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08x21 - Meltdown

Posted: 06/17/23 06:00
by bunniefuu
GUARD: Ma'am.


Lieutenant Commander
Faith Coleman.

I'm your, uh, legal team, sir.

Caught a red-eye from San Diego.

Had your files faxed

so I could study
them on the plane.

I have two short lists

of queries, primary
and secondary.

Which set of questions might
you want to cover first, sir?

Mine. Why are you here?

I was detailed by COM-Naval
District, Washington.

Well, last time I checked,

I retain the right to request
my own military counsel.

Is this a job interview,

Let's call it a
short list of queries.

Why don't I just run
through a summary

of the legal arguments.

I'm a lawyer, Commander.

I'm aware of the arguments.

The only unknown is
sitting across from me.

Fine, sir.

What is it you want to know?

Well, let's start with how many

m*rder cases you've defended.

I've had nine
homicides go to verdict.

How many wins?

Nine, sir.

Wow. Tells me you can count.

It doesn't, however, tell
me if they were slam-dunks,

or if when the going gets
tough, you cop a plea.

What is it you really want
to know, Commander?

Did I get into my
first choice college?

No, I didn't.

Was on the Dean's List?

Yes, I was.

Did I got to law school with
dreams of saving the world?

No comment.

I'm a damn good lawyer.

You could do worse, sir.

I see you're not
convinced, Commander.


I don't think I could bear
watching you rearrange that.

I just hope

your legal arguments are as
squared away as your briefcase.

( rapid g*nf*re)

GIBBS: You sharpening
your courtroom skills, Major?

Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS.

Major McBurney.

I know.

Want me to set one up for you?

I'm here to discuss
the Rabb case.

How long you figure
this trial's going to last?

Why, you got someplace to go?


Need to know, Major.

You don't.

P.A.): Cease fire, cease fire.

Clear and lock all weapons.

Check your targets.

How long this goes depends
on well we do on the stand.

I assume your
people are prepped.

How 'bout you, Counselor?

Looks like a slam-dunk.

You disagree?

Rabb's a smart lawyer.

If he's the k*ller, he made
some dumb-ass mistakes.

Only nailed him because
he was protecting his brother.

Do me a favor.

Don't show that
kind of doubt in court.

This trial could last a lot
longer than you and I want.

You're the one that needs
to get out of town, not me.

( shell casing clatters)

You always aim for the head?

Cuts down on appeals.

Assume both of you are aware

of the sensitivity
of your assignment.

Understood, sir.

COLEMAN: Admiral, since
several of your key staff

are witnesses for
the prosecution,

it will be necessary
for everyone at JAG

to keep an arm's length.

( chortles)

Including me.

Yes, sir. You most of all.

Respectfully, sir, neither of us

wants to see our
cases compromised.

Well, I have no intentions
of interfering with your case.

I have every
confidence of that, sir,

but on behalf of my client,

I needed to make
my position clear.

Well, you certainly
succeeded, didn't you?

We're a little short on space.

Commander, I'm going to
put you in Manetti's office

and, uh, Major, you'll be

in Commander Rabb's.

Never had the office
of a man I'm trying

to send to Leavenworth, sir.

Make do.


BOTH: Aye, aye, sir.

you, Petty Officer Coates.

Yes, ma'am. And that's
Commander Rabb's office.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

Oh, sir.

Is that them?

It is.

I've been thinking about
Commander Rabb's case, sir,

and I have a few ideas.

Lieutenant, do nothing.

Sir, I was wondering if I could
consult with Commander Turner

to shape my testimony to
the commander's advantage.


Don't start.


I know what you're thinking.

I know what you're all thinking.

You're not to get
involved in this beyond

your required participation
in the courtroom.

Rabb stuck his nose in
and look what happened.


( sharpener whirring)

Petty Officer.

You have a minute?

Respectfully, sir, I
don't think I'm permitted

to engage you.

This is not a
proposal, it's a request.

I need a pad, a marker,
a stack of five-by-eights.

Some of that, uh,

weird, sticky spitball stuff
you put posters up with.

Poster gum, sir.

Sounds right.

I guess that's allowed, sir.

Thank you.

( blows)

AGENT: Things would
go a lot easier, Amad,

if you just confirm a few facts.

Allah will give you
all your answers.


AGENT: You may not
know the target and the time,

but you know Hasan Mohammed.

Talk to us.

I'm cold... I'm hungry...

As you can see,
the boys up the river

have taken over
the interrogation.

Ah, they'll break
him. In a month.

Or two.

We know that Bin Atwa
passed money to Mohammed

sometime during the
ten days that we lost him

between Cairo and Nice.

If we find out where he was,

maybe we can
follow the money trail.

That's why I need
you in that room.

AMAD: what money
are you talking about?

NSA encrypts indicate that,

once the money has been passed,

the attack can happen anytime.

Wrap this JAG case up fast.

I need you out there.

Where is Hasan Mohammed?

I said I don't know.

You're going back to FBI.


To get whatever they
have on Bin Atwa.


Also want transcripts
of all previous Al-Jihad

interrogations mentioning
his name or Mohammed's.

That'll take weeks!

You got two days.

If you can't get
it done by then,

don't bother coming back.

Thanks for bringing in dinner.

I figured you'd be
tired of brig chow, sir.

If you're going
to be my counsel,

forget about the sir,

at least in here.

Yes, sir.

So, did you pack a
file in one of these,

in case we need
to bust out of here?

This is the only file I brought.

Government's disclosure,

evidence, witnesses.

Do you have a defense?

It's my turn to ask the
questions, Commander.

What happened the
night at Benzinger's bar?

I met with Lieutenant Singer.

We argued.

She left, I followed
her outside.

We argued some more in her car.

And was that when
you phoned your brother

using your cell phone?

Yeah, I wanted to be there

when she told him
it wasn't his baby.

I wanted to look into her eyes.

Because you didn't believe her.

I rarely believed anything
Lieutenant Singer said.

I read your
interview with Gibbs.

Why didn't you
tell him your story?

I was protecting my brother.

Fine, but when they told you

that the m*rder happened in
January and not six weeks ago,

you knew your brother
couldn't be involved

so why not cooperate then?

Because, by
then, I looked guilty

and I decided to
trust Navy justice

instead of Navy cops.

Look, there are enough
holes in this case

to raise reasonable doubt.

There's also enough evidence
to tie you to the murders

and a string of witnesses,

your colleges, will testify

to angry words between
you and Lieutenant Singer

right up to the
time of her death.

Well, it could be
worse, I guess.


I could not have an alibi.

You have an alibi?


( slurping)

Nice lab you got here.

Martha-Stewart-on-LSD touches

around the place, too.

It's just a hobby.

This one's upside-down.

Duodenum's heading north.

That's how the body
was found. Wow.

It's nice to meet

a lawyer that actually
knows his stuff.

I mean, you know,
forensically speaking.

Lieutenant Singer's
plane ticket?


Got the date nailed?

Yeah. 100%.

What about the cover they found?

Well, I'm still doing
a fiber analysis on it,

but I found this
I.D. tag in the visor.

I see a... butterfly.

What do you see?
More work to do.

The key to winning
this case is tying Rabb

to Singer the night
she was k*lled.

That's why the stomach
contents, the bar napkin...

All the forensics
have got to be tight.

Well... duh.

( clears throat)


You got a suit?

Buy one.

Something... in color.

The hair's a different
story. I want you

to wear it down, hide the tat.

Get yourself some glasses.

I don't need glasses.

I do.

This isn't about you.

Something wrong?

Yeah, okay,

you're going to
think I'm a freak,

but I get really nervous

when I have to testify

in front of all those
military uniforms.

Some advice?

Try an old standard.

Picture all those
uniforms naked.

Including you?

McBURNEY: Ms. Sciuto,

you tested the sliver

found in the head
of the decedent?


Uh... yes, I did.

Uh, the test
indicated ferrous metal

which is the same material

that was on the railing

at the bridge at the overlook.

You also ran tests on blood
found at the crime scene?

Indeed. Uh, the DNA
showed an exact match

between that and
the blood of the vic.

And then I ran a test...

Please, wait for the question.

Okay. You also ran tests

on a plane ticket
discovered on the body?


Um, the lieutenant
was on a flight

scheduled for 6:00
a.m. on January six.

What about the napkin found
in the decedent's pocket?

Oh, I ran a whole slew
of sh... stuff on that.

McBURNEY: What did you find?

Um... there was a
phone number on it

and the handwriting
matched Commander Rabb's.

And above that,

there was a logo for a bar.

It was Benzinger's.

When you examined the
victim's stomach contents,

what did you find?

A bar mix.

Based on digestion,
she got whacked...

She went to

Valhalla, uh, within
two hours of ingesting it.

So, based on forensic evidence,

we may deduce that the
victim was at Benzinger's

the night before her scheduled
flight, with Commander Rabb,

two hours before her death?

Objection. Withdrawn.

Nothing further.

Ms. Sciuto, is this your report?

I can hold it
closer, if you wish.

No, don't. I'll ralph.

Sorry, Your Honor.

Perhaps you don't
need the glasses.

Yes, sir.

Thanks, sir.

Nice body art.


You should see my...

Never mind.

Ms. Sciuto, the decedent's
body was in the river for months.

How can you be sure
that your findings regarding

the stomach
content are accurate?

Couldn't the vic
have been whacked

way later than two hours
after sucking pretzels

at Benzinger's?

Way later? No way.

First off, ice rules
as a preservative.

Second off, food doesn't
stay in the stomach that long.

Carbs, that's, like,
two hours, tops.

Third off, given technology,

we can nail that
window pretty tight.

I mean, she got popped

and turned Popsicle
in two hours.

You say, "pretty tight."


Doesn't sound like

"beyond a reasonable
doubt" to me.

Everything the Bureau
has on Bin Atwa...

and I did it in a day.

GIBBS: Education,


known associates, past ops.

This doesn't tell
me about the man.

(typing, computer beeps)

The man is a t*rror1st.

What else is there to know?

Personal information.

What's his favorite food?

What kind of wine does he enjoy?

The guy's a Muslim.
He doesn't drink.

He drinks.

He eats. He cheats.

That's how we
caught him in Nice.

See ya.

McBURNEY: Dr. Mallard,
you performed the autopsy

on Lieutenant Singer.

Can you tell us when she died?

Uh, her body was
discovered April 22.

But the poor girl was
trapped in winter ice

and thawed with the spring.

I'd say she departed us

some three-and-a-half
months previous.

That'd make it
early January, right?

would be about right.

Was Lieutenant Singer pregnant?

Twenty weeks.

Can you tell us the extent

of the lieutenant's
injuries, Doctor?

She suffered severe
blunt force trauma

to the posterior of her skull.

Also, numerous fractures
as she floated downriver,

going over Great Falls.

The head injury was
the cause of death?


The lieutenant drowned.

She was still alive

when her body entered the water?

Without question.

I discovered water
residue in her lungs.

What else did you discover?

On her left buttock,

I found a tattoo of
a stalking leopard...

Majestic, brilliant.

I've only seen
one other like it,

on a, on a tango dancer

in Buenos Aires, who
died of dehydration.

I was on sabbatical then...

Doctor, I was asking

about Lieutenant Singer.

She wasn't in Buenos Aries.


Ah, yes. ( chuckles)

Yes. I found a metallic
sliver in the wound

around the skull fracture

consistent with her head

hitting a railing

on the walkway
bridge over the falls

before she went in the water.

So, based on your findings,
would you say it's plausible

that someone caused the
lieutenant's head injuries

then, perhaps in panic,

threw her still-living body
from the bridge into the river?


This goes beyond
speculation, Your Honor.

Now we're telling
bedtime horror stories.


McBURNEY: Thank you,
Doctor. Nothing further.

Doctor, isn't it possible

that the lieutenant's injuries

were the result of
an accidental fall?

Well, the railing is very high.

It's quite unlikely,

unless the lieutenant's
unconscious body levitated

and dropped over the side.

I've heard... Thank you, Doctor.

RABB: I thought the
interrogation was over, Gibbs.

Or are you just here to gloat?

Something's been
bothering me, Commander,

and it's not what's in here,

it's what's missing.

After you were informed of
Lieutenant Singer's death,

and the death of the fetus

that you thought
was your brother's,

I'd assume you'd make
a phone call to Russia.

But there's no record of that.

Not from your
office or your cell.

Or from your home.

Well, that's what
phone booths are for.

You went to a lot of effort

to eliminate your
brother as a suspect.

That's how you got your man.

I know.

Agent Gibbs, where exactly

was the lieutenant's
body discovered?

On the banks of
the Potomac River,

1.3 miles below Great Falls.

Did you locate her vehicle?

Yes. It was towed
from a parking lot

next to the falls.

Was the car dusted for prints?

There were only two sets of
prints removed from the car...

The decedent's and
Commander Rabb's.

When did the commander

claim to have last
seen Lieutenant Singer?

They met at Benzinger's bar

the night before
her scheduled flight.

According to his statement,

he claimed to have spoken
to his brother that same night.

Did he ever explain why? No.

Did the commander know the
lieutenant was pregnant? He said he did.

Did he know who the father was?

He said he was unsure.

At that time, did you
ask for a DNA sample

to determine paternity?

I did.

What was his response?

He refused.

Was the commander cooperative

during your investigation?

No, he was generally

Thank you.

Your witness.

Agent Gibbs, all you really have

is a car with the commander's
fingerprints, isn't that right?

A car found less
than a hundred yards

from a m*rder scene, yes.

There's no m*rder
w*apon, correct?

The blood at the scene

indicates she hit her
head on a bridge railing.

Sounds like an accident.

Objection, Your
Honor. Withdrawn.

Agent Gibbs, do
you have anything

to tie Commander Rabb directly

to the crime scene?

Not directly, no.

You just have
circumstantial evidence,

coincidences, from which
you've manufactured a case

against the defendant, correct?

Do I even need
to object to that,

Your Honor? Sustained.

Please refrain from supplying
testimony, Commander.

Agent Gibbs, did you
submit a request to the M.E.

for Commander
Rabb's DNA profile?

I did.

It didn't go through.

The ACLU might
still have a problem.

What was your intent?

I believed, at the time,

Commander Rabb was the k*ller.

My intent was justice.

( tapping)

Agent Gibbs, do you believe now

that Commander
Rabb is the k*ller?

Objection, Your Honor.

Calls for an opinion.

JUDGE: As lead investigator,

I believe Agent Gibbs
is entitled to an opinion.

The witness will answer.

Agent Gibbs?

Going with my gut...

I'd say no, the
commander's not the k*ller.

You really think
Rabb's innocent?

Don't you?

What are we going to do?

I've got Bin Atwa
to interrogate.

You're the ranking team
member on this case now.

McBURNEY: When did
you plan on telling me

about your request
for Rabb's DNA?

A request that
didn't go, Counselor.

You still crossed the line.

A line that shouldn't exist.

We should have access
to a suspect's DNA.

Not your call. Circumstantial
cases, I can handle.

Screw-ups and witness
flip-flops on the stand, I cannot.

for your honesty, Gibbs.

You ready to talk about
dismissing the charges, Jack?

( phone rings) Major McBurney.



Wow. You are the
girl of my dreams.

That was Abby.

She's calling you? Mm.

We were separated at birth.

She's invited us to the lab.

You should come,

partake of the
wonders of science.

I got a series
of latent partials.

So far, AFIS can't match them.

But check this out.

(beeps, trilling)

Did you analyze the handwriting?

SCIUTO: Yeah, it's
definitely Commander Rabb's.

Let's log all this in evidence.

I'd like the Members to
see the genuine article.


I think I have a counter
to your offer to dismiss.

If the hat does fit,

you can't acquit.

Oh, come on, one
of you would've said it

if you'd have
thought of it first.

Good job.

Thanks. Next time,

Abby, don't go calling lawyers.

You call me.

Plane is waiting
for you at Norfolk.

You catch a helo at Naples
out to the Chattanooga.


Names of his family, wives,

and mistresses.

He loves great food,

goes to five-star restaurants.

Favorite dishes... Moroccan.

Favorite wine...
Chateau Boulmont.

It's all there.


Can I go with you?

No, but you can put
your business suit

back in mothballs,
and maybe stick around

for a while.

Jethro Gibbs, NCIS.

Dawkins, the company.

Heard somebody called the cops.

Well, I guess you NCI boys

took this guy down.

You deserve a
shot at cracking him.

We got him cleaned up.

Gave him a nice dinner,
just like you asked.

One problem, though.
Yeah, what's that?

We heard you're planning
on giving him booze.

It's against regs.

We don't want any
impaired testimony

being tossed out of court.

Not interested in court.

VIV: Good morning, Tony.

What are you doing?

That investigation's wrapped up.

Is it?

You're in Gibb" camp now?

"Rabb didn't do it."

Think outside the
FBI box for a sec, Viv.

It's too perfect.

I'm a cop. It just
doesn't sit right.

Sits all right from
where I stand.

Dobbs found Rabb's

cover upriver,

near the bridge where
Lieutenant Singer was k*lled,

but her body floated all
the way down to here?

So the cover got caught
up in some branches.

I don't think so.

You really are
sounding like Gibbs.

McBURNEY: Lieutenant
Roberts, the day before

Lieutenant Singer was
presumed m*rder*d,

did you witness an encounter
between her and Commander Rabb?

I overheard a conversation, sir.

Do you recall what was said?

Uh, the commander
wanted to see Lieutenant

after work to talk.

Did she refuse him?

At first, yes, sir.

What happened then?

I'm sorry, sir.

I just don't have the time.

Look, let's have dinner.

Is it the commander's
practice to go

around grabbing junior officers?

No, sir. So it was
just this once?

Yes... I mean no.

Which one, Lieutenant?

Objection. Counsel is badgering.

The witness is a Naval officer
and a JAG lawyer, Commander.

He can handle it.

Lieutenant, please
answer the question.

The Commander does not
make it a habit to grab anyone.

Just this once, he was agitated.

It's not unusual with
Lieutenant Singer.

By agitated, you mean angry?

Yes, but I mean...

Thank you, Lieutenant.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

How was the lamb tagine?

Very good.

But it lacks, uh... zest.


Best our chef here could
do was canned chili paste.

You know your cuisine.

Well, Marines travel.


They do.

Do you ever go to
the south of France?

Not as often as I'd like.

( sighs)

If you're ever in Marseilles,

there is a magnificent place...

Ras El Hanout.

You know it.


Again, you surprise me.

A toast.

To the French, who know
how Morocco should taste.

So, was it the cuisine
that drew you to Nice?

Mm... hardly.


In Nice, it's the women.

The food is so much expensive
honey to catch the flies.


I'll tell you the best food
I had in a very long time.

There's a restaurant in Toulon,

near the water.


I ate there last summer.

The kibbeh was bland.

The qouzi was mushy.

The gmameh is inedible.

You cannot be talking
about the same restaurant.

Well, maybe they
changed the chef.


The gmameh I
had last week was...


I knew Gibbs could get it.

Get what?

Where Bit Atwa was
before we picked him up.


What are you two
doing standing here?

Get on it.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.


DAWKINS: We have
our boy back there?

Yeah, he's all yours.

What'd you get out of him?

A good restaurant in Toulon.


Petty Officer Coates, you
were present at Benzinger's

the night Commander Rabb met
with Lieutenant Singer. Is that right?

Yes, sir. I was
in the next booth.

You overhead their
conversation? Yes, sir.

Do you recall what was said?

Not all the words,
but the sense of it, sir.

The lieutenant was pregnant,
and the commander thought

his brother Sergei
was the father.

What did the commander
want the lieutenant to do?

He wanted her to call his
brother Sergei in Russia

to give him a say
in the child's future.

Only Lieutenant Singer
told Commander Rabb

the baby wasn't Sergei's.

Did he believe her?

No, sir.

What happened then?

That's when Lieutenant
Singer told the commander

she was giving the
baby up for adoption.

And how did the
commander react to that?

This isn't over.

That sounds like a threat.

Sounds like a threat to me.

Objection. Withdrawn.

Is there anything else

you remember, Petty Officer?

Yes, sir.

She took off, and
he followed her out.

Thank you.

Petty Officer, has
Commander Rabb

ever displayed anger toward you?

No, ma'am. Has he ever

threatened you? Never, ma'am.

Has he ever grabbed
you or otherwise put

his hands on you?

Absolutely not, ma'am.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

Redirect, your Honor.

Go ahead, Counselor.

Petty Officer,
have you ever seen

a man strike a woman
in anger before?

Petty Officer?

Yes, sir.

I-I saw my father
strike my mother.

That night at
Benzinger's, did you see

that kind of anger in
Commander Rabb?

Objection, Your Honor.

Calls for speculation.

I'd like to hear the answer.

Petty Officer?

Did you see that kind of anger?

Yes, sir.

Thank you,

Petty Officer.

No further questions,
Your Honor.

Sir, we have the Washington
MTAC on the VTC.

MORROW: Ten days
ago, five million was sent

from a hawala money broker
in Toulon to a hawala in Tunis.

Do we have any assets
in Tunis, Director?

Not at the moment.

But our friends up the river do.

Of course, they'll
take the credit.

Who gets the photo
op doesn't matter.

I'll remember that at our
next appropriations hearing.

But you're right, of course.

Use whoever you have
to, to stop that attack.

What do you got for me?

Well, I tested the sediment
in the fibers in the cover.

There were high concentrations

of quartz, feldspar
and kaolinite.

I flunked Earth science, Abby.

It's river silt.

Yeah, which wasn't present

in anywhere near these levels

when I tested Lieutenant
Singer's uniform.

And that's because she
plunged into the river in January

and spent the next few
months packed in ice.

And it's only in the
last couple of weeks

the river's been raging
with the spring thaw.

Kicking up silt.

Yeah, this cover is
definitely a spring look.

There's no way it was
out there four months.

It's a plant.

Gibbs' gut was right.

We got the wrong man.

I love Naples.

If you're looking
for a restaurant...

Looks like the gray hull attack

is coming out of Tunis.

Got word of a money
transfer, $5 million

from Bin Atwa to the executor.

That puts it in the Western Med.


You need something.

You got people
in Tunis, we don't.

We locate Mohammed,
we'll take him down.

Attack's going to
be on a Navy asset.

We both take him down.

Complicated. Who gets credit?

You do.


Sir, you have a call on the VTC.

DiNOZZO: We got confirmation
from Abby on the cover.

It's definitely a plant.

We also got Rabb's
brother Sergei's

service record from Russia.

He's got the same
blood type as Rabb.

He's not the father, either.

So we went through Lieutenant
Singer's credit card history.

Traced her social life,

going back over the last year.

for the months at sea

starting last May,
every Wednesday,

the Lieutenant
had dinner for two.

Different restaurants,
but same time.

Question is, who with?

Do a canvass.

Already did.

We showed the
lieutenant's picture around.

We asked if anybody
recalled anything...

A face, a name dropped in
conversation, angry words...

This waiter at an
Italian restaurant

remembers an ugly incident.

Tiramisu turned
into a projectile.

He gave us enough to start
putting together a sketch.

He's our guy... somehow,
he got ahold of Rabb's cover.

Check the JAG security log.

Go back four weeks.

Compare the sketch
to service photos.

That's going to
be a lot of people.

Yeah, well, one of
them paid a visit to Rabb.

Look for someone
with an ax to grind.

Got it.

Tony, nail this guy fast.

I need your ass out here.


Bring whoever you need.

COLEMAN: Before we
start, I want you to know

I've advised my client
against this interview.

DINOZZO: As you know, your cover
was found near the scene of the crime.

You want to know

how it got there. We know.

It was planted.

Looks like you may be
off the hook, Commander.

did some checking into

Lieutenant Singer's love life.

She was seen having
dinner and drinks

with a sandy-haired man.

My brother, at Benzinger's Bar.

No, no, no. This guy was older.

And they never
met at Benzinger's.

Checked the JAG security
log. We've got a suspect.

We just need to know if
he had the opportunity.

That son of a bitch.

He did it right in front of me.

That's all we needed to know.

Thank you, Commander.

Tell Gibbs I owe him.

Back in Baltimore,

where I worked
homicide in a former life,

we had this case.

It sounds like a joke.
This gynecologist

walks into this strip club...

But it's true, I swear to God...

This gynecologist
goes to this club.

And he likes one
of the girls, right?

And she likes him enough,

she starts letting
him take her out.

Stuff happens.
Next thing you know,

the stripper is blackmailing
the gynecologist, right?

She threatens to tell his wife.

So, the gyno pays
two guys to k*ll her.

I'm really not one for jokes,

Agent DiNozzo.


Another story.

Locanda Orchidea.

I heard they have
a good veal piccata.

I wouldn't know.

White Horse Inn,
"Jacques' Bistro, Sammy's..."

You don't know them, either?




Your recent interviews
with JAG personnel.

In seven hours of conversation,

you mentioned
Lieutenant Singer 14 times.

You showed an unusual interest.

I was just doing my job.

The night Lieutenant
Singer was k*lled,

you cashed a $5,000 check

at Easy Al's Check Cashing.

The next day, you
deposited the money,

minus a $100 service charge,

back into your account.

Guess you didn't
need it, after all.

What are you doing looking
at my bank statements?

Did you have a warrant?

Because, if you
didn't have a warrant...

Oh, I got the warrant.

She need cash for an abortion?

Oh, wait. You're a family man.

What am I saying?

You've got a wife
and kids... beautiful.

It was hush money, right?

She was going to tell
that pretty wife of yours.

Is the joke over?

Because it wasn't very funny.

Bear with me.

It will be.

So, this gynecologist,

he has this stripper whacked.

Problem solved, right?


Guy gets nervous.

Sets it up so another doctor

at his practice...

A rival... looks
like the k*ller.

He plants evidence, and
it's a good idea, in theory.

But the finger comes
pointing back to him.

Rabb's supposed
to have lost his cover

during the struggle with Singer,

meaning it would have been
out there for four months,

but our tests show that it
was more like four weeks.

So, I checked the
JAG security log,

and what do you know?

A month ago, you were there

in Commander Rabb's office.

You know, technology's
an amazing thing.

We can pick up latent prints

that, a year ago, would
have gone undetected.

You know why I
always nail the doctors

and the lawyers?

They overthink.

End of joke.

You probably know
your Article 31 rights,

but I kind of like reading them.



The truth is, this
was all an accident.

Oh... hold up.

You're going to have
to explain that one.

The lieutenant threatened me.

She threatened my family.

We argued.

She turned to leave.

I-I tried to stop her.

I-I-I grabbed her.

We-we struggled.

She-she fell over the railing.

I was going to call for help,

but it was too late.

The river had taken her away.

And... I was... I
was just too scared.

It's a good story.

A couple small problems.

We found her blood on the bridge

where she "slipped"

and hit her head on the railing.

And I'm sure you
thought she was dead...

that you'd k*lled her.

Maybe you reached
for your phone,

but you had another idea.

Lieutenant Singer didn't fall

in the river, Commander...

She was thrown.

And she drowned, Commander.

And that was no accident.

By the way, we checked
the baby's blood type

against your service record.

Child wasn't yours.

million Bin Atwa forwarded

through the hawala
broker network

was picked up
four days ago, cash.

Signature... "K. Zahari."

You think Zahari is Hasan
Mohammed, our triggerman?

I don't know.

If the cash is moving,
the clock's ticking.

By the way, our skipper told me

your packages arrived

looking a little jet-lagged.

( chuckling): A little sleepy?

I got word that
Lindsey plead out.

Involuntary manslaughter.

Eight years in
Leavenworth. And get this.

Abby finally pulled
the destination off

Singer's plane ticket.

Designation wasn't "S-A-N."

It was "S-N-N." She
wasn't going to San Diego.

She was going to
Shannon, Ireland.

Shannon. Why?

Don't know.

Maybe to see the baby's father.

I mean, we know
it wasn't Lindsey.

Yeah. It wasn't
Rabb or his brother.

Still don't know who the dad is.

If it wasn't the
k*ller, who cares?

I've got the director, sir.

Put it up, Senior Chief.

Khalil Zahari listed as
the Director of the Institute

of Advanced
Oceanography in Tunis.

Institute's a
nonprofit, no assets,

apart from a 30-year-old
fishing trawler.

Until a few days
ago, when they bought

an unmanned submersible

Asking price: $5 million.

Took delivery 58
hours ago in Sorrento.

Give me a list of all
ports with naval assets

within a 58-hour
sail of Sorrento.


Too secure.

Cannes? Same thing.

A 30-year-old fishing
trawler's not enough boat

to ferry an unmanned

Run a list of all
research vessels leased

in the last year,

90 tons or more.

"Woods Hole,
National Geographic..."

Institute of Advanced
Oceanography leased

the Deep Blue Explorer,

Panama registry.

Check with the coastal cops.

See if they've submitted a
navigational plan. Aye, sir.

Spanish Coastal Civil Guard
Patrol has Deep Blue Explorer

charting a course for Cadiz.

Rota. A carrier pulled into Rota

this morning, on its
way home from the Gulf.

Hey, how's your Spanish?

( device beeps)

( speaking foreign language)

(powering up)

Get a shot of everyone,
tight as you can.

Let me know when
you get a match.

¿Señor, cuánto cuesta?

Seis cuarenta el kilo.

No, no, no. No. Es mucho.

Es el precio.


FEMALE TECH: Negative match.

Negative match.

We have a match. We got an I.D.

It's Mohammed.

Mohammed's the captain.

( grunts)

Move in.

Tengo sus provisiones.

No, no son para nosotros.

Señor, esta equivocado.

Hey! No son para nosotros.


Okay. Hey, hey!

Aquí el recibo.

Recibo, Señor. Get ready.

Viv? Viv, look at me.

It's too late, isn't it?

He ducked into the pilothouse.

Let's go.


( grunting)

( rapid g*nf*re)

( engine revving)

Secure the submersible!

Got it!

I'm sorry.

I almost blew it.


I still like you.