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03x13 - One of Us/Vanishing Act

Posted: 06/16/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪

♪ This is the theme song ♪

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barks )

( yells )

Run, Cindy!


I am running!

Get them!

They must not escape.

There we were,
running for our lives

from our best friends
and family.

How did this happen?

It all began
on a normal day at school.

No! Stop! Bolbi not recyclable!

( thud; crashing )

Hey, Libby.

Where's Cindy?

She's at
a karate convention
for a couple of days.

( music playing )

Jimmy, Jimmy...

What's the matter?

It's Sheen-- he's acting
really weird.

Yeah. Carl, where have you been
for the last ten years?

No, I mean really weird.

He's not Sheen, he's...


( whistling )

Oh, I'm just whistling.

Hi, Jimmy.

Isn't it
a happy day?

( whispering ):

I saw the most glorious TV show
last night.

Let me guess.

Are the words "ultra"
or "lord" in the title?

No, it's called
The Happy Show Show.

It's on channel 357.

You've got to watch it.

It would make me really happy.

That night I was working
on an important project.

( wedding march playing )

( phone ringing )

Talk to me.

SHEEN ( over speaker ):
Hi, Jimmy!

Are you watching
The Happy Show Show?

Sheen, I'm
kind of busy here.

Maybe you could watch it
tomorrow or the next day

or the next day or the next day
or how about the next day

or the next...
( phone switches off )

( wedding march playing,
pounding at door )

Or the next day
or the next day

or the next day
or the next day

or the next day...

I should have known then
that something was very wrong.

Or the next day?

The next morning
at the Candy Bar,

things got really strange.

( straw slurping,
footsteps approaching )

( screaming )

Good morning, Jimmy.

I'm very happy today.

Are you happy?

After you.

Oh, no, after you.

Let's go at same time.


( music playing )

( radio shuts off )

Libby, did you just turn
some music off?

( squeaking )

( woodenly ):
Hello, Jimmy.

I'm happy to see you.

Did you watch
The Happy Show Show last night?

You should watch
The Happy Show
Show, Jimmy.

It would make me very happy.

My scientific curiosity
had been aroused,

so I finally watched the show.

It's The Happy Show Show
with your host, Grandma Taters.

Hello, everybody.

I'm so happy to see you,

because every time I see you,
there's a rainbow in my heart.

♪ No more sadness,
no more fears ♪

( glass shatters )

♪ No more badness,
no more tears ♪

♪ Just happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy all the day. ♪

It was the worst show
I had ever seen.

( lights buzzing )

The next day at school,
the strangeness continued.

Hi, Jimmy.

Hi, Jimmy!

You watch The Happy Show Show?

Yes, and it was
the worst show ever!

It was obnoxious,
idiotic, silly,

infantile, inane,

Shall I go on?

You need to watch again.

Again? I could barely watch
30 seconds.

I thought my TV would explode.

I thought I might faint

from the fumes of
the show's supreme stinkiness!

You should give it
another chance.

Guys, are you listening?

I'm never going to watch
that show again!

Why don't you come
over to my house

and watch it with me?

Beset once again
by scientific curiosity,

I decided to give the show
another try

at Betty Quinlan's house.

( The Happy Show Show theme
playing inside on TV )

♪ And you'll be happy forever. ♪


( groans )

Betty's worth it.

Betty's worth it.


Yes, Grandma.

( voice echoing ):
Listen to me.

You will do whatever I say.

Tell everyone
to watch this show.

( in cheery voice ):
My next broadcast will go out
to the entire world!

The show was hypnotizing people

and turning them
into mindless zombies!

It didn't affect me

because I was only watching
the reflection.

Betty, snap out of it!

You've been hypnotized!

Stop watching the TV!

But I must watch,
and you must watch, too.

( screaming )

( screaming )

Mom, Dad--
we've got to call someone!

There's a TV show
that's turning everyone into...

Hello, Jimmy,
we're happy to see you.

You, too?

Come sit here,
and we'll be
happy together.


Shall we chase him?

Nothing would
make me happier.

( vase shatters )

Watch the show.

Yes, you must watch it.

It's fabulous.

Happy, happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy, happy,

happy, happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy...

Be happy, be happy.

( voice warping ):
Happy... be happy.


( panting )

( grunts )

Why don't you watch
where you're going?!

Cindy, you're not happy!

No, but I'm filthy,

and I lost at
the karate competition

to a six-year-old beige-belt
on crutches!

That's great.


You don't

Mindless zombies...
Grandma Taters... TV...

Mass hypnosis!

That big brain of yours
has finally blown
a gasket.

Let's get out of here
before they get us.

Someone's riding
the paranoid express.

Get them!

See? Like I was saying.

Okay, I believe you.

Give me the details

Don't worry, they can't
hide from us forever.

What a happy thought.

As we flew to the outskirts
of town,

I told Cindy the whole story.

And that's
what happened.

The entire town is
happy zombies,

and the world
may be next.

So, uh... why were you
at Betty Quinlan's house?


Now, I may be able
to track

the broadcast beam
of the TV show

and find its originating source.

I got it.

Cindy, it's up to us

to stop this thing

So, um... what did you do
at Betty's house?



I mean go-- let's go.

( rockets roaring )

"The Retroville Rest Home
for the old and in the way."

( cat meows )

Well, Mr. Fluffy,

tonight we will broadcast
to the entire world,

and soon, everyone will join us.

That's her?

She's so sweet
and innocent looking.

Yeah, so are child stars.

Wait here and keep a lookout
for any of the happy ones.

I'm going in to stop her.

( cat mewling )

Grandma Taters, I presume!

Oh, well, hello, honey.

Come on in.

Would you like
some hard candy?

I know what you're up to, lady.

Well, aren't you
a smart little boy?

How about I knit you a hat?

What? I...

Oh, dear, I'll need
a lot more yarn.

I'm shutting you down,

Oh, I didn't want
to have to do this.

( whistles shrilly )


Guys, stop!

Don't worry... be happy.


Mom, Dad,
you can't do this to me!

Oh, we're happy to do it.

I'm positively

But you're not supposed to be
happy all the time.

You have to be sad sometimes.

that's no longer true.

But don't you see?

Grandma Taters' show
has stolen your emotions

and caused you
to lose your humanity.

Soon the whole world will be

a pack of soulless,
mindless zombies.

Wondering if I care.

Still wondering... nope!

Sit back and relax, sonny.

Watch Grandma Taters
do what she does best.

( chuckling )




Hello, Jimmy.

I'm so happy to see you.

I'm not happy
to see you happy.

Just surrender to it, Jimmy.

It's as simple
as one, two, three!

( shouting )

Ow, ow!


You want a piece of me, honey?

Bring it, wrinkles!

Hi... yah!

( shouting )

( both shouting )

All right, Cindy,

just hold up the cue cards
when I say "action."


And... action.

( imitating Grandma Taters ):
Hello, dearies.

This is Grandma Taters.

I was wrong to tell you
to be happy all the time.

Being different is
what keeps us all

from being a pack
of mindless meat puppets.

Here's a song I wrote about it.

♪ Be angry
if you're feeling mad ♪

♪ And if you're sad, be weepy ♪

♪ But don't be happy
all the time ♪

♪ 'Cause frankly, it's creepy. ♪

Oh, dear, I'm talented.

( sighing ):

Now, when I snap my fingers,

you'll all go back
to the way you were.

( snaps fingers )

Hey, why am I tied
to Carl?

Sheen, stop wriggling!

Hugh, do something.

I'm not happy
about this one bit!


I kind of like it.

I know you meant well,
Grandma Taters,

but you should leave
mass mind control

to trained professionals.

I just wanted everyone
to be happy.

I guess I'll be on my way.

But I'm confused.

Isn't this where you live?

No, this was just
a one-week gig.

I'm sorry, girls.

I failed.

That's all right, honey.

Come in for some muffins.

And brain juice.

We'll be back!

So, um... what
were you doing

at Betty Quinlan's
house again?

I told you-- nothing.

So why were you going there?

Why are you
cross-examining me?

Oh, so you admit
you had a reason.

Cindy, you don't
know anything!

( both bickering )

The Great Spamdini Magic Set.

After waiting
four weeks for this,

it better be worth it.

Hey, look at me!

I'm The Great Sheendini.

( squeaks )

( bleats weakly )

Never buy a magic kit from
Wacko Wally's Wizard Warehouse.

This says the Great Spamdini

under mysterious circumstances.

Maybe he dabbled too far
in the dark arts.

Well, he sure dabbled in
subpar building materials.

( glass shatters )

This needs a major
Neutronic overhaul.

Jimmy, why are you
suddenly into magic?

Oh, I know-- I know.

Because Betty Quinlan
likes magic

and Jimmy likes Betty Quinlan.

Carl, you are
totally wrong!

I've always been

with prestidigitation.

Ow! Ow!

Six-syllable words
hurt my brain!

It means magic,

and I'm not doing this
to impress Betty Quinlan.


And here's your card.

Oh, please.

Magic is so lame.

I think magic's awesome.

Me, too! I've been
doing it for years.

I've been doing it
for years.

I've been doing it
for years.

Man's best friend.

So will you guys

help me do
the magic show?

Will I?

Magician's assistant

is only a few notches below
circus geek, my true dream.

I don't know, Jimmy,
dabbling in the dark arts.

Carl, one word:


Ladies and gentlemen.

You've heard of Houdini,

you've heard of those two
foreign guys with the animals...


I get to introduce
The Amazing Jimmy!

Look at your contract, babe.

Oh, man!

The Amazing... Jimmy!

( cheering and applause )

( dramatic synthesizer music
playing )

Ladies and gentlemen...

and Betty.

I will now present

a feat of magic so amazing

that all of you--
but especially Betty...

Give me a break!

Will be rendered speechless
with awe.

I shall need a volunteer.


Who shall I pick?

Just pick Betty
and get it over with!

How about you, Betty?

Sure, Jimmy.

I love magic.

Duh. Why do you think

we're doing
this cockamamie show?

May I present...

( music intensifies )

I can't believe Nerdtron

has to stage
a lame magic show

just to talk
to Betty Boring.

Shh! I'm getting
paid for this.

Unlike your
birthday parties.

You get tips.

Before your very eyes

I will make the lovely,


Get on with it!

I will now make
Betty disappear.

Magic, huh?

This should ruin
Nerdtron's magic career

and his chances with Betty.

( whirring, zapping )

Uh, power surge!

Cindy, what are you doing?

Just helping you make
Betty disappear.

( muffled expl*si*n )

( eerie wavering whistles )

( applause )

Uh, ( laughs nervously ) thanks.

Now I will disappear
and Miss Libby Folfax

will keep you all entertained
until I return.

( softly ):

Ready to get some funk
in your face?!

( playing intro to Fatboy Slim's
"w*apon of Choice" )

( clock ticking )

( voice echoing ):
Okay, I'm in some kind
of parallel dimension,

so that eyeball isn't real,
that door isn't real.

I hope that isn't real.

( screaming )

Jimmy, I'm so glad to see you.

Oh, it's great
to see you, Betty.

( screams )

If you're upset,
think how we feel!

Jimmy, my mom
is going to be really mad

if I don't come home
with my body.

This is awesome!

That body's been
holding me back for years.


The power surge must have caused
your body parts to scatter

in multidimensional space.

Enough with the scientific
yada-yada-- fix us!

Okay, I will.

First, let's get
out of here.

We all have to go back
into the toilet.

Please tell me
he didn't say "toilet."

Jimmy, the only thing
in here is that painting.

That's no painting.

Oh, so now you're
an art critic, too.

It's some sort of portal.

Come on.

Be careful, Betty.

( mockingly ):
"Be careful, Betty."

Watch your precious head.


Sorry, I have
two left feet.

Oh, wait--
no, I don't!

( playing complicated,
dramatic classical piece )

( song ends )

( portal faintly whistling
and beeping )

Um, that was every song
I know how to play.

( elbow bangs jarring chord )

Wow, this is
the first time

I've ever really
gotten into art.

Get it? "Into art"?

You didn't get it?

Because we...
we're in the art...

I get it.

Look, your bodies.

( all clamoring
for their bodies )

Oh, body,
I missed you.

Don't ever leave me again.

May I?


How pathetic.

Hey, check it out.

Now I can see where I've been.

( thud; Sheen screams )

Hey, is anyone missing an arm?

No, we're good.

( all screaming )

( all screaming )

Quick, through here!

( fast jig playing )

Keep going, Libby!

I'm sure Jimmy
will be back any second.

Whoa, cool!

We look like
math homework.

If I didn't think that we might
disintegrate at any moment

I could have some fun here.

we aren't lab rats

and this isn't
an experiment!

Back off, Cindy.

He's trying
to get us out of here,

and if anyone can do it,

he can.

Okay, I've had it,
Miss Hot Pants!

This is all your fault.

Excuse me, Miss Big Mouth?!

You made Nerdtron
go gaga over you

and do a stupid
magic show.

I'm not gaga!

You caused my invention
to overload.

Well, you built
the invention

to impress
your dream girl.

Time out!

Cindy, we need to have
a little chat.

Look, I know all about
the whole you-and-Neutron thing.

Thing? What thing?

There is no thing.

We don't have a thing.

Yeah, right.

Just relax
and keep out of my face.

He's all yours.

( quietly ):

What do you want, Sheen?

What do you mean?

I didn't say nothing.

Oh, it's you.

For a minute
I thought you were...


( all screaming )

( screaming )

( lively show music playing )

Hey, we're not liney anymore.

I guess this is it.

Trapped in a parallel dimension
by a disembodied arm.

I knew it would end this way!

Where have you been?

Not you, him.

The Great Spamdini.

I have your magic kit.

So what do you want?

A medal or a chest
to pin it on?

About that kit--
you might want

to change your name
to "Scamdini."

Um, where are we,
Mr. Dini?

If I only knew.

50 years ago I was performing
at a picnic matinee

when my metamorphosis box
was struck by lightning.

I've been in this ferschlugginer
place ever since.

You must have accidentally
designed your box

with extra-dimensional

that's triggered
by a sudden boost

in electron...

Nap time!

Anyway, I think
your arm led us here

so we could try to escape


Feh! There is no escape.

We're all going to be roomies
here in Loonyville.

Maybe not.
There must be a place

where the dimensions

Is there anywhere here
that's always spitting
out new matter?

There it is.

A tuna fish sandwich
right on time every day.

There's our portal to home.

All this time
you never looked around

and saw the portal?

I don't like tuna!

Let's go!



Oh... do you know anything
about knife throwing, Libby?

No, but how hard can it be?

( wet smack )

Which is our portal, Jimmy?

That one.

Or that one!

Or that one.

Or that one.

Check them out, but be careful.

There's no telling
where these others go.

Come on, Jimmy,
how bad could it be?

Gigantic-snake-world bad--
got it.

( screaming )

What was it?

nothing but mimes!

It's a whole world
made entirely of pastrami!

( Miss Fowl shouting )

That's Miss Fowl.

Guys, this is it.

Let's go!

Go on, kid,
save yourself.


Don't contradict
The Great Spamdini!

Pastrami world,
here we come!

( grunting )

( Jimmy shouting,
all grunting )

( crowd cheering )

Well, you're very kind.

Yeah, it was nothing, really.

Not you!


Thank you, thank you.

Give it up
for Backwards-head Boy.

Backwards-head Boy is available
for product endorsement

and personal appearances.

( screams )


Got to blast!