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08x16 - Heart and Soul

Posted: 06/17/23 05:54
by bunniefuu
Are you sure you want
to go through with this, sir?

Let's go.

All right.

What's with the bloating?

Uh, that's perfectly normal,

It's due to a reduction
in ambient pressure.

I suggest you expel
whatever gas you can

before the next

You're kidding.

I'll wait, sir.

Well, I'm a little
confined here.

( grunting, farting )

( grunting ):
All right.

Okay, here we go.

( grunting )

Admiral, you all right?

( grunts )

( Chegwidden yelling )

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Washington Center!

This is Navy 2-8-7-8!

I have an uncommanded ejection
of my backseater!

Eight complaints
of pilot disorientation, sir.

All investigated
and analyzed by Pax River.

They've determined
the F-14's

new Heads-Up Display
is the culprit.

Navy's case against
the contractor has
got to be airtight.

General Counsel's Office

is looking to me
for verification.

I'm looking to you.

Understood, sir.

So, walk me through
the, uh, specifics.

Well, sir, the HUD displays
the aircraft's attitude

during flight maneuver,
which in this case, uh,

the actual attitude
tended to lag

by a fraction
of a second.

How does this create

Admiral, a pilot uses
situational intelligence

to determine
where in space he is.

Two ways, peripherally--

where information
is channeled directly

into the subconscious mind--
and through forward vision,

via the HUD,
or Heads-Up Display--

where information
is channeled

to the conscious mind.

And, because the two minds
process data differently,

if there's a differential,

it can cause
a, uh, confused scenario,

whereby the pilot believes
he's in one position,

when, in fact,
he's in a slightly
different position.

I'm not visualizing.

Close your eyes, sir,
spin around and open them.


I'm just attempting
to demonstrate, Admiral.

( sighs )

Can this condition be recreated
in an airplane?

Pax River's done it, sir.

Well, I want you to do it
with me in the backseat.

Well, when's the last time
you went up in a 14, sir?


You don't think I can handle it?

No, no, sir.

If you, uh, if you think

it'll clarify things,

I do.

A ride will require
training, sir.

Low-pressure chamber test,

that type of thing.

Mmm, can you schedule me
one today?

I'll get right on it, sir.

What's this?

Happy Valentine's Day.

( laughs ):
You look surprised.

I wasn't expecting...

Guess I should
just open it, huh?


( romantic music playing )


Read the inscription.


"A woman would run through
fire and water

For such a kind heart."

Merry Wives of Windsor.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


( sighs )


And thank you.

Hope that's okay.

What? Of course.

I love chocolates.

So, where are we going?

Do you mind if we
stay in tonight?

I'm exhausted.

I, uh, had to
do this, um...

AP training all day.

What's that?

Uh, it's, uh,

flight preparation.

Commander Rabb's taking me up
in an F-14 tomorrow morning.

He's got to show
me this glitch

in the new
Heads-Up Display.

Sounds dangerous.

He knows how to control it.

Well... well,
maybe we can meet afterwards.

My afternoon's
jammed, you know?

I'm sorry; my schedule's
been crazy lately.

I'm just jealous.

I wish I were going up
with you.

Well, you're always with me.

( chuckles )

( branches cracking )

( Chegwidden grunting )

( groaning )

You dumb ass!

( tree creaking, grunts )

Washington Center!

This is Navy 2-8-7-8!

I have an uncommanded ejection
of my backseater!

Say again, 2-8-7-8.

My backseat punched out

about 120 miles south

of Martinsburg!

Transmission garbled, 2-8-7-8.

You're hearing wind stream--
I lost my canopy!

Cannot read you, 2-8-7-8.

Squawking emergency!

2-8-7-8, observing your
emergency squawk.

Clearing you
for immediate landing

at Martinsburg
Municipal Airport.

Click mike three times
for acknowledgment.

( three clicks )

( grunting )

( panting )

( zipper opening )

( transmitter beeping )

( panting )

( beeping continues )

( zipper opening )

( scoffs )

( groaning )

( panting )

I think he must've loosened

his lap belt, Colonel,
which would've caused him

to bang his head
into the canopy.

In his confusion,
he must've grabbed

the alternate ejection
seat handle, sir.

I-I... I take full
responsibility for
this, Colonel.

Your C.O. will insist on it.

It was my C.O. who
punched out, Colonel.

The Navy's Judge
Advocate General.

This is a remarkable story,

Sir, I'd like to be part of
the search and rescue team.

Pax River's already on it.

They're sending out
a SAR aircraft

with ground crew aboard.

Well, can you get me
over there, sir?

The doctor's cleared me.

You reported
where he punched out, Commander.

We'll take it from here.

I recommend you go back
to Falls Church.

We'll keep you posted.

Sir, I'd really like to be
on the helicopter.

You dumped a two-star

over the George Washington
National Forest, Commander.

Haven't you done enough?

( door closing )

( grunts )

( door opening )

Commander Rabb?

Airman Rodino, Motor Pool.

Got you a jacket, sir.

Colonel Skelly
also requisitioned
you transportation.

Got the vehicle
outside there.

There's no... chains
on the tires.

They're all being used, sir.

Well, I have a 90-mile drive
ahead of me, Airman.

We're doing
what we can, sir.

Well, do you have anything
in a four-wheel drive?

We've got two humvees, sir.

Are they covered?

One of them,
but it needs a tune-up.

I'll take it.

That's a wilderness area, Harm.

Do you have confirmation
he survived the ejection?

Mac, the admiral's
a former SEAL.

He knows his way around
a parachute.

You don't forget
your survival training.

( sighing ):
Yeah, well,

the area that he jumped into
is heavily forested.

He has his beacon
and smoke flares,

which he can set off
when he hears the helo rotors.

If they can see it
in this weather.

Anything I can do?

Well, we should
let Meredith know.

But don't tell anyone
at the office

until we have a better idea

what's going on, all right?


When do you expect to be back?

When I find him.

( wind whistling )

( grunting )

PILOT ( on radio ):
8-1-4-6-1 Tango.

Taxi to 23.

Clearance on request.

Roger, 6-1 Tango.

Be advised:
extreme low visibility.

You'll be on
instrumentation only.

Stand by for clearance.

( engine starts )

( grunting )

( hissing )

( grunting )

( water trickling )

Morning Light Control,
this is Nighthawk 2-1.

We have clearing conditions.

This is Morning Light.

We read you, 2-1.

How close are you
to the ejection site?

Ten clicks, sir.
We'll check back

when we're in range.
( turning dial )

♪ Where seldom is heard ♪

♪ A discouraging
( grunts ) word ♪

♪ And the skies... are not
cloudy... all day. ♪

( coyote howling )

( heavy sigh )

( grunting )

( groaning )

( ice cracking )


( cracking continues )

( hissing )

( frantic gasping )

( gasping )

Meredith. It's Mac.

Are you there?

Could you call me at the office?

The admiral...

It's important.

Just please get back to me
as soon as you can.


( shivering )


What do I got?

Okay, I-I got the beacon.

( beacon beeping )


( growling )

Morning Light,
this is Nighthawk 2-1.

We're at the site.

Have commenced
expanded search pattern.

2-1, this is Morning Light.

Have you located
the admiral's beacon yet?

That's a negative,
Morning Light.

Should be in range, 2-1.

If he's still where he ejected.

Meredith, just left a message
on your home machine.

Trying to reach you
on your cell.

It's important I hear from you.

There's a situation with...

( knocking )

Um, please get back to me.

Thank you.

Both counsels and the accused
are in the courtroom, ma'am.

( sighs )


Session's already
eight minutes late, Colonel.

Can you close the door?

I'm telling you this
in strict confidence

because I need someone
to monitor things

and follow through
while I'm in session.

You are not to utter a word
of this to anyone in the office

until I say so.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

( sighs )

It concerns Admiral Chegwidden.

I need you to keep me apprised
of his situation.

And we have
to reach Meredith Cavanaugh.

Understood, ma'am.

Is the admiral all right?

Yet to be determined.

( wind whistling )

( raspy ):
I don't get it.

You're too calm about this.

I knew you'd make it out.

There were concerns.

I know.

I was wet, I lost my fire,
threat of animals.

But look at you.

Not a scratch.

Must have been blessed.

You still are.

Had this with me.

Took it on the flight.

I didn't think
you liked it.

Oh, I liked it.

I was embarrassed by it.

It was such a clear
demonstration of how you felt,

and all I could come up with
is a damn box of chocolates?

I didn't care.

Yes, you did.

All right.

I was a little surprised
at the impersonality
of your gift.

You had every right to be.

Was it because you didn't know

how to demonstrate
your feelings?

Or because
they weren't strong enough?

This is a "judge alone"

As agreed,

there will be no Members present

at any time
during the proceedings.

Does the Government wish to make
an opening statement?

Yes, Your Honor.

Petty Officer
Matthew Cantrell,

an Interior Communications

aboard the destroyer
USS Callahan

is charged with placing
a miniature video camera

in the junction box
of the enlisted female head.

This is in violation
of Article 134,

conduct prejudicial
to good order and discipline.

The Government will show
that the accused

was responsible for
requisitioning the equipment

from the base
photo lab.

The stated purpose
was for the examination

of hard-to-reach
electrical conduits,

but, in fact, was intended
for this installation only.

The Petty Officer's motives
were clearly prurient,

and a direct invasion
of the privacy

of his female shipmates.

Lieutenant Roberts,
does the defense

desire to proceed, or reserve
its opening statement?

We'd like to make them now,
Your Honor.

Defense will show
that Petty Officer Cantrell

is wrongly accused
of the offense.

Now, while he may have
placed the camera
in the female head,

it was directly in furtherance
of the inspection program.

We contend that, actually,
the movement of the ship

changed the camera angle,

thus exposing the Petty Officer
to suspicion.

( sighs )

Thank you.

Coates, have you heard
from the admiral?

I was expecting him back
from his flight an hour ago.

He's got a conference call
in six minutes.

I don't know
what to do.

I'd say cancel
for the moment,

and tell them you'll call
as soon as he arrives.

Yeah. I'm a little worried.

Can't reach him
on his cell.

Commander Rabb's
not returning either.

I'll keep my ear
to the ground.

I'm going to call Pax River,
see what's up.

Uh, I'll call them.

It's okay, I've got the number
on speed dial.

Tiner, I have information
about the admiral.

You weren't going to tell me?

I was ordered not to.

I'm his yeoman, Coates.

That's why I'm making
this exception.

Has something happened
to the admiral?

You need to promise me
not to say anything

until the information
is officially disclosed.

Master Chief Andre,

is Petty Officer Cantrell
under your supervision?

Yes, sir, he's one
of my IC petty officers.

And would you tell us
what you encountered

on the evening
of 7 January?

I left the duty
log in the IC,

returned to pick it up.

When I walked in,

I noticed the image
of a toilet on one
of the monitors.

It was clear
to me a camera

had been trained
on one of the heads.

When I got closer,
I saw, on the screen,

an enlisted female
enter the area.

What was she doing?

Preparing to use
the facilities, sir.

Was anyone other than you
in the IC?

Petty Officer Cantrell
entered shortly after.

Was he on watch at the time?

Yes, sir.

Did you ask him about it?

Loudly, sir.

What was his answer?

He said he had mounted the
camera in the junction box

to check the existence
of mice in the conduits,

and that it had popped
out of position.

Did you believe him?

No, sir.


Well, I realize mice
are a problem, sir.

They tend to gnaw
at the wiring

which can create
a fire hazard,

but what I
didn't understand

was why the camera
was being used

to view such
a small area.

And even if that
could be explained,

why couldn't it have
been properly secured

at the correct angle
to begin with?

Why wasn't he
at his place of duty?

He claimed he'd gone out
to get some duct tape

so he could correct
the problem.

And did he have tape
with him at the time?

Yes, sir.


Thank you.

That will be all.

Master Chief Andre,

did Petty Officer Cantrell
give you an excuse

for why he did not
have duct tape on his person?

He said he couldn't
find any, sir.

And did he give you a reason
for the videotape?


Did you ever see
Petty Officer Cantrell

watching what was
on the monitors?

No, sir.

So, in fact, aren't you
the only one who was doing so?

Excuse me, Lieutenant?

Well, if proof of wrongdoing
is based on the intention

to view the private acts
of female personnel,

then aren't your actions,
Master Chief,

the ones that apply here?

Objection, Your Honor.
This is clearly argumentative.


Confine questions of culpability
to the accused, Counselor.

Master Chief,
did you not authorize

the requisition for this camera?


No further questions.

Damn it, Admiral,
where are your flares?

( gasps )

( growling )

We got something.

Marking the coordinates.

Morning Light,
this is Nighthawk 2-1.

We have a fix
on the beacon.

( growling )



2-1 to Morning Light.

We have a dimming beacon.

Initial indication, 2-1?

Our man is definitely
on the move.

What's going on, 2-1?

Well, sir, either the Admiral's
a world-class sprinter

or he's just found himself
a snowmobile.

( barking in distance )

( helicopter approaching )

We've lost his signal.

We're out of contact.

( groaning )

( indistinct
radio communication )

( turns off engine )

( helicopter approaching )

MAN ( on radio ):
...Exit 74, making
outdoor activities dangerous.

( helicopter flies overhead )


Admiral, it's Harm!

( phone ringing )

Lieutenant Colonel MacKenzie.

Mac, I found
the Admiral's campsite.

He's gone.

You think he's been rescued?

No. I can hear the helos.

They're still looking for him.

Where would he go?

Well, there's two scenarios--

one I won't consider.

What does that mean?

I have tracks.

I think he's moved on.

Call Pax River.

Let them know that I'm here

and what I've found.

And give them
these coordinates:

Latitude 38 degrees,
nine minutes

16 seconds north,

longitude 78 degrees,
five minutes,

51 seconds west.

And wish me luck, okay?


( dial tone )

( sighs )

( turns key,
engine sputters )

Tiner, is the
Admiral back yet?

No, ma'am.

I need
to talk to him.

I'll put you on
the list, Lieutenant.

Before the end
of the day, please.

No promises, ma'am.

Does he have a lot
on his plate?

Not exactly.

Well, is he coming back
at all?

I'm hoping.

When will you know
for sure?

As soon as I hear back
search and rescue.

Did I say what I think
I just said, ma'am?

Talk to me, Tiner.

Only if you make me
a promise, Lieutenant.


Be seated.

Petty Officer, may I remind you
that you're still under oath.

Yes, ma'am.


Petty Officer McCurdy,

do you know
Petty Officer Cantrell?

He's in the rack
above me, sir.

He ever mention
a particular video
installation to you?

Yes, sir. He told me that he
placed a miniature camera

in the female head.

Did he ask if you wanted to see
the video output?

Yes, sir. I refused.


Because it's sick, sir,
and totally against regulations.

Thank you.

Petty Officer, have you ever
known Petty Officer Cantrell

to be lascivious?

He likes the women, sir.

But has he ever
mentioned anything
like this before?

Uh, no, not that
I can recall, sir.

Did he tell you
what you'd be viewing?

No, sir, but it's
pretty obvious.

To you.

To anyone, Lieutenant.

I'd appreciate it if you speak
for yourself, Petty Officer.

To me, sir.

Is that because
you have

a particular interest
in the subject matter?


You're reaching, counselor.

Your Honor, I'm just trying
to impeach

the Petty Officer's assumptions.

You're getting


Sorry, ma'am.

You assumed he meant
for you to witness

the private acts

of female shipmates,
is that correct?
Yes, sir.

It couldn't
have been

that he was asking you
as an electrician's mate,

to help monitor the wiring

coming out of that
junction box?

I don't think so, sir.

Why not?

'Cause it makes no sense to me.

But peeping
on female shipmates does?

Your Honor.


Why would I take
your gift along

if I was trying
to avoid its message?

And your answer?

I guess,

I wanted a part
of you with me.

It's almost as if I knew
I'd be needing you.

Apparently you did.


Do I get a thank you?

Thank you.

Better than chocolate.

You have no idea
how cold I was.

My senses were on overload.

Not enough, I assume,

to cancel out
the rescue helicopter.

( helicopter approaching )

( weakly ):
I'm here.

( beeping fades )

I'm here, damn it!

Nighthawk 2-1,
Morning Light.

What's your status?

Based on the information
from Commander Rabb,

we think
he's in the canyon below.

Can you insert your SAR team?

The canyon walls
are too tight,

and we're dancing
with some high winds.

Is there a better zone

At the canyon mouth,
three miles north.

All right, set your team
down there,

have them walk in.

Remain at the ready
for extraction.

Copy that.

Where you going now, damn it?!

Where the hell
is that damn flare?

( metallic clicking )

We'll take a short recess.

Uh... uh, again,
Your Honor?

We've hardly had
any court time.

Do you anticipate the end

of the world, Lieutenant?

No, Your Honor.

It's not promising, ma'am.

The helos lost contact.

They're putting a team
on the ground.

How close are they?

They're not sure, ma'am.

Any word from
No, Colonel.

Where is
Commander Rabb now?

He's out of range.
I can't reach him.

That's unacceptable,
Petty Officer.

I'm doing my best, ma'am.

( sighing ):
Yes, I'm sure you are.

I'm sorry.

You know, I don't know
what to do.

Should I say something?

It's a hard call, Colonel.

Let's keep it quiet
for the moment,

see if we get
some better news.

( echoing ):

( groaning )

( grunts )

Your Honor,

I'd like to call Petty Officer
Cantrell to the stand.


Raise your right hand, please.

Do you swear that the evidence
you shall give in the case

now in... hearing...
shall be the truth,

the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth?

So help me God, sir?


I do, sir.

Petty Officer,

are you aware of the severity
of this violation?

I am, sir.

It's deeply offensive
to women.

Actually, to anyone
who values privacy.

And the fact that you're
being accused of this.

I know what it looks like,

and I would probably assume
I was guilty

if I didn't know better.

What happened?

It's a misunderstanding, sir.

I would never consciously
do something like this.

In fact, my intentions were

to benefit the women
aboard ship.

In what way?

Well, sir, there's a lot
of wiring to inspect.

I chose a female head first

because I was concerned
for their welfare.

The idea of them having to deal
with an electrical fire

while being in
a compromising position.

( scoffs )

Your Honor?


Is there a problem?


May I continue?


So, your reasons were
practical and considerate.

Yes, sir.

The last thing I intended
was to be a Peeping Tom.

I was taught to

respect the female body.

What was that?

Sorry, ma'am?

You were taught to respect
females or the female body?

Which one did I say, ma'am?

The second.

I was taught to show respect
for the opposite sex, ma'am.

Or is it just sex?

Your Honor,
is there a reason why

you're questioning my witness?

Because I can, Counselor.

May we approach?


Colonel, I can't
help feeling

that you're displaying a
bias against my client.

Your client is stretching the
limits of credulity, Lieutenant.

I understand
that you're enjoying

being back
in a lead-counsel role,

but frankly, I'm disappointed
with your strategy.

It's a legitimate
strategy, ma'am.

It's creative,
I'll give you that.

Given that this session

is nearly over anyway,

I suggest we call it a day

and you have a conversation
with your opposition.

About what, ma'am?

About options other than
taking this case to verdict.

But, ma'am...

Bud, look at my face.

Do you see anything there

that suggests I'm in
a malleable frame of mind?



Stay in one place.

Don't make it the Colonel's
problem, Lieutenant.

You had a tough hill
to climb.

Fortunately, I'm here
to offer you a hand.

Yeah, well,
do me a favor,

keep it away
from my neck, okay?

No, no, my deal is fair,
considering her verdict

would likely be
a bad-conduct discharge

and significant brig time.

I recommend
five months confinement

with discharge as adjudged.

Two months confinement,
no discharge.

I'll give you the two months,
but the petty officer goes.

Well, he wants to stay in.

Did you take a good look
at that tape, Lieutenant?


Why keep this guy
in the Navy?

Punitive discharge,
no confinement.

Hey, sweetie.

What's wrong?

The fire was burning down,
everything else was gone.

this was all I had left.

And thanks to you,
it's all I needed.

I apologize for not making
this announcement earlier,

but I was hoping
for a resolution.

In lieu of that, I have some
alarming news about the admiral.

They haven't found him yet?


But Commander Rabb
is on his trail, correct?

Any concerns about
the commander, ma'am?

Should there be?

We understand
they found

an empty humvee
at the drop zone.

Well, I hadn't heard that.

I was just about
to brief you, ma'am.

Is there anyone here that knows
less than I do, Petty Officer?

Yes. Me.

( growling )

( whimpers softly )

( panting )

You're worse off than me, huh?

( whimpers )

You belonged to somebody,
didn't you?

What'd they do,
dump you out here?

( whimpers and pants )

What? Did you hear something?

( whimpering )

Wait a minute.

I'm going where you're going.

I was presenting a paper nearby

at a literary symposium,

and when I finally turned
my cell phone back on,

I had received
four messages from you.

You're aware the Admiral

went up in an F-14
with Harm this morning?

They crashed?

No, no, he...
he inadvertently ejected

over George Washington
National Forest.

They haven't
found him yet.


I wish I had better news.

Oh, you do.

Anything other than
"he's dead" is better news.

There's no guarantee
he's alive, Meredith.

You doubt that he is?

I'm concerned.

He's fine.

There's nothing to worry about.

How can you be so sure?

Because he would expect
nothing less

than complete faith from me.


( echoing ):

( groaning )

( coughing )

( sighs )

Sorry, Meredith.

( wind whistling )

( banging and clattering )

( snow plow passing by )

( music playing,
people talking )

Hey, there's a Navy Admiral
wandering the woods out there.

I'm looking to put together
a search party.

I'm offering a reward.

Can you help?

Unit 22, respond
to injury accident...

( conversing indistinctly )

Is he bad off?

No, ma'am, but he'll need to
be hospitalized for testing.

Let me talk to her.
Let me talk to her.


how's my Boy Scout?

Thanks for the help.

What did I do?

You made me pay attention.

I'm not sure
what you mean,

but, uh, I like
the way it sounds.

I love you.

Do I need to repeat that?


I love you.

You're just grateful

to be alive.

Wait until the
euphoria has passed.


Listen to me.

I had to run through
fire and water

to get to the feelings
I have.

You going to back away
from that?

I love you, too.

Um... something else
I got to tell you.


It, um, it can't be
just the two of us anymore.

What? What do you mean?

I'm involved
with another female.


( whimpers )