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03x04 - Fundemonium

Posted: 06/16/23 15:53
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

( Goddard barking )

UltraLord, defender of
the galaxy, is proud to present

his new sidekick,
Doctor Science.

Give it up, peeps!

Sheen, I'm not your sidekick.

Don't like the name?

How about "Smarty Boy?"

"Captain Big Head?"

Maybe just "Merv."

I don't want to play

I just want to test
my new invention.

But role playing
helps us act out

our most twisted

Behold, I am the Tofunator,

striking soy-based fear
throughout the world

with my tofu blaster!

( laughing maniacally )

Run, Jimmy!

If that tofu
touches us,
we're done for!

( panting )

( laughing )

I'm hit! I'm hit!

Superpowers useless...

tofu makes UltraLord
want to spew.

Hurry up, it's up to you,
Doctor Science!

Hasta la vista, babies.

I'll have to finish testing.

Sheen, power up bouncy shoes.


Way to go, Doctor Science,
we lost him.

Wishful thinking.

Eat bean curd, bouncy boys!

( springs boinging )



( springs boinging )

( rocket pack roars )

Huh? Uh-oh.

( screaming )

( both groan )

( screaming )

( thud, all screaming )

( loud thud )

( all laughing )

That was awesome!


Note to self:

mindlessly increase
bounce factor by 12%.

Hey, Jimmy, I didn't know
you were selling your house.

Howdy, boys.

Hey, Jimbo,
start packing.

We got to move if
I want to keep my job.

We're moving?

You're moving?

Your dad has a job?

( groaning )

So, your father's
company is moving,

That means our lives are ruined.

I-I mean...

I can't believe Mallard Motors
is leaving Retroville.

Everyone in town
buys their cars there.

But everyone in Retroville
has a car now.

That's why we're moving
to Derryville.

What about my friends?

They'll have to stay here.

I'm sure we'll make
plenty of new friends

in Drearyville--
uh, Derryville.

Look, I know moving is hard,

but there's
some good things, too.

For example...

Oh, no, wait,
that's a bad thing.

Maybe you should look
for a new job in town.

A new job?

That's crazy talk.

I'll bet you'd be good
at all sorts of things, Dad.

How about this,
"Toy Inventor Wanted"-- ha!

You're in touch with
your inner child, right?

Yeah, actually, Peebo and I
aren't speaking right now.

But I do occasionally
talk to Bing-Bing,

a giant invisible panda.

See, you've got
a great imagination.


Come on, Dad,
give it a try.

For us?


( clock ticking )

Neutrons, say hello

to Baby Quacky.

Huh? Yeah?


My, that's wonderful, Hugh.

Yeah, and it only
took five minutes.

Yeah, turns out
I'm a great toy inventor.

Now, watch what happens
when I activate the remote.


Remote controls are supposed
to make things... do stuff.

This one's broken.

Ah, man, what a gyp...

This toy inventing stuff is
hard work!

I'm going to have to go...

Better keep packing,

Mom, Dad needs help.

I know, honey,
but therapy is expensive,

and with the move
and all...

No, Mom, I meant
with his toy.

Oh... that, too.


Circuit board.

( squeaking )


Behold: Baby Quackers 3000--

the greatest duck baby...
doll... thing ever.

It walks.

It destroys stuff.

( yells )

( making karate yells )

It even has state-of-the-art
wee-wee transistors.

Got to go potty.


Dad's sure to get
that job now, Goddard,

and we won't have to leave

Uh-oh, shorted out
the batteries.

I know I have some batteries
here somewhere.

You looking for something,

Perhaps we could be
of service.

After you nearly deleted
everyone on earth?

Nice try.

The creator still
hates us.

And all we try to do
is please him.

You could spread the irony
with a paper knife.

Maybe if we tell him
where the batteries are,

he'll reduce
our sentence.

Glad I thought
of it.

To the left,


Very warm


Oh, yeah, thanks.

Quid pro quo, Creator,
quid pro quo.

We scratched your back, now you
scratch our dorsal transistors!

Sorry, guys, not a chance.

Imbecile! That back-scratching
metaphor made us look pathetic.

What metaphor?
I have an itch.

Well, here,
let me scratch it.

( grunts )

Get away from me.

Stop it!

( yawns )

Well, Neutrons, I'm off to
my big toy company interview.

Oh, good luck,

Thanks, Sugarbooger.

But I've already got my
two lucky charms right here--

my rabbit's foot
and my driftwood monkey.

Uh, Dad, aren't you
forgetting something?

My lucky turban?

No, Dad.

Baby Quackers.

Oh, right, yes, of course.

Say, something about Baby
Quackers seems... different.

Oh, well, I, uh...

I shined it for you.

Right, that's it,
it's a shiny ducky now.

Thanks, Jimbo.

Come on, Quackers,
let's go dance for the man.


I can't believe
Jimmy's moving away.

I know.

Who will make cool inventions
for us?

Who will nearly destroy
the town once a week?

Who will have
a head

grossly out
of proportion
to his body?

We'll never replace

( both sobbing )


Let's get a new
best friend

and train him to be
just like Jimmy.

Hey, yeah.

Where will we find
someone so clueless

he won't realize
what we're doing?

♪ La, la-la, la-la. ♪

Bolbi happy.

Bolbi get a lint brush
for birthday!

♪ La, la-la,
la-la. ♪

Can you think of anybody?

So, as you can see,

Baby Quackers will appeal
to boys, girls

and duck lovers everywhere.

What's the remote control do?

Oh... well,
nothing, really, I...

I mean,
it's supposed to, uh...

( clicking )

( whirring )

( making karate yells )

Got to go potty.


I'll just... show myself out.

Okay, let's review.

I'm UltraLord,
Carl is Tofunator,

and you are
Doctor Science.

Bolbi not want to be
Doctor Science.

Bolbi be SuperKabobee!


What kind of superhero is that?

SuperKabobee most famous hero
person in all Backhairistan.

Behold... SuperKabobee is
mighty skewer of justice!

Let bad man tremble
at my powerful
lamb kabob!

( sighs )

It's going to be
a long childhood.

Let's see
that lamb kabob.

Leave it alone!

I don't understand.

Dad should be back
from his interview by now.


We could assist you.

Yes, all we'll need is

a global positioning unit,
some plutonium,

and a lifetime supply
of cheddar chips.

What? I like cheddar chips.

Dad's back!

And he brought a moving van.

The father has been

I'll go mad if
I have to stay here!

At least we have each other.

I'll go mad if
I have to stay here!

Thanks for the lift, Porky!

That van isn't for us?

Oh, now,
why would we move

when I've... got
a great new job

as assistant
vice-junior toy inventor

at Krellmann Toy!

( Judy gasps )

You did it, Jimmy!

Oh, I mean, Hugh.

Way to go, Dad!


We're so proud, honey.

Wait till I tell the guys!

We are staying right here
in Retroville.

All I have to do is
come up with a toy design

every day
for the rest of my life.

( record skips )


Why did everybody
stop dancing?

( laughing
and quacking )

Oh, we're thrilled
you got the job

at the toy company,

You've got to come up with
a new toy design every day?

Yes, sirree, and
they want each toy

to do cool,
high-tech stuff

just like Baby Quackers.

Well, better get crackin'
on some new design.

We're doomed.

Don't worry, Mom.

I think I can soup up
Dad's toy designs

day after day
after day...

at least until
I go away to college.

I'll bring your meals
to your clubhouse.

( electricity crackling )

( engine humming )

( engine humming )

( sawing )

( hammering )

( boinging )

( boing )

( laser humming )

( boinging )

( clapping )

Hmm, well, this circuit board
should give the toy

transforming abilities.

How's the candy amm*nit*on
coming, Goddard?

( mechanical whirring )

( barks )

( yawns )

This is the fifth invention
this week.

Maybe if I rest my head
for just a minute.

( sighs, then snores )

( mechanical whirring )

Uh, Pudding Pants,

have you seen the Malibu
Death Machine I invented?

I left it right here
on the kitchen table.

Oh, I think Jimmy is
in his clubhouse working on it,

I mean, shining it.

( knocking )

Jimbo, are you in there?

Open up, son!

I need my toy!

Huh? Carl, Sheen,
come on in.

( trap door releases )


Jimbo added an underground disco
to the clubhouse.

( snoring )

Oh, isn't
that cute?

He had so much fun

with my new
Malibu Death Machine

he's all tuckered out.

needs batteries.

There must be some
batteries around here.

Oh, the creator's father seeks
a portable power source.

In here!

Hello, hello,
funny man!

Hey, little bitty
talking batteries--

that's even better.

Come here.

We're back again, baby!

We owe our freedom

to the creator's

We must find a way
to thank him.

The Meat of the Month Club
is always nice.

Fool, he's
a vegetarian.

Then he can regift.


the Malibu Death Machine

will be the biggest toy ever.

The boys will love
its massive firepower

while the girls love
its bouncing and behaving hair.

What about duck lovers?

I used duck grease
to lube the fuselage.

All righty, get ready for
the most fun toy in the world.

( remote control beeps )

( muttering )

Neutron, is this a joke?

No, no, no,
I could've just sworn I...


Something is distressing
the creator's father.

I won't let you blow
our chance at freedom.

Let us review his commands.

He wanted us to be
the biggest toy ever.

One of these commands
says "super size."

Hit it!

( electricity crackling
as group yells )

No! Down... down, boy!

I am not happy
about this one little bit!

The creator's father
is still not pleased.

He also said
our housing unit

would yield
a high degree of fun.

Let us achieve fun.

( group yelling )

Listen to their squeals
of merriment.

Yes, we are beloved
by children of all ages.

Engaging flaming
licorice bazooka.

( people screaming )

( screams )


( people screaming )

( moans )

( firing )

( people screaming )

Switching to
candy-cane launcher.

Aim for
their funny bones.

( people yelling )

( glass shatters )

( alarm buzzing )

( sleepily ):
Got to modify Dad's
new toy before...

Where's the toy
I was working on?

( alarm buzzing )

Where are the nanobots?!

( barking )

( screaming )

Goddard, we've got
to stop those nanobots

before they destroy
the whole town.

But how?

Think... think!

( engine humming )

( boinging )

Got to go potty.

Brain blast!

I should be able to use
the Baby Quacker's remote

to control
the Malibu Death Machine.

( grunting )

It looks like the end
for UltraLord,

unless his trusty sidekick
Dr. Science saves him

with some cool gadget.

SuperKabobee have cool gadget.

Behold the lint brush
of doom!

this is really lame.

I know!
If Jimmy were here

we would've fallen
out of the sky

two or three
times by now.

SuperKabobee has saved the day!

( firing )

( Carl and Sheen gasp )

What is wrong
with my new friends?

You want to play
with the lint brush?

No, dude, turn around.

( firing )

( crashing )

( gasps )

This is a job for SuperKabobee's
mighty skewers of justice!

( metal clanks )

( firing )

I have candy
in the wrong places.

( screaming )

( firing )

It warms my diodes

to bring such joy
to the world.

I, too,
feel the love.

Keep firing.

Ow! Ow!
Ow! Ow!

Jimmy, what are you doing here?

The nanobots got inside
one of my dad's toys

and now the entire town
is about to be destroyed.

Yeah, that's what
I'm talking about.

Go, Jimmy!
Go, Jimmy!

Do you want us
to help you

save the town
for old-time's sake.

It might put
your lives

in terrible danger.

We'll do it!

A little to the left.

A little more.

Perfect-- stay right
in its path.

Don't move until I say so.

Carl, we're about to
be totally obliterated

by a monster girl t*nk.

It's great to
have Jimmy back.

Isn't it, though?

I've got to lock on
to the t*nk's radio frequency.

Come on, come on.

The creator and his colleagues
appear highly stressed.

We better level both
barrels of fun at them.

Almost there.

Almost... got it!

( crashing )

You strange...

Remote manipulation.

Can't resist saying...

"Got to go potty."

Yes, it's taking
the remote's commands.

( buzzing )

All tanks have
flood capacity.

Try to hold it in!

( buzzing and beeping )

I... can't!

( grinding, then splashing )


( sighs )
( sighs )

( buzzing )


Oh, no!

( electricity crackling )

Good job, Jimmy!

You saved the town

but still caused
mondo destruction!

Oh, nice going,
bladder boy.

I knew we
should've gone

before we left
the office.

I am terribly

Would you change me?

Yes, I'll start with
the shape of your head.

Ow! You have anger issues.

this is helping.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

So I guess since your
dad's toy company is toast

you're going to have
to move after all, huh?

I guess so.

is a cruel mistress.

Hi, boys.

You're just in time
for the celebration.

The celebration?

Yes, your father got
a promotion!

You mean you didn't lose
your job?

Nope, the Malibu
Death Machine

was a public-relations

We made
all the papers.

Then we don't have to move?

Well, actually,
the company wants

to send me to
their headquarters

in New York City.

But I turned them down.

Dad, what'll you do for a job?

Well, since practically
everyone's car

was trashed
in the rampage,

Mallard Motors is
reopening its doors.

The Neutrons
are staying right here

where we belong.

( all cheering )

And so the world
won't have to wait

for the further adventures
of UltraLord...

And the Tofunator.

Don't forget Dr. Science.

All right!

( group exclaiming )

And SuperKabobee.

( howling )


Got to blast!