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28x18 - Crossed Wires

Posted: 06/16/23 07:24
by bunniefuu
-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-And best of luck to the

Glee Club at Regionals tomorrow.

-Wait up, Izz!

-Oh, sorry,

I gotta scram.

My girlfriend's

following me everywhere.


That's you.




I ran into Miss Watson

back there.

She said you gotta retake

your electronics test?

-Oh. Yeah, my last grade

wasn't so hot.

But I'll be fine!

I've read all the materials,

I'll re-read them tonight,

and in the morning I'll...

re-re-read them.

-Seems like you really need

to pass this test, Izzy.

You should've told me.

I can help you re-re-read.


But nah. Don't worry.

I've got this.

Plus, you're missing hurdles!

You're late.

-Okay. I'd better get jumping.

See ya!

-[Javi]: Hey, sis.

-All set for tomorrow's

big test?

-I'm gonna ace it.

-Well, I totally nailed my

electronics classes

back in the day.

Of course, they were remote.

Me and Mom were in the Amazon,

looking for the tomb of Aguirre.

But anyways,

I got plenty of tips

if you want a hand.

-Nope. I'll be all good.

[watch bleeps]

[uneasy music]

[watch bleeps]


-Something very strange

is going on

at Haverly Park.


We'll take a look.

[watch bleeps]

Let's go.

-[Aiyon]: What's going on?

-[Amelia]: Ever see

anything like this

in your jungle adventures,

Mr Amazon?

[prone people snore]

-Some king of weird group nap?

-Dad! Any idea

what's happening here?

-Let's just say

none of these folks have

public snoozing permits.

Stand back.

[mechanical whirring]

-Anybody hear that noise?

-Hey! Come on. Wake up.



Oh, wow.


I'm beat.

Just a quick...

power nap, kids.



-Oh no.

He's out too!

[watch bleeps]

Go ahead, Solon.

-A Sporix Beast

is causing chaos

at the old chemical plant.


Okay. We're on it.

-We can't just leave

everyone here.

-You three try to figure out

what's going on here.

But be careful.

We'll handle the Sporix Beast.

-Good plan.

[watch bleeps]

[mechanical clanging, whirring]

-That's the same sound.

[whirring intensifies]

[whirring, zap!]

Look out!

-[yells, grunts]

-Nice reflexes.


-That beam must have zapped Dad.

-[Aiyon]: I bet it's

Void Knight's doing.

[watch bleeps]

-Hey, guys.

-[Ollie]: Hey. No sign

of any Sporix Beast.

-Listen. We've found a device.

It's what's putting

everyone to sleep.


Void Knight. It's possible

there's some around here too.

-True. This one made a kind of

whirring sound when I got close.

-Got it.

[watch bleeps, clang!]

[mechanical whirring]

-Over there!

-Take a look, Ollie.

[tense music]

[whirring continues]

-[Automated voice]:

Warning. Circuits exposed.

[device pulses, whirrs]


I see how this thing works.

Hold on. I got this.

[whirring intensifies]

[device powers down]

-[Automated voice]:

System offline.

It's harmless now.

-[both sigh in relief]

[watch bleeps]

-Izzy. We found one.

The circuits inside should be

just like the ones

in your class, just...

with tubes.

The blue blobby thing

is a kind of capacitor.

Bypassing it will shut down

the beam.




-[Stone-Snare:] Hey!

You're supposed to be asleep!

[watch bleeps]

-We've got company.

Call you back.

Link to Morphin Grid!

-[Rangers]: Ha!

-It's past your bedtime,

kiddies, but my Hengemen

will make sure you're...

nice and snug.

Sweet dreamerinos!

[yelling, grunting]

[action music]

-[Red Ranger yells, grunts]

-[Pink Ranger grunts]


-[grunts, yells]

Whoa! [yells]


-[Automated voice]:

Warning. circuits exposed.

-[Aiyon]: Looks... complicated.

[device pulses, whirrs]

-Not for Izz. She's a whizz.

-[chuckles softly]

Yep. Should be a piece

of cake [!]

But I'm gonna need

a few minutes.

You guys stand guard.

-[Aiyon]: And now

I'm craving Flargon cake.

-[Javi]: Flargon?

-What'd he say? Something about

bypassing a blue blob?

So maybe I just...

pull it out.

[whirring intensifies]

-[Automated voice]:

System overloading.

[dramatic music]

-Oh no.

That's not good.


-[Automated voice]:

System overloading.


-Oh no.

That's not good.

-System over-over-over-

[whirring intensifies, zap!]

[both grunt]


Um... Um...

[people groan sleepily, yawn]

[softly]: So destroying

the machine woke them up.

Guys? You should wake up too!




[watch bleeps]

-[man, yawning]:

What's going on?

[Woman]: I had the

strangest dream.

These goblins were turning


into trees.

-[giggles delightedly]

-[Man]: I'm late for work.

-Good morning, Pine Ridge!

Today on the show -

Void Knight's Sleep Trap

catches two Rangers napping!

We'll be back after these words

from our sponsors!

[Red Ranger, Hengemen grunt]

[Blue Ranger]: Ha!

Ha! Ha!

[grunts] Ha!

[Pink Ranger grunts]

-Ha! Pow!

[grunts] Look out below!


Thanks for the heads-up,

my cool flippy dudorino!

Mad respect!

[all grunt, yell]

-Stone-Snare: Who's up

for smashing this stone?


-[Rangers]: Dino Fury Strike!

-Night, night!

-[Pink Ranger]:

Who's a cute little guy?

I like him so much more

like this.

-[Blue Ranger]:

Yeah, probably shouldn't

leave this sleep trap

lying around.

You know, it might

come in handy.

[watch bleeps]

-[Solon]: We have a situation.

Come back to base!

-[Red Ranger]: Okay.

We can secure the Sporix too.

[birds chirp]

[pensive music]

-[Solon]: Fascinating device.

-So, what happened, exactly?

-I just pulled out

the blue thing out.

-What?! That's not how you

bypass a capacitor.

-Well, I know that now.

It was an accident.


I'm really sorry, guys.

-[Ollie]: I don't get it.

How could you mess up

something so simple?


I told you...

I'm good at electronics,

but the truth is...

[inhales deeply, sighs]

I'm not.

I'm actually hopeless.



You said you'd ace your test.

-I know, but I just can't

get my head around this stuff!

I've always been a pretty good

student, so everyone expects me

to get straight A's.

[sighs]: But I'm on my way

to an epic fail.

I read the electronics textbook,

but after five minutes,

everything just...

falls outta my head.

-You should've let me

help you study.

-If you had, we wouldn't be

two Rangers down.

-I know.

I'm sorry, Ollie.

-Too late for that.

-[Solon]: Could I have

a hand, please?

-I'd better try and fix it.

[footsteps recede]

-[sighs]: Hey,

it's gonna be okay.


-The blast that hit Javi

and Aiyon was ultra-strong,

so they haven't awakened yet.

However, if we change

the beam's polarity,

there's a chance it could

reverse the effect

and wake them.

-Nice hypothesis,

but it'll take time.

-You're right.

It will be a lot of work.

Maybe Izzy can help.


Izzy? She's been studying

her electronics textbooks for

a year, and this is the result.

-If books don't work for her,

maybe a hands-on approach can.

Will you give her a chance?


For real?

-How else will she learn?


we're gonna try

and reconfigure this.

How about a little help?




-Watch me.

I'll walk you through it.

-That'd be great.

-Human circuits have

electricity flowing

through wires

at different voltages.

This machine works the same way;

it's just that the parts

look very different.

This little guy

stores electrical charge.

What would humans call it?

-Is it the...


-Close. Capacitor.

This circuit is wired in series,

so the components

are all in a single loop.

[device powers down]

-Everything turned off.

-We wanna avoid that,

so we're going to make

a parallel circuit.


How does that work?

-It's easy,

and much harder to break.

-[Mucus]: And then

she spotted the device,

and then she couldn't disable

it, and then she made it...


-...hit her friends,

and then she had this whole

sad-face thing going on.

-Oh! And then-

-I'm trying

to concentrate!



He was the coolest,

and now he's gone!


-Can you please

stop blubbering?!

-Those mean Rangers

destroyed our precious brother!

-And what will you do about it?

-[Stone-Mad]: Ha! Get revenge,

that's what.

-Oh, yes, you will -

once I've done the final checks

on my new Mega Sleep b*mb!

-[giggles]: Ooh, an upsize!

-When it's ready,

it'll put the city to sleep

with one enormous blast.

Then we can collect as many

Sporix as my machine needs

while you dispose of

the Rangers.

-[Stone-Mad]: And avenge

our brother!

-[Stone-Sad, wailing]:

Our brother! Our poor brother!

We had such great times


-Didn't those three

only hatch this morning?


it's all reconnected.

[exhales] Which means

we're done, right?

-Let's find out.

-[Zayto]: So this is going

to wake up Javi and Aiyon?

-Cos we tried alarm clocks,

rooster crows,

freshly baked pancakes,

but... no luck.

-You really thought

those might work?

-It was worth a try.

-And the pancakes

were delicious.

-[Automated voice]:

System online.

-[Izzy]: Here goes.



-[groans softly]

But I wanna sleep longer, Dad.

-[sighs in relief]

-Oh, that's embarrassing.




-You did it.

-What happened exactly?

-[sighs] Well,

I kind of-

[alarm blares]

-There is multiple reports

coming through the hotline

of two more Sporix Beasts

in the city.

-[Zayto]: We can handle it.

Let's go.

[watch bleeps]


[Stone-Sad]: Let's give

this city some bad dreams!


Speaking of nightmares!

-[Stone-Sad yelps]

-Two more of those

stone-headed monsters?!

-[Stone-Sad]: Don't talk about

our triplet like that!

He was a joyful rock!

-[Stone-Mad]: In five minutes,

the city will doze off.

[beeping, whirring]

Plenty of time to bulldoze you!

[both]: Hengemen!


-We'll deal with these two.

You disable that Sleep b*mb.

-Got it.

[Ollie yells, Stone-Sad wails]

[Stone-Sad]: No! Don't do it!


- . .

[all grunt, yell]

[whirring intensifies]




It's up to...

you. [groans softly]

[all grunt, yell]


-Our trap worked perfectly!

Their tech genius

is out for the count.

[Stone-Sad]: And any attempt

to destroy our Sleep b*mb

will make it go kaboom!

Just like our poor b-b....

[Stone-Sad, Stone-Mad]:!

[both roar]

-We can call in our Megazords

to deal with these two.

But how are we gonna stop

that Sleep b*mb?


[both roar]


-We've only got

four minutes left.

-You guys call the Zords.

I'll disable the Sleep b*mb.

-You sure?

-I've got this.

[dramatic music]

[whirring intensifies]

[whirring subsides]

-[Automated voice]:

Vision impaired.

-[Stone-Mad]: Grab your PJs.

It's sleepy-time!

-Not yet.

It's Morphin' time!

[all]: Dino Fury Key!




Link to Morphin Grid!

[exciting music]

[creatures roar]

[music continues]

[Rangers]: Dino Fury Power!


-[Red Ranger]: Solon,

send in the T-Rex Champion

and Dimetro Blazing Zords.

-[Gold Ranger]:

The Mosa Razor Zord too.

[dramatic music]

[Zord roars]

[Zord bellows]

-We need to finish this quick!

Zords Combine!


[dramatic, exciting music]

-[Rangers]: Ha!


T-Rex Blazing Megazord!

[Zord roars]

-I love this part.

Battle mode!

[Zord bellows]

[dramatic, exciting music]

[Zord bellows]



Mosa Razor Zord, Battle Mode!

[all]: Ha!

-[Red Ranger]:

All right, team. We ready?

Let's wreck these rocks!

[Rangers]: Hyah! Hyah!

-[Stone-Sad cries out] Ow!

-Hyah! Hyah!

-[Stone-Mad grunts, groans]

[device whirrs,

countdown timer beeps]

-There's our blue blob.

Time to bypass you.

-[Automated voice]:

Warning. Tampering detected.


This thing is sensitive.

Three minutes.

Get your head in the game, Izzy.

-Remember our old double attack!

-Oh, yeah.


Blazing Mega Strike! Hyah!

-Harpoon Strike!

[whirring, zapping]

[Stone-Mad roars, groans]

[electricity crackles]

-Stone-Mad: Thanks.

I had an itch there.

-It was a direct hit!

-But they're still standing?!

-That's not a good sign. Is it?


[electricity crackles,

[Stone-Rad laughs maniacally]

-[Red Ranger]:

Yeah, pretty bad sign.


Now you've got double trouble!

-Did we know they can combine?

-[Stone-Rad]: Surprise!

-Hold on!

[Stone-Rad roars]

[dramatic music]

[Rangers grunt]

-[Gold Ranger]: Whoa!

[beeping, whirring]

-Two minutes.

Gotta roll faster.

-I will rock you!

-[Red Ranger]:

It's hard enough to take down

one giant Sporix Beast.

-Let alone two of them combined.

-Well, then let's combine too.

-[Red Ranger]: Hey.

That's not a bad idea.

Double the Zords,

double the power!

You wanna try an Ultrazord?

-[Pink Ranger, Black Ranger]:

Are you kidding? Yes!

[all]: Zords Combine!


[exciting, dramatic music]

[Zords roar]

[Rangers]: Ha!

Linked! Hyah!

Fusion Ultrazord!

-What does this formation do?


No spoilers.

Let's just find out.


[beeping, whirring]

This should bypass

the main capacitor...

and short the whole thing out.

-[Automated Voice]:

Tampering detected. Nice try.



the circuit's wired in parallel.

One minute.

This is gonna be tight.

-[Rangers]: Ultra Kick!

[Stone-Rad yells, roars]

[electricity crackles]

[Rangers]: Ha! Ha!

-[Stone-Rad]: Aargh!

-[Rangers]: Ultra Barrage!


[Stone-Rad roars, groans]

-Now let's turn him to rubble!

Megafury Saber!

[exciting music]


-[Rangers]: Fusion Ultrazord!

[electricity crackles]

[Ultrazord roars]

[Ultrazord roars]

-[Rangers]: Fusion Ultra Strike!

[Ultrazords roar]

[dramatic music]

[Stone-Sad, echoing]: Brother!

[expl*si*n roars]

-[Rangers]: Dino Fury Victory!

[watch bleeps]

-Izzy! What's your status?


[timer beeps]

- seconds.

We're nearly there.

-Izzy, how's-?


[device beeps, powers down]

-[Automated voice:]

System offline.

-[sighs in relief]

-That was close!

-Great work.

We knew you could do it.

-Now, has anyone seen

the Sporix?

-[Mucus]: Don't you worry!


-I got 'em.


-Aw, fungus!


-All that's left is to wake up

Sleeping Blue-ty.

Your Earth's fairytale.

It's a pun.

-Humor on this planet -

I don't get it either.

[all chuckle]

-[Man over PA]: And Regionals

are sadly postponed,

as a monster crushed the venue.


-How'd the test go?

-Officially, we get

results tomorrow.

Ah, but unofficially,

Miss Watson asked me

to give you this.

Top marks, Izz.

-No way! That's-


-[chuckles] That's amazing!



-[Izzy giggles]

-How'd you do it?

-Books are tough for me.

I realized I learn best with

real circuits in front of me.

All thanks to Ollie.

-Don't mention it.

Let's just go celebra-

[mechanical whirring]

-[man]: Right. Get outta there.

You're stuck in there good,

ain't ya? Hmm?

I know you think you're clever.



-[grumbles indistinctly]

-I didn't know you

were working here today.

[leaf-blower powers off]


Who's done-?

Darn thing's faulty!


[leaf-blower restarts,

Pop-Pop yells]


This isn't good.

Oh! Maybe it's okay.

No, it's not! [whimpers, yells]


-I'm bein' careful!

Careful's not workin'.

[whimpers, grunts]


[pants] Relax, folks.

I'm fine and dandy.

[chortles, grunts]


this switch is not.

-Probably a loose contact.

I can take a look if you like.

-You can?

[chuckles delightedly]

That's great! [grunts]

The tools are in my van.


Let's fix it! Right now.


-That's my girl.

[exciting theme music]