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28x15 - Storm Surge

Posted: 06/16/23 07:22
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury

Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

- Dude, where have you been?

You were supposed to pick up

samples for my story,

but you never showed, so J-Borg

came up with a plan B.

- Something is

starting to happen.

Let's watch a little longer.

- Oh, we're literally

watching paint dry.

- Oh sh**t!

Sorry, man. I totally forgot

I was meant to do that.

These babies arrived in store

today, so I had to pick them up.

- Seriously, dude?

So instead of helping me,

you were buying new headphones?

- Hey, these are


solar rechargeable,

and they would have sold out.

- What was wrong

with your old ones?

[Ollie]: What?

[loudly]: He said, "What was

wrong with your old ones?"

- Well, my old ones were...

What do you call it?


- Oh!

[Ollie]: I'm all about

the new tech.

I know you get the importance

of quality audio...

For your music, right?

- This sounds like

last week's new phone

with a better-quality screen.


- And what about

your new phone watch?

- Smartwatch,

thank you very much.

Check it!


- Well, I think

we may have created

the most boring BuzzBlast

segment ever.

Javi, I really need you

to complete

the stories you promise.

- I'm so sorry, Jane.

Ollie was supposed to drop off

the samples two hours ago.

- Is this for the new vegetable

hybrid you mentioned?

Half pickle, half onion?

- Yeah, punions!


- Well...

Despite the fact that it would

change the face of hamburgers

as we know it, cancel it.

I've got something even more

important for you to cover.

There's been a strange storm

lingering over

Pine Ridge Bay all week.

The weather people can't

determine what's causing it.

I want a feature for this

afternoon's livestream.

Maybe a nice interview

with an expert.

- For real?

I'm covering weather?

- Um, hell-ur?

Super-awesome weird weather.

Get on it!

- Like she said,

this isn't normal weather.

It's caused by some

freaky energy surge.

It's not even her field,

but my mom's all over it.

The electrical storm's too

dangerous for boats and planes,

so this morning we prepped

her submarine drone

to search underwater.

- Pine Ridge Bay?

That's where the Nexus Prism

dove into the sea.

The Morphin' Masters sent it

to look for something,

but we never found out what.

- True. They might be connected.

- Ollie, do you think

I could interview your mom?


- No way.

She's busy gathering data

with her sub drone.

You could interview me instead.

Trust me. I helped Mom

build that drone.

I'm practically an expert.

- Okay, sold.

- And if we're lucky,

Dr Akana might find a clue

about what the Prism

was doing on Earth.

- Maybe.

I better check on her progress.

I'll be back for the interview.

- Okay. I really wanna

do a good job on this,

so be on time.


- o'clock.

I promise.

[thunder rumbles]

Hey, Mom. Find anything?

- Well, the sub drone's still

scouring the floor of the bay.

She's doin' her best, but it'll

take a while on my old gal.


There is a lot of data

to crunch.

- Well, if the laptop

is slowing us down,

why not get a new one?

I saw the latest X model

at the store earlier,

and it was on sale.

- I know you love shiny

new tech, but even on sale,

laptops aren't cheap.

This one will do

just fine, thanks.

It'll do the job.

Just be... patient.

- Ah, yeah,

I love being... patient.

- Hmm.

[Mucus]: Yeah, being patient

is the worst.

- But we have to wait

for Dr Lady

to find the energy source

causing that storm.

- Causing that storm so we can

steal it for Void Knight -

I know! But I don't know how.

- That kid said

he wants a new laptop.

- So?

- So we should get him one...

a very special one.

[people scream]

[both]: Huh?

[panicked yelling continues]

[Mom]: What's all that?

- Not sure.

Let me check it out.

- Be careful.

[action music]

[panicked screaming]


[bubbling squelching]

[Ollie]: Aw, man!


A Sporix Beast hatched

at the marina.

- We're on our way.

- Hey, you don't belong here,

fish out of water.

- I'm no fish,

but I'm full of water!

Have a drink on me!

[dramatic music]

Have a drink on me!

- Whoa!

Link to Morphin' Grid!

[yells, grunts]

[both grunt aggressively]

[weapons clang]


- Ollie! Gotcha covered.

- Come in. The water's fine.

- Blazing Dino Key, ready!

[w*apon zaps]

[flame sizzles]


Blazing Fury Blast!

- Ooh!

This move is really hot.


[gurgles]: Splashnado!


[Power Rangers

exclaim in confusion]

- Oh man. I guess water

really does beat fire.


[Rangers yelp]

- You losers are all wet

behind the ears.

- Wait, Mr Beast. Let's chat!

- We have a proposal!

[Zayto]: That thing's

running wild,

and he's long gone already.

[Ollie]: We better go check if

my mom had a close encounter

of the beastly kind.

[all pant]

[thunder rumbles]

- Hey, Mom. Did you see

anything go by just now?

- Nope, just staring at fish.

- I don't like this.

You can bet that Sporix Beast

will be back.

- Oh! Hi, everyone. Welcome.

Sorry this isn't more exciting.

I haven't found anything yet.

But the storm's

as strong as ever.

[thunder rumbles]

The sub drone's still on track,

but it'll take a while

for my laptop

to process all that info.

- Computer's a dinosaur.

- Speaking of time - Ollie and

I gotta go do that interview.

- You two go.

We'll head back to base

in case that beast reappears.

- I'll check back later.

Call me if-

- If there's any updates,

yes, yes.

- Thanks, Mom.


- Up next - Ollie Akana's here

to explain what's behind

that crazy storm.

- We got this.

- Mm-hm.

- But first -

a surprise giveaway!

Introducing our generous guest,

who has a brain-teaser for us.

- Why thank you, Ms Jane.

Hello, teens. I'm Mr Wiz,

with a special

bubblegum challenge.

If you can guess the exact

number of bubblegum balls

in this jar, you will win...

a brand-spanking-new

X Laptop.

- Look!

- The speediest tech

money can buy.

[whispers]: What?!

That's the exact one I want.

- The first person to correctly

guess the number of gumballs


- Text in your guesses, folks,

and we'll pop 'em on screen.


The first guesses

are already in!


- Ah, nope.

- What about ?

- Mm-mm.

- That's way too high.

I could calculate that number.

It's just logic and math.

- You're about to go on.

Get in position.

- Okay.

Time to concentrate, Ollie.

No counting gumballs until

after the interview, okay?

- What kind of guest

do you think I am?

- And now - about that storm.

Take it away, Javi!

[curious music]

- Hey, guys. I'm here

with our expert guest,

Ollie Akana. So, I hear

you and your colleague/mom,

Dr Akana,

have been monitoring the storm

with an underwater drone.

Is that right?

- Uh, yeah.

A drone. We only use

the best technology.

- Right. So...

what makes this storm

different from the others?

[whispers]: Pi R squared

multiplied by...

Does anyone have

a pen that works?

- Ollie.

- Ah, yes, yes.

Every storm is unique.

- This storm covers

a small area of the bay,

while the rest of

Pine Ridge is sunny.

Why's that?


- !

- Wait. What?

- Correct!

The exact number of balls

in the jar is .


You're our winner!

- I know. It was a fairly

simple calculation.

Also, I love gumballs.

- Hold on a sec.

- This brand-new laptop

is all yours.

- Ollie, we're not done.

- Thank you so much!

- Absolutely my pleasure.

- And cut.


Love your work.

Now, what did you have

planned for these gumballs?

[Mr Wiz]: I'm on

to the next job,

so, uh, consider them a gift.

[Jane]: Ooh! That gives me

an idea.

J-Borg! I need you!

- I can't believe you

just screwed up my story.

- Sorry. But, hey, Jane's happy.

- Well, maybe she is,

but I'm not.

- Think of it this way -

a new laptop means much quicker

answers about the storm,

which will help with your story.

- Come on. Let's get it to Mom.

[cackles evilly]

Transferring all control

to the new computer.

All right. It's working.


Looks like the sub drone's

almost completed

its search pattern,

so it'll only take

a couple of seconds to get

a full data analysis.

- Wow. Just a couple of seconds?

- That's what I've been

trying to tell you, Mom.

This thing's new,

and it's a powerhouse.

- How'd you say

you won it, again?

- Gumballs.

It was a whole thing.

[computer beeps]

[Ollie]: The calculations

are complete.

- It's triangulated an object

near the eye of the storm.

- What do you think it is?

- We're clamped on to it now,

so we can find out.

The sub drone can bring it

to the surface.

[alarm blares, machinery whirrs]

- Uh, did you do that?

- I didn't touch anything.

- Then why is it moving?

- It's like someone else

is controlling the laptop

and driving the sub drone.

- What?!

- This computer's been hacked.

[computer fizzes]

- Who would hack it?

Void Knight wouldn't care

about the storm, right?

- I don't know, but that laptop

was very convenient.

[device beeps]

- Hey, guys.

We're in some hot water.

[dramatic music]


-Your new laptop's been hacked?!

- Yes.

Dr Akana's trying to shut down

the sub drone.

[Solon]: Oh, that's good.

- Solon, can you scan

for any foreign frequencies

in our location?

- Gimme a sec.

Okay, I've detected

a shortwave signal

about a mile from where you are.

- So glad you're not extinct.

- Same!

- Ollie, Javi,

we'll meet you there.

- Roger that.

[Mucus]: Hey, is it my turn yet?

Can it be my turn?

Okay, my turn!

- Keep your fungal fingers

to yourself.


I'm trying to steer

the sub drone ashore.

- So you hacked my new laptop.

- Hacked?

Ha ha! Have you not

put it all together?

Your head must be

full of gumballs.

- You're... Mr Wiz?

- Ding, ding, ding!

And the prize

goes to... Void Knight!

Ha ha! He wins whatever your

sub drone drags to shore.

Tidemare, show the runners-up

what they get.

[Tidemare]: You Power losers

are in deep water now.

- Really? 'Cause you

seem kinda shallow.

- It's morphin' time!

[action music]

[all]: Dino Fury Key!


Link to Morphin' Grid.

[all grunt]

[creatures roar]

[exciting electronic music]

Dino Fury Power!

[all grunt]

[yells, grunts]

[weapons zap, clang]

- Shield Dino Key, ready.

- Splashnado!

- Shield Block.


- Elastolash!

- Splash shield!

[pants, grunts]

- He's blocking everything!


And now he's disappeared.

- Careful, team. He could

attack again from any angle.

- You mean like this?

Sonic Splash!

[Rangers groan]

- I just can't gain control.

Nothing works!

[Mucus]: I love a day

at the beach!

[Slyther]: Yes, bug bites

and sunburn are fantastic!

- Aw, come on! Don't you wanna

build a sandcastle with me?

- No. I'm bringing

the sub drone to the surface.

Sandcastles are for later.

Right now,

the anticipation is building!

[machine bubbles]

- Ooh! Something glowy!

I'll get it! Whee!

Come to Mucus!

- Careful now. Void Knight

will pulp us like oranges

if we damage it, whatever it-


[object zings]

[both yell]

[thunder rumbles]


It can't be!

- Let's go build

a sandcastle at home!

- Incredible!

[all grunt, yell]

- Ha ha! No sweat.

- Let me try to break his flow.

[w*apon zaps]

Ah! Hyper Strike!

- Splash Shield!



[Rangers groan]

- Huh?

[Rangers yell]


[Rangers groan]

- Welcome to

the deep end, Rangers!


- Huh?

[yells triumphantly]

[heroic music]

[all mumble in confusion]

- A Gold Ranger?

- Could it be?

- Where did he come from?

- Uh... I don't know.

- You're about

to get dragged under!

- You'll find the deep

doesn't scare me.

- Then wade in.

- Mosa Blast!

[w*apon blasts]

- Argh! Hengemen!

[all grunt]

- Interesting.

[yells energetically]

[weapons clang]

[Gold Ranger grunts]



[energy whirrs]

Mosa Slash!

[electricity crackles]

[Rangers gasp]

[synth music]

Electro Key, ready!

[g*n cocks]

[Hengemen grunt nervously]

Who wants some?

[w*apon zaps, crackles]

[w*apon thunders]

[dragon roars]

Electro battle armor.

[all grunt]

Electro Fury blast!

[w*apon hums, booms]

- You can't break

my Splash Shield!

- Really?

- Argh!


Well, that was

a shock to the system.

- Ha, pitiful.


Gold Fury Blade Blaster, ready!

- The tide's turning to me!

- Big words from someone

who conducts electricity.

[electricity crackles]

[intense music builds]


Electro Fury Blade Blast!


[expl*si*n booms]

- He just obliterated him.

- Wow, you totally

saved our skin.

- Who are you?

- Hey, Zayto.

- You know him?


Who was that, Zayto?

- I think it's, uh...

[wet gurgling]

- The Sporix!

- I should get this

back to base.

[energy whooshes]

- What was that all about?

- Dunno.

But it looks like there's

a new Ranger in town.

[phone keys beep]

- Mom. What?

Slow down.

- It was mind-blowing!

Turns out monsters

h*jacked the sub drone

and dragged that pod to shore.

Guess who was inside.

Anyone? Anyone?

- No, you tell us.

- A Power Ranger!

A gold one with

lightning powers!

[all, unenthusiastically]:

Wow! Whoo!

- Wow. That's great.

- It's true.

Rangers are connected

to the Morphin' Grid, right?

Maybe... all his powerful energy

built up in the pod,

ionizing the air above,

causing the thunderstorm.

Sounds crazy,

but it does explain a lot.

- You'd be surprised

by some of the crazy things

we've seen, Doc.

- Well, I cannot wait

to analyze the data I found.

Better pack this up.

[sighs, chuckles]

- That was so close.

- You okay?

- I was so obsessed

with the latest,

greatest tech that

Slyther totally played me.

And worse,

I let you down.

I need to focus more on

the things that really matter,

like my friends.

- Aw.

- I really appreciate

you saying that.

- Do you want these?

For your music?

- Wow! Are you sure?

- They're yours.

My old ones work just fine.

Do you still need

a story for BuzzBlast?

'Cause I think I know

a wild eyewitness account

that everyone's

gonna wanna hear.

- Welcome back, BuzzBlasters.

This livestream is gonna blow...

bubbles, that is!

As these three contestants

try to break the record

for blowing

the world's biggest bubble.

Good form, excellent jaw work.

But he's blown it.

That training's

coming in handy.

But it fails

to excite the crowd.

Wow-ee. This is more like it!



[slow motion]: No!

[intense music]




- Great catch, JB!

Aw, it's like you're storing

nuts for winter.

Seriously, spit that gum out.

It's not for androids!

[mumbles cheekily]


[air whooshes]

Bubblin' bonanza,

it's beautiful!

You're sure to break the record!

Uh, that's maybe a bit too...


[air whooshes]


[Rangers chuckle]

[both groan]


- Um, is now a bad time

to pitch a story?