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28x19 - The Makeover

Posted: 06/16/23 07:25
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-After weeks of digging,

we found a treasure chest,

believed to have once belonged

to the legendary pirate,


And now it's heading to its

new home - Pine Ridge Museum.

-Thanks, Dr Akana.

With me now is the museum's

new curator, Beatrice Cotton.

-Thanks for having me.

-What an exciting find!

-Oh yes.

Well, PurpleBeard's

very famous in this city,

especially for his powerful

and mysterious talismans.



-Ask her

if they're in the chest.

-Oh, could they be in the chest?

-Oh, perhaps.

We'll find out very soon when

we open it for the first time.

-Ask her if the chest has

an ancient pirate's curse.

-For goodness' sake,

just wrap it up, J-Borg!

-So, the legend of PurpleBeard's

talismans lives on,

for now. Thank you, Beatrice.

-Well, anything

for your audience.

And we hope you visit us soon.

And remember,...

we run on donations.

-And cut.

-Thanks, Ms. Cotton.

-Well, thank you.

It was a really fun interview.

-Sure was.

I was listening from back there.

Riveting stuff. [chuckles]


-[gasps] Look out! [grunts]


-That was close.

-Oh my. Sorry, ma'am.

Are you OK?

-I'm fine,

thanks to this gentleman.

-Um, Ed Jones.

Nice to meet ya.

-Very nice indeed. [chuckles]

-[clears throat]

Oh, I, uh...

I love your museum.

In fact, let me make

a little donation.

-Oh. [chuckles]

How kind of you.


Uh, so, um...

Uh, being a...

a curator must be very


-It is. But, you know,

I've spent so long looking

up at dinosaur bones,

I discovered a new species.

The 'My-neck-is-saur'.

-Oh! [laughs]

Well, um, uh, on my last visit,

I asked the guard

if I could take a picture,

but he said um, [clears throat]

they had to stay on the walls.

-[both laugh]

-Ed, forgive me

for being so forward,

but would you like to have

lunch with me?

-What. like a date?



-Shall I meet you in Albert Park

in, say, three hours?

-Sure. Yeah, I'd love to.

-Perfect. See you then, Ed!

Thanks, Jane.

-I heard everything.

This wasn't on any

of your horoscopes. Amazing!

-Yes, it is.

She's very nice.

But I haven't been on a date

in years - decades -

and now I'm having one

in three hours.

I don't know what to wear.

I don't know what to say.

I need help.

-Say no more, Pop-Pop.

I got this!

-[Beatrice]: PurpleBeard's

very famous in this city,

especially for his powerful

and mysterious talismans.

-Hm. If those talismans

are in that chest,

then their power could

energize my machine.

-Ready the stage for the debut

of our new beastie, Boneswitch!

-Go on, dude. Switch our bodies.

This is gonna be fun! [giggles]

-Who am I to resist

such a request?

Switcheroo! Ha!

-[both murmur]

-[SLYTHER]: Ugh!

This feels disgusting!

-[MUCUS]: Well, I feel strong

and powerful!

And I've always wanted to play

with this strange staff thingy.

Whammo! Oopsie!

-Can you swap them back?

-Easy. Ha!

-Aw, I'm a mushroom again.

-And I still feel your slime,

so if you'll excuse me,

I need to take showers.

-What's a shower?

-Boneswitch, steal PurpleBeard's

talismans from the museum.


-Body-swap any

Ranger in your way.

That'll make things

tough for them.

-And fun for me!



[mouse clicks]

-Nice blazer. What do you think?

Could Pop-Pop pull it off?

-Black is a classic look.

-I say a blue blazer.

It'll bring out the blue

in Pop-Pop's eyes.

-Aren't his eyes brown?

-Then it'll bring out the brown.

-[sighs] This is serious.

It's a date, so Pop-Pop's

gotta dress to impress.

We're talking full-on makeover.

-I don't get it.

Why change Pop-Pop?

I like him just the way he is.

-Me too. But we need Beatrice

to like like him.

-By making him look like

someone he isn't?

That doesn't make sense.

-[alarm blares]

-Sporix Beast at the museum.

He's probably not looking

to make a donation.

-Let's go.


-Rarr! Where are the talismans?

-[people scream]

-They have to be somewhere!

Must I break everything?



Come to me, my precious.

PurpleBeard's treasures

are mine!

What?! No talismans!



-Argh! That chest was priceless!

-Not as priceless as the look

on Void Knight's face

when he sees what I do to you!



-[Hengemen grunt]

-It's Morphin' time!

-[all]: Dino Fury Key!


Link to Morphin Grid!

[all yell]

[all grunt]

[epic music]

Dino Fury Power!


Hold that thought.


-[energy zaps]

-[Rangers grunt]


-[Rangers grunt]



[energy warbles]

[energy warbles]


-Not good!

-We de-morphed! What's going on?

-[AMELIA]: Zayto, I'm in

your body.

-[ZAYTO]: And I'm in yours.

-[OLLIE]: No way.

We've been body-swapped!


Good luck fighting me now.


-[OLLIE]: No way.

We've been body-swapped!

-Good luck fighting me now!


-We've got them. [grunts]

-[ZAYTO]: Let's get back

in this fight.

-[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!

-We can't morph!

-Best body swap ever!

-We shouldn't fight like this.

We have to get back to base.

-I'll handle Mister Switcheroo.




-[both grunt]

-Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I know none of you have

a license to drive this thing.

I definitely don't!

-Mosa Slash!

-[grunts, groans]

[energy blasts]

-[grunts] Impressive.

But now that you've had a go,

it's my turn!

-Mosa Blast!

-Argh! [grunts]

-Let's switch it up.

Electro Dino key, ready!

[energy zaps]

Electro Battle Armor!

Blade Blaster, ready!

[energy crackles]

Electro Fury Blade Blast!



-They probably had insurance.



-The body-swapping goat guy

ran away.

-We have bigger problems.

Let's get back to base.


-[Amelia strains]

-[ZAYTO]: Um, Amelia,

what are you doing?

-[AMELIA]: I'm trying to

raise your antenna. [strains]

Is there a button?

[groans] Mm-mm.

-So when you're body-swapped,

you can't morph.

-It's like our connections

to the Morphin Grid are broken.

-Interesting thought, Ollie.

Let's do some scans.

[phone rings]

-That's my alarm!

Pop-Pop's date is in minutes.

He's relying on me,

but I can't help him like this.

-I'm sure he'll be fine

on his own.

-What?! Are you kidding?

He needs me.

Or you.

You're in my body.

-What?! No, no, no, no.

Besides, I wouldn't

know what to tell him.

-You don't need to.

All you have to do is get him

to put this earpiece in.

Then I'll take over and use

this headset

to tell Pop-Pop what to do.

He won't suspect a thing.

-Oh, wow, such great hair.

Maybe I should grow my hair out?

-You look amazing, Pop-Pop!

-Thanks, Nugget.

Are you feeling OK?

You sound different.

-Oh, it's nothing. Just a cold.


But how are you feeling?

-I haven't felt this nervous

since your first day of school.

I mean,

what if something happens?

How will I know what to say?

-With this earpiece.

Put it in and I'll coach

you through the date.

-Oh. [chuckles]

-Amelia got you some-

I mean, I got you some cologne.

-[gasps] Thanks.

Oh, that's fancy! [chuckles]

-No too much, the label says,

'May attract bees.'

-Bees-schmees! Oh, oh, oh, oh.

[clears throat]

A date is much scarier.


I'm goin' in!


-Good luck.

-Oh, I'm gonna need it.

-Pop-Pop's all set.


This is gonna be

a date to remember.

There they are.

-Beatrice, hello.

-Oh, Ed. Wow, look at you.

Such a unique bow tie.

Repeat what I say - Oh, sorry.

-Sorry I was in my work clothes

when we met.

-But this is more my style.

-[both chuckle]

-OK, then. [chuckles]


I hope you like

creamy broccoli soup.

-It's my own recipe.

-[gasps] Ooh.

-[sniffs] Smells delicious.

-[both chuckle]

[bee buzzes]

-Oh, mm. [mumbles]

Oh, um, don't fret.

-I'll 'bee' careful.

-[both chuckle]


-No puns!

-Careful. The soup's hot.

[wings buzz]



[earpiece buzzes]


His earpiece is fried.

[sighs] You're on your own,


-I dropped my hearing aid.

I-I-I think I'd better

get cleaned up.

Ah, sorry. I won't be a minute.


-That's fine, Ed.


I'm making a fool of myself.

How can I save this date now?

Oh, maybe if I put on

more cologne, mm?

-[ZAYTO]: Uh, no.

The most important thing

is to be yourself.

You don't need fancy clothes

or shoes.

She's still there,

so go back out there

and show her

who you really are -

a smart, funny and clever guy.

Just 'bee' yourself.

-That might actually

be the one thing I can do.

Thanks, Nugget. [kisses]

I better change.

-Zayto, what did you tell him?

He's in his work overalls again!

-Give it a minute, Amelia.

-Trust me and trust Pop-Pop, hm?


-These are my only

spare clothes.

I'm sorry about

the grease stains.

-Ah, well,

that's silicone grease.

And that's axle grease.

And, oh, my,

that's marine grease.

-Well, I can see you're

disgusted, so I'll just leave.

Hold on.

How'd you know about

the greases?!

-I was practically raised

in a garage, you know,

fixing things and all.

So trust me - I know my greases.



-that one.

-Oh. [clears throat]

Mmm, yeah. That's bacon

grease from my breakfast.

-[both chuckle]

-So, you're handy too?

-Oh, I learned everything

I know from my dad.

You know, we used to fix

his old motorbike together.

-Oh, really? My pop had

a motorbike with a sidecar.

I used to ride it.

-[AMELIA]: Well,

what do you know?

They're getting along great,

and he didn't have

to change a thing.

Thanks for helping, Zayto.

-Happy to be here.

-It's weird to pat my own back.


-[both chuckle]

-The scan shows there's more

to the Sporix Beast's body-swap.

Our Ranger energies

were switched too.

-Meaning Javi's in Ollie's body,

but he still has

his Black Stego energy.

-Oh, this is more complicated

than my trigonometry homework.

-It's easy.

He just needs his Stego Key

to morph.

-That's the idea.

-Oh, yes!

I can't wait to destroy that

beast and get back to my body.

No offense, dude.

Your fingers are just

too soft to play guitar.

-Thanks. I moisturize.

[alarm blares]

-It's a text to the hotline.

Void Knight's crew

are in Palm Plaza.

-We'll follow your lead

to morph.

-Got it!


-[people scream]


Run before I switch

all of your bodies!

You can't beat me

without your morphing powers!

-Thanks for the tip, Bonehead.

Yo, Javi, can I have my key?

-Wait, hold up!

What are you doing?

-[AMELIA]: Now our Ranger

energies are re-aligned.

-[ZAYTO]: Which means

it's Morphin time!

-[all]: Dino Fury Key,...


Link to Morphin Grid!

-Dino Fury Power!

-That wasn't part of my plan!

Sometimes you gotta

be spontaneous!


-Good point!




-Uh, dude, you good?

-Where are you going?

-Guys, I'm down here,

on the bench!

-You're a... pigeon!

-Yeah, I kinda figured that out!

-Get to safety, Aiyon.

We got this.

-Fine. That's what I get

for winging it.

-Fly away, little birdy.

Hengemen, take care of the rest!

[Hengemen grunt]

[Hengemen grunt]

-Blazing Dino Key - Ready!

-Shield Key - Ready!

-Spin Key - Ready!

-Hover Key - Ready!

-Hyper Key - Ready!


-[flames roar]

-Blazing Battle Armor!


T-Rex Fury - Red!

-Tricera Fury - Blue!

-Ankylo Fury - Pink!

-Tiger Fury - Green!

-Stego Fury - Black!

-And Mosa Fury - Pigeon?!

-[Rangers grunt]

[energy zaps]


-[Rangers grunt]

-[all]: Dino Fury Boost Blast!

-Argh! Whoa.


-Looks like

you're in big trouble.

-You brats are the ones in...

big trouble! [laughs]


-Solon, time to take down

a giant!

-Deploying Zords!


They're coming in hot.

[spikes patter]


-[weapons boom]

-Oh! Argh! Argh! Oh!

-Zords Combine!

-[Rangers grunt]

[rock music]

[all]: Linked! Dino Fury

Megazord, Warrior Formation!

-We've all got a bone to pick

with this guy.

-Yeah! Bite Blast!

-[Rangers grunt]


-Double Dino Slash!

-You know, I think those horns

could use a little trim!

-Stego Drill!

-[drill whirrs]



No! The source of my power

and my roguish charm.

-Whoa! Something's happening!

-[energy warbles]

-Whoa! Yes!


-Yeah! It's good to be back!

-We'll have to swap our keys

to morph again.

[keys click]

-[AIYON]: Whoo-hoo!

I could get used to this.


[worm squelches]





-Aiyon! Are you OK?

-Yeah, but I don't recommend

eating worms.

-Good to know. Now come on.

-[all]: Hah!

-Um,... I'm outta here!

-Losing his horns

changed his tune.

-Ha! He won't get far.

Mosa Razor Zord, get him!


-[water splashes]





No, no - not the tail!



-Dino Fury Victory!


-You may have failed,


but I'll put your Sporix

to good use.

-Wow, Pop-Pop, I didn't know you

were into artifact restoration.

-After our date was a hit,

Beatrice said I was the man

for the job. Haha!

So, what're you doing here,


-I came to apologize. I just got

so nervous about the date,

and the whole makeover thing,


I was trying to change you.

-I'm just glad

you wanted to help.

-But you're perfect

the way you are.

Beatrice sees it.

I should have seen it too.

-Oh, come here.


[chuckles] Oh!

It seems we both learned

an important lesson -

never let you choose a bow tie.

Oh, boy. It was so ugly,

they could see it from space!


-How's progress, Ed?

-Oh, I was just about

to tell Amelia. [clears throat]

I noticed something.

[clears throat]

See how clean the breaks are

in these broken

chest pieces, hm?

-Well, they don't

seem broken at all.

-Like they're meant

to come apart.

-And when you line up

the markings...


-I do enjoy a good jigsaw.

-Me too.


[giggles, clears throat]

-Those must be PurpleBeard's

talismans. They look like-

-No way. Power Ranger Keys!

-Yeah, I think there's more.

Maybe this is telling us

where he hid them.

Both: Dinohenge!

-If these Keys belong to them,

we have to tell the Rangers.

-Yes, yes of course!

I'll do it. [chuckles]

Ranger hotline?

-Great work.

[bright music]

-Thank you for everything, Ed.

You're a very clever fellow.


-Hello again, Rangers.

Thanks for meeting us here.

-As we told you, we think

two of your Ranger Keys

might be buried somewhere

near these statues.

-Thanks to our Vision Boost,

we can detect things underground

your scanners can't pick up.

-Let's find out if there's any

truth to PurpleBeard's legend.

-Vision Enhance!

-[blade zaps]

[energy chimes]



Wow! I forgot how cool

this boost is!

Now let's see.

I mean, there's definitely

a lot of dirt, guys.

I'm not gonna lie.

Oh, no way!

A box with two keys inside!

-New keys!

-Aw, yeah!


-We did it!


[exciting theme music]