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03x08 - The League of Villains

Posted: 06/16/23 16:01
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪

♪ This is the theme song ♪

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

"Dear fellow villain,
evil person,

"scoundrel, rogue, rascal

"and/or generally bad creature
or person,

"You are hereby invited
to attend the first meeting

"of the League of Villains,

"an organization devoted
to helping us

"to better understand
the villain's role in society.

"We will meet
in the giant chicken ship

"currently docked
in Gamma Quadrant Six.

Light refreshments
will be served."

"Yours very truly and evilly,
King Goobot."

Welcome, fellow villains.

I believe introductions
are in order.

I am King Goobot of Yolkus, and
this is my assistant, Ooblar.

Oh! Oopsy! ( chuckles )

I forgot-- I traded Ooblar
to the Bulgosians

for some sulfur butter.

I'm Beautiful Gorgeous, and
I broke out of prison for this,

so it better be good.


Professor Finbar Calamitous.

I recently escaped, too.

I used a...
well, not a chisel, exactly,

more of a long thingy with,
uh, sort of forky prongs...

Tick-tock, baldy!

Let's move on!

I'm Baby Eddie.

Yeah, I'm a baby--
deal with it!

The Junkman, purveyor
of fine refuse products

throughout the galaxy.

You trash it, I cash it.

I'm Grandma Taters,
and I'm so happy to be here.

Let's all sing "The Happy Song."

♪ Happy, happy,
happy, happy... ♪

( whistles )

That'll do,
ancient one.

We're the space bandits
of the Dimdar Galaxy.

I'm Zix, and this is
Travoltron and Tee.

Why can't I introduce myself?!

He already introduced
you, bonehead.

You calling me
a bonehead?

How'd you like
to be a no-head?!

If you gill breathers are done,
I am Eustace Strytch,

and I could buy
and sell you all!

Make me an offer.

Gentlemen, ladies, settle!

I've called you here
for a reason.

Hold on, Goobot, this was
supposed to be a discussion.

How come you're calling
the sh*ts?

Mmm, perhaps it's because
I'm a king and you're all...

oh, how do I put this?

Not kings!

You said we'd talk about
the villain's role in society.

I got stuff to say!

Our first order
of business

should be to give
this guy a bath.

He smells as bad
as he looks.

Watch it, toots!


My friends, we share
a common enemy,

an enemy who must be stopped.

Evil brothers and sisters,

we are gathered here to plan
the elimination of...

Jimmy Neutron!

( others cheering )

Crush that little pip-squeak!

For years, that pesky little
genius has defeated us,

humiliated us
and almost destroyed us.

None of us have been able
to conquer Jimmy on our own,

but if we band together, we can
wipe him off the face of galaxy

and let evil triumph.

( cheering )

You're probably wondering
why I brought you all down here.

Is it Lame Invention
of the Month time?

( both giggling )


I need four brave souls to test

my Neutronic Gravitational
Wormhole Generator 9000.

Uh, for the record,
I'm not brave.

And we're not stupid.

Do we look like guinea pigs?

Oh! Oh, oh! Oh! Oh!

Um, let's see. Libby?



Come on. What could happen?

So you get stuck in another
century, never to return.

At least I'll have logged
some important data.

Hey, what's this, Nerdtron?

Don't go near that!

Okay. Jeez, it's just a bunch
of stupid envelopes.

Hardly-- this is
an isolation chamber

for ultra-dangerous substances.

Ooh, scary envelopes.

I'm shaking.

( both laughing )

I'm serious!

Oh, and what part of "Girls
stay behind the yellow line"

did you not understand?

( both sigh )

Perhaps you recall
Love Potion 976-J?

Oh, I do.

It made you fall in love
with the first person you saw.

Sheen fell for Libby,
Jimmy fell for Cindy

and I fell in love with the most
beautiful woman in the...

( gasps )


These are essence of N-Men.

I synthesized them from your DNA
after we achieved super-powers.

Ingesting your packet
will give you your powers back

for 30 minutes.

Ooh, I want to be
invisible again.

I want to be
Special Girl

for my karate competition
this weekend.

I want to be
Vibrating Sheen

so I can go to bathroom
all over the world.

No! Don't you guys remember
what happened

last time we were the N-Men?


So, what if I don't?!

A lot's happened since then.

You couldn't control
your powers.

You got so out of control
the town locked you up.

Excuse me, wasn't
there also a big
orange monster

who went crazy and almost
destroyed Retroville?

Oh, that's right--
it was you!

The point is,
no one touches these

unless there's
an extreme emergency.

I'm talking life-or-death
situation, understand?

But, Jimmy, we won't
go crazy like we did
last time.

Yeah, we're older
and wiser-er.

We've changed.

People don't change.

Your personality is imprinted

on your brain from birth--
look it up.

Friends, friends,
let us not fight.

We'll just agree to disagree.

And then we'll break out the
N-Men packets and have some fun.

Hmm, let me think.


In order to abduct
Jimmy Neutron,

you'll be split into teams.

First team:
Baby Eddie and Grandma Taters.

Ooh, we're going to have
such a good time.

I've got to be
with the old broad?

That stinks!

( sweetly ):
I could just eat you up...

( menacingly ):
and maybe I will.

( farts squeakily )

Team two: Beautiful Gorgeous
and the Junkman.


The feeling is mutual.

Hey, Junkster, I'll trade you
Wrinkles for Dollface.

No trading!

Team three: Eustace Strytch
and Professor Calamitous.

What?! The guy who can't
complete a sentence?

I can't work
with that fool.

Watch your tongue,
sonny, or I'll...
I'll... well, I'll...

Yes, fine, get back to me
on that before I go to college!

Space bandits,
you are team four.

Hey, Goobot!

King Goobot--

Never mind-- when do we talk

about the villain's role
in society?

This is hardly the...

I ain't talking to you!

Was I talking to you, fool?!

Nobody talks to Zix
like that.

You ain't
the boss of me.

I'll talk
any way I want.

You don't even...

Want a piece of me?!

I can't even
understand you.

What did you say?
I can't hear you.

Approaching Earth!

Operation Neutron Slapdown
has begun.

I'll radio
my instructions shortly.

May evil be with you.

Why do I have
to stay on the ship
with the human lady?

It's all part
of the master plan!

Plus, I get lonely.

My little cutie pie.

Such a sweet little baby boo.

Junkman gets Beautiful Gorgeous

and I get alien
Martha Washington!

( whirring )

Earth to Egg Boy--

we've sighted Neutron's dog.

Commencing plan.

Hey, pooch!

Here, poochie!

( barks )

Go fetch!

( creaks )

Dog disabled.

I repeat: dog disabled.

GOOBOT ( over radio ):
Good work.

Return to ship.

Wow! Nice job, Taters,
you were amazing!

You got that
laser beam thing down.

Say, um... listen,
can you do me a big favor?

I'm not changing you.

Come on!

Take this inside and play it.

It'll keep Jimmy's friends
unable to help him

for the next
15 minutes.

I can't set foot in that
eating establishment.

It only has
three stars.

Get in there!

( shrieks )

( slightly boring music
playing in background )

Hello, Cynthia.

I thought I would grace
your greasy little eatery

with my sparkling

Why is this town full
of nothing but dorky boys?

What about Nick?

( Nick screams )

( crash )

NICK ( crying ):
Why does this keep
happening to me?

Excuse me, fellow scene makers.


I have a hot new CD guaranteed

to make you shake
your respective booties.

I'll be the judge of that!

( fast-paced
dance music playing )

Hey, I'm dancing,
I'm dancing.

( giggles )

Somebody call my mom.

That is some good...

Hey, I can't stop.

Neither can I.

( kids screaming )

Neutron friends incapacitated.

Maybe I should
just destroy these.

Jimmy, lunchtime!

I'm finishing up an experiment.

Even geniuses have to eat.

What if the guy
who invented penicillin

had let his sandwich
get all moldy?


What are you looking
at me for?

Eagle has left
the nest.

GOOBOT ( over radio ):

Commence sealing of the lab, so
Jimmy can't get to his goodies.

I know the plan.

It's not that

If there's one
thing I hate, it's
an arrogant egg.

Hit it!

Lab sealed.


Back to the ship.


I thought we might do
some shoe shopping.

Stupid egg.

( snoring )

And that's how I fell in love
with pie.

( gasps )

Oh, uh,
great story, Dad.

Want to hear it again?

No, thanks.

I don't mind.

Once, when I was seven years
old, I sat on a banana,

and, of course,
that changed my life.

So, what are you
working on, Jimmy?

A gravitational
wormhole generator.

Is this about pie?

( low rumbling )
Do you guys hear that?

Sounds like a system four
interplanetary space vehicle.

I'll finish the story
when you get back.

( gasps ):
The Junkman's ship!

( exclaims )

Somebody's sealed my lab off.

Goddard, meet me
at the clubhouse, stat.

( squeaking and clunking )

( noises stop )

Goddard, what's wrong?!

Something strange is going on.

Better get help.

Oh, this is almost too easy.

( dance music continues )

Guys, this is no time
for a funky dance party.

We know.

We can't
stop dancing.

I'm getting pretty good.

What am I going to do?

I don't have access
to my lab or Goddard.

Like taking candy from a baby.

Try it, Yolk Breath!

( screaming )

I'll save you, Jimmy!


And... ( grunts )

( screams )

Hugh, they're taking Jimmy!

You put him down!

That's my Jimbo
you're taking.

Don't worry, I'll save him.

( both groan )

( Jimmy gasps )

King Goobot, Baby Eddie,
Grandma Taters,

the Junkman, Eustace,
Professor Calamitous, Beautiful,

Zix, Travoltron and Tee.

How come he said my name last?!

Hello, Jimmy!

We were just in
the neighborhood and
thought we'd drop by.

Care to go for a little ride?

It will be your last!

( villains laughing )

Somebody do something!

Libby, smash
the boom box.

I can't.

Well, then you have
to try tripping.

What? You have to be tripping.

Libby, we have
no choice.

Dance towards
that banana peel.

Oh, all right.

( squeals )

( crash )

( music stops; all panting )

Oh, my leg.

That was terrible!

Although by the end,

I feel I was getting
the kick-pivot-slide.

It was more of a kick-

Well, you were putting
too much hip into it.

Oh, really?
Maybe you don't
know how to dance.

You're the one who fell.

I tripped to save us,
you little twerp.

Don't call me
a little twerp.

( Carl and Libby arguing )

Hey! Hey!

Can it, you guys!

We have a situation here.

Jimmy's been nabbed
by an alien spaceship.

Oh, yeah.

I wonder what they'll do to him.

( villains talking
simultaneously )


Quiet, I say!


Court is in session.

The League of Villains
v. Jimmy Neutron.

King Goobot presiding.

Wait-- you're putting me
on trial?

Of course!

We're doing things by the book.

What book?

The Big Book of Sham Trials.

Be seated, jury.

Do I have to sit next
to Stink Boy here?

I'm going to throw up!

He can't smell any worse
than this baby.

Hey, I'm a baby!
Babies poop!

What, you didn't poop
when you were a baby?

Order! Order!

Bailiff, control the jury.

Man, why do I got
to be the bailiff?

I want to be
on the jury.

Too late. We already voted.

How come I didn't get a vote?

Because you're not on the jury.

( all laughing )

Order! Order, I say!

James Isaac Neutron,
you are charged

with blocking the spread of
evil, ruining diabolical plans

and being an annoying pest.

How do you plead?

Well, first I have to say...

Time's up.
Thank you.

The jury will now read
the verdict.

I didn't even get
to defend myself.

Hello! This is
a league of villains!

What did you expect?

Jury, how do you find
the defendant?


What a shock.

Time for your sentencing.


Freeze! You're all under arrest.


( all gasp )

Please tell me
you're not alone.

Okay-- I'm not alone.

Where's everybody?


You said you're not alone.

You told me to!

Now, be quiet!

I'm saving your life.

By the power of Ultra Lord,

I demand that you release Jimmy
or face the consequences!

What consequences?

Actually, I hadn't gotten
that far yet.

Bailiff, put the prisoners
in lock-down.

That's lame.

Hush your mouth, fool!

You can't do this.

You have no authority.

Hey, Jimmy, you didn't tell me
Beautiful Gorgeous was here.

Hey, Beautiful,
it's me, Sheen.

Stop by the
cell later!

We'll be there all evening!

( electricity crackling )

Aah, man, I can't believe
my plan didn't work.

What plan?

Oh, right.

Dear Diary, The other villains
all think I'm dumb.

Well, I ain't dumb!

I pity them other villains!

I pity them bad!

( grunting )

There's got to be
a way out.

You got anything to write on?

I promised Carl
my dead bug collection,

so I need to make my will.

Not now.

I'm trying to...

Carl-- that's it!

I can contact Carl.

Excuse me,
Mr. Guard,

could we borrow
your electropad
to make our wills?

I guess, but don't look at my
diary, or I'll squish your head.


Hey, Tee, could
I call you "Tee"?

( grunts )

What's it like being
a big lizardy
space bandit?

You making fun?
Because I'll squish your head.

I'm not, honest.

I just really want to know.

My friends,
a momentous decision is upon us.

How do we finish off Neutron?


Freeze him in carbonite.

I'm getting chills.

Mount his head on a wall.


Let's eat him!

Now you're disgusting.

Strap him to a bed
of spikes.

Dip the spikes in poison.

Put ice cubes down his back.

From the carbolic-acid ice mines
of planet krull.

Oh, now you're talking!

Oh, you didn't say
planet Krull.

Lock him in a room with
Beautiful Gorgeous.

Now, that's t*rture.

Ha-ha! Why don't you just
breathe on him, Hog Breath?

Villains, villains, please.

Professor Calamitous,
we haven't heard from you.

Great! Wake me when he's done.

I can build us
a machine

that would
freeze Neutron

in carbonite
on a bed of spikes

while carbolic-acid
ice cubes melt down
onto his head,

which is mounted
on a wall while...

( rattling )

Thank you.

Now that I have your attention,
just blow him into deep space!

( all exclaiming )

Shall we vote on it?

That's terrible, Tee.

You have a lot to give if
the villains give you a chance.

You really think so?

Course I do!

You're money, baby!

You know something?

You're all right
for a punky little kid.

Well, thanks.

You're not bad yourself.

You know, I always say that...

Pardon me, won't you?

Sheen, stop fraternizing
with the enemy.

Chillax, Jimmy.

He's a cool guy

once you get past
the villain stuff.

He's evil,
and once evil, always evil.

Maybe he could change.

People don't change,

especially when they're
scaly space bandits
from outer space.

Now, I'm almost ready

to make contact
with Carl.

Dear Diary, Jimmy's mom
looked breathtaking today

in her green summer dress.

Oh, also, Jimmy and Sheen

were kidnapped into space
and taken...

( gasps )

Bad computer,
stop writing by yourself.

"Carl, I've been taken
by a league of villains.

"Fly my rocket to these
coordinates immediately!

"One... seven...
squiggly line...

"On second thought,
put it on autopilot

and get Cindy and Libby's help,
and bring the N-Men packets!"

I mean it, kid, nobody
ever listened to me before.

They just tease me--
tease me bad.

They never took the time
to get to know you.

Want some gum?

Well, that's your last
piece, little man.

Take it.

Does this mean you and me
is... friends?

Put her there,
my brother.

GOOBOT ( on intercom ):
Attention, this is King Goobot..

Prepare the prisoners
for their doom.

( Goddard whirring )

Okay, tell me again.

Why am I risking my
life to save Nerdtron?

Because you're
in love with him
but won't admit it,

and we have
nothing to do.

Is that why you're
saving Sheen?

No way!

I want to be
Invisible Sister again.

Okay, Goddard,
laser mode.

( barking )

Now, remember, we're
just getting the N-Men mixture

and blasting off
in his rocket.

Don't touch anything.


Why does Nerdtron have a picture
of Betty Quinlan in his lab?

I said don't
touch anything.

Get in the rocket,
you guys.

I have to get
the N-Men mixtures.

You want help?

I'll do it.

I have a special
color-coded system.

Each color represents
the different one of us.

Okay, let's see what
this baby can do.

Cindy, Jimmy told me
to put it on autopilot.

If Jimmy told you
to jump in a lake,

would you?

If the water
was warm

and I had a life preserver
and water wings

and it had been
two hours since I...

Oh... oh...

Oh, we must have fainted.

I haven't fainted
since our wedding night.

Hugh, before
we fainted,

did a big spaceship come by
and abduct Jimmy?

You know, that does
sound familiar, but...

nah, we must've
just imagined it.

( metal clanking )

Hi, Mrs. Neutron!

You look lovely!

We're going to rescue Jimmy
from the league of villains!


Rescue Jimmy?!

League of villains?!

Hugh, we've got
to help them.

Maybe there's something

in Jimmy's clubhouse
we can use.

( both breathing heavily )

( both screaming )

These coordinates
don't look so hard.

I can get us there, no problem.

Since when do you
know how to drive
Jimmy's rocket?

How hard can it be?

I don't know.

Ask the pilot of the plane
you're about to hit!

( all screaming )

Watch we're you're going,
Fly Boy!

( screaming and moaning )

What in the world...

It's Jimmy's disco, Boogerbear.

Even scientists
need to get down.

Einstein used to go
ballroom dancing every Tuesday.

wormhole generator"?

It looks like one of
those "save Jimbo" thingies.

Careful, Hugh,

we don't even know
what it does.

There's only one way
to find out--

press every button
until something happens.

( alarm beeping )


Wormhole affecting entire town.

Approximate time reversal:
75 million years.

( electricity crackling )

( screaming )

( animal roars )

Hmm, that could've
gone better.

Jimmy Neutron's sentence
has been decided.

We shall blast him
and his annoying sidekick

into deep space!

I still say we should eat him.

Mr. Noxious, would
you mind staying

a minimum of 20
feet away from me

so that I don't get nauseous?


Gorgeous, after
this is all over,

you want dinner and a movie?

Buzz off, Baby.

( blowing raspberry )

Oh, can we wrap this up?

I have a polo lesson
in two hours.

Oh, Jimmy, did you miss us?

( villains gasp )

They're gone!

I thought Tee
was guarding them.

They must've overpowered him.


He's too strong.

Then they
outsmarted him.

That sounds
about right.

After them!

( others exclaiming )

Thanks for
letting us out, Tee.

No problem.

We're friends, right?


You said we're friends.

We're friends!

See, Jimmy?
He's changed.

Earlier today you said
people don't change,
but Tee changed,

even though he's
not a "people"

so much as an alien
lizard guy, but...

Okay, I get it!

Now, we've got
to find a vehicle

to get us out of here.

There, we'll use
that pod.

Can we fit in there?

It looks tight.

Who cares
when you're with friends?


There they are!

Let's blow them
out of the sky.


By the time we've launched,
they'd be too far away,

but, hello, what's this?

This is so great.

What do you want to do
when we get back?

Barbecue? Prank calls?
Pillow fights?

See my chiropractor.

I should be able
to get us back

to Retroville
at light speed.

Look for some sort
of transmitter

so I can contact Carl.

I don't think
that's necessary.

Why not?

right there.


That's them,
all right.

Carl's talking,
Libby's drying her eyes

and Cindy's driving.

This is terrible.

They're heading
to save us

and we're heading
back to...

Cindy's driving my rocket?!

Cindy, Jimmy said to put
the rocket on autopilot.

( mimicking ):
"Jimmy said to put the
rocket on autopilot."

That was a pretty
good imitation of me.

Jimmy's friends
have come to rescue him.

Just a little closer, children.

That's it.


( all screaming )

What's going on?

I don't know.

I think
something hit us!

I wish Jimmy
was driving.

Carl, I'm
perfectly able

to maintain control
of this vehicle.

Let's see... no, that's not it.

Oh, no... darn!

the maintain-control button?

Oh, hey, captain's log.

Maybe Jimmy wrote something
about emergency landings.

Hurry, girl!

Oh, I don't
believe it.

You found a section
on emergency landings?

No, I found another
photo of Betty Quinlan.

What is he, obsessed?

If I know our little genius,
he'll turn right around

to save them, and when they do,
we'll be waiting.

To the Junkman's ship.


They're spiraling
out of control!

We've got to save them.

You risking your skins
to save your friends?

I'm going to weep openly.

Give me a tissue, fool.

( yelling )

I'm not sure how
to land this thing.

I'd avoid all those
big, jagged rocks.

Yeah, aim
for the soft rocks.

Girl, if we survive this and you
somehow get a driver's license,

I'm taking the bus.

( loud crash )

( all screaming )

I know, I know--
next time autopilot.

( moaning )

Hold on, we're about to land.

You're doing a real
good thing for your friends.

I love you guys.

Jimmy, I liked Tee better
when he was evil.

I heard that.

I still love you guys.

( crowd speaking
over one another )

I demand to know
how this happened.

Well, Judy was tinkering
with Jimmy's stuff.

I'd ask her.

Well, Mr. Let's Push
All the Buttons...

Now, honey,
name calling

won't solve this mess
you got us in.

Besides, we may be here
for a while.

Look, some people seem
to be adapting.

School is in session.

Today's lesson is how to not
get eaten by a giant fire ant.

Miss Fowl,
a raptor ate my homework.

( humming tune )

So, what do you
got, Sam?

Rock burgers, rock dogs and rock
lobster with a side of rocks.

I'll just have soup.

One hot water!

Hold the rocks!

Well, I guess we
could live here.

I could make curtains

and paint the walls
with some berry juice.

Now, that's the spirit, Sugar.

Maybe it will distract you

from thinking
about our missing Jimbo.

( crying ):
My baby!


There, Sugarbooger.

Remember, we're
in the Cretaceous Era.

We've got millions
of years

to come up with a plan
to save him.

Hugh, are you aware

that most of the things
you say make no sense?

I know, honey,
I know.


That hurts every
single time.

( thud )

I don't see the rocket.

Carl, Cindy and Libby
could be anywhere.

Don't worry.

I've been studying
Native American tracking.

Stand back.

I'll need room.

( sniffing )


( sniffing )


( sniffing )


( Sheen sniffing )

Hmm... Uh-huh.

( humming )

( slurps )

( gagging, spitting )

Are you sure you know
what you're doing?

Hold on, Jimmy.

There's one more part.

Hey, Carl, Cindy, Libby,
where the heck are you?!

Over here, Jimmy!

Come on!

There they are!

( all greeting excitedly )

Guys, are you okay?

We were just coming
to rescue you guys.

I told her
to use autopilot

and she was touching
things in your lab

and she touched your
picture of Betty Quinlan.


I mean, I have a picture
of Betty Quinlan in my lab?

More like a thousand.

Monster man!

It's cool.

He's with us.

But he's one of those space
bandits that stole our jewels.

Hush your mouth!

Who wants a hug?


Come here,
monster man.

Guys, we've got
to get out of here.

Into my rocket.

( group yelling )

The villains.

Quick-- to my rocket!

Neutron, what's going on?

Who's after you?

Every villain I've defeated

has banded together
to get rid of me.

If you'd gone with my plan
to rescue you...

What plan?

Oh, right.

Almost there.

( group yells )

Bad people--

lots of bad people!

Isn't this lovely?

Now you all get to be blasted
into deep space

with your good friend Jimmy.

( villains laughing )

( Sheen laughing )

Okay, it's not that funny.

Tee, did you help
those prisoners escape?

Yeah, fool, and I'd do it again!

You won't be getting
that chance.

I hereby banish you
from the League of Villains!

Tee, you broke
my heart.

I'm going to break
your face!

Carl, the "special things"
I asked you to bring?

Quiet back there!

You can talk after
we blast you into space.

Whew! At least blowing us
into space won't be as bad

as having to eat
this deadly powder.


What does it do?

Nothing-- besides causing
a slow and painful demise.


Then you must eat the powder!

Carl, you heard him.

Uh, right.

Okay, yours is blue.

No, wait, yours
is... is red.

No, that's not
right either.

Okay, I know
yours is puce.

No. No, uh...


( gulping )

Carl, this isn't
my N-Men packet;

this is the love potion.

Hey, I don't feel
like Special Girl...

and I really have to go
to the bathroom.


How come I'm not invisible?

( belches loudly )

Excuse me.

( belches loudly )

Uh... I'm Belch ( burps ) Boy?

This is way embarrassing.

They're slowly going mad!

Oh, why didn't I bring
my camera?

I... I can't see me.

I'm Invisible Girl!

( clunk )

Ow! I don't like
being invisible.

This is scary.

Oh, man,
I'm Special Girl!

I don't know how
to be Special Girl!

( screaming )

You took all
the wrong packets.

We were given
the wrong packets!

Sheen, you have
super strength.

Sock somebody!



Carl, you're in big trouble.

Ow! I'm right
next to you.

What's going on
with these kids?!

Come on, new friends--
fight the power!

Okay, League of Evil,
prepare to face the N-Men.

And two girls!

( shouting )

( knuckles pop )

( grunting )

( laughing evilly )

Libby, burp!

But my mama told me
not to burp in public.

Just burp!

( belches explosively )

( Cindy screams, grunts )

( all laughing and jeering )

( grunts )

Carl, stop bumping into me.

I'm trying to be
Special Girl!

I want to be
Special Girl!

( laughing and jeering )

Oh, as amusing
as this is to watch,

we should really
move along, yes?


Junkman, zap them
into that crater!

( g*n whining, blasts )

( all screaming )

( grunting )

Finish them off! Now!

That's going to hurt.

Once again,
but now most definitely

and for the final time:
good-bye, Jimmy Neutron!

( grunting )

Good-bye, Jimmy.

Good-bye, all of you!

( grunting )

Smash them! Smash them already!

I wouldn't mind dropping this
on Miss Snootypants over there.

I heard that,
Toilet Breath.

Jimmy, now would be a good time
to use that big brain of yours.

Jimmy, there's something
I always wanted to tell you.

I luh... I luh...

Love potion--
that's it!

Thanks, Cindy.

I... I... I wasn't
going to say "love."

( grunts )

This should make
a decent blowgun.

( grunting )

Do it! Do it!

Don't know if I can reach him.

Get on, kid.

Now, blow,
man, blow!

( hacking )

( coughing )

( clearing throat )

You're beautiful!

Kiss me, you fool.

Whoa! Look out!

( kissing loudly )

( exclaiming in disgust ):

Holy smoke!

Oh, my!

Get off! I want to see!

( kissing loudly )

I told you!

Come on--
now's our chance.

Daughter, stop kissing
that smelly creature
this instant!

Hey, they're getting away!

Junkman, start your ship!

( sighs )


You stink, you're ugly,
and I love you.

You're spoiled, obnoxious
and all mine.

( kissing loudly, moaning )

I may throw up.

Yes, there's a good lad--
give the other end a rest.

( kissing loudly )

Stop it! Stop it!

He's not even our species.


They'll break your heart
every time.

Villains, we've got
to get Neutron!

To the ship!

I can't make top speed.

My rocket must have been
damaged when it landed.

Wonder who was driving.

( laughs nervously )

Got to hide somewhere
so the villains don't find us.

There's the moon--
we can hide there.

Good idea.

Hi, Jimmy! I miss you!

Want to play a game?

I can make moon castles!

Want to hear a song I wrote?

It's called "I Love Jimmy."

♪ I love Jimmy, I love Jimmy ♪

♪ I love Jimmy,
I love Jimmy... ♪

I'll take my chances
with the villains.

Good call.

Can't blame you.


Faster! We've got to catch them.

Keep your shell on!

I got to get a lock
on his vapor trails.

( chuckling )

( mumbling )

( both chuckling )

Oh, you.

I'm going to take
a little nappy.

( snoring loudly )

Change this diaper
or wear it, Rich Boy!


Oh, they just don't make
good villains anymore.

Any sign
of the Junkman's ship, Carl?

That's a big negatory,
good buddy.

Being Special Girl
has put me in touch

with my softer, gentler side.

I invented a new dance
using my burps.

Check it out.

( burping melody,
changing pitch of burps )

I love you kids.

Give me a group hug, fools!

Can we accidentally throw
him out of the rocket?

I heard that!

Prepare to reenter
the Earth's atmosphere.

Hey, Jimmy, what's
that weird flashing, twirling,

scary-looking cloud?

( thunder; electricity zapping )

Aah! Wormhole over Retroville!

That's my dad's favorite song!

What's a wormhole?

I know! I know!

Uh, a hole that...
worms go through.

Close. It's a topological
feature of space-time

that allows travel
across the universe

faster than the speed of light.

Just start panicking.

( all screaming )

Hold on, everyone.

I'll protect you!

( straining )

Brace for impact!

That's how you land
a rocket.

Uh, Neutron?

We wanted Retroville,
not Jungleville.

I think the gardeners
went on strike.


Yeah, yeah.


( snarling )

( squawking )

Bad snake!
Bad snake!

( snake hissing )

This is Retroville.

Based on the flora and fauna,
I'd say that wormhole

transported the town
75 million years in the past.


Now I don't have to go
to the dentist Thursday!

Mom, Dad!

Oh, Jimmy! You're safe.

I'm safe, too, Mrs. Neutron.

Dad, what happened here?

Your mother wanted
to rescue you,

so she dragged me
to your disco and...

Your father sent us
back in time

using your
wormhole generator.

( creature shrieks )

( all screaming )

( pterodactyl shrieking )

Use your powers to keep
the dinosaurs busy.

I'll use something
from my rocket

to get us back
to the future.

Aw, man, you always get
the easy job.

( shrieking )

Hurry-- your power will only
last about five more minutes.

Come on,
Invisible Brother,

you get his attention
and I'll burp him down.

Right on,
Burp Girl.

Hey, Mr. Puhterminactyl!

( shrieking )

Come and get me!

I'm the other white meat!

( screaming )

( belches explosively )

( shrieking )

( snarling )

Special Girl will save the day.

With help from
Vibrating Cindy!

You're going to be
extinct someday,

but before that,
we're taking you out!

( Cindy shouting )


Fan out and find Neutron!

Wait a minute.

That wormhole must have
sucked us back in time.

Well, we'll be okay
as long as...

( roaring )


( all screaming )

I just saw an egg,
a baby, a granny,
a rich kid

and two lizard
guys-- yeah.

Oh, wait, wait--
I know this joke!

It's not a joke,
you nimrod!

It's the League
of Villains.


( both screaming )

In here!

( stammering )
Good snake,
nice snake.


Guys, you got to save
Zix and Travoltron!

But they're not nice at all.

You told me that to be good, you
got to treat your friends good!

Who knew you'd go crazy with it?

Jimmy, tell these fools
they got to help!

Can't talk! I'm making ions
to reverse the wormhole!

Come on, Jimmy,
I need your help.

♪ Please, please, please! ♪

( punchy brass section
plays burst, quiets )

Oh, he's right.

We got to help them.

Sheen made friends with Tee
and he saved us.

Maybe if we help them,
they'll save us.

Yeah, you know, Jimmy's right.

I guess so.

Come on, N-people,
let's take out that snake!

( burps normally )

Excuse me.

( Cindy shouting )

I'm poking you.

You can't see me,
but I'm poking you.

( belches explosively )

( straining )

Thanks, you kids!

No group hugs!

N-Men, a little help over here?

( roaring )

Even the N-Men and Women
can't conquer a T. rex.

Don't worry, kids,
we're helping Jimmy.

What? Dream on.

Why should we?

They just saved your life!

Yeah, but, like,
we're villains, see?

Why are you villains?

Well, because, uh...

Because... 'cause...

You can't answer me,
can you, chump?!

Now, get out there
and help Jimmy!

( snarling )

Don't worry, we'll help you.

You're not the N-Men.

No, but we are members
of the lizard family,

like your friend
Fangs here.

( roaring )

He means we speak
lizard good.

( snarling )

( snarling in
different pitches )

( snarling multipitch response )

( snarling )

( snarling )

( snarling )

What'd you say?

Eh, we told him
he could eat
Baby Eddie.

You know, this "being nice"
thing feels awesome!

Kind of does, doesn't it?

Zix, give me hug.

Don't push it.

Thanks ever so

for getting rid of
the dinosaurs, Jimmy.

Now we can finally
get rid of you!

Burp Girl, blast them!

You got it!

( belches explosively )

( villains shouting )

There-- I've got
the negative ions,

but they need
to be injected
at a high altitude.

Hey, I'm not as invisible
as I used to be.

The powers are wearing off.

Quick, Special Girl, fly
to the eye of the wormhole

and release these ions.

You know, I got to say,
I'm getting a little

with the whole
"Special Girl" thing.

Oh, please.

Let the real Special Girl
handle it.

Give me your N-Men packet.

There's a tiny bit left.

Okay, under one condition:

throw out all the Betty Quinlan
photos in your lab.

What? Not the soft-focus
head sh*ts!

Okay, okay.


Uh, Jimmy, what about
the League of Villains?

I've got it handled.

( rockets whirring )

( rockets blasting )

( grunting )

I'd like to see
Betty Quinlan do that!

( snarling )

( yips; whining )

Hey, where's Jimmy?

Over here, Goobot!

No! What are you doing?

This is not acceptable!


That force field should lock
them here in the Cretaceous Era

while he head back
to the future.

( thunder crashing )

( all cheering )

We're so back
in the happy place, man!

We couldn't have done it
without you guys.

That's what friends
are for-- fool!

The Candy Bar is open
for business.

Come on, everyone--
the milkshakes are on us.

( all cheering )

I'd like
the pie smoothie!

So, what'll happen to Goobot
and the other villains?

I programmed
the force field

to wear off
after a few minutes.

I'm guessing
the League of Villains

will have their hands
full for quite a while.

( creature shrieking )

( snarling, roaring )

You think you're scary,
pal, huh?!

You think you're
some sort of bigshot?!

Well, say hello to my little
friend: Five-Day-Old Diaper!

( all exclaim )

The horror!

( snarling )

( roaring )

( groaning )

Oh... somebody catch me.

Oh, my.

That's right-- be afraid,
be very afraid!

And tell all
your cold-blooded friends

there's plenty more
where that came from!

Hi, I'm Paul.

Got to blast!