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28x21 - Void Trap

Posted: 06/16/23 07:27
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution. ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-This is an energy conductor.

-The Morphin' Grid.

-Look at all that power.

-You should've seen

the Morphin' Grid.

It has all the power

we'll ever need.

-All of Dr. Akana's equipment

has been stolen by Void Knight.

-Why would he want that?

-And what's he gonna do with it?

-We'd better find out

before it's too late.

-So Void Knight must've had his

minions snooping on us again.

-But why would he take

your mom's device?

-Maybe the Sporix weren't

giving him the power he wanted.

-So he wants to tap into

the Grid's power instead?

-But what for?

-Summer's coming.

Maybe he needs it to

run his air conditioner?

Those things need

a lot of power.

-Whatever it is,

we know that Void Knight

can't use Dr Akana's device.

It's missing its capacitor,

and she's still got it.

-Yeah. We can't let him

get his hands on it.

-Or could we?

What if he got it

but it didn't actually work?

-So we don't fix the capacitor?

-Or even better -

we sabotage it.

That way, if he tries to use it,

we can make it go ka-boom!

-That'd stop his plans cold.

-It might work.

Like you said,

he'll go looking for it.

So let's make sure that he

finds Dr. Akana and gets it



Uh-uh. No.

It's way too risky.

-I get it.

No one wants to put the

ones they love in danger.

-We have to think about

what's at stake.

-But Void Knight's

so unpredictable.

-Maybe she'd want to help.

It's your mom's decision

to make, not yours, right?

-[sighs] OK.

Let's ask her.

-[Reaghoul]: I don't know

what you see in him, but OK.

-Boomtower's back! All right!

I knew I'd survive

that black hole.

-You absolutely did not!

-My magic resurrected you!

-What do you want, a thank you?

-Well, yes. Please.

-[Mucus]: What are you gonna

do with it, master?


Because there's a part missing!

Some kind of capacitor!

-Oh, this totally

ruins the plan.

I'm furious.

And I don't even know

what the plan is!

-This device needs to work.

Find the Doctor and

get me the missing part!

-It's Boomin' time!


Setback after setback!

But think about

what's on the line.

[liquid bubbles]

After all these years,

my plans are finally

coming together.

I promise you,

my darling Santaura,

it won't be long.

-Right this way, Dr Akana.

-Look at this place.

Ollie will flip. So much tech!

-You like technology, huh?

Well, I just bought this thing

online called a microwave.

It makes popcorn

in under three minutes.

It's like we're

living in the future.

-You're a...

-Just a Solonosaurus.

Plus a few necessary upgrades,

as you can see.

Call me Solon.

Pleasure to meet ya.

-The pleasure is all mine.

I have so many questions.

Like... how?

And-and-and... how, and...

[chuckles] how?!

-We are on the clock.


Down to business.

So, this Void Knight,

he's got a knack for

stealing my stuff, yeah?

-Yeah, which is why he'll be

after the missing capacitor.

-Oh, true. I've just fixed it.

Do you wanna keep it safe

or something?

-Not exactly.

We want to foil whatever

Void Knight's planning.

And we need your help.

-[Ollie]: It'll mean you come

face-to-face with his crew.

It could be really

dangerous, Doctor.

And I'm sure your wonderful

and smart son would protest.


And that is exactly how

Ollie would describe himself.

But this isn't my first rodeo

against these thieves.

I'm in.


-Doctor, the monsters are here.

You're safe.

We've got our eyes on you.

Just stick to the plan.

Say something about

the capacitor now.

-Yeah, yeah, I've gotta

head back to Dinohenge

with my fixed capacitor.

Sounds good. Bye, Beatrice!

Hey, Doc! We thought we'd

come in for a check-up!

-Oh. Please.

No. Leave me alone.

-Thank you!


-It looks perfect!

-They took the bait.

-[people scream]

-[Ollie]: Get outta there, Mom.

-Now that I've got what I need,

you deal with the good doctor.

-[Reaghoul]: Grab her!

You like gadgets, Doctor?

Here's one - sleepy cuffs!


-[Mucus laughs]

Goodnight and good luck...

to all of you!

-[Slyther]: All of whom? Huh?

Oh dear.

-[Mucus screams]


-Good luck to all of you!

-[Slyther]: All of whom? Huh?

Oh dear.

-[Mucus screams]


-Now she's lost in

the dark dimension,

along with those other two -

man, they're annoying!



Boomy just wants to break stuff.

-This is your fault.

-Don't worry, Ollie.

I will get her back, I swear.


-I can go after her.

Link to Morphin Grid!

Solon, send in the T-Rex Zord

and the Raptor Zords.

-Deploying now.

[exciting music]

[Zord roars]

-Battle Mode!

Zords combine!


T-Rex Cosmic Megazord!

Cosmic gateway, activate!

-Your mom's gonna be OK, Ollie.

We can trust Zayto.

-But right now, we've gotta

take care of Boomtower.

Come on.

[all yell]

-Ah, here come the Sour Rangers

to ruin my day.

But you won't be enough!

-Why not? We put you down twice

before. We can do it again.


It's Morphin' time!

[all]: Dino Fury Key -


Link to Morphin Grid!

[all yell]

[beasts roar]

[exciting music]

Dino Fury Power!



[Hengemen grunt]

[Rangers yell]

[vortex whooshes]

-She's in this vortex somewhere.


-Looking for something?

-Yeah, but not you.

[both grunt]

[all grunt]

-Yah! Yah! Yah!

-Hey, new guy, we got off

on the wrong foot.

So here's a gift!


It's my award-winning

boom blast!

-Light Blast!

Shadow Blast!


-I'll never surrender!

-Your call.

[Rangers groan]

-[Boomtower]: All this winning

is making me hungry.

-Eat this!

[Rangers yell]



Back me up, team!

-[Ollie]: OK. Then let's

combine our fury att*cks.

[Rangers yell]

[all]: Dino Fury Force!

-Here goes!

[energy roars]




-My sword!

Ow! Ow!

Wait, wait, wait!

Not a third time.

-Come on!


[Rangers groan]

[Rangers grunt]

-Right where I want you.

Night-night, kids.


-[Rangers yawn]

-Four Rangers should be enough.

-[Ollie]: Ahh! Not this again.

Try and fight it.

Stay awake!

I'm coming. [grunts]



-Megafury Saber!

[exciting music]


No more resurrections for you!

Cosmic Gateway Strike!

[energy whooshes, zaps]

-Huh? Oh!


-Dr Akana!

She's OK.

Easy does it.

I've got you.

-[Slyther and Mucus]:

Hey! We need help!

-I can see that.

-[Mucus]: Uh, OK... Rude!

-[Slyther]: And they

call him a hero.


-That was a close call.

Hey, time to wake up.

Don't freak out.

You're in a Megazord.


You saved me.

-I've been patient long enough.



[Rangers snore]

-Uh, what?


-I was wrong, Rangers.

You are good for something.

-Ah! What would Zayto do?

-Think, Ollie. Think!



-Ah! Mom-


-Doctor! You're OK!

-Yes, I am. But are you?

-[Zayto]: Um, yeah.

He's just a hugger.

Is that your machine, Doctor?

-Some of it.

But that Void creep

has made a lot of changes.

[machine powers up]

-At long last,...

[energy whirrs]

[dramatic music]

...the power of the Grid

is mine!

[energy hums, Rangers groan]

[Rangers grunt]

-[Zayto]: The energy

flowing through them -

that amount, it's just too much.

-What are you saying?

-They won't survive.

-I'm not losing anyone else.

-[Void Knight]:

It's going to work.

Come back to me, my love!

-We can't blow up the

sabotaged capacitor.

It'd destroy everyone!

-So break the circuit.

Remove the capacitor.

-That... That would work.

The machine would shut down.

-OK. We've got a plan.

You pull the plug.

I'll keep Void Knight busy.

-Stay safe, OK?

I love y-

your scientific mind.


Keep it together, man.

-Void Knight!


Come to join the fun?

-Sorry. I'm here to ruin it.

Dino Dagger!



-Nothing personal, Red.

-[yawns] Bedtime.

-But I guess you will be joining

our little play date after all.

Don't drool on anything.

-It's all on me now.

-Hey, I can help.

-You can't.

It's too dangerous.

-Follow your dreams, Red.

Sometimes they do come true.

-What is up with you?

If we don't shut

that thing down,

the power of the Morphin' Grid

is gonna burn its way

through all your teammates.

-Hey, the Grid is connected

to the dino statues.

So if I destroy them,

the whole thing shuts down?

-In theory, yes.

-OK. new plan.

-I'll distract purple suit over

there, buy you a bit of time.

-You saw how well that

worked just now.

I can't let you.

-I appreciate your concern, but

this is my decision, not yours.

-People do keep telling me that.

OK. Maybe you're right.

But that's Void Knight.

-I have a plan.

Wait here, and you'll know

when to make your move.


Another Ranger, another conduit

to the Morphin' Grid.

[energy zaps]


[energy hums]

-At last, it's happening!

-Not if I can help it! [grunts]



-Now is not the time!

Any last words, Doctor?




-It's OK. Just a small leak.


-Sprint Streak!




-[Blue Ranger yells]


Did it work??





[machine powers down]

-Come back to me!

Come back!

-What? They're de-morphing?!

-That means...

-Ollie's friends?

-We lost our link to the Grid!



-Mom, I...

-What have you done?!

-If you dare hurt my son,

I will hunt you down

and obliterate you and

everything you've ever loved!


-Thanks, Mom.

But get to cover. Go!

-I mean it, buster!

[exciting music]

-You've interfered

for the last time!


-[Hengement grunt]

-Destroy them all!

[Rangers yell]


-Hah! Hah! Ahh!






-Not so much fun

now you can't morph?

-You think we enjoy

fighting you?

-He's got a point, though.

We can't keep this up.

-He must be stopped!

I'll take care of it.




Yo, Voidy!

Your chemistry experiment's

falling apart here.

I got an A-minus in lab

if you need any tips.

-Stay away from that!


Aiyon. The capacitor, now!

-Run, Izzy!

-Mosa Blast!

[Void Knight]: No! No!

[all yell]

-That was intense.

[sword thuds]

[wind whooshes]

-It's done.


Oh, man!

-I'm so proud of us.


-I'm so proud of you, son.

-Are you OK?

-Barely a scratch.

So this whole time,

it was you kids.

-We couldn't have done

it without you, Doctor.

-You're the best, Dr Akana.

-Thank you so much.

You're amazing.

-Well done, Rangers!

You fought valiantly.


You and I still need

to have a little chat

about... everything!



You were right

about Mom helping.

She really saved us.

I'm sorry I questioned

your judgment.

I'm sorry we've lost our

connection to the Morphin' Grid.

-You did what you had to do.


are we still Rangers?

-There are still Sporix

out there, waiting to hatch.

-You know, there was

a saying on Rafkon -

-'Once a knight...'

-'...always a knight.'

If there are still Beasts,

I'm not giving up.

None of us are.

[lightning blasts]

[mystical music]

-Who is that?

-A Morphin Master!

-Your mission is not over.

[dinosaurs roar]

There is more for you to do.

-Of course.

We'll stop the Sporix.

But I have questions.

What about Rafkon?

What happened to my people?


[energy buzzes]

-What's happening?

-No way!

-Once a Ranger...

[all]: ...always a Ranger!

[wrist comm bleeps]

-It's the hotline!

A Sporix just hatched in town.

-Duty calls.

[all]: Link to Morphin' Grid!

Dino Fury Power!

[mysterious music]