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28x17 - Our Hero

Posted: 06/16/23 07:24
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury.

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪


This Earth summer is great.

You can surf, dive,

make tiny houses out of sand.

What more could you want?

-I wouldn't say no to ice cream.

-Ooh! We didn't have that

on Rafkon.

-Man, I tried it a couple

of days after I woke up.

So good!

-There's an ice cream cart

right over there.

-Time to get to work on that

list. Let's get it, Javi.

-Thank you.


What would you like?

-You'll love ice cream, J-Borg.

-Oh, but my manual

says not to eat it.


Come on! Just a taste.

-Whoa! [laughs]


-Whoa! Not so much!


-Oh, delicious.

[laughs] I love-



[whirrs, mumbles]

System alert.

Brain freeze!

-Whoa! [grunts]

[man exclaims, woman grunts]

-Oh no.

Look out!

-Stop that cart!

-She can't hear you!

-Hey! Move it!






-Cool! Ice cream.

-Whoo! [laughs]

-You saved my cart.

Thank you.

You guys are heroes.

As a reward,

I wanna give you free

ice cream for life.


-Oh, well, that's

a very kind offer,

but it's really not necess-

-Are you kidding?

This is the best!

I'll start with strawberry.

Make it a triple scoop.

-Sure thing.

And for you?

-No, thanks.

I'm just happy I could help.

[Jane groans]

-That was weird.

[relaxed beach music]

-Haunted Egyptian pyramids, huh?

You know I've been there, right?

No ghosts, just...



-[laughs maniacally]

-Someone call

the Ranger hotline!

-[grunts] Sorry!

-Eh, I can get another one.

As many as I want - for life!


[people exclaim]

[all gasp]

-We can't morph here.

-Changing rooms!

[action music]

-[all]: Link to Morphin Grid.

-[Trawler]: Who's cruisin'

for a bruisin'?

-You are. Let's sink this ship.

-Not if I sink you first!


[grunting continues]


-It's news!

We're at Neptune Beach,

where a Sporix Beast

is fighting the Rangers!

-[man]: Rangers, help!

-Innocent beachgoers

are trapped!


Gold Ranger to the rescue!

-You're free.

-I could use some help.

-Wait. Let's get a photo.

-No, I can't.

Well, maybe just a quick pic.

-Well done, Gold Ranger!

What's it like to be a hero?

-It's a rush.

A gold rush.

-Oh! [laughs]





[Rangers grunt]

-Ha! Nothin' but net, baby!

-It'll take more than

that to stop our team.


[Pink Ranger gasps]

-OK. That'll do it.

-Gettin' that sinking

feeling yet, Rangers?

-Oh, yeah!

-Uh, Gold Ranger, look.


[Trawler growls]

Oh, man!

OK, watch this.

-Aiyon, get us out of here!

-Stay back, Goldie. I'm on fire.

-Fire? Good idea.

Blazing Dino Key,





Blazing Battle Armor!

-Very pretty.

Now get in my net.



Ah, quit wreckin' my nets.

-[Blue Ranger]:

Uh, better late than never.

-Yo, barnacle butt.

How'd you like to set sail

with my boss and me?

-A ship needs a crew. I'm in.


-So, what kept ya, Aiyon?

-I was helping people

out of nets.

-No, after that.

You were posing for the camera.

-Well, I couldn't

exactly ignore them.

They love a hero.

-No. No fist bump for you.

We had a close call while you

were busy soaking up praise.

-Relax, man.

No one did this for us

on Rafkon.

I love Earth.

Hey, Ranger fans. It's safe now.

We can get more selfies

if you want.

[camera lens clicks]

[laughs] Whoo!

[people laugh]

-So, Trawler, is it?

You can sh**t nets, huh?

What a ground-breaking power.

You must be very popular.

-Don't make fun, Slyther.

Nets may be basic,

but if you're clever,

you can catch a big fish.

-[gasps] Void Knight!

Void Knight!

Watch this Buzzblast report.

-A Sporix attack

on Neptune Beach

led to solid gold action

this morning.

Fans were excited

to say thank you

to the newest hero in town,

the Gold Ranger.

What's it like to be a hero?

He's so charming.

Let's hope we see more of him.

-They left me out of the story!

-Probably cos you're too cool.

Now, shush.

The adults are talking.

Goldie seems

to love the limelight.

-Which has given me an idea.

-Jane, have you seen this?

These flyers are all over town.

-Ooh! A beach party.

-Did someone say 'party'?

- [reads]:

'Celebrate the Power Rangers.'


Neptune Beach.

'Everyone's invited,

'especially the Rangers.'

-A party for us?

-At ! That's right

when I finish sprint training.

-This is a brilliant idea.

The Rangers will love it.


I wonder if it's

because of our video.

Come on. Let's go check

how many views we have.

-My first big human party.

This is gonna be awesome!

-Uh, there's no way we can go.

- What?

You take that back. Why not?

-Void Knight will hear about it.

And if he thinks the Power

Rangers are gonna be there,

he could attack.

-With all those people around,

someone might get hurt.


the Rangers can't go.

But we could go as civilians,

just in case

there's any trouble.

-Ollie has a point.

-I'm going to a human party.

Gonna have fun at a human party.


-[man ]: I think the gold one's

the coolest.

-[man ]: Yeah,

I bet he's cute too.


Look at all these people.

-Now, remember,

everyone lay low.

-Look at the crowd. The Rangers

will be here any minute.


Then it's time to

unveil my latest disguise.


-Looks great!

Now, let's get

this party started.

[cheering, applause]

-Hello, everybody!

We're here to celebrate

our favorite heroes,

the Power Rangers!


Whoop, whoop!

-Aiyon, that is not laying low.


-Now, we wanna thank them

for keeping our city safe.

Is that a good reason

to party or what?


[cheering, applause]

-Now, it'd be rude to begin

before our guests

of honor arrive,

so let's give them

a little encouragement.

Power Rangers!

-[all chant]: Power Rangers!

Power Rangers!

-I can't hear you!

-Power Rangers! Power Rangers!


-Just stay put.

-Power Rangers!

Power Rangers! Power Rangers!

[chanting continues]

-Where'd Aiyon go?


-Boom! It's the Gold Ranger!

-[laughs, grunts]

[cheering, applause]

-So glad you could make it.

When will the rest

of your team arrive?

-They're, uh, training.

-Really? [chuckles awkwardly]

Can't ya call them?

Tell them their

fans are waiting!

-Sorry. But there's plenty

of gold to go around.

Selfies, anyone?

Get my good side.

-What a shame. [chuckles]

This crowd is hungry for more.

Perhaps you could

show us your zord.

-My zord?

Oh, I don't know.

-Who wants to see his zord?

-[crowd chants]:

Zord! Zord! Zord!


-It's OK.

He's not gonna do it.

Send in the Mosa Razor Zord.

-So... he just did it.

-That's my cue to join

the party. [laughs]






[people scream]



-Oh, no!

-Your zord is ours now,

so don't try to follow us

or we'll destroy it. [laughs]

-Impressed with my nets now?

-Eh, seen better.


-This is a hot mess.


what have you done?


I'm so sorry.

-Soon you'll be under my spell,

little zordie.

Now, if everyone

in the audience -

Trawler, that's you

and the Hengemen -

could avert their eyes.


I hope that online

hypnotism course I took works.

Now, gaze at my pendulum.

Do everything I say.


You are feeling very evil.


-How'd the party go?

-Not exactly to plan.

But if you'll turn arou-

-Did you catch

those pesky Rangers?

-No, but if you'll just turn-

-Did you catch anything?

-We hooked a very big fish.


-Well, why didn't you say so?

Is this the zord that

destroyed Wreckmate?

-That's right.

But once I hypnotize it

with this,

it will obey your every command.

-Very clever.

We'll eradicate the Rangers

with their own zord.

Trawler, set the trap

by luring them into a fight.

-Ready to make waves.


-Your plan better work.


-Now, where were we?



You're feeling very evil.

-[Aiyon]: I still

can't believe it.

-Come on, Zord-Finder.

Locate us that Mosa Zord.

[computer beeps]


It isn't far away.

That looks like Albert Park.

-We've just had hotline reports

of Hengemen there.

Void Knight's crew

is up to something.

-We can't go after my zord.

Slyther said he'd

destroy it if we do.

How did everything go so wrong?

-Well, we all warned you

to lay low.

-But instead,

you called your zord.

What were you thinking?

-I wasn't.

I was...

a total fool.

-Getting your zord back

won't be easy,

but we will find a way.

The fight's not over.

-The Invisi Dino Key could help.

But only one of us can use it.

[alarm blares]

-[Solon]: Here we go again.

It's another hotline alert.

That Sporix Beast

is back at the beach.

Oh, dearie me.

-OK. We'll handle it.

You try the Invisi Key

to deal with Slyther.

-Aiyon, back me up.

-Sure. Whatever it takes.

[beeping, whoosh!]

-Here's the plan -

Slyther put on a flashy show

and got the better of you,

so you can do the same to him,

while I clear out his crew.

-Don't run away.

It's just a safety net. [laughs]



I'm gonna drop anchor

on your heads.

-Not if we swamp you first.

-It's Morphin' time!

-[all]: Dino Fury Key,


Link to Morphin Grid.

[all grunt]

[creatures roar]

[action music]

-[grunts] T-Rex Fury,

Red Ranger.

-[grunts] Ankylo Fury,

Pink Ranger.

-[grunts] Tricera Fury,

Blue Ranger.

-[grunts] Tiger Fury,

Green Ranger.

-[all]: Dino Fury Power.

[all grunt]


[Hengemen grunt]

-[Slyther]: This hypnotism

is taking forever.

-You're right. We gotta

take out the Hengemen.

-That's why we have a plan.

Invisi Dino Key, ready.





-Go get 'em.

-You're so evil,

you leave the toilet seat up,

you don't tip your waitress,

you want to destroy the Rangers.



Who goes there?

-Fun's over, Slyther.


[Black Ranger laughs]

-I want my zord back.

-Oh, really?

I'm afraid old zordie here

is under my control.

-You're dreaming, Slyther.

My zord's loyal to me,

always has been.

-Let's see about that, shall we?

[Hengeman grunts]

-[Black Ranger]: Hyah!

[Hengemen grunt]

[Black Ranger grunts]


Attack the Gold Ranger.

Go on.

Do the thing.

Hey, zordie,

are you even listening?

Ugh. I'm giving that hypnosis

course such a bad review.

-Oh, wow. That was amazing [!]

-My patience, it is tested.

-Bring it.

-Hengemen, get in here.

-[Black Ranger grunts, laughs]

Never saw it coming.

-Hang on. My Hengemen!

-Hey, we got tricks too.

-That's not allowed.

[both grunt]


[Trawler groans]


-[Trawler]: Back off!


[Gold Ranger grunts]

-Slash, block,

jab, block,

swipe and finish.

-No, you don't. [grunts]



-Double curses!


-I've been bamboozled.

-A taste of your own medicine.

Solon, send in the

Dimetro Blazing Zord.

-Triple curses!




-Dimetro! Hey, buddy.


-Better set it free.

-Or don't - just a thought.

-Hover Dino Key, ready.


Hover, hold.




-Quadruple curses!




-[Trawler]: I'm going under.


-Hey, where's he gone?


-Behind you!

Too slow!



Time to cast my net wider.


Did someone say they

needed a bigger boat?


Time to cast my net wider.


Did someone say they

needed a bigger boat?

-Solon, this dinghy

just became a supertanker.

Send in our zords.

[zords roar]

-[all]: Zords combine!

[all grunt]


[all grunt]

Dino Fury Megazord,

claw formation.

-It's time this ship

hit an iceberg.


-Look out!


[all grunt]

That was close.

And he's not done yet.


Another net!


-I'm getting

really tired of nets.

-The megazord can't move.

Javi! Aiyon! We need your help.



I gotta show Slyther

a zord formation first.

-I've thought about it,

and I'm not interested.

-But I designed

this combo myself.

Zords combine!

[both roar]

[intense action music]


-I call it the Electro Zord.

-You designed that?


Zero gold stars.


- Ow!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

You guys ruin everything.



-Time to go help the others.

-Let's get it, Electro Zord.

Come on.

-How do you design a zord?

[all exclaim]




-Electro Zord,

blast off that net, will you?

-Wait. Now we're overheating.

-Mist spritz.

-Nothin' like a little rain

to cool you down.

Still gotta catch me, though.


-Not this trick again.

He'll get away.


-Ow! Boats are meant

to set sail,

not have their sails

set on fire.


-Let's scuttle this ship.

-Megafury Saber.


-[all]: Dino Fury Megazord!

Tiger Mega Slash!

[all grunt]

-I'm going down

with my own ship!

-[all]: Dino Fury Victory!

-Don't worry team.

I'll get the Sporix.



-[Amelia sighs]

The beach is so relaxing.

-Especially when they're aren't

any Sporix Beasts around.

-Oh boy. You know what I could

really go for right now?

-Let me guess -

ice cream.


That one.

-Forget the line, hero.

Come on up.

-A true hero needs no reward.

I'm happy to wait and to pay.

-Well, OK, but it's kinda busy.

-It is. Let me help.

-Well, OK, thanks!

-What can I get you?

Grape Gummy? Chunky Choc?

Rocky Road? Wait. I know.

All three.

-You read my mind.

[all chuckle]

[action music]