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17.5x19 - The Trouble with Shellshock

Posted: 06/17/23 08:10
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪



Yeah! Way to go, jason.

Go, jason! Whoo!

Trini: come on, guys!

Come on, come on.

They don't suspect a thing.

Oh, boy. We're going to catch them completely off guard.

Now it's time for my slammer-jammer double whammer,

Hip-hop it 'cause-you-can't-stop-it

Big disgrace 'cause it's in your face long shot.


Totally stylin' moves, zack!

Those losers won't know what to do

When they see that new monster baboo and I are creating.


Oh, goody. She's asleep.

Be very quiet, squatt.

Don't wake her up.

By the way, baboo

What kind of monster are we going to make?

Shh. You'll wake her.

I don't think we have to worry about rita,

If her snores don't wake her up, nothing will!

Quiet. I want this monster

To be a total surprise for rita!

The world has never seen anything like it.

What is it?!

I tell you, it's incredible.


And it's brilliant!


A masterpiece!

What is it?

You won't believe it until you see it.

I don't believe it already!

It's better than anything finster ever made.


A clay turtle?

That's it?

Yes. And this.

A traffic light?

What are we gonna do with a turtle that has a

Traffic light stuck in its head?!

You'll see, squatt, just be patient.

Wait a minute, baboo! Don't put the monster in the machine yet.

We've got to give him some weapons to fight with!

Have you decided what you want to name him?!

I might call him greta or maybe peetoosh.

Those are lousy names for a turtle! Why don't

We call him shellshock!

Hmm...shellshock. You know, I like it!

All right, shellshock, in you go!

[Whistle blowing]


He'll be the greatest monster ever.

Oh, boy!



Shellshock reporting for duty.

Ready to rock 'n' roll.

Squatt: he'll stop those power rangers!

Let's send the putties down to soften them up first.

Here we go.

Come on.


Come on.

What you got?


He's in there!



And it's in.

Coming back.

Lost it.

Going up.


You all right?

Billy: look! Putties!

Come on.

Everybody spread out!

We caught them off guard.

Did you see that?



Oh no, squatt! Tell me that didn't really happen!

Okay. I'll tell you it didn't happen

But it did.


I really hate those power rangers.

All right! Let's send in shellshock!

Aw, man.

I'm late for karate practice.

We'll finish later.

See you later, brother.

Hey, all this activity has left me famished.

I'm hungry, too.

Give me one with everything

And then some.

Five hot dogs.

Man: what do ya want on them?


Hot dogs, the works.

Game's over, wimp boys.

This is our space.

Yeah? It's our space, too, and that is our ball.


Oh, your ball?

And his mommy said we can't play with it.

Aw. Aw.

You guys are like, so funny.

Why don't you just go back to the circus where you came from?

Hey, bulk, is the circus really in town?

That was an insult, bubble brain!

And now she's going to pay for it!

Let her go, man.


Hey, scull!

Hey, you guys.



Mmm. Tasty.

Now that's what I call hot dogs

With everything on them.

We didn't order that.

Hey, you two guys are gonna have to pay for all that.

You got any money?

Money? You have any money?

I figure it's going to take about two weeks

For you guys to work off what you owe me

And I'm going to be watching you two.

Move it! Move!

There they are! It's those twits playing basketball!

They call themselves the power rangers.

They're your enemies. Understand?

We want you to knock out the power rangers!

Think you can do that?

Don't confuse him!

The first thing I want you to do is freeze them with your stop ray!

Then I want you to knock them down before any of them can recover!

Oh, boy! This is going to be great!

First I weaken them with the ray.

Got it. Got it! [Laughing]

Now is your chance. Get them!


Use the go beam.

It's morphin time.




Saber-toothed tiger.


Hurry, the go beam!

Oh, no. What's going on?

I can't stop moving!

Guys, help!

What did they do to her?

What have you done to trini?!

Get them. Right.

Wait till our monster gets through with you.

Want to play ball? Batter up!

Here you go, shellshock.

You ready?

Now the stop light!

[Laughing] they're frozen.

Now they're frozen and helpless!

I'll take care of them once and for all!

All right, shellshock. Don't miss now!

Hey, you almost got the camera.

We're not through with you yet!

Hey, baboo, we didn't have to run away!

There's only one of them left.

Let's go back and finish them off!

We can't take any more chances. No, no.

Aw, come on! No, no.

Rita's not going to be happy when she finds out what you've done.

You're just jealous because we created such a good monster.

Rita will be very pleased.

I don't care how good your monster is.

You created him without rita's permission.

When she finds out, she'll turn you to space dust.


Are you kidding?!

It's the first time we ever won a battle.

Rita will be pleased.

You haven't won yet, pipsqueaks,

And you never will!

Goldar's jealous.


Well, congratulations.

If your monster won a battle with the power rangers,

I'm very pleased indeed.

I knew it. We made rita happy.

What a joy.

You three did okay.

I feel real good!

I don't believe it!

No! No!


Jason: zordon, they haven't moved

Since you teleported us here!

Ai yi yi yi yi! I was afraid of this! Shellshock

Used his stop light freeze ray on them!

There's no known cure for it, jason.

It can't be cured?

Not true. There is a rare flower called the deandra

That can reverse the effects of the ray.

Where can I get one?

Deandras grow in only one place in the entire universe.


The mountain of hope.

I have sent trini there to find it.

Observe the viewing globe.

This is where trini must find the deandra flowers

Before rita destroys them.

Don't worry, zordon. I'll never let rita defeat the power rangers.

[Rita laughing]

Now to defeat those power rangers once and for all.

Magic wand, make my monster grow!

Wait till those teenage mutants

See what a full-grown turtle can do.

[Evil laughing]

He's ruining the whole city.

Jason, come out, come out wherever you are.

[Evil laughing]

Excellent. Keep it up.

I've gotta stop shellshock from destroying the city

Until trini finds that flower.

May the power be yours, jason.

I'm out of here.

Yaah! We need dinozord power now!

All right!


All right. Let's rumble.

You're turtle soup, shellshock.

Okay shellshock, you're our turtle! Go get him!



[Evil laughing]

I've got to get that flower.

It's the only way to stop shellshock.

I just wish I can stop moving.

[Evil laughing]

Zordon, he's too much for my dinozord!

I need help. Hurry!

Zordon: trini, I have sent the saber-toothed tiger zord to assist you.

Call upon his power

To lead you to the deandra flowers.

I don't know if I can make it, zordon!

You must, trini. You are almost there. You can do it.

I see them!

I call on the power of the saber-toothed tiger.

Bring the flowers to me!

I got them, zordon and I'm on my way.

Oh, man!



Jason: tommy, we need your help!

Right. I'll be right there, buddy.

Dragon zord!

[Trumpet fanfare]

All right, tommy! Let's do it!

Oh, boy. Now I'll have twice as much fun.

Oh, no. I got dirt in my eyes.

I can't see. I don't know where to aim my rays.

Oh! Oh!

All right!


Oh, no! My controls are frozen!

Quick! Finish him off.


Trini: jason! Billy!

I've got the deandra flowers.

Trini! You did it!


You're history, shellshock.

These flowers can reverse your power.

Okay, flowers, do your stuff!

By the power of the saber-toothed tiger

I command you, release us from shellshock's power.

I hate this stuff!

Get it off on me! Aah!

Huh? What?

Way to go, trini.

They're back!

Whoa, that was really strange!

I thought I'd end up in the mall as a mannequin.

What happened to us anyway?

Rita's monster, shellshock,

Froze you with his stop ray.

Trini had to find the deandra flowers

And release their pollen to free you.

So what's the situation with shellshock now?

See for yourself. Observe the viewing globe.

You're finished shellshock!

I don't feel so good.

No, it's impossible.

Good job, trini!

We'll take it from here, right, tommy?

He won't know what hit him, jason.

Let's take him.

[Trumpet fanfare]

We got him! Now let's finish him.

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

All right! Did you guys see that?

That was morphenomenal!

That was so cool!

Rita: those little twerps have done it again!

You told me that monster was invincible!

You dunces!

I should have my head examined

For believing you!

You don't know the time of day!

You don't even know what day of the week it is!

What made you think you were smart enough to create a monster?

I'm warning you, power rangers!

Rita's going to get you yet!

Ohh, I've got a headache!

All right, I'll have some cake.

But I get the first piece.

Yeah! The first piece!

I thought I told you to shut--


You should see your face right now, bulk!

You look so funny!

Food fight!

Man, I'm glad we blew that bogus turtle into oblivion.

If I never see another turtle again it will be too soon.

You can say that again.


Hi, tommy.

Hey, guys.

Zack, point game.

All that fighting made me really hungry

And I do believe the deal was, loser buys lunch?

Let's do it.

All right.

Ding, ding. Round two.

Loser's gonna hurt so bad,

You're gonna have to call a docter... An ambulance!


Yeah. For you.

Ah, you better step back, step back, jack

'Cause now it's time for my slammer-jammer

Double whammer, hip hop 'cause I'll never stop

High-falutin', rootin' and tootin', lawless

Flawless, jawless jam.

And that's all she wrote.

Uh, uh, waiter.

He'll take the check.

Care to double your odds?

Billy, I couldn't even punish a guy as nice as you.

I just couldn't.

Loser buys lunch for two.

You sure?


Zack: you're positive?


All right.

Yeah, billy.

Time for my funicular, spectacular, voracious

Bodacious, autofonic, morphinomic jam.


Good one, billy.

Did you see that?

Good one, billy.