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09x12 - A Girl's Best Friend

Posted: 06/18/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
Princess cut, 58 facets.

Clarity... FL.

Internally flawless.

White as the driven snow.

Dos gefelt mir.

Er zitst oyf shpilkes,


Es macht mir nit oys.

MAN 2:
In English, please.

My apologies.

My brother and I, we aren't
the hosts we should be.

Yes. Please be seated.

We can talk.
I didn't come here

to sit,

and I only want
to talk about the stone.

Two carats.


It's, uh...

it's an absolutely
perfect stone.

A little too perfect.

There's no such thing
in the diamond business.

And I can get more
just like it.

As many as you're
willing to buy.

It'll be good to see you, too,
Professore Selvaggio.

I look forward to it.

Mi piace multo la tua amicita',
Professore Selvaggio.



You all right,

Your hair looks wet.

Well, my roommates, ma'am.

Four female petty officers

vying for the same shower
every morning

is not a pretty sight.

One of the girls
broke my hair drier.

Sample invitations, just like
you asked for-- simple,

nothing flowery,
recycled paper.

Thank you.

Oh, no.

I don't believe this.

I just knocked the stone
out of my engagement ring.

A.J.'s going to k*ll me.

The admiral is all bluster,

He's got a heart of gold.

Yeah, he's one of the good guys,
isn't he?

Yes, ma'am.


Thank you, Jennifer.

It's beautiful, ma'am.

I'll try to have it reset
sometime today.

I'm sure there's a
warranty on the setting.

The admiral will...

Oh, no. No, no.

Please don't tell him.

I don't want him to think
I was being careless.

Oh, Colonel, look.

Look what the general sent.

Harriet is going to be
so excited

that they all
took the time to sign it.

Look. Everyone from the cast

and crew of
the USO show.

Where is Harriet,

Oh, she's not coming
in today, ma'am.

Uh, little A.J.'s class
is going to the zoo,

and she wanted to go along and
make sure that he behaves.

He's going
through a phase.

Ma'am, if I may say so,

uh... you look
really well-rested


What I mean to say is,
it's been a long time

since I've seen you
so... uh... content?

You're fishing,
aren't you?

I'm just happy
if you're happy.

And Agent Webb.

If he's...

the reason that
you're happy.

Don't believe everything
you hear, Lieutenant.

Coates, would you

like to tell me
why your clothes

are in my
filing cabinet?

Would I like to tell you?

Not really, sir.

You see, I have...
Roommate problems.
I know.

I'll take that, sir.

A former SEAL shouldn't
act as a valet. And, sir, I...

Promise that I won't
do it again.

How did you know
I was going to say that?

Because you
always say that.

Then I'll strive
to be

more unpredictable
in the future, sir.

Well, see that
you do that.

Has Commander Rabb

graced us with his
presence yet this morning?

Uh, he's going
to be a little bit

late today, sir.

Personal business.

Can anyone in this office

separate their personal
from their professional lives?

(clears throat)

Well, when might he arrive?

He didn't know
for sure, sir.

He's taking custody of
that little girl today.

Oh. As you were.

(knocking on door)

Hey. I was just
coming to get you.

Hey. I thought I'd
spare you the trouble.

You didn't drive again, did you?

Relax, Harm. I caught the bus.

I'm fine.

So, uh...

talk to your dad?

He called.

I thanked him for letting
you be my guardian.

Is that all he said?

That's all
there is to say.

Can we not...

talk about this?

Okay. Uh...

Hey, listen. I was,
uh, thinking that, uh...

because, I mean,
neither one of us

has had any sense

of real permanence
in their life,

and, uh, an apartment
is hardly permanent,

I have a real
estate agent

looking at two-bedroom
houses in Falls Church.

I don't know, Harm.

I been living on farms
most of my life.

I thought maybe
I'd be ready to live

in the city
for a while.

I saw this
in front of the building

on my way out.

There's an apartment

just down the hall.

Mattie, we didn't, uh,
just go through all this

so that you and I
can be neighbors.

Uh, you need to...

I need to
have you here

to look after me.

Well, it... it wouldn't
be forever, Harm.

It'd just... be until
we found our dream home.

You can't live
alone, Mattie.

Why not?

You trust me,
don't you, Harm?

Mia Meredith bella.

Professore Selvaggio!

Oh, my!
It's been too long.

Yes, it has.
My students
are still talking

about your impromptu lecture
on the dynamic

between, uh, Baptista
and Biondello.

Yes, yes,
and I enjoyed working

with your class,
too, Alessandro.

Say, how is your symposium
at-at Georgetown going?

I wish you had
taken me up

on my invitation
to speak.

Yes, I wish I had, too,

but my schedule is so crazy
with my classes

and... and planning, uh,
for the wedding and...

Oh, your lovely ring
has lost its glitter.

Mm, I, uh...
I knocked the stone

out of its setting
this morning.

May I?


H-Have you a
magnifying glass?

Yes, why?

Well, my father was a jeweler.

I am fascinated by
precious stones.


Oh. Is this diamond
a-a family heirloom?

Oh, I don't...
I don't think so.

You know, there
is a process now,

uh, to make sure that
there's nothing...

unlawful about a
diamond's origin.


Diamonds go missing
from couriers

and museum collections
all the time.

That's why most
contemporary stones

are etched with
a serial number

for identification

This diamond, hmm...

doesn't have one.

Can't I start school
tomorrow instead?

I want to hang out here,
meet all of your friends.

I mean, I am a part of
your life now, Harm.

You can't put it off forever,

You got to
go to school.

You're already
half a year behind.

Maybe that's why
I don't want to go.

Good afternoon, sir.

Oh, hey,
Petty Officer, uh...

Petty Officer Coates,
this is Mattie Grace.

Mattie is, uh,

my ward.
Hey, Mattie, I've
heard a lot about you.

I'm Jennifer.

I think I talked to you
on the phone once.

You know, I hated
school, too.

Probably not
for the same reasons.

No? Try me.

Well, look at you.
You're the cheerleader type.

I wasn't always.

My dad was a minister,

and he made me dress
like a real geek.

Is there a-a ladies' room
around here?

Straight past
the elevator.

Congratulations, sir.

She seems like
a special girl.

Thank you. I think so.

Coates, tell me
I just didn't

find this hanging
in the galley.

I wish I could, sir.

your closet problems,
Petty Officer.

That's an order.

Aye, aye, sir.

So, Commander,
welcome to parenthood.

Thank you, sir.

Excuse me.

Uh, A.J., a word?

Do you think the admiral's
in trouble, sir?

No, but I think you are,
Petty Officer.

You can't continue
to live like this.

I don't have a lot
of options, sir.

At my pay grade, I can't
afford my own place.

Have you ever...
considered my apartment?

No, sir.

I mean, the building.

There's an apartment open
in my building.

I'm sure the
rent is just...

It's on me.

There is one stipulation,

You'll have a roommate,

though she doesn't take up
much room.

Mattie, sir?

Well, you two already seem
to have so much in common.

It-it sounds great, sir,
but I-I can't.

Why not?
It just...

it doesn't feel right.

Excuse me, sir.

I'm not accusing you
of anything.

Then why all
the questions?

I bought the ring from
a reputable jeweler

that was recommended to me
by a rear admiral's wife.

They do a lot of business

with the military

Uh, the diamond, A.J...

Is it possible

that it's an older stone

that was put
into a newer setting?

What difference
does it make?

Sweetheart, diamonds are
supposed to be forever.

It-it should have
a serial number.

It has one
on the certification document.

But not on the girdle,
the lower part of the stone.

Look, A.J., I didn't want
to tell you this,

but I-I bumped my hand,

and-and the diamond
fell out of my ring.

Now, Professor Selvaggio
has some experience,

and he told me

that newer diamonds
are supposed to be laser-etched

with their serial numbers.

Now, I...
Professor Selvaggio?

Isn't that that man who
invited you to Bologna

over Christmas?

This... the diamond on this ring
is not etched, A.J.

It might be stolen.

I'm not sure

what I'm looking for, sir.

The crash course I got
before I went to Paraguay

was enough to fool Sadik
Fahd and his cronies,

but the truth is, I...
I'm not really qualified

to give you
an opinion on this.

It certainly
looks high quality.

You think
this Professor Selvaggio

is just trying
to stir up trouble?

Why would he
do that?

Yeah, that's a good question.

When a man buys a diamond,

it's supposed to be
a symbol of his feelings.

I don't want Meredith
to always have doubts

about her engagement ring.

Admiral, I can have

Clayton Webb's
office set up

a meeting for me
with Agent Van Duyn.

He's the CIA diamond expert

who helped me prepare
for my mission in Paraguay.

He really knows his stuff.

I'd appreciate that, Mac.

That trip to South America
seems to have done wonders

for your professional
relationship with Webb.

Living through

Operation Chaco Borealis

won me a little respect
over at Langley.

Sir, is there
anything else I can do?

No, that's all.


Something I got
to take care of myself.

I have to get you to school.

You should grab your
knapsack out of my office.

Well, hello.

Hey, Colonel MacKenzie.


Fatherhood seems to suit you.

Yeah, well, uh...

I owe it all to
you, don't I?

Speaking of which,
have I, uh,

told you how much
I appreciate

everything you did
for Mattie and me?

At least ten times, Harm.

I was glad to do it.

Mac, let me ask
you something.

Say you're in an
overcrowded apartment

and somebody offers you

a spacious one-bedroom

with a view
of a park.

Who are we talking about?

Petty Officer Coates.

An apartment came up
in my building.

Mattie wants it.

I can't possibly let her
live there by herself,

but if Petty Officer
Coates were there...

Harm, has it
escaped your notice

that, uh, Petty Officer Coates

is a young woman
in her prime dating years

and maybe she
just doesn't want to sign on

as a 24/7 baby-sitter?

You think Coates
has a boyfriend?

Maybe. I mean, you've proven

that it's possible
to keep a secret around here.

It's your phone bill and
you can pay it yourself!

I'm sick of covering
for you!

I think that's my cue.

Excuse me.

You have to pay
your share!

Yes, I'm serious.

I mean it.

Hey, I, uh...

I didn't mean to
eavesdrop, but, uh...

kind of couldn't help it.


One of my stupid roommates
ran up the phone bill.

They just shut
the service off.

So does, uh, my offer

still sound like too
much responsibility?

It's not
the responsibility, sir.

I've-I've talked to Mattie.

She's-she's very mature
for her age.

Look, before you met me,
I lived with friends.

Sometimes I'd pay rent,
usually with money I'd stolen,

then I joined the navy,
and lived on base.

After that, I deployed,
and lived

aboard a ship.

I just...

For the first time in my life,
I like the feeling

of paying my own way
and doing it honestly.

So this...

this isn't about
having a boyfriend?

Who said this
was about a boyfriend?

Well, somebody who clearly
has boyfriend on the mind.

Look, if this
is just,

I mean, a-a pride thing,

we can work something out.

You could put the lease
in your name

and I'll just pay
Mattie's half of the rent.

You'd do that?

Yeah, I would... do that.

Harm, you're a genius.


I assure you,
Admiral Chegwidden,

all the stones that I sell
have impeccable pedigrees.

So why doesn't the one

that I, uh, bought
have a serial number?

I assumed it
to be an older stone,

one that had perhaps
reentered the market.

Where did you get this one?

It was purchased

in good faith
from a local gentleman

who deals with loose gemstones.

How well do you know him?

To be honest, not well.

Our regular supplier
passed away last year

and his sons moved
the business to Zurich.

So, it's possible that
Meredith's diamond is stolen?

Admiral Chegwidden,

even with the serial number,

it is always possible
that a diamond has been stolen

along its journey.

They do last forever...


...and they are so easily passed
from one hand to the next.

Well, I'm only interested

in the hand that passed
you the diamond.

I was surprised
when Agent Webb's assistant

told me you'd be coming.

The experiences you had at the
Chaco as Sadik Fahd's prisoner

would have frightened
most people away

from dealings
with the CIA.

Well, I don't plan
to go up against

any t*rrorists this time,
Agent Van Duyn.

It wasn't fun.

Yes, Webb has told me
what happened.

Any man hearing of such t*rture

would have to question
his own abilities

to withstand it
the way Agent Webb did.

You know, I stopped by
Clay's office earlier.

I don't suppose that you'd
know where he is today.

No, Colonel,
professional courtesy.

He'd do the same for me if
I were, uh, out of the office.

But you're
a diamond expert.

You'd never have to go out
in the field, would you?

You mentioned a stone.

Yes, uh...
I was wondering

if there's any way to tell
if a stone was stolen.

Unfortunately not.

That's what
I was afraid of.

This stone came
from an engagement ring.

Ah, yes, these...

tiny little pieces
of compressed carbon

that convey more than all
the poets ever could.

Cynical about love,
Agent Van Duyn?

Uncomfortable with diamonds
as tokens of it, Colonel.

When you know what they
can buy on the black market,

you tend not to hear a...

a love song
when you look at one,

but rather
a*t*matic weapons fire.

The symmetry
is uncanny.

No imperfections.

No inclusions.

This stone is as clear as water.

It's a high quality diamond.

Even high quality

tend to have flaws, Colonel.

The growth structure

of this stone
is without blemish.

Who did you say gave it to you?

I, uh, I didn't.

You must suspect
something about this stone.

You came to me for a reason.

Well, I came to you
for an opinion,

and you
gave me one.

Thank you
very much.

Word of advice, Colonel...

I don't know what you're
into, but I'd be careful.

Thanks so much

for the espresso,

You know, I'm afraid
that if I'm not forced

into taking a break,
some days

I work the whole day
without one.

You Americans,
you all work too hard.

In Italy, we value a job
well done,

but we also find virtue
in embracing life's


A chef from one of my
favorite restaurants

in Genoa opened a bistro
in Georgetown last year.


You and the admiral
should, uh,

join me for dinner
some night.

Well, I would love to.

I'll ask A.J.

Mr. Handy.

Looks like you deal
in more than just

suspicious gemstones.

Seems that one
of your, uh, diamonds

ended up in my fiancée's
engagement ring.


This is the certificate
of origin.

Why isn't this
serial number

etched on the stone itself?

Hey, any beef you got
is with the jeweler

who sold you the ring, Popeye.

I'm gonna make
this very clear.

The woman I plan to marry

thinks she's wearing
a stolen diamond,

so I want to put
her mind at ease.

Let me explain.

Hey, I don't know
who you are.

You come in here accusing me
of stuff. Who are you?

I'd love to do this
the hard way.

Okay, cool your jets.

Cool your jets.

Pretty fast for a guy your age.

That certificate of origin
that you showed me...

is forged.

By who?

By me.

Your diamond was not stolen.

Not technically.

You ever hear of the term,
"blood diamond,"

or "conflict diamond"?

Yeah, stones from Africa
who pay for rebel armies.

So you can tell your girl
she's wearing the real deal.

I can also tell her
that what she's wearing

paid for the slaughter of
children in the Third World.

Who sold you that stone?

You have any
idea how many

of these diamonds are
floating around, huh?

You can't track them all,

that's the whole point.

I'm not interested in tracking
them all, just this one.

I'll tell you, pal...

but you're not going to like it.


Lieutenant Maravalis?

Sir, with all
due respect,

you're interrupting
a time-sensitive test.

If I don't get this into
the vapor deposition chamber

right away,
it'll be ruined.

You're under arrest.

For what, Admiral?

Conduct unbecoming

and service
discrediting conduct.

in blood diamonds,


Let's go, sir.

It's an emotionally
charged issue.

A lot of these
civil wars in Africa

would have ended years ago
if it weren't for people

like Lieutenant Maravalis

who keep these warlords
in business.

Rebels force men, women
and children to dig

for these diamonds, and then
they're sold on the black market

to finance child soldiers,
whose function

it is to maim
and k*ll other children.


Are you okay, sir?


I've, uh, recused myself
from assigning counsel.

The convening authority has, uh,
detailed you to prosecute,

Rabb to defend.

You'll sit second chair
for the commander.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Lieutenant, you're dismissed.
Aye, aye, sir.

I don't have to tell you

I'll be watching
this one closely.

You're right, sir.

You don't need
to tell me.

Well, I won't be in the gallery
every day.

You're entitled

if you like, sir.

You are the man of the hour.

Lieutenant, uh, Maravalis
wouldn't have been caught

if it wasn't for
your involvement.

Well, Colonel, I don't feel
too damn heroic today.

Not only is Meredith upset,
now she's mad at me

because I won't be
the third wheel

on her outings
with the famous

Professore Selvaggio.

I know she needs her
professional colleagues,

but this guy...

there's something
about this guy.

Have you even met him, sir?

Maybe you
should give

your fiancée
the benefit the of the doubt.

Meredith loves you,

and I wouldn't worry
about the diamond.

The source of the stone

doesn't cheapen the sentiment
behind it.

At least you tried to do
something romantic.

Some guys can't even get
that much right.

I thought you and Rabb had
decided to forgive and forget.

I wasn't talking about
Commander Rabb, sir.


Where the hell is Rabb, anyway?

So you excited
about the move?

What girl wouldn't be?

My first apartment.

Jennifer's taking
a day's leave

so I don't have to move
in on my own.

Just remember, it's only
temporary, okay?

The big plan is the house
with a yard, maybe a dog.

Maybe even someday
a Mrs. Harm?


Thanks for walking
me in.

You have no idea how
navy brass boosts my rep.

Well, you know, I'm so used
to being in charge

that I don't really make
a good first impression.

Well, I find that
hard to believe.

I'm sure you have
a few friends.

I met another kid

who wants to be a
fighter pilot.

Math geek.

Another kid?

Well, yeah, I was thinking

maybe I'd want to be
a navy pilot like the old man.

He usually meets me here
in the morning, you know,

so he can start
bugging me early. Oh.

Harm, this is Andre.

So you want to be
a fighter pilot, huh?

Affirmative, sir.

Any advice?

Yeah, you could start

by relaxing.

Would you mind saying,
"At ease," sir?

Uh, Andre's serious

about the navy thing, Harm.

Real serious, Commander.

All right, at ease, sailor.

Thank you, sir.
(bell ringing)

Let's go, Andre.

We're going to be late
for homeroom.

See you later.



Very impressive.
Yeah, he's cool.

This is an example
of what blood diamonds pay for.

They're dug out of the ground

by people who work
in horrific conditions,

and then spirited away
to clandestine jewel centers

in Europe, Africa, Asia.

From there, they are purchased
at cut-rate prices by people

like Lieutenant Maravalis.

The government will present

that Lieutenant Maravalis spent
a lot of time lately

at the Belgian
diamond exchanges.

That he then smuggled
the stones he purchased

into the United States,

and with the help
of a document forger,

he tried
to pass these stones off

as legitimate
conflict-free gems.

Four months ago,

Lieutenant Maravalis opened
an offshore bank account,

began to live a lifestyle

far beyond the means
of a navy lieutenant.

The only conclusion we can draw
from these actions is that

Lieutenant Maravalis is guilty
of both conduct unbecoming

and service discrediting conduct
of a commissioned officer.

Criminal offenses
under the UCMJ.

I know Harm wouldn't have let me
stay here without you,

so, uh, thanks for agreeing
to be my roommate.


I bet you don't even
know anyone in Okinawa.


One of my old roommates
had a boyfriend

stationed in Okinawa.

You would not believe
the phone bills.

You got nice stuff.

Yeah, I had a... a different job
before I joined the navy.

In retail?

Uh, five-finger discount,
if you know what I mean.

I don't.

That's probably
a good thing.

You know, maybe we could
trade clothes sometime.


I could... I could
use one of those.

A bra?


You don't have a bra?

Well, just the thought
of me going into a store

and asking for one...

You know, there's...

There's a lot of things
a girl your age needs.

We-We should go shopping.

Well, I'm-I'm not
exactly rolling in dough.

I-I lost my
business, Jennifer.

So, do what any
teenage girl does--

ask for Dad's credit card.


(quiet laughter)

I think you're hiding something
from me, Meredith.


Why doesn't your boyfriend want
to know me?

Oh, I...

I promise you
that before you leave,

we'll all have
drinks together.



Oh, he's just been busy.

In my country, a man...

is never too busy

for a beautiful woman.

Well, in my country,
a woman understands

when her fiancé can't always
make her his top priority.

It isn't illegal to

go window shopping

in the diamond
district of Antwerp.

Nor is proof
of an offshore bank account

a*t*matic proof of malfeasance.

Lieutenant Maravalis recently

married a successful
and generous woman.

His lifestyle, naturally,
now reflects their mutual worth.


The blood diamond trade
is despicable.

There is no excuse
for the atrocities of the R.U.F.

rebels in Sierra Leone,

or the UNITA group in Angola,

the R.C.D. rebels in the Congo,

or any of the half dozen
guerrilla groups

that have decimated Liberia.

But my client's not a member
of any of these organizations,

nor does have
any association with,

nor has he ever met any member
of any of these groups.

The prosecution...

has no evidence

that the defendant ever set foot
on the continent of Africa.

Lieutenant Maravalis
is a gifted researcher

in service of his country.

He is not guilty
of the charges against him.

Nice job, Bud.

MAN (on radio):
...Over $120 billion has sparked
an interest in Congress...

(car horn beeping)

A plan to cancel
up to $27 billion in debt...

(phone ringing)

Lieutenant Colonel MacKenzie.

Pull over, Colonel.

Why all the cloak-and-dagger,
Van Duyn?

When you see what I have,
you'll know why.

You have the right man,
but the wrong theory.

What are you
talking about?

Lieutenant Maravalis.

He's been under Agency
surveillance for the past

three months.

Of course, we can only monitor
his activities

outside the U.S.

Since he's now being charged
with crimes

in your jurisdiction,

everything you need
to nail him is in this file.

Aren't you compromising
your own case by giving me this?

Remember I told you
I never wanted to find out

what it feels like
to be tortured by the enemy?

The next step
in this investigation involves

going undercover
and selling diamonds

to people like Sadik Fahd.

I've lost my nerve, Colonel.

Because of Webb's

experience in Paraguay?

I want to see Lieutenant
Maravalis go to prison,

and you stand a better chance
than I do of putting him there.

I've given the same file

to an Agency colleague
in Brussels.

He'll follow up.

We're not interested
in the source

of Lieutenant Maravalis'

only the acts he may finance

in the international
t*rror1st community.

Do I have to say it?

Say what?

I was never here.

I spoke with the man
just last night, and now

he's out of
the country?
I can only tell you

what the technical services
department told me.
Which I don't believe.

Agent Van Duyn has
taken an extended leave

and won't be back
for three weeks.

Let me be the first
to tell you:

I'd be surprised
if he's ever coming back

or if he'll ever be able
to answer my questions.

Where is Webb?
Where is he?

I can't....
You know what?

I'm-I'm tired
of this spy game, okay?

I obtained some very strange
documentation last night,

and I would like

to be able to talk
to someone about it.

Think about it,
Colonel MacKenzie.

My security level
barely affords me

the luxury of knowing

where my own boss
is half the time.

I'm supposed to be seeing him
tonight, you know.

Agent Van Duyn?

Agent Webb.

Is that going to happen?

Northern or Southern Hemisphere?

Near the equator--
occidental side

of the globe.

Oh, that narrows it down.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I.


All right,
let me ask you a favor.

It'll get me off your back
about Van Duyn.

Will I be breaking Agency rules?

No. Look, I need to find out
if there's been

a secure file transfer
from Agent Van Duyn

to any CIA personnel
in Brussels.

Can you find that out
for me?

Trust me, it is in
the Agency's best interest.

Yes, Lieutenant Maravalis
was an underling of mine here.

Right up till the day
they arrested him.

They sent a two-star
and navy MAAs to do it.

Navy must be taking
this seriously.

Did you know
that Lieutenant Maravalis

was under surveillance
by the CIA?

This is my lab,

the anonymous source

in Agent Van Duyn's report--

the one who tipped them off
to Lieutenant Maravalis.

With, uh, Van Duyn
out of the picture,

I thought I'd never find out
who it was.

If you read my report, you know

why I chose
to keep my name out of it.

Van Duyn was tracking
the kind of guys

who won't stop at you.

They'll k*ll your whole family.

Agent Van Duyn
told you that?

He told me to watch
my back, Colonel.

And not to talk
to anyone

but him.

I want you to testify in court
against Lieutenant Maravalis.

Do I look suicidal, Colonel?

I can protect you, Doctor.

And I can subpoena you.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

to approach the bench?


The government is adding
a charge of larceny

against Lieutenant
Maravalis, Your Honor.

Based on what?

That's my line,


I have new evidence
which indicates

the lieutenant
was not involved

in the trafficking of
blood diamonds from Africa.

Well, since that's
the entire basis

for the government's case,
Your Honor,

I would then ask

that the original charges
be withdrawn.

What's your new evidence,

Doctor, what is Code 6174?

That's the navy's
diamond research arm.

And what do you do there?

We make synthetic
diamonds, Colonel,

uh, for the thermal management
of semiconductors.

You've had a series
of thefts at your lab,

isn't that
true, Doctor?

That's correct.

What, if anything,
has building security

told you about the possible
identity of the thief?

Anything the doctor
may have been told, Your Honor,

would be classified
as hearsay.


Doctor, do you have any theories
about the thefts?

Oh, I figure it

for an inside job.

Uh, security's just too tight
for anyone to have

come in from
the outside.

Objection-- speculation.


Doctor, what have you reported
as stolen from your laboratory?

Nearly 120 carats worth
of synthetic diamonds, Colonel.

60 stones.

And what's the estimated value

of these diamonds?

Well, they cost the navy
next to nothing to make,

but the retail value
of stones

of that quality would be
uh, mill-two, mill-three.

$1.3 million.

Doctor, is there any way
to tell the difference

between a
synthetic diamond

and the real thing?

Technically, a
synthetic diamond

is the real thing--

uh, chemically
and physically identical

to a diamond that's
mined from the ground.

Your Honor,
this is extremely misleading.

If the synthetic stones are
indistinguishable from natural,

then the stones stolen
from Dr. Mallory's lab

would be impossible
to be picked out

from any other grouping
of diamonds.

Overruled, provided counsel

can clarify
the matter.

Yes, Your Honor.

Doctor, is it possible
to tell the difference

between a mined diamond
and one created in your lab?

With a loupe or
magnifying glass,


But the trained eye
can tell the difference

using a spectrophotometer.

These, uh, lab-grown
gems are just

too picture-perfect
to pass for natural

under that kind
of scrutiny.

Finally, Dr. Mallory,

have you had a chance
to examine the diamond

marked as
government exhibit one?

I have.

Your expert opinion, please.

It's one of mine.

I have no doubt about that.

I think I have

I could possibly need.

Well, the kids at school won't
call you "Home Fries" now.

Can I ask you something?

Anything you want.

Well, you've known Harm

for a long time.

What do you think made him
want to take care of me?

'Cause he barely knew me
when he started all of this.

Probably the same thing

that made him want
to take care of me

when I needed it.

You know, I'd still
be serving time at hard labor

if the commander hadn't arranged

to give me a
second chance.

Yeah, it doesn't surprise me

that he's done
this kind of thing before.

May I ask what...?

Another time.

You know, Harm's
dad went MIA

when he was
a little boy.

Yeah, I know that.

So, maybe he's got
a soft spot for kids

who look like they
need a father.

But I thought you said
your dad was a minister.

That doesn't mean he
was there for me,

except to criticize
and damn me to hell

every time I stepped
out of line.

And my mom passed away
when I was about your age.

Sounds like you and me
have the same situation.

And the same
guardian angel.

Hot chocolate,

on me.

Are you sure Agent Van Duyn

never contacted anyone
in Brussels?

All rise.

Thank you.

Let's proceed.

Does Lieutenant

understand the nature
of the care inquiry?

He does, Your Honor.

And the

agreed to the terms
of the pretrial agreement?

It has, Your Honor.


go ahead.

It started with one--
one diamond for my personal use.

When I realized
I'd gotten away with it,

I sold a few stones
to a local dealer.

As a condition
of your plea,

I'll expect you to cooperate
with civilian authorities

in building a case

against that man--
receiving stolen goods.

Of course, Your Honor.

You may

be called upon to cooperate

with any members
of federal agencies

regarding their
ongoing investigation

into diamond smuggling and
international terrorism.

I understand.

My trips to Antwerp
were to sell stones,

not buy them.

Would you wear
your uniform

on these sales calls,


I guess I thought

it would make
them respect me.

You see, ma'am,
my mother

never had a diamond
engagement ring.

My parents were immigrants.

They would have thought
it was frivolous--

something only the wealthy did.

So, what made you start dreaming
the American dream?

I met someone.

Someone who... expected it.

And deserved it.

Caroline has
her own money,

but I was raised
to believe

a man should take
care of his wife,

and not the other
way around.

I panicked

when I couldn't afford
an engagement ring.

Every day
I was surrounded by diamonds--

stones I was creating
with my own hands--

and I couldn't afford to buy
the woman I love

a ring that
was worthy of her.

It turns out
I didn't have to do it.

She would have stood by
an honest man of modest means,

but... she won't stand by
a thief.

She's filed for divorce.

A woman after my own heart.

Does counsel
have anything to add?

Yes, Your Honor.

Lieutenant Maravalis has agreed

to relinquish
all monies

gained from the sale
of the diamonds

deposited in a bank
in the Cayman Islands.

He will also return

all unsold stones
in his possession

to the Naval Research Lab.

He would like this considered
at sentencing, ma'am.



The government
so stipulates, Your Honor.

Very well.

Lieutenant Maravalis,

I'm not impressed
with your sob story.

Your mother never had
a diamond ring?

Guess what.

Neither did mine.

We'll reconvene
for sentencing.

Court is in recess.

Some of the navy's diamonds
are still out there

floating around Europe

just waiting for Sadik Fahd
or his minions

to snatch them up.

You know,
the CIA diamond expert

who gave me the lead
on the navy lab--

I think he may have gone rogue.

You've been spending a little
too much time with Webb.

Mac, a CIA operative
goes underground?

You're going to have to start
getting used to that.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

So, uh, Lieutenant Maravalis

did it all for the
love of a woman, huh?

Oh, love can drive
a man crazy.

That road runs both ways.

Say, what are you doing
right now, anyway?

Why? You want to,
uh, you want to try

that new
Japanese place?

I was thinking of something
a little less formal.

And then he said,

"You'd be okay if
you lost the attitude."

Ew, you don't actually like
this guy, do you?

He sounds like a jerk.

No, gross; he's
a big dork.

(knock at door)

♪ I... I'd like to think so ♪


Mattie, you can't come
to the door in your underwear.

It's not underwear

I mean, I'm wearing underwear
under the boxers.

Looks like you got your work
cut out for you, Dad.

Hello, ma'am, sir.

Yeah, I, uh,
I'm beginning to feel

like Captain Von Trapp.

Captain Von Trapp

from The Sound of Music.

What's that?

I guess we need
a DVD player, Dad.

Oh, I see--
adopt one and get two.

It's a hell of a deal.

I always knew you'd
make a good family man.

Stop it.

No, I meant that
as a compliment.

I'm really proud

of what you're
doing here.

What have
you guys got?

Popcorn. Want some?

Ooh, yeah.

♪ I... I'd like to think so. ♪

(man singing operatic aria)


♪ ♪