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17.5x26 - Island of Illusion pt. 2

Posted: 06/17/23 08:18
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

This is going to be fun.

You're going to have a good time.

Wish you were coming with us.

Yeah, there's plenty of room.

Well, barely.

Thanks, but I want to spend some time

With my cousin jeremy while he's in town.

Won't be the same without you.

Sorry I'm late, guys.

I baked these in my gourmet cooking class

To take along on our trip.

Ugh. What is in these?

Trini: it's an exotic recipe.

Very popular in france right now.

They call it torte a la escargot.



In other words, snail.

( Coughing )

Ah... All ready to take on our trip.

Come on, guys.

Oh, goody. They're going away.

This is just what her nastiness has been waiting for.

So what's the plan, your evilness?

To find the mirror of destruction.

The one that can destroy superputties?

Yes, into a million pieces.

That mirror's power

Will destroy anything reflected in it.

Just one look at it

And those rangers are history.

We have to find it first.

We'll start today.

It's hidden on earth.

♪ Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum ♪

You see, skull

The beauty of the sloppy joe pizza

Is that you can make a huge funnel

And thereby jam more pizza down your throat.

( Bubbling sound )

♪ Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum ♪

Oh, look.

It's jason schmason.

( Laughing )

Hey, jase.

Who's the pipsqueak?

Isn't this the famous bully you were talking about?

Hey, bulk, you're famous.

Jason: hey, bulk.

Nice shirt.

Does that come with extra cheese?

You know...

I don't like your attitude.

Come on.

I think it's time

For me to teach you a little lesson.

( Martial arts cries )

Jase, watch out for that.

Gee, bulk. That look is you.

That was awesome

How you tricked him into beating himself.

Just remember that it's brains before brawn.

Right. Brains before brawn.

You're getting better.

The cool thing about martial arts

Is it teaches you self-discipline and confidence.

Hey, jase, teach me a cool move.


Back leg, front kick.

Good. All right. All right.

Now, this one's a little harder

But I want you to try it.

Okay. All right.

Now, try it again, but focus.

Hey, I did it.

When I was your age, I was really insecure

But martial arts built my self-confidence.

Wow! Now you're the coolest.

All you have to do

Is practice.

I hope I can be as cool as the power rangers.

Power rangers?

Yeah. That's what I want to be when I grow up.

All right.

Rita: what's jason doing there?

Squatt: martial arts?

Silence, fool.

He's there after you said the rangers were gone.

Finding a mirror will have to wait

Till my putties take care of him

And that will happen

Right now!


Oh, man. What are we going to do?

Stay behind me.

Watch your back.

Stay back!

Good job, jeremy!

Wow! I'd always heard about rita and the putties

But I never thought I'd actually see them.

Let's hope you don't see them again.

Hey, hey, I got something.

A bottle.


I wonder what's inside.

Looks like a map.

Open it.

Whoa! Whoa!

What's going on?

Get down! Get down!

Wait here!

( Rumbling )

Coast is clear.

Zordon, come in.

Jason, my sensors are picking up

Something unusual in the morphin grid.

Take jeremy to a safe place.


Trini: oh, my gosh. It's an earthquake.

Tommy: everybody hold on.

Jeremy, are you okay?


Man, this is totally cool.

What a way to start a vacation.

And check out this map.

Rita: it leads to the mirror of destruction.

( Laughing )

And once I've got my hands on it

You'll suffer the same fate as all the others.

It will zap them so hard, they won't know what hit them.

We need that map.

Right. Go and get it, scorpina.


( Chuckling )

Scorpina: over there.

Scorpina: the rockstar will take care of him in no time.

Get the map from the kid.

Jeremy, run!


I'll find you later.

Don't let anything happen to that map.


Jason, now you'll get what's coming to you.


Now, rockstar!

( Roaring )

You won't get away with this, scorpina!


That rockstar is one tough monster.

Jason doesn't stand a chance pinned down like that.

He's a sitting duck.

What will we do?

Alpha, we must contact the other power rangers.

They are the only ones who can save him.

( Beeping )

Zordon, I read you.

Teleport to the beach immediately.

We're on our way.



Don't worry, jason.

We'll free you.

Are you all right?

( Grunting )


That was a close one.

We got to find jeremy.

He's got the map that scorpina's looking for.

Let's go.

Where's jason?

I hope he's okay.

Jason: jeremy!

Kimberly: jeremy!

Billy: jeremy!

Zack: jeremy!


( Beeping )

Zordon, we read you.

You must fight scorpina and her rockstar monster

At the beach club.

What about jeremy?

Don't worry, jason.

I'll find him.

You must go immediately.

It's morphin time.




Saber-toothed tiger!


All right! Let's do it!

All: power rangers!


( Grunts and groans )

Zack, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Not for long, power ranger.

You lose.

I win.

( Groaning )

( Evil laughter )

( Groans )

( Evil laughter )

Scorpina, you've got to find

That kid with the map.

Hurry and finish them!

( Growling )

Hey, you guys okay?


Get us out!

( Panting )


There they are.

Get them!

( Yelling )

Ooh, yeah.

Uh, see ya.

( Evil laughter )

( Evil laughter )


Brains before brawn.

Let me see.

This is where I am now.

It says I should take six giant steps forward.

Should I finish them off,


A good idea.


What are you waiting for? Yeah!

( Both groaning )

( Yelling )

( Evil laughter )

Wow! This must be it.



Wow! This must be it.



Huh? No!



( Grunting )


( Anguished cry )

This is too hot to handle.

Okay, you've had it.

Come on.

Hey, look what I found.

Yeah, now I've got it.

Let's finally get rid of those power rangers.

Now, scorpina


( Evil laughter )

( Growling )

Now you're mine.

We need dinazord power.

All: now!

( Roaring )

Let's do it!

( All yelling )

Way cool. Power rangers to the rescue.

Power up the megazord.

( Roaring )

( Roaring )

All systems are go.

Let's do it!

All: right.

Morphin. Morphin.

Megazord battle mode now!

Megazord sequence has been initiated.

Megazord activated.

( Growling )

( High-pitched hum )

Hide your eyes!

( Grunting )

( Growling )


Over here.


( Growling )

We can't break lose!

Nothing can save you now.

Behold the mirror of destruction!

Don't move.

Here's our chance!


All right!

You'll pay for this, power rangers.

Count on it.

Zordon: another job well done, rangers.

Thanks, zordon.

( Beeping )

Wow, you guys were awesome.

You were pretty brave yourself.

We're real proud of you--

How you kept outsmarting those putties.

You know what they say--

Brains before brawn.

An exemplary motto.

I can't believe I finally got to meet you guys.

I can't wait till I tell my cousin jason.

By the way, where is jason?

I hope he's okay.

Uh... Yeah... Yeah...

I'm sure he's just fine.

...and then I kicked the putty like this.

But then, just when he was about to nail me,

This magical mirror blew him up

Into a zillion pieces.

( Imitating expl*si*n )

To think we were stuck at that boring field trip.

But the power rangers-- they were the coolest.

Man, you should have seen them.

Oh, you've met the power rangers?

Sure did. There was also

This rock monster

The scorpion lady called the rockstar.


He spit out these rocks as big as a house.



Yeah, and he hit the yellow one.

The black one kicked him into the pool.

And then later

The pink one flew through the air

With her bow and arrow.

She was just awesome.

Tell us more about the black one.

And the scorpion lady

Turned into this huge monster

And the power rangers jumped into this huge robot.

Wow. Wow.

Sounds like you had

A pretty wild time.

I got to go.

You should have seen the red one

Battle it out with the scorpion lady.

He was the greatest.



He did the coolest flying spin kick.

( Yelling )

Hey, jase

I meant to ask you.

Where were you

All that time?

I have a martial arts class that I need to teach.

Come on, jeremy.