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08x24 - A Tangled Webb: Part I

Posted: 06/17/23 06:02
by bunniefuu
( knocking )


You wanted to see me, sir?

Close the hatch.

I just got off the phone

with the Deputy Director
of the CIA.

He's got a report
from the station chief

in Ciudad del Este.

Mac has vanished somewhere
in the hinterlands of Paraguay.

Is she alive?



You knew
she was with him?

Well, I knew he
sweet-talked her

into going to
Paraguay with him

as his pregnant wife.

If he got her k*lled...

Then he's probably
dead as well

and you won't have
to track him down.

If, uh... if she's dead,

there'll be some sort
of a claim of responsibility.

If she's alive,
there'll be a demand...


Prisoner exchange,
interview with Mike Wallace...

this isn't about money.


I haven't asked yet, sir.

Then don't.

Admiral, I can't stay
here and do nothing.

Send me T.A.D.
to Paraguay, sir.

You're needed here.

That's unacceptable, sir.

Excuse me?

We're talking
about Mac, Admiral.

All right, make your case.

I can do JAG business
in Paraguay, sir.

Such as?

International military
education and training,

like I did in Russia.

Oh, and look how well
that turned out.

I can find her, sir.


I'll fin...
I'll find a way.

Then I request
emergency leave, sir.


Then I quit, sir.

Consider my
commission resigned

and my status
as terminal leave.

Paperwork will be on
your desk in the hour.

Do what you got to do.


you're willing

to give up your career,

and possibly your life,
to get her back?

What if you're successful?

What if you can
bring her home?

What are you willing
to risk to keep her?

Well, I haven't
thought it through, sir.

( man screaming in pain )

( clicking )

My husband alive?

He's of no use
to me dead.

We were forced
to hurt him badly.

It's amazing the
amount of pain

stored in a car battery.

I offered to put you
in his place,

but he would not hear of it.

He must love you very much.

Yes, he must.

Don't hurt him anymore.

Please, I beg of you,
spare him.

Please, do not
kneel before me.

There will be no
more pain today.

Thank God.

Yes. Praise be to Allah,
the compassionate.

He has given each
of you another day.

Perhaps you can spare
him a repeat of today.

I'll do anything.

Then just answer
these questions: Who is he?

My husband.

Well, your husband
treats you very well.


You have just contributed
to the w*r effort.

I will sell these
stones to buy arms.

Now, who is the man you
are trying to rescue?

He owes us money.


He must owe you
a lot of money

for you to k*ll six of
my men to get him back.

he is dead.

Now, I wanted
to ask you,

you're wearing the same clothes
in both these photographs.

And your hair... it's the same.

Now, what are the chances
of that happening?

Both those photographs were
taken right after my wedding.

If you had answered
my questions truthfully

you would have spared
your husband more pain.

But perhaps you do not
love him as he loves you.

( speaking Farsi )

Excuse me.
I'm looking for Edward Hardy.

Harmon Rabb.

He's here, sir.

I was told to expect you,
Commander Rabb.

What can I do for you?

I need help
finding a couple friends.

What's your
security clearance?

Well, it was high enough
to get through to your boss

back at Langley.

High enough that he accepted
my offer of help.

How well are you
acquainted with the
situation down here?

Only what I've read
in the papers.

The Triple Frontier
is as lawless

as Tombstone was
a hundred years ago.

Except Wyatt Earp didn't
have to deal with t*rrorists

and drug dealers armed
with a*t*matic weapons.

It's a dangerous place,
I know that.

A lot of people
missing down here.

two British missionaries

were taken hostage
and held for ransom.

You ever drink cana?

Not at 8:30 in the morning.

It's a mixture of honey
and distilled sugarcane.

Nasty stuff.

You know who I'm looking for.


Will you help me find them?

All right,
you won't talk to me,

I'll tell you what I know.

United States Marine Corps,

Lieutenant Colonel
Sarah Mackenzie, a JAG lawyer,

volunteered to help recover

100 stolen
Stinger missiles.

There's no way we used her.

If armed US uniformed personnel
are caught operating

without host country knowledge,
it's an act of w*r.

You must be mistaken about
the Colonel's whereabouts.

You and I both know
you bend that rule

when it suits your purpose.

She was undercover
with another one
of your agents,

Clayton Webb,
as his pregnant wife.

I can neither confirm nor deny.

Are you even trying
to get them back?

My company has a policy:

we do not negotiate
with t*rrorists.

So if anyone
falls into their hands,

they can consider themselves
beyond help.

Life is cheap down here.

You can trust no one.

( sighs )


Is that any way

to great an old friend?


what are you
doing here?

Waiting for somebody
to show up.

I never figured
it'd be you, sir.

You look like hell.
Are you okay?

It's a long story, sir.

You can drop the sir.

I resigned my commission.


I'll tell you
about it later.

Let's hear your story.

Transferred down here
to Marine barracks

at the American Embassy
in Asuncion.

Is this the warm
weather uniform?

I'm working undercover, sir.

I got assigned
T.A.D. to Mr. Webb.

Where is Webb?

I don't know
for sure, sir.

Where's Mac?

With Mr. Webb.

( groans )

Oh, my God.

Darling... oh...

Hello, sweetheart.

What can I do?

What you're doing
feels pretty good.

Oh, my God.
What did they do to you?

I had no idea
it would get this bad.

I'll do whatever I can
to keep them away from you.

( sighs )

Colonel MacKenzie and Mr. Webb
left Raul Garcia's camp

after exchanging the Stinger
circuit boards for the diamonds.

the arms dealer?

Trading as a middleman
to Sadik.

So Garcia sent you
to Sadik's camp?

Yes, sir. I drove the truck
with the circuit boards

to Sadik's hacienda out
in the Chaco Borealis.

I was supposed to wait

for a shipment of uncut
coke to return to Garcia.

And what was Webb's plan?

Once I confirmed
the Stinger missiles

were in Sadik's hacienda,

he was going to call in
for a Predator strike.

Instead, Sadik
had the missiles

moved out by truck
and I got jumped.

How did Webb
and Mac get caught?

It was on
account of me, sir.

They came in to rescue me

and it almost worked.

They made it to a car,
a grenade hit...

that was the last
I saw of them.

I got shot.

How'd you get away?

Well, in all the confusion,
I crawled out of the camp.

Next thing I knew I woke up
in the middle of a field

and a Mennonite farmer
and his wife found me.

They got me patched up.


Yes, sir.

There's a large religious
German community

in the Chaco Borealis.

So what happened next?

I hitched back
to Ciudad del Este.

Why didn't you
go for help?

Mr. Webb told me
to trust no one.

I think Sadik knew
we were coming.

There was a leak somewhere.

In Garcia's camp?

Or in the CIA.

( groans )

How bad is it?

I've handled worse.

They think we're Israelis.


Because Israel's
their enemy.

They see their enemy

What are they
asking you?

Questions I can't answer.

I think there's something
big in the works.

A strike
against the US.

Sadik needs to know

if this mission has
been compromised,

and he needs
to know it soon.

I'm sorry about all this.

Please stop apologizing.

I agreed to be here.

Yeah, I know.

Sarah... I don't know

how much of my
asking you here

had to do with
your credentials...

and how much had to do

with just wanting
you with me.

I don't know what to say.

I just wish I could
die for both of us.

I don't want you
to die for me, Clay.

Am I interrupting?


I, uh... I could
use the company.

You look how I feel.

It's hard to keep
up appearances.

I'm worried
about them, too.

I just wish there was
something that I could do.

There was a time...

I mean, I knew
when this happened

that I'd be limited
by my disability--

that there would be things
that I couldn't do,

but I didn't expect
to feel so useless--

you know, when
the time came

that they actually need me.

They need you here.

You're doing something
they can't do.

You're keeping
JAG Ops running.

It's important.

There's more than one way
to be a hero.

This, uh... might be
a breach of protocol,

and it might get me transferred
right back to the IG's office,

but... I won't tell
if you won't.

Please help me.

He needs manaca.

( groaning )

Wha... what is that?!
What is that?

Balm of the manaca plant.

The Chaco natives have

used it as an analgesic
for a thousand years.

Last year an American
pharmaceutical company
patented it.

The Indians got nothing.

You should sit down.

I'll get you
some water.

The water here

is brackish.
It's all we have.

Thank you for sharing.

I know the kind
of pain he's in.

They used me the same way.

I'm Warren Robinson.

This is my wife Carla.

The kidnapped missionaries.

We came here to help

the Ayoreo and the Nivacle

and now we've gotten caught
in your w*r.

My w*r?

You're Americans, aren't you?

That's neither here
nor there, Carla.

We're victims of some kind
of fund-raising for the jihad.

They want

two million pounds
for us.

They might as well
just k*ll us now

because our church
can't raise that
kind of money.

It isn't my government

that moved these people
to v*olence.

You're forgetting
the Balfour Accord.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

We're not politicians.

We're people of God.

It's our calling to help
those in need...

even if they're Americans.

You know what worries me?

Aside from oncoming traffic?

You ever wonder
what Sadik Fahd's up to?

What his targets are?

I'd lay my money
on a large deck amphib,

or maybe a carrier.

Just... try and keep your eyes
on the road, all right?

We want to get there
in one piece, right?

Still trying to blend in
with the locals, sir.

If we blend in any more,

we'll be smeared
all over the landscape.

There's trouble.





They call this country
the green hell.

Why do you want
to come here?


Then you came
to the right place.

What have you
seen so far?

Well, we saw
some parrots, uh...

a blue-belly
and a scaly-face pionus

about a mile back.

Have you seen
an Alicanto yet?

Yeah, we saw one yesterday.

It is a mythical bird.


A.J., the chairman
wanted you to know

that the Secretary of Defense
has approved the ROE changes

for Persian Gulf ops.

Including use
of the new weapons systems?

Reviewed and approved.

We've also been working
with the Department of Justice

to fine-tune our rules for
trying suspected t*rrorists.

Thank you, Admiral.

You've been a great help.

Glad to assist
any way we can.

Carry on.

Yes, sir.
Excuse me, Admiral.

I was just wondering
if there was any news, sir.

No news.

What if...?

Don't deal in
"what ifs," Tiner.

For food and all Thy gifts
of love,

we give Thee thanks and praise.

Look down, O Jesus, from above,
and bless us all our days.

I'm sure this isn't
what you're used to.

It's more than we've had
for a day or two.

We're so grateful
to both of you.

Will you be able
to pay your ransom?

It's not about
the money.

We're prisoners
of conscience.

You must be about
halfway there.

Yeah, six months.

I hope you aren't here
when the baby comes.

But I've worked
as a midwife
with the Chaco.

I can help you
if you'll let me.

Um, hopefully,
like you said,

we won't be here.

I can find no fault with you

so you may continue
your journey.

Gracias, Capitan.

Enjoy the birds.

We're about 70 miles
to the turnoff.

After that, we'll have
to take it one road at a time.

Stand up.

Woman, stand up!

You defile motherhood.

You son of a...


( grunts )

( coughing )


What have you done?

You misunderstand Sadik.

He tempers his cruelty
with kindness.

He knows what's best for us.

He tortured your husband.

He videotaped it

and sent it
to your church

to show that he was serious.

He's keeping you c*ptive

and it doesn't look like
you're ever going to get out!

Is that what's best? Is it?!

Islam and Christianity
have much in common!

We're all people of peace.

( gasping )

Well, I hope your god

is a loving one,
Mrs. Robinson,

because he's going
to have a lot to forgive.

( gasping )

Damn it!

Damn it.

Are you all right?

I'm fine, ma'am.

How are you feeling?

I'm great.

I like having babies.

I didn't mean that, ma'am.

I know.

You're talking
about Colonel MacKenzie.

And Commander Rabb, ma'am.

I'm just so afraid
for them.

How do you deal?

All you can do
is hope and pray

and then trust in God.

My father was
a minister, ma'am.

He kind of soured me
on God.

Maybe you should give Him
a second chance.

I never want to see
my father again, ma'am.

That's not the Him
I'm talking about.

Yes, ma'am.

I'll take that
under advisement.

Ma'am... this place
is the only real home

I've ever known,
as pathetic
as that sounds.

The truth is,

Colonel MacKenzie
and Commander Rabb

and you and Lieutenant Roberts
are the first people

who've given
a damn about me.

Pardon my language.

I just...

I couldn't stand it

if something happened
to one of you.

Things happen, Jennifer.

My husband stepped
on a land mine

and you stayed with him
so he wouldn't bleed to death

until help came.

You handled that situation
better than anybody else

and you can handle this.

That's just it,

That was a w*r zone.

I thought here,
coming back, it'd be safe

and bad things wouldn't happen

to people I care about.
I'm sorry, ma'am.

It's okay.

It's going to be okay.

Excuse me, ma'am.

( groans )

Things have changed.

I will leave it up to you.

I will take one of you
or the other.

You choose.



The name on your
passport is "Jane."

Well, before you
decide, Sarah,

know that one of you
will be placed in a room

with one of my men.

He will put you through hell

and no one will be there
to call him off.

I thought you believed
in a compassionate God.

Oh, he is. I have no interest
in debating you.

Because I'm a woman?

A woman, an infidel, perhaps.

Perhaps even a Jew, Sarah.

Are you a Jew,
a falsifier of words?

An occupier
of the holy places?

Denier of prophesies?

One of the so-called
chosen people?

Okay, so we'll try again.

So you say you are Mr. Williams.

You claim you are
an arms salesman.

You sell circuit boards
to Raoul Garcia

in exchange
for diamonds.

That is your story?


Explain this:

after the sale,
Raoul Garcia's house exploded

in the middle of the night.

That... that...
has nothing to do with me.

Why did you sh**t your way
into my hacienda?

Who was the man
you were trying to rescue

and where is he now?

And who are you

working for?

I'm self-employed.

It's the American way.

You live in a free country?


Well, that so-called freedom

is going to drag your nation
to the bottom.

And I, whose country
you have taken,

will show you no mercy!

"Peace be upon you.

"Your lord hath laid down

"for himself
a law of mercy

"so that if any one
of you commit a fault
through ignorance

"and afterwards
turn and amend,

he will surely be
gracious and merciful."

You know the Koran...

as do I.

And this I say:

our path is soaked in blood,

and so we write
in blood

a language
you can understand.

I have to settle a matter
with the Robinsons.

Where are they?

They've made them
more comfortable.

I will be back
in an hour.

You decide, woman--

your blood or his.

( knocking )


Excuse me, Admiral.

Lieutenant Sims
would like to see you, sir.

She did say
it wasn't important, Admiral.

Then why the hell
are you bothering me?

Because I believe the Lieutenant
believes otherwise, sir,

on the importance scale.

Tiner, are you...
are you clairvoyant?

I don't know, sir.

Read my mind.

Aye, aye, sir.

Lieutenant, the Admiral
will see you now, ma'am.

Is this a bad time, sir?

( sighs )

Bad time for what,

Sir, I just wanted
you to know

that if there's anything
I can do, I'll do it.

Other than your job?

Here's the thing, sir.

I know at times like these
you normally turn

to Colonel MacKenzie

or Commander Rabb.

Sir, I just wanted
you to know

that if you ever wanted to talk,

that Lieutenant Roberts and I
are here.

Have you mentioned this
to the Lieutenant?

No, sir.

Good. Then don't. Dismissed.

Aye, aye, sir.

How'd it go with
the Admiral, ma'am?

Ducky, just ducky.

Is that good
or bad, ma'am?

It's great if you're a duck,

( sobbing )

Did I tell you I was sorry
about all this?

About a million times.

If we ever get out
of this...

When, when. Not "if."

Aren't you
the cockeyed optimist.

I can't accept
dying here, Clay.

I won't.

And I won't
leave you behind.

There's something
I need to say to you, Sarah.

You don't need
to say anything.

( door opens )

No, Sarah!

It is her choice
and she has made it.

The Koran teaches you
to protect women

if they can't protect

You can't do this!

It is no more

than you have done to us
for centuries.


( grunts )

( speaking Farsi )

I believe it is your custom
to kneel when you pray.

Get on your knees.

What is going on?

Your church has given
its answer.

They will not pay
to free you.

I did everything
that you asked.

In your scriptures
there was Jesus

and there was Judas.

You followed
the wrong example.

( g*nsh*t )


Who was that, sir?

Can't tell, but it
couldn't be good.

Have you no mercy?

I have mercy on those
who deserve mercy:

the poor, the widowed,
the homeless.

You are none
of these things,

so you do not deserve
my notice.

There's Mack.

What can I say
that will stop this?


I am not interested in you.

But I will sit
with your husband.

When your cries for help
go unanswered

and your shrieks
become unbearable,

he will tell me
what I need to know.

This goes against

everything your religion
has taught you.

Don't tell me
about my religion!

There is a fatwa.

It says that I can k*ll

when and where I find them.

So my hands are clean.

Shalom, Sarah.

At least she's alive.

She won't be for long
if we don't do something.

Let's go.

( yelling in Farsi )

Let's get to the Stingers.

( yelling continues )

Hey! Hey!

You take the house.
I'll get Mac.

( g*nf*re )

( man screams )

( g*nf*re continues )

We got to get you out of here.

I'm too far gone, Gunny.

Help's too far away.

What happens now, sir?

We get Webb to a hospital.

There's no
ambulance here.

We're a long way
from a hospital.

You'll make it.

I have to.

My mother'd never forgive me
if I died before her.

Neither would I.

I liked having you
for a wife.

I liked having you
as a husband and a friend.

There's something about
sharing the same bed,

the same toothbrush.

You used my toothbrush?

I didn't think
you'd mind.

You've been single too long.

Maybe we both have.

You're right.


I need you.

When we get back...

I'll, uh, I'll see you
back home, Clay.

Take care of her, Rabb.

It's more than I was able
to do for her.

Well, whatever you did do,

she's obviously
very appreciative.

It was a pleasure working
with you again, Colonel.

You, too, Gunny.
Semper fi, ma'am.

Semper fi.

Good luck, Gunny.

Thank you, sir.

You think
he'll make it?

Depends on how fast
Gunny can get him help.

So what do you know
that I need to know?

I overheard one
of the guards

talking about the
Stinger missiles.

From what I
could make out,

they're in a Mennonite
cattle farm

about 20 miles
from here.

They didn't happen to mention
an address, did they?

No. All I know
is they're near

the Rio Verde--
the Green River.

It covers
a lot of ground.

I can't wait
to not be pregnant.

I'd, uh, I'd wait on that.

It might come in handy.

Sorry about the ride.

I can slow it down.

Gunny, I need help fast.

Well, look at that, Mac.

You're going into labor,
so let me help you out.

Hola, senor.

You don't have
any money, do you?

I got picked clean.

A few days ago,
I had a diamond necklace

worth half a million dollars.

Where is it now?

Sadik Fahd took it.

You got anything?

300 Guarani and a credit card.


Guten tag.

Mein Herr, we would like
to rent your aircraft.

( gasping )


Give him all the money.

And your passport
and the car keys.

The hospital
in Pozo Grande

is a hundred miles due east.

Ma'am, I will fly you myself.

No, no.
My husband flies.

He's a pilot.
US Navy.


F-14s. Off the Patrick Henry,
the Seahawk.


I was a glider pilot
before the w*r.

On religious grounds,
I never wanted to fight.

You're a Mennonite?


But I did not want

my family put on
a boxcar to Dachau.

I'll get our things,

Okay. All right.

So I learn how to fly

a Messerschmitt BF

They assigned me
to a fighter-bomber unit,


I was shot down

by a Spitfire

near Southampton,
13 August, 1940
on Alder Day.

I spent the rest
of the w*r
in detention.

The British
treated us well.

This was a long time ago.

It was at the time
when there was still
some civility in w*r.

Now this is my new life--
gardens from the desert.

We good to go?

Yes. Yeah.

Ja, ja.

Thank you.

( grunts )

Have a safe flight.

Thank you.

( groans )

You ready?

I'm never ready
for this.

The last time
you took me up,

you crashed and
I got stabbed
in the leg

by a deranged hillbilly.

I still have the scar.

Try closing your eyes
this time.

It only makes it worse.

It all looks the same.

We have maybe an hour left
before we run out of fuel.

What happens then?

It's not a problem.
I can put it down anywhere.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Road block up ahead.

Who are they?

They're Paraguayan military,

Thank God
for small favors.

I've seen you before.

You're the man who claimed
to know about parrots.

Only then you were driving
a nice Land Cruiser.

And now it is full
of b*llet holes.

Now why don't you tell me
who you are

and what you are doing here?

It's along story,

This man's hurt badly.

He needs medical assistance
immediately, please.

First,, I need
to see his papers.

We have a problem
with that, Capitan.

He doesn't have them.

Then I cannot help you.

Por favor, Capitan.

How do I know
you're not smuggling dr*gs?

If you don't help that man,
he's going to die.

The only way
you can help him

is to tell me a story
I can believe.


That looks like the blue truck
Gunny was driving.

Let's go take a look.

You think that's wise?

You got
a better idea?

The Stingers are in that semi.

I'm going around again.

When I give you
the signal,

take the stick.

What? I can't fly
this thing.

You can do it, Mac.

Just take the stick
and hold on tight.


I got it!

Mac, I'm going lower.

When I tell you,
take the stick back again.

Any lower and we've landed.

They're on the move!

Take the stick.

I got it.




I'm on it.


( engine sputtering )


( engine dies )

Oh, no!


Hang on!

( screaming )