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07x16 - The Mission

Posted: 06/16/23 15:41
by bunniefuu
(men shouting
in native language)

Anvil Two-Two,
this is Choctaw Six.

I've got a hot target. Over.

It's a line of
one-five horsemen

moving through the Khyber Pass
towards Pakistan. Over.

Can you interdict, Choctaw Six?

Negative, Anvil Two-Two.

I can light them up.
Suggest air strike. Over.

Hawker Flight,
this is Anvil Two-Two.

Prepare for air strikes;
suspected Al Qaeda.

Stand by for
target coordinates.

This is Hawker Flight. Wilco.

Anvil Two-Two,
this is City Desk Strike.

Request further information
on the target.

We don't have a lot of time
on this, City Desk.

Intel does not report
suspected Al Qaeda

on the move in that region.

They may be civilian.

Advise the Skipper.

Choctaw Six,
this is Anvil Two-Two.

Are you certain of the target?

They are heavily armed
and well-mounted, Anvil Two-Two.

Light them up.

Roger, sir.

Commence air strike,
Hawker Flight.

Wilco. Out.

Anvil Two-Two,
this is City Desk Strike.

I cannot approve a strike
without assurance

that they are Al Qaeda.

What do you want us to do,
City Desk, check their IDs?

Hawker Flight, do not engage
until we can confirm target.

Roger that.

Anvil Two-Two,
they're scattering.

What the hell
is going on here?

I have asked
for assurance

that the target
was Al Qaeda.

We've lost the target. Over.

Last night, there was

an incident involving a JAG
aboard the USS Seahawk.

Lieutenant Commander
Jack Hillyard,

Battle Group Judge Advocate,

apparently invoked
an extreme interpretation

of the Rules of Engagement.

And as a result, several
suspected members of Al Qaeda

were able
to cross the Khyber Pass.

They got away, sir?


This is the... the second time

JAG officers have delayed
tactical strikes

and let Al Qaeda escape,

and it's damn sure
the last time.

That's why I'm sending
you and the Colonel

to the Battle Group.

Aye, aye, sir.

Now, I've given orders
for all JAGs in theater

to assemble aboard the Seahawk.

After investigating
this latest fiasco,

I want you to explain
to our JAGs

that while I want them
to comply with the Rules

of Engagement,
I do not-- I repeat, do not--

want them to exert caution
beyond all reason.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

All right.

Commander Turner,
Congresswoman Latham

has requested that you
be assigned to her staff

T.A.D. as Assistant
Staff Counsel

for the National
Security Subcommittee.

What does she want
with me, sir?

Well, I, uh, assume advice.

Talk to Rabb how
best to handle
the Congresswoman.

He's had some


I was assigned
to the Congresswoman's staff

for a few weeks when
there were charges
the U.S. used

Sarin nerve gas in the Gulf w*r.

Fabricated ZNN report.

I remember it.

She's easy to work with,
so long as you don't mind

the fact that she's contrary
and opinionated.

You two must have
made quite a pair.

Moving on.

Roberts, Singer,

there's a hit-and-run
in Maryland

I'd like for
you to handle.

78-year-old woman received
multiple fractures,

ruptured spleen,
subdural hematoma,

spent six weeks
in Saint Cecilia's.

She's ID'd the vehicle as
a late-model, blue Celica.

It matches the car driven
by Petty Officer Jeff Massuco.

Does the Petty Officer
have an alibi, sir?

Said he was jogging that night
in Rock Creek Park alone.

Uh, Roberts,
you'll defend.

Singer, you'll

Yes, sir.
Aye, sir.

That'll be all,

Roberts, if you'll, uh,
stay behind, please.

Have a seat.

Bud, I've been meaning

to talk to you
for quite a while...

Is there a problem, sir?

Not exactly.

Well, sir, just tell me
whatever it is that's wrong,

and I'll address the situation.

I want to provide you

with the best opportunity
for a promotion.

Well, sir, is it my courtroom
skills or...?

No, no.

You've proven yourself
quite capable as a trial lawyer.

My attention span 'cause I...

Can I just finish the sentence,

Yes, sir.


Have you given much thought
to your career--

your next duty assignment?

I'll take that
as a no.

Here's the
bottom line:

I can get you orders to a ship

or, uh, overseas shore duty.

Either assignment
will be a step up for you

and put you on an
excellent career path.

I see.

Well, thank you, sir.

You seem, uh,

less than thrilled, Lieutenant.

It's just that I...

I like it here, sir.

Harriet and I are talk...
Lieutenant Sims and I

are talking about
buying a house.

A.J. loves his preschool.

JAG is my life.

Things change, Lieutenant.

Mission statements

change and we change with them--

or get left behind.

Hey, you know what
this means, don't you?

Long flight and a sudden
stop that jars the brain.

Yes, but then we're back
on a carrier at w*r.

Which means
24 hours a day,

there's the constant roar
of jet engines

and the wham
of the catapult

and the stink
of the exhaust
and jet fuel...

Got to love it.

decision I made.

So, what else did he say?

Well, Admiral said
maybe Europe or a
shipboard JAG billet.

How exciting, Bud.

I'm so proud of you.

I need to see
the Admiral now.

He's on the phone
with the SECNAV, ma'am.

Then I'll wait.

I have MacKenzie and Rabb

on their way
to the Arabian Sea, sir.

MAN (over phone):
I don't want any more calls
in the middle of the night.

Yes, sir, I know it's difficult

to be woken up at 3:00
in the morning by the president.

He threatened
to castrate me like a pig.

He actually said that?

In those very words.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Secretary, you have my word.

You won't be getting
any more phone calls.

I'll hold you to that.

Now, Tiner.

Yes, ma'am.

(knock at door)


Excuse, me, Admiral.

Lieutenant Singer
would like a word
with you, sir.

Tell her anytime.

How about now, sir?

How'd you do that?


Get through the door that fast?

I'm motivated, sir.

At ease, Lieutenant. Excuse me.



Your promotion exam
results came in.

Petty Officer First Class.

Thank you, sir.

It's overdue, Tiner.

You earned it
a long time ago.

Thank you, Admiral.

What can I do for
you, Lieutenant?

Sir, I'd like you to know
that while I appreciate

the opportunities
you have given me...

You'd like more

Yes, sir.

I was just speaking
with Lieutenant Roberts,

and he mentioned the fact

that you offered him
a shot at Europe--

maybe even a billet
with a battle group.

I didn't realize you and
Lieutenant Roberts were close.

Oh, yes, sir,
we've become pretty tight.

And as much as I like Bud,

I believe myself
to be a better lawyer.


your faith in yourself
is inspiring, Lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.

However, I'm not interested

in your appraisal
of Lieutenant Robert's skills.

I'm quite competent
to judge those myself.

Of course you are, sir.

Let me be blunt, Lieutenant.

You certainly have had your
moments, but you still have

a lot to prove to me
as a lawyer and as a person.


Aye, aye, sir.


Your turn will come.

Yes, I'll hold.

For the record, Bud:

on the Petty Officer
Massuco hit-and-run,

I'm going to
kick your ass.

Seahawk, this is 612 on final.

612, Seahawk. Hold off at 200.

Tomcat on final approach.

612, roger.

Seahawk, Hawker One on final.

I have the ball.

Hawker One, looking good.
Right in the groove.

612, you're clear to land.
Spot three.

612, roger. Spot three.

You've been aboard
so many times

I figure you've got your
own stateroom by now.


Ah, this explains
your green eyes.


Watching younger men
do what you love best.

Oh-ho, don't count me out yet.

We had eight aircraft
seeking targets of opportunity.

Convoys? Caves?


Our Special Forces spotter
on the ground

found 15 suspected al Qaeda
on horseback

heading through
the Khyber Pass.

An air strike was ordered
by General Taylor.

I wanted to confirm
that the target was al Qaeda.

Were they?

Intelligence says they were,
but it was unclear at the time.

I was concerned about
civilian casualties, sir.

How certain was the spotter?

Not a hundred percent, ma'am.

You can't be a hundred percent
certain all the time, Commander.

You'd never fire a round
or drop a b*mb.

I see, Commander, that
you understand the problem.

The question now is,
can you fix it?

We'll fix it, sir.

Did Admiral Chegwidden
tell you why

I wanted you assigned
to my staff?

No. He said he'd
leave that up to you.

The House Armed Services
Committee has a series

of hearings scheduled
over the next few weeks.

On appropriations
for the coming fiscal year.

Correct, and every branch
of the four services

wants a bigger share
of a bigger pie.

We are in the middle of a w*r.

So, this is what I need
from you, Sturgis.

I'll count on you to tell me
the unvarnished truth

about who needs what
and why.

Next Friday, I want your opinion
on the needs of each program,

military value,
projected cost,

spending level, buy rates,
and procurement.

Isn't that what

the Office of Legislative
Affairs is for?

And I'll be consulting them,
but I need someone I can trust.

The standing peacetime
Rules of Engagement

are not applicable in this area

of responsibility.

When our people are
over Afghanistan

they are under CENTCOM
Rules of Engagement,

authorizing attack
of all identified Taliban

and al Qaeda troops and assets.

Which means that we
can engage any target

on the approved target
list at any time.

These rules also
strictly forbid att*cks

on the no-strike list.

And they create conflict.

Yes, sir, many times they do.

That's where
your judgment

must come into play.

When our strike force

a potential target

but can't tell
whether it's an enemy asset

or whether striking it
poses an unwarranted risk

of collateral damage
to noncombatants,

you're going to be
in the hot seat.

Look, with real-time
data links, GPS

and intelligence, we should
be able to advise our commanders

promptly whether it is
wise to engage or not.

How can we
ever be sure

that there won't be
civilian casualties, sir?

We can never be sure, Commander.

Civilian casualties
are inevitable.

You have a problem with that?

Yes, sir.

We all do, Commander,

but that's a risk
we have to take.

We are a nation

at w*r.

Harriet, I think we should
really talk about this.

If I'm assigned
to a carrier

it's a three-year tour.

I know.

And at least
one six-month deployment.

I can manage.

Well, I don't know if I can.

I mean, you and A.J.
are my entire life.

What about Europe?

We could both go.

I could check with BUPERS

and see if they have
anything available.

That's at least two years.

You wouldn't even get
to see your parents.

They could visit.

I don't want A.J.
starting school

anywhere but here.

Okay. Well, then
I'll stay here with him

and you can come
home on leave.

I only get 30 days a year.

Bud, isn't it worth
the sacrifice

for a greater chance
at promotion?

I mean, you would be
getting overseas pay,

which would mean
more money.

What good is money
if we're apart?

We could buy a house.

Which only one of us
would get to be in.

Let's table this discussion.

You have a lot
of work to do.


I'll get him.


I'll take the night shift.

Don't stay up too late.

You have court tomorrow.




How'd you know
where I was?

Where else would you be
on a carrier during Ops?

In the front seat
of an F-14.

Not this trip.

I can dream.


You know, I'm starting
to understand

how you feel, Harm.

When I was aboard the LHA

I got a sense of what
it's like to be out at sea.

Everything else--

whatever personal
problems you might have--

it all goes away.

Nothing seems important in
the face of what you're doing.

There was a time
you hated it here.

Nothing stays the same.

Tell me about it.

I'm glad you're here.

You need to be thinking
outside the box now.

We're talking about
a whole new kind of w*r.

Pinpoint bombing,
rapid insertion of troops,

a-a moving front.

So before you
commit to funding

you have to know that

the assets you're
buying and building

will work within
that construct.

There's no way
to know for sure,

and everybody thinks
they should be first in line.

Nothing's sure in w*r.

Or in politics.

Tell me about it.

You okay working with me?

Commander Rabb
gave me some tips

on how to get along.

I wasn't aware you two
had talked about me.

Since he was here first

he turned me on
to some pointers.

What else did he
tell you about me?

That you were tough
and opinionated

and hard to get along with.

Hmm. That's all?

What more is there?

You wanted to see me, Skipper?

You're new to me, Rabb.

You know, I spent a
really entertaining
hour or so

reading your service
record last night.

There are a few things in there
that need explaining, sir.

You got a real gift
for understatement.

But the bottom line is,
you understand the law

and you
understand combat,

and that makes you
valuable to me.

I want you to fly
the next mission.

Yes, sir.

Look, I'm not
offering you

this opportunity
for your enjoyment.

It should help
you refine

the Rules
of Engagement.

And I'm assigning you
Lieutenant Jorgenson--

the squadron's best RIO.

That'll make up for the fact
that the terrain is new to you.

We've got a briefing
in 15 minutes.

You can suit up
after that.

Aye, aye, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Your target is a group
of suspected al Qaeda

and Taliban leadership.

They are reportedly located
in the town of Arondu Kalay.

A Special Forces spotter
on the ground

will identify your target
for you,

but check with me
before commencing action.

Your strike group is four F-14's

with four 2,000-pound
guided weapons.

Your support group
is one E-A-6-B jammer,

one K-C-10 tanker.

Distance to target
is 830 nautical miles.

Mission time, 4.5 hours.

You will refuel in-flight

just before you reach
the Afghanistan border,

both inbound and outbound.

Now, as you know,

there's a weather front
moving in over the target area.

Icing and visibility
could be problems.

If conditions become severe
over the target area,

abort the mission,
return to ship.

Launch is at 1800.

That is all.


Good luck, Lieutenant.

And to you, too. I hear
you're coming with us.

Yeah, I am.

This is a motion in limine
to restrict the number

of character witnesses
you can call.

Singer, my client deserves
a fair trial.

Petty Officer Massuco
ran a woman down
on the street,

then left the scene
of the accident.


I'm opposing your request
for a continuance.

And I'm opposing
your request for funds

to have an expert witness
for paint comparison analysis.

Singer, why are you doing
all of this?

Because... you won't deal.

I believe my client is innocent.

Why should I deal?

Save the Navy
the cost of a trial.

Excuse me.

Rough night?

I was up all night
with A.J.

Well, you two have
become quite chummy.

My son.

Oh, that A.J.

He has the flu.

Well, can't Harriet handle him?

Harriet and I both work
full-time jobs,

so we share the childcare.

You know why I stay single?

I can think of several reasons.

Well, put this at the top
of your list.

There's nothing between me
and my work.

No one to consider.

That is really very sad.

Here are my points
and authorities

opposing your request
for a lineup.

Lieutenant Jorgenson.


Understand I'll be
flying with you, sir.


Best RIO I ever had
was a woman.

'Course. "Was," sir?

Uh, still is.

Whoever she's flying with

is a damn lucky pilot.

First time we met,
Skates was aboard the Seahawk.

That her call sign?

It is.

Harm saved her life
and then defended her

when she was falsely accused.

Then I dumped an F-14

in the drink,
damn near drowned the two of us,

and, uh, afterwards, she saved
me from dying of hypothermia.

Commander, do a lot of things
happen to you?

Well, certainly that week.

This ought to be interesting.

Take-off checklist complete.

Hawker One, section ready.

Captain, strike group is spotted
and ready to launch.

sh**t 'em.

Aye, sir. Launching one.

Launching two.

Engine instruments normal.

Takeoff checklist complete.

Roger. Going to zone five.

Hawker Flight, go tactical.

Two up.

Three up.

Four up.

Let's move out.

Lieutenant, ready to go?

Let's see what you got.

(knock at door)


Uh, sir, Lieutenant Sims would
like to speak with you.

Send her in.

Good morning, sir.

At ease.

What's on your
mind, Lieutenant?

Sir, Bud told me
about the conversation

that you had with him.

Are you afraid

that your marriage can't
withstand a separation?

No, sir.

Or that your husband
will cheat on you?

Never, sir.
I would k*ll him.

Well, fear of extreme
bodily harm has always been

an excellent incentive
for fidelity.

Sir, I can manage
the lieutenant's absence.

It's him I'm
worried about.

Don't be.

But, sir...

Lieutenant Roberts
is far tougher

than he's given credit for.

Bud needs a chance

to prove himself away fr...

He needs to become his own man.

I couldn't agree more
with you, sir.

So you approve
of what I'm doing?

Yes, sir.

Then why did you want
to speak to me?

Sir, sometimes Bud is...
overly sentimental.

He is stuck in his ways.

And I just want you to know

that I welcome
the opportunity

for his career

And I also know that, uh,
sometimes it's hard

for a man to move on.

Well, that's true.

Been thinking
about moving on myself.

Where, sir?

I understand they may be looking
for a coach

for the Annapolis baseball team.

Sir, you would retire
from JAG for baseball?

I think about it sometimes.

Last few years

I've been helping coach
a local high school team.

You know,
I was a high school pitcher.

Drafted in the second round
by Cleveland.

And that didn't work out
for you?

I turned them down.


Well, there was a w*r on.

I got in Annapolis,
in the SEALs, and...

never looked back.

Till now.

Let me understand this,

Petty Officer Massuco.

You claim that at the time
you ran over Mrs. Kravitz

you were jogging
in the park.

Ma'am, I didn't
run over anyone.


Facts not in evidence.

Sustained. Rephrase, Counsel.

Petty Officer Massuco,

you claim that at the time
of the incident

you were jogging
in the park alone.

Did anyone happen
to see you?

Uh, I don't think so, ma'am,

but there were other joggers
in the park.

But no one came forward
to corroborate your story?

No, ma'am.

You could have
been anywhere.

Yes, ma'am.

I-I guess that's right, but...

You can't prove

that you were in the park

at the time of the incident.

You could have been anywhere.

Maybe you were behind
the wheel of your car.

Or perhaps you were very tired.

Perhaps you didn't see
the victim step out

in front of your car.

Lieutenant Roberts,

do you care to object?


Okay, you have your
opening statement.

You have a list of questions
for General Harris.

You have another list
of questions for Admiral Drake.

I want you close
to me, Commander.

Right behind
you, ma'am.

I cannot lose control
of this hearing.

I find it unlikely
that you lose control

of anything in your
life, Congresswoman.

Then you'd be wrong.

I have point papers
on every conceivable subject.

If I get stuck?

I have taken the liberty

of preparing several
additional statements

so obscure
in their wording

as to sow confusion
and dismay amongst your enemies.


I have contact,
but I'm not receiving fuel.

Don't know if the problem is
mine or yours, Castle Rock.

Looks good here. Break off
and give another bird a try.

Breaking off.

Hawker Four.

Give it a go.

Roger, Hawker One.

Moving in.

We're taking on fuel.

Roger that. Hawker Four,
take lead of your section.

I'm taking my wingman with me.

I got just enough fuel
to make it home.


Sorry, Hawker One.

I'll bet you are.

Of course,
procurement rates

can't be raised without
the risk of cost overruns...

Do you ever talk
about anything but work?

What else is there?


Do you have any?


Only child.

Me, too.

So I never learned
how to share.


Uh... parents?

I never knew my father,

and, um, I was raised
by my mother and my two aunts.

That's a lot of women.

Three of the most
important people in my life.

I was poor,
but I never was hungry,

and if I ever needed
a new dress, I got one.

Is that why you're
a champion of the
poor and downtrodden?

They make up the majority
of the people

I represent.

Why the Navy?

That's what my father wanted
for me.

Any regrets?

I never stopped long enough
to consider that question.

Uh, no.

No regrets.

Otherwise, I never would have
played in the Army-Navy game


wouldn't have seen
the Northern Lights

from the conning tower
of a submarine at the Pole.

I wouldn't have gotten
to know you.

Good answer.

That was cheap and sleazy,

even for you, Singer.

Are you familiar
with expression,
"sore loser"?

I'm not concerned
about myself.

It's my client.

Oh, right.

You're the hotshot.

Mr. Fast Track.

What's all this about?

You slept your way
through the trial, Lieutenant.

I did not.

Then why were you snoring?

Not that it's any
of your business,

but A.J.'s been
sick, and...

Spare me, Roberts.

Look, I don't give a
damn about myself here!

No, that's right.

You don't have to give a damn.

You can phone it in
because you have so many people

working overtime
to promote your sorry ass!

(thunder crashing)

You see that storm cell ahead?

Reads angels 30.

Tuck in, Hawker Flight.

We're going up
to avoid that storm cell.

They're an hour away

from target.

What about that weather?

They'll fly over it.

Sir, won't cloud cover
interfere with laser lock?

That's the tricky part.

They'll have to drop down
to what altitude?

2,000 feet above
ground level.

And with visibility
only a hundred meters

they'll have to
stay close together.

The mountains are
at 7,000 feet.

That's not a lot
of room for error.

And within range
of Stinger missiles.

Not a lot of those
left in-country.

It only takes one, sir.

As you said, Colonel,

it's called w*r.


Working late, Lieutenant?

I always work late, sir.

Singer... you should get a life.

Yes, sir.

And, sir?

So should you.


Ever play baseball,

No, sir.

I favor contact sports.

Good night.

Good night, sir.

Good night, sir.

Hawker Flight,
this is Anvil Two-Two.

We have a target in the village

of Arondu Kalay.

I have datalinked
the G.P.S. coordinates.

Roger, Anvil Two-Two.

Contact Choctaw Six
for precise designation.

Wilco, Anvil Two-Two.

Choctaw Six,
this is Hawker Flight.

Do you read me?

Hawker Flight,
this is Choctaw Six.

I copy you. Over.

What is our target?

Building on the south edge
of the village.

It used to be a schoolhouse.

Suspected al Qaeda and Taliban
senior leadership. Over.

Anyone else?


Roger. What else is in proximity
to the target?

Other buildings.


Unlikely. This village has taken
quite a pounding

over the last few months.

Most civilians have gone
into the hills. Over.

What's your decision, Colonel?


Anvil Two-Two,
this is Captain Johnson.

You still debating?


Prosecute the target.


Coming in. Light 'em up.

Roger that, Hawker Leader.

We'll keep our heads down.

Hawker Flight,
this is Hawker Four.

We're hitting the deck
at Angels Two A.G.L.

Commencing run.

Hawker Two. Roger that.

Two up.

She buried an
important witness

in the middle
of 28 names.

She bogged me down
with countless trivial motions.

Then she opposes my request
for a continuance.

Well, she had something
to prove, Bud.

You were chosen over her.

And besides, you had
a lot on your mind.

That's no excuse.

And you were up the whole night
with A.J. when he was sick.

I fell asleep in court!

I mean, there might be
some profession out there

that makes allowances
for exhaustion.

Mine doesn't.

And if I have to go away,

there won't be anyone
to help you with A.J.

Sweetheart, I can manage it.

And this is
a new assignment.

It's not... hard time
at Leavenworth.

Well, it feels like it.




I'm just looking at ya.

You see me every day.

That's just it.

You're here, and I
don't really see you.

Is that some kind of
out-of-body, paranormal thing?

No. It's scarier than that.

It's married life.

You got a little
gray hair right here.

Mm, couple of little
worry lines.

You know, things might
be tough for a little while,



...when we're the old folks,
that live on the hill,

we'll hardly even
remember this.

Some things
you don't forget.

Like this.

Confirm that you have the target
coordinates, Hawker Leader.

Roger that, Choctaw Six.

I have the coordinates.

Hawker Four, out.

I've got the illuminator.

Lower left-hand corner
of the display.

Hawker Flight Four
has targeted sight.

Eleven o'clock. Four miles.

Tall building
at the edge of town.


Two, roger, ident.

Stinger in the air!

Seven-thirty. Low.

Breaking left.
Punch out flares.

Flares away.

We've been hit.

Hawker Two,
we have engine trouble.

Check left engine nozzle.

Hawker Four, confirm.
You've got smoke.

Fire warning light, left engine.

Shutting left engine down.

Pull engine
fire handle.

You got it. Nice going.

I'm not getting full power
from the right engine.

Let's dump fuel.

Can't do it.

Too far from the ship.

Hawker Four, retain the lead.

I'll cover your six.

Roger that.

You told me
this would be exciting, sir.

I had no idea.

You saw the colonel
handle it.

I did, sir.

Do you disagree
with her decision?

Sir, respectfully,

I would have asked
for more information.

Commander, I believe
you're a fine lawyer,

but you are a lousy
wartime JAG.

I'm going to ask for your
immediate reassignment.

I need someone

on board who can make up
his or her mind.

Castle Rock,
this is Hawker Four.

Flight of two for refueling.

I'm single-engine with
some battle damage,

so I'm going to
need you to take
it nice and steady.

Roger that, Hawker Four--
we're in first gear now.

We're taking on fuel.

We're losing power,
Castle Rock.

I'm backing out,
and I can't stop it.

Harm, we got to stay in there.

Otherwise, we can't make it
back to ship.

Castle Rock,

I'm going to try again.

Castle Rock,

I don't have enough power
to stay plugged in.

We'll take our
chances to the ship.

Roger that, Hawker Four.

Good luck.

When I requested you,

I never dreamed I'd be getting
an escort service.

Escort service?

You figure I hire out
by the hour?

Well, you are
the last gentleman.

When your father's
a navy chaplain

and your mother is
the Sunday school teacher,

manners are taught
early and often.

Allow me.

Well, did they teach you
never to kiss a lady

unless she requests
you to do so?

You know, they never got around
to courtship.

neither do you.

Are you playing hard to get now?

City Desk Strike,
this is Hawker Four.

50 miles out.

Flight of two.

State 3.9.

I'm singled out
from battle damage.

I'm going to need
a little help

getting back aboard.

Hawker Four,
this is the captain.

Come on in.
We have a ready deck.

Roger that, Captain.

I've shut down one engine

and I don't have full power
in the other,

so I'd like to make it
on the first pass.

Hawker Four, this is Paddles.

Have you checked out
your burner?

Affirmative, but it
was slow to light.

Hung ordnance?


I have you in sight.

Keep it coming.

I have the ball.

Paddles, this is Hawker Four.

Ball, 2.4.

Single-engine approach.

You're a little low.

Keep your speed up.

Give me some attitude.

Burner now!

It's not lighting!

Power, power, power.

Eject! Eject! Eject!

Initiating ejection.


(both exhale)

I was right about you.

Things happen
when you're around.



Mac. I'll, uh,
I'll catch up with you

in the Ready Room,

And I'll buy, if they ever
finish debriefing you.

How nice.

You've made a friend.


Oh, she's right.

Things happen
when you're around.

Were you worried?

Not for a minute.

Admiral. I thought
you'd already left.


May I?

Uh, yes, sir, of course.

And-and, sir,
I don't need that
pep talk anymore.

You're absolutely
right about this.

It's shortsighted of me to
put security above career.

I'm willing to go
anywhere I'm needed, sir.

You're needed right here,

I just spoke
with Captain Proudy,

the convening authority

on Petty Officer Massuco's

He's become aware
of new evidence

and has come to the conclusion

that you may have been derelict
in your duties

as a defense counsel.

I... I'm sorry, sir?

At Captain Proudy's

I've initiated a preliminary
inquiry into your performance,

as a prelude
to an Article 32 hearing.