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28x22 - Secret Santa

Posted: 06/16/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers. ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Jingle bells, ♪

♪ jingle bells, ♪

♪ jingle all the way. ♪

-Happy Hanukkah!

-♪ Oh, what fun ♪

♪ it is to ride ♪

♪ in a one-horse open sleigh! ♪

Thanks. Merry Christmas!

-Hey, bro. Anyone give

you coal? [chuckles]

-You mean like you did

when I was ? No.

It's been great, actually.

-Hey, I thought you finally

found a replacement

for this key?


I looked all over, but

they don't make 'em any more.

-That's a shame.

You got your Secret Santa

present ready, right?

-I, uh,

haven't finished my

gift shopping yet,

or, like, started.

-Amelia's group calendar

has reminded us twice a week

for the last three months.

We're exchanging them

at the base in an hour!

-Sure, I know. I'm gonna

go get a gift right now.


-Hear that, Slyther?

The Rangers will exchange

presents in their base.

Our perfectly peachy plan is

coming together! [chuckles]

-They'll pay for

destroying Void Knight!

-Merry Christmas, Santa.

-And you, Javi.

And thanks for that

wonderful music.


Hey, can I ask you something?

I need to buy

a gift for a friend,

but I never know what to get.

-Finding the perfect present

is a tricky thing!

I've been doing it forever,

and I'm still learning.

-Well, what was the

best gift you ever got?

-One year, Mrs Claus

made these wonderful gloves.

They were the perfect gift

for keeping my hands warm

through long sleigh rides

in the night! Brrr.




That's a great gift.

And the stores are still open.

-Ooh, I may be able to save

you the trouble, young man.

My elves gave me

this magical sketchbook.

Now, I don't love technology,

and I can never make

Bluetooth work, ever.

But they say this is easy.

I can draw the idea of a gift,

sprinkle a little magic,

and it becomes the real thing.

Seems pretty powerful, huh?

Would you like me

to make some gloves?

-That is an amazing sketchbook,

but, no, thanks.

I don't need help.

I know exactly what to get.

I've earned enough

to buy the best.

-Then good luck, Javi.

-Bye, Santa.



A book that can make anything.

-That's what I

want for Christmas!

-A little to the left, dude.

-There you are.




-Wow, guys, the

tree looks amazing!



-And I've got just

the right topper.

-Ooh, what ya got?


-Aw, nice touch.

[giggles] Now it's complete.

-Sorry I'm late, fam. Check

out all these Christmas cards

Buzzblast collected

from Power Ranger fans.

-Oh yeah.


So much love for our team!

-Thanks for bringing them,


-Where is Solon?

I'm ready to open

up these presents!


Did you sort your gift out?

-Oh, yeah!

Solon is going to love these.

-Uh, those are human gloves;

Solon has claws.

-Aw, man, I knew I'd blow it!

I've always been bad

at picking gifts.

Santa is the real expert.

-Who's Santa?

-Santa Claus.

The dude that brings kids

gifts all over the world?

-Santa is a person?!

Oh man. I thought you said we

had to get secret sander gifts,


I got a power sander!


Now I know why the human at the

hardware store was so confused.

-Well, I'm from Earth,

so I don't have your excuse.

What do I do?

Solon deserves a nice gift.

-Don't worry. We'll go find

you a gift to give to Solon.

-Stay here and stall

her till we get back.

-You guys are the best.

-Where'd everybody go?

I thought we were

gonna open presents.

You guys are too old for

hide-and-seek, aren't you?

-Uh, we ran out of gingerbread,

so the others went

to get more at the,

uh, gingerbread store.


-Wanna sing some carols?

-Oh, if only I was

musical like you.

Knowing how to play all

those different songs is


and with a missing key too.

But, please,

no Christmas carols.

It makes me sad that

I can't sing along.

-Well, why not?

-I get too nervous to remember

the words. It makes it tough

to feel the Christmas spirit.

Oh, what's all this stuff?

-These are holiday greetings

from all the fans of

the Power Rangers.

Let's see what we got.

-Oh, how lovely!

Cards are so much more

personal than emails.

-Aargh! Aargh!



What just happened?!

-I wanna sound mean

and tough! [giggles, growls]

OK, I'm ready.

Is it recording? Oh, it is!



-That's Mucus. She's back?!

-Ho-ho-ho, Rangers!

Slyther and I hope you

got our special gift.

It'll light up your base

like a Christmas tree!

Kaboom! [giggles]

But you can't have

a gift without a card,

so we sent this to disable

your comms and teleporters!

There's no escaping now.

Merry expl*sives, Rangers!

[giggles] And... cut.


-It's a countdown.

We only have minutes before

the whole base explodes!


It's a countdown.

We only have minutes before

the whole base explodes!

-No one's seen Mucus and Slyther

since we destroyed Void Knight.


-I thought they were gone!

-The computer,

maybe it can tells us

just how badly we've been hit.

All of our comms and teleporting

systems really are down.

We're stuck in here with

a ticking time b*mb!

-We need to find it.

-And fast,

but where do we start?


Mucus said it was a gift.

What if they switched

a Secret Santa gift?

-So you think one of these

gifts could be an expl*sive?

-It's the only way they

could've slipped it in here.

So, which gift

is rigged to blow?

For Izzy.

Let's see what's in it.

-Here we go.

-An electronics kit?

When Izzy was struggling

with her electronics class,

Ollie helped her learn.

-Human circuits have electricity

flowing through

wires at different voltages.

This machine works the same way;

it's just that the parts

look very different.

-Everything turned off.


see this bit here?

-She ended up acing her test.

-That's amazing.

-Don't mention it.

-Only Ollie would've

gotten this for Izzy;

it's totally not the expl*sive.

-Let's try the gift

for Ollie next.

-It's cute wrapping paper.

-Hopefully it doesn't come

with a cute expl*si*n.


-A rain poncho,

made to look like a ghost?

-[laughs] Amelia told me

how she and Ollie met.

She thought she saw a ghost

and tried to catch it,

but it was Ollie

wearing this poncho!

-Sorry! I thought that

you were someone else.

Hold on - I'll deactivate it.

-Wrong button! Aargh!

Aargh! [pants]

-Are you OK?

-That thing really smarts.

-Come on.

It can't hurt that much.

-She knows exactly

how to push his buttons.

So that's two safe gifts.

Just four more to go.

-Does Solon like hot cocoa?

-Does anyone not? [chuckles]

[communicator rings]

-It's a call from Santa Claus!


-Hey, Santa. Is everything OK?

-I'm afraid not, Rangers.

My sketchbook has gone missing.

I think it may

have been stolen.

I can use it

to create any gift,

but it would be very dangerous

in the wrong hands.

-But you were voted world's

nicest man years running -

who would steal from you?!

-A monster would.

-I need your help to

get my sketchbook back.

If you can't,

you must destroy it.

-We're on it, Santa.

-So much for shopping.


-Great work.

-Mucus and Slyther?!

-They're still alive?!


-Huh?! What are they doing here?

Mucus, you said they

were trapped in their base!

-Well, we were trapped in

another dimension and got out,

so how'd you escape our b*mb??

-Hold up.

Solon and Javi are trapped?

With a b*mb?!

Guys, are you there?

Solon! No answer.

Prepare the sketchbook!

Who's up for an art lesson?

-Guess we found our thieves.

-♪ A not-so itsy-bitsy spider ♪

♪ climbed out

of Santa's book. ♪

-That's one crazy sketchbook!

-We won't let it

ruin our holiday.

It's Morphin' time!

-[all]: Dino Fury Key -


Link to Morphin Grid!

[whoosh! all grunt]




Dino Fury Power!

-Without Solon, I'll have

to summon the zords myself.

Zord deployment override.

Password -

Zayto is cool.

Send in the T-Rex Champion,

Dimetro Blazing

and Mosa Razor Zords!





-[both]: Zords Combine! Ha!




-[all]: Linked! Ha!

Fusion Ultrazord!

-We've got to finish this quick

so we can help Javi and Solon.

-And get back

to opening our presents!

-[both]: Huh?

-But, yeah, saving our

friends is the main thing.

-There's no time to waste.

-[all]: Ha!





-Less than six minutes

until it blows.

-We're running out of time!

-Try this one.

-What is it?

-Whoa! Frosty!

-Oh, home-made

ice cream for Aiyon.

Phew. Of course.

He loves the stuff.

Aiyon helped save a runaway

ice cream cart at the beach.

-Aargh! [grunts]



-Then he got offered

free ice cream.

He took full advantage.

-I'll start with strawberry -

make it a triple scoop.

Hang on. It's...

Flargon flavored. What's that?

-Oh, Flargon is

a Rafkon delicacy!

Only Zayto would know that;

it must be from him.

-Good thinking, Solon.

-OK, this one's for Zayto.

Oh my. A hand-stitched

punching bag.

And gym shirt with some, um,

uh, unique needlework.

-Wait. I have a feeling

I know what this is.

Izzy and Zayto both

joined the same gym.

-Impressive, kid, but if

you break another one,

you'll have to pay.

All members must buy my

official training uniform.

No exceptions.

-We have to buy a uniform?

Even the membership

was expensive.

-Come on. It'll be worth it.



Oh man! It's brand new!

-The greedy Coach was the worst.

She was always looking for ways

to scam money out of people.

-Hey, I, um...

I noticed your uniform is torn.

I can't have that in my gym.

You'll have to buy a new one.

-Oh. Well, it was

kind of expensive.

-I'm sure I could fix it better.

-You're the perfect athlete.

Your uniform should

be perfect too.

-My friend thought that maybe

you were just after the money.

He was right -

you're not the coach

I thought you were.

-Excuse me?!

-Starting today, I'll run

group training sessions -

for free.

-None of you are getting

your money back, OK?

Not a single penny.

-OK, let's start with stretches.

-Izzy's become a great

trainer herself.

She must have made this

new gear for Zayto.

How thoughtful!

-Only one gift left.

Oh wow. My missing key!

-Yep, I custom-made

it for your keyboard.

I hope it fits.

-That's an amazing gift, Solon.

-Oh, you're welcome.

But I'm afraid it won't be much

use if we can't find that b*mb.

-Right. Mucus said the

expl*sive was a gift,...

but the only other gift

here is Aiyon's sander,

and that's definitely something

only he would get.


-So which one is the b*mb?

There's no way one of

them is an expl*sive.

-Nothing else has

come in the base.

-Wait. The star on the tree!

Someone dropped it in my case

while I was playing carols.

It's a gift! The guy must

have been Slyther in disguise.

This has to be it.

-How do we get rid of it?

- seconds until it blows!



seconds until it blows!

Wait. I've got it.

If our chest can contain Sporix,

let's hope it can

handle an expl*si*n.


[suspenseful music]

Go, go, go!

-Get down!



-That was way too close.

-No kidding.

But our systems are...

They're back online!

-Guys! Does anyone copy?

-Man, am I glad to hear

your voice! Hang tight.

We've just gotta catch a spider.







Megafury Saber!

-[all]: Fusion Ultra Strike! Ha!



-The battle ain't over yet. Ha!

-Well, that's what you get for

relying on an eight-legged


I should have started with

something really scary,

like a clown.

What?! What?!

-I'm back in action, and your

silly season's over, Slyther!

-That's what you think.


[all grunt]

-[all]: Ha!

[all grunt]



Ha! Blazing Fury blast!

-Muscle flex!


-Sprint streak!



-Ha ha!


-Mist spritz!

-Electro Fury blast!



-[all]: Hah!

-Why are you so good

at ruining everything?!

-No more tricks.

Hand over Santa's book, Slyther.

-But tricks are

literally my thing.


-[all]: Huh?

-All these pages,

I can fill with monsters.

But what next? Ah, I've got it!

I'll draw the greatest

monster of them all!


Welcome to the stage,

giant me!

-Hello, small me!

Shall I sprinkle some pain?

-Guess it's zord time - again.

-[all]: Zords Combine!

-Mosa Razor Zord, Battle Mode!



-Ready for this, Aiyon?

-The faster we can do this,

the faster we get presents!

-[all]: Ha!

-[Giant Slyther]: Step right up.

Block! Dodge!



Oh! Ow, ow,

ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

The nerve!

-Megafury Saber!



-[all]: Dino Mega Slash!


-Oh dear.

Tuck and roll, giant me -

tuck and roll!



[dramatic music]

-[all]: Dino Fury Victory!

-Oh yeah!

-I know what I want

for next Christmas -

no more Power Rangers.

-Sorry your sketchbook

got destroyed, Santa.

-Ho, ho, ho!

I prefer to make presents the

traditional way - with elves.

But the most important thing is

the bad guys didn't get my book.

-We're happy to help.

Merry Christmas!

-Hey, can we exchange our gifts?

-Yes! Finally!


-So, that's where my

poncho disappeared to.


-I hope I don't run into

any more ghost hunters.

Thanks, Amelia.

-You're welcome.

-How did your gift work out?

-Copying your idea was a bust.

But after going through

all the presents today...

and getting a very

thoughtful gift from Solon...

I think I learned the secret -

great gifts come from the heart,

which is why I think

I know which gift to give.

[poignant music]

-Hey, Javi.

-I'm your Secret Santa.

Merry Christmas, Solon.

-Your songbook?

Oh my. How come?

-You said you got nervous

and forgot the words of songs.

When we were little, our family

sung carols with this songbook.

It's always helped me get

into the Christmas spirit.

Now it'll do the same for you.

-It's perfect.

Thank you, Javi.

Can we sing one now?

-Of course!

-♪ Jingle Bells, ♪

♪ jingle bells, ♪

♪ jingle all the way. ♪

♪ Oh, what fun ♪

♪ it is to ride ♪

♪ in a one-horse open sleigh! ♪