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10x13 - Heart of Darkness

Posted: 06/19/23 04:11
by bunniefuu
Who did this, Habib?

Was it Taliban?


The Uzbeks do not harm us.

Well, then, who did this?


If you don't tell me,
how will we find them?

You will find them,
if it is Allah's will...

and yours.

I can't speak for Allah,

but I would dearly love
to punish whoever did this.

Would you?

The Greeks had Achilles.

Trojans, Hector.

And we have Captain Jack Ramsey.

Please sit down.

Ever hear of him?

MacKENZIE: The so-called
"American w*rlord"?

As you suggest, General, a myth.

You think so?

Oh, I think the "w*rlord" has

a good PR man.

Well, supposedly,
he's been in Waziristan,

hot on bin Laden's trail.

Yeah, when he's not
saving, uh, President Karzai

from assassination or Western
reporters from kidnappers,

or orphans from earthquakes.

You don't think a Marine captain
can handle all that, Commander?

Not without a change of
clothes and a phone booth, sir.

As it happens, Jack Ramsey

is real... a real pain.

Ramsey's an LDO Captain
who went U.A. after Tora Bora.

Joined some friendly mujahadeen

who cut their teeth
fighting the Taliban.

So he is hunting bin Laden?

With a vengeance.

He leads his muj into villages,

interrogates the locals,
gets a little rough sometimes.

Nothing serious

until now.

Two nights ago, someone
slaughtered five men

in a village called Zaran.

Why do we think it
was Captain Ramsey?

The raiders left a souvenir:
a shoulder patch flag.

Those patches are only
worn on army uniforms, sir.

Ramsey's a Marine.

But his men wear

any rag-tag cast-
offs they find.

One of them might've been
wearing an army BDU jacket.

Do the Afghans have
him in custody, sir?

Not yet, but if they find
him, they'll put him on trial

with damn little due process.

Remember the former

Green Beret who claimed
he was doing black ops

for the Pentagon?

Yeah, the Afghans charged him

with false imprisonment,

kidnapping and
torturing civilians.

He got ten years. That's
what Ramsey'll get,

or worse.

He sent a message
to the local command.

He wants to come in,

defend himself against
the m*rder charges.

But first, he wants to speak
to U.S. military counsel.

There's a C-141 leaving
Andrews in two hours.

You'll be in Kabul
in the morning.

But, sir, if he's hiding
in the mountains,

how do we find him?

You don't.

He'll find you.

The next match is between

Anaconda Angie
and Susie Slamazon!

Keep it clean, now. Let's go!

I'll get you another one, huh?

Oh! Hey, watch the kicking.

You watch the kicking, man!
- I am!


Hey, no choking.

Come on, get your legs...



Hey, hey! No hair!

What'd I tell you, Angie?
No pulling the hair.

She started it.

Nice one!

Oh, no...


No! No! No! No! No!

Pin him! Hey!

One, two, three!

Yeah, whoo-hoo!

Wow, boy, yeah!

Good job.

Oh, thanks.

I am getting too old for this.

It's a good crowd, though, huh?

Spending money
like drunken sailors.

Oh, I signed for this for you.

Department of the Navy?

Maybe they're
upping your pension.

They're recalling
me to active duty.

God help this country.

Captain Ramsey's not the
only freelancer out there.

We've got mercenaries
from South Africa,

Germany, Russia... all wanting

the $25 million
reward for bin Laden.

As a member of
the U.S. military,

Ramsey's not eligible
for the reward, sir.

Point being?

What motivated
him to leave his unit

and become a vigilante?

He lost a brother
on 9/11... a fireman.

Maybe it's a personal vendetta.

Maybe he just
wanted to be a hero.

He's a damn menace.

One night, in one village,
he destroys the trust

we've worked
three years to build.

Any idea where he is now?

Could be in a cave in Waziristan

or a suite at the Mustafa Hotel.

I've heard some of
his mujahadeen think

he can make himself invisible.

If I were you, Colonel,
I'd talk him into getting

his invisible butt
into a Marine brig

before the Afghan
Army finds him.

We do not ask Khalili what
he is, and he does not say.

Do you see the American here?

This one.

I was afraid the American
would k*ll our sons,

so I told him he can find
Khalili in another village.

He left with his men,
but then, later that night,

they returned, and they
shot everyone they saw.

They dropped this.

Why k*ll anyone?

What was the motive?


I lied about Khalili,

and when they could not find
him, they came back for blood.

During the sh**ting,
who saw the American?

Who can identify him?

No one.

It was dark, and their
faces were covered.

Who else could it have been?

Ramsey sent the messenger, sir.

Where is he now?

We turned him
over to the Afghans.


We had no right to hold him.

He's not an enemy combatant.

Has anyone pressured him to
reveal Ramsey's whereabouts?

The guy'd swallow his
tongue before he talked.

Ramsey's men
are fanatically loyal.

To the point where they'd k*ll

five innocent men if
he ordered them to?

I'd believe it.

Look, South
Waziristan is no place

for a couple of lawyers
armed with briefcases.

We appreciate your
concern, Colonel,

but we can take
care of ourselves.

If it were up to me, I'd send
a recon team after Ramsey.

Two of us might stand a
better chance of getting to him.

I disagree, but
someone who works

in a five-sided building
wants you two to go.

I would hate to see
your Captain Ramsey fall

into unfriendly hands.

Five dead men,

five families with blood feuds

demanding retribution.

But under your
new Constitution...

An impressive document

written with the assistance of
some fine American lawyers.

Mm, but just words on paper?

Chapter One says...

"No law can be contrary
to the sacred religion

of Islam."

The Qur'an is inseparable
from our legal system,

with all its many
conflicting interpretations.

Yes, but in our country,

that would be unconstitutional.

In our country, that
is the constitution.

Americans have little
respect for our customs.

That'll happen when you
don't allow defense lawyers

to cross-examine
witnesses, or call their own.

Captain Ramsey would
get a fair trial in our courts.

Of course, but if he were tried

in a military court in America,

it would relieve
you of the burden.

Will you advise the captain

to surrender to
American authorities?

If you can guarantee
us safe passage

to an American military base.


Then we have a deal.

Now all we have to do is
get Captain Ramsey to agree.


Get up!

Colonel, Commander,
meet Wahid...

your tour guide.

This man doesn't look in any
condition to guide us anywhere.


I love Americans.

Wahid was sent to fetch you
by his "American w*rlord."

Captain Jack is a great man.

I will, uh, help
him k*ll bin Laden.

MacKENZIE: The man Captain
Ramsey was looking for...

Fahim Khalili... is he Al Qaeda?

He does jobs for them

at the highest levels.

Assassin? No.

expl*sives? Weapons?

Khalili, he sells medicines.

He's what you call an alchemist.

A pharmacist?

Yes, uh, yes. He
owns a store in Moquot.

An Al Qaeda pharmacist?

Uh, that's all I can say.

Captain Jack will
tell you the rest.

You really admire
Captain Jack, don't you?

He is a great man,

and I am his right arm.

He give this to me.

It belonged to his brother.

So, you know his
brother was k*lled in 9/11.

Is it any wonder he hunts
bin Laden with such fury?

We stop here.


A delivery to a friend.


Do you wish the captain harm?

We're here to protect him

from those who
would do him harm.

There is a woman.

Let her speak.

I'm Sarah MacKenzie.


Not many women come up here.

Mazin, tell the Americans

when the last time
Captain Jack was here.

Six days ago, after the sunset.

This is why I bring you here.

Mazin can provide an albino.

He means an alibi.

But the Taliban
must not find out.

I am not afraid of the Taliban.

What more can they do to me?

When the Americans
came here, an aide to

Taliban leader Mohammed Omar

was hiding in a nearby village.

Mazin told Captain Jack.

Now, there is one less
Taliban on the earth.

But when Omar's
forces found out,

Mazin had to pay the
price for his courage.

I'm sorry.

If you wish me to
help Captain Ramsey,

I will do anything.

Including lie for him?

Can you tell us why Captain
Ramsey came here that night?

He was looking for a man.

Fahim Khalili? Yes.

And what did you tell him?

I told him Khalili lives
in the village of Moquot,

in the next valley.

A blind man sees many things.

Fool. A blind man

is blind.

Khalili would come up here
and bring medicine for my eyes.

Why did he want Khalili?

Ah, that you would have
to ask him for yourself.

I served my country,
I did my time,

and this is the thanks I get?

There's a manpower
shortage, Dad, you know that.

So, extend tours of
duty, delay discharges.

They're already doing that.

Well, they can't recall me.

I'm a successful businessman.

Anyway, isn't there
a 30-year time limit?

Yes, but they can
waive it in a time of w*r,

or if you have special
skills that they need.

What special skills?

I was a storekeeper.

You got to keep
me out of this, son.

On what grounds?

Extreme hardship.

I got a business to run.

Mm-hmm. No excuse.

Listen, they're probably going

to put you into a warehouse.

You'll be fine.

Are you kidding?

It's the convoys and
warehouses that get hit first.

Here you go.

I'm too old for this.

Dad, you're in great shape.

Yeah, so was that
52-year-old master sergeant

who died of a heart
attack in Kuwait.

He was playing touch football.

You'll probably have
a heart attack here

playing with these wrestlers.

Yeah, but what a way to go.

Come on, Bud,
think of something.

What can we use?

Uh, okay... Physical
condition, dependents,

a job critical to
the w*r effort...

Wait, wait, wait.

What was that first one?

Physical condition.

We stop here.

How far are we to Ramsey's camp?

Uh, half a day's ride.

Well, then we
should keep riding.

No, the path here
is narrow and steep.

After nightfall, it
is too dangerous.

Follow me, but carefully.

A great battle took place here.

They say a thousand

elephants are
buried on this plain.

Alexander the
Great's w*r elephants?

Yes, that is the teaching.

A spent mine.

Looks like a Russian MON-50.

We're camping in a minefield?

What safer place
there is to sleep

than the middle of a minefield?

But, uh, please
stay on the path.

Did you get them?

You ask, I get.

All over-the-counter stuff.

This one is pseudoephedrine,

this one is niac...

Hey, I don't care what they are.

You're sure I'm going
to test positive for speed?

It's worked before.


these little blue babies.

Doris, not now.

I don't have time now.

Maybe later.

Dream on, cowboy.

Take three of these
combined with a decongestant.

Your face will get flushed,

and your blood pressure
will be off the Richter.

Great. I'll stroke out.

Stroke out or ship out.

It's your choice, boss.

MacKENZIE: Meat loaf?

I've got Salisbury mis-steak.

Pickled goat bladder?

Yeah, I'll try it.

Mmm. It's not bad.

You should try some.

Oh, yeah.

I'll be right on it.

My mother used to make
this lamb's brain soup,

and the aroma, it would
make you weep for joy.

Is your mother...?

k*lled by the Taliban?


Along with my father...

who fought bravely with
Ahmad Shah Massoud.

So, you and Captain
Ramsey share a common bond.

He trusts me with his life,

as I trust him with mine.


Who wants the first watch?

All right, I'll take the second.

I will take the last watch.

That's all right. The
colonel and I have it covered.

Please, I stand perimeter
duty for Captain Jack,

and I have never
once fallen asleep.

What the hell is that?

Your inoculations:
cholera, tetanus, typhoid.

You got the wrong
guy, hot stuff.

Master Chief
Storekeeper Roberts?

Master Chief Storekeeper
Roberts, retired.

Not anymore.

When you get to Iraq, watch out

for the sand flies. Iraq?

Their bites cause liver damage.

Oh, and don't drink the water.

It's got parasites that'll
dig into your testicles.

Uh, hold on, hold on, hold on.

What about my physical exam?

You passed.

Well, how about the drug screen?

Normal readings...
for someone trying

to test positive for

Come on, I'm a speed freak.

Yeah, life in the
fast lane, huh?

Well, uh, how about
my blood pressure?

Slightly elevated.

You'll get meds for that.

Okay, well, there's
one other thing.

I'm gay.

Don't like women, huh?

Well, I just find
men attractive.

I mean, what the hell
can you do about that?

No... Oh, my God.

You're having a very hard day,

aren't you?

Arm or butt,

Master Chief?


Wahid! What's wrong?

Our perimeter guard

who never falls asleep
has disappeared.

His r*fle's gone.

His horse and
gear are still here.

Commander, I'm sorry

if we alarmed you.

What's going on, Wahid?

You know we're friends.

Who are these men?

These are your escorts.

You're our escort.

No. I was merely your guide.

These men will see us safely

through the mountains.

You must put these hoods on.

Please. You must put these on.


I'm sorry, Commander.

I must insist.

I'm Jack Ramsey.

Don't you mean
Captain Jack Ramsey?

I'm Commander Rabb.

This is Lieutenant
Colonel MacKenzie.

We're with JAG.

I know.

Sorry about all this,

but there are a lot of people
who would like to see me dead.

From what we hear,
with good reason.

Deserting your unit,

running a private
army, kidnapping

and beating civilians.

All for a good cause
and with good intentions.

What is it they say
about the road to hell?

I've seen the road
to hell, Commander,

and it's paved with the
bodies of people you loved.

Please, sit.

We know about your brother.

We're sorry.

But you're a Marine...

You swore to
discharge your duties.

I tried that at Tora Bora

when bin Laden and his Al
Qaeda leaders were all surrounded.

We could have buried
them in their caves.

afraid of casualties,

wouldn't let us go in.

They let the Afghans
do the fighting.

There's no proof bin
Laden was at Tora Bora.

Intel said he was.

They also said he was
in Pakistan and Kashmir.

They used the Afghans
'cause they knew the caves.

They knew the mountains.

They were supported by
Special Forces who provided

tactical leadership, and
they called in air strikes.

You can't just
drop daisy cutters

from 30,000 feet.

You gotta stick your head in
the holes these rats hide in.

No. Our brass lost their
nerve, plain and simple...

and bin Laden got away.

And that's why you
became a vigilante?

I wasn't doing any
good over there.

Now, I have 50 mujahadeen
who'll go anywhere

and do anything
to k*ll bin Laden.

Including destroying a village
and murdering innocent people?

Don't believe everything
you hear, Colonel.

What will it take to get
you down the hill, Captain?

I want you to help
me clear my name.

You didn't care about your name
before. Why worry about it now?

The Afghan people
have turned against me.

My sources have all dried up.

To be perfectly honest,

I can't find bin Laden
without help from locals.

You'll have to stand trial.

Will you defend me?


In a military court-martial,
not an Afghan court.

We have an agreement
with the prosecutor general.

If an American
military trial happens,

the Afghan government
will leave you alone.

This prosecutor...

do you trust him?

About as much as I
trust you right now.

We could call Mazin
as an alibi witness.

No. Colonel Burns
could provide him

with protection.

He would never
accept bodyguards.

Even with Mazin,

we've still got to
complete the time frame.

Meaning what?

Meaning we need to establish

where you went after
you left Mazin's house.

I won't put him at risk.

You're asking a lot, Captain.

You're not giving
much in return.

Sorry, Colonel.

But we do this my
way or not at all.

Commander Rabb.

Colonel MacKenzie.

Thank you for delivering
the prisoner to us.

Captain Ramsey will be
tried by the American military.

That's our agreement.

agreements change.

I have been ordered to
arrest Captain Ramsey

for the m*rder of
five Afghan civilians.

Kindly turn him over.

Let him go. Let him go.

Come on, sh**t me now! Go ahead!

Save yourself the time
and trouble of having a trial.

No trouble, Captain.

And it won't take much time.


The Afghans knew
they'd never be able

to capture me.

They played you.

Zabi never intended for me

to get anywhere
near a Marine base.

It's prosecutorial misconduct.

We'll raise it with the judge.

The judge...

He's probably his first cousin.

We can still put up a defense.

We need to know where you
went after you left Mazin's hut.

Sorry, I can't tell you that.

You look a little flushed.

Are you okay? BIG
BUD: No, I'm not okay.

They're sending me to Iraq.

You got to do something.

Well, I've done some
research. And...?

Well, there might be a legal
argument to keep you out.

You serious?

Don't get your hopes up, okay?

It's a long shot.

Hey, if the Red Sox
can win the Series,

anything is possible.

We have to plead your case

in front of Captain
Curry over at NAVSUP,

and that's if he
agrees to see us.

Well, will the general
give you time off?

Well, no, not for
something like this.

But don't worry about it.

I'll take care of it.

Hey, that's my boy.

In the name of Allah, the
merciful and compassionate,

this court is now convened

in accordance with the
sacred religion of Islam

and the Constitution

of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan.

Colonel MacKenzie,
Commander Rabb.

Welcome to my courtroom.

Thank you, Your
Honor. Thank you, sir.

Is the government
ready to proceed?

We are, Your Honor.

And the defense?

Your Honor, we
have yet to receive

a written copy of the charges.

Ah, the holiday.

The clerical staff
has abandoned us.

We've also asked for a copy

of the Evidence
Code, Your Honor.

I'm afraid it's all up here.

But make your objections,
and I will rule accordingly.

Now, are there any
preliminary motions?

Your Honor, we
move for a continuance

in order to question witnesses

and obtain evidence.

Denied. Anything else?

We ask that the defendant's
shackles be removed.


Shall we proceed?

Your Honor, we secured
Captain Ramsey's surrender

based on an agreement
that he would be tried

in an American
military court, sir.

Mr. Zabi has breached
that agreement.

We therefore
move for a dismissal

on the grounds of
prosecutorial misconduct.

A serious charge.

Mr. Zabi.

Under the sovereignty
ruling of King Mahmud,

the defense argument fails.

I believe Mr. Zabi is correct.

The prosecutor's actions,
no matter how egregious,

cannot be used to
excuse criminal conduct.

May we see a copy of
King Mahmud's ruling, sir,

or is that also up here?

King Mahmud's pronouncements

have been handed down

in the oral tradition
for a thousand years,

somewhat predating
your Constitution.

But the rule Mr. Zabi refers to

is similar to your concept
of sovereign immunity.

Now, let's proceed.

Perhaps we should just
skip to the sentencing

and be done with it.

If the defendant
cannot restrain himself,

he will be gagged.

The defendant's frustration is
understandable, Your Honor.

Our legal system may seem
archaic to you, Commander,

but, in time, perhaps it
will be as perfect as yours,

and innocent men such as
your O.J. Simpson shall go free.

Mr. Zabi, please
submit your evidence.

Personally, I'm not
happy with stop-loss orders

that keep people in the military
after their enlistments end.

And I'm even unhappier

with these involuntary
recalls of retirees.

I couldn't agree
with you more, sir.

However, our
manpower is stretched.

We need to augment
active-duty troops.

But wouldn't younger
men be a better choice, sir?

Maturity and experience

can more than make
up for youth and energy.

You're not as apt to get
excited and lose your head

as the younger troops.

But Master Chief
Roberts hasn't kept up

with the latest advances in
supply system technologies.

I'm a computer moron, sir.

You were on active duty

before the inventory
records were modernized?

That's right, sir.

That's exactly why we need you.

I don't understand.

With power outages, dust
storms, other problems in Iraq,

the new computer
systems often fail.

Virtually no supply
personnel there

knows the old pencil and paper,

alphanumeric system.

In short, the navy needs
someone who's old school.

Truth is, Captain, I
wasn't very good at my job.

What Master Chief
Roberts means...

Most of the time, I'd
have the enlisted men

do my work while I
was playing poker.

I see.

What about your
promotions, your ratings?

I dummied up the
qualifications, sir.

So your argument is that
you're a liar and a malingerer?

Yes, sir.

Unfortunately, Master Chief,

your records say you
were quite competent.

So, unless you can cite
some persuasive legal ground...

Sir, Master Chief Roberts

operates a business
that's essential

to the nation's defense
effort and, therefore,

under Trestman v. United States,

is exempt from recall.

Just what is your
business, Master Chief?

You might call it a naval
entertainment emporium.

How's that?

It's a bar, sir.
It's a bar, sir.

But it's not just any bar.

The only bikini-wrestler
bar in Norfolk.

Come back tomorrow,
Master Chief.

You'll have my decision.

I was asleep when
the sh**ting started.

You wisely stayed out of sight.

Yes, after making sure
the children were safe.

So then you didn't
see Captain Ramsey?


So, the gunmen
could've been Taliban,

they could've been Al Qaeda...

They had no reason to attack us.

Perhaps they believed
you betrayed Fahim Khalili,

and the attack on the
village was retribution.

But Al Qaeda would not leave

an American flag
patch among the bodies.

They would if they
wanted us to believe

the Americans had
att*cked the village.

The patch could've
been left by anyone.

I mean, I look around
the courtroom now,

I see at least four
Afghan citizens

with American flag patches.

But these people did
not attack the village.

Neither did Captain Ramsey.

All right.


Any more questions for
this witness, Commander?

No, Your Honor, I have
no further questions.

How did you get Captain
Ramsey to leave Zaran?

I told him he could find
Khalili in a neighboring village.

Was that true? No.

I did not know
where Khalili was.

But I was afraid the captain
would start k*lling people.

I would have said anything.

And what did the Captain

say to you as he left Zaran?

He said... "If you are
lying, old man, I will be back,

and even Allah won't
be able to save you."

The prosecution rests.

Your Honor, if that's
the prosecution's case,

we move for dismissal
on all charges.

There is no hard evidence

tying Captain Ramsey
to the crime scene.

There are no eyewitnesses.

There's no one who can
identify Captain Ramsey.

I can identify him.

Who are you?

My name is Sahiba Khalili.

This man...

k*lled my husband.

Was his wife telling the truth?

Are you responsible
for Khalili's death?

He died as a
result of my actions.

What's that mean?

When we found Khalili,

he had dozens of vials
of medications with him...

Red blood cell boosters
for dialysis patients.

Osama bin Laden

has chronic kidney disease.

I knew the dr*gs were for him.

I told Khalili I'd let him go
if he led me to bin Laden.

And that I'd k*ll
him very slowly

if he did not.

He dove off a cliff.

How do we fight
people who want to die?

We accommodate them...

every chance we get.

Did anyone else die that night?


You realize the prosecutors

will add another
count of homicide.

They can do that in
the middle of a trial?

They have a different
set of rules here.

If you two don't want
to defend me, it's okay.

Why didn't you tell
us about Khalili?

Because then you would've
had to charge me with his death,

and I didn't want to burden
you with that decision.

So while the villagers
were being slaughtered,

you were kidnapping
Khalili, threatening his life

and chasing him to his death.

One hell of a defense, isn't it?

You believe him?

I have to believe him.

No one would come
up with an alibi like that.

Captain Jack does not lie.

Where have you been?

To the village of Moquot.

You brought
Khalili's widow here?

Better for the captain

to face punishment
for one man he did k*ll

than for five he did not.

Captain Curry hearing
your case? That's right.

He's tough. Tell me about it.

I tried every
argument in the book.

I couldn't move him,
but I'm not giving up.

I got a son who's a JAG.

We're looking for an angle.

Well, if you find
one, let me know.

What have you tried?
Oh, direct approach.

I'm old, I'm out of shape,
I've had a triple bypass,

I got a titanium hip...

Nice! I like that hip thing.

And I've got a
restaurant to run.

Yeah, me, too. Well, a bar.

Well, that's no reason
to stop me from going.

I'm a chef, they need cooks.

I can do a lot of
good over there.

You're talking about Iraq?

Where else? Why not?

I mean, why should our
young folks bear the brunt?

Why can't we do
a little bit of it, huh?

It's our country, too.

You want to go.

Yeah. Don't you?

Uh... eh, absolutely.

Master Chief Roberts.

Yes, sir.

Hey, good luck.

Soften him up for me, will ya?

I read the cases you
submitted, Master Chief.

The precedents are there;

you would be exempt
from involuntary recall

if your business were
essential to the defense effort.

Unfortunately, a bikini bar

does not meet that criterion.

Sir, Big Bud's isn't
just a bikini bar.

It's a place of rest and
relaxation, of camaraderie,

and companionship
for our sailors.

Master Chief, I
don't for one second

buy your lame excuse
for avoiding service.


I've located a
dozen other retirees,

with families and jobs,
some older than you,

who are more
than willing to serve.

This mean I'm off the hook, sir?

This means we don't need you...

or want you.

I'll have BUPERS
rescind your recall orders.

You're dismissed.

We won't be calling you again.

Aye, aye, sir.

The American said he only wanted

to ask my husband questions,

but when Fahim
refused to answer,

they dragged him
out of the house.

In the morning,
we found his body.

Your witness.

What time did Captain Ramsey
take your husband away?

Maybe 9:00 at night.

And this happened nine days ago?


At your home in Moquot? Yes.

Which is how far from
the village of Zaran?

I am not sure exactly.

Maybe... 200 kilometers.

Your Honor, the prosecution
must make a choice.

If Captain Ramsey is accused
of Fahim Khalili's death,

he cannot also be charged

with the simultaneous
murders in Zaran,

200 kilometers away.

Colonel MacKenzie
has a point, Mr. Zabi.

Even the American w*rlord

cannot be in two
places at the same time.

We will need time to determine
on which case we should proceed.

Maybe the defense can
make the choice easier.

Captain Ramsey
is a man of honor.

He denies only that

which he has not done...

The slaughter of innocent
people in the village of Zaran.

In return for dismissal of
the m*rder charge in Zaran,

your client will admit
k*lling Fahim Khalili?

Unintentionally k*lling.

Before the defendant
makes any admissions,

he should be aware
that under Chapter 17,

verse 33 of Qur'an,
the family of a man

who is unjustly slain

may seek retaliation.

Mr. Zabi is correct.

What kind of retaliation?

For manslaughter,
the family may demand

that Captain Ramsey
suffer amputation

of his right hand and left leg.

Your Honor, may I speak?

You may.

I am responsible for the
death of Fahim Khalili.

He was an accessory
to the m*rder

of thousands of
innocent persons.

And while I cannot say

that I honestly
regret his death,

I do regret the pain that
I have caused his family.

Very well.

Tomorrow, I'll hear argument

of counsel and
pronounce sentence.

We stand adjourned.

Mrs. Khalili.

Please accept my
heartfelt condolences.

May I speak with
you for a moment?

After prayers.

Hey, Dad...

how did it go with Fleet Supply?

I'm going in.


Hey, Bud.

Is everyone having a
good time? Hey, Doris.

How you doing? Good,
how are you? Good.

Quiet down.

And now, the rematch that
you've all been waiting for...

Anaconda Angie...

versus Susie Slamazon!

Okay, girls.

I want a fair fight.

No kicking, no eye-gouging,

and no hitting below the belt.

And that just goes for me.

Okay, now, ready? Clean fight.

MAN: Come on!

Watch the hair pulling.
Watch the hair pulling.

Let's get him.


No, no, no, no,

wait a minute!

One... two...


Oh, Dad.

Sorry, Big Bud.

Yeah, me, too.

It's okay, girls. It
wasn't your fault.

They were supposed to catch me.

I warned you this would happen.

Hey, the crowd loves it.

Try to put some weight on it.

Ow! Oh. Oh.

I think it's broken.

Nice try, Dad.

What're you talking about?

Your ankle's not hurt.

It's all part of a scam to
get out of the recall. Ow! Ow!

What's the matter with you?

It's really broken?

It is now.

Could I get some more ice?

No, no, no, no.

Dad... I'm sorry.

For your information,

I don't need to get
out of the recall.

Captain Curry
rescinded my orders.

But you said you
were going back in.

I am.

I volunteered.

You volunteered.

I'll be in Athens, Georgia,

teaching at the
Naval Supply School.

Can't let you young
folks bear all the burden.

Guess you don't know
me as well as you thought.

Captain Jack Ramsey,

you have been found
guilty of manslaughter.

I sentence you
to suffer retribution

at the hands of the
slain man's widow,

according to our ancient law.

It's also written

the widow of a man who is slain

may waive punishment in
exchange for blood money.

Sahiba Khalili,

do you wish to pardon this man?

Fahim was a good husband

but nothing can bring
him back to this world.

Yes, my family and I...

wish to pardon this man.

In return for what?

Pickup truck confiscated
from an opium dealer.

A new well, to be dug in Moquot
by Captain Ramsey's men.

And one hundred goats.

Your Honor, this is foolishness.

It is substantial
payment, Mr. Zabi.

You invoked the religious law,

the defense complied with it.

Justice has been done.

Your Honor.

Your Honor... Commander.


Thank you.

So nothing left now but
the court-martial, right?

We spoke to General Ezring.

He's agreed to 60
days confinement

and dismissal from
the Marine Corps.

And we can work on
the dismissal charge.

That's okay, no need.

Yeah, but if we can
save your career...

Mac, I think dismissal
from the Marine Corps

is exactly what
the captain wants.

Yes, it is.

It will allow me to
go after bin Laden

before his trail runs cold.

And a shot at the $25
million reward money

will definitely keep that
trail warm, won't it, Cap?


But the money's not for me, sir.

After we get bin
Laden, there'll be others.

Al-Nasser, Al-Zawahiri...
They're still out there.

We're going to need that
money to track them down.

You dodged a b*llet
this time, Captain.

Next time, someone may not
be satisfied with a hundred goats.

So, if this lawyering
thing doesn't work out,

come join me.

I can always use good men...

and women.

Let's go, sir.

You'd like to join
him, wouldn't you?

Wouldn't you?