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08x01 - Critical Condition

Posted: 06/17/23 05:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Jag...

Nice of them to invite
us to groundbreaking, sir.

Well, we did give them
money for a new school.

Which we blew up.


Oh, my God; aren't
there mines out there?

Maybe they've cleared them, sir.

Go get someone from the village.

Right away, sir.
Hey! Hey, little buddy!

Hey! Whoa, whoa!

No! Don't, don't move.

It's okay.

No. D-don't... don't move.

Someone help me! I need help!

Over here! Over here!

Oh, God.


I've been hit.

Lieutenant... it's Coates.

You're going to be okay.

S-save... th-the boy.

The boy's okay.

He's okay, Lieutenant.

Oh, God!

It's dirt... guys swallow it
sometimes when they get shelled.

I radioed for a medevac.

It'll be here in ten.

No time, we'll use our helo.

He needs a medevac... with
proper equipment, a corpsman.

He's got to go now, Sergeant!

Hang on, Lieutenant.

In light of the recent threats,

U.S. forces remain

pursuing remnants of the
shattered Taliban regime

and fleeing Al Qaeda.

With the latest on
the w*r on terror,

I'm Stuart Dunston,
live from Afghanistan.

Let's go, let's go; he's
losing a lot of blood!

What happened?

Stepped on a land mine.

Lieutenant Roberts?

Land mine injury with traumatic
amputation; right lower leg.

Get him on the table,
let's have a look.

Take this up.

We got it.

Lost a lot of blood.

The gurney's over here.

He's in shock.

Corporal, get an I.V.

Unconscious, but
pupils are reactive.

Airway's clear, breathing's
labored but steady

Gonna have to clean
this up Give me six of O2,

ringer's wide open,
and two units of O-neg.

And I need tubes for
the nose and hose.

Sawyer, start a dopamine drip.

Thermazine dressing, sir?

Double time.

Starting my cut.

How are his vitals?

Systolic's 60, heart rate 145.

Removing foreign materials.

Sticks and stones
and bits of bones.

Give me a saline wash.

You heard him; get on it.

Removing blood clot

cloth from the uniform.

Systolic is 63, heart rate 136.

What's his name?

Lieutenant Roberts.

Systolic's dropping.

Come on, Lieutenant
Roberts... get with the program.

Who is it?


Uh, just a second.

Come on, Mac, what
are you doing? Open up.

Uh, packing.

Well, open up; let me help.

I'm also dressing.

I can help with that, too.

Put you on a carrier

and you revert to...


a truly considerate
fellow officer.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I was going to pick these
up on the way to the COD.

Sturgis is heloing in
from the Watertown.

I thought you might like

to join me on the flight deck

in giving him a hero's welcome.

What's the problem?

Oh, I... I only have
room for one book.

You sure you can't
fit them both in?

No, I'm packed too tight.

I only have room for one.

Nelson De Mille, huh?


Tom Clancy.

They're both bookmarked
halfway through.

Yeah, I'm reading
both at the same time.

You're kidding.

Sometimes I read five
or six books at once.

What's wrong with that?

Well, nothing except

when you can't fit
'em in your luggage.

Can you take one?

I'm packed as
tightly as you are.

I know.


Just take the halves
you haven't read.

Come on, we got to
go... Throw your shoes on.

Mr. Secretary,

you had intelligence on
a potential t*rror1st strike

against the Seahawk
carrier group, did you not?

Yes, sir.

You then mounted an operation
spearheaded by JAG officers

to thwart that attack?

Yes, sir... a successful
operation, Senator.


You did not bring in
senior Naval Intelligence

or CIA personnel as part of
that operation, is that correct?

Not during the initial
investigation, no, sir.

Lieutenant, we're about to be

in the middle of an
old-fashioned witch hunt.

Surely they're
not hunting us, sir?

Don't you hear
the hounds baying?

A breaking news story

from our correspondent
Stuart Dunston in Afghanistan.

Marie, I'm at a Marine
base camp in Kandahar

where there's
been a new casualty

in the w*r on terrorism.

A JAG officer has
been critically injured

by a land mine.

JAGs are here to
advise commanders

on rules of engagement.

Not someone you'd
expect to see as a casualty.

Land mines aren't
selective, Marie.

We'll have more for you
on this story as it develops.

Now we continue with our...



The admiral would
like to see you.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Have a seat.

Something wrong, sir?

The news has just reported

that a JAG officer was
injured in Afghanistan.

Now, before you go jumping

to any conclusion here,
remember Bud's aboard

the Seahawk along with
Rabb and MacKenzie.

There's a number of Army
and Air Force JAGs in-country.

Bud's all right, sir.

I mean, don't people just know

when someone they're
really close to gets hurt?

Harriet, as soon as
I learn something,

you'll be the first to know.

Thank you, sir.

I wouldn't worry if I were you.

The JAG officer was
injured by a land mine.

Land mine?

Well, then it couldn't
be Bud... He's at sea.

Most of the time.

And I bet they toasted
you in all three wardrooms

after that stunt you
pulled on Friday.

You were on a sub. How'd you
know Harm flew that mission?

I heard a Naval aviator

got a cruise m*ssile up his 6:00

and had to fly halfway to
India to run it out of fuel.

Only Superman here
would be fool enough

to pull a stunt like that.

Yeah, well I bet Alec Baldwin
would have nailed that sub

before it launched a m*ssile.

Hey, Harm... we tried.

That sub got a
m*ssile off just as we...

Who told you about Alec Baldwin?

Lieutenant Singer
told everyone at JAG

you convinced the Action Group

that you were Alec Baldwin.

Well, actually, she said
it was Sean Connery,

but Harriet knew who she meant.

Yeah, Harriet e-mailed Bud.

That's how we
found out about it.

But I'm sure with Singer's
mouth, half of DC knows by now

you think you're Alec Baldwin.

Or Sean Connery.

I will strangle that
lieutenant when we get back.

Well, you have at
least 18 hours to wait.

We're in a COD
to Bahrain at 1700

and then a commercial jet to DC.

Hardly gives me time to
report aboard, let alone shower.

By the way, where's
Lieutenant Roberts?

In-country at a
school dedication.

Probably having
the time of his life.

All right, hustle up.

Be careful with the
I.V. and the blood bag.

You got it.
Lieutenant, it's Coates.

I'm with you.

Petty Officer, you
can't go with them.

Watch me!

Petty Officer, come with me.

JAG on the bridge.

JAGs reporting as ordered, sir.

At ease.

Lieutenant Roberts has
been injured in Afghanistan.

He stepped on a land mine.

How serious is it, Skipper?

His injuries are too severe

to risk airlifting
him to Germany.

Well he be heloed
here or to the LHA, sir?

Guadalcanal... her facilities
and doctors are in place

for just this type
of ground injury.

Request an immediate helo

to the Guadalcanal,
sir... for the three of us.

Commander, you are
all under orders to travel.

Your COD leaves for
Bahrain in less than an hour.

I know how close you
are to the lieutenant...

there's simply not enough time.

Sir... Understood.

Permission to
leave the bridge, sir?


Harm, we can't leave not
knowing if Bud's going to make it.

Orders are orders, Mac.

Until they're changed.

Admiral, it's Commander
Rabb aboard the Seahawk, sir.

Tell me it wasn't Bud.

Damn it.



Commander, I, I
can't spare all of you.

One can stay as a...
Seahawk JAG to rep...

replace Roberts.

Decide who that'll be
and keep me informed.

Have you given much
thought to your career...

Specifically, your
next duty assignment?

I can get you orders to a ship

or overseas shore duty.

Either assignment
will be a step up for you

and put you on an
excellent career path.

I like it here, sir.

Harriet and I are talk...

Lieutenant Sims and I are
talking about buying a house...

A.J. loves his preschool.

Things change, Lieutenant.

Mission statements change
and we change with them...

or get left behind.



Ask Lieutenant Sims
to come see me, please.


Sorry, sir.

Aye, aye, sir.


One of us is to remain
on board to fill Bud's billet.

The original orders
stand for the other two.

Who stays?

That's up to us.

You've both known
Bud longer; I'll go.

So, you want to flip for it?

No, you can have Bud's billet.

You sure you don't want to flip?

Hey, you, uh... Positive.

You give Bud my best, huh?

Yeah, will do.

Harm, let's go.

I'm not going.

I thought you just said

that I was staying
as acting JAG.

You are.

Then what are you doing?

He's disobeying orders.

No, no, no... If
you're not going,

you're taking Bud's place.

Fine; give Harriet a hug
for me, then, will you?

I'm not leaving.

Then you're acting JAG.

Not unless you're on that COD.

I can't do it, Mac.
Neither can I.

You two hear yourselves?

Look, I'm not going to let
you throw your career away

by disobeying a direct order.

And I won't let you play
Superman this time, Harm.

This, this is sheer lunacy.

I'm out of here.

Yes, sir?

The injured JAG is Bud.

He's alive...

they're treating him.

How badly is he hurt, sir?


he's in critical condition.

He's lost a leg.

I've got Lieutenant Bud Roberts.

He's lost a leg.

Breathing's labored.

Pulse 135.

Pressure 90/60

and dropping fast...

Get the bag out and...

Tiner will drive you home.

That's quite all right, sir.

The baby-sitter's there.

I have a lot of work to do.


you go home to your son.

I'd drive you myself,

but Singer and I
are due to testify

in front of the Senate
hearings in 20 minutes.

Sir, I am perfectly capable
of driving myself home.

Yes, you are, but you will not.

You will give your keys to Tiner

and he will get
your vehicle to you.

Thank you, sir. You're welcome.

Trying to save the
life of an Afghan child.

Turn this up.

I'm standing at the very
spot where Lieutenant Roberts

was injured by a land mine.

It's now been cleared
by Army engineers,

but earlier today,

it was a deadly
trap for the unwary.

Lieutenant Roberts was
coming here to represent the Navy

at the ground-breaking
for a school

to replace one
destroyed in the w*r.

On his way to that
ceremony, he saw a boy...

This boy... Kareem
Yusefi, playing in the field.

Having been warned that
only the road was free of mines,

Lieutenant Roberts assumed
Kareem was in grave danger

and attempted to
extract him from the field.

In doing that, he
stepped on a mine.

Ironically, like all the locals,

Kareem knew the precise
location of these mines.

He was never in danger at all.

Pressure dropping.

Breathing labored.
Where's anesthesia?

On his way, ma'am.

Well, we have to intubate now.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

Pressure's 90/64.

I've got bleeding
from the good leg

and the bad one. Then stop it.

Yes, ma'am.

ET tube.

You're bagging, Scotty.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

Heart rate dropping, ma'am.

All right, we're set.

Let's a get a look
at those pipes.


I've got edema.

Airways closing. Suction?

Systolic is 80. Pulse, 102.

15 liters, O2.

Dopamine drip.

Anesthesia's here.

Who's our guest?

Lieutenant Bud Roberts.

JAG officer from the Seahawk.

How did a JAG get
his leg blown off?

Stepped on a mine.

Take him down, Lieutenant.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

Five of versed.

BP 76/58.

That sucks. Increase dopamine
to seven mics per minute.

Aye, aye, ma'am. Ten blade.

All right, boys and girls.

The name of the
game is amputate.

We want a nice, shapely
stump when we're done.

Let's hit it.

How is he?

Bad, sir.

Having trouble breathing.

And last I saw,
his blood pressure

was dropping.

How long ago was
that? About an hour.

Well, if they hadn't
gotten it under control,

we'd know about it by now.

I had my back to him
when I heard the expl*si*n.

When I got to him, he
was covered with blood

and his right leg was gone.

I put on a tourniquet,

but it wouldn't stop bleeding.

All I could do was
get him out to the helo

as fast as possible.

Well, it sounds like you
saved his life, Petty Officer.

Not if he doesn't make it.

He'll make it.

He'll make it.

I was, uh...

wondering if you
could look at something

in Commander Rabb's office.

Commander Rabb's office?

Yeah. It's a, uh...

I have... uh...

I want your opinion on a
question of, uh, protocol.


Is everything, okay, Bud?

You're acting a little
weirder than usual.

Uh, you'd be
acting weird, too, if...

you had this in your pocket.

Bud, I don't think this
is the time or the place...


Are-are you going to open it?

It's so...


It's-it's empty.

There's... It's empty.


It's not the Hope
diamond, but...







Any word on Bud?
Oh, nothing new.

I tried to call you.

Admiral Chegwidden called me

at Annapolis and arranged
an emergency leave.

I got here as soon as I could.

Can I come in?

Yes. I'm sorry.

This is nice.

Thank you.

Uh, I-I wanted
to talk to Big Bud.

I haven't been
able to reach him.

You know, I couldn't
get him, either,

but don't worry.

He'll turn up.

I just hope he
didn't see it on TV.

I mean, it's better when
someone you know tells you.

I don't why.

Maybe-maybe to soften the blow

or something like that.

Although, I don't know

how you soften the blow
of something like that.

I mean, I think
the Admiral tried to.

Or maybe he just
said it straight out.

I don't... I'm not...

Harriet? Sure.

He called me into his office.

Actually, Tiner called
me into his office

and then the Admiral told me
that Bud was the injured JAG.

And then, I don't
know what happened.

I think it just... Harriet.

I was in a daze, and I just

walked out the door, and then...

And then I just
ran... I ran into that

bitch Singer, and
she was just smirking.

She was smirking, and I-I think

that she's glad that it happened

because then that will put her
over Bud in the promotion list.


I'm wiped out.

Would you... would you mind

giving me a cup of coffee?

Of course.

I'm sorry.

How do you take it?

Black would be great.

State your names
for the record, please.

Rear Admiral A.J.
Chegwidden, sir.

Lieutenant Loren Singer, sir.

We'll begin with you,
Lieutenant Singer.

Uh, what's your duty assignment?

JAG Headquarters, sir.

You're an attorney?

Yes, sir.

Were you recently assigned to
the Arabian Sea Action Group

to handle an investigation
into a potential attack

lead by an Al Qaeda
t*rror1st named Kabir?

Yes, sir.

I was assigned to assist
Admiral Chegwidden.

And it's my understanding
that you coordinated

all the intelligence
data and the reports

from the investigators
on the scene.

I performed to the best
of my ability, Senator.

Do you have any prior experience

in intelligence analysis?

No, sir, but I'm accustomed
to learning new information

on each case and
integrating them

into my arguments.

I'm sure you are, Lieutenant,

but that doesn't address
the real question here.

You were untrained and
untested in intelligence work

yet you held a pivotal
role in the Action Group.

Yes or no?

Yes, sir.

Are you a trained
intelligence analyst,


No, sir, but as a former SEAL,

I have training and experience
in intelligence gathering.

Would you say your SEAL training
and experience is ten years old?


At least 15, sir.

So, you're rusty

and she's brand new.

On whose orders were the two
of you placed at the vanguard

of nuclear crisis?

Secretary of the Navy... sir.

When's the last
time you ate, Coates?

I'm fine, sir.

Why don't you down the mess hall

and grab something to eat?

Sir, really, I'm-I'm not hungry.

It's not a suggestion,
Petty Officer.

It's an order.

Are you not hearing me?

Yes, sir.

With all due respect,
sir, I'm wondering

why you can disobey an order

over your concern
for Lieutenant Roberts

and I can't, sir?

Why don't we, uh,
eat in shifts, Coates?

You go first, and then
you can relieve one of us.

All right? I'll-I'll come for
you if we hear anything.

Sounds like a plan, ma'am.

You know what ticks me off?

That she's right.

That she ignored me
and listened to you.

Marines have command presence.

Just once I'd like you
not to have a comeback.

I don't have one to Bud dying.

You're not going to need one.

He's going to be okay.

Foreign matter here, ma'am.

A quarter and two dimes.

He's running a fever, ma'am.

101. Could be infection.

Give him six million
units of penicillin stat.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

I'm on it.

How are those tendons?

Repairing the last of them.

Let me see.

That's good, that's good.

Redo that one. Yes, ma'am.

I thought it was
a little gnarly.

Scotty, you're not allowed
to say "gnarly" outside

of California and if you
knew that repair was poor,

you should have fixed it.

Yes, ma'am. It
won't happen again.

I need some irrigation.
Aye, aye, ma'am.

Scotty, clamp that.

Hurry up. Got it, Commander.

More vascular clamps.

Flying in, ma'am.


90/40. Pulse 120.

He's getting weaker.

Come on, Lieutenant Roberts.

You think he'll make it, ma'am?

I wouldn't put money on it.

Lieutenant Roberts

is resting comfortably,

but he's still in
critical condition.

He's made it this far.

Why wouldn't he
make it all the way?

He sustained a great
deal of trauma in the field

and more when we amputated.

Amputated what, ma'am?

He'd already lost his leg.

We had to remove
muscle and tissue

that couldn't be
saved, Petty Officer.

How much?

Just under the knee for now.

For now, ma'am?

If the blood flow can't
sustain the muscle and tissue

we left around the amputation,

then we'll have
to do a revision.

So, he could lose his whole leg.

We're conservative
in our approach.

We remove as little as
possible and wait and see.

Well, how long do you wait?

We'll know in an
hour if we have to do

a revision, and how
extensive it will be.

I hope we can save the knee

because it will facilitate
his rehabilitation

if he survives.

When he survives.

Don't give up on him, Doctor.

I'm not.

I'm just giving you the
reality of the situation.

Can, uh, we see him?

In a little while.

Ensign Viodine
will tell you when.

If you'll excuse me.

She doesn't think

he's going to make it.

No, she doesn't.

Tiner, where's the
change of orders

for the Seahawk JAG?

I don't have it yet, sir.

Y-you don't have the paperwork,
or you don't know who stayed?

It's not Commander Turner, sir.

He called; he's on his way back.


That's my understanding, sir.

Damn it, I'll skin them.

Sir, Commander Turner said

Colonel MacKenzie
and Commander Rabb

couldn't decide which one
should take the JAG billet.

So, they both stayed.

Yes, sir.

Draw up charges for
disobeying a direct order.


You want to join them, Tiner?

No, sir.

What? Sir,

which one do I charge?

Both of them!

Aye, sir.

What is it, Tiner?

Admiral, I was just thinking.

Legally, I believe
only one of them

has disobeyed an order.


you have a point.

Thank you, sir.

You graduate law school
this year, don't you?

Hopefully, sir.

Staying with us?

Yes, sir.

Well, then, Tiner, why
don't you make your first

legal decision.

You decide which one to charge.

Me, sir?

That's right, Tiner, you.


Aye, aye, sir.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Keep your eyes on the
road next time, Petty Officer.

Aye, aye, ma'am.

I'm very sorry.

Why do you have
a Practice Guide?

I have an assignment, ma'am.

From the Admiral.

A legal assignment?

Yes, ma'am.

What is it?

It concerns Commander
Rabb and Colonel MacKenzie.

The Admiral said one of them
could stay on board the Seahawk

and, well, actually, at
first, Commander Turner

was included, too, but he
volunteered to come back to JAG,

which left only Commander
Rabb and Colonel MacKenzie to...

Tiner. Ma'am?

Cut to the chase.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, between Commander
Rabb and Colonel MacKenzie,

one was to return to Washington

and one was to stay on board
the Seahawk as temporary JAG.

What's the problem?

They both stayed, ma'am.

One of them disobeyed
a direct order?

Yes, ma'am, and
Admiral Chegwidden

has ordered me to decide
which one to charge.

Which one's senior?

Uh, Lieutenant Colonel
MacKenzie by two months, ma'am.

Then charge Commander Rabb.

You cannot go wrong
charging a junior officer.

We've got some nice pink here.

A little blue...
That's just bruising.

Uh, this is not good.

Purple areas.

Definitely going necrotic.

It is pretty few and far
between, Commander.

It spreads.

Dead tissue breeds dead tissue.

Is he strong enough for
more surgery, ma'am?

He doesn't have a choice.

I'm going to go get some coffee.

Ma'am, would you like any?

Black, please.


Coffee, sir?

No... uh, thanks.

She's exhausted.

Mr. Roberts, do you
know the military protocol

for entering a vehicle
with a senior officer?

Sir, yes, sir.

One of the first things
I learned at NROTC.

When entering a vehicle
with a senior officer,

the junior officer enters first

and the senior officer last
so, when exiting the vehicle,

the senior officer
can exit first

and the junior officer last.

You are the junior officer, Bud.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Ma'am, sir,
Commander Ferraro says

you may see the
Lieutenant for five minutes

before we operate.


We have to do a revision.

Hey, Bud.



You're doing good, Bud.

You are.

Just great.



Harriet that I love her.

No. You tell her.

Little A.J.'s sleeping
so restlessly.

It's as if he knows.

I understand, sir.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

That was Commander Rabb.

He spoke to Bud

and Bud said to say
that he loves you.

Oh, thank God.

What? Is there more?

They have to amputate
more of his leg.


Some of the tissue isn't
getting enough blood,

so they need to
take a little more.

How much more?!

They're trying to save his knee.

But Commander Rabb
has a lot of confidence

in the surgeon.

W-well, what if they
can't save his knee?

What if they have to
take off his whole leg?

And how much more stress
can he take in critical condition?

Harriet, Bud's strong.

He'll make it.

You don't know that!

Nobody knows that!

What's the matter?

Nothing, I'm just dizzy.

I haven't eaten since yesterday

so, I guess it's
catching up to me.

Well, that's not good.

I'll make you something to eat.

What do you want?

I would love a piece of
your lemon meringue pie.

Mikey, that would take hours.

You're right; I'm sorry.

You know what?

Anything will do.

You want lemon meringue pie?

You got lemon meringue pie.

But you have to
eat a sandwich first.


Hey, Buddy, you know,

I'm sorry I ran out
on you last night.

What are you talking about?

You would have
never left me alone

in the middle of a fight.

Hey, come here.

Okay, look, we got 15
minutes to get to the chapel,

so, let's get these

Hollywood sunglasses
off of you, and...

It was an accident.

Yeah, the hell it was.

Okay, look, after
Harriet and I get married,

you're going to come
live with us, all right?

You'll go to school here.

Dad wants me to
go into the Navy.

The hell with what Dad wants.

Mr. Secretary,

why didn't you share your
information with the CIA?

We did, Senator, with
their assets in the field.

Is that true, Director Watts?

There was a limited

exchange of information
with one field officer, Senator.

However, it was at the
impetus of our agent, not theirs.

One field officer?

Nothing with anyone on a
senior level in Washington?

No, Senator.

Mr. Secretary, how
do you explain that?

It was a rapidly
developing situation.

JAG personnel were the only ones

with deep background
and experience

in dealing with Kabir.

Is that the same reason

you didn't involve
Naval Intelligence?

Yes, sir.

If I may, Senator. I believe
there was another explanation.

Of course; go
ahead, Mr. Director.

The Agency maintains close
ties with Naval Intelligence.

In fact, uh, as the Secretary

knows, it is required by law

to coordinate with us.

I believe Naval Intelligence

was intentionally
left out of the loop,

so they couldn't share
information with us.

That's a damned lie.

Gentlemen, you'll
address this committee

and not each other.

My apologies, Senator.

Mr. Director, do
you think it's possible

the CIA could have found Kabir

before he was able to
fire his Cruise m*ssile

at the carrier Seahawk?

I believe it's probable.

On what basis

would you say that?

Lieutenant... you've just seen

a Secretary of the
Navy lose his job.


Systolic's 82,
pulse steady at 120.

Check for necrotic
tissue. Aye, aye, ma'am.

None here.

None here either,
and good blood flow.

Ma'am, vitals dropping.

B.P. 80/60, pulse 130.

Did you clip all your vessels?

Yes, ma'am.

Dopamine drip in?

Roger that. I don't understand.

We missed something; an artery.

How? I don't know.
It's somewhere else.

We need an MRI.


64/40, pulse 150.

Take dopamine to
seven mics per minute.

Yes, ma'am.

He's not responding.

Pulse one-five-five.

Damn, we're losing him.

Commander, what are you doing?

He's anesthetized.

His body should be cold

except where there's
arterial hemorrhage.

Here, betadine.

Ensign... belly, now.

Right here.

Ten blade, ma'am.

You're not putting drapes on?

No time. Starting my cut.


Spleen rupture.

I hate these. Should I
prep a mesh bag, ma'am?

No, this spleen can't be saved.


Code blue. Charge
the paddles to 200.

Aye, aye, ma'am.



Take over.

Aye, aye, ma'am. No response.

Take it up to 300.

Aye, aye... 300
joules, ma'am. Clear.

Still nothing, ma'am.

Give him an amp of epi.

I'm on it.

One, two, three
and four and five.

Epi's in.

One and two,
three, four and five.

Take it up to 360.

Aye, aye, ma'am.



Pupils are fixed.

Still no response, ma'am.

Nobody's home, ma'am.

I'm going to call it.

Time of death, 2104.

Better hang on.

I don't know if you guys

are going to wear out my
carpet first or your pants.

Yeah, mommy's right.

Horsey tired.

Where's my five?

Yeah, that's it.


Don't you tell us he's dead.

Don't you dare tell us that.


Commander Ferraro!

He just kickstarted himself.

Damnedest thing I ever saw.

Systolic's 80. Pulse 60.

Let's go, boys and girls,
we've got a real fighter here.

Daddy come home.


Commander Turner's here, sir.

Send him in.

Commander Turner
reporting as ordered, sir.

At ease. Welcome home.

Thank you, sir.

Anything new on the Lieutenant?

Still in surgery.

Have a seat.

Thank you, sir.

So, who's the new Seahawk JAG

and who missed movement?

Well, when I left the
Commander and the Colonel

they were still...
discussing that, sir.

Petty Officer Tiner asked
me the same question.

Said you ordered him to decide

who to charge with
disobeying an order.

I did. You've given him
an impossible assignment.

Sir, he'll never be
able to decide who...

Yes, sir.

Commander, you got about
a dozen cases in your in-box.

Why don't you go
home, get some sleep

start fresh tomorrow.

I'd rather get started now, sir.

You get some
sleep on the flight?

Not really, sir.

Thinking about Bud?

I feel some responsibility
for what happened, sir, I...

If I hadn't forced him to
address his weight problem...

I couldn't have
sent him to a place

where he got his leg blown off.

No, Admiral, I didn't
mean to suggest in any way

that you were responsible, sir.

Of course I am.

You know, I was
in... I was in Vietnam.

Had a good friend,
a marine captain

who flew helo insertions.


Davy, uh, served three tours,

shot down four
times, wounded twice,

captured once and escaped.

After the w*r, flew
crop dusters, fire drops,

flew out to off-shore
drilling platforms,

just about every high-risk
helo job you could think of.

Last year, he choked to
death on a chicken bone

on his ranch in Texas.

Cliché aside,
when it's your time,

it's your time.

Yes, sir.

I suppose all we can do

is pray that it's not
Lieutenant Roberts' time.

Amen to that.

MacKENZIE: I wish somebody
would tell us something.

Why don't they just
tell us something?

They will as soon
as they can, Mac.

They don't care.

My mother died when I was ten.

I'll never forget how the doctor

came out and said, "She's gone"

then turned and walked
away, just like that.

Basically, "She's dead. Next."

Like it was nothing.

Like, like we were nothing.

This doctor cares.

She's doing everything
she can for Bud, Coates.

Okay, let's get this
belly cleaned out.

Shouldn't we back off and
open him up later to finish?

If he flatlines again,

we won't be getting him back.

Leaving this till later would
just about guarantee infection.

That'll k*ll him just as dead.

Pulse 130. That's
too high, Ma'am.

He's going to code again.

Don't talk. Sew.

Pulse 145.

Either your head
has gained 50 pounds

or you definitely need

to catch some shuteye, Coates.

I think I'm going
to be sick, sir.

Well, take a deep breath.

And let it out slowly.


No, sir, I'm going to hurl.

I've got no necrotic tissue.

Good blood flow.

Ditto, Commander.

BP's 86/58.

Pulse 120.

Give him 500 cc's of saline.

Irrigate, Commander?

Everything clamped?

Yes, ma'am. Irrigate away.

Come on, stay
with us Lieutenant.

We're almost done.

Colonel, Commander.

Lieutenant Roberts

put up one hell of a fight.

And he's stable.

I think his prognosis
is excellent, now.

Thank you, Commander.

Well, it was the
lieutenant who did it.

He's one hell of a fighter.


It's okay.