On land, they
go after the fields,

refineries, pipelines.

At sea, the offshore terminals.

Which they tried
to hit last April.

Luckily, they didn't succeed.

After they sabotaged the
northern pipeline to Turkey,

these terminals
here in the south

are the main gateway.

You shut one down...

And it would bring our
economy to a standstill,

not to mention

what it would do
to world oil prices.

But I interrupt.

Not at all.

Commander Rabb, this
is Colonel Fadil Najjar,

of the Iraqi 12th
Commando Battalion.

This is Commander
Rabb, Navy JAG.



I see you are also an aviator.

Very impressive.

Colonel Najjar is
on board to learn

command and control systems.

He has a master's degree
in Engineering from MIT.

Also very impressive.

Thank you.

I agree with Captain Abraham.

There may be no other place

where your forces have
greater strategic importance

than here in the Gulf.

And yet...

the fishing boat

was at the very edge
of the exclusion zone,

sailing away from the terminal,
when your people fired on it.

What was it doing there?

Fishing, perhaps.

Or trying to see how close
it could get to the oil rig

before it was stopped.

If so, you were
right to sh**t at it.

But if not, you
destroyed the property

and endangered the lives
of innocent Iraqi citizens.

Our intent is to protect
the property and lives

of law-abiding Iraqi citizens.

That's why we authorized firing
warning sh*ts across the bow.

But not at the boat?

No, Commander, not at the boat.

If I can help your investigation
in any way, Commander,

please just ask.

You should know, sir,

if I find out the pilot
ordered firing in error,

I'll recommend the
appropriate disciplinary action.

However, I will
not go after anyone

out of political expediency.

Nor would I ask you to.

But I do urge you to
resolve this matter quickly.

Why is that?

To dispel this nasty rumor
that your Navy feels threatened

by fishermen armed
with mackerels.


Contemplating the magnificence

of American military

I come here to think sometimes.

And here I am disturbing you.

You're not disturbing me.

Assalamu alaikum,
Sheik al-Hassan.

And to you, peace, my friend.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

You're welcome, sir.

Is she, uh, available?

I could use a second wife.

Soriah would k*ll you.

Please, sit.


How are you?

These days, how could I be?

I was sorry to hear
about your accident.

It was no accident.

Our helo was shot down by a SAM.

It's a pity.

We worked well together,
rebuilding our legal system.

And I appreciated your help.

And now I seek
your help, in return.

Punish the man who
took my son's car.

You want vengeance.

I want justice.

Azzam should not have
been on the road that night.

And he shouldn't have
been driving recklessly.

But to thr*aten a man's
life and take his vehicle,

that's unpardonable.

The Marine will
be tried, fairly.

Gordon, you know me
to be a man of my word,

and I'll tell you...

if your Marine is not punished,
there will be consequences.

Is that a threat, Suhaib?

That depends.


On how much your government
values my continuing friendship.

They ignored our
commands to stop.

What if they didn't
understand your commands?

Even if we go with
"the fishermen were

total idiots" theory, sir,

they smartened up real quick

when we fired sh*ts
across their bow.

They were 500 yards
away from the terminal

and heading the
opposite direction

when you shot up their boat.

We're not here just to
shoo away t*rrorists, sir.

We're here to capture
them or k*ll them, if need be.

What made you think
they were t*rrorists?

I wasn't sure.

That's why we just
took out their rudder.

Sir, I'm sorry I damaged
the fisherman's boat,

but not nearly as sorry
as I'd be if they came back

one night and blew up a tanker.

In the two weeks I've been here,

this is the second
case I'm prosecuting

that I'd rather defend. Why?

Because I don't think Gunnery
Sergeant Genuzzi is culpable.

I believe Lieutenant Revere
ordered him to take the car.

Well, what did
the lieutenant say?

He died when the vehicle in
question hit a roadside b*mb.

If Genuzzi's taking the heat

to protect his lieutenant's
reputation, how do I go

after him? With great zeal.

That's your job.

I'm wondering if it's too late.

To plea bargain?

No, sir... to switch sides.

Shouldn't Lieutenant Gutierez
have waited for authorization

before firing, CAG?

Technically, yes,

but they weren't responding
to commands to stop.

Well, it's not like they were
going to outrun the helo.

They violated our
exclusion zone.

I'd have done the same
thing in the lieutenant's place.

Wouldn't you?

I thought so.

Anything else I can help
you with, Commander?

Uh, actually, sir, there is.

I need to, uh, complete
my F-18 carrier quals.

You want me to put you
on the CQ flight schedule?

If at all possible, sir.


I appreciate your
initiative, Commander.

Oh, thank you.

As I appreciate the
initiative in all my officers.

Are we talking about
Lieutenant Gutierez, CAG?

I'm talking about every pilot
in my air group, Commander...

including Lieutenant Gutierez.

Our schedule's tight.

Qualifying a JAG officer

is not high up on
my list of priorities.

We'll see.

Please sit.

Mr. Sharif, do you
speak English?

A little.

I'm investigating the men
who shot up your boat.

I'd like to ask you a
few questions, please.

What were you doing
so near the oil terminal?

I was looking for fish.

I have no interest in oil.

You didn't know you
were in a no-go zone?

I know nothing about
the forbidden zone.

Why didn't you stop when
the Americans signaled you?

Who knew what they wanted?

You speak English.

I am a fisherman
who cannot fish.

Who will pay for my boat?

You know that t*rrorists want

to take out the oil terminals.

I am not a t*rror1st.

Swear it on the
souls of your children.

I swear.

I was driving

about 70 when I
came around a corner...

Excuse me.

You mean 70 kilometers per hour,

which is about 45 miles

per hour.


There were two Humvees
coming the other way.

The road was
narrow, so I swerved

to avoid hitting them.

They turned and chased me.

And did you try to get away?


I stopped.

They caught up to me,

told me they were taking my car.

I said no.

That man pointed a r*fle at me.

Let the record reflect

that the witness is
pointing at the accused.

My prayer rug was in the back


My grandmother
had made it for me.

It was destroyed later
when the car blew up.

Did Gunnery Sergeant
Genuzzi explain to you

why he needed your vehicle?

"Official military business."

And you protested.

Of course.



And while you were protesting,

did a large crowd
gather to watch?

Some people came, yes.

And these people were
angry like you, weren't they?

Yes, because it was unjust.

They only stopped
me because I'm an Iraqi

and they... wanted

to teach me a lesson.

So if Gunnery Sergeant
Genuzzi had stayed

to give you a receipt, there
might have been trouble,


Receipt? What good is a receipt?

You can't drive a receipt.

There would have been
no trouble if they had

left me alone to start with.

You send 130,000 troops to Iraq.

Why can't you send an extra car?

No further questions.

"Within the context

"of potential att*cks
on oil distribution,

"the serious consequences
of such att*cks,

"and the suspicious behavior

"of the fishing vessel,

"Lieutenant Gutierez acted

"in a reasonable manner

"consistent with
rules of engagement.

"I therefore see no reason

to initiate administrative
or punitive action."

Thank you, Commander, for
your diligence and timeliness.

I'll send a copy to General
Cresswell immediately, sir.

Very well. That'll
be all, Lieutenant.

Aye, aye, sir. Thank you.

And thank you, Commander.


Captain, I would also
like to recommend

the Navy reimburse Jalal Sharif

for the damage done to his boat.

It is the man's livelihood, sir.

I'll have my XO look into it.

Anything else? No, sir.

Commander Rabb.


Well, I heard you ruled it
was a valid engagement.

Yes, sir.

I'm sure Lieutenant
Gutierez is relieved.

I know I am.

I don't like losing a good man.

Understood, sir.

Hey, how 'bout tomorrow

we get you suited
up and into a jet?

You'll man the VFA-45's spare

at the 1400 launch.

Stay in pattern for the recovery

and get your traps.

Sound okay? Yes, sir.

CAG, I'd like to
clarify something, sir.

Oh, and, uh, since
you're doing CQ,

your bird won't
have any missiles,

but you will be flying "fammo":

full of amm*nit*on.

CAG, this was a completely
objective evaluation.

I based my findings
strictly on the evidence.

As opposed to what?

You're getting
preferential treatment

because you did
an outstanding job,

not because I approved
of your findings.


Yes, sir.

Good. Let's get some chow.

Can we talk?

About what?

About Gunnery Sergeant Genuzzi.

What about him?

15 years of honorable
service in the Marine Corps...

I don't think he
deserves to spend

the next 15 in the brig.

You don't. What do you think?

Dishonorable discharge,
one-year confinement.

For armed robbery? Get serious.

For carrying out his
lieutenant's orders.

He said Lieutenant
Revere didn't order him

to take the vehicle.

Well... I actually believe

that he was fibbing about that.

Oh, well, establishing
your client as a fibber

doesn't do a whole
lot to convince me

of his good character.

Didn't you ever tell
a lie, Lieutenant?

What's going on?

Your co-counsel
offered me a deal.

Excuse me.

Who authorized
you to plea-bargain?

I think we're losing, ma'am.

Oh? Based on what?

The looks on the members' faces

while you were
questioning the kid.

Football scholarship to Rutgers.


And then you what,
blew out your knee?

Tore my rotator cuff.

BA in History, OCS,

surface warfare qualification,

sixth in your class at
Dickinson School of Law,

18 months as a JAG
aboard the John C. Stennis.

All those accomplishments,

and yet you learned nothing
about the chain of command.

I apologize to the colonel if
I overstepped my authority.

I meant no disrespect.

Sounds like you've had
some practice saying that.

I'll plead the Fifth
on that one, ma'am.

This isn't a joke, Lieutenant.

You're second
chair... You do nothing

without my knowledge
and my consent.

Are we clear?


I do nothing without
your complete consent.

Tower, 1-0-6...

Gear down. Pilot, Rabb.

Roger, 1-0-6. Clear for landing.

Bring it in.

That's eight,
Hammer. You got time.

You got one more in you?

Roger that, Paddles.

1-0-6, Panther Strike.

How's it going, Hammer?

Pretty good, pretty good.

I think I'm ready
for the real thing.

Well, here it comes.

We have an unidentified aircraft
approaching the oil terminals.

Roger that, Panther Strike.


both of our combat air
patrol planes are responding

to an SOS near Khark Island.

It'll take them ten
minutes to reach the site.

You can be there in three.

Vector me in.

How's your fuel, 1-0-6?

3,000 pounds.

That should do.

Take angels two. Buster.


Wilco, out.

Panther Strike, 1-0-6.

I'm joined up.

The aircraft is a
Cessna single-engine.

Pilot and co-pilot appear

to be unconscious.

Are they alive?

Hard to say, Panther Strike.

They're flying
too low for anoxia.

Could be carbon
monoxide poisoning.

Or they could be playing possum.

If they continue on
their present course,

they'll hit the oil rig in
approximately 60 seconds.

Maybe I can shake 'em up.

I don't know what you
did, but it didn't help.

30 seconds to impact.

I'm going to try something else.

I'm going to try
lifting their wing.

They're heading
away from the platform.

Nice work, Hammer.

Stay with 'em. Aye, aye, sir.


Damn it! They're
still on course.

They must be on autopilot.

Ten seconds to impact.

Five seconds.

Pieces of the
plane are scattered

over two square
miles of deep ocean.

Even if there were remains,
we'd never find them.

I'll say this for you,
Commander, you're thorough.

Perhaps too thorough.

The airplane that you shot down

was carrying Hakim Ma'mun,

our Deputy Minister of Economy.

He was flying out
to view the platforms.

Well, he would have
had to file a flight plan, no?

They did.

The radio tower lost
contact shortly after takeoff.

We had no way of knowing
that was Ma'mun's plane.


CENTCOM is not pleased.

Neither am I.

First we sh**t up a
harmless fishing boat,

then we blow a deputy
minister out of the sky.

Skipper, if Rabb hadn't
shot that plane down,

they'd have hit the platform,
or crashed into the sea.

Now, either way they're dead.

There's a difference
between crashing

into the sea due to
a mishap and getting

shot down by the US Navy.

Commander, you're grounded,

relieved of your duties,
pending a full investigation.

Aye, aye, sir.

I'll call General Cresswell

and ask him to send
out another JAG officer.

I hope he has a good supply.

Colonel MacKenzie.

Sheik al-Hassan. Sabah alkhair.

Sabah alnur.

Assalamu alaikum.

Walaikum assalam. Wa barakatuhu.


You speak Arabic
with a charming accent.

It's not American.

No, it's Farsi.

Unusual. But then I perceive
you are an unusual woman.

You know, I was hoping I would
get a chance to talk with you.

Isn't that unethical?

You might sway me
in favor of your client.

I have a feeling, when
it comes to women,

that you are the one who does
the swaying, Sheik al-Hassan.

You flatter me too much.

But I enjoy it. Go on.

I'd like you to ask for clemency
for Gunnery Sergeant Genuzzi.

Why should I?

Because he never
intended to hurt your son.

He was only
trying to do his job,

to help the Iraqi people.

The Iraqi people
have a civilization

that's centuries
older than yours.

Yet you are an occupying force.

Do you have any idea
how humiliating this is?

I think I do.

Then you must understand.

Tribal values are
deeply ingrained.

cannot go unanswered.

Hmm, yet forgiveness
is the noblest revenge.

That's a woman's argument.

Yet simple enough that
even a man can grasp.


ANNOUNCER: Flight deck,

flight ops are completed...

Well, well, I figured
they'd send you.

Good to see you.
Good to be here.

Well, now that we're
done lying to each other...

The aircraft was bearing
down on that oil platform

like it was aiming for it.

Can you confirm that?

The only way to
confirm it, Sturgis,

would have been
to let it happen.

What steps did you take?

The occupants appeared
to be unconscious,

so I, uh, flew
under their aircraft,

and I hoped the turbulence
would jostle them awake.

But it didn't?

No. So I pushed them off course.

Well, they snapped
back on course.

Oh. They were flying
out to look at oil rigs.

The autopilot was probably
locked on that location.

Nothing sinister about
that. Sinister or not,

if they'd hit the platform,
they'd have damaged it

and k*lled people on
board, including Americans.


you say they seemed unconscious.

Is it possible they were dead?

Well, I know that
one of them wasn't.

How do you know?

I saw his lips moving.

Like he was talking?

Or praying.

For God to save his life.

Or for God to bless
him as a martyr.

So you never gave
the order to fire?

There were only
five seconds left.

It was the only course of
action Rabb had to take.

And he took it without
proper authorization.

He saved an oil terminal.

Last time I looked,

the Navy called them
rules of engagement,

not suggestions for engagement.

You know, when
you first got here,

I thought you might be for Rabb,

being a fellow JAG.

I guess I don't have to
worry about that, huh?

Thank you for your time, CAG.


Do you ever step
outside the box?

Not if I can help it, sir.

MacKENZIE: Sheik al-Hassan,

was your son injured
by the accused?

Not physically, no.

And were you compensated
for the vehicle taken?

Financially, yes.

But how do you
compensate for violating

a man's sovereignty and dignity?

Especially when you claim
to be bringing freedom?

Do you know Major
General Fenhall,

Commander of the
First Marine Division?


In fact, you two are
friends, are you not?

I believe I have
that honor, yes.

Your Honor, relevance?

Colonel? Your Honor,

confiscating Mr. Azzam's
vehicle was a military necessity

for which ample
damages were paid.

The government is wrongfully
pursuing a prosecution

simply because Mr. Azzam's
father, Sheik al-Hassan,

is an influential tribal leader

Your Honor... whom the
government is trying to appease.

Do you want to lodge
a motion alleging

improper referral of
charges, Counselor?

No, ma'am, not at this time.

Then I suggest you
stick to the facts at hand.

Any more questions?

MacKENZIE: Just one.

Sheik al-Hassan,

do you believe

that ruining a man's career

and sending him to
prison for 15 years

will restore your
sovereignty and your dignity?

Your Honor...

No, if I may respond.

Colonel MacKenzie,

if the sergeant had approached
my son in a civilized manner,

shook his hand, or greeted
him in my language, as you

greeted me this
morning, and proposed a

transaction between two equals,

I would say let him go free.

But he didn't do these things.

He was brutal and insulting.

Now, if America is to win
the hearts and minds of Iraqis,

you must start by punishing
those that violate our rights

and our dignity.

The government is going
after Gunnery Sergeant Genuzzi

to appease Sheik al-Hassan?

I admit it sounds
a bit desperate.

You think?

I don't want to tell
you your job, Colonel...

No, I will tell you your job.

Try the case on its merits.

Leave the government's
motives out of it.

Yes, sir, I've generally found

that works, well, too, but...


Thank you, Coates.


I see.

Very well.

Thank you.

Turner recommends that
Commander Rabb be charged

with negligent homicide.


what were we saying?

Hey, Sturgis.


I see you read my report.

Oh, yeah.

It was factual,
thorough and unbiased...

until your conclusion.

I call it as I see it.

No, you call it as
you'd like to see it.

What does that mean?

Means you saw an
opportunity to take me down,

and you went for it.

You shot down

a civilian aircraft with
an Iraqi official on board.

Without authorization.

You want me to sweep
that under the rug?

No. I want you to
consider the context

and put your personal
feelings aside.

I made a fair and
unbiased assessment.

Personal feelings had
nothing to do with it.

You let your animosity toward
me get in the way of your judgment.

That's a lie,

and it's insulting.

Well, it's not as insulting
as being accused of m*rder.

I'm not having this
conversation with you.


Don't do that.

You've had a problem with me
since you came to JAG, Turner.

Be a man, admit it.

Yeah. I got a problem
with you, Rabb.

You're arrogant,
condescending and jealous.

But that didn't
affect my findings.

Jealous of what?

You couldn't stand it
that SECNAV chose me

for acting JAG over
the great Harmon Rabb.

All right, I do admit
it. But I lived with it.

Lived with it, my eye.

You tried to
undermine my authority

every step of the way.

When I needed your support,
what did I get: sarcasm,


Well, if you weren't such
a tight-assed, pompous,

sanctimonious prig, Turner,

you would have had support.

You're your own worst enemy.

Yeah, maybe so.

But I'm not the one
facing an Article 32.


Best friends make
the worst enemies.

Is that the Koran?

John Wayne.

I've learned something
about our fisherman, Sharif.

Would you like to hear it?

Yeah. What is it?

Two strangers visited his boat

the night before the
helicopter sh**ting.

And when they left, Sharif
threw up over the side.

You don't think he was seasick.

I think he was terrified.

So much so that he
agreed to use his boat

to test the oil
terminal security.

Any idea who these men were?

No, but they spoke Arabic
with Jordanian accents.

Zarqawi's men?


Taking out an oil platform

would be a tremendous
victory for them.

And no doubt
they'll keep trying.

A man came to me and said
the Navy would pay for my boat.

We changed our minds.

Let the Jordanians who
hired you pay for your boat.

They said they would k*ll me

and my family if I
did not help them.

They're going to k*ll you
anyway... you know too much.

Your only hope is to
help us capture them.

No. I cannot.

We'll pay you more
than you could earn

in a lifetime of fishing.

Die like a beggar
or live like a sheik.

You will protect my family?

I'll do my best.

I'm putting you on the stand.

You have to tell the
members why you took the car.

Have a seat.

Yes, ma'am.

Now this time, I want
you to tell the truth.

I been telling
the truth, Colonel.

Cut the crap, Genuzzi.

We know Lieutenant Revere
ordered you to take that SUV

and you're gonna
say it in court.

No, sir.



the lieutenant saved my butt.

More than once. Other guys, too.

I won't badmouth him.

I'm sorry.

Do you want to go to the brig?

I grew up in reform schools.

If I need to do
brig, I can do brig.

You're a real tough
guy, huh, Gunny?

That's right, sir.

I'm a tough guy.

You think that's what
the lieutenant would want?

You doing time for him?

No, ma'am, he wouldn't.

He was a good guy.

That's why I'm doing this.


I beg pardon for interrupting.

May I have a word
with you, please?

Sharif is complaining
that his boat was damaged.

He says he can't fish.

His family will starve.

They are saying that his life

and the lives of his
family are not important.

To die for Jihad is
to be blessed forever.

Come on, make the offer.

Patience, Commander.

Sharif proposes
to borrow a boat,

fill it with expl*sives
and blow up a tanker,

if they will pay his wife 10,000

American dollars.

What's going on?

I don't know.

Do they suspect a wire?

I don't think so.

Maybe they're thinking it over.


They agree.

All right, we got
them. Let's move.

Get down!

Cease fire! Cease fire!

Hold your fire!


That's not the way.


Back here.

They cut his throat.

Hakim Ma'mun.

The Deputy Minister.

He never was on the plane.

This must be his pilot.

These animals butchered them

and took the plane.

You were right to sh**t it down.

Sorry, Colonel, I was on my way

to the parking lot
when I got your call.

Someone you should meet.

My name is Paul Revere.

My son was Lieutenant
Jonathan Revere.

I'm very sorry
for your loss, sir.

I'm Lieutenant

Tally... I know who
you are, young lady.

I've seen you in court.

Mr. Revere has something to say.

It's not what I have to say,

it's what my son has to say.

Jonathan wrote me this letter

two days before he died.

"My ride quit on me today.

The bitch..."

Excuse the language.

"busted an axle
going over a pothole.

"But don't worry,

"I'll have another one soon.

"I told Gunny to liberate one

"from an Iraqi citizen.

"It's for a good cause.

"We're trying to
defend these people

against insurgent att*cks."

There's more, but it's personal.

Sir, I'm real sorry
about your son.

He was an outstanding Marine.

I know what you're
trying to do, young man,

and I thank you for it,

but there's no need to
protect my son's good name.

If he ever needed protection

he's beyond it now.

But, sir...

What you need to
do is tell the truth,

or I'll get up in court
and tell the truth for you.

That's what Jonathan would do.

Put me on the stand, ma'am.

I'll tell it like it happened.

You might not have
to say anything.


I'll recommend reducing
the armed robbery

to wrongful appropriation.

But that's all I can do.

Gunnery Sergeant Genuzzi

pled guilty to
wrongful appropriation.

And what will be the sentence?

Maximum punishment is
dishonorable discharge,

forfeiture of all pay
and allowances,

two years' confinement.

Will that satisfy you?

The trial was fair,

the admission of guilt proper,

justice was done.

I am satisfied.


Anything else I can do for you?


Commute the sentence.

I have no desire

to see this young man
punished any further.

I'll pass your request
on to General Hunter.

I'll get right on that, sir.

Very well.

Got a minute, Colonel?

Uh, of course, sir.

I'll let you go now, sir.

Thank you for your time.

Once again, I'm
sorry for your loss.


I, uh, I wanted to
congratulate you two

on the way you handled
the Genuzzi case.

Well, the credit all
goes to the colonel, sir.

She put up a terrific defense.

No, actually, we were losing.

That is, until you brought in
Lieutenant Revere's father.

It was you who
brought him in, wasn't it?

Yes, ma'am.

I know I should've told you...

Don't apologize.

It saved Gunnery
Sergeant Genuzzi

from doing 15 years in the brig.

Yes, sir.

Well, I just wanted to say,
outstanding job, both of you.

Keep up the good
work, Lieutenant.

Maybe we'll keep you around.

Shut the door, Lieutenant.

That was a brilliant move,

bringing in the older gentleman.

Thank you, ma'am.

Except that it wasn't
Lieutenant Revere's father.

I was just on the
phone with his father...

His real father...

The one who lives
in Albuquerque.

Did you think I wouldn't check?

Do I strike you as
being that stupid?

Who's the guy you brought in?

An actor with the
Arena Stage Company.

The phony letter
was a nice touch.

Ma'am, we both know
that Lieutenant Revere

ordered Genuzzi
to take that vehicle.

All I did was get at the truth.

Lying and deception for
truth... What a concept.

Whatever works.


What you did was unethical,

fraudulent and
totally despicable,

not to mention lousy lawyering.

It got an innocent man off the
hook, and that's good lawyering.

And what would you have
done if Genuzzi still wouldn't tell

the truth? Would you put your
actor on the stand and have him

perjure himself?
No. I wouldn't do that.

Oh! Well it's nice to know
that you have some scruples.

Ma'am, I understand
you're angry...

Don't, Lieutenant.

You may have a
few street smarts,

but you are nowhere
in my league.

No, I-I don't guess that I am.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, it's just that I've heard,

you're not afraid to push
the envelope yourself.

Yeah, that's right.

And it cost me, the
same way it'll cost you.

Pull a stunt like that
again and I will have you

up in front of the
Rules Counsel.

I may do that anyway.

That'll be all.

You know why you won't have me

in front of the
Counsel, Colonel?

Because you like what I did.

Don't bet your career on it.

You staying?

Got a few hours
left of flying time.

Don't worry, I got you some
company for the ride home.

Jalal Sharif.

Commander Sturgess Turner.

You died in a sh**t.

Yes, but I feel very good now.

We had to fake his death

in order to protect his
family from retaliation.

Soon they will
join me in America.

We will live a peaceful
and prosperous life.

God willing.

Well, it turned
out well. I'm glad.

Yeah, I believe you.

I guess we're still
swapping lies, huh?

I guess so.