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28x14 - Old Foes

Posted: 06/16/23 07:19
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

[crow caws]

[ominous music]

[footsteps clunk]


- [Void Knight]: Hold it, thief!

-[Slyther]: Reveal yourself!

-[Void Knight]: Who is

stupid enough to try and steal

from me?

-[chuckles wickedly]

Behold! It is I,

Lord Zedd! Yes!

And the last thing

I am is stupid!

-Oh dear!

-How can this be?!

[grunts] Ugh!

-And you!


Not me! Not me!



I don't understand!

I thought the great emperor

of evil was... no more.

-I am back with a vengeance!

And soon, you will be no more!

-Stand down, Zedd.

[tense music]

-As you wish, Master.


-Zedd works for you?

What a twist!


And if you're his boss,

why are you so nice to him?

Shouldn't you be mean,

like my boss is to me?

And are you hiring?

-It is true.

I command Zedd,

for I am the sorcerer, Reaghoul.

My magic can bring back beings

from any world, any time!

-Ooh, pretty!

-I reincarnated Zedd

at his most vile...

and put a little

compliance collar on him.


-Toying with the most evil

of evils - bold move!

-So is trying to

steal my Sporix.

If they escaped, the damage

would be catastrophic.

-Don't be so dismissive.

Imagine what the power

of even a single Sporix

could do for my already

impressive talents!


-Hold me!

-Something smells fishy!

-Don't like my smell?

At least I'm house-trained!

-Let's make a deal.

I'll give you one Sporix -

if you capture

the Power Rangers.

Bring them all to me, and we

can both get what we want.

-Well, then, time to hunt...

Power Rangers!


-All right, J-Borg,

hoist it up.

Looks good!

Over here. Come on.

[curious music]

-What are you supposed to be?

-[Transylvanian accent]:

I want to suck your blood!

-Weirdest mosquito

I've ever seen.

-You know I'm a vampire!

[music continues]

-You're seriously going as Dad?

How is that scary?

-Well, it is a dance,

and you know how Dad

looks when he dances.

-[laughs] You're right.

It burns my eyes.

-We don't have Halloween

on Rafkon.

I wonder what I should go as.


-A cardboard box might be fun.

-Don't worry, Zayto. We'll help

you find a costume. Just...

no clowns.

They're really creepy.

-Dude, spiders are

way more freaky.

-You think Earth

spiders are bad?

On Rafkon, they have legs

and an eye on each knee.

-Ew. That does sound scary,

but not as scary as zombies.

Total nightmare fuel.

-But you're a good runner,

and zombies are super-slow.

If you think logically,...

you shouldn't be

afraid of anything.

Like me.

- Seriously?

You're not afraid of anything?

You've been in some pretty

scary situations before.

-Nah, I wasn't scared.

I was alert.

-Boo! I bet we can scare you.

-You can try,

but I gotta warn you -

I got nerves of steel.


-Then meet us

in the woods later.

We'll make a haunted trail,

you'll walk it,

and we'll see

how your nerves hold up.

Sure. Why not?

Happy haunting.


-This is gonna be good.


[intriguing music]

-You make it spooky?

-[chuckles]: Uh, yeah!


[hammer thuds]

-[Zayto]: It's time.

-You ready, Ollie?

-Who knows what spooky things

-lie ahead?

-Yeah, whatever.

-I'm terrified.


-[Amelia]: He'll spook

himself so good.

[warm music]

-[Zayto]: Last chance

to turn back.

I give him five minutes, tops.

-Wow. You got a lot

of faith in him.

I give him three.



-What's crackin'?

-Uh-oh. We've got company.

-[all]: Link to Morphin' Grid!

-[energy zaps, Rangers exclaim]

-Quick question - are you

familiar with the concept

of Sleepy Cuffs?

-Here! Have a free sample!

How I've missed you,

Power Ninnies.

-[Zayto]: What's...

happening to us?

-[Izzy]: I think I need a nap.

-[Rangers yawn]

-And now you know

what Sleepy Cuffs

are. Night-night!

-[laughs evilly]

-Wait! There's only four.

A Ranger is missing.

Search the woods

and fetch their friend!

-Yes, Master!

I love playing fetch!

-[Izzy]: I'm just

resting my eyes.

[spooky, mysterious music]

[spooky cackling echoes]

-A skeleton.

Made of plastic.

With a big old price tag.

So scary.


-What now? Uh-oh.

-I've got his scent!

-They look kinda real.


-Guys, these Sporix Beasts

aren't from you, are they?


-Hey. Does anyone copy?

-Oh, they won't be answering!


-Then I guess...

-it's morphin' time!


Dino Fury key -


Link to Morphin Grid!


[intense action music]

[Triceratops roars]

[music intensifies]

[energy blasts]

Dino Fury power!

-We've got a score

to settle with you.

-Mangy Mutt, Fish Face -

I remember you guys.




-[bones clatter]

Aw! Not Mr Skeleton.

-That howl is bad news.

-[both chuckle wickedly]

Really bad news.

-Mangy Mutt, Fish Face -

I remember you guys.




-[bones clatter]

Aw! Not Mr Skeleton.

That howl is bad news.

Really bad news.

-Who's the good boy? Not him!


-[Rangers grunt, groan]




-No big deal.

Every problem has its solution.

-Who wants a treat?

-I do love treats!





My beautiful voice!

What have you done to me?!

-That... is a No-Howl Drop.

-Solon, can I get a No-Howl Drop

real quick? I'm dealing with

a bad dog that makes

things fall apart.


-Who's hungry?

-He looks a little peckish!




Oh, come on! Not again!

-Let's take this blue brat out!

-You can try! Hah!


-[blade clangs]

-I'm here if you

need moral support!

-Appreciate it! [grunts]



-[grunts aggressively]


[both grunt, energy blasts,

electricity crackles]


-Huh? Uh,

you guys wanna explain?

-With Master Reaghoul's

regeneration energy

still flowing through us,

we can't be defeated!

-Love to see the

science on that,...

[grunting] ...cos I got a nasty

hunch you two are violating

the laws of physics.

Well, not on my watch! [grunts]

I'm gonna turn you

into fish sticks!


-Spin key - ready!

[blade powers up, fires]

[blade fires]

[energy zaps]

Spin Strike! Hah!

-[yelps] No! You're spreading

his stink around!

Ugh! Not in the sniffer!

-Elasto Dino key - ready!

[blade fires]

-[energy zaps]

-Elasto Lash!


-[monsters groan]


-[expl*si*n booms]

Good luck

regenerating from that.

And now I really

want fish sticks.

OK, enough fun and games.

-Better find the others.

-[energy zaps]

-This is bad.

-Solon! There you are.

-What are you doing?



-Oh no.

The guy with the tubes

looks familiar.

Wasn't he some kind of emperor?


Lord Zedd is very powerful.

-We have to leave.

-I can save the others.

But I need something

big to take him out.

Can you get back to the

base and deploy the Zords?

-No, he's too strong,

Ollie! Even if-

-I gotta try something! Please.

Hey! What do you think

you're doing, Radiator Face?

-[growls] Don't

you know who I am?

-Yeah! Lord Z or something?

-Bring him to me.

-Yes, Master.

-I thought you were an emperor.

Who's in charge here?

-Ignore him.

You do what I say.

-I'll get this blue fool.

-One rare steak -

comin' right at me!

-Oh my!

-[all grunt]




That weakling just ran away.

For his cowardice,

I shall destroy the others.

-Hold on a moment. You heard

my deal with Void Knight.

We need all the Rangers.

[energy zaps]

Blue will return

for his friends,

then he will face all of

us! [cackles maniacally]



-I could've saved everyone.

-You would've been destroyed.

You can't defeat

a galactic overlord alone.

-But I'm all they've got.

They're counting on me, Solon.

I need to beat him... somehow.

-Hmm. Oh, there is

one idea we can try.

Past Ranger teams

have taken on Zedd.

Maybe the answer is in

the legendary database

that Mick gave us.

-Worth a shot.

[intriguing music]

-[database powers up]

-[console beeps]

-[Solon]: Lord Zedd was

known across the cosmos

as the emperor of evil.

There were no limits

to his power.

Look at this.

He once used the Rock of Time

to turn the Rangers

back into children!


-Ai-ai-ai! Zedd has transformed

our Rangers

into children!

They won't even know

-they are the Power Rangers!

-[Solon]: He had a horrifying

and ginormous Zord

of his own -


-[energy zaps]

[blasts ricochet,

explosions boom]

-Now crush him! Crush him!

[Serpentera whirrs,

footsteps thud heavily]

-Tor, I need help!

-[Solon]: Lord Zedd even stole

the Green Ranger's energy

to create his own team

of evil Rangers.

-Now, dear friends, it's time

to meet your replacements!

[ominous music]

Ah! Behold my Rangers -

the Dark Rangers!

[cackles evilly]

-OK. So he's tough

and terrifying.

How did those Rangers

defeat him?

-They didn't.

In the end, it took a great

sacrifice from their mentor,




You must destroy

my energy tube!


-Time is running out.

-[Solon]: Zordon knew the energy

from his tube was the only way

to purge the forces of

evil from the galaxy.

He would be gone, but his

spirit would forever live on

in all that is good.


- [expl*si*n blasts]

[dramatic music]

-Help me, Zeddy!

Don't let it get-


[energy blasts, tinkles]

-Wanna dance?

-[Ollie]: Zedd was

cleansed of evil.

-Thanks to Zordon's energy wave.

Zedd's reign of terror was over.

-There's no way we can recreate

Zordon's sacrifice.


-There's gotta be a way

to take Zedd down,

along with his boss.

-You know,

it is very odd that Lord Zedd

is taking orders.

-Yeah. It surprised me too.

Although... he did have

something around his neck.

And I think I've seen it before.


-[console beeps, warbles]

-That's it there.

A compliance collar.

-Check it out, Solon.




You're back.


-That would be my doing.

With his shiny new

compliance collar,

your old foe does

whatever I ask!

Get down and give me !

-Yes, sir!

-[cackles wickedly]

-Compliance collar?

That could be dangerous.

-Surely Lord Zedd hates

being controlled.

-Yeah. And imagine how mad

he'd be at Reaghoul

if that collar came off.

-Pretty mad. [chuckles]

-It's only a matter of time

before Blue returns!


-Aw, naptime!

-[Zayto, sleepily]:

Just five more minutes.

-One, two, three,... four?

-Where's the other one?

-On his way.

-Well, he'll be easy to catch,

cos he's gotta go through me.

-I'll squash him like a bug!


Now that I think about

it, I love bugs!

-You guys do the squashing!

-Step away from my friends!

-Fascinating idea.

We decline.

-And now you will bow

before my master!

[suspenseful music]

-If you miss your friends,

why don't you join them?

-Or at least put up

a fight this time.

-Yeah, I got some fight in me.

-Dino Dagger!


Wanna see something cool?

I learned it from an old timer

in the Australian outback.


-[laughs] Are Australians

mocked for how they throw?



-It's the trusty

boomerang trick, mate! Hah!

-After all this time, I'm free.

-I'm free!

-[energy fizzes]

And you - how dare you?!


-My fists are going to squeeze

every drop of magic out of you,


- Beasts,

-keep him occupied!


-Oh, you've got

to be kidding me!

What's with all the

teleporting away?!

Doesn't anybody want

to fight any more?

-Try us on for size!


-[Ollie]: Time to

rise and shine!

[energy chitters]

-Phew. That's better.

Thanks, Ollie.


-Whoa! Check that out.

[both grunt]



[Zedd roars, Brineblast yelps]

[Wolfgang howls]

-[grunts aggressively]




-[energy blasts]

-That's a mood. They'll

never beat him on their own.

-[Zayto]: I think

we have to help them.

It may be our only chance

of stopping Zedd.

-Fighting alongside

Sporix Beasts?

This is one weird

Halloween, but OK!

[all grunt, yell]

-[Zedd]: Sit, doggy! [grunts]

-Rangers helping us?

Every dog does have its day!

[shouting, grunting]

-[energy blasts]

-[Brineblast laughs]

[Javi and Zayto grunt]

-Get off me, you nincompoops!




-[blades sizzle, ring]


-[grunts] Gotcha!


You parasites are lucky

that bumbling sorcerer

couldn't find my staff.

If I return, I'll crush you

like the cockroaches you

are and burn this planet

to a cinder! [laughs evilly]

-[energy blasts]

-To be fair,

that could've gone worse.

-[Brineblast]: You want worse?

We'll give it to ya!

[beasts roar, growl]

-Ugh! Of course

they turned on us

the second they got the chance!

-And they grew giant too.

Classic Sporix Beasts -

no respect, no originality.

-All right, team. It's nothing

new, but let's get to it.

Solon, send in

the T-Rex Champion Zord.

-Ankylo Zord!

-Tricera Zord!

[cracking, booming]


-[Wolfgang]: Uh-oh!

I think we bit off

more than we can chew!

-Blast 'em!

-[w*apon fires rapidly]

-Whoa! Whoa!

[energy zaps]



-[bolts blast]




-Too easy!


-My poor sniffer!

-So, should we let them

go or form the Megazord?

-Yeah, let's Megazord.

-[keys click, beep]

-[Rangers]: Zords combine!

[whooshing, blasting]


-[clank! zap!]

-[all grunt]

-[Rangers]: Linked!

Dino Fury Megazord -

Blade Formation!

-OK, round two - let's go!

-[beasts roar]

-[blade blasts]

[Wolfgang yowls, whines]

[action music]



-[grunts] Mega Fury Saber!

[action music builds]

Two-for-one special comin' up.

-[Rangers]: Double Mega Slash!

-[energy blasts]

-[beasts scream, wail]

-[boom! electricity crackles]

-[Rangers]: Dino Fury victory!

-[Void Knight]:

You failed me, Reaghoul.

I'm tempted to destroy you.

But your power might be useful.

So enjoy these sleepy

cuffs and have a nap.

-Tell me, Mucus - where's Zedd?

-Probably long gone.

Could be on the other side

of the universe by now!

-Let's hope he stays far away.

Sweet dreams, Reaghoul.

-Need my blankie.

[bird chirps]

-Oh, I'm so excited.

-Can I look yet?

-Roger, Houston.

All clear.



Amazing outfits, everyone.


-Don't forget your

rainbow, leprechaun.

-[screams, sighs]

[groans] A zombie park warden?!

-Where's Zayto?

[Rangers exclaim, whistle]

An Earth knight - how wonderful!

-It took me minutes

to put on.

Humans actually fought in this?

-Yeah. I'd be freaked if I had

to face a Sporix Beast in that.

-Hey, I thought you said

you weren't scared of anything.

-Well, I guess

I didn't wanna admit

that I do get scared sometimes.

But... after facing Lord Zedd,

I realized that

my biggest fear...

is losing you guys,

my friends.


-Bring it in, team!

[uplifting music]

-[Izzy]: Now, let's get to the

Halloween fun at BuzzBlast!

It's dancin' time!

[energy chitters, zaps]

[exciting theme music]