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17.5x15 - Green with Evil pt. 2

Posted: 06/17/23 08:05
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

Man, I wish I could get my hands on this green ranger dude.

We can't get a fix on zordan.

And without zordan, we have no clue

Who that green guy was that att*cked us.

Look at this place.

Whoever broke in here knew exactly what to do.

They totally trashed it.

And they gave alpha a virus.

Poor alpha.

You making any progress, billy?

I'm doing the best I can,

But I'm unfamiliar with his circuitry.

I'll try the subatomic manipulator.

Let's be careful not to hurt him, billy.

Trust me, trini, he can't feel anything.

Even if we get him working again,

There's no telling what shape his memory'll be in.

Hey, he starting up!

Come on, alpha!

Circuitry now operational.

Operational. Dude! Dudette!

Alpha, you're back!

Good job, billy!

All right, alpha!

Alpha may be okay,

But we still have to find a way to get zordan back

And figure out the story with that green ranger dude.


Finally, we can begin phase two of my plan.

Yes, and crush those rangers!

And that means the time has come to call on my green ranger.

First, give him the sword of darkness.

Perfect idea. Perfect idea. Finster!

Ah, yes, evilness?

Finster, I want to give green ranger

The evil sword of darkness.

You do remember it, don't you?

Oh, yes. I do.

When your evil knight defeated zordan's soldiers thousands

Of years ago, it was taken from him

And presented to you as a prize.

If you give it to green ranger,

It has the power to keep him under your spell forever,

As long as no one destroys it.

The problem, my queen, is that zordan knows its secrets.

Yes. But he's gone! Ha ha ha!

Green ranger!

You will remain here on earth until further notice.

Whatever pleases my empress.

Remember to keep your identity as the green ranger a secret.

No one must learn the truth.

As you wish... My empress.

Yes! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hey. Hmm?

Well, looky who we have here, skull.

Yeah. It's the new kid who made you look bad at school.

Mm-hm. Come on!


Nobody insults bulk.

Yeah. Nobody!

I think you owe me an apology. Huh?


[Both screaming]

What is with that guy?

I don't know.

But he should have his eyes checked!

Man, I wish I knew who this green guy was!

I can't get him off my mind!

Yo, man, lighten up.

He wears a costume like ours...

But zordan never mentioned anything about a green ranger!

Do you think--

You think he's the one that totalled the command center?

It's too much of a coincidence.

I mean, he shows up,

And then zordan's suddenly missing.

Maybe the guy's working for rita.

Maybe. But all I know for sure

Is that I'd like to get my hands on this guy.

Trini: have you guys come up with any answers?

Negative. These cables and wires have been completely burned.


No wonder we can't contact zordan.

They'll have to be replaced before we can do anything.

If we can get the main generator online again,

I can proceed with locating zordan.

And we can repair our communicators.

Can you do it, billy?

Affirmative. It's just gonna take time.

Time! The one thing we don't have.



So what happened to you, um, the other day after school?

I thought we were gonna meet.

Something came up.

Oh. You know, I just got kinda worried...

Hey. I'm a big boy, kimberly.

I don't need you to worry about me.

Is something wrong? Because you're totally acting like--

Like what?

Like you're upset with me?

Has it ever occurred to you

That I might have other things on my mind?

Newsflash, kimberly:

You are not the center of everyone's universe.

Well, excuse me for living!

Rita: ha, it's working.

And once he has the sword of darkness,

He'll be mine forever!

But the sword of darkness is something he must earn!

Heh-heh-heh, yeah-h-h!

A test of strength against the putties!

Gosh and golly, that's a wonderful idea! Can we go watch it?

Yes, we'll all go down to earth together-- ha ha ha ha--

And watch green ranger's test.

And once he has the sword of darkness,

Your evil spell will control his every move forever!

Come, fools. I can't wait to see my ranger!

Here, evil one.

The green ranger awaits your command!

You summoned me. I'm at your service, my empress.

Is it time to crush the power rangers?

Patience! You must first meet a challenge.

Using only your skill, and no weapons,

You must defeat the putties,

And then you'll receive the sword of darkness.

Are you prepared? Now to battle!

Aah! C'mon, putties! Who wants to be first?


Go, my ranger! Go!

Yes! He's doing it!


You command, and I obey, my empress!

Yes! You've done it!

Welcome to the club, bucko!

You have earned the sword of darkness!


The power rangers will be destroyed.

And red ranger will be the first to go.

I hope billy and trini had some luck at the command center.

Well, they haven't fixed the communicators yet.

They're still down.

Looks like we're taking the rad bug.

Have you guys seen that new guy tommy?



Hey, yo, tommy. Listen,

I know I said I'd work out with you later,

But something came up.

You know, sort of an emergency.

Is that right?

Yeah. How about a rain check?

Sure! I understand.

Cool. I'll catch you later.

One down... Four to go.


Where's jason?

He said he'd meet us here.

I don't know. It's not like him to be late.

Command center, it's jason! Do you read me?

Alpha, anybody, come in!


Your communicator won't work in here!


You must face me all alone!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Looking for this?

Ha ha ha ha!

[Goldar laughing]

Command center, come in. It's jason.

I have an emergency situation!

I told you it wouldn't work. But your power morpher might!

Ha ha ha ha ha! If you can get it!

Ah ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha!

Surely you can do better that that! Ha ha!

I'm worried about jason, he should be here by now.

We can't afford to wait on him.

I just don't feel right leaving him.

Don't worry. Jason can take care of himself.

Come on, we'd better get to the command center. Alpha need us.


I hope you know what you're doing.

Me, too. Buckle up!

Man, this is the only way to fly.

Yeah, right.

Aw, come on, girl, cheer up.

Billy and alpha will find a way to get zordan back.

It's not just that. It's... It's tommy.

Oh. He gave you the cold shoulder, huh?

It's like he totally changed.

Yeah, well, we got bigger problems to worry about now.

Hold on, I'm setting down.

Any progress reaching zordan?

Billy's almost got the main computer back up.

Just a couple more wires to connect

And we should be getting something.

Ooh! Cross your fingers, rangers.

[Computer powers up]

Something's happening.

The globe.

Zack: oh, man, look. It's that green guy.

Now's our chance to nail him

And get to the bottom of what's going on.

Subgenerator is now active! We have partial power.

I'm checking the morphing lock now.

The computer has locked onto his energy field!

All right! Let's morph and get this green dude.

But we need jason.

Jason. Jason, come in. Do you read me, jason?

Man, these things still aren't working.

Where can he be?

I want my power morpher now.

Now you're demanding.

Soon, you will be begging.

If you were worthy, you would take it!

Ha ha ha ha!

Don't count me out yet, goldar!

Ha ha ha ha!

Understand one thing, you pathetic little human.

I can finish you off any time I choose!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

But rita has given you to me

As a reward for my faithful service to her!

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Like tossing some meat to a hungry lion!

Now, remember, alpha, try to contact jason

And have him meet us at the bluff.

You got it, rangers.

All right, then. It's morphin time.




Saber-tooth tiger!

Hyah! Hyah!

Zack! Zack!

Feel the power from the sword of darkness!


Ha ha ha ha!

Things are going even better than expected.

So, your nastiness, what's the next step in your evil plan?

Yeah, what?

A green surprise for the power geeks!


Mmm. Yeh-heh-heh-hes!

Wow! That's great!

How delightfully insidious!

All right, power rangers. Now I'm gonna finish you!



Saber-tooth tiger!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

Zack here! We can do this, guys.

Billy! All systems go!

Ready for action!

All right, let's keep it together!

Megazord sequence has been initiated.

Megazord activated!


You haven't seen the last of the green ranger!

I will not accept defeat!


You haven't lost, your evilness.

You still have jason!


Yeah, goldar still has him trapped!

Yes, you're right.


Alpha, power rangers, come in. This is jason.


Yes, keep call your friends,

Because without them, you're nothing!

But then, you are only human,

And no mere human is a match for goldar

Who must now obey the call of his empress!

I may still toy with you before I dispose of you!

And then again, I may not.

Alpha: the subgenerator has locked onto something!

Is it zordan?

Uncertain. We'll know momentarily.

I hope it is. We need him bad!

That green guy was a lot stronger this time.

There's more negative news.

I haven't been able to locate jason anywhere.

Not jason, too.

Man! If rita's behind this,

She's doing some serious damage!

Power rangers!


I am... In the q n... Sector... Of... Sys...

You almost got him, alpha!

Hold on, zordan!

You must... Ware of rita's evil green ranger...

Ai-yi-yi! I've lost him!

Zordan! We need you.

You know, jason, if you had this power morpher,

You could get out of here. Ha ha ha ha!

What's your point?

Come and get it... If you're brave enough!

And now, I think, I'm finally ready to end this game.


And now, I think, I'm finally ready to end this game.