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28x06 - Superstition Strikes

Posted: 06/16/23 06:34
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

[tense music]

[bird caws]

-♪ La, la, la, la,

la, la, la ♪


-Hey, fungus face!

You're not allowed on

Master Void Knight's seat.

-Ah, psssh. I'm not scared!

And this thing is way comfier

than the table I sleep under!

Look at me!

[gruff voice]: I'm Void Knight.

I love Sporix!


Uh, ah, I mean, I'm good.

-Did someone say

they weren't scared?

-You just hush.

I've never seen

that door open before.

Maybe there's something

tasty inside,

like cotton candy.

[dramatic music]

Oh! Hi, boss!

I have some big questions.

What's your favorite food?


-What's your big plan?


-And what's in that room?!



-You want to know what's behind

that door? By all means,

open it.

-[squeals] Cotton candy, here


[electricity buzzes, screams]

Ow! I'm fine.

-Both of you fools

are on thin ice.

Now, the Rangers have been

spoiling my plans.

Defeat them and

I might not destroy you.

-Great motivational

speech, boss!

I'm on the job!


[crowd chatters]

-So you work at BuzzBlast?

Isn't your boss a robot?

-No. My boss is a human.

Her assistant's the android.

[woman yells]: Run! Run!

Monster! Run!

[crowd screams]

[suspenseful music]

-Ranger hotline,

we're being att*cked!


-I don't see anything.

-Let's keep looking,

cos otherwise I've got

to go finish my homework.

I'll take a Sporix Beast

over algebra any day.

[distant clattering]

[intense action music]

-[man whines]

[liquid squelching]


[man whines, yelps]

-Hang on.

-[man yells]

[tense music]

[hose hisses]

[man yelps]

[man groans]



Thanks, kiddo. I had a bit of a

whoopsie with the ol' soap suds.

Just been doing

some window-washing.

[gasps] Are you Amelia's

new friends?

[gasps] She won't stop

talking about ya!

I'm Pop-Pop.

[chuckles gleefully]

-[chuckles] Pleased

to meet you, sir.

-He does handy work around town,

and apparently at BuzzBlast.

-That's a lot of windows

to clean by yourself.


-Maybe we can give you a hand.

-No, no.

If an old timer can handle

cleaning Amelia's bedroom-

[boys snicker]

-Hey! That was years ago.

I clean my own room now.

-Feels like it was yesterday.


Anyway, I can deal with

a few dirty windows.

It's only two storeys.

-Actually, it's three storeys.


That's much bigger

than I remember.

[all snicker]

-Really, we'd love to help.

-OK, then. Grab those sponges.

No! The ladder! [gasps]

-Oh, no.

-[Pop-Pop gasps]

-I walked right under it.

-What's wrong?

-Oh, if you walk under

a ladder, you have bad luck.

-Bad luck? Why?

-Nobody knows why. You just do.

I walked under a ladder

as a boy,

then my hamster had a headache,

my grandpa lost his teeth,

and two months later,

I had a case of chicken pox!

Oh, boy, so itchy!

-Two months?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-You can't be serious.

-We're not joking, Ollie.

-Oh, c'mon.

That makes no sense.

There's no such thing

as bad luck.

Do you always have to be such a-

[fabric rips]


Aw. My favorite sweater.

-Your bad luck's

already started!

-Better go change into something

old in case my luck ruins it.

-Careful of cracks

in the pavement!

And don't cross a black

kitty cat's path!

-That's good advice, nugget.

You should listen

to the smart boy. Mm.

-See ya, Pop-Pop.





What on earth?

-[Sporix squelches]

-Aww, are you're kidding?

More bad luck?

[tense music builds]


-Wanna fight?

This will be easy-peasy!

-Maybe for one of us -

me! It's Morphin' time!


-You won't be so feisty

when I blast that helmet

right off!

-[yelps] Just try it!


-[pants] OK.

Maybe I shouldn't have-



[pants, groans]

I need backup ASAP!

-[Solon glitching]: Amelia,

your signal is unstable.

-Ugh, my Morpher's history!




I see you.


-Ugh, my Morpher's history!


I see you.






-Look out!


[all grunt]

-Whoo-hoo! Great deflection!



[Rangers groan]

-Izzy, Javi, I'm sorry!


-Looking for the life

of the party?

I'm here!



You thought that was bad,


Then buckle up.

I got some hard knocks

comin' your way!

-We're not afraid

of a talking rock!

-LOL. But this guy's tough.

You should all focus on him.

[both grunt]

[action music]



My Morpher!

-Nope. It's my Morpher now.

You just fell for a classic bit

of Mucus misdirection!


-Hang tight, Amelia!

T-Rex Key, ready!

[T-Rex roars]

T-Rex Fury...

Strike! Ha!



-Guess he couldn't

handle the heat.

-Plot twist!

-[yelps, grunts]

Oh, man.

Did he just handle

the heat right back at me?

-Yeah, looks like he

can redirect att*cks!

-Well done on having eyes.

-Pity I have to use

them to look at you.

-That's fair.

-Chin up, hotshot!


-I'll take you to my Master!

-Did you just slap me?

Uh, no.

That was a pat on the back.

-Well, then you deserve one too.


Yeesh. I should really

keep my hands to myself.


-Ugh, those creeps got away.

-At least we're in one piece.

That's what's important.

[suits buzz, whirring]

-I'm so sorry, you two!

I didn't mean for his blast

to hit you guys.

-Hey, we know it

was an accident.

-It's cool. Don't sweat it.


But it wasn't an accident!

It's my bad luck.

-Oh, look. It's rant o'clock

for Amelia again.

-Trust me! Bad luck is legit!

-It isn't good that the bad guys

got your Morpher.

-What could they do with it?


It got totally blasted.

Either way, I can't morph.

[somber music]

[morpher beeps]

-Hey, Solon.

We've had a situation,

and we need your help.

-Come on.

This 'bad luck'

stuff is very medieval.


-These things happen

to everybody.

-Solon's already working

on a new Morpher for you.

-OK, but that doesn't

fix my bad luck.

-We should get back to Pop-Pop

and those windows.

He's probably filled all of

BuzzBlast with soap suds by now.


-With my luck at the moment,

I should lay low.

I'll try and help Solon.

Can you please

teleport me to base?



[birds twitter]


-[Solon]: Hello, there!

-I've brought you

some helping hands.

-Ah, good!

I could use some assistance.

We'll take it from here.

-Stay safe out there, Zayto.

[teleporter whirrs, zaps]

-Now, could you pass me

that circuit board, please?

Careful. This is probably

the last one in existence.

Without it,

you won't morph again.

-Then I'd better keep back.

I'm on a real streak

of bad luck.

I ripped my sweater,

a Sporix hatched in front of me,

almost took out Izzy and Javi

with a trash can lid,

and Mucus stole my Morpher.

-Sounds like quite the day

you're having, my dear.

-Let's just say you don't

want me anywhere near your work.

-Oh, that's a shame. An extra

pair of hands always helps,

especially when

you only have claws.

Oh, well. They do the job.

Better get a closer look.

[eye whirrs]

-Well, Mucus, you finally

did something right.

This Morpher is the key to

entering the Rangers' base.



Can't you just teleport

in there?

-Uh, there's a force field

keeping us out!

You pea-brain.

-But a Ranger's Morpher

allows them to teleport

straight through.

Once this is repaired,

Boomtower will use it

to get into the base

and steal all of their Sporix!

-Another heist?

Yes, my specialty!

But what if the Rangers

are in their base?

-That's where Smashstone

comes in.

He'll cause a ruckus

and lure the Rangers away

from their base.

-Ooh, I love a ruckus!

-And the Rangers will

never see it coming.

-Genius idea, boss man!

I'll rock 'em, I'll sock 'em.

Oh, yeah!


Now get out!

I've got work to do.

[dramatic music]

-Amelia never told me

her friends were

so good at cleaning.

Any of you need a job?

We got great dental.



-[communicator whirrs]

-Go ahead, Solon.

-It's the hotline.

A Sporix Beast is up

to no good on Factory Lane.

-We're on it.

Sorry, Pop-Pop.

We need to run again.

-Important teen stuff, I bet.

Probably a new flavor of

frozen yogurt at the mall.

Or, uh,

a dance craze you have

to make a video of?

Am I right?

-Gee, how'd you guess?!

[chuckles awkwardly]

We'll be back.

-[chuckles, sighs]

[somber music]

-Good news! Your new

morpher is done,

done, donesies!

You'd better meet

the others quick smart.

-I can't.

-Oh, what's wrong?

-Still got bad luck.

What if this Morpher

gets stolen too,

or they take my saber or my key?

-Your team needs you, Amelia.

-[scoffs] But, Solon,

with my bad luck,

someone could really get hurt.

Maybe even worse than last


-You're having a bad day, but

that doesn't mean you're jinxed.

Luck isn't something

that you can measure

or hold in your hand.

Luck is in there,

your mind,

and it affects

the way you see things.

-What do you mean?

-You're miserable because you're

focusing on the bad stuff.

But good things

are out there too.

You're just not seeing them.

The only way you'll be able to

is if you go back out there

and take a look.

-I know you're just trying to

help, but I just can't risk it.

The best thing for me to do

is just stay far away

from everyone.

[gentle music]

-[laser blasts]

-[men scream]

-What's wrong?

Hey, don't go!

I deserve an audience!

[screaming continues]

You're treating me like

some kind of monster.

Is it my breath?

I can eat a mint.



At last! I almost

fell asleep waiting!

-You wanna rest?

You can rest in pieces.

-It's Morphin' time!

-[all]:Dino Fury Key -


Link to Morphin Grid!


[all grunt]

[dinosaurs roar]

[intense action music]


T-Rex Fury, Red Ranger.


Tricera Fury, Blue Ranger.


Tiger Fury, Green Ranger.


Stego Fury, Black Ranger.

[all]:Dino Fury Power!

-[laughs, grunts]


-You brats are going down!

[all grunt]

-[yelps, groans]




-I'm having a blast!

-How are we gonna hurt

ol' volcano arms

if we can't get close to him?


-Amelia, we're under heavy fire.

What's your status?

We need your help!



-Zayto! Zayto!


-[Solon]: No! How?

Your little force field

can't keep us out now -

not with this!

-You fixed my Morpher!

-Wait! You're not

supposed to be here.

-Neither are you!

-No matter.

One human and half a dinosaur

won't stop me getting

what I came for!

[laughs maniacally]

-You can make this easy.

Just step aside.

My master says the Sporix

are right over...


-Sorry. If you want them,

you'll have to go through me.

-[laughs] I was hoping

you'd say that.

Any last words

from the last dinosaur?

-Behind you.

-Link to Morphin Grid!

You and me, big guy.




[Morpher fizzles]

-Void Knight just fixed that!

-It was lucky you were here.

-It was lucky, wasn't it?

-Sure was.

-I'll squash you

for getting in my way,

you pink pest!



[grunts] Not here, you won't!

-You go, girl!


[all grunt]



-Did you get lost?!

-She tricked me! [yells]

-I did, and it was kinda easy.

-Why, you little...

-I got you, Amelia!

[all yell]

[all exclaim]


-[yelps, pants]

[all grunt]





-Get ready.

This mountain's about to reach

new heights!

-Oh, boy!

-Solon, send in

the T-Rex Champion Zord!


-My arms will block you

and then rock you!

-Aw, yeah!

-Amelia, you got this?

-Yeah, go!

-Thanks, fam.

-Then it's time for some

good old-fashioned Zord action.

T-Rex Champion Zord!

Battle mode! [grunts]


[all grunt]

[all]: Linked!

-Let's rock 'n' roll!


-I've got a good one.

Let's hit the rocks!

-[Smashstone grunts]

-Switch it up!

[all]: Bite Blast!


-[Smashstone yells]

Right back at you!


[both grunt]

-[groans] He keeps

redirecting their att*cks.

-You Rangers

are about to be D-U-N-E.

-Huh? [grunts]


-We'll be dune?

Do you mean done?

You're even bad at spelling.

-What are you? A dictionary?

-Well, he's done,

but the fight isn't.

-The team needs help

with those blasts.

-OK, idea.

Ankylosaurus have tough armor.

Maybe we try the Megazord's

Ankylo formation.

-Yes! That just might work.

-Solon, send in the Ankylo

Hammer and Tricera Blade Zords.

[rocks crash]

[Zord screeches]

[Zord roars]

[action music]

[both screech]

[both]: Zords combine!


[hydraulics hiss]

[both grunt]

[all]: Dino Fury Megazord,

hammer formation!

[steam hisses]

-Hammer formation?

Good thinking.

-Everybody ready? OK.

-Let's do this.


-[Smashstone yells]


-Those volcano arms

just aren't budging.

-Then let's try

picking up the pace!


-Knock, knock. [grunts]

[metal clangs]


-No effect.

Well, if speed isn't working,

we can go back to brute force

and drop the hammer!

[metal clangs]

-Pop-Pop taught me how to swing

a sledgehammer when I was .

Sure, I hit his thumb,

but this will probably

go better!


Uh, oops!

[stone crashes,

machinery whirrs]

[truck beeps]


-Ow, careful!

[debris clatters]

-That was amazing!

-That was so lucky!

-Argh, my arm!

-His blaster's blocked!

-Things just got a lot easier.

-This is the most

convenient thing ever!

-Our victory isn't set in stone.

We must keep the pressure on.

Mega Fury saber!

Dino Fury Megazord...

Mega Hammer Slam!

[all:] Ha!

-[Smashstone screams]


[all:] Dino Fury Victory!


-All right!

-Ah! The powered-up Sporix.

No! I was supposed to get that.

-[laughs] OK, Boomer.


I guess this is just

my unlucky day!


-Crushin' it!

-Getting pretty good

with those Boost sleeves, sis.

-Well, if you want

to book a lesson,

just talk to my assistant.


-Whoa, you have an assistant?

[all laugh]



-I can't thank you enough

for all your help today.

You sure saved these old elbows

a lot of grief. [chuckles]

-It was our pleasure, Pop-Pop.

-Yeah. I'm so lucky my

granddaughter has such useful,

I mean lovely friends!


-Speaking of luck,

your day sure turned around,

huh, Amelia?

-Yep. I was in the right place

at the right time

to stop Boomtower from stealing

Sporix from our base.

That incredible move

in the Megazord,

totally by chance.

-You know what some people

call that?

Good luck.

-Yeah. [chuckles]

Turns out luck can go both ways.

When I was focusing on the

bad stuff, I was too anxious

to do anything,

even help you guys.

A wise dinosaur said

the only way forward

is to look for

the good things in life.

She's right.

-Wait, wait, wait.

I can't believe you said

something I actually agree with.

-Guys, pinch me!




-Oh, no.

Breaking a mirror is, like,

six years' bad luck, right?



-Don't start.

You just came to your senses.



[grunts, pants]

-[Amelia laughs]

You OK under there?

-[Ollie]: Completely,

totally fine.


[all exclaim]

Whoa! [yells, grunts]

[scattered laughter]

-[baby cries]

-[woman]: Whoa!

-[Ollie yells]

-[man shrieks]

-[Ollie screams]




-Whoo! Oh, man.

Did I upset the laws of physics

or something? What gives?

Whatever it is,

you can't blame bad luck.

[all laugh]

[exciting electronic

theme music]