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29x15 - Morphin Master

Posted: 06/17/23 09:27
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

[Zayto] Previously on Power Rangers.

Gold Ranger, you're needed for an important task.

[echoes] Without you, Lord Zedd will reign again.

[Zayto] That's it! Rafkon.

[Lord Zedd] Soon, my Sporix army will rise!


-[zaps] -Argh!

-[grunts] -[Aiyon] Zayto!

His vitals have fallen dramatically.

I don't think I can help him.

Everything is going to be all right.

I couldn't let Zedd destroy you, Rangers, so I'm here to help.

Please, can you do something?

I'll try. The universe needs him now more than ever.


[Solon] Oh, thank goodness!

If you ever almost leave us again, I'll destroy you myself.

-[chuckling] -[sighs]

-Thank you. -The battle isn't over.

Zedd is one of the universe's most powerful villains.

Also, the one that looks like most like beef jerky.

Don't forget that.

We need to get back to Rafkon

before he uses that Sporix Generator.

He wouldn't be doing that if I had beaten him

like your prophecy said.

I'm sorry.

I guess I let you down.

You didn't.

I'm afraid your team simply doesn't have an arsenal

mighty enough to stop him.

You don't have to tell us that.

I do have something I hope will help.

This is the Dino Master Saber.

It's extremely powerful,

and the armor it unlocks can protect you.

New battle armor? Awesome!

I must warn you of the Saber's ultimate attack.

It uses the power from your Zords.

That's what I'm talking about!

But anyone who uses this to destroy their enemy

will also be destroyed.

We already almost lost one teammate today.

I'm not going through that again.

It won't need to come to that if we all fight Zedd.

-Exactly. -[whooshing]

What now?!


[majestic music]

Greetings, Rangers.

Whoa, double the Morphin Masters.

Master Blue, why are you here?

Master Red sent me.

And I think you know why.

You've broken our code to never intervene in the lives of mortals.

Did you think we wouldn't notice?

Wait. Never intervene in the lives of mortals?

Since when?

You created teams of Power Rangers,

and you helped us during the great Sporix w*r,

- million years ago. -Exactly.

What changed?

A great deal.

Long ago, our kind created teams of Power Rangers to combat evil.

But with each fight, the enemies seemed to multiply.

Only a few years after the great Sporix battle,

powerful villains began to hunt us down.

Many Masters were destroyed.

That's awful.

We survivors realized that our first priority

must be to protect the Morphin Grid

because, without it, life cannot exist.

[Master Blue] So we went into hiding

and promised to never expose ourselves to danger

through interfering in the lives of others.

That's a pretty big promise.

Breaking it comes at a cost.

Master Green will be imprisoned in a crystal for eternity.

That's so harsh.

Haven't you guys heard of detention or community service?

And it's not fair! We'd be dust on Rafkon if not for her!

She broke the rules. That sealed her fate.

Very well.

Wait! She saved my life today.

And not just today.

Everything that's happened to us is on the Legendary Ranger Database.

I want to show you this.

When our statues were broken, we couldn't Morph.

She mended them for us,

which gave our team access to our powers again.

We suspected that you'd intervened before!

Her actions saved lives.

The database contains the history of many Ranger teams.

And every time that I look at it,

I find things that I just can't explain.

Rangers saved in their darkest moments.

Like this.

The Grid Battleforce Rangers needed help to defeat

Goldar Maximus.

That day, Devon was suddenly struck by a meteor.

It contained a Dino Coin which called out to its owner,

The legendary Red Ranger, Jason.

That's right! The other Ranger teams heard his message

and came to help destroy Goldar.

Yes. And later, Devon's team

was in a battle to protect the Grid from their ultimate foe,


Steel, the robotic Silver Ranger,

heroically tried to stop Evox by himself

and was destroyed.

I can't believe it.

But when the Grid was safe, Steel wasn't just revived.

He was brought back as a human!

Wait a second. Steel Silva?

He's the star of Kung-Fugitive! That's my favorite show!

Oh, sorry, off-topic.

But if you want a good show to binge-watch--

I don't think they do that.

Think about it.

Who else could transform a Ranger

and bring them back to life but a Morphin Master?

Tell me what else you know.

Have you heard of the Legendary Battle?

[Orion] How can we defeat an army this size?

The Super Megaforce Rangers were outnumbered by the Armada,

and dozens of legendary Rangers appeared to help them.


[all] Hi-yah!

[shouting, clamoring]

-Argh! -[clanging]

-[both] Argh! -[clangs]

[all] Hi-yah!


[all] Yes!


They saved the Earth. And afterwards,

the Rangers disappeared

in balls of light.

Just like we did, when Master Green rescued us from Zedd.

It really was all you.

Everything you've done has been amazing.

Were there other times?

Yes. I did what I could to fight evil and save lives.

You made yourself vulnerable.

In doing so, you made all Morphin Masters vulnerable!

Master Red's instructions were clear.

If you've broken the rules, you must be punished!

No, you can't! I won't let you!

You'll never defeat Master Blue, but you must stop Zedd.

The universe depends on it!


What have you done?!

On Rafkon, they can finish what they started.

Now you're finished.

Sorry, but no.

My beautiful mushrooms!

I don't blast stuff at your house with crystals, do I?!

Master Green can't run forever.


When is that thing gonna be ready?

I need to warm up my circuits after the Rangers froze us.

M-maybe we'd warm up faster if we hugged each other.

For the tenth time, no!

How are we looking, Scrozzle?

Tip-top! The generator is fixed!

Finally! Let's get it off this wretched world.

In position!

If they take the generator,

it'll disconnect it from Rafkon's magma core.

[Zayto] And destabilize the whole planet.

My geology grades aren't that hot, but let me guess.

-Boom? -Big boom.

[Zayto] Not on our watch!

-[Nulleye] Rangers! -Ah, you came back.

How cute!

[all yell]

[grunts] Pity you're too late.

So long, suckers!

-[Zayto] Uh-oh. -[Aiyon] Bad vibes.

Where do you think they went?

Zedd could've teleported anywhere with that thing!

[crashing, whimpering]

Uh-oh. This place is gonna blow.

Our Megazord's in orbit. Let's go!


-[zapping sound] -[all grunt]


-We have to get further away. -[Izzy] Big fan!


[all] Argh!

-[Izzy] Huh? -[Aiyon] It was safe

for million years.

-But one day with Zedd, and… -It's all rubble.

And we'll never know what happened to our people.


[Javi] I'm so sorry, guys.

[Solon] Rangers,

Zedd's in the city with some kind of huge machine.

He's gonna create his army

in Pine Ridge!

Which is completely undefended.

Rafkon may be gone, but there's still time to save Earth.

You're right.

It's up to us.

[people scream]

Humans and screaming. Name a more iconic duo.

[Scrozzle] Good! It's still full of magma energy.

[Zedd] Then unleash a wave of unending terror!


Scrozzle, I was told there would be Sporix!

Uh, They take time to, uh, "bake," I guess.

This thing's pretty old too.

[Void Queen] Bold of you to show your face on Earth again, Zedd.

[Zedd] Greetings, my friends.

Friends?! You tricked us and stole my generals.

Sorry about that. He offered better vacation pay.

Don't forget dental!

You don't even have teeth.

-Gah! -Explain yourself,

or you will see the wrath of my Sporix power!

That's why I'm here. We all love Sporix, don't we?

So Scrozzle built us a machine that makes them.

-Uh, that's not quite-- -Shut up and slink away.

Impressive, if true.

I told you I'd do whatever it takes to make this planet ours.

Okay, Zedd.

I suppose we can put our disagreements behind us.


Huh! I guess you brats just can't get enough of me.

Couldn't let you destroy two planets today, Zedd.

[Void queen] Ugh,

the sight of these Rangers gives me a real headache.

Take care of them, dear,

and tell me when my new Sporix are ready.

Anything for you, my love.

As it should be.

Go! End them!

Destruction instruction! Boomy likes!

See that, team? Zedd's too chicken to fight us himself.


Aiyon, that's a cow.

He's still learning his Earth animals.

[Zedd] Can we please just fight?

It's Morphin' time!

[all] Dino Fury Key,


Link to Morphin Grid!



[animals roar]


[rock music]



Hah! T-Rex Fury, Red Ranger!

Hi-yah! Ankylo Fury, Pink Ranger!

Hah! Tricera Fury, Blue Ranger!

Hah! Tiger Fury, Green Ranger!

[grunts] Stego Fury, Black Ranger!

-[zaps] -Mosa Fury, Gold Ranger!

[all] Hi-yah! Dino Fury Power!


Argh! [grunts]


[Void King] I love a good brawl.

Sure, I love my wife more, but this is a close second.

[all] Hi-yah!


[both grunt]

-Hah! -[both grunt]

Dino Knight Key, ready!



Dino Knight Armor!

Dino Master Saber!



Dino Master Mode!


What kind of armor is that?!

Brand spanking new!

Looks great on me, right?

It sure does! I mean, ew, so tacky! Whatever!

-He's just jealous. -[Aiyon] Yeah, he is.

Me? Jealous? Of that really cool cape?

Oh! I mean-- Shut up!

[both grunt]

-[zapping sounds] -[both grunt]


-Hah! -[both grunt]



[both grunt]

-[zaps] -Gotcha!

-Boom, boom! -Slash, slash, slash!


-[zaps] -[both grunt]

Ow! My teeth! Oh, wait.

[all grunting]

I might need to take one of those vacation days tomorrow.

I'm gonna send you on a trip right now.

Getting a little cocky, aren't we?

[Ollie] Uh-oh.

[all] Argh!


-[clangs] -[all] Argh!

Now that you've all been seated,

our chef will show you the menu.

Get ready for six courses

of "Boom!"

Let's see what tricks this Saber got that don't involve me being destroyed.

Mosa Dino Key,


-[zapping] -[grunts]

Mosa Master Strike!


[Boomblaster] Going out with a boom!

-[Izzy] Yes! -[Aiyon] Oh yeah!

Master of the Master Saber!

So you have a new toy, big deal.

That's… Wait! Where's the Pink Ranger?

Pink Ranger? We don't have a Pink Ranger, do we?

-[Izzy] Nope. -You're losing it.

And, uh, don't look behind you.

-Huh? -Oh hey. Long time no see.

[cycle engine revs]

Dino Fury Cycle Plasma Blast!

-[zaps] -Argh!

Claim this victory if you'd like!

Luck won't help you when Zedd's army arrives.


-Nice blastin', Amelia. -Thanks.

Now it's time to turn Zedd into beef soup.

-Let's go. -[all grunt]

Argh, threatening running!

I'm sure you can take it from here. You're so powerful.

Coward! Once more, I have to do everything myself.

But you won't stop me,

not when I'm moments from releasing the Sporix!

[Zayto] Quick! Get him before he does

whatever this is.

It's some sort of energy field!

Ha! I got it.

Argh! [grunts]

Okay, I don't got it.


Bah, so close! Hurry up, you stupid machine!

Maybe we need to use all our Dino Power.

Let's do it!

[all] Dino Key,




[Aiyon] Let's go full Fury force!

[Amelia] Yeah!



[all grunt, pant]

Oh, come on! That's all the power we have.

-Should we call our Zords? -No.

I think I'm the only one that can break through and stop Zedd.

Dude, didn't we already go over this prophecy stuff?

I'm talking about the saber's ultimate attack.

Anyone who uses it will destroy their enemy.

[Ollie] And will also be destroyed themselves!

Remember that?! It's kinda important!

-Aiyon, you just can't-- -I don't think I have a choice.

There's no way I'm letting that generator activate a second time.

[Amelia] No!

Aiyon! Don't!

[Master Green] Wait.

[Aiyon] What are you doing?


What?! How dare you?!




Come on.

Your power weakens!

Zedd's gaining. I know what to do!

[Zayto] Aiyon!

-[grunts] -[zaps]

Get back! Now!


-[zaps] -Argh!

-[boom] -[all] Argh!

[Amelia] She… did it. The Sporix Generator's history.

[Izzy] Look, over there! Something shiny!

-[Aiyon] Whoa! -[Izzy] A crystal?

[Aiyon] It's Zedd… and Master Green?

Oh my. I'm afraid this is beyond my expertise.

I've done everything I can, and my mushrooms are still trapped.

Could we find someone in the Ranger database

who knows about crystals?

Rangers with crystal powers?

I suppose it could be a thing.


[Master Red] Hello, Rangers.

You must be Master Red.

[Master Red] Indeed. Where is Master Green?

We can sense her energy.

She sacrificed herself to save us.

And not just us. If the Sporix had been unleashed again,

this entire planet would have ended up just like Rafkon.

-Exactly! She's not a traitor. -She's a hero.

-[Master Red] Hmm. -She stopped Zedd!

[Master Red] That's impressive…

and a task the Rangers could never have done on their own.

They would've been obliterated had she not intervened.

Perhaps we've been too hard on Master Green.

We have to make this right.



I'm free.

-[gasps] -Yes!

There is no doubt many Power Rangers would have fallen over the years

without your intervention.

We were wrong. The rule was wrong.

[Master Blue] Thank you for doing what was right.


And thank you

for helping us see what we've been missing all these years.

Now we will secure Zedd safely on a planet far away.

Thank you.

Farewell, Rangers.

Keep safe.

Wait! Master Green…

if the prophecy wasn't true, why did you wake me up?

Your attack today was key to stopping Zedd.

But I never said you had to do it alone.


That's right.

You're blowin' my mind, here.

I have a question too.

Do you know what happened to our people?

Their fate is for you to discover

in time.

We got rid of Zedd,

stopped a Sporix invasion,

and helped the Green Morphin Master?

We're batting a thousand.

Oh, it's a sports term.

Means we did great. [chuckles]

Yeah, I know. Even if sports isn't my forte.

Which is a musical term meaning strength.

Well, it's great the universe is a little safer again.

But I'm so sorry Rafkon paid the price.

Us too.

But we did the right thing.

And I'm thankful I have some great friends right here.

[Solon] Yes.

And you always have a home in Pine Ridge.

[Solon] Aw.

[theme music playing]