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29x04 - Tiny Trouble

Posted: 06/17/23 09:19
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪ ♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪ ♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

You can't hide from my Xray vision, little Sporix!

I've been looking everywhere, even in people's dirty laundry.

[gasps] The horrors I've seen.



You know, I think you're the last Sporix in the city.

I hope that's enough for Void Knight.

Everyone's balloons ready?

Well, well, well.

Get a look at this.

-Sure you don't wanna join us? -Thanks, but I'm on a different mission.

Operation Earth Snacks.

Phase one, whipped cream!

So this is the secret operation I lent you money for?

Snacks? Seriously?! [cream hisses]


Remember, if your balloon pops, you're out.

[curious music]

[all grunt]

Ha ha! [grunts]

[blades ring] Whoa!



[blades ring]

[both grunt]

-[blades crash] -[groans]

[chuckles] You're out!

Ha! [pop!]

-[groans] -[chuckles]

[energetic music]

Ha! [pop!]

Oh man!

[tense music]

Last Ranger standing.

[exciting music]


[pop!] Oh. [chuckles]

I live to see another day.

-[pop!] -[chuckles]

Nice, Ollie.

You might even have had a chance against me with that last move.

Ha! You sure talk a lot of game for someone doing so little training.

And so much snacking.

I've been training longer than most of you have been Rangers.

What we all need is to appreciate is this human food.


Have you had these yet, Zayto?

It's called a 'donut'.


Mmm. Heaven on the taste buds. [creature chirps]

-You're missing out. -Oh, it's so cute!

I think it's the Pacha Smash Zord.

[Zord squeaks] Whoa. What happened to you?

Almost didn't recognize ya.

That's a Zord?

Yes, but she used to be,

you know, the size of a Zord. She must've shrunk somehow,

over all these millions of years.

-That makes % sense. -Don't worry. Size is fixable.

with the Grow Dino Key,

yours today with only three easy payments of nothing!

He's been watching the infomercial channel again.


-You sure that'll work? -Of course.

But I better do it.

Pacha trusts me. [squeaks]

We go way back. Right, old girl?




You'll be back to your giant glory in no time.

Easy, now. [whimpers]

[dramatic music]

Steady. -[chitters]

Grow big! [g*n beeps]


Nice shot, dude.



Uh… Whoa! [cream hisses, splashes]


[squeaks, chitters]

Ah, hold still!


[g*n beeps]

-[grunts] -[squeaks]


[splat!] Oh.

Uh… That's enough, hot shot.

Seriously, a little help? [Zord squeaks]

Ew. Another reason to dislike junk food.

Aiyon, that isn't working.

It was worth a try.

Let's check in with Solon, see what she thinks.

[energy zaps]

A tiny Zord?

Even I've never seen that!

You've changed, little Zord.

And where's your Smash Dino Key? [squeaks]

No sign of any key. What does it do?

It activates the Smash Battle Armor.

That's my favorite.

I could knock out a Sporix Beast with one punch. Pow!

-Careful! -Not again!


I just tidied up this morning! [items clatter]

Oh no, not the key rack.

Got ya. [squeaks]

[gasps, sighs]

-You sure? -Yeah, yeah.

She's just a little nervous, and she doesn't like the scanner.

It's OK. The scan is done.

I just need to analyze the data.

I'll just take her outside.

Is that a good idea?

We're having trouble controlling her as it is.

Trust me. We're tight.

I know her better than anyone.

OK. [squeaks]

But keep her on a leash. [chitters]


if that makes you feel better.

Now, who wants to clean up?


Here you go, Master.

I brought you the last Sporix in the city.

Give it here! [gasps]

You've wasted enough time!


Yes, yes!

-No! -Oh!


I still need more.

Are you sure that was the last of them?

Yes, I've looked everywhere, with all of my eyes.

The Rangers must have the rest.

But aren't you a Sporix I could put in my machine?

Wait. I did see something else,

a teeny tiny Zord.

Who would want one of those?!

Oh, I think the Rangers would trade their Sporix for one.

Go capture it!

-Wreckmate, help him! -Aye, master.

Yar, never says please.

[energy zaps]

[device beeps, liquid bubbles]

Today could be the day, my love.

[dramatic music builds]

Remember when it was just me and you

against the seven Sporix Beasts? [squeaks]

Now, that was a battle. [chitters]

million years ago,

when yummy donuts hadn't even been invented.


Hey, wanna fetch?


Yeah, it does sound fun, doesn't it?


Go get it.

-[grunts] -[squeals]

[watch chirps]

-Hey. -Big news,

the first scan results show that the Smash Battle Key is…

drumroll please. [hands patter quickly]

Inside Pacha! Crazy, huh?

Wow! We'll come back right away.


Pacha. Hey, girl.

Did you let her off the leash?

Don't worry. She's a good girl.

She's just fetching a stick.



Relax. We'll be down in a sec.

Oh dear. [all groan]


I didn't say we were playing hideandseek.







[Pacha squeaks]

Aw, it's kinda cute.

Ouch! Watch it!

She almost got away, ye overgrown sea snail!


Wreckmate and Occulo are here. I need backup.

Just because I have a shell, doesn't mean I'm a snail.

You've mistaken me for a pirate who cares.

[energy zaps] Argh, shivers!

She's a mite bitey, ain't she? [Pacha squeaks]

Let's get her a muzzle.

Yar. We can pick one up for you too.


[whispers] You said not to worry!

[Wreckmate] You've gotta work on your attitude, pal.

Let's go.

[Occulo] Blimey, why won't this Zord relax?

Maybe I can sing her to sleep with a little sea shanty.

Ahha! I spy with my many eyes

six ticked off teens.

Get your grubby hands off my pal!

You want her? How about a trade?

One Zord for a few measly Sporix.

-Not gonna happen! -Well, what be

your counteroffer?

It's Morphin' Time!

[energy zaps, rings]

[Rangers] Dino Fury Key!



Link to Morphin Grid!

[all grunt]

[exciting music]

[beasts roar]

[music builds]

Dino Fury Power!


[all grunt]

[blades clash, ring]

[Pacha chitters, blades ring]

Quit wriggling! [grunts] [squeals]

No! Come back here, you little rat!

-I got you, Pacha! -Get this!

[thwack!] Ugh!

She just keeps running away!

Slow down! [chitters]

I promise I won't hurt ye!

Ye can be one of me hearties.

-So, anyone buy that? -Uhuh.

You two find Pacha. We've got this.

-Come on! -Fine by me!

[both grunt]

Pacha! Pacha! [water splashes]

Do you see her? I can't.

But hey, she might've gone back to Dinohenge.

-Based on what logic, exactly? -She's scared.

she'll go somewhere familiar. I know her.

Trust me.

Wait! Footprints.

[water splashes]

They're hers, heading exactly…

away from Dinohenge.

'Trust me,' he says.


[curious music]



Looks like a fresh break.

Maybe this way?

[watch chirps]

Go ahead.

[Solon] I just finished analyzing Pacha's scan.

You won't believe this.

What is it?

Your little friend isn't the Pacha Smash Zord.

She's a new Zord made from the Pacha Smash Zord.

You mean, like, a baby Pacha?

Zords can reproduce. [both chuckle]

That's wild! It's gotta be a first for science.

I gotta tell Mom.

That can wait. You need to find Baby Pacha quickly.

She might be our only way to find her mother,

the actual Pacha Smash Zord!

Roger that.

[dramatic music]

I thought she was my old pal.

But I've never even met her.

And I let her off the leash.

I'm a fool.


You can't beat yourself up right now.

We have a job to do.

Hang on.

Listen. Listen!

We can listen!

Sonic Dino Key, ready!

[zap! zap!]

[energy warbles]

[pulses chime]

[Pacha chitters faintly]


That's her!

This way!

Argh! We've got them on the run.

Actually, we're gonna run you down.

Take your best shot! [both roar]

[all grunt]


[pulses chime]

[Pacha squeaks faintly]

There she is.

Trying to… get inside a cliff?!

Whoa! No, no! Come back!

What is she doing in there?

Let's find out.

Vision Enhance!

[zap! zap!]

[energy buzzes]

-What do you see? -It's…

the Pacha Smash Zord. The real one!

It's stuck inside the mountain.

Baby Pacha led us straight to it.

So Momma Zord's been here all along.

That's incredible! How are we gonna free her?

My blaster won't break through all that rock.

Wait. Maybe I could throw a boulder at the cliff.

I just need to find a really big boulder.



Uh… This is just a large pebble.

Not for long. Get ready to toss.

Let's hope your aim has improved.

[blaster beeps]


Since before you were born.

Grow big! [zap!]

-[thud! rock smashes] -[both grunt]

[rocks patter]


Pacha Zord, looking good!


It's been a long time, buddy.



That's one mighty Zord.

Two mighty Zords now.


The Smash Dino Key.


Nah, you keep it.

But it's your favorite.

Sure, but you found Baby Pacha and her mom.

All I've done today is mess up.

[stomach gurgles] In more ways than one.

I think I ate too much canned cream earlier.

[watch chirps] We need backup!

On our way.

You OK to fight?


A little gas never stopped anyone.

[watch chirps]

[all grunt]

[metal thuds]

-[chain rattles] -[grunts]

Since ye brats love sticking together, let me help ye.

[grunts] Whoa!

The catch of the day, fresh Ranger fish!


How do you like your seafood, Occulo?

Oh no! [grunts]

[both grunt] More Rangers!

You're about to be up to your eyeballs in pain and suffering.

Solon, send in the Mosa Razor Zord!

I'll deal with Eyes. You take the Smash Battle Armor.

And smash! That tracks!


[energy zaps]

All right, Mosa. Let's go Battle Mode! [grunts]

[epic, exciting music]



Mosa Razor Zord, Battle Mode!

[water whooshes]

Eyes on me, beast! [grunts]



-[yells] -[energy buzzes]


[both grunt]

If ye think you can free yer friends,

you ain't got the power!

Smash Dino Key, ready!

[energy zaps]



-[roars] -[squeals]

Smash Battle Armor!

All right, be honest.

-How do I look? -Sick!

-Nice! -Suits you!

It's pretty, but can it fight?

Thought you'd never ask! [grunts]


[both grunt]


[energy zaps, thuds]


[thud!] Wanna throw in the towel?

I'm fine!

I just need a nap.

Void Knight will hear about this,

after I find me hammock. [energy zaps]

Sorry for yanking your chain. [chain rattles]

Really? That's your best chain pun?

Guess we found the weak link. [chuckles]

Earth humor aside, it's great to have that battle armor back.

It's not the only thing.

Solon, send in the Pacha Smash Zord!

[exciting music]


Oh, adorable!


-[grunts] -[energy zaps]

Ugh! Ugh!

[yells, groans]

Great timing, Ollie.

[sparks buzz] My Megazord's, uh, sparky!

Let's try the Smash formation.

You'll love it!

We'll be right with you!

Solon, send in our Zords!

[rocks crash, crumble]

[epic music]


[energy zaps]

Time to smash it up!

Zords combine!


[energy zaps]

[Rangers] Linked! Hah!

Dino Fury Megazord,

Smash Formation!

Ring the bell. Let's get it on! [chuckles]

First time? I'll go easy on ya with these claws.


[both grunt]

[Rangers grunt]

Wow! Impressive footwork.

You got the moves, but I see it all coming.

[crash!] Ow!

[zapping, crashing]

[Rangers grunt]

Referee, can I…

get a time… out?! [water splashes]

[Rangers grunt]


What do you think? We winning this on points?

-Totally! -Keep it up! Hit those combos!

Smashing Barrage!

[punches thud] [grunts, groans]

Ugh! [Rangers grunt]

[crash!] Ugh!

Megafury Saber!

[Rangers] Pacha Mega Punch!

Not the eyes!


I'm down for the count!


Dino Fury Victory!

Yeah, whoo!

Oh, you gave it your best shot, Occulo.

But win or lose, you were always headed for my machine.

[bird chirps]

[relaxed music]

One Battle Key and two Zords. Just another day at the office.

All that training's been paying off.

I gotta say, I'm a fan of that smashing power.


What do you think, Aiyon?

Was he as good as you were?


Nah, Ollie might be better. [laughter]

Too bad Void Knight got Occulo's Sporix before us, though.

Eh, what's he gonna do with it?

I mean, we have Pacha and her baby now.

Our arsenal of Zords is pretty unstoppable.

Zords are one thing,

but our biggest advantage against Void Knight is our team.

And I should've seen that. I thought I knew it all.

From now on, if you're training, I'll be there,

and if you have an idea, I'll listen,

cos experience doesn't count for everything.

Right, it's been a long day,

but I think the two of us should go on a training run right now.

What do you think buddy, four hours or… six?



Ha! Just kidding! You should've seen your face, though, man!


-Out of my way! -Whoa!

I'm warning you now.

If this isn't enough,

you'd better run!


[machine beeps]

Full power!

It's happening!

[lever clicks]

[energy zaps]

I knew I could do it!



[energy bubbles]

Awaken, my love.

It's time.

[shocking music]

[exciting theme music]