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29x02 - The Festival

Posted: 06/17/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪ ♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

W-What is that thing?

Relax! It's a new Sporix beast

strolling into our lair.

Thanks for saving us the trouble of finding you, kiddo.

Except I'm no kiddo, am I?

And I ain't no Sporix Beast, neither!

Wreckmate?! I thought the Rangers destroyed you.

What sewage did you crawl out of?

Oh, it be a tale of woe.

The Rangers almost had me, I tell ye.

There I was, on the seabed, tossed and turned by the currents.

And that's when I had to wrestle a squid, which--

Yes, you came back. We get it.

Such a windbag. Blah-blah-blah.

We've got things covered here,

so why don't you sail off over the horizon, kiddo?

Watch your words, fancy pants, or I'll throw ye overboard!

You dare to challenge me!?

[Void Knight] Time out!

If you two want to fight, fight the Power Rangers.

Aye, a contest. Take down the most Rangers and win!

I'll drink to that, me hearty.

Observe, my new potion!

It only lasts a few minutes,

but for that time, my combat system will be supercharged,

-like magic! -I know magic too.

Now ye see it.

-Now ye don't! -Oh!

The nerve of you, pilfering pirate!

Ah! I feel the power in me circuits!

-I want the power. -[grunts]


Wow, Slyther! Your potion's awesome!

-[groans] -Every last drop is mine now!

Fine. Whatever!

I can still beat more Rangers than him.

You'll see! You'll all see!

Go! Wipe them out!

Every magician needs an assistant. I'm coming along!


[bird chirps]

Solon, we came as fast as we could. What's the emergency?

Is it a Sporix Beast? Is your cyborg eye malfunctioning again?

I'm fine and dandy.

Although my software is due for a tune-up.

So there's no emergency. What's up?

Well, last week, when it was my birthday,

I wondered when your birthdays were,

and how to get million birthday cake candles.

So then I told them about Rafkon's Triple Sun Festival.

One day of gift-giving for everyone at once.

Everybody's birthday at the same time.

I checked the galactic calendar,

and the Festival is today!

That's what that smell is, Flargon cake.

Yep, we wanted to make you something special

from your planet. We've been helping Solon bake them.


Don't worry. We got you guys gifts.

This is for you.

[all] Happy Triple Sun Festival!

No way! I've been watching tons of motorbike clips online.

Oh, we know. We can hear [imitates motorcycle]

all over the base.

Wow. I can't wait to cruise around on this baby.

Someone take a pic!

This is perfect for my new Buzzblast profile.


-[phone snaps photos] -Well, now that's done,

we have something for you too.


What are these Dino back massagers?

I call them T-Rex Energy Phase w*apon Strike Prototype Five X.

But we all agreed that was a terrible name.

So now they're called Dinochucks.

Dinochucks, very nice!

Those are seriously cool.

Right? I can't wait to test them out.

Careful. They're powerful.

You shouldn't use them inside the base.

OK. I'll try them out later.

-Thanks, team. -[bell rings]

Ooh, that's the timer.

We'd better go turn the Flargon cakes.

I have to see this.

But no tasting. I know you, Javi. You always eat the batter.

Hey, I like to lick the spoon.

I'll be right there.

[Izzy] You know, Javi is banned from the kitchen at home.


Oh yeah.



-[Dinochucks whirr] -Oh yeah, that's nice.


[Dinochucks whoosh]

[exciting music]

Whoa-oh-oh! Ahh!





[gasps] Oh no!

Not nice.

[alarm blares]

Uh, it sounds like the hotline!

Oh my! It's two alerts.

Slyther has been seen in the warehouse district,

and there's a report of Wreckmate

-by the downtown overbridge. -Wreckmate's back?

We'll split up. Ollie, Amelia, and I will go after Wreckmate.

You guys deal with Slyther.



[Mucus laughs]



Aha! What did I say, Mucus?

You said, [grunts] 'Scare some folks, make some noise,

'and the Ranger dweebs magically appear!' [giggles]

Go on, laugh. But the joke's on you.

It's Morphin' time!

[all] Dino Fury Key,


Link to Morphin Grid!

[all grunt]

[animals roar]

[exciting music]

Dino Fury Power!

Here comes the pain!


Mosa blast!

Yow! My caboose!

Not the caboose!



[swords zap]

Ah! Wah!

-[grunts] -Oh!

Evasive maneuver!


Ow! That smarts.

Never mind. New plan.

-Hengemen! -[whoosh! Hengemen grunt]

Give them some ouchies!

Bring it! [grunts]

[Slyther] Tactical retreat!

Tell me, mateys, did ye miss me?

Wreckmate, was it?

It's so hard to keep track of all the bad guy butts we kick.

Ho-ho! Is that so?

[grunts, gulps]

A water break already?


Not gonna share?

If you're thirsty, drink some punch!

[Rangers grunt]





[weapons zap]


[both yell]

Slyther's potion be potent indeed!

-[grunts] -[boom!]

[grunts] A potion?

That's cheating.

He can't take another hit like that.

Then we gotta get Wreckmate's attention.

-Oh, you've got it! -[boom!]

[both grunt]


I'm only gonna say this once. Step off!



Keep him busy, guys. I have an idea. Burb.

-[whoosh!] -I told him it's BRB!

[all grunt]




Starting to dislike pirates!

Can't imagine why!


[both grunt]



You scallywags can't beat me!

Now, batten down the hatches.

[energy whirrs]

We should probably try dodging this.

Cool. Just say the word.

Your ships are about to be sunk. [chuckles]

Where's Zayto?!

-[grunts] -[Zayto] Sorry I'm late.

I had to pick up something special

that I can't wait to try out!


[Dinochucks power up]

[Dinochucks whoosh]

Even cooler than I imagined.

-Dinochuck Strike! -Wow!


[Dinochucks crackle]

-Huh? -Uh…

-[boom!] -[both yell]

-[Dinochucks power down] -Dude!

Where's Wreckmate?

I can't smell sea water any more.

I think he's gone.

-You OK? -Yeah, but the Dinochucks…

[Ollie] They weren't meant to do that.

We're in no shape to fight.

-[whoosh!] -[grunts]

Ah! Three Rangers fleeing. Not a bad score.

I wonder how that scurvy wizard be doing.


[Rangers grunt]

Now, uh, take it easy.

I've got a tender caboose and don't want any trouble.

Oh, where's Slyther when you need him? [whines]


Huh? Wow! Did I do that?

[Wreckmate] Of course not, ye foolish fungus!

Now walk the plank outta here before I blast ye into mushroom soup!

Yikes! That's a bit extreme.

Yo, barnacle breath, our friends scare you off or something?

Oh, they skedaddled before I could destroy 'em.

You won't be so lucky!



[grunts, groans]

-[zap!] -[groans]

Enough playin' around.

-[grunts] -[boom!]

Oof, my shoulder. Keytar practice is cancelled.

[Izzy] I get why the others had to scram.

We can deal with this pirate later.


-Fine, run away! I still win. -[hissing]

Oh! Blimey! Me potion doesn't last long.

That's my potion, you burgling buccaneer!

And you stole my Rangers.

Like you were doing such a good job of it.

I took 'em out, not you!

But where's the style, the theatricality?

And you smell like a ripe cod.

[Solon] My golly, I can't imagine how Wreckmate survived.

Did he fix himself underwater?

Wouldn't he have been electrocuted?

Well, I'm not gonna ask, cos he's more powerful than ever.

The Dinochucks could've been a major help,

but instead they were a major problem.

Solon, why do you think they malfunctioned?

Hmm. Maybe a component is faulty.

I'll just have a little look-see and…

[zap! boom!]

Ah, my, my.

Oh my!


-Are you OK? -I've had better days.

Sorry about your gift, Zayto.

I'm afraid the Dinochucks are extinct.

Maybe I can rebuild new ones with…

Wait. What's happened here?

Everything's charred!

My spare parts, they're totally ruined.

-I don't understand. -It was me.

-You? -The Dinochucks looked so cool.

And I really wanted to try them out.

-So you used my Dinochucks? -In the base, after my warning?

They got away from me.

And kaboom, they crashed into Solon's cabinet.

Then ka-zap, right into the tools.

Kaboom and ka-zap?

That's it?

Well, maybe more like…

[shouts] ka-bam!

Ka-zap, zap, zappyyyy!


I'm really sorry.

Well, we have a big problem.

we don't have any weapons strong enough to stop Wreckmate.

Hey, why don't we search the Legendary Database

for old Ranger weapons that we could build?

Build with what?

Thanks to me, we don't have many undamaged parts.

Then we'll work with whatever isn't melted.

Come on.

Man, some of these weapons look really powerful.

Ooh, how about the Red Samurai Ranger's Fire Smasher?

Guys, we can do this together. Fire Smasher!

[exciting music]


[tires screech]

-[clang!] -[boom!]

It's impressive, but I can't build the Power Disk

that activates it. I have no idea what that thing is made of.

There has to be a w*apon here that'll take out Wreckmate.

[computer bleeps]

Ooh, the Sonic Fin looks like fun.

Well, let's see.

[exciting music]

Sonic Fin, sound off!

Wow, you can use sonic waves

to control a monster's body with this thing!

And down!

I do have a spare audio transducer.

Oh, the speaker's already said its last words.

Kaboom and ka-zap!

Wait, I might have something here.

A lot of Ranger teams have had motorcycles in their arsenal.

Let's check them out.

Let's find that half-baked hack.

Shouldn't be too hard with these bikes.

My shark can smell its prey already.

Ha! Let's do it!

[engines rev]

Those things are very slick.

But your team can just teleport into battle.

Ranger motorcycles are more than transport.

What about the Mega Morph Cycle?

It can fire a Plasma Blast.

[computer bleeps]


[exciting music]

Plasma Blast!

Ooh! That might give us enough firepower to take out Wreckmate.

As ideal as that would be,

I'm afraid I don't have any of the spare parts we'd need.

I couldn't even make a mini Morph Cycle.

[subdued music]

Let's keep looking.

Quasar Launchers.

Canine Cannon?

You can take the parts from my motorcycle.

But that's your present.

Wreckmate's too powerful right now.

The city and my team comes first.

Wow. That's very selfless of you, Aiyon.


What are we waiting for? We gotta move wheely fast!


Get it?

Cos wheels.

[sighs] I bet Ollie would've laughed.

[alarm beeps]

Oh great! Wreckmate's causing havoc again.

I'll keep that rusty pirate busy while you two build.

Sounds good.

Be wheely careful.

[uneasy music]


Ah! A Ranger!

Back for more?

[cork pops]

Ah! [chuckles]

I'll defeat ye,

then plunder this warehouse

and make off with the booty!

I'm gonna kick your booty.

Link to Morphin Grid!



Electro Dino Key.


All right, my guy, let's go.

My pleasure!

-[grunts] -[boom!]


[bold music]

Electro Battle Armor!

[both grunt, weapons blast]




[Wreckmate grunts]

-Whoo! -[w*apon blasts]


Can't take the heat, can you?

I'll swab the decks with ye!

-[grunts] -Hah!

Smell what I'm cooking?

It's your plate of booty whoopin'!

[grunts] Whoo! Order up!



Sorry, it's undercooked!

-[boom!] -[groans]


Taste good? [laughs]

Argh! That worthless wizard's brew is already wearing off.

Huh? What's this?

I'm all out!

-Oh well. I've had me fun. -[bottle smashes]

Time to drop the anchor.

Let's see if I can strike gold!

-[grunts] -[chain rattles]


-[groans] -[grunts]

Ugh! Let me go!

You know what a pirate does with treasure?

Bury it!

-[yells] -[guffaws]


Ho-ho-ho! I've hooked me a big one.


[strains] Better reel in me goldfish.

Uh, Zayto? Any help right now would be great.

-[Zayto] One second. -[sniggers]

[engine revs]

Oh yeah! Aiyon is gonna love this thing!

[thunder rumbles]

-Whoo! -[thunder booms]

This is your farewell party, Goldie.

Any song requests? I like a good sea shanty, me-self.

[exciting music]

Dino Fury Cycle,

Plasma Blast!

[w*apon whirrs, fires]


[tires screech]

[engine revs]

[Wreckmate screams]

You're wrecked, mate! Hah!


OK, we'll call this one a draw.


Yeah, you better run.

-Need a hand with those chains? -Nah, I'm- I'm good.

Oof! That, That is a great set of wheels!

You and Solon knocked it outta the park!

[bold music]

Couldn't have done it if you hadn't given up your present.

It was the right thing to do after messing up yours.

Besides, I get to drive it back to base, right?

It's way more fun than teleporting!

Aw yeah!

[both] Best festival ever!

[birds chirp]

You're back on your feet.

[chuckles] Yeah, we're feeling a lot better.

Especially since you managed to defeat Wreckmate.

Well, I had some help.

Aw! Thanks.

I'm talking about our cool new Dino Fury Cycle. [chuckles]

[Solon] Attention, everyone.

They're ready.

[both] Flargon cakes!

-Shall we tell them? -Tell us what?

I know you're all hungry, but…

there's a tradition with Flargon cake.

You eat them a… special way.

OK, sure. What is it?

The rule is…

[both] …no hands.

-[both chomp] -[chuckles]

[all] Happy Triple Sun Festival!

Wow! You guys have to try these.

[all munch]

They're delicious!



Perhaps they're not for everyone.


[both] Happy Triple Sun Festival!

-[Solon laughs] -Just like back on Rafkon!

[all chuckle]