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17.5x04 - A Pressing Engagement

Posted: 06/17/23 07:54
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪







Come on, jase, you can do it!

Okay, really...

Come on, jase!


, , And you break the record.

That's it, nice and steady.

By the way, what number are we on?


, ... Yes!


So what number is he on?


Once more, please, without the sub.

, ...

Yes, jason, you're going to do it!

Come on. , .

Kid, you're almost there! , .

I'm so nervous, he's going to break the record.

And angel grove high is going to have a new winner.

What number am I on?

Thousand, uh...

Uh-oh, I've lost count.

Can you start again?

Rita: he's not so tough when he's on his own.

Uhh! That's it!

I'll send goldar and a monster down to separate

Jason from his friends and then tear him apart.

With him out of the way,

The rest of the power rangers will be at my mercy.

It's time to finish them once and for all.

Yay! Oh, goodie!

, , , .

Come on, jason, you can do it!

, !

One more, jason. You can do it, buddy!

You can do it! Come on.

Here he goes. Thousand and... Come on, jason!

Put it up! A thousand and...

Boy: hey, guys, look at kimberly.


Gross me out.

Wipe out.

Ha ha ha! He can't do anything today.

This is going to be too easy.

Easy? If this is an easy one,

I have the perfect pair for the job.

Me and squatt. Forget it!

Yes, ma'am.

Ah, goldar, are you ready?

Yes, o evil one.

First we separate jason from the others.

Then rita grows you real tall.

And then we crush him.

Hmm. Finster, have you figured out a monster yet?

Not quite.

You shouldn't have said that. You're in trouble.

Finster, what do you mean? Are you losing your touch?

If you give me a moment, I'll think of something.

Ah, how about our king sphinx? He can use his wings to sweep

The others away? Does that satisfy your evilness?

Yes! All right.

So what do you say, jase? Am I forgiven?




Fruit shakes on the zack-man.

Ernie. Another round, please.

Ah, tell me, about the skateboard.

You know, bubble gum, I just want to...



Forget it, it's casual.

Ha ha ha. All right.

You know, guys,

I'm kind of bummed about this bench press record thing.

I don't want to be known as a quitter.

A quitter?

Shh. A quitter?

Heh heh heh heh.

Hi, pinhead.

I heard you choked today.

The bench press record is still mine.

You two are a bad dream. Let him go, bulk.

Hey, I got this.

Oh, you're tough.

You're a man. You're so tough I'm shaking.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, bulk, are you ticklish?

My foot!

My pants.

I told you I could handle it myself.

Nobody said you couldn't.

Yeah, that's right! Besides, what wrong

With getting a little help from your friends?

Nothing, unless you're trying to break the bench press record.

Yeah. [Beeping]

Um, new watch.

Yeah, bye!

Put it on my tab.

Where are you guys going?

Zordon, we read you.

Power rangers, rita repulsa is at it again.

It is imperative that you

Teleport to the children's theatre

In the park immediately.

What's going on?

She has sent down a team of putties and an unknown monster

In a attempt to gain control of the park.

Be careful. And let the power protect you.

It's morphing time, guys.





Yay! Oh, goodie!

Let's finish these putties.

Don't waste time fighting you brainless baboons!

Get the others away from jason!

This is weird. It's almost like they're after something.


We are. Ha ha!


Teacher: hold it. All right. Eight more.

Here we go. ...

What happened to kim?

I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Where's kim?

We're not telling.

Oh, yeah?

It wasn't them. It was the sphinx.

Where is he?

That jason has had it.


Whoa! Aah!

Reach. And reach. Here we go.

That was really weird.


That's it!

He's not too tough now.

Bring my friends back.

No way!

Ay yi yi yi yi! Jason in trouble.

Rita has him isolated. Contact is impossible.

Enough of this.

Let's do some real fighting!


You're nothing without your friends.

Why don't you give up?

Yeah, get him!

Take that!

These guys are too much.

Man, I wish the other guys were here.

Ha ha!

Trini, billy.

Jason's in big trouble.

Why? What's up?

Rita has him. Oh, no.

You guys, he may need his friends

Way more than he knows.

Jason? Jason, can you read me?

Jason? Nothing.

Let's teleport to command center right now.

Yeah, let's go.

Alpha, adjust the morphing grid

And locate jason on the viewing globe.

Ah, there.

Ha ha ha!

Zordon, this seems hopeless.

Indeed it would, trini,

Were it not for your power crystal.

Of course. Put your hands together

And bring forth the power crystals.

The crystals contain the essence of your morphing powers.

Use them to find each other in any peril,

And with your zords to draw power from the very heart

Of the morphing grid.

I am sending the crystals directly to jason.

Once in his possession,

You will be able to join him

And stop king sphinx and goldar.

Together, they are nearly unbeatable,

So call your zords quickly

And let the power protect you.

Alpha, tap into the grid

And send the crystals through jason's zord.

Hurry, alpha. He doesn't have much time.

Ah, man! This is not looking good.



All right.


Power crystals! Way to go, zordon.

Hey, ugly, I want you to meet some of my friends.


Now you're gonna see what friends working together can do.

Dinozord power!

All right!

Yeah, activating dinozord power now!

Rangers, log on!

Zack here. Let's rock and roll.

Billy here, all systems go.

Trini here, set and ready.

Let's jinx this sphinx.

All right, rengers, it's time to power up.

, , Power up.

Time for a little megazord power.

Let's show them what we're made of.

Morphin! Morphin!

Ha ha!

Power up the cannons.

Let's try the crystal power.

Yeah! All right.


Oh! Oh! Whoa!

Ha ha ha!

Shift to battle mode and finish these dudes.

Right! Right!

Morphin! Morphin!

Power up transformation sequence.

Megazord sequence has been initiated.

Megazord activated.

Megazord armed and ready.

Uh-oh! Uh-oh!

Huh? Uh-oh.

You guys ready? Let's nail them!

Keep it steady! Watch out for that sphinx.


What's going on?

Switching to t*nk mode.

Yes! Yeah!

Let's do it!

That was close.

These dudes are starting to get on my nerves.

Watch the flank.

Uh-oh. Look out!

Man, we're getting nowhere with these guys.

It's time to turn up the heat.

We need the megapowerzord now!

You're through, sphinx.

Yeah! Yeah!


Uhh... Dummies.

Way to go, power rangers. One down and one to go.

All right, now let's finish them!


Drat! We'll meet again, power rangers.

This should have been a sure thing.

I can't believe they beat the sphinx!

Out of my way!

Destroy a world, that's all I ask for.

Do they do it? No!

, ... , ...

Come on, jason. Tough it out, man.

, ...

All right, you're going to do it!

, ...

Three more, just three more.

, ...

, ...

One more. Come on.

Come on.

, ! Yes!


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new record.

And he comes through. Yeah!

We knew you could do it, jason!

I couldn't have done without you guys.

Hey, your outstanding performance will have a lasting legacy.

Yep. What?

This record's going to last a long time.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

Out of the way. Don't touch the cake.

Now, I'm asking you, is this a cake, or is this a cake?

"Happy birthday, mom"?

What do you expect for the last minute?

It was the only cake they had left.

Thanks for being there, guys.

Hey, muscle brains.

I'm going to get my record back.

Yeah, muscle brain. Ha ha ha!

Skull, shut up! I can do my own talking.


You guys, get a life.

Don't you guys ever give up?

Why don't you just have a piece of cake and chill?

Cake? Yeah, all right.

I'll have some cake, but I get the first piece.

Yeah, the first piece.

I thought I told you to shut up!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, you look so funny, bulk.

You look so funny!
