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28x13 - The Matchmaker

Posted: 06/16/23 07:15
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution - ♪

♪ mighty Rangers rise. ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

-♪ Dino Fury. ♪

-Nearly there, guys!

Use that last burst

of energy up this hill.

You're doing great! Come on!

Come on!


Nice work, everyone.

Take five before we crack

into the next drill.

Make sure to stay hydrated!


-Only five?

I was hoping for ...

-[both]: ...hours.

-[chuckles] Get

new material, dude.

-Wow. Izzy really

knows her stuff.

Cool that Fern's here, too.

-Yeah. I thought

they were rivals.

-That's how I get more

acceleration when I run.

-Ooh, great tip! Thanks.

-Super-happy to help.

-Tough workout. Thirsty?

-Thanks, bro.

-You do something to your hair?

-Yep. Just felt like a change.



Is that perfume?

-[scoffs] Nah.

Just a new high-performance

sports deodorant.

[sniffs, shudders]

Maybe you could use some.

-Hey! Sweating is the point.


-Awesome session, Izzy.

-Thanks, Adrian. Hey,

you wanna help set up cones

for the next drill?

-Sure thing.

-Hey, Amelia.

-What's up, bud?

-Does Izzy seem

different to you?

-Uh, new shoes? I like 'em.

-Huh. I didn't notice that.

No, but, I mean, her hair,

and her...


-She does smell great.

She has been in a

really good mood lately.

I wonder what's up.

-Yeah. Huh.

-Betcha I can finish first.

-Oh, you're on!


Ah. Ah. Ah.

-Wait. Do you think

Izzy has a crush on Adrian?

-Huh, I hadn't

thought about that.

-Look at them.


-It's so obvious.

-[blows whistle] Let's get

half of you running cones

and half of you

on the resistance bands.

Let's get to it, folks!

[curious music]

-Hey, Adrian.

-What's up, dude?

-Just between us, do you...

Do you like my sister?

-Totally. Izzy's the best.

-Yeah, she is, but,

I mean like like.

Cos I think she's

got a major crush on you.

-Wait. Are you serious?

-Pretty sure.

-No. No, I've only really

hung out with her

during training.

-Yeah, and it's like the

least romantic place ever.

Maybe you two need a chance to

get to know each other in a less

exhausting way?

Why don't I set

you up on a date?

-You know, I never really

thought about Izzy like that.

-Don't worry. I'll handle it.

Just wait for my call, OK?

-Sure. I guess so.

[ominous music]

[suspicious music]

-[laughs maniacally]

Performance of the year!

Hey, boss!

-What is it, Slyther?

-Mind if I borrow Fogshell?


-My new plan is a surprise,

but I need a smokescreen!

-Fern, you're gonna feel some

resistance from Adrian, but...

I think you can handle it.

Give it your all in three,




Training's cancelled

due to incoming fog! [chuckles]

-Adrian, Fern,

go call the hotline.


-And now, some pageantry.




-Little boy lost.


-I'm going to make you a star!


-Time to deal with Fogshell.

-[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!


[all grunt]

-Take 'em out!


-[grunts, yells]

-Another one! [grunts]

-What are you doing, Izz?


-Sneaking up on me, huh?



What gives, Zayto?!


-Couldn't you see me?!

-Ollie! I'm sorry!

-Careful, team.

I think Slyther's used

his illusions on the fog.

-I'll handle it.

Blazing Dino Key - ready!


[flames whoosh]

[action music]

Blazing Fury blast!


-Uh, let's go now.

-This ain't over, fire boy!

-I said now!


-What was the point

of that ambush?

-Who knows?

At least no one's hurt.

-[scoffs] Void Knight's

crew ruins everything,

like my awesome

training session.

-[sighs] Yikes. I'm late.

I gotta record a podcast

on the Loch Ness monster.

-Well, hopefully the

next session is less...

eventful. Catch ya later.

[communicators trill]


-Not the training session

you were hoping for, huh?

Well, how about I buy

you lunch? Cheer you up!

-Aw, thanks, bro.

But, Fern and I were

gonna hang out.


Cool, good, good. I'd love

to catch up with her too.

Where are we going? I'm starved.

-Uh, Taco Bros,...

as soon as I've picked

up these cones.

-My fave.

OK, I'll help you,

but first, I gotta...

I gotta make a work call.



[phone buttons beep]

[phone chimes]

[tense music]

-[mumbles, groans]

-Sorry, chum.

I think you'll find

that call is for me!


-Adrian? Hey, it's Javi.

What are ya up to?

-Oh, you know, just chilling.


Meet me and Izzy at Taco Bros.

Act like it's a surprise.

I'll make sure that you

two have time to chat.

-Perfect. I'm so excited.

Thanks, my dude.

-Don't worry. I got you.

But keep it on the down-low.

-My lips are sealed.

See you soon.

[phone beeps]


-Another stellar performance!

Kidnapping that

girl will be too easy!

Once we have Green's Morpher,

I can impersonate her,

sneak into their base,

and finally steal the Rangers'

Sporix for Void Knight.

[laughs evilly]

-So, you must be a pretty

big fan of this place.

-Oh, yeah. I love their tacos.

Um, so what's the

special this week?

-Oh, hi, guys.

What a coincidence!

-Wow. Of all the

taco stands in all the world,

you happen to come to this one.

What are the chances?

Come join us?

-Oh, great, I'd love to.

-So random seeing

you here. [chuckles]

Just proves we all

have good taste.

Spiciest salsa in town.

We'll, uh, need waters.

Fern, would you

help me get some?

-Oh, uh, sure.

[soft music]

-Hey, Fern.

-There's, uh,

something I need to ask you.

It's... [chuckles]

kinda awkward,

and you can totally say no

if you want.

-Ah, I see where this

might be going.

Before you say anything, um,

I just want you to know

that I don't date boys.

-That's totally awesome.

Not what I was gonna ask.

It's just, this lunch

is kind of a set-up,

date-type thing.

-For Izzy and Adrian?

-They're really into each other,

and I was hoping we could

give them some

time to themselves,

since you're such

a good friend to my sister.

-Wait. So Izzy likes Adrian?

OK. I'll go.

Uh, but should I say something?

-No, it's fine.

I'll make up an excuse

for us leaving.

You don't mind, right?

-Uh, guess not.

-Thanks, Fern. You're the best.

[curious music]

[Adrian chuckles,

talks indistinctly]

-That's dumb.

-Sorry, Izz.

Fern forgot she had an

appointment she had to go to -

a dental checkup.

She didn't wanna have

taco stuck in her teeth.

-Fern left?

Also, I just realized

I have a thing to get to.

See ya!

-Wait. You too?

But we just got here,

and what thing do

you have to get to?

-Oh, uh,...

dental checkup.

I mean, hair checkup-

I mean, hair appointment.

You two stay and enjoy.


See ya,...

I guess.

That was weird. [scoffs]

-Totally weird.

But it doesn't have to be.

You know, I'm happy that

we can finally hang out,

just the two of us,

especially after what

a little birdie told me.


What'd you hear?

-Just... how you feel about me.

You know,...

that you like me,...

which is so wonderful, because,


I think I'm in love

with you, Izzy.

-Oh! Ah, uh,

I-I don't... [chuckles]

-You don't have to say anything,

because I know how you feel.

In fact,...

I wrote a poem about it.

-What? No. No.


Uh, Adrian,

whatever you heard was wrong.

I thought you-

-My heart burns for you.

[crowd laughs]

- And I hope that

you'll love me too.

-Uh, Adrian,

could we go somewhere else?


Yeah, I'd love to.


[crowd laughs, chatters]

-This gives life to thee.

So listen here, my turtledove,

it's time for us

to fall in love.

That's it.

You adored it, right?


Adrian, you're not really

acting like yourself.

-Maybe cos I'm really

not myself.


You're coming with me!



Ow! [groans]

-Think again.



I thought it was Adrian,

but once we were alone,

he shapeshifted into Slyther

and tried to teleport me away!

-Whoa, Slyther?

More like Creeper.

I'm glad you escaped.

-I know. Right?

Like, why would Slyther

even say those things?

Why would he think

I like Adrian?

[somber music]


he probably heard me

trying to set you two up.

-Wait. What?

-I saw how happy you

were at training, and,

well, I thought you

two liked each other.

[sighs] I wanted to help things

along, so I told Adrian

to accidentally

meet us at lunch.

-You did what?!

-Hold on. Where's Adrian now?


I don't know.

I'll call him.


[phone beeps]

[phone chimes]


Well, well.

I thought we'd be

hearing from you.

-Slyther, where's Adrian?

-Funny you ask.

If you want him back,

bring all your Sporix

to Eden Plaza

in one hour, and we'll trade.

Come alone.

-[sighs, grunts]

[phone beeps]

-You had no right

to meddle like that,

and now Adrian's in danger!

-I know. I know.

This is all my fault.

I messed up,...

big time.

I think we can fix this

if we have a plan.

-How do we save Adrian

without handing over our Sporix?

-Slyther's been

doubling as Adrian.

Why don't we use the same

trick on our Sporix Chest?

-The Double Key. Good thinking.

-If Slyther buys

that the fake Sporix

Chest is real,

we might have a shot

at getting Adrian back.

-Even if I'm...

kinda mad at you right now,

it's too dangerous

for you to go alone.

We're coming too.

But we need to make sure

he doesn't recognize us.

[crowd chatters]

[pensive music]



-[woman shrieks]

-It's scream o'clock!

[crowd yells]

-[laughs maniacally]

Look at them run!


I'm t-t-terrifying!

Whoa! Showtime.

-Right on the minute.

Impressive for a teen!

-Shut it, Slyther.

I brought the Sporix.

-Yes! Take them to base, Mucus!

-Don't mind if I do!

This will make Void

Knight's day.

Thank you kindly.


-Now it's your turn.

Let Adrian go.

-You must want him pretty bad.

I'll release him,

if you give me

your Dino Key too.

-That's not our deal!

-Deal with it!

[laughs maniacally]

I'll release him,

if you give me

your Dino Key too.

-That's not our deal!

-Deal with it!

[laughs maniacally]

-Then it's a good thing...

I came prepared! [snaps fingers]

-[yelps, grunts]


-What the shell?! [grunts]

A teddy bear? But why?




I'm so confused!



-My, you're spry!



[action music]

-Catch! [grunts]


-You're clearly no

common civilians.

[music continues]

How does it feel to get

a taste of your own medicine,



-Now try a taste of defeat.

It's Morphin' time!

all: Dino Fury Key -


Link to Morphin Grid!

[all yell]

[dramatic action music]

[dinos roar]

-T-Rex Fury - Red Ranger!

-Ankylo Fury - Pink Ranger!

-Tricera Fury - Blue Ranger!

-Tiger Fury - Green Ranger!

all: Dino Fury Power!


crush those con artistes!

[all yell]



-Jab! Spin!

[both grunt]

I'm not finished.



[both exclaim]

-Come on! [grunts]

Weather warning -

a huge fog is rolling in!


Huh? Solon, send in my Zord!

-Deploying T-Rex Champion Zord!


-Shall we fight?









-Send in Tricera Blade Zord!

-[grunts] And the

Ankylo Hammer Zord!



-Are you feeling misty-eyed?


-Oh no. He's bringing

back the fog!

-Oh, yes!

I love a sequel!


-And he's put a spell

on the fog again!



-Ugh, typical.

-Check it out!


[b*ll*ts zap]

-[grunts, groans]

-Fogshell was an illusion!

We blasted our own Zords.




-We need the Dimetro

Blazing Zord.

-Got it.


-Look out!

-[grunts, yells]

-Time for clam chowder!

Zords Combine! Ha!

[dramatic music]

[mechanisms whirr,

lightning crashes]

[hydraulics hiss]

[metal clanks]

[music continues]

[all grunt]

all: Linked!

[dinos roar]

all: T-Rex Blazing Megazord!



all: Blazing Barrage!


I'm gonna let some steam off!

-Burn off the fog in case

Slyther tries his tricks again!

-Smart thinking.

Blazing Mega Blast!

[flames whoosh]

-[groans] Did someone

turn up the heat?

-Let's cut this clam!

Megafury Saber!


all: T-Rex Blazing Megazord...

Blazing Mega Strike!




I think I pulled a muscle!


all: Dino Fury Victory!


-Come to papa!

-Sprint streak!

-[yells, groans]

-♪ You're too slo-ow. ♪

-Like I'm worried

about one Sporix

when I have all of yours!



-Oh no!

Our precious Sporix [!]



Our one-man audience is here!

Let's give him a show!

[band plays triumphant fanfare]

-You're building up

the surprise a lot.

I better be amazed!


The Rangers' Sporix Chest!

[gong chimes]

-You did it.

You actually did it!

-Every one, just for you.

-Maybe we can finally

activate your machine!

I can't believe it's...

-Oh no!


not real.

You dare to mock me?!


-You think I like pranks?!

[gong crashes]

Do you?!


It must have been the Rangers!

[grunts, yells]



-I was not


-Exit, stage left.


Oh! [groans]




-Is he gone?


-Well, that's the risk

of live performance.

-I blame this gong.


[helmet whirrs]



Another failure by my team.

I'm sorry, my love.

I'm doing everything

I can to save you.

[somber music]

Soon, I will have enough Sporix.

I won't stop till

we're together.

[dramatic music builds]

-Awesome run, people!

Good work. [chuckles]

-Great session, Izzy.

-Thanks! See you all on Tuesday.

-You keep pushing us this hard,

I might become as fast as you.

-Finally. I could use some

competition around here.


I'm really sorry for trying

to set you up behind your back.

Things got real complicated,

and I shouldn't have assumed

that you had a thing for Adrian.

-It's OK, but,...

you know, you could've

just talked to me first.

-Next time, I will -

I swear.

-Thanks, bro.

[laughs] I still love ya.


Love you too.

Now, I got someone

else to apologize to.




I heard about what happened

earlier. You OK?

-Yeah, I'm fine,

thanks to the Rangers.

-[pants] Right!

Thank you, Rangers.

[chuckles nervously]



Uh, I just wanted to

apologize for trying

to set you and Izzy up.

I got carried away,

and that wasn't cool.

-It's all good.


She really was acting

different, though.

I was sure it was cos she

had feelings for someone.

[gentle guitar music]

-You might not be

wrong about that.

-Feel like ramen?

-My favorite.

[both chuckle]

[music swells]

-Have fun, sis!


-See ya.

-Look at them!

[music crescendoes]

[energetic action music]