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17.5x10 - Foul Play in the Sky

Posted: 06/17/23 08:01
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

Tower: mrs. Fishblind, paging mrs. Fishblind.

Meet your party at the angel grove tower.

Kimberly: [giggling]

Let me talk to trini again.

Trini? I'm going to have so much fun today.

My uncle steve is taking me out flying.

Oh, trini, hold on a sec. Are you ready?

I'm just gonna pick up some maps,

And we'll be ready to take off.

I'll meet you right here. Alrighty!


Oh, man.

Zack: oh, man, there she is.

Jason: who?


Oh, the girl of my dreams.

Does she even know you're alive?

Well, she will in a minute.

Watch and learn.

Yo, angela,

So, uh, you got any time for the zack man?

Get real.

Rita: so kimberly's going flying!

Well, what goes up, we can push down, eh?

With a sleeping potion for pilot steve.

Then you send down skizzard!

Yes. Yaah!

With one less ranger to worry about, we can...


[Airplane flies overhead]


Ha ha ha!

You know skull, I always wanted to be a pilot.

Fly up in the sky, looking down at the world.

Yeah, me, too.

You know, I've got the mind of a pilot.

Oh, yeah?

What makes you think that?

'Cause mr. Kaplan says I'm an airhead.

Hey, skull, look at that.

It's right over there.

Hey, it's kimberly!

Then we'll go north.

Skull: kimberly!

Hey! Kimberly!

Where are you going?

Flying with my uncle.

Well, it was nice to see you guys.

Hey, wait.

Can we go flying with you?


Can we go flying?


Look, it's a really small plane,

And I don't think--

Um, maybe some other time.

Kimberly, your friends are welcome to go with us.


Hey, thanks.


Yeah, uncle.

Why don't you guys just call me steve?

Skull, give me a shove, will ya?

Will you push harder?!

I'm trying!


Hey, you made it, bulk!

Steve: here we go!

Thas is echo

Requesting permission to take off.

Tower: roger echo.

You are clear for takeoff on runway - .

Steve: roger.

Skull: we're off the ground!

Bulk: yeah, I know.

We're off the ground.

I know.

We're way off, we're way off the ground!

I know!

Hey, bulk.


Are you afraid of flying?


I'm afraid of crashing.

Hey, bulk, look at that.

Hey, sit back. You're rocking the plane.

Oh, sorry, bulk.

[Laughing nervously]

Oh, wow, angel grove looks so beautiful

From up here.

Aah! Look, the park!

Will you move so I can see the park?

Guys, look down there.

There's the youth center.

They're in the air, the pilot should be out of commission soon

Unless you've messed up again!

I put the potion in just like you said. I did! I did!

Ha ha ha! Come. It's time.

Oh boy! It's time to bring out the new monsters.

We're going to send down the snizzard!

Half snake, half lizard.

The snizzard att*cks by releasing its leg cobras!

Or by firing them in arrows.

When they hit, they'll drain the energy out of the power rangers!

Oh, those mountains are so awesome.

Yeah. Those mountains are awesome.

Kimberly, is this the first time you've flown over these mountains?


Well, I've flown by here before.

I have a lot of memories of these mountains.

Jason: he chose us to save the world.

I say we do it.

Trini: do you really think we can?

[Rita screams]

Everybody down!

What was that?


Look out!

Power rangers.


Uncle steve?

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I'm just feeling kind of dizzy.

Uncle steve?

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I'm just feeling kind of dizzy.

What did he say?

Nothing. He's just feeling a little dizzy.

Aah! Aah!

Do something, skull!

I'm too young and beautiful

To go out this way.

Skull: yeah, young and beautiful.

Uncle steve!


He's fainted.

Aah! Aah!

All right!

The plane's in trouble.

Ha ha!

The sleeping potion's working!

Finster! Oh, finster!

One snizzard coming up.


With that rat kimberly already out of the way,

The snizzard will finish off the power rangers

For good. Ha ha ha!

Kimberly: oh, no we're losing alititude!

Uncle steve! [Panting]

Oh, what am I going to do?

Aah! Aah!

Will you two be quiet? I'm trying to think!

Is--is...he... J-just

T-taking a n-nap?

Oh. He's unconscious.


He's just unconscious.

Nothing to worry about.

I think now's a good time for me to faint.


Good idea.

Kimberly: okay, kimberly, calm down.

Calm down.

Calm down!

We're going to crash!




I need help!

I read you, kimberly, ai yi yi yi yi, but where are you?

Alpha, the scanner is showing kimberly

At an altitude of , feet and dropping.

Keep trying to locate her.

Oh, alpha,

I'm flying a plane.

I mean, I'm trying.

I mean...

Oh, I don't know what I'm doing.

Flying a plane? Oh, dear.

Kimberly, if your life is in danger,

Just morph out of there. Ai yi yi yi yi!

I can't.

I have other people in here.

What am I going to do?

No. It's the alarm. Not now.

Alert the rest of the power rangers.

Rita has begun a new attack.

Ai yi yi! That must mean she has a new monster.

There. I've signaled the power rangers.

What a terrible time for rita to decide to attack.

It is no coincidence.

It is part of rita's plan to divert our attention

While her monster begins its attack on angel grove.

Teleport the other rangers here.

Right, zordon.

They're on their way. Ai yi yi!

It's morphin time!

Kimberly, can you hear me?

I will instruct you how to land the plane!

Hold it as steady as you can,

Then slowly pull the controls back towards you.

Kimberly: oh, it's working. The plane leveled off.

There is no need to panic yet, power rangers.

Kimberly is a very bright and capable girl,

And the aircraft is no longer losing altitude.

Ai yi yi yi yi! She doesn't have much of it left to lose.

We must tell kimberly to gain control of the plane

And turn it around.

Her fuel supply is running dangerously low.

Oh, man.

Dang! Check it out!

Trini: oh no, the plane is heading right for the mountains!

Ai yi yi! Second stage alert.

Zordon: that is why I summoned you.

Rita's latest monster is wreaking havoc

In angel grove park.

We got to

Alpha, take care of kimberly.

I will. Just be careful fighting the snizzard.

It's morphin time, guys.



Saber-toothed tiger.


♪ Go, power rangers ♪




♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

Blade blasters up!


Aah! Aah!

Your weapons are no match for me.

That apple on his head!

It reflected all our power right back at us.

Now you shall taste my firepower!

Alpha, I'm headed for the mountains.

Kimberly! Turn the wheel gently

So the plane banks at degrees.

It will take about seconds

To complete a -degree turn.

Got it.

Stay calm!

Oh, I'm trying.

Jason: alpha, come in!

The snizzard's getting the best of us!

I don't know how long we can hang on!

We need kimberly.

Ai yi yi yi yi!

Alpha, don't say that. You're scaring me.

I'm sorry, kimberly! I was referring to the other rangers.

They're engaged in a battle with rita's monster!

They need your help!

They're not doing very well!

You must land the plane as soon as possible.

What about my uncle?

We've sent a message to angel grove airport.

An ambulance will be waiting for you when you land!

Alpha! I can see angel grove!

Hold on, kimberly!

I'll check back with you soon.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, no. Snakes!

Get it off me.

I can hardly move.

Feel my cobras draining your energy,

Foolish power rangers.

He's right!

I'm, uh... Getting weaker.


Oh, look,

Kimberly's flying the plane.

She's flying the plane?!

Ai yi yi yi yi! It looks like the snizzard

Has jason and the others all wrapped up.

Alpha, the rangers need kimberly's power bow

To defeat this monster.

Concentrate on helping her to a safe landing.

Yes zordon! Oh, why couldn't I have been built with four arms?

Do you read me, kimberly?

Yes, alpha.

How are you doing?

I think I see the airport.

Good, kimberly, now remember,

You must approach the runway

At the proper air speed.

Reduce your speed

By adjusting the knob marked "throttle."

Now, begin your descent

By slowly pushing forward on the controls.

Oh, alpha. I hope I can do this.

You can do anything you set your mind to, kimberly.

You're right.

I can do this.

I can do this?

Yes, I can do this.

Tower: echo, you are not clear to land. Repeat.

You are not clear to land on this runway.

Please acknowledge.

Echo, state your emergency.

State your emergency. Do you read? Over!


[Laughing] I did it!

W-w-what's going on?

Uncle steve, you're all right.

How do I stop this thing?

I got it.

Angel grove tower to rescue .

Do you have radio contact with echo?

Negative. Chopper ?

Negative, but aircraft is down and under control.

Well, echo, when you get around to it,

We in the tower sure would like to talk to you about that landing.

Rescue to tower.

By advised, paramedic unit is en route.

We will stand by. Over.

Oh, um,

M-make sure our passengers are okay.

I got to run. I'll call you later.

Kimberly, wait.

I'll call you later.

Alpha, I'm down safe and ready to go.

Hurry! The power rangers need you!

What a day.

It's morphin time.


Now you'll feel the full power

Of the zapper apple.

You won't get away with this!

Goodbye, power rangers.

Huh? Ah?

Oh? Ah!

Leave my friends alone, you snake!

Ah! Putties!


♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

Are you guys all right?!

Get these things off us!

I thought we were finished.

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

You haven't escaped me yet, power rangers.

Tonto snakes, attack them!


Curse you and your power bow!

Jason: aim for the apple on top of his head!

You got it.


Nobody snakes the power rangers.

Rita: I just can't believe it!

You peabrains messed up a beautiful plan!

You call yourselves bad guys?

You fools! You dummies, you're worthless!

Any little thing I want done right,

I have to do myself!



Are you guys feeling any better?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, I'm fine, uncle steve.

We're fine. We're out of here.

We made it.

We made it. Yeah!

No, I mean it, you're really great.

Not just anybody could have landed a plane like you did.

Ugh! Ugh!

Oh, matt, you don't really mean that, do you?

Tell me more, you big strong hunk of a man, you.


Move it!


Move it!