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28x11 - McScary Manor

Posted: 06/16/23 06:40
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

[car door closes]

-[whistles casually]

[supenseful music]

[lock clicks]

[door creaks]


[suspenseful music continues]

This place gives me...

the heebie-jeebies. [chuckles]

McClary Manor? [chuckles]

More like... McScary Manor.


-Oh boy.

-[keys jingle]


[clears throat]

All right, now, let me see.


[chuckles] I'd say

that's the problem.



[eerie carnival music]



Hello, dolly. [chuckles]

Now, don't you worry.

I'm sure there's no ghosts...

in the house.

What's that?

This is the spookiest place

you've ever seen?


I worked at Area -

saw all kinds of crazy stuff.

I'd tell you more, but that

place - [pops lips] top secret.

[door slams, spooky howling]


Anybody there? Hmm?

Please say no. Please say no.

-[howling continues]


Sorry, dolly.

You're on your own!

Oh, oh, get it off!


[ducks squeak]

It's... [screams]


[upbeat music]

-Hey, guys!

Is gloop getting

a bit old for ya?

Well, here's the

next big thing -

glitter gunge!

That's right - the hottest

new craze for the summer.

-Let me guess -

Ghost Investigator

magazine again?

Careful. You don't want anyone

to know that you're obsessed

with ghosts.

-As if it's a secret

around here.


-Stopping by for any reason?

-Jane sent me some leads

on news stories

to see if there's

anything we wanna cover.

Let's see.

The museum just opened

a new exhibit -

The History of Teapots.


-A new store just opened -

Super Silly Costumes for Dogs?


-Purplebeard returns -

pirate ghost

sighted at the marina.


Yes! I'd love to cover

a ghost story.

Good thing my Spook Snare

was just serviced.

-I was just kidding.

There's no pirate ghost.

-Oh man.

Very funny [!]

-Sorry, but... face it.

Opportunities to cover ghosts

don't exactly just

walk into the office.

-Hello, kids. Jane asked me...

to fix your air conditioner.

She round?

-Pop-Pop. Are you OK?

-What happened to you?

-Here, sit down.

-Oh, uh, thanks, sweetheart.


It's been quite a morning.


-I can see that.

-I, uh... I had a job

at McClary Manor -

you know...

that creepy old mansion

on Anderson Drive.


I was chased away

by a ghost.

-You actually saw a ghost?

Oh, I gotta check this out!

-Oh, no, you don't!

That ghost is no joke.

Do not go anywhere near it.

-But Pop-Pop,

ghosts are my thing!

-Oh honey.

Why can't you just be into

coloring books?

-Because I gave that up

years ago.

-But why?

You were so good at it.

-Oh. Hey, look. There's Jane.


[Jane]: I need those on my desk

within the hour. Yeah?


-Good. OK.

-Better go and find out

what's wrong

with her air conditioner.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Jane? Jane?

-[Jane]: Ah. Mr. Jones.

-This is it.

This is the story I need

to finally prove to everyone

that ghosts are real.

And if I can do that, I can make

Ollie eat his own words.

'Um, Amelia,

'there's just

no logical possibility

'that ghosts exist.'

-Wait, hold on.

What's more important here -

proving that ghosts are real,

or proving that Ollie is wrong?


[bright music]

McClary Manor.

Oh, Pop-Pop must've

left these by accident.

Oh, I'm definitely

checking it out.

-Have fun.

Say hi for me.

[suspenseful music]

[device beeping]

-Come on, ghosties.

Where are you?

-[spooky howling]




[crashing continues]

This place isn't haunted.


I got a Sporix Beast here

at McClary Manor.

-[Zayto]: OK. Stay put.

We're on our way.

-Hello, Pinky!


The curse of Tombtress

shall destroy you!

The curse of Tombtress

shall destroy you!


-Lady, with that laugh,

the only thing you're destroying

are my eardrums.



Get back here!


-You're not getting away

that easy!

-I would say I could beat you

with my hands tied

behind my back, but...

I think I'll just show you!



-Sharp move,

but mine are sharper.

[grunting, whacking]

[exciting music]

How's beating me going?






-Time for you meet the tippy-top

of the pyramid!


-No fair!

You invited your friends?

-[Ollie]: Playtime's over,


-[Javi]: We got ya.


Now I know what a burrito

feels like.

Uh, a little help?

-Hold still.


-I have a lot more tricks

up my bandages.

Mood Blast, ignite!



-Are you OK?

-I think I'm OK.

I'm just glad you're OK.

I love you all so much,

and if anything were

to happen to you...


-He hasn't cried this hard

since we lost Goldie.

-Goldie! [sobs]

The best goldfish in the world.

I miss her so much.

She was such a good listener.

-OK, this is getting weird.

-It's the

Sporix Beast's Mood Blast.

It's amplifying Javi's feelings,

making him super emotional.

-Wanna cry about it?

I've only just begun!

-Then we'll send you back

to your pyramid.

-It's Morphin' time!

[energy zaps]

-[all]: Dino Fury Key -



Link to Morphin Grid!

[all yell]


[dinosaurs roar]

[intense music builds]

[energy zaps]

-[all]: Dino Fury Power!

[Javi cries]

-I just love how good

at posing we are.


-Nobody makes my brother cry -

except maybe me, sometimes.

You sit this one out, bro.

Get her!


[zap, Tombtress screams]

-Aargh! Ugh!

[Rangers grunt]

-[Zayto]: Surround her!

-Come to me, my pretties!


[blades clang, impacts blast]



-Oh man.

Aren't mummies

supposed to be slow?

-I guess she works out.

-Sprint Dino Key - ready!


-Sprint Streak!



-Mood Blast - ignite!

-Watch out!

[Tombtress shrieks]



-[groans angrily]

You know what, Ollie?

This is all your fault!

-Me? What did I do?

-If you weren't so skeptical,

I wouldn't have gone

into the house

to prove that ghosts are real.


-Amelia! You gotta stop.

It's the Mood Blast.

It's making you angry.



-Tombtress! What are you doing?

The boss was crystal-clear

about your mission.

-Mission? What mission?

-Don't you worry!

-You don't need to know.

But she needs to change

her stinky bandages.


-Well, she did stink.

-Why do bad guys always say

mean things?

Why can't we just

hug it out? [sobs]

-OK, he's still

an emotional wreck.

-What a waste of time!

That was supposed to be a ghost.


- Still grumpy, huh?

Guess it takes a while for

the blast effects to wear off.


We gotta get back to BuzzBlast!

We have a deadline.

-Think they can go to work

like that?

-Go on. But...

take it easy.

-[groans angrily]


-Aw! Wait for me!

-Let's head to base

and keep an eye on the hotline,

just in case Tombtress

shows up again.

[relaxed music]

-Oh man. Hot chocolate

always makes me feel better.

It's like a...

It's like a warm blanket

wrapped around me,


'You're OK, Javi.'

-It's not exactly

a miracle cure.

And it's kinda bitter.

-Oh, yeah.

Needs marshmallows.

-Amelia, did I leave some keys

on your desk? Bronze, old,

rusty, with a tag reading,

'McClary... Manor'?

-Oh, uh, could you be

more specific?

-Uh, well,

the keys open doors,

and I have to return them.

-Hey, aren't you supposed to be

fixing the air conditioning?

-I started, and then I realized

I was missing the keys.

-Pop-Pop, wait.

I took them.

-Oh. So...

where are they?

-I lost them...

at the mansion.

I went there

to investigate the ghosts.



Don't look at me like that.

I got att*cked

by a Sporix Beast.

The Power Rangers bailed me out.

-I warned you not to go

into the house, didn't I?

-Yep, as always -

warning me not to do things even

when they're important to me.

Maybe stop treating me like

a child,

ever thought of that?

-You're angry...

at me? [chuckles]

I didn't expect that.

What has gotten into you?

-Where are you going?

-Back to the mansion

to find the keys you lost.

[tense music]

-[Izzy]: Yo, bro.

Would you like some cocoa

with those marshmallows?

-Nah. I'm good.


-No reports

of Tombtress anywhere.

-We've gotta stop her

before she pulls off

her mysterious mission.

-Any idea what Tombtress

was doing at the manor?

-Place is pretty messy,

so I think she was

looking for something, but...

who knows what.

-So she might go back

to the house.

-Pop-Pop's on his way there

to look for the keys.


I found Pop-Pop's keys while you

guys were fighting Tombtress.

I'm sorry. Please don't be mad.

I was so full of feelings

I totally forgot.

-Great. Now I gotta

get these back to him

before he runs into the mummy.


If you tell Pop-Pop that Javi

found the keys there,

he'll know that Javi's a Ranger.


OK, don't worry.

I think I know

a way around that.

[crow squawks]

[ominous music]


-Ah, you're back.

-And we both showered!

-Where's the item you promised?

-I almost found it,

but the Power Rangers

got in my way!

-Hmm. Maybe making excuses

is one of her great powers!

-You wanna be mummified?

Keep talking!

The point is

my ability to sense

valuable objects

has never failed!

-Then prove it!

You say there's something

powerful hidden in that house!

So return there, find it,

and bring it to me.

-Well, hold on.

Bandages here really had

the Rangers on the ropes.

They yelled. They cried.

It was hilarious.

-Great point, Mucus -

which are words

I never thought I'd say.

The house can wait. New plan -

take out the Rangers!

-[Pop-Pop]: OK, Pop-Pop,

hold it together.

I've looked everywhere

for those cursed keys.


-[electricity buzzes]

This, uh,

creepy basement...

is the only place left.


Oh, what's that?



Something shiny in the dirt.

[light bleeping]

Well, well.

What have we here?


That's a strange doohickey.


-Hello? Mr. Jones?


[sighs]: Oh.

Pink Ranger.

-I hope I didn't startle you.

I believe these belong to you.

We found them when were fighting

a Sporix Beast near here.

-Thank you. I've been lookin'

everywhere for those.

Instead, I...

I found this thing.


That's a Dino Battle Key.

It's Ranger tech. May I?


-I've never seen it before.

Maybe this is what the

Sporix Beast was after.

-Wait, the one that

att*cked my granddaughter?

I am so glad she wasn't hurt.

Thank you for protecting her.

-Oh, it's fine.

-I try, but I just can't get her

to stop doing dangerous things.

-You know, maybe some of the

dangerous things she does

are just... things she loves.

-She thinks I'm

a worrywart, but...

when Amelia was a baby,

her parents were lost

in some pretty mysterious

circumstances, huh,

and I promised

I'd look after her if something

ever happened to them.

-Wow. I guess you never told her

about that promise.

-No, no, I never did.


she never stopped wondering

about her parents.

All her life,

she's been obsessed

with the paranormal,

hoping she might

figure it all out,

you know?

She takes a lot of risks.


even if you're a little


I'm sure your granddaughter

still loves you...


[communicator chitters]

Sorry, duty calls.

Gotta go!

Solon, what's happening?

-Nobody escapes my curse,


-[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!


-[Tombtress]: Attack!

[Zayto grunts]

-Boost Key - ready!

[energy zaps]

Hyper Strike!

[blade clangs]


-Mood Blast - ignite!



Leave my sister alone!

-Get away from the mummy!

She's so scary!

-Oh no.

She amplified your fear!

-You should both be afraid!

Very afraid.


-OK. Let's wrap things up.


-[zap! zap!]


Sharp swords! Pointy!

Hurty! [whimpers]

-Thanks, Ollie.

She can't fight while she's

scared of her own spandex.

I'll keep an eye on her.

-Here come the feels!

[zap! zap!]



-Oh no!

Are you guys OK?

Please tell me you're

emotionally stable.


It's super great

being friends with you.

You're the best!

And I think you're

a real champ, Zayto.

Come on. Let's go have fun!

-Ugh. Nah.

Don't feel like it. I don't

feel like doing anything.

-Aah! [laughs]

What a joker!


Super happy and super lazy,

but probably super useless

in a fight.

It's up to me.


-Is this what you were looking

for, Dust Breath?

-Yes! Finally!

-Blazing Dino Key -




[energy zaps]



Blazing Battle Armor!


Time for you to feel the burn.



-[energy blasts]



Hot enough?

[both grunt, energy blasts]

Let's turn up the heat.

Blazing Fury Blast!




You think you've toasted

this poor little pyramid,

but I'll just become

a triangle of terror!

-Oh no!

-[Zayto]: Boring.

They grow big every time.

-Can you hide me

from the scary mummy?

-This is bad.

They can't fight like this.

-But Zayto needs

to summon the Megazord.

-You do it, then.

I don't feel like it.

-Let's go big or go home.


send in the T-Rex Champion Zord.


-T-Rex Champ- Whoa!


What's happening?


-Who are you?



-Solon, why did a new Zord pop

out of the ground?

-The Dimetro Blazing Zord woke

when you used its key,

so time to go mega!


Zords, combine!

[exciting music]

[energy blasts, machinery slams]



Linked! Here we go!

T-Rex Blazing Megazord!



Thanks for joining us, team.

I guess we'll see how this goes.

OK, Javi, ready to

roast this reject?


-Hot stuff coming through!

-This isn't what

I signed up for!

-[both]: Blazing Barrage! Ha!

[missiles blast]

-[Tombtress screams, wails]

-All this fire and action

is so boring.

-[Amelia]: Fine.

I'll switch things up.

Always wanted to do this.

[grunts] Mega Fury Saber!

[exciting music]

-[both]: T-Rex

Blazing Megazord,...

[flames whoosh]

...Blazing Mega Strike!

[blade rings]

[energy blasts, crackles]


[both]: Dino Fury Victory!

-[Ollie]: Whoo-hoo!

-[Javi]: Pink for the win!

[relaxed music]

-[Pop-Pop]: That should do it.

-Thanks a lot for fixing my AC.

-[chuckles] Go on in

and check the temperature.

-Fantastic. Can't wait.

[scissor lift beeps steadily]

-It's on...



-...uh, now. [clears throat]

-[air blows loudly]


It's nice and cool!

But it's creating a slight...


-I guess...

I need to make a teeny-weeny...



Teeny... weeny?

-Sorry about that. Um...


OK, try it now. Hmm?

[tense music]


-Oh, there he is.

-Is that any better?

[energy whooshes]


It's great...

if you're trying to roast

a -ton turkey.

-Maybe I did, uh,

crank it a tad high.

I'll try and cool her down, hmm?

-Thank you.

[door closes]

-Pop-Pop, can we chat for a sec?


-Look, I'm really sorry.

I was way too harsh earlier.

You were right to think

that house could be dangerous.

I should've never

taken those keys.

I'm so thankful

to have someone

who cares so much for me.

-You are?

Oh, nugget.


You know I'll always look

after you, right?

-Yeah. And I'll try my best

to make you proud.

-I'm already proud of you.

And if your parents were here,

they'd be proud of you too.

-[shivers frantically]

-Oh, oh, uh,

a bit too cold, hmm?

-Mr. Jones,

I will not be paying you

for your services,

unless you can beat me...

in a snowball fight.


[all laugh]

[exciting theme music]