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03x16 - Who Framed Jimmy/Flippy

Posted: 06/16/23 16:00
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪

♪ This is the theme song ♪

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barks )

( yells )

So, what do you guys want
to do today?

Hang out with your mom.

Guys, let's
do something to
benefit mankind--

something that will
bring peace, love,
understanding and...

Cop car!
( siren blaring )

Let's go check out
the mindless v*olence.

One million of the
brand-new dollar bills

with a winking George Washington
on the front have been stolen.

How did it happen,
Officer Tubbs?

The guards were hypnotized
with a hypno-ray;

the vault was lasered open
with a laser-lance;

and a child's report card
was found at the scene.

We have no suspects yet,

but I think a crook
or possibly a thief did it.

All those clues point
to only one person--

local boy genius,
Jimmy Neutron.

Hey, who's wearing
the badge here?

Way to go, Jimmy!

Your first
federal crime.

Why, Jimmy? Why?

I would've lent you
a million dollars.

I didn't do it.

This is ridiculous.

Let's get out of here quick so I
can figure out what's going on.

Carl, you don't have
a million dollars!

It's the thought
that counts.

Who would want to frame me?

Let's see...

the junk man,

Dr. Moist, those
three alien guys,

Baby Eddie.

Don't forget Cindy.

My lab's 24-hour
surveillance video

will show me
which one got in here.

Wait, I've seen this.

It's that new reality show,

The Boring Lab
Where Nothing Happens.


Somehow they got in my lab.


Someone with a wooden leg,

wearing Muno Bragli shoes
from Italy,

with a kidney-shaped birthmark
on their head.

Now to find him.

To the...

Oh, we're
already there.

( siren wails low )

Let's see...
push on and talk.

Ha! Cool.

( clears throat )

( echoing ):
Jimmy Neutron,
this is the police.

Come out with your hands
over your head.

That's physically impossible.

Why are they arresting me?

Maybe I can just explain
to them...

No! Make a run
for it, Jimmy.

I'll create
a diversion.

I know exactly what to do.

You'll never take me alive,

( chuckling ):
That was kind
of cute.

I ain't going
to the big house!

I got an UltraLord
action figure,

and I'm not afraid
to use it!

Top of the world, Ma!


Now listen to me.

I was framed.

I can explain

Yeah, right.

Tell it to the, uh...
uh... the guy in the robe

with the little hammer,
sits at a big tall desk?

The judge.


Tell it
to the, uh...

What did you
call him again?

( weeping )

Jimmy, I know
you're innocent!

Don't forget to
brush your teeth.

Hugh, our little boy
is going to jail.

Seems like only yesterday
he was stealing our hearts.

Don't worry, Jimbo!

I'll get you
the best lawyer

a car salesman
can afford.

Neutron's going to jail?

That's terrible.

Wait a minute.

Now I'm the smartest kid
in class.

That's great!

Yeah, I knew him.

He was an odd kid,
a little strange,

enormous head.

When will this be on TV?

Welcome to the South Retroville
Rehabilitation Facility.

My name's Warren Buford Lee

You're mine now, boy.

( cell door slams loudly )

I've got to get out of here
and find the real crook.

I have the right
to make a phone call.

( touch tones beeping )

Sheen, it's Jimmy.


You mean Jimmy Neutron
or Jimmy Carter,

the 39th president
of the United States?


Listen. Do you remember
that book we read in class--

Drills, Hacksaws and Shovels?

Bring drills, hacksaws
and shovels to me.

Don't worry, Jimmy;
I'm on it.

♪ For he's
a jolly good felon... ♪

Yeah, thanks.

Did you bring
what I asked for?

Oh, yeah.

The Big Book of Drills,
Hacksaws & Shovels.

Man, we had to go to, like,
six book stores to find it.

You owe me $12.95.

You were supposed to bring me
a drill, hacksaw or shovel.

Oh, now I get it.

We're supposed
to help you escape.

♪ Well, Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ He stole the money ♪

♪ Now he's workin' ♪

♪ On a chain g*ng ♪

♪ He'll rot in prison... ♪


Sorry-- I just always wanted
to sing on a chain g*ng.

I can't take it anymore!

I'm going crazy!

I'm cracking up!

Carl, we've only been
here for two minutes.

Feels like four.

What y'all doin' over there?

Working hard in
the hot sun, Boss.

I bet y'all'd like a sip of this
ice-cold and delicious lemonade.

Yes, Boss.

It ain't gonna happen!

( cackles )

Now stop talking trash
and start picking it up!

I've got to get back to my lab,
get on my computer

and find the wooden-legged,
Muno Bragli shoe-wearing,

kidney birthmark-headed man,
or we'll never be free.

But, Jimmy, you don't have
your cool watch or Goddard

or anything to help us escape.

Yeah, I've still
got this.

Your hair?

Carl, give me
your glasses.

( shouts )

I'm blinded!

Dang! I can't see.

I hope no one's trying
to escape.


Technically, I think
this is actually hobbling.

Hurry! Faster!

Move as one.

We don't have time for
your Zen philosophy, Jimmy.

We're trying to hobble!

My ankles are

Does anyone have
any lotion?

( hound barking )

No-- Warden
dog's tracking us.

We've got to hide.

( boom box emitting
barking sound )

Dang gum! Prison budget cuts.


( all gasp )

Is you talking mushrooms?

Look, a colorful, picturesque

local resident.

Hi, banjo-playing boy.

Sheen, please.

Hi, you probably
don't have a computer

with high-speed
cable or satellite

Danged if I don't.

It's right over yonder there
in my Internet cafe.

Okay, first, I'll search for
all people with wooden legs.

17,864 wooden-legged people,

Now... wooden-legged people
with Muno Bragli shoes.

( recorded barking
starts again )

That sounds like
Warden Stormshuckle

and his boom box
a-heading this way.

You all better high-tail it
out of here.

I don't have all the data,
but we got to go.

I'll never forget you,
banjo-playing boy.

talking mushrooms.

Jimmy, have you seen
a restroom?

Because I kind of have
to find one fast.

Carl, we're in the middle
of the woods.

They don't have

It had an Internet cafe.

Just go behind
that tree.

No one's going to the bathroom
while we're chained together.

I've been holding it
for an hour.

Oh, man!

This is the last time I get
in a chain g*ng with you guys.

( birds chirping )

Don't look.

I'm not!

Hurry up!

I'm trying to!

I see a bear.

Is he a nice bear
like a teddy bear

or a mean one?

( growls ferociously )

I'm going with mean.


( butterflies buzzing )

( giggling )

( all squeal )

( growls )

Man, those bear-wrestling
classes my dad made me take

sure paid off.

I still have to go
to the bath...

Dang. Them boys ain't here.

Keep looking!

( boom box barking continues )

We'll sneak into
the lab and use
my computer.

Carl, you can use
the bathroom.

I'm good.

They've staked out my house.

We can't get in the lab.

Be on the lookout

for these dangerous
escaped criminals--

Jimmy "The Brain" Neutron...

Sheen "Loco" Estevez...

and Baby-faced Carl Wheezer.

There is a $10,000 reward

for information
leading to their arrest.

Call 555-5555-55555.

( loud thud )

( shrieks )

Cindy, shh.

I need to use your computer.

We're in
a girl's room.

Nice PJs, Vortex.

I'm glad you jailbirds are here
so I can turn you in.

No, Cindy,
I was framed.

I can prove it.

Just let me use
your computer.

Why should I?

I can do a lot
with $10,000.

I'd start with your room.

May I suggest glow-in-the-dark
UltraLord wallpaper?

No one's turning us in.

Hi, I'd like to turn in
the escaped convicts.

If I just turn in two of them,
how much do I get?


Wooden legs, Muno Bragli shoes,

( gasps ):

Buford Lee Stormshuckle.

Y'all are under arrest.

Can I get
my 10,000 bucks?

How about $300?

All right, $50, but that's
my second-to-last offer.

I'll just
permanently delete

this here
incriminating evidence.

( beeping )

You stole all that money?

But how'd you get into my lab?

I got your DNA off a straw
at the Candy Bar.

Let's go.

( chuckles )

They always return
to the scene of the arrest.

20 bucks is
my final offer.

Take it or leave it.

Okay, one buck
and we'll call it a day?

I think I'll give y'all a dollar
just to shut your trap.

Hey, wait a minute.

This is a brand-new dollar bill.

The Retroville Bank was
the only bank that had those.

Uh... what?

Don't listen to him.

When you hold it up to the
light, Washington winks at you.

Officer Tubbs, arrest this man.

Buford Stormshuckle,
you're under arrest.

But, but, but, I..

( chuckling ):
How do you do it, Tubbs?

Seriously, how do I do it?

Y'all want a nice cold
Purple Flurp, Boss?

I'll get you
if it's the last thing I do.

Less talking back
and more picking up, son.

( boys laugh )

Take us home,
banjo-playing boy.

All right, buddy.

Hang on.

I didn't know
I could play this thing.

Boy, that is the magic
of anim-in-ation.


( voice slowed ):
Ha! You call that running?

( voice slowed ):
This race isn't
over yet.

( voice slowed ):
Hope you like dirt because
you're about to eat my dust.

( grunts )

( laughing )

( voices return to normal )

That was cool.

Now let's race
at super-fast speed.

Then let's race
right in the middle
of slow and fast.

You mean normal.

Yeah, normal.

Boy, I wish we could
hang out at Jimmy's

Hey, kids.

I can't wait
until career day tomorrow

to tell your classmates

that I'm a professional

You're not
a professional

I am now.

Say hello to Flippy Two.

He's just like Flippy One except
not completely destroyed.

Right, Flippy?

You said it, hot shot.

Are you really
bringing that thing
to class tomorrow?

Sure, I am.

I'm even working on
some new material.

So Flippy, how you
been lately?

Not so good.

Some bees tried building
a nest in me this morning.

You call a beekeeper?

Yeah, but I got
a buzzy signal.

Get it?

Buzzy signal.

It's the sound bees make.

Oh, gee, look
at the time.

Uh, yeah,
I just remembered

I have to be...

someplace other
than here.

Wait, where are you going?

They're probably off
to tell all your friends
about tomorrow.

You are going to be
so popular.

Bye-bye now.

Hi, Mom.

Hi, Jimmy.

I'm making sugar cookies.

Monkey shapes
for your father

and Danish physicist Niels Bohr
for you.

That's nice.

Is Dad really doing his
ventriloquist act tomorrow?

Oh, I'm afraid
that's my fault.

He was getting so obsessed
with ducks,

I asked him to get a new hobby.

But his jokes are so... well...

Oh, Jimmy, how bad
can they be?

What else is new, Flippy?

I got arrested for stealing
a sheriff's badge.

Why'd they let you go?

They couldn't pin it on me.

Comedy gold.

That bad.

Maybe you could help your father
write some new jokes.

Mom, I'm a scientist,
not a comedian.

Hey, wait a minute.

Knock, knock.

Be right there.

Wait, no,
that's not it.

( phone ringing )

Hello, Neutron residence.

( in Spanish accent ):
Sí, this is Poncho's
Hat Repair.

Your sombrero, she is ready.

Oh, goody, I'll be right over.

Honey, I'm off to pick up
my sombrero.

Didn't even know I owned one.

Chip, please, Goddard.

What's that thing?

That, my friends, is
a funny chip.

( laughing )


It will supercharge
the joke receptors

of the nearest brain.

I'll implant it in Flippy.

As the computer shows,

as long as my dad's holding

the chip will stimulate Dad's
joke receptors.

The result--
my dad is 512% funnier.


( laughing )

Come on, that chip is
pretty funny.

And that is how you reattach
the coolant manifold

of a 12-year-old High Breeze
air-conditioning unit.

I thank you.

( whistling )

That's my dad.

Thank you, Mr. Estevez.

Our next speaker will be
Jimmy's father,

Mr. Hugh Neutron.

Thank you, thank you,

thank you.

It's so great to see
all these smiling faces,

isn't it, Flippy?

Yes, it sure is.

I haven't seen this many teeth
since Miss Fowl came back

from the Denture Depot.

( kids laughing )



( inhales deeply )

Can't you just smell
the learning?

Wait, that's Butch.

Dude, do you ever shower?

( kids laugh )

What else do you like about
Lindbergh School, Flippy?

You can't beat
the cafeteria.

The food there
is fit for a king.

Here, King...

here, King.

( laughs )

Oh, King's a dog's name.

( laughing )

There were so many laughs,

I didn't even know
I knew those jokes.

Jimmy, you must
have been so proud.


Oh, I sure was, Mom.

I think Flippy and I are
ready for the big time.

Weddings, mall openings,
maybe even bar mitzvahs.

Dad, maybe it's time
to retire Flippy.

You know, quit
while you're on top.


Not a chance.

I have to keep practicing.

From now on, Flippy
isn't leaving my side.

Hugh, I think your new hobby is
starting to come between us.

Don't be ridiculous.

Say good night, Flippy.

Good night, don't let
the termites bite.

Come on, dollface,
fill it up.

It's coffee;
you can buy more.

Mom, what's going on?

Oh, your father
and that dummy.

He hasn't said a word
in his own voice
all morning.

Hey, am I talking too fast
for you?

You need a
wood-to-English dictionary?

Let's go!



He's fine, Jimbo.

Eat your breakfast.


The chip.

Flippy, I know what
you're up to.

Hey, bad move, kid.

Your pops and I share a brain

and I could do some
serious damage.

Up, dummy.

I think your father's
finally lost his mind.

No, it's been stolen.

Sorry, Mom, got to go.

We got here as fast
as we could, Jimmy.

Flippy's using the funny chip
to suck out my dad's brain

so he can turn real.

It's turning my dad
into a zombie.

First your dad's
not funny enough,

now he's acting like a zombie.

Will you never be satisfied?

Are you done?


Um, why can't you just
take his chip out?

I have to get him away
from my dad first.

While they're
in physical contact

Flippy can do
permanent damage.

Why didn't you say so?

I can get them apart,
no problem.

They're having
a lawn sale.

What are they selling?

All your stuff.

You're selling Neutron's
telescope for a quarter?

I'm also heisting
his dad's brain,

marrying his mom
and moving to Vegas.

Now, do you want it or not?

I'll give you a nickel.

A dime.



If you want them

I'll separate them.

How much
for that puppet?

I'm not a puppet.

A few more hours
and I'll be real.

Come on, how much?

I want a puppet.

I said take a hike.

Just let me hold him.


For a dinky puppet,
that kid's pretty strong.

That does it.

This has gone far enough.

Quit stealing
my dad's brain.

Back off, Jimbo,

or I'll set the inside
of his head on "frappé."




No, Jimmy, please.

All I wanted was to be real
like you and your friends.

Well, not your friends,
they're morons.

But you don't know
what it's like being a dummy:

unable to cry or laugh,

always wearing tiny,
ill-fitting suits

and don't even get me started

what I got to put up with
to get my mouth to move.

He could warm his hands up
once in a while.

Please, just let me be real.

I don't think so.

Oh, no,
( laughing )

the brain
is complete.


Jimmy, are you okay?

What happened?

He's got my dad.

We can't let him get away.

Buckle up for safety.

( Flippy laughing maniacally )

I see him on your
tracking thingy.

They're headed for the woods
outside of town.

We've got to catch them.

Flippy doesn't need my dad

Probably plans to...

( gulps )

( grunting )

Flippy! No!

Sorry, kid,
the big guy's got to go,

or you'll keep trying
to get his brain back.

Man, that's
one smart puppet.

You sure that's
your dad's brain?

My dad's brain...

He was getting so obsessed
with ducks

I asked him to get a new hobby.

Obsessed with ducks...

Obsessed with ducks.

( ducks quacking )

Flippy, look--
pied-billed grebes.


Hey, I know what you're trying
to pull.

Well, it ain't going to work.

( quacking )

( grunting )

( screaming )

Look at all the duckies!

Wait till I tell Sugarbooger.

( quacking )

I got him, Jimmy!

I'll open his hatch

like a coolant manifold
on a 12-year-old High Breeze.


Where am I?

Dad, it's Jimmy.

Are you okay?

Feel strange.

My head's all...
( gasps )

Hey, look!

lots of them!

Oh, I love duckies
almost as much
as I love pie.

I wish they could make
duck-shaped pie.

Oh, boy, wouldn't
that be something?

Or how about
pie-shaped ducks--

then you could have dessert
and dinner at the same time.

And then he threw Sheen
across the lawn

and threatened to set
your brain on "frappé."

Wow! I miss everything.

Well, that's
enough excitement
for me

for quite a while.

Thank goodness things
are back to normal.

You got that right.

( in Flippy's voice ):
Could you please pass the salt?

Yeah, well...

It's probably just
a residual brain wave.

Hi, we're Paul.

Got to blast!