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17.5x02 - High Five

Posted: 06/17/23 07:51
by bunniefuu

After , years, I'm free!

Its time to conquer earth!

Alpha, rita's escaped!

Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Mighty morphin power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪

Okay jase, let's see you do it.

Time to go up-and-up.

Come on jason, you can do it.

Come on! Come on!

Keep going!

Keep going, jase.


Trini: jason! Be careful!

If you slip, you can really hurt yourself.

Yo man, back off. You're gonna make him nervous.

Nervous? Man, I never get nervous.

When I climb.

You should be.

Guys, I'm gonna be over there. At least its down-to-earth.

You should give it a try.

Are you kidding? Uh-uh.

You'll never catch me climbing anything that high. See ya.

Looks like somebody's got a case of height fright.

Zack: yo! Billy, my main brain! What's up?

Hey! Well, actually, I do have some exciting news to disseminate.

See, I've made a significant breakthrough regarding the cross--

Billy! Head's up!



Zack: that was good. That was good.

You guys should try out for the circus.

Nah. The circus don't take geek clowns.

Geek clowns-- that's great.

That is so funny.

Why don't you guys just crawl back

To the ooze you came from?

Oh, that's funny,

Especially coming from a friend of the monkey man here.


At least I can make it all the way to the top.

Hey hey hey. You sayin' that bulk can't do it?

Yeah, that's what you're sayin' alright.

Step aside,

And let me show you how it's done.

Are you sure you know how to work this thing?

What do you think I am...stupid?

Well, you know what they say...

If the rope fits...climb it!

Ha ha ha!


Bulky, I thought you were going up.




Oh, yeah, bulk, you, uh...

Really showed us this time, didn't you?

Skull: yeah. Showed them.

Rita: [evil laughing]

Those power rangers are gonna wish

They never tangled with me!!!

I'll trap them in a time warp the same why I did zordon,

And when I'm through,

The world is going to be mine!

[Evil laughing]

Let me down, you big ox!

I finally completed a narrow-beam transmission module

That will allow wave function over an extended interval.

Well? Aren't you all excited?

Well, I will be as soon as I figure out what you just said.

He's created a communication device using microwaves.


See? We now have connection to zordon and alpha

In the command center.

This is morphenomenal.

They respond to tactile pressure

Followed by auditory stimulus.

So what you're saying is that we just touch and talk?

Like this. [Beeping]


The neutrino power grid must have crossed molecular--

Uh-oh! Incoming!


Hey, guys!

It appears my communicators malfunctioned.

Oh! Welcome, homeboys, homegirls.

What brings you to the 'hood?

Too much tv.


I commend your latest invention, billy.

Not only have you created a communicator,

But you've also tapped into

The command center's teleportation unit.

With proper adjustments,

It will allow you to teleport here in an emergency.

But until alpha can reprogram it,

It will serve as a two-way communication link

Between the command center and each other. From wherever you are.

Hmm. This is easy.

I just have to reflux the-- uh-oh.

Oh! No, no, no!

Ai yi yi yi yi yi!


Baboo, is the time device ready,

Or have you messed it up?

I managed to get it ready,

Even though lunkhead here slowed me down!

Now, that looks okay!

It's all programmed. It'll fly down to earth,

And wherever it lands, it will open up a hole in time!

Finster's monster will trap them in the hole

And they'll be gone forever!

Finster, the time device is ready!

Time to pick a monster!

The babies!

Which one of the delightfully hideous creatures are we using?

Ha ha ha! Cootchy cootchy coo!

Uh, none, my queen.

I'm making a new one named bones.

I'm sure he'll be perfect!

He better be!

He's so gruesome and ugly-- just what I wanted.

Thank you, my queen.

I've set the monstermatic for full power!


The power rangers will be helpless against him.

What's taking so long? He's going to be overcooked.

Hey! Oooh!

Ha ha ha! I am bones, at your service.

Perhaps I should have set the machine on low.

All right, salad brains,

It's time to launch the time device.

And I don't want any mistakes. I want the power rangers gone.

You want me to launch it.

[Shrieking] yes!!!!!

Of course, my queen.

I've just got to pull this lever.

Oh boy, I hope he knows what he's doing.

Ready? Fire!



Where is that thing?!

I can't wait to trap those power geeks in my time warp.

There it is!

[People panicking]

[Horns honking]

Yay! Hooray!


Watch out!

Billy: extreme audio oscillation.

What does it indicate?

Jason: what is this?

Zack: what's the noise?

It's rita. She sent a device to open a time trap.

And the putty patrol is gathering outside of town.

Find out what they are up to while I analyze the time device.

We're out of here!

I don't get it. What are they doing out here?

I don't know, but we better stay here and keep and eye on them.

I don't believe that's a viable option at the moment.

What are you talking about? This is perfect camouflage.

It was about seconds ago.

Guys, we got to morph!

No! Zordon said we gotta try to take care

Of things on our own before we use our powers.

Come on!

Uhh... Uh-oh.


Jason: billy! Trini!

Pull some away and spread them out.

Split up.


You go that way.



Billy, come back! You'll fall!

Billy! You're too high!




I'm afraid, but I can do this.

Billy needs me.

My power morpher!


I can't do it, but I have to.

Back off!


Hey, dirtbag!

Leave him alone.

Come on!

That was truly morphitudinous, trini.

Thanks, billy.

What about them?

They're in trouble. We've got to get down there and help them.

Let's go.

Hey! Uhh!

Form a human chain! Now!

Zack! Ready.

Locked on!


Let's do it.


All right, bones, go do your stuff.

Zordon: congratulations, power rangers.

You've done a superb job dealing with the putties.

And special congratulations to you, trini,

For overcoming your fear in the face of an emergency.

Hold your positions, everyone.

Our scanners picked up a new threat.

Rita has sent a creature named bones down to the amusement park.

He can fire energy bolts out of his eyes,

And jump long distances,

And even make himself disappear.

He probably controls the time device as well,

So get moving, power rangers.

It's morphin time.




Saber-toothed tiger!




Power rangers!

Here. Let me help you get ahead.


Whoa! What in the world?

Into the time warp, all of you.



Ohh! Ouch!

This is weird!


How strange!

Man, what is this place? Look out!

Blade blasters up!

Aah! Aah! Ahh!



This ought to do it.

Whoa! This place is weird.

Oh boy!

Hyah! Ha!

Now to blow up the time device and trap them here.

Come on, squat! Hurry up!

You did bring the matches, didn't you?

I told you not to forget them!

Let me see that!

I didn't forget them. They got to be in there.

Oh! Now just hold it steady so I can light it.

There! Oh boy! Now we're gonna get--



Jason, look!

Aah! Stop!

Whoa! Uhh!

Come on! Let's blast him!

All right! Yes!


We need to destroy his head.

Trini, catch!

Look out!

So long, bonehead.


Rita: I'm not through yet!

Moondust, soft and pliant, send to earth a giant!


Yippee! Giant, go!

Hey! Jason!

Let me down, you big ox!

Let's get out of here!

Whoa! Ohh!

Aah! Ohh!

Man, I've had about enough of you.

Let me go.


Zordon, we need dinozord power now!

Alright! Now that's what I call power!

Let's kick some giant.


Whoa! Morphin'!

Dinozord power on.


♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

How am I doin', zack?

Morphenomenal! Yeah!

Time to chill this dude out!

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ You mighty morphin power rangers ♪



Oh, I've got such a headache!

Somebody bring me an aspirin!

Yeah, I'm telling you, I heard it on the radio.

Five superheroes saved the park from this zombie guy.

And they call themselves the power rangers.

Uh, speaking of which,

Our communicators are fully functional again

Thanks to zordon and alpha.

Cool. So, like, we can teleport and communicate

To the command center with these things?


This is so nineties.

Oh, trini, I really wanted to express my gratitude

In helping me out today.

Yeah, the way you climbed those rocks was morphenomenal.

I guess what they say is true. You really don't know what you can do

Until you're forced to do it.

I hope I can be that confident the next time.


Girl, looks like you've definitely overcome your fear of heights.


