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17.5x29 - Dark Warrior

Posted: 06/17/23 08:20
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

Jason: spinning bottom fist, side kick.

Like this? Hyah!

Good. Let's try it again!

Make sure it's straight. I don't want it to wrinkle.

Spinning bottom fist, side.

Spinning bottom fist, side.


Make way for the bulkster, dweebs.




Hey, bulk!

Whoops. Sorry, bulk.

Out of my way, dork head!

Watch where you're going!

I can go wherever I want to goooo!


You sure that's where you wanted to go, bulk?


Rita: this will be a piece of cake!

I'll send a monster to attack them

When they're least expecting it.

And then you'll suffer, you foolish power rangers.

Finster! Finster!

Get to work, you good for nothing loafers!

Whatever you say, my queen!

Well, don't just stand around playing with clay.

I need a monster right now!

Yes, yes.

Madam woe!

She's nearly as horrible as you, evil one.

She'll give them a real headache.

And get it right this time.

Of course, majestic maven of malevolence.

Madam woe? Oh no!

You boys better follow the rules and pay

For the cake or just don't come back.

Ooh, those two never learn.

Yo, billy! Speaking of which, why don't you let me

Teach you a couple of moves for the dance tonight?

Just to impress the ladies.

Ah! No, thanks. I'm not really interested

In engaging feminine attention through bodily gyrations.

Say what?

Billy doesn't want to dance just to attract girls.

Yeah, well, to each his own, billy boy.

So, billy, did you ask anyone to the party tonight?


No way! Come on, there's gotta be some girl

In your class you can ask.

My priority is to complete my experimental

Weather anylyzing device in my labratory.

See you later, guys. See ya.


I apologize profusely.

Oh, think nothing of it. I'm afraid neither one of us

Were monitoring our designated entrance or exit.

Wow! Well stated.

My necklace seems to have--

Oh, I'm sorry.

Sorry. Allow me.

Thank you.

I've been having some difficulty

Keeping it fastened.

And that's most likely why it fell.

And you want to give him tips on how to meet girls?

What can I say? Looks like a match made in heaven.

It's time to finish them once and for all.

And I never go anywhere without it.

My mother gave it to me when I graduated

From the accelerated baby genius program.

I graduated from the accelerated baby genius program too.

Have you invitied anyone to the party tonight?

Uh, not at this precise moment. You?

No, not yet.

Um, excuse me, billy. Hey, billy,

Can you come over here for a sec?

It's kind of an emergency.

Oh! Excuse me.

So ask her to the dance.

Huh? That's your emergency?

It will be the biggest one in your life.

Come on, billy, you can do it.

Ah... I can't.

I have to go.




Would you escort me to the party tonight?

Most definately.

You know, it would probably be advisable

For us to get know each other a little better

Prior to this evening. We could meet later.


You know, just to talk.

Perhaps we can exchange some ideas

On the new weather device I've been working on.

That's a capital idea.

At the park, by the lake, say precisely : .

Great, I couldn't think of a more perfect place

To discuss the weather.

Let the power of the sun, the wind and sea

Gather together and come to me.

Rita: madame woe!

Why do you call me?

You can control the sun.

That and much more, empress rita.

All my powers are at your command.

Madame woe at your service. What is your wish, empress?

A little favor.

Name your desire.

Your crown jewel gives you the power to send

Those brats to another dimension. One will be at

One will be at the park at : .

Once you've gotten rid of that one,

The others will follow. Then destroy them.

I am honored to do your evil deed.

[Evil laugh]

Who are you?

Your worst nightmare.

What are you doing?

Getting rid of you,

You pathetic little power ranger.

But I'm not a power ranger.

Oh, my necklace!

Ha ha ha!



What's going on? Billy?

Now you're mine!


I can't understand you!

I specificly told you to get the power ranger,

Madam woe, not the girl!

It's marge's necklace.

Hey! Hey!

Well stated. My necklace

Seems to have-- oh.

I'm sorry.

Let the power of the sun,

The wind and sea...

Power rangers!

Jason. Jason, do you read me?

Jason, come in!

Guys. Guys.

Do you read me?

Go ahead, billy, we read you.

I need help fast. I'm surrounded by putties.

All right, hold on! We'll be there as soon as we can, buddy.

Hey, back off!

Thanks for the accelerated response, guys.

Let's do it. Come on.

Those putties are a total pain.

Thanks again, guys. But I'm afraid it's not over.

Why? What's the matter?

It's marge. She never reached the primary

Destination point that we assented to.

Assented to? Run that again.

Marge never showed up here as planned.

Well, not exactly. Evidently she showed up, but all

I found was her necklace, which indicates she met with--


Yes, zordon.

Rangers, I need you at the command center immediately.

We're on our way.

Zordon, can you tell us what happened to marge?

I'm afraid jason is right. Rita is behind this.

She set a trap to capture you, billy,

And accidently captured marge instead.

It's all my fault.

Billy, you shouldn't blame yourself.

We've battled rita's bogus monsters before. Don't worry.

We're going to get this one too.

You'll need to be careful, power rangers,

For you must face a powerful foe.

I call your attention to the viewing globe.

She is called madam woe, for she brings woe or trouble

To everyone she touches. She controls wind, rain,

Heat and cold with the energy of her crown jewel,

Which also has the power to send people into other dimensions.

The only way to defeat her is to combine your powers.

How do we do that?

By combining your five power coins.

Any one of you can assume the power of the entire group.

Well then, I'll be the one. I volunteer.

Let the power protect you, billy.

Okay, guys. It's morphin time!




Saber-tooth tiger!


Power rangers!

It's her!

Now you will join your friends.

[Evil laugh]

Madam woe's warped us to another dimension.


Madam woe's warped us to another dimension.

Apparently so. Huh?

Hi. Marge?

Are you okay?

Yes. You...

You're the power rangers, aren't you?

Yes, don't be afraid, we'll get you out of here.

I promise.


Feel the power of madam woe.

Now to finish you!

Rangers, move in!

Oh, no!

Ha! You weaklings will never defeat me.


Wave blasters up! Fire!

Your weapons are no match for the power of madam woe.


Our weapons don't seem to work on her,

But there must be some way to beat her.

Man, we've got to figure out what to do.

Yeah, with alacrity.

Say what? He means we got to move fast.



Now, which one of you wimps

Is the first to suffer my wrath?

We can't beat her here.

We've got to get back to our dimension.

The only way to do that

Is by combining our power coins.

Good thinking. Ready when you are.

Yeah! Let's do it!

You little brats! Now!


Mastodon! Saber-tooth tiger!

Pterodactyl! Triceratops!

Morph to the power of one.

Power rangers!

Your parlor tricks cannot save you.

No one escapes madam woe.

Ha ha ha ha!

Now you'll feek the sting of my anger.

Ha! Over here!






No! My crystal! Oh!

Billy: she's weakening. You'll be free in a second.

All right, guys, we're almost out of here!

When we get there, hang to the side

Out of the way, and you'll be fine.

Okay, everyone ready?

Yes! Yes!

We're back! Let's go!

Let's do it!

You escaped!

But you won't, madam woe!

Let's bring them together!

Power axe!

Power bow!

Power daggers!

Power lance!

Power sword!

Power rangers!

Woe is me.


Wow! You guys were... I think the phrase is...

Totally awesome?


Ooh! I have a headache. Why don't I ever get to win?

It's just not fair!

That was great!

I was really disappointed when you didn't show up

At the designed time.

Well, I was worried, actually.

That's sweet. I was worried too

Until the power rangers showed up.

So they rather saved the day, huh?

Especially the one in blue. I'm partial to blue.

He was so gallant, so heroic.


Oh, I mean, he was?



Oh, billy! My necklace!

Check out billy.

Oh, man! I mean, he's got all that going on

And hasn't had to dance a lick.

Some of us dance our buns off

And still don't have nothing going on.

Hey, you two.

What, you thought you were gonna pull a fast one on me?

I told you if you wanted to come back here,

You had to pay for that cake.

Actually, I thought they made a pretty cute couple.

That cake cost me money, money you owe me now,

Or you two clowns can leave.

All right, I'll give you the money,

But first I gotta get it from the bank.

Bulk. Bulk, no.


What is this?

This is the bank.

Here. This ought to take care of the cake.

Yep, that took care of the cake, all right.

Hey! Hey! What happened to him?

Come on, ernie, it's not time for cake yet.

You've still got the sandwiches to serve.

Yeah, right.

But first I've got to build up an appetite.

Let's dance!

But first I've got to build up an appetite.